Role of Information Technology in Governance
Role of Information Technology in Governance
Role of Information Technology in Governance
E-government is, thus, the modernisation of processes and functions of government using tools
of ICT as to transform the way it serves its constituents. As per the World Bank, e-government
refers to the use by government agencies of information technologies (such as wide area
networks, internet and mobile computing) that have the ability to transform relations with
citizens, businesses and other arms of government. It is the use of technology to enhance the
access to and delivery of government services to benefit citizens, business partners and
employees. E-governance, on the other hand, goes beyond the service delivery aspects and is
seen as a decisional process. It is about the jse of ICTs in the system of governance, that is,
using ICT to involve multi-stakeholders in decision making and in making governments open
and accountable.
Although the term e-Governance has gained currency in recent years, there is no standard
definition of this term. Different governments and organizations define this term to suit their
own aims and objectives. Sometimes, the term e-government is also used instead of e-
Governance. Some widely used definitions are listed below:
Governance refers to the exercise of political, economic and administrative authority in the
management of a countrys affairs, including citizens articulation of their interests and exercise
of their legal rights and obligations. E-Governance may be understood as the performance of
this governance via the electronic medium in order to facilitate an efficient, speedy and
transparent process of disseminating information to the public, and other agencies, and for
performing government administration activities.
This definition visualizes the use of the electronic medium in the exercise of authority in the
management of a countrys affairs along with articulation of citizens interests leading to
greater transparency and efficiency.
functioning of the public authorities at all stages of the democratic process (electronic
In this case, the focus is on making use of electronic technologies with a view to encourage
better interaction between government and citizens, promote democracy and provide public
IV. The US E-Government Act of 2002 defines electronic Government to mean (Section 3601):
the use by the Government of web-based Internet applications and other information
technologies, combined with processes that implement these technologies, to-
(A) enhance the access to and delivery of Government information and services to the public,
other agencies, and other Government entities; or
(B) bring about improvements in Government operations that may include effectiveness,
efficiency, service quality, or transformation.
This definition reflects the strategy of the US Government regarding the use of ICT in improving
Government operations on the one hand and enhancing the access and delivery of information
and services to citizens and government entities on the other.
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, former President of India, has visualized e-Governance in the Indian
context to mean:
A transparent smart e-Governance with seamless access, secure and authentic flow of
information crossing the interdepartmental barrier and providing a fair and unbiased service to
the citizen.
Concept Of E-Governance
E-governance is the application of ICT to the processes of government functioning for good
governance. In other words, e-governance is the public sectors use of ICTs with the aim to
improve information and service delivery, encourage citizen participation in decision-making
and make government more accountable, transparent and efficient,
The Ministry of Information and Technology states that e-governance goes far beyond mere
computerisation of stand alone back office operations. It implies fundamental changes in
government operations; and new set of responsibilities for the legislature, executive, judiciary
and citizens.
According to the Comptroller and Auditor General, UK, e-governance means providing public
access to information via the internet by government departments and their agencies.
Moral connoting emergence of an entirely new system of ethical values in the political and
administrative machinery. Technology interventions improve the efficiency of anti-corruption
agencies, police, judiciary, etc.
Responsive streamlining the processes to speed up service delivery and make system more
Significance Of E-Governance
ICT applications impact upon the structures of public administration systems. Technological
advancements facilitate the administrative systems by enabling:
Administrative Development
Administrative reforms, often, have focused on procedural details and restructuring of systems
and processes of government organisations. The basic objective of these reforms is to enhance
capacities of the systems. ICTs can be used and are being used now to give further impetus to
the process. They help in the following manners: