Friday English Year 5ukm
Friday English Year 5ukm
Friday English Year 5ukm
50 AM Duration: 30 mins
CCE: Language and
Theme : World of Self,
Focus skill: Listening Creativity and Date: 13/09/2024
Family and Friends
Language/Grammar Focus: Nouns: school
Topic : Learning World subjects; Adjective phrases: good at, great at, not
good / great at
Teaching aids: Textbook, audio, worksheet, 21st Century Learning: pair work, class discussion,
school subjects definitions. quiz, creation.
Differentiation strategy (DS) : Time Assessment: Task, observation.
1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a 3.3 Read independently for information and
M variety of contexts C enjoyment
3.3.1 Read and enjoy A1 fiction/non-fiction
1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known words
. print and digital texts of interest
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to guess at least five school subjects correctly based
M on the definitions heard.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to read and answer at least four questions in the
C School questionnaire correctly.
1. Pupils in pairs answer questions in Think! p.42.
Pre-lesson 2. Point out that at this stage they should just talk about the number of lessons they
have, but they don’t need to say what the lessons are if they don’t know the words in
3. Activity 1:
a. Read aloud 5 or 6 definitions of school subjects in the box in Activity 1. (SB pg 42)
In this subject you draw and paint. Sometimes you make models; In this subject
you do calculation with numbers and money.
b. Pupils guess the school subject from the box. (Assessment)
Lesson c. Explain pupils are going to listen to the school questions.
delivery d. Activity 2:
a. Pupils read questions again and think of answers. (Activity 2 SB pg 42)
b. With a partner, they answer questionnaire orally. (DS) (Assessment)
c. Activity 3:
a. Pupils do Optional Activity: Vocabulary.
b. Explain pupils are going to be creative.
a. _28__ /_32_ pupils aren’t able to achieve the stipulated Lesson postpone:
learning objective due to Monday assembly agenda.
a. Course c. CRK
Other :