Materials and Methods
Materials and Methods
Materials and Methods
other agrochemicals in modern agriculture. Though these are biologically active chemicals, used for control of weeds and pests, but their chemical activity quite often extends beyond their target, resulting in serious problems in the biosphere. Due to their lipophilic nature organochlorine pesticides accumulate up in the food chain and cause serious health problems. Similarly organophosphates also have direct effect on the biota. The present study was, therefore, planned to assess the effects of organochlorine and organophosphate pesticides, upon reproductive function of the mammals. 3.1 Insecticides selected for experiments Following insecticides have been used for the experimentation:(1) (2.) 3.1.1 Chlordane Monocrotophos Organochlorine Organochlorine insecticides are lipophilic and due to their slow biodegradable nature they persist in the environment. They are usually termed as chlorinated hydrocarbon. Insecticides of technical grade were obtained from Hoechst India Ltd. Mumbai, India. The purity of Chlordane insecticide is as follow. Pesticide Standards Pesticide Common Name IUPAC Name Mol. Formula Mol. Weight Form : : : :
: :
an organochlorine an organophosphate
Chlordane Chlordane 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,8-octachloro-2,3,3a,4,7,7aexahydro-4, 7-methanoindene C10H6Cl8 409.76 g/mol Thick, liquid man-made chemical whose color ranges from colorless to amber.
Chlordane is not soluble in water and is either odorless or has a mild, irritating odor. Lipid Soluble.
: :
150-700 mg/kg b.wt. for rat. Chlordane mimics the action of nerve excitement of Picrotoxine. Chlordane in neuro transmitter Gamma Aminobutyric acid (GABA) found in C.N.S. GABA Inhibits results in partial repolarization of the neuron and a state of uncontrolled excitation.
Chlordane is also used as a pesticide on agricultural crops, lawns, and gardens and as a fumigating agent.
3.1.2 Organophosphate Organophosphate insecticides possess phosphorus atoms and therefore, also termed as phosphate insecticide or organic phosphate. They (OPs) inhibit the cholinesterase enzyme of the nervous system.
Pesticide Standards Pesticide: Monocrotophos Synonyms: phosphoric acid, dimethyl [1-methyl-3-(methylamino)-3-oxo-1propenyl] ester; (E)-phosphoric acid dimethyl ester, ester with 3-hydroxy-Nmethylcrotonamide; -(dimethoxyphosphinyloxy)- N - methyl - ciscrotonamide; dimethyl 2-methylcarbamoyl-1-methylvinyl phosphate, Azodrin, Nuvacron. Molecular formula : C7H14NO5P
CAS number: 6923-22-4 Physical and Chemical Properties: Molecular weight Boiling point Melting point Vapour pressure Solubility in water Log Poctanol/water Conversion factors : : : : : : : 223.2 At 0.07 Pa: 125oC 54-55oC 3 x 10-4 Pa miscible -0.22 not applicable
Mode of Action It inhibits the cholinesterase enzyme of the nervous system. Monocrotophos is
a systemic insecticide and acaricide belonging to the vinyl phosphate group. It controls pests on a variety of crops, such as cotton, rice, and sugarcane. It is used to control a wide spectrum of chewing and sucking insects and also mites.
Experimental Model The present study was carried out on inbreed proven fertile adult male albino
rats (Rattus norvegicus) of wistar strain. Healthy animals weighing 150-200 g. were selected for the experiments. The animals were housed individually in polypropylene cages (Measuring 12 X 10 X 8) with stainless steel wire lids and heat-treated hard-woods chips as bedding. The animals were maintained at a room temperature (21-24 oC3oC) and uniform light dark cycle (14:10: L: D) with relative humidity 55 5%. The rats had a diet of standard commercial pelleted feed (Ashirwad food industries Ltd., Chandigarh, India) and water ad libitum thought out the study. The weight of animals was measured weekly to see any change in the body weight. 3.4 Experimental Design All the experiments reported in this thesis had prior approval of IAEC and performed accordingly .The experimental protocol met the national guidelines on the proper care and use of animals in laboratory research. The animals were classed according to their body weights and allocated randomly to groups. Two and five weeks treatment periods were chosen to investigate the toxicity of pesticides. At the end of the experimental period, the animals were weighed and euthanized under light ether anesthesia and blood samples were collected by cardiac puncture in preheparinized tubes. Serum was separated by centrifugation at 3000 rpm and stored at-20oC until biochemical and testosterone assay. The reproductive organs-testis, epididymides, seminal vesicle, ventral prostate, vas deferens and vital organs-liver and kidney were dissected out and weighed after removing the adherent tissue and were frozen for the biochemical 42
estimations. They were also fixed with Bouins fixative for at least 48 hrs., processed by the paraffin wax impregnation method, and sections (5 m thick) were cut using a rotary microtome. The sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and examined by light microscopy for histopatholigical changes. Photomicrographs of sections were taken. We performed various biochemical test. 3.5 Median Lethal Dose (LD50) The LD50 is statistically derived single dose of a substance that can be expected to cause the death of 50% animals. In a probit analysis method of LD 50 the selected dose levels should bracket the expected LD50 value with at least one dose level higher than the expected LD50 but not causing 100% mortality and one dose level below the expected LD50 but not causing 0% mortality. In the present investigation, various calculated doses (mg./kg. b.wt.) of insecticides were given orally with the help of hypodermic syringe having pearl point needle. Six animals were tested for each dose level. Control rats were given equivalent amount of vehicle. Poisoning symptoms and mortality were observed daily for three days following the treatment. Results of the toxicity were analyzed statistically (Finney, 1971) for the determination of LD50 values of insecticides. 3.6 Treatment Protocol Weight matched fertile male rats of similar size and ages were assigned to groups of five animals each for both two insecticides as follows: 3.6.1 Chlordane : : : : Control received vehicle (Olive oil) only Animals received 200 mg/kg. b.wt./day of chlordane orally for 2 and 5 weeks. Group III Groups IV Animals received 400 mg/kg. b.wt. / day of chlordane orally for 2 and 5 weeks. animals received 600 mg/kg. b.wt. / day of chlordane orally for 2 and 5 weeks.
Group I Group II
Monocrotophos : : : : Control received vehicle (Peanut oil) only. Animals received 6 mg/kg. b.wt./day of monocrotophos orally for 2 and 5 weeks. Animals received 14 mg/kg. b.wt. / day of monocrotophos orally for 2 and 5 weeks. Animals received 22 mg/kg. b.wt. / day of monocrotophos orally for 2 and 5 weeks.
Mode of administration Forced Oral Feeding Various calculated doses of technical grade of insecticides; Chlordane and
Monocrotophos were administered forcibly through mouth by pearl point needle. The diet was withdrawn before the oral intubation, after those animals were allowed to take normal rat feed and water ad libitum. On the day next to final dosing, animals from each group were autopsied for detailed hematological, histological, radioimmunoassay, serum and tissue biochemical investigation. 3.8 Parameters Studied 3.8.1 Body and Organ Weights
Initial and final body weights and weights of testis, epididymis, seminal vesicle, ventral prostate, adrenal gland, liver, heart and kidney were recorded. 3.8.2 Sperm Dynamics Sperm Motility Sperm motility was assayed by the method of Prasad et al., (1972). The epididymides were removed immediately after anesthesia and weight of cauda epididymis was gently teased in a specific volume of physiological saline (0.9% NaCl) to release the spermatozoa from the tubules. The sperm suspension was examined within five minutes after their isolation from epididymis. The results were determined by counting both motile and immotile sperm in at least ten separate and randomly selected fields. The results were finally expressed as percent motility.
44 Sperm Density Total number of sperm were counted using haemocyto meter after further diluting the sperm suspension from cauda epididymis and testis. The sperm density was calculated in million per the dilution (Prasad et al., 1972). 3.8.3 Histological Studies: - Histopathology of various tissues For histopathological staining, the basic protocol by Mukherjee et al. (2003) was followed with modifications according to our laboratory conditions. Briefly, the liver, kidney, testis, ovary, SATs and uterus were separated and fixed in Bouins solution (saturated aqueous solution of picric acid, 75%; formalin, 25%; glacial acetic acid, 25%) for 4 hrs. Following the fixation, sections were washed thoroughly in 30% alcohol until all the color of picric acid disappeared. This was followed by gradual dehydration of the samples by placing them in ascending series of alcohols (each change for 1 hr.) viz. 30% - 50% - 70% - 80% (2 changes) - 95% (2 changes) - 100% (3 changes) xylene (3 changes). The tissues were then placed in wax, made into blocks and finally cut into sections of 5 micron thickness. Sections were adhered on the glass slide treated with Mayers solution (per 100 ml. having 50 ml. egg albumin, 50 ml. glycerin, 1.0 gm sodium salicylate,), stretched at approximately 40 0C temperatures and preserved. The sections were then stained in haematoxylin and eosin by placing the slide in different solutions in a sequential manner as described below: xylene (2 changes, each 5 min.) followed by 1 min. change each in 1:1 (v/v) xylene and 100% alcohol - 100 % alcohol (2 changes) 90% alcohol 80% alcohol 70% alcohol washing in tap water followed by gentle tapping of slide haematoxylin solution (5min.) washing in running water 3 to 4 dippings of slide in 0.5% HCl wash in distilled water (1 min.) several dippings in ammonia water (section changes to blue color) - wash in distilled water (1 min.) 80% alcohol (1 min.) 95% alcohol (1 min.) eosine staining (2 to 3 min.) 70% alcohol 95% alcohol 100% alcohol (1 min. each) xylene (two changes, 1 min. each). This was followed by the mounting of tissue with canada balsam and preservation with cover slip. The reproductive organs (testis, epididymis, seminal vesicle, ventral prostate and vas deferens) and vital organs (liver and kidney) were fixed in Bouins fixative
and cut into sections and processed through ethanozylene series. The tissues were embedded in paraffin and bee wax (3:1) (m.p.-55-62o C). Sections were cut at 5 and stained with Harris haematoxylene and eosin. 3.8.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 3.8.5 Hematological Studies Haemoglobin Haematocrit Total erythrocyte count Total leukocyte count Blood Sugar Blood Urea Serum Analysis
Blood collected from heart was followed to clot at room temperature and serum was separated by centrifugation and stored at -20o C for following parameters:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total Cholesterol Total Protein Serum Phospholipid Serum Triglyceride HDL Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol VLDL Cholesterol Acid- Phosphatase Alkaline Phosphatase Aspartate Amino Transferase Alanine Amino Tranferase Bilirubin 3.8.6 Statistical Analysis
The data obtained from the above experiments were subjected to statistical analysis. All the values of body weights, hematological and biochemical estimations were averaged, standard error of the mean values were calculated and compared. Studentt test was applied for standard comparison (Ipstein and Poly, 1970). 46
Standard error
x =
Significance ttest XA-XB t value = (XA) 2 + (XB) 2 Percent deviation XB XA X 100 XA Degree of freedom = n1+n2-2 Where, = number of variables in each group = = = = = = = Sum of independent variables Mean value of control group Mean value of treated group Standard error of control group Standard error of control group number of variable of control group number of variable of treated group
n X XA XB XA XA n1 n2
Significance between the values of different groups was judged at 0.0, 0.01 and 0.001 levels. 3.8.7 Serum Alkaline Phosphatase, Acid Phosphatase, SGPT and SGOT Level Serum from all the animals was subjected to assay of the four enzymes present in serum viz. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), acid phosphatase (ACP), serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) or glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT)
and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) or serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) by the methods as described in Mukherjee, 2003. Serum acid phosphatase
First of all following reagents were preparedCitrate buffer (0.09 gm/L)- 18.9g of citric acid monohydrate, 500 ml H 2O + 180 ml 1N NaOH + 100 ml 0.01 N HCl, adjust the pH to 4.85 and dilute to 1000 ml. Tartrate Citrate buffer (pH 4.85), 0.09 mole citrate and 0.04 mole tartrate/L- 1.5 g of L-tartrate in 250 ml of citrate buffer (1). Stock substrate of PNPP (4 mg/ml) Working buffered substrates- mix equal volumes of acid buffers and substrate: (a) Citrate buffer and stock substrate (solution 1 and 3) (b) Tartrate Citrate buffer and stock substrate (solution2 and 3) Store both solutions in 1 ml aliquots in test tubes (15 ml) Sodium hydroxide (0.1N). After the reagents are prepared frozen substrate solutions were taken -2 citrate substrate tubes and one tartrate substrate tube. They were marked as CT (citrate total), CSB (citrate serum blank) and T-NP (tartrate non-prostatic). Two more tube of one each citrate substrate and one tartrate were taken and labeled as CB and TB. They were used as blank and all the tubes were incubated at 370C for 5 min. After exact 5 min., 0.2 ml. serum was added to CT and T-NP test tubes and continues incubation at 370C for 30 min. after which 4 ml. of 0, 05 M NaOH was added to both test tubes and mixed well to stop the reaction. Tubes were removed from water bath and 0.2 ml. serum was added to the tube marked as CSB and 0.2 ml. water was added to the substrate blank tubes marked as CB and TB. The solution in CB tube was used to zero CT and CSB tube and TB tube was used to zeroT-NP tube. Calibration curve was referred for reporting the enzyme activity in international units (U/L)
48 Serum Alakline Phosphatase Two test tubes were taken and were labeled as T and B for test and blank respectively. 1 ml. working substrate (equal volume of p-nitrophenyl disodium phosphate, 4 mg/ml. and glycine buffer) was taken and incubated at 370C for 5 min. After exact 5 min., 0.5 ml. serum was added to test tube marked as T and incubation was continued at 370C. After 30 min., 10 ml. of 0, 05 M NaOH was added to both test tubes and was mixed well to stop the reaction. Tubes were removed from water bath and 0.5 ml. serum was added to the tube marked as B (for blank). Absorbance was recorded against water at 405 nm and determines the change in absorbance by subtracting the absorbance of tube B from T. Calibration curve was referred for reporting the enzyme activity in international units (U/L). Serum SGOT Two test tubes were taken and were labeled as T and B for test and blank respectively. 1 ml substrate (200mM/L DL-aspartate + 2mM/L alpha-ketoglutarate in 0.1M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4) was taken and incubated at 370C for 5 min. After exact 5 min., 0.2 ml. serum was added to test tube marked as T and incubation was continued at 370C After 60 min., 1.0 ml. of hydrazine was added to both test tubes (1mM/L prepared in 1N HCl) and mixed to stop the reaction and develop the colour. Tubes were removed from water bath and 0.2 ml. serum was added to the tube marked as B (for blank). After 20 min., 10 ml. of 0.4N NaOH was added and mixed by inversion and reaction was continued for 5-20 min. Absorbance was recorded against water at 505 nm and the change in absorbance was determined by subtracting the absorbance of tube B from T. Calibration curve was referred for reporting the enzyme activity in international units (U/L). Serum SGPT Two test tubes were taken and labeled them as T and B for test and blank respectively. 1 ml. substrate was taken (200mM/L DL-alanine + 2mM/L alphaketoglutarate in 0.1M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4) and incubate at 370C for 5 min. After exact 5 min., 0.2 ml. serum was added to test tube, marked as T and incubation was continued at 370C. After 30 min., 1.0 ml. of hydrazine was added to both test tubes (1mM/L prepared in 1N HCl) and mixed to stop the reaction and develop the colour. 49
Tubes were removed from water bath and 0.2 ml. serum was added to the tube marked as B (for blank). After 20 min., 10 ml. of 0.4N NaOH was added and mixed by inversion and reaction was continued for 5-20 min. Absorbance was recorded against water at 505 nm and the change were determined in absorbance by subtracting the absorbance of tube B from T. Calibration curve was referred for reporting the enzyme activity in international units (U/L). Blood Cholesterol Placed 10 ml. of the alcohol-acetone solvent in a centrifuge tube and added 0.2 ml. of serum or blood. Immersed the tube in a boiling water bath with shaking until the solvent began to boil and than removed the tube and continued shaking the mixture for further 5 minutes. Cooled to room temperature and centrifuged. Decanted the supernatant fluid into a test tube and evaporated to dryness on a boiling water bath. Cooled and dissolved the residue in 2 ml. of chloroform. At the same time, set up a series of standard tubes containing cholesterol and a blank with 2 ml. of chloroform. Than added 2 ml. of acetic anhydride-sulphuric acid mixture to all tubes and thoroughly mixed. Left the tubes in the dark at room temperature and read the extinction at 680 nm. 3.8.8 Hershberger Assay For evaluation of androgenic activity of chlordane and monocrotophos in castrated rats. Chemicals Chlordane, Monocrotophos and olive oil, propylene glycol were purchased. The routine chemicals used in this thesis were purchased from the SRL, Mumbai; SD fine Chemicals, Mumbai. Animals and Housing Male wistar albino rats were provided by All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi. Rats were provided with tap water and a commercial diet ad libitum.The animal room was maintained at temperature 50
24 2o C, relative humidity of 5020% and a 12-h light/dark cycle. 53 days adult male rats were allocated to each test group. Body weight and clinical signs were recorded daily throughout the study. All animals were cared according to the guidelines for good laboratory practices prepared by committee for the purpose of control and supervision on experiments on animals (CPCSEA). Procedure of Hershberger Assay Chlordane was dissolved in olive oil and diluted to dose of 200 mg/kg, while Monocrotophos was diluted with propylene glycol to dose of 10mg/kg body weight and forty two days old rats were castrated and administered via gavages to 51 days of castrated rats. Approximately 24 hrs. after final treatment androgen-dependent accessory sex organs or glands; vas deference, seminal vesicle, epididymis, prostate gland were carefully removed and weighed. Liver, kidney, adrenal gland were also weighed. Statistical analysis Body weight gain, organ weights were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance with post hoc comparison between the control group and each treatment group, followed by Duncans multiple comparison using statistical program. A p-value 0.05 was taken as a statistically significant difference between two groups. 3.8.9 Behavioral Toxicity
Sex arousal (Libido) capacity of chlordane and monocrotophos treated male rats were investigated. Behavioral toxicology is the study of the behavioral pattern of organisms under exposure to toxicants. Behavioral study is the final common pathway for all neural and non neural activity and as such represents an integrated response to an environmental stimulus or insult. Behavioral pattern offers a sensitive pathway to monitor subtle damage to the functioning of central nervous system (CNS). A critical assertion in behavioral toxicity is that the behaviour of organisms represents the net result of various sensory, monitor and associative functions of the nervous system. It is the endpoint of the functional integrity of the nervous system. Human and 51
experimental studies have shown that behavioral aberrations are amount of the earliest of the toxicity symptoms and often occur at exposure levels insufficient to produce histological detectable damage in the CNS or other organs. Thus, deviations from normal behavioral pattern may comprise an early warning system, presaging more severe damage induced by an agent at higher doses or after longer exposure. In Japan, France and U.K. Government regulations mandate that behavioral evaluations be done on all new drugs during pre market testing. In the USA the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TOSCA) was enacted in an attempt to consolidate the regulation of chemical industry and it specifically states that chemicals should be evaluated for their behavioral effects. Warner et al. (1966) commented, The behavioral (or activities) of an organism represents the final integrated result of a diversity of biochemical and physiological processes. Thus, a single behavioral parameter is generally more comprehensive than a physiological or biochemical parameter. They also considered that Behavioral patterns are known to be highly sensitive to changes in the steady state of an organism. Hence in their search for a rapid, biological method for detecting the sub lethal effects of pesticides alterations in the behavioral was used as the diagnostic tool for identifying the ecological effects of the release of a toxicant in to an environment. Investigation on sexual behavioral (Libido) on male rats by insecticides: Administration of insecticides may alter the sex arousal capacity in male rats. To investigate it, we fabricated a shuttle box of wooden (80x40cm) .This shuttle box consists of two adjacent chambers connected through a perforated plastic partition having three pores of 3X3 cm with a sliding manual door. Procedure Initially in one chamber, control rat was placed and second chamber was kept vacant. Number of approaches of normal male rats towards female rats of control group was recorded and then chlordane and monocrotophos administered rats were placed in another chamber respectively. Then adult female (in estrous cycle) rat was
kept in second chamber and numbers of approaches of test male rats were counted for 60 minutes for investigating the alterations in libido.
Figure No.4: Showing sex arousal in male rats treated with chlordane and monocrotophos.