Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 11.02.34 AM
Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 11.02.34 AM
Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 11.02.34 AM
Mobile: 0321-3767890 Address: 581/23 Old Sunset
Other contact: 021-35868200 Boulevard, Punjab colony
Nationality: Pakistani Khayaban-e-jami, Karachi.
➢ Overall supervision of district level activities under the CDC program, and keeping program
management informed regarding the current disease status at district level.
➢ Establish liaison with the District Health Officer and district coordinators for TB, MNCH, DHIS2,
and other related staff at DHO office.
➢ Organize and participate in program review and coordination meetings with stakeholders.
➢ Support in developing micro-plan for mobile health unit in consultation with the unit medical officer,
the district TB and MNCH coordinators, representative of NGO implementing partner and other
stakeholders in the district.
➢ ensure correct entry of data on field activities, and review for data quality on daily basis,
➢ Supervise field activities and share regular report on performance of staff and achievement of targets
on weekly, monthly and quarterly basis using prescribed formats,
Member QEC:
● Working as member Quality enhancement cell of AIDM for the last one year.
● Responsible for uplifting of academic and research activities.
● Responsible to enhance the quality and transparency of examination by BCQs & EMQs bank.
Lecturer/Dental Surgeon, Nov’07 to Oct’08
● Performed duties as LECTURER/ DENTAL SURGEON in the department of ORAL &
● Responsible for teaching cum training of BDS students & Dental Technicians.
● To provide emergency & planned surgical procedures of the trauma, cancer and other cases under the
supervision of departmental head.
● Performed simple and complicated exodontias, apecectomies, deep curettage and other cases related to
the Maxillofacial Surgery department.
● Diagnosis & management of Cleft Lip & Palate patients.
● To coordinate various Administrative activities to main administration of the college.
● Organised Posters competition as regular activity of the department.
Pakistan Railways
rd rd
Medical Officer (Dentistry), 23 Dec’09 – 23 Dec’10
● Responsible to manage the Dental OPD of Pakistan Railways Hassan Hospital Karachi Cantt.
● To supervise the Oral Health promotion programs for the employees of Pakistan Railways.
● To provide emergency & planned surgical treatment of the trauma and other cases.
● To diagnose the pre-cancerous lesions and to arrange the referral of the patients to the different
tertiary care hospitals for further management.
● Performing additional duties as Administrative RMO.
● Arrangement of special sessions for the medically compromised patients to create awareness
regarding the Oral Manifestations of different systemic diseases.
● Developed an alliance with Dentistry department of Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre to ensure the
uninterrupted dental treatment facilities to the patients.
Basic Surgical Skills: Course was done from Skills Lab. Liaquat National Hospital Karachi.
Adult & Pediatric Endotracheal Intubation: Skills Lab. Liaquat National Hospital.
Adult & Pediatric Basic Life Support: Skills Lab. Liaquat National Hospital.
C-Ortho: Ameen Diabetic & Dental Hospital under the supervision of DR.MAHMOOD SHAH
MPH & M.Phil. were research based programs and I undergone
the critical & difficult process of data collection, analysis &
Interpretation. Thesis writing was successfully done.
● Analysis of current COVID-19 situation in dental practice among Karachi population (PJMD, 2020
VOL 09)
● knowledge, attitude and practice towards COVID-19 among general population of Karachi south: cross
sectional survey (JDUHS)
● saliva as a diagnostic tool for detection of coronavirus- review article (JIMD)
● prevalence of types, frequency and risk factors for complications after exodontia (PJMD 2021 VOL 10)
● Salivary urea: a marker for chronic renal disease (PJMD 2015 VOL 04)
● frequency of oral sub mucous fibrosis in 16-40 years old individuals attending the dental outpatient
department of civil hospital Karachi (NJMS VOL 05)
● Awareness of denture cleansers and its recognition among dental professionals (BUMDC 2020)
● Oral health status and treatment needs of police personnel in Karachi (PJPH VOL 10)
● Psychological distress among adults in home carfinemert in midst of COVID-19 outbreak
● Perception of halitosis among general population
● Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding preventive dentistry among dental undergraduate students