RWS DLL Week 5
RWS DLL Week 5
RWS DLL Week 5
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher JOVILA D. ALCANTARA Learning Area Reading and Writing Skills
Teaching Dates and Time September 25-29, 2023 Quarter FIRST
G. Finding practical applications Process the responses of the Process the responses of the Have the students do the Have the students do the exercises under
of concepts and skills in daily students from the students from the exercises under Analyzing the Analyzing the author’s craft
living activity/exercise on page 84 of activity/exercise on page 84 of author’s craft
the LM. the LM.
H. Making generalizations and Direct students to express their Direct students to express their Have the students agree or Have the students agree or disagree to the
abstractions about the lesson belief or disbelief about the belief or disbelief about the disagree to the statement in the statement in the book found on page 143.
following statements. Tell them following statements. Tell them book found on page 143.
to explain their answers. to explain their answers.
1. In an essay that uses Causal 1. In an essay that uses Causal
analysis as its primary mode of analysis as its primary mode of
paragraph development, it is paragraph development, it is
possible to write solely about possible to write solely about
either the causes or effects of a either the causes or effects of a
given situation. given situation.
2. The logical fallacy of faulty 2. The logical fallacy of faulty
casuality is present in the Filipino casuality is present in the Filipino
concept of the anting-anting. concept of the anting-anting.
3. Casual analysis can be 3. Casual analysis can be
translated in this diagram: translated in this diagram:
which causes always happen which causes always happen
before the situation- that is, the before the situation- that is, the
topic of a paper – and the effects topic of a paper – and the effects
always after the situation. always after the situation.
4. Since a proposal is suggesting 4. Since a proposal is suggesting
the possibility of solving a the possibility of solving a
problem by giving solutions, problem by giving solutions,
proposals are largely speculative proposals are largely speculative
by purpose. by purpose.
5. To solve any issue or problem, 5. To solve any issue or problem,
one must always identify first the one must always identify first the
root cause. root cause.
I. Evaluating learning *Do this! *Do this! Have the students write Have the students write persuasive essay of
Directions: Given a chance to Directions: Given a chance to persuasive essay of their their experience of riding a tricycle.
spend a vacation, would you spend a vacation, would you experience of riding a tricycle.
choose to go somewhere local or choose to go somewhere local or
abroad? Why this choice of travel abroad? Why this choice of travel
destination? Write a 2-3 page destination? Write a 2-3 page
essay detailing how you as a essay detailing how you as a
Filipino have imbibed colonial Filipino have imbibed colonial
mentality and how it has affected mentality and how it has affected
your travelling experience. your travelling experience.
*Incite some volunteers to share *Incite some volunteers to share
their work with the class. their work with the class.
J. Additional activities for Research: Research: Answer: Answer:
application or remediation What is the nature of persuasion What is the nature of persuasion What are the properties of a What are the properties of a well-written
as an essential mode of as an essential mode of well-written text? text?
paragraph development? paragraph development?
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
SHS T-III/Subject Teacher MT II/Subj. Group Head, HUMSS & ABM Master Teacher II/ OIC, Office of the ASP II Principal IV