Action Plan Assignment

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The Goal: To conduct environment-friendly activities that will reflect my commitment to preserving
God’s creation for future generations.

Action Plan To reduce household To get involved in a Educate my kids the

wastes produced every weekly community different
month by clean-up drive environmentally
approximately 50% conducted in our friendly habits such as
barangay recycling, conservation,
proper waste disposal
and sustainability
Specific Actions - Proper waste -Sign up as a volunteer -Discuss with my kids
segregation for easier for at least once every the importance of
recycling process other month caring for the
environment and the
- buy things in bulk to -Familiarize myself dangers of single-use
reduce packaging about the existing plastics both to
wastes waste management humans and the
plan in our community environment.
-Bring reusable bags and other related
and containers when activities. -Recycling papers used
buying items from the in class by turning
market to avoid single- -Encourage neighbors them into paper bags
use plastics and friends to join the that will be donated in
activity nearby sari-sari stores
-Choosing department or talipapa.
shopping over online

Timeline End of August 2024 Once every other Once a month until the
month until December end of school year
Resources Reusable bags, Cleaning materials such Scratch papers, glue,
containers, boxes for as broomstick and computer
grocery shopping, dustpan, hat,
additional garbage bins sunscreen
with proper labels
Grocery list
Barriers Unplanned shopping, Availability, weather Availability of lesson
Expected Outcome Reduction in the use of Intentional -Kids showing love,
plastics and other involvement in care and appreciation
household wastes that community’s mission towards God’s creation
could cause pollution to maintain cleanliness by practicing
and flooding in our surroundings environmental-friendly
-Promote the use of
paper bags in nearby
sari-sari stores

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