Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division Office of Cagayan
Baybayog National High School
Baybayog, Alcala, Cagayan
Present short excerpts Provide excerpts of a Play a travel Group activity: Writing workshop:
from different genres memoir and a documentary clip or Provide one excerpt Students draft their
(e.g., a memoir, a personal essay. show photos of a each from a memoir, creative nonfiction
personal essay, and destination. personal essay, and piece, incorporating
travel writing). Ask students to read travel piece. the discussed
and annotate key Ask students: elements.
Ask students to work in elements (e.g., tone, What details stood Groups create a chart
pairs to identify perspective). out to you? comparing tone,
noticeable features of structure, imagery,
each excerpt. and purpose.
B. Analysis Facilitate a In pairs, students Provide a travel Present group Peer review:
discussion: create a Venn writing excerpt. findings and
diagram comparing discussion: Exchange drafts and
What do these the two genres. Students highlight provide constructive
excerpts have in sensory details and Which elements feedback.
common? imagery used by the overlap across
writer. genres?
What differences did
you notice? What are the unique
features of each
C. Abstraction Summarize the Discuss findings as a How do sensory Summarize: Genres Reflect on feedback
discussion: class: details and imagery of creative nonfiction and discuss:
contribute to the use similar elements,
Define creative Memoirs focus on reader’s experience? but the way they are What changes did
nonfiction and personal experiences employed depends on you make after
introduce its elements and often include Why are these the purpose and receiving feedback?
(e.g., tone, style, reflection. elements critical in audience.
structure, imagery). travel writing? How did you apply
Personal essays focus genre-specific
Highlight genre-specific on ideas and elements?
characteristics. emotions, with a
more conversational
D. Application Students classify a new Write a paragraph Students write a Students write a Revise and finalize
set of excerpts into explaining which descriptive paragraph comparative analysis the draft.
genres and justify their genre they find more imagining they are in of two genres,
classification. engaging and why, a specific location, focusing on one
based on elements using vivid sensory specific element (e.g.,
identified. details. tone or imagery).