Enter Data in Application Software

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School: MONHS Grade Level: Grade9

Teacher: Maricel O. Mañabo Learning Area: TLE-CSS

Teaching Dates and Time: September 9, 2024 Quarter: First


LO.2 Input data into computer

Learning Competency: Enter the data into the computer using appropriate
program/application in accordance with company procedures (TLE_IACSS9-12PCO-

Sub-task: Word Processing

Skill: Enter
Content: Enter data using word processing.
Context: Enter the data into the computer using Microsoft word
1. Review
2. Define Word Processing and MS Word
3. Know the functions of Microsoft Word
4. The teacher will demonstrate how to use and enter data in Microsoft Word .
5. Individually the student will perform entering data in Microsoft Word.

Learning Episode 1.

A. Motivation
a. This afternoon, you are expected to the functions of Microsoft Word.
b. It is important to know how to use Microsoft Word.
c. At the end of the lesson, you will be able to enter data using Microsoft Word.

B. Probe and Respond

1. Unlocking of Terms
 Software - is a set of instructions, data or programs used to
operate computers and execute specific tasks. It is the opposite of
hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer.
Software is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and
programs that run on a device.
 Application software - enables the user to complete tasks such
as creating documents, spreadsheets, databases, and
publications, doing online research, sending email, designing
graphics, running businesses, and even playing games.

2. Pre-requisite Skills

Note to the teacher: The teacher will present and discuss the definition of terms to
familiarize the software applications in computer.

 Word-processing the process of using computer to create, edit and print
 Word processing is creating documents with
o Various font face, font styles, font sizes, font colors (eg: one, two,
o Different text effects (MS Word is a product of Microsoft Corporation)
o Different alignments as shown below:

o facility to automatically correct misspelled words and grammatical


o The ability to see how the document will look

 To perform word processing, a special program called a word processor is in


 A word processor enables you to create a document, store it electronically on

a disk, display it on a screen, modify it by entering commands and characters
from the keyboard, and print it on a printer.

 Examples of Word processors

o Wordstar

o Writer

o Leap

o WordPerfect

o MS Word


 MSWORD is a word processor from

 A computer program that enable us to
create a document, edit, format, print and
also save it for future use.

Word Screen
Features of word processing
Word processors vary considerably, but all word processors support the following
basic features:

 Insert text: Allows you to insert text anywhere in the document.

 Delete text: Allows you to erase characters, words, lines, or pages as easily
as you can cross them out on paper.

 Cut and paste: Allows you to remove (cut) a section of text from one place in
a document and insert (paste) it somewhere else.

 Copy: Allows you to duplicate a section of text.

 Page size and margins: Allows you to define various page sizes and
margins, and the word processor will automatically readjust the text so that it

 Search and replace: Allows you to direct the word processor to search for a
particular word or phrase. You can also direct the word processor to replace
one group of characters with another everywhere that the first group appears.

 Word wrap: The word processor automatically moves to the next line when
you have filled one line with text, and it will readjust text if you change the

 Print: Allows you to send a document to a printer to get hardcopy.

Word processors that support only these features (and maybe a few others)
are called text editors. Most word processors, however, support additional
features that enable you to manipulate and format documents in more
sophisticated ways. These more advanced word processors are sometimes
called full-featured word processors. Full-featured word processors usually
support the following features:

 File management: Many word processors contain file management

capabilities that allow you to create, delete, move, and search for files.

 Font specifications: Allows you to change fonts within a document. For

example, you can specify bold, italics, and underlining. Most word processors
also let you change the font size and even the typeface.

 Footnotes and cross-references: Automates the numbering and placement

of footnotes and enables you to easily cross-reference other sections of the

 Graphics: Allows you to embed illustrations and graphs into a document.

Some word processors let you create the illustrations within the word
processor; others let you insert an illustration produced by a different

 Headers, footers, and page numbering: Allows you to specify customized

headers and footers that the word processor will put at the top and bottom of
every page. The word processor automatically keeps track of page numbers
so that the correct number appears on each page.

 Layout: Allows you to specify different margins within a single document and
to specify various methods for indenting paragraphs.
 Macros: A macro is a character or word that represents a series of
keystrokes. The keystrokes can represent text or commands. The ability to
define macros allows you to save yourself a lot of time by replacing common
combinations of keystrokes.

 Merges: Allows you to merge text from one file into another file. This is
particularly useful for generating many files that have the same format but
different data. Generating mailing labels is the classic example of using

 Spell checker: A utility that allows you to check the spelling of words. It will
highlight any words that it does not recognize.

 of contents and indexes: Allows you to automatically create a table of

contents and index based on special codes that you insert in the document.

 Thesaurus: A built-in thesaurus that allows you to search for synonyms

without leaving the word processor.

Creating a New Document

 Switch on the computer

 Windows displays a desktop screen with many icons on it.

 Search for Microsoft Word icon, point it with the help of the mouse and double
click to select the application.

 If MSWord icon is not on the desktop screen then Click Start All Programs à
Microsoft Word as shown below:
 The opening word screen will get displayed as shown below. The opening
screen of word will automatically open a new document and the default name
of that document will be Document1.

 If you've already started Word, you create a new document by clicking New
on the File menu. In the New Document task pane that opens, click Blank

 In the upper-left corner of the document, or page, is the insertion point, a

blinking vertical line. Typed content will appear there.
 Keep typing continuously even if the end of the line encountered. With the
help of the word wrap property the lines will be automatically displayed in the
next consecutive lines.

 Press ENTER to start another paragraph.

Navigating Through Document

Movement around the created document is achieved with the help of the following

To perform this action... Press...

To move one character to the left LEFT ARROW
To move one character to the right RIGHT ARROW
To move up one line UP ARROW
To move down one line DOWN
To move to the end of a line END
To move to the beginning of a line HOME
To move up one screen (scrolling) PAGE UP
To move down one screen (scrolling) PAGE DOWN
To move to the end of a document CTRL+END
To move to the beginning of a CTRL+HOME

Selecting the text in the document

 To select the document in the text the following operations can be performed:

To perform this action... Press...

To select one character to the right SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
To select one character to the left SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
To select to the beginning of a CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT
word ARROW
To select to the end of a line SHIFT+END
To select to the beginning of a line SHIFT+HOME
To select the entire document CTRL+A
Editing the document

 Cut
o Cut operation removes the selection from the active document and
places it on the clipboard.
o Select the text to be cut in the document.
o Go to Edit menu and select Cut option or click the cut icon ( ) in the
toolbar or make use of the shortcut key combination Ctrl+X to cut the
 Copy
o Copies the selection to the clipboard
o Select the text to be copied in the document.
o Go to Edit menu and select Copy option or click the copy icon ( ) in
the toolbar or make use of the shortcut key combination Ctrl+C to copy
the selected text.
 Paste
o Paste inserts the contents of the clipboard at the insertion point
(cursor) or whatever is selected.
o First go to the place where you want to display the cut text.
o From the Edit menu select Paste option or click paste icon ( ) in the
toolbar or press the short cut key Ctrl+V
 Find and Replace
o Find searches for specified text in the active document
o To find a specified text in the document go to Edit menu choose find

option or click the find icon ( ) on the toolbar or make use of the
shortcut key combination Ctrl+F.
o The Find and Replace dialog box will get displayed.

 Enter the text to be searched in the Find what tab.

o Clicking the Find Next button the specified text will be located in the
 Replace searches for and replaces specified text.
 To replace go to edit menu and select Replace option or click
the replace icon in the toolbar or make use of the shortcut key
combination Ctrl+H.
 Find and Replace dialog will get displayed.

o Clicking Find Next and Replace buttons the specified text will be
o To replace all the instance of the text lecture with the text lecture
schedule click Replace All button in the Find and Replace window.
o Then every instance of the text lecture in the document will get
replaced with the text lecture schedule.

Formatting the Document

o Font
 Font change font style, size, color and a large number of other
 To change the font style, size of a selected text go to format
menu and select Font option or click the font icon ( ) in the
format toolbar.
 The Font dialog box will get displayed.
 In the Font dialog box choose font face, font style, font size, font
color etc.
 Click OK button then the applied font effects will get reflected in
the document.
o Bold, Italic and Underline
 Bold, Italic, Underline - Format selected text: Bold, Italic,
or Underlined
 To bold the text press Ctrl + B or click the bold icon ( ) on the
 To underline the text press Ctrl + U or click the underline icon (
) on the toolbar
 To italics the text press Ctrl + I or click the italic icon ( ) on the

o Paragraph
 Paragraph under format menu indents a paragraph using either
margin or place some chosen amount of space before or after
the paragraph.
 Select the paragraph if already entered or simply go Format
menu and choose Paragraph option or click the paragraph icon (
) in the toolbar.
 Paragraph dialog box will get displayed.

o In the paragraph window we can set Alignment, Indentation and

Spacing for paragraphs.
o Click OK will reflect the changes in the document accordingly.

Saving the document

o To save the document for the first time click File MenuàChoose Save
o Save As dialog Box will get displayed.
o Select the directory where you want to save or create a new folder by
clicking New Folder icon.
o Enter the file name in the File name box.
 Click Save. The file is saved under the new name.
 To save subsequently click on Save from File Menu.
 Or hold the Ctrl. Key and press S from keyboard.
 Or click Save button ( ) in the standard toolbar.

Learning Episode 2


I Do

Note to the teacher: At this point, I will identify the types and function software.

Types of Software:
a. Application software
b. System Software
c. Utility Software

Application Software- is a computer program designed to carry out specific task other than
one relating to the operation of the computer itself, typically to be used by end-users. Word
processors, media players, accounting software are examples.

Examples of Application Software:

a. Word processing software
b. Data-Based Software
c. Presentation software
d. Internet Browser or Web Browser

Operating system – is the most important software which runs on a computer. It controls
the computer’s memory, processes and all software and hardware. Several computer
programs normally run at the same time, all of which need access the computer’s processor
(CPU), memory and storage.


a. Microsoft Windows
b. Linux
c. Mac OS


a. Android

Utility Software – is a software used to analyze, configure, optimize and maintain the

Examples of utility software:

a. Anti-virus Software
b. Backup Software
c. Disk Compression Tool
d. File Manager

We Do:
The teacher together with the students will identify the types and function of software.
_____1.Is a software used to analyze, configure, optimize and maintain the computer.
Expected Answer: Utility Software

_____2. Is the most important software which runs on a computer. It controls the computer’s
memory, processes and all software and hardware. Expected Answer: Operating

_____3. Is a type of computer program that is designed to run a computer’s hardware and
application programs. Expected Answer: System Software

_____4. Is a computer software package used to show information, normally in the form of a
slide show. It mostly includes three major functions: an editor that allows text to be inserted
and formatted, method for inserting and manipulating graphic images and a slide-show
system to display the content. Expected Answer: Presentation Software

_____5. Is used to create, edit, and maintain database files and records, enabling easier file
and record creation, data entry, data editing, updating and reporting.
Expected Answer: Data-based Software

_____6. Is a device or software program capable of creating, storing, and printing text
documents. Expected Answer: Word Processing Software

_____7. Is a computer program designed to carry out specific task other than one relating to
the operation of the computer itself, typically to be used by end-users. Word processors,
media players, accounting software are examples. Expected Answer: Application

_____8. Give examples of utility software. Expected Answer: Anti-virus Software,

Backup File Manager and Disk Compression Tool

_____9. Give examples of operating system. Expected Answer: Windows,

WindowsVista, Windows7 and Windows10

_____10.Give the types of software Expected Answer : Application Software, System

Software and Utility Software

Learning Episode 3.
a. Guided Practice

Note to the Teacher: Give this activity sheet and distribute it by dyad.

Teacher says: Find a pair, identify the types and functions of software.

Test 1. Directions: Identify the statement below and write the letter on the space provided.

1. Software is split into ______categories.

a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 d. 5

2. Software is made up of ____________and __________software.

a. Internal and External
b. Application and system
c. Operating and utility
d. Windows and Antivirus

3. Which of the following is NOT and operating system?

a. YouTube
b. Windows10
c. MacOS
d. Windows7

4. What is an example of utility software?

a. Adobe Photoshop
b. Microsoft Word
c. File Manager
d. Microsoft word

5. Which of the following is an operating system of mobile device?

a. Linux
b. Android
c. MacOS
d. Windows
Test II. Drop the following in the correct circle.

Note to the teacher: The teacher monitor/facilitate as the do the activity

b. Independent Practice.

Note to the teacher: The students are given individual activity.

Teacher Says: Individually identify the types and function of software.

Test 1. Directions: Identify the statement below and write your answer on the space

1. Which operating system is used for mobile devices? 1._______

2. Name some operating system used for desktop and laptop. 2._______
3. What type of software directly interact with the user? 3._______
4. What type of software interact with hardware? 4._______
5. What type of software is utility software? 5._______
6. What type of software is Google Chrome? 6._______
7. What type of software is file manager and backup software? 7._______
8. Anti-virus software is an example of? 8._______
9. What are examples of operating system in mobile device? 9._______
10. Who is the founder of Microsoft Windows? 10._______


Directions: Classify the following:

Operating System Microsoft Power Point Google Chrome

Microsoft Word Canva File Manager Backup

Linux Microsoft Exceel MacOS Safari Oracle Google Slides

Anti-virus software Prezi Windows10 Disk Compression Tool

Application Software System Software Utility Software

Learning Episode 4.
Independent practice will serve as an evaluation itself.

Prepared by:

Sub-Teacher 1

Checked by:

Master Teacher 1

Learning Episode 4

Independent practice will serve as an evaluation itself.

Prepared by:

Sub-Teacher 1

Checked by:

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