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E-governance refers to the use of ICT (information and communication technology) in governmental processes. To repeat, “e-governance”
“is the public sector's use of ICTs to improve accountability, transparency, and efficiency in government, as well as to increase citizen
participation in decision-making and service delivery. E-governance, as defined by the Ministry of Information and Technology, extends
much beyond the mere computerization of bureaucratic procedures.” There will be major changes in how the government works, with
implications for the legislature, the administration, the judiciary, and the people at large. The Comptroller and Auditor General of the
United Kingdom defines e-governance as “the practice of government departments and their agencies making information available to the
public online.” When information and communication technologies (ICT) are used to government processes, the result is SMART
governance, which stands for “simple,” “moral,” “accountable,” and “responsive” administration.
KEYWORDS: E-Governance, Modern Approach of E-Governance, Types of E-Governance, Smart Governance.
As more and more businesses go worldwide, e-governance has become an essential component. Increasing demands for transparency in
administration, rapid information transfer, proficient execution, and enhanced public service have encouraged businesses to use
electronic technologies. Through innovative use of IT and e-governance, businesses may improve their output. across the many benefits
of e-governance for public administration include easier citizen access to services, lower overhead expenses, more managerial insight,
and better networked collaboration across government agencies. The government's use of the internet has been a major source of
innovation in online services. For smaller organizations in developing countries, the use of ICT and e-governance holds tremendous
promise. E-governance was developed with the intention of making government more efficient and effective for all stakeholders,
including citizens, workers, and enterprises. The term “e-governance” refers to the use of technological means to facilitate and inspire
effective government. The use of economic, political, and administrative authority to efficiently monitor corporate operations on both
the national and regional levels is one definition of effective administration.
The term “e-governance” is used to describe the public sector's use of ICT to provide more transparency, efficiency, and citizen
engagement in government operations. E-governance allows for new types of leadership, more efficient data organization and service
provision, expanded opportunities for resident participation, and better training and education. Accessibility, accountability, and
efficiency are all ways in which service delivery to the public may be improved. E-Government has the ability to open up all government
2023 EPRA IJRD | Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra2016 | https://eprajournals.com/ |54 |
SJIF Impact Factor (2023): 8.574| ISI I.F. Value: 1.241| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2016 ISSN: 2455-7838(Online)
EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD)
Volume: 8 | Issue: 9 | September 2023 - Peer Reviewed Journal
data and services to the public and commercial sector online. The governments of developing nations have a responsibility to provide
an enabling setting for e-governance. E-governance, in which individuals are provided with government services and information via
digital mediums, provides various advantages over the old approach. This involves boosting the efficiency of various government
processes, being honest and anti-corruption in all interactions, and empowering locals to better support and work with the administration.
The concept of “e governance,” which is rapidly becoming an important part of the business world, has witnessed a stratospheric surge
in popularity in recent years. The term “e-governance,” which refers to the use of electronic means of communication and administration,
has been in use for some time now. Its declared purpose is to improve federal, state, regional, and municipal government efficiency,
viability, openness, and accountability, as well as people' access to and use of data.
To provide individuals with access to government information and services over the Internet and the worldwide web is what is known
as “e-Government” or “e-Governance.” According to the UN (2006) and AOEMA (2005),
In essence, “Electronic Governance” describes “How government utilized IT, ICT, and other Web-based telecommunication
technologies to improve and/or enhance on the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery in the public sector.”
The use of e-government has the potential to alter the operation of governments at all levels. Some countries and institutions have yet
to begin the transition to e-administrations or e governance, while others are already hard at work, leveraging their hopes, demands, and
resources to establish such systems. In terms of providing sophisticated e-services, certain countries and institutions have come a long
way. However, the road to consistent e-Government is not an easy one. There are a number of potential threats that, if realized, might
have an extremely negative impact on the economics, productivity, and longevity of e-Government projects.
According to UNESCO “E-governance may be defined as any activity performed in the electronic medium in order to facilitate and
efficient, speedy and transparent process of disseminating information to the public, and other agencies, and for performing government
administration activities.”
According to another definition e-governance is defined as “the use of information and communication technologies, and particularly
the internet, as a tool to achieve better government.”
1. To bolster and streamline administration for government, residents, and business.
2. Through expert open administrations and compelling collaboration between the public, private sector, and government, we can
make government more transparent and accountable to the needs and wants of the people we serve.
3. To decrease humiliation in government.
4. To guarantee quick organization of administrations and data.
5. To decrease challenges for business, give quick data and empower computerized correspondence by e organizations.”
There are many methods for G2C e-Governance. Residents may communicate reasonably with open directors, use electronic voting
(electronic Voting) from a distance, and yet have the experience of voting in the moment. Payments and other transactions for services
like municipal utilities may now be handled electronically or over the phone. Convenient and less time-consuming alternatives to in-
person interactions exist for a variety of activities, including changing one's name or location, applying for services or awards, and
transferring current services.
The time and money required to plan and implement a complete shift to Government to Customer e-Governance is substantial. Similarly,
Government agencies seldom involve citizens in shaping and refining e-Government services or responding to feedback. The difficulties
of providing e-Government services to the general people were known to the customers, such as the fact that not everyone has access to
the Internet, particularly in rural or low-income regions, and the fact that G2C innovation may be harmful for locals who lack computer
skills. Inadequate security measures, language obstacles (such as needing an email account to access some services), and technological
restrictions prevent certain users from fully using the services offered by some G2C sites.
2. Government to Employees: One of the crucial links in the E-Governance transport concept is the relationship between E-Governance
and its workforce, or G2E. They are able to keep in touch with both the government and their own businesses because to the
interconnectedness of many internet instruments, sources, and publications. It would be possible to centralize record keeping and make
it accessible to many parties over the web. E-governance makes it possible for businesses to become paperless, with no need for staff to
fax or print off any important reports that need to be shared with colleagues across the globe. The G2E package also includes HR
software for employee record keeping. Some of the benefits of G2E include:
▪ E-Payroll: Those in charge of the system that lets workers see their pay stubs, pay their bills, and monitor their charging activity also
get a glimpse into how much the employee is really benefiting from the system.
▪ E-training: enables new hires to get up to speed on relevant information in one central location, while also empowering current staff
to maintain their level of preparation in light of evolving technologies.
▪ E-learning: combines visuals, simulations, recordings, and other techniques to teach agents what they really need to know. In most
cases, it involves the use of a computer, although this is not always the case. It's also a means for workers to further their educations
(through distance learning) at their own pace.
3. Government to Government: When government agencies, departments, and groups exchange information and data electronically,
this is known as “government to government” (G2G). Through enhanced communication, information access, and information exchange,
G2G aims to support e-government initiatives.
4. Government to Business: Government to business (G2B) is a non-profit online network that links state and federal governments
with the private sector in order to educate and counsel businesses on effective e-strategies. The G2B aims to simplify corporate
interactions, improve access to timely information, and streamline e-business (XML)-based communication.
1. Moral - signifying the formation of a new set of moral standards in government institutions. Anti-corruption organizations, law
enforcement, courts, etc., benefit from technological innovations that streamline their operations.
2. Accountable - It is possible to guarantee the accountability of public sector officials by promoting the design, development, and
implementation of efficient Management Information System and performance assessment systems.
3. Responsive - improving system responsiveness and service delivery speed by optimizing existing operations.
4. Transparent - transparency of government procedures and operations; the result would be more fair and lawful action taken by
administrative bodies; information formerly hidden away in government papers made available to the public.
1. Speed: Modern methods of contact are far more expedient. Furthermore, the internet and smart phones have allowed for the
instantaneous dissemination of massive amounts of information throughout the globe.
2. Saving Costs: Much of the cost of running the government is absorbed by the need to stock up on stationary for lawful operations.
Stationery is used extensively for letters and other written documents. However, by switching to internet-connected smartphones, annual
savings of crores might be expected.
3. Transparency: The adoption of e-governance not only reduces operational expenses, but also simplifies the management of the
whole company. Everything the government has will soon be online. At the click of a mouse or the touch of a finger, locals may get
whatever information they could want, whenever they might need it.
4. Accountability: Thus, there is a direct line between openness and responsibility. When we have a better idea of how the government
is supposed to operate, we can start holding them to account.
5. Fast, Convenient and Cost Effective Service Delivery: The government can now give information and services to the public more
efficiently, cheaply, and easily than ever before because to the development of e-Service delivery.
6. Transparency, Accountability and Reduced Corruption: Information and communication technology (ICT) dissemination
improves openness, guarantees accountability, and discourages corruption. Citizens' understanding of their rights and responsibilities
increases as their usage of computers and online services rises.
7. Increased Participation by People: When individuals are able to easily access government services, they have more trust in the
government and are more willing to voice their opinions and suggestions.
8. Different Sectors Benefited by E-Governance: The government is using e-governance in almost every sector. Government is
pervasive, with manifestations in spheres as diverse as politics and education.
1. Loss of Interpersonal Communication: E-governance's biggest drawback is that it eliminates face-to-face interaction. Many people
place a premium on interpersonal communication as an aspect of communication.
2. High Setup Cost and Technical Difficulties: The downsides of technology are real. “In particular, there is a hefty initial investment
required, and regular maintenance of the devices is required. Computer and internet failures may potentially ding government
operations and services.”
3. Illiteracy: A large percentage of the population in India is illiterate and hence unable to utilize basic forms of communication
technology. They have a hard time using and comprehending online forms of government.
4. Cybercrime/Leakage of Personal Information: The security of citizens' personal data kept in government databases is constantly at
risk. A data breach might lead individuals to lose faith in the government's ability to manage the people, which makes it harder to
prevent cybercrime.
To facilitate an efficient, quick, and open method of disseminating information to the public and various offices, as well as for
carrying out government organization exercises, “e-governance” “may be thought of as the presentation of governance through the
electronic media. According to the Council of Europe, e-Governance is the use of electronic innovations in three areas of public activity,
including relations between governments and citizens, the operation of governments throughout the democratic process (electronic
democracy), and the delivery of public services (electronic public services).”
1. Dubey, M., 2003, Less Paper Governance, Paper Presented at EROPA Conference, New Delhi.
2. Halachmi, Arie, E-Government Theory and Practice: The Evidence from Tennessee USA, in Marc Holzer, Mengzhong Zhang, and Keyong Dong,
(eds)., Frontiers of Public Administration, The American Society for Public Administration, New York
3. Government of India, Information Technology Act, 2000 (No. 21 of 2000)
4. http://www.worldbank.org/publicsector/egov/definition.htm
5. http://egov.mitgov.in/bground1.htm
6. Office of the E-Envoy, 2000, E-Government: A Strategic Framework for Public Services in the Information Age, Stationery Office, London.
7. Planning Commission of India, 2001, Report of the Working Group on Convergence and E-governance 2002-07 for Tenth Five-Year Plan.
8. Riley T., B., 2003, The Riley Report (www.rileyis.com/report/may03.htm)
9. Trannmuller, R., & Lenk, K., 2002, Electronic Government: Where Are We Heading? in R. Trannmuller and K. Lenk, (eds)., Electronic
Government: First International Conference, Springer, Berlin.