The Pool of Toxins Around Us

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The Pool of Toxins Around You

Effects of Toxins on Your body and Ways to Eliminate them

Savneet Singh

Most toxins reach in our body when we ingest or inhale them. A few others pass into our bloodstream through our skin or can be released because of dying cells or bacteria invasion. The body is designed to protect and cleanse itself to reduce the burden of toxins. But, this modern world is so much loaded with toxins that the threshold of the body to eliminate them, is crossed and we may face certain life threatening conditions. Thus, we need to pay special attention and put in extra efforts to eliminate those toxins or the sources of toxins from our surroundings. This e-book is all about having non-toxic choices at each step and in every sphere of the life.


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1. Foreword .3 2. Introduction..4 3. Types of toxins....5 Exogenous toxins Endogenous toxins Toxic Symptoms Checklist 4. Water..7 Sources of Toxins What can I Do 5. Air9 Sources of Toxins Outdoor and indoor What can Do 6. Daily surroundings13 Artificial paints & EMF Paint Pesticides Personal care products 7. Food..18 The harmful Additives Refined Sugar Food Packaging Food Preparation Microwaves Eating Out Barbeque 8. Toxic Habits25 9. Final notes..26 10. References...27

When you think about your grandmother's life decades ago, you would certainly say that it was very difficult. We feel thankful for a much comfortable and convenient life in present time. But hold the thanks! By failing to understand the hidden costs of this comfort in terms of economic, social, environment and physical, we have put our own bodies, our families and our planet in grave danger. Every day we make choices those either bring beneficial elements into our lives or the toxic ones. This e-book is all about having non-toxic choices at each step and in every sphere of the life. The each small, incremental and quiet choice you make, you give your body just another step towards a healthier and disease free life. This e-book helps you to make greener and non-toxic choices without sacrificing convenience and budget. These choices will improve your own and your loved ones health better. Trust me once you get started, you won't stop. You will gain natural momentum because of doing just the right things for yourself, your family and the planet. You will certainly kick-off toxic substances in your life gradually.

There are numerous toxins which surrounds human life everywhere. If you just talk about pesticides, you will be shocked to know that more than 1 billion pounds of pesticides are applied only on U.S. farms, forests, golf courses and lawns every year. According to Pesticide Action Network (PAN), the pesticide use has gone up from the year 2004 as compared to the past 20 years. The present global pesticide market is supposed to be somewhere around $40 billion, and it is expected to grow at almost 3% per year. With this increase it will reach $52 billion by 2014. Out of the total use of these pesticides, approximately 80% is used for agricultural purposes. The rest of the amount is used by the people those adopt chemically reliant lawns and landscapes. Moreover, the use of GMO seeds which can tolerate higher applications of herbicides has driven increased sales of weed killers. An amazing book Toxic Deception: How the Chemical Industry Manipulates Science, Bends the Law and Endangers Your Health, written by Marianne Lavelle, discloses the fact that around 70,000 different types of chemicals are used in industries today across the world. The huge amount of six trillion pound of these chemicals is produced every year. These chemicals are used in plastic, rubber, fabric, food, fuels, dye and many other industries for various processes. Despite of knowing and understanding the facts stated above, these chemicals are still everywhere!! The media assault us daily with some or the other scary facts and figures warning against the harmful effects certain products. Sometimes the information is helpful and some other times not. You get confused what and whom to trust. Even the bigger question arisesWHAT TO DO? This book will bring your attention towards the fact that how the simple choices made in everyday life can reduce the impact of many of these toxins. You find that you have several 'green' choices those can replace the toxin containing products from your day to day life. While reading ahead you will identify more and more toxins present in the world around, it can be astonishing. Please don't become discouraged. You are not required to change the whole world around you because you simple can't do that! You can start with the making changes in simple things like- the water you drink or the cleaner you use at home- and then gradually move on. The book has some crucial information packed with facts and figures. I have tried to make it user friendly, and may be even a little entertaining, so that readers would be able to absorb the message.

Sources of toxins
If you lived in the primitive time where there was no pollution in air, food, water and soil and there was a peaceful life and spiritual awareness, you probably would not have to know and assess the presence of the toxins around you. Your body would totally rely on its natural mechanism of cleansing up because the level of the toxins would be so low. But in present time, the possibility of finding such an environment is meager, and thus it becomes increasingly important that you become aware of the types of toxins that could be debilitating your energy and the health. There are two categories of the sources of toxins- The first one is External toxins or the exogenous toxins. These toxins come from outside the body. They come from sources such as the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat. The second type of toxins comes from within the body. Yes. They are produced inside the human body as a result of certain metabolic activities or mental processes going on. They are known as internal toxins or the endogenous toxins. It is very important to identify the source of the toxins. Once you have recognized the potential source of the toxin, you can work towards eliminating the whole resource. This will reduce the negative effects of these toxins on the body. Human body has a limited natural capacity to remove the toxins those go into it and the body gives warning signals from within when it is overwhelmed by the toxins. Many of us tend to ignore such symptoms and if at all we do, we fail to associate them with the presence of toxins. A checklist of such warning symptoms is discussed ahead in the next section. Toxicity Symptom Checklist In this section you will come across a few symptoms those are treated effectively with the traditional medicine primarily, but these initial indicators of the health downturn can develop into the chronic health conditions and diseases sooner or later. These health complaints may look very familiar and people around us are often heard talking about these symptoms. Take some time and consider which symptoms apply to you: Digestive system- Indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, bad body odor, bad breath, coating on tongue, bloating, nausea, abdominal pains, gallstones, hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome, candida. Musculoskeletal system- Neck pain, back pain, frequent headache, aches in body, sore joints. Dermal System- Extremely dry or oily skin, dark circles under the eyes, puffiness under the eyes, rashes, aches, hives, slowly healing wounds, Eczema. Endocrine system- Food cravings, over eating /under eating, excessive sweating, night sweats, diabetes, infertility. Immune system and Nervous system- Frequent cold or flu, allergies, fatigue, insomnia, mental fog, dizziness, hyperactivity. Respiratory and Cardiovascular System- Sneezing, coughing, Sinus infection, congestion, shallow breathing, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol. 5

Psychological Indicators- Mood swings, depression, anxiety, irritability.

Did you find any of these symptoms that are bothering you? Most of us are living with many symptoms listed above originating as a result of toxicity, but we think that it is our bad luck that we have these health condition. We also blame the aging process. It is to note here that toxicity may not be only responsible for these symptoms but for sure can be a contributing factor. Our body has a natural programming to heal itself but when the threshold is crossed we face certain life threatening conditions. Just in case you don't identify any of the above stated symptoms, you are most likely in a great health.

A May 2010 study out of Harvard shows that even tiny, allowable amounts of a common pesticide class can have dramatic effects on brain chemistry.

In following pages you are going to read about various places where you are most likely to get an exposure to the toxic substances. You would also get answer to the question What can I do.

The body weight of an average adult is made up of approximately 60 percent of water. We need water for digestion, absorption, circulation, waste elimination and many other bodily processes. We need water for numerous other day to day and commercial activities. The world's water for human use comes mainly from the rivers and streams. But the huge amount of chemicals those reach the various water sources have polluted the major water bodies of the world. According to the World Water Assessment Program (WWAP), around 70 percent of the industrial waste which is dumped untreated in the water bodies comes from the developing countries of the world. In addition, around 900,000 metric tons of oil is released in the oceans every year, either knowingly or unknowingly. In the year 1992 alone, 273 million pounds of toxic waste was dumped into surface water. Much of this industrial waste is toxic and carcinogenic. The underground water is equally polluted because of the leaching of the harmful toxins from underground dumping and the chemicals used on soil during farming. A 338 million pounds of toxic waste is deposited on land and an additional 726 billion pond is injected underground either legally or illegally. The drinking water samples gave positive test for the pesticides in many countries across the world. The Environmental working group(, found the pesticide DBCP- which is most potent carcinogenic toxin, present in the drinking water supply of one million Californians living in Central Valley during the year 1999. Several researches over the world have proved the fact that despite of the waste water treatment process, several pharmaceutical drugs can be detected in the water supply. Because of this reason, people are becoming more and more concerned about the safety of the tap water that they receive. According to an estimate, thirty million Americans use tap water everyday. EPA has identified 700 pollutants that regularly occur in drinking water taken from the tap or wells or springs. The estimates by Environmental Working group and National Resource Council say that one fifth of US population drink tap water containing lead, fecal matter, toxins and other harmful substances. WHAT CAN I DO? The study published by the department of Energy of Massachusetts in America Journal of public health discloses the fact that 50-70 percent of exposure to water we use is through our skin. This clearly means that we need to take into account the water we use for bathing in addition to the water we use for drinking and cooking. Get a good quality water filter: The filtration system which uses reverse osmosis (RO) with activated charcoal and screen filters are supposed to be very good. The safest choice is to install it for the whole supply of water that you receive at home. This is attached with the cold water line. Another approach can be using one on the faucet in your kitchen. You can also buy a counter top filter which is similar to a coffee filter. Find more such products on

The chloroform story Chloroform can also enter your body through the skin. You are most likely to be exposed to chloroform by drinking contaminated water and/or by breathing contaminated indoor or outdoor air. Chloroform is found in drinking water supplies. While taking shower your body is exposed to six times the chloroform as you would absorb from drinking treated water. People spending a lot of time in swimming pools may also be exposed to higher levels of chloroform. A large amount of chloroform can affect the central nervous system (brain), liver and kidneys. Studies have shown that breathing high levels of chloroform for a short duration can cause fatigue, dizziness, and headache. The high levels of chloroform can cause liver and kidney damage.

You can purchase bottled water for the kitchen. Consider having a glass water bottle as the plastic one passes chemicals to the water contained in it. You can find a delivery system service which provides water in glass bottles. Carry your own water bottle or get a bottle of best quality water when you are dinning out or away from home. Consider having ozone rather than having chlorine in the pool. Keep yourself informed about various issues related to the water and its supply. The Environmental Working group's site- deals with chemicals pollution of drinking water.

The debate over chlorine and fluorine Chlorine and fluorine are mixed in the public water supply in most of the countries with the rationale that chlorine destroys the micro- organism responsible for causing water borne diseases whereas fluorine helps in preventing the problem of tooth decay among general public. There has been a ton of talk on the effects of ingesting these two inorganic chemicals on a life-long basis. For example, the chlorine destroys the 'friendly' bacteria that are essential for human health. The bacteria which would fight off some or the other communicable diseases in water, are destroyed. In addition, chlorine remains ineffective in eliminating the harmful microorganisms like virus particularly, from the water. Long term chlorine intake may cause cancer. Same is the case of fluorine, where consuming glasses of fluoridated water can put human beings to a risk of cancer and osteoporosis. Moreover, additional sources of fluoride in toothpastes, pesticides residue on food products in combination with treated water can result in toxic levels of exposure and weakening of teeth and bones.

A number of cities in the world are facing numerous problems as a result of air pollution created by increasing number of vehicles on roads. Within past few years people have become more dependent on car travel. Numbers say that per capita cars in America are more than any other nation in the world. This has led to problems like traffic jams, pollution, global warming and many more. Alone traffic congestion costs Americas economy approximately $78 billion. America is the second country, after China, in the world, whose transportation system produces highest amount of carbon dioxidethe gas responsible for global warming. Thus, it has become absolutely necessary for America to reduce emissions from its transportation. In addition increasing number of vehicles on roads is responsible for effecting public health by generating air pollution, traffic accidents and sedentary, car-dependent lifestyles. It has been found that, it is 79% safer if you travel in a bus than to drive your own vehicle. The toxins released as the by-products of the burning fuel in the vehicles lead to many health issues not only in human beings but they are dangerous for plants and animals as well. The early symptoms to the outdoor pollutants include eye, nose or throat irritation. People living in cities are vulnerable to diseases like emphysema, bronchitis, asthma and lung cancer because of the exposure to toxins in air. The air pollution poisons the whole body and the toxicity may further lead to cancer, premature death and heart diseases. If you consider the quality of air inside the home, you will find it to be more polluted as compared to the outside air. This is because of the things such as paints & varnishes, out gassing from furniture, insulation and building materials (especially particle board and plywood), carpets, smoking, cleaning and personal care products, pets, dust mites, mold, combustion appliances (gas heaters, stoves, etc.), fine particulate matter from outdoor pollution and forest fires.

Air fresheners- Really freshen the air? The air fresheners emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), like most paints do. In the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), the manufacturer admit that breathing high concentrations of vapor in excess of the permitted exposure level may cause problems such as headache, nervousness, dizziness, tremors, fatigue and nausea. Air fresheners in the form of solid sticks, oil-based and other plug-ins and sprays should NOT be used to cover up smells in your home, your school or your office as they have harmful effects on human body. Evidences show that fragrances, including those from air fresheners and laundry detergents, have an "addictive" quality. This may be why some people love the scents that are emitted from air fresheners or other synthetic fragrance. This does not change the toxicity of these chemicals, however, and it is really advisable that you stop using all synthetic fragrances. Why to make indoor air more polluted with air fresheners?

WHAT CAN I DO? You might feel like helpless when the question of doing something about the outdoor pollution comes. But you can take some concrete steps to reduce the effect of toxins on your health. Some of the steps that you can take are very familiar but surely they are very effective. Plant trees-Trees improve the quality of air, provide surface that trap airborne particles harmful for human health, reduce the need of air conditioning by keeping the surroundings cool and add beauty to the landscape. Check with the local environmental groups to find out about their tree planting programs. Leave your car at home- You can play an important role in reducing the traffic jams and air pollution. Go for carpool on your way to work. We can lessen our carbon footprints by reducing the number of cars on the road. There are three empty seats in our car, you can have new friends and go to your work place together. This will help you to save money and you may possibly qualify for employee benefits as well. Use public transit. Among all public transport the train system is thought to be the most efficient, as train carries a large number of passengers at one time, uses less fuel and release less toxins in air. Buses are also a good option, especially ones using bio-diesels because they are eco- friendly. Motivate children and youngsters to walk. Try to inculcate the habit of walking wherever it is feasible. You can walk down to nearby market place with kids and pets rather than using a car. Check the air quality when moving to a new place- Be alert when you are planning to have a new home. Check for the industrial and commercial sources of air pollution nearby such as freeways/highways, dry cleaners, gas stations, industrial plant and paint and body shop.

Indoor pollution
You definitely have a larger control over the quality of air inside your home and work place. You can follow the ideas given below to decrease the amount of toxins going into your body when you breathe: WHAT CAN I DO? Get an air purifier- Buy a good quality air purifier if you live in a city. The air purifiers filter smoke, bacteria, mold, toxic fumes, and hydrocarbons released from cooking, pollens, odor, dust, and dander. You can choose a portable model of the air purifier which runs through your central heating and air conditioning system. There are two other options as well, one- that operate both independently or the other one which works with the central unit. They can be purchased from home improvement store. Get an air purifier having HEPA filtration. HEPA means High Efficiency Particulate Air which will capture 99.97% of all particles. You can install special furnace filters which are designed to remove 90% or more of allergens and particles. Find more information on You can get an air purifier for your car and one for your desk at workplace. There are some compact models available in the market those can be kept on the table. 10

Clean ducts and vents in central heating air conditioning- These require regular attention and cleaning as you do for your rest of the home. These air passages can collect dust, vapors, mites, bacteria, fungi, smoke, toxic chemicals and vapors and many more things. Find some local service to get vacuum and cleaning done. Stay away from artificial fresheners-There are various ways to make the home smell better in most natural ways.

The best way to protect yourself, especially children who may have asthma or other respiratory illnesses, is to reduce the use of products and materials that contain toxic compounds. Keep house clean. Open windows Take off trash every day. You can keep fresh coffee grounds on the counter. Grind up a slice of lemon in the garbage disposal. Toss baking soda at the bottom of the trash can.

Get at the root of the odor and enjoy fresh air inside naturally! Plants are great helpers- In a research of over 25 years, Dr Bill Wolverton and other scientist of NASA investigated the plants that would gobble up air pollutants in a closed environment. They found out that there are certain indoor plants those absorb airborne toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene. The toxins released from the sources like carpeting, dry cleaning, plastics, ink, detergents, adhesives, insulation etc. can cause many health conditions. The plants are listed in the book-'How to grow fresh air'. A few plants those can absorb such toxins are- Bamboo palm, Boston Fern, Peace Lilly, spider plant, ficus, English ivy, Chrysanthemum, poinsetta, Gerbera daisy and Poinsetta. For more information you can visit- Get natural furnishing- Most of the furnishings in our home are made out of synthetic material which are the sources of toxins. The fabric used in upholstery are often treated with formaldehyde resin to prevent stains. Similarly, the plywood or the board objects are also coated with formaldehyde. Look for natural alternatives- like natural, cotton or wool which come without harsh chemical treatment. Find some replacement for wall to wall carpeting- Synthetic carpeting is made from acrylic, polyester and nylon which give off toxic gases like benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, zylene and styrene. Instead of the carpet consider area rug made from cotton or cotton-wool blend. Natural wall to wall carpets are also available in the market. You can opt for ceramic tiles, hardwood or natural linoleum for flooring. Get non-toxic products- Choose non-toxic cleaners, soaps, detergents and air fresheners. There are a lot of natural products available in the market. You can find a few on- Earth friendly products (www. and Ecomall (


Choose cloth diapers- A study published in Archives of Environmental Health shows that the plastic coated disposable diapers give off an array of chemicals including toluene, xylene and styrene, responsible for causing eye and lung irritations, in laboratory mice. However, no such symptoms have been seen among children. So it is best to use the quality cloth diapers.


Daily Surroundings
Every single day we are exposed to countless toxins present in our surroundings. The things such as food, artificial lighting, electronic equipment, paint on the walls, pesticides used in home or in gardens and personal care products, all add to the toxic burden on our bodies. Artificial Light and EMF If we take the case of the artificial light both- fluorescent and incandescent- does not contain the full spectrum of wavelengths as there is in sunlight. The modern lifestyle and working conditions make people spend most of the time indoors. Thus, the body is not getting the natural light which is a must for body to function such as triggering the secretion of chemical messengers in the body that regulate many automatic functions. The extent of the absorption of the nutrients taken from the food is also affected. Sunlight is an important source of vitamin D. The deprivation of natural light leads to mood swings. The artificial light works with the electricity and the flowing electric current causes Electric and Magnetic Fields(EMF). It is believed that exposure to these fields can cause sleep disorders, mood change, allergies, stress syndrome, brain tumors and many other health problems to some extent. Paints The paints used on canvas, walls and on doors contain many chemical toxins which find their way into the body through eyes, mouth, skin and nose. The toxins present in paints affect both commercial painters as well as the canvas painters. A few examples of toxins present in paints are- cadmium, chlorine, benzene, sulfur, formaldehyde, mercury and xylene. House painters have 40 percent more risk to cancer, allergies and skin problems than average human being. Its not that only the paint professionals are at risk, the studies have revealed that a measurable amount of common paint chemicals are found in the body of 90 percent people. Pesticides Another deadly source of toxin is the pesticides used in homes and garden to get rid of insects. Exposure to such pesticides may cause immune suppression, cancer, birth defects, cancer, and liver damage. The effects of these pesticides turn around when over the time they get accumulated in the fatty tissues of human body. Other Sources of Toxins Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like Formaldehyde used in permanent press sheets, mattresses, foam, plastics and building materials cause insomnia, coughing, headaches, nausea, nosebleeds and skin rashes. They are neurotoxins and carcinogens. These chemicals are irritating and they cause allergy as well. Toluene, Xylene, and Petroleum Distillates used in paints and stain removers are also suspected carcinogens. Carpet pads, foam for 13

mattresses, chairs, and couches all contain harmful chemicals which have known to cause problems in prenatal and infant brain development and thyroid hormones.

WHAT CAN I DO? You can make efforts to create a toxic free home as far as possible because you can't live your life without many of the things listed above. Enjoy time outdoors- Take out time from your busy schedule for yourself and spend some time out in the sunlight everyday even if it is for a few minutes. Go for a walk early morning, or may be after dinner. When inside home or office, sit by the sunny window if possible. Cut back the electronic devices and the electric rods in your bedroom- We spend two third time in our bedroom, so it is wise to reduce the EMFs in bedroom. Move away the answering machine, radios etc. besides your head near your bed. Watch TV in living room. Pull out the plugs- When the electric equipments are not in use turn off and put away the plug. You will reduce the EMFs as well as save electricity. Don't use electric blankets- Get woolen spreads or the comforter instead of the electric blankets. Adjust computer monitor with lower emission- Replace the traditional desktop monitor with LCD screen. Look for low emission screens, signified as TCO emblem. Turn off the screen when possible. The screen should be about 25 inches from your eyes, or about an arm's length. Keep the printers and CPUs at a distance rather than just besides your body. Limit the time of talk when using a cellphone-The researches have proved the potential hazards of the microwaves on the brain when we talk on cell phone. Avoid those longer chats on the cell phone, use your landline for the same. Keep your cell phone for important and emergency purposes. Use safer alternatives to the chemical pesticides- The best method to defend your garden against destructive pests and weeds is to have biodiversity. Grow different kinds of plants which will encourage variety of beneficial insects to take up residence in your yard, where they can eat away the harmful insects and create a balanced ecosystem. You can make a significant impact on the environment if you choose natural methods to control weeds and pests. This will also affect the health of your family members, especially your children. Mulching-One of the best method to control weeds is mulching. Mulching is a 3 inch layer of organic material-leaves, clippings of grass, vegetable scraps from kitchen, bark chips etc. It can be inorganic as well including stones, brick chips etc. This is spread on the top of the soil around your plants in spring or fall. Mulch stabilizes the soil temperature, prevents weeds, conserves water, prevents soil erosion and gives a nice look to your garden. Replace your mattress: You spend nearly one-third of your life on your mattress, this important get rid of your old mattress. There are flame-retardant, petro- chemicals and stain-resistant chemicals were sprayed on it which give off gases harmful for health. You can choose a natural cotton mattress or organic cotton mattress. These cotton mattresses are very firm. You can always use a wool topper to soften the top. It will relieve pressure points. Choose sheets, blankets, and duvet covers made with untreated or organic 14

cotton or wool. You can get many beautiful colors in Organic cotton now a days. Choose VOC free paints-Next time you get your home painted, use no VOC paints or stains you can try hemp wall upholstery that can be stapled into place without using adhesives. Get fresh air-Keep your windows open and let recycle the air regularly. Use a window guard to stops pollen, dust, and dirt particles from entering your room. Clean floors, especially under the bed, using fresh mop heads

Personal Care Products Let us look at a typical morning for many of us which starts with the alarm buzz. You sit up in bed, yawn and stretch and then glance at the clock. You wish to have a few more minutes of sleep. But, you know you can't stay in the bed longer, so you stagger into the bathroom. From here starts the whole process of poisoning our body with numerous chemicals. The toxic substances are present in water, toothpaste, mouthwash, soaps, shampoos, cosmetics, fragrances and baby products. The details of such chemicals can be read in the box. By the time you complete your typical morning routine, you may have poisoned your body with untold amounts of harmful chemicals. Find details of the toxins in the box. Water Once you step into the shower, the water hits your face. This water is chlorinated, contains poisons and toxins that removes the good bacteria inside your digestive tract and create cancer causing chemicals in the body as discussed earlier. Toothpaste After getting chlorinated water on your face you then head over to sink, pull out toothbrush, apply toothpaste and brush your teeth. You might not have noticed the warning written on the back of the toothpaste that says Keep out of the reach of children under the age of six. If accidentally swallowed please contact a poison control center immediately. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that label to be on the toothpaste box as well as on the toothpaste. This label is there because the toothpaste contains a harmful substance known as fluoride, which is highly poisonous to the body of children as well as adults. It goes directly into your body and bloodstream. Mouthwash After having your teeth brushed, Its time to gargle with mouthwash. It has been found in certain studies that a mouthwash contains 25% of alcohol content. This alcohol increases the chances of oral cancer. If you are using a mouthwash which is typically bought from a pharmacy shop or a grocery store, the product may produce up to a 60% increased cancer risk in men and up to 90% increased risk in women. Alcohol acts as a solvent in the mouth making tissues more vulnerable to carcinogens.


Soap The soap which you use is full of animal fat and processed lard- out of a the tray where it has been sitting in a warm, moist environment for many days or weeks. Lard and dead skin cells cover you as you rub the soap over your body but at least smells good. Shampoo While bathing the shampoo you use to rub on your scalp, contains toxic chemicals. The pores of your scalp which are already open from the hot and chlorinated water, get chemicals like DEA,TEA, isopropylene and sodium lauryl sulfate present in shampoo. These substances are toxic and known to cause cancer. They enter into your bloodstream through your scalp. Lotion After you rinse off soap and shampoo, you get out of shower. Now, that you have toweled off, your skin feels dry. Its time to apply lotion. You don't realize that the skin which actually seems dry is not dry at all. The dry filmy feeling on your skin is caused during the lathering process when you strip the natural oils off your body and replace them with dead skin cells and lard. Lotion contain propylene glycol, which is also found in shampoos, hair conditioners, hand and body lotions, skin and beauty creams and deodorants, is known to be responsible for dermatitis, kidney damage and liver abnormalities; can inhibit cell growth in human tests and can damage membranes causing rashes, dry skin and surface damage.(From Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)). According to The American Academy of Dermatologists Inc, Jan 1991,Propylene Glycol causes significant number of reactions and was a primary irritant to the skin in low levels of concentrations. Deodorant Before dressing up, you apply your deodorant with antiperspirant. But forget the fact that human bodies are meant for sweating. By using this kind of deodorants, you are actually suppressing the body's natural mechanism of releasing natural toxins through sweat glands. The antiperspirant deodorants contain an active ingredient aluminum which has been linked to breast tissue lumps, memory loss and Alzheimer's disease. The antiperspirant deodorants becomes worse when they are applied after shaving the underarms. The label at the back of the deodorants gives warning, Do not apply on broken skin. applying these products on broken skin increases the absorption two-fold and thus more chemicals get into our bloodstream. Baby products Many of the baby shampoos and other health care products are known to contain most of the harmful chemicals contained in any personal care product. Cosmetics and toiletries For many women the next step is applying make-up. Numerous deadly diseases have been known which are caused by the use of common cosmetics. Cosmetics including foundation, face powder, lipstick, eye shadow, blush etc. contains toxic substances. One of these colorless, odorless alcohol found in the common personal care product is Propylene Glycol. Its harmful effects have already been discussed. Sodium lauryl sulfate, which is a foaming agent and found in many cosmetics can cause permanent eye damage to animals, increase cancer risk and may lead to drying the mucous lining within the body. Conventional toiletries such as shaving cream and gel, perfume, after shave lotions, cologne contain propane, butane and sodium lauryl sulfate. Have you ever thought why your blade rust and dull so quickly? The chemicals in the shaving cream are 16

WHAT CAN I DO? Let your daily routine go green which is very important in order to maintain a good health. Go organic-You need to incorporate organic shampoo, soaps, lotion and toothpaste and using filters in your water system to get non-chlorinated water. Look for natural substitutes- You can also go for natural home-made substitutes for lotions and certain cosmetics. Skip fragrances- Use cosmetics and other products those have very little or no fragrances at all. Organic make up can be looked up at, Dr and Pick essential oils- Rather than using perfumes or colognes use natural essential oils. Before taking bath, add a few drops of any of the essential oil you like most, in your bath tub. Feel the energy of this oil melting away tension that you may be carrying in your body. Shop for natural shampoos and hair products- Get some non-toxic hair care products containing herbs.


Do you ever wonder how is the ever-increasing demand for the food is met, considering the fact that we have a limited agricultural land available. The farmers meet this demand with the help of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and genetic engineering. The food crops are exposed to several hundred different chemicals so as to increase the produce and to save it from the insect attack. In addition the food produce is further exposed to radiations to increase the shelf life. The food is over-processed with added artificial flavors, colors, additives to enhance the taste and color, striping off almost all the nutrients and adding all toxins. All the above mentioned things are just a few examples to make you aware of the fact that you should be a smart food shopper and handler so that you can derive maximum benefits from the food you eat and reduce the amount of the toxins you intake. WHAT CAN I DO? Buy organic whenever possible- Look and ask for organic products in the stores near your place. Shop at a local food store which has organic produce. In this way you will decrease your dependency on farms that ship food nationwide and cut back on gas emissions. Organic food does not contain the toxic chemicals and biotechnology of conventionally farmed food. Shop at Farmers Market- Try to shop at the farmer's market for food near your place. You can buy seasonal, fresh, organic and best price food there. Freeze the seasonal produce in bulk and freeze well for a few months. Read the labels- The processed food which is an integral part of our meals, needs special care and attention while you shop for them. If you are a little more alert you can avoid the unpleasant aspects related to the food product by paying attention to the small print. You may like the beautiful and colorful carton of a famous juice and pick it up from the cool shelf of a supermarket but you may find in small print only 10% real juice which means the rest is sugar, water and other additives to make it colorful and real fruit juice like. The labels don't tell the whole story. Skip the imported produce- The imported food items should be avoided for the reason of the questionable nutritional value they are left with because of the days they might have traveled and the pollution that has been created in the course of their transportation. Don't buy irradiated food- Check the symbol of irradiation on the package or you can read the line which says that This food has been treated with ionizing radiations. Avoid GMO food- Keep yourself informed about the genetically modified food and the news related to them. You can find more details about them on and on Stay away from refined food- Food manufacturers have taken out all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals from natural grains like wheat and rice to achieve the color and texture change. This refining process totally compromises the nutritional integrity of the food for all appearances. The nutrients are sacrificed for the sake of the shelf life and profit. The refined food are simple carbs and provides empty calories which deplete the reserves of essential nutrients. Over the years these toxic aspects of our food habits cause chronic health conditions and premature aging. 18

Take more of the complex carbs- Complex carbs are good for you. Carbs are actually major source of energy for the body.

The complex Carb Story Complex Carbs are vital and unlike simple carbs, contain longer chains of sugar molecules; these usually take more time for the body to break down and use. Complex carbs release energy gradually, providing a steady source of energy. These carbs get absorbed slowly into our systems, avoiding spikes in blood sugar levels. Avoiding and limiting them, as low carb diet suggests, is not at all a good idea and moreover it is dangerous as well. Even though fat and proteins can be burned for fuel, carbs are the most important and efficient energy source. They are loaded with vitamins and minerals, photochemicals and other essential nutrients. They have got a good amount of fiber which is good for digestive system. Complex carbs are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds and legumes ( lentils and beans). The fiber in fruits and vegetables changes the way that the body processes their sugars and slows down their digestion, making them a bit more like complex carbohydrates. Complex carbs diets dont require you to exercise every day or count calories you can eat food that makes you feel full and enjoy rich foods. These actually prevent insulin spikes and stabilize your blood sugar level. Excess insulin encourages fat storage.

Refined sugar- Sugar can actually turn our bodies into fat storing machines, even if we are not eating any fat. The concentrated nature of beverages allows sugar to enter the blood stream more quickly, so sugary drinks are often more likely to cause fat gain. Food and beverages high in refined sugars contribute to insulin resistance by causing a spike in blood sugar levels. Human beings are not built to handle that much sugar, and we do not show any signs of adapting to it. Fortunately, this condition can be prevented, greatly improved, or even reversed by avoiding sugar, eating more fiber, being active and stop smoking, all of which make the cells more sensitive to insulin. WHAT CAN I DO? Use Stevia or honey or date sugar- Stevia is- a herb, is three hundred times sweeter than the sugar. It is being used in Japan as a sweetener for decades and in South America for centuries. Watch the hidden sources of sugar in processed food- Look at the labels carefully. The things like sucrose, corn syrup, honey, malt syrup, high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners like saccharin are the sources of the sugar. The harmful Additives Additives have many long lasting effects on our bodies. Over three thousand additives are being used in today's food industry. The additives are not found in nature so they have ill effects on our health system. Some short term effect are depression of immune system, irritation of internal tissues, ADHD (attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity), ADD(attention deficit disorder). Long term intake of these additives can lead to cancer. Some of these additives are Monosodium glutamate, aspartame, sulfites, nitrates, BHT & BHA, and a few artificial colors like red number 40 and yellow number 5. Some other 19

additives may be harmful in combination with the amino acids present in human body.

The hidden sources of MSG Monosodium glutamate is a controversial additive that is used in many food products to enhance its flavor. It is highly toxic and has been associated with symptoms like headache, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, burning sensation, changes in heart rate, difficulty in breathing, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Looking for the word Monosodium glutamate is not enough because the manufacturers camouflage the presence of this chemical. Some of the ingredients that often contain MSG are- Autolyzed yeast, Calcium caseinate, gelatin, hydrolyzed protein, Yeast extract, Yeast food, Sodium caseinate and hydrolyzed soy proteins. Thus, the best way to avoid MSG is to cook at home and take a pass on the refined food. When eating out, find a place which prepares food with natural ingredients and without additives.

Irradiated food contains Radura symbol. So watch for that. WHAT CAN I DO? Expand your organic shopping-Include meat and dairy products to your shopping list from an organic store. Find the place where you get meat of the animals those were not treated with antibiotic or hormones. You can also find some brands supplying the same kind of meat. One such name is Shelton's Poultry-www.shelton' which supplies natural free range poultry to health food stores and supermarkets. Fish- Some varieties of fish are less likely to contain concentration of toxic chemicals. The book written by David Steinman- Diet for Poisoned Planet, lists the sea food which is safe to eat as well as the food that should be skipped. 20

Safe Sea food list- Abalone, Haddock, Halibut, Mahi-mahi, orange roughy, scallops, sea bass, shrimp, sole, yellow tail, pacific Salmon and dungeness crab. The sea food which should be avoided includes- Bass, carp, cod, bluefish, lake trout, mackerel, ocean perch, shark, swordfish, white perch, lake trout and catfish. Beverages Water is undoubtedly the healthiest drink on the earth. If you have a habit of slugging down the soda all the day and think that your daily requirement for fluid intake is being met, then you are mistaking. The concerns about the ingredients like caffeine, aspartame and too much sugar in beverages have been publicized but yet another ingredient phosphoric acid is not much talked about. This can affect the mineral deposits, especially calcium, present in bones, leading to weaker bones. People who drink a lot of soda and almost no milk can have three times more fractures of bones as compared to others. Coffee and some kind of tea are the sources of the caffeine, excess of which is known for cardiovascular diseases, breast cancer and some behavioral problems in humans. There are lots of chemicals used during the growth cycle of coffee crop. Besides this alcohol has addictive quality. It contains many toxins. Drinking more than three drinks a day has a direct toxic effect on the heart. The immediate effects of alcohol intake may cause talkativeness, dizziness, nausea

and vomiting if taken in large quantity. Heavy drinking over the time, can damage the heart and lead to high blood pressure, enlarged and weakened heart, congestive heart failure, and stroke. It is recommended by Health experts that women should not take more than one standard drink a day and no more than two standard drinks per day for men. WHAT CAN I DO? Drink water instead of the soda-You can add half of the juice to your water, if you don't feel like drinking water only. Choose organic and decaffeinated coffee and tea. Try herbal tea- You can have wild cherry raspberry, Raspberry Zinger and many more are varieties are available in supermarkets. Food Packaging The packaging for various food products is made from plastic, aluminum foil, aluminum product boxes and other kind of take out boxes. The film wrapping which is used to wrap cheese, meat, vegetables and fish may transfer DEHP or DEHA which are carcinogenic. The plastic containers can add chlorides which have carcinogenic effect. The aluminum foil and the containers also transfer the aluminum to the stored food material. Chemical components microwaveable ready to food items leach into the food when they are prepared in the microwave. WHAT CAN I DO? 21

Avoid plastics- Try not to wrap the food products like vegetable, fruits and meat in plastic bags, instead use paper bags. Use waxed paper to cover your stored food- This is still a better choice than the aluminum or plastic wrappers. Favor the use of the glass bottles for the beverages. Take a pass on to the Styrofoam products whenever possible.

Harmful effects of plastic on health of human beings and animals Additives those are added to plastics so as to have desired physical properties, are poorly bonded with polymers. They leach out and enter human body when chewed on teether or used as tubes in hospitals. They find way in digestive system of animals and pose serious health hazards. During production of Styrene harmful chemicals like benzene, 1,3butadine, carbon tetrachloride are released which are carcinogens. Chromium (IV) oxide released, produces both cancer and is mutagenic. The workers show elevated rate of cancer, irritation to eyes, nose and throat, dizziness and unconsciousness. PVC dust leads to an increased incidence of lung tumors, gastric and gastrointestinal cancer. Solvent from PVC, which is Tetrahydrofuran causes irritation of eyes, nose, respiratory tract, headache, dizziness and potential damage to central nervous system, liver and kidney. PVC has plasticisers, which have a tendency to migrate into food wrapped in PVC plastic. PVC flooring releases particularly high concentration of plasticiser and contributes to the sick building syndrome, commonly reported in modern office blocks. PET releases acetaldehyde into the products like water, oil, juice etc in it. This leads to the production of toxins. PE contains Lead and Cadmium as additive, which are very toxic. Lead is known as neurotoxin, which cause depression of central nervous system, unconsciousness, respiratory arrest, heart attack etc. PU production has resulted in occupational health problems. It creates hazardous by-products including Iso-cynates, Diamines and ozone depleting gases like Methylene chloride and CFCs. PE is highly inflammable material of its own. Heavy metal powders are used as fillers, which leach into the soil and groundwater contamination.

Food preparation Many of the undesirable chemicals can find their way into our body during the food preparation. Most of the cookware in modern world is made from aluminum despite of the 22

known fact that it can leech into the food which is being prepared. Ingesting aluminum results in neurological changes in the brain and gradual mental deterioration. Some researchers have found that fluorides in water increase the migration of the aluminum into the food being cooked in them. The nonstick cookware is coated with the synthetic lining. It has been reported that a bird lover lost his bird because of the fumes released from the overheated non-stick pan. The fumes came from the Polytetraflouethylene(PTFE) and the birds have smaller lungs so they couldn't bear with it and died. Microwave Oven People of modern world have become more dependent on microwave ovens for the convenience and the speed ignoring the fact that there is a growing suspicion that microwaves can cause chemical changes in the food. The food which is heated or cooked in the microwave oven undergoes intense microwaves inducing chemical alteration and depletion of the minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients present in it, thus, the human body gets little or no benefit, or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down. The nutrients present in fruits and vegetables are altered into cancerous free radicals. Long term intake of food processed in a microwave oven can cause permanent damage to brain by de-polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain tissue. The prolonged eating of microwaved foods causes an increase in cancerous cells in blood. The microwaves also influence immune system by creating deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations. The growing concern regarding the effect of the microwave has brought the attention of buyers and manufactures of the infant milk formulas. The study published in the Journal of Pediatrics, carried by Stanford University, found that immunoglobin- the antibodies, which provide passive immunity in infants, were destroyed by the microwaves. French fries French fries have become very poplar vegetable food product among the children and adults around the world. An estimated 400 million pounds of oil is used for frying the potatoes every year in USA alone. Despite of the awareness regarding the cutting down on fat intake, deep fried food, French fries remain the top favorite eaten by the children. It is not only the fat content which is a matter of concern, but the oil which is used for the frying is used repeatedly, forming dangerous toxins. Moreover, frying of any food causes free radical change which is another cause of the toxicity. Barbeque Barbeque involves cooking at a very high temperature which induces mutation in the food, especially if food is charred. The result of eating the food having mutagens is linked to cancer and birth defects. WHAT CAN I DO? Use stainless steel dishes- The stainless steel appears to be safest for cooking. You can use natural olive oil to prevent the sticking of the food to the bottom. Use microwave sparingly-Use microwave for shorter durations. Avoid as far as possible cooking for longer durations. Opt for broiled food-Avoid fried food and go for broiled food. Some restaurants have 23

option for new and innovative cooking methods which require less or no frying at all. Cut back berbequing- If you are a regular barbeque user, reduce the intensity. If you are a big fan of barbequed food, do grilling instead for shorter periods. Check for the lead in dinnerware- Find the suppliers those provide lead free dishes in your area. Eating out Today's fast pace life has made people to rely on the restaurants food more than the home made food. The fast food restaurants are experiencing an upswing sale as compared to the last decade. If you are eating out, be careful and aware about the hidden dangers and stay informed about the nutritional facts. You can encounter many toxins here as well for example MSG is used in all Chinese restaurants. Watch salt intake. Chinese dishes like Kung Pao Chicken and orange Beef are loaded with it. WHAT CAN I DO? Visit health promoting restaurants- If you are planning a meal out, spend some time and find restaurants nearby which make special effort to serve nutritious and clean meals. If you like the one you discovered, visit again and share the same with your friends. Scan the menus for specialty items- Look for the item which has more nutritional food ingredients. You can ask the waiter for more information. Eat broiled or roasted sandwiches- Chicken breast sandwiches and salads are the healthiest choices. Emphasis on beans, rice, lettuce and tomatoes. Taste finer things in life- Enjoy the real flavors of food. We think that over-salted, sugar loaded, fried and microwaved junk is the real taste of life which is not true. Enjoy the meal- Don't be in a rush to finish off what you are eating. Food eaten in rush, noisy and chaotic environment causes heart burn and indigestion. Relax and chew your food for a longer time.


Toxic Habits
Our habits bring a lot of toxins in our body. The irony is that we know the toxic effects of smoking and alcohol consumption but still data shows a hike in their selling year after year. It is a proven fact that smoking is the 'single most preventable reason of premature death' in the world. The tobacco kills over 11,000 a day worldwide! Around 5.4 million people die prematurely due to tobacco related illness. According to WHO estimates, the figure will rise to around 8.3 million in another 22 years. About 80 per cent of those will come from low and middle-income nations that will pay a heavy price in terms of financial and social costs. Numerous damaging effects of smoking are known to all of us, such as cancer in the pancreas, kidney, lungs, bladder, and the cervix, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and heart Disease. Other cancers such as cancers of the mouth, nose, throat, larynx, bladder, blood, and esophagus have a direct relation to smoking. Nicotine stimulates the central nervous system, which increases the heart rate and blood pressure. Drinking more than three drinks a day has a direct toxic effect on the heart. The immediate effects of alcohol intake may cause talkativeness, dizziness, nausea and vomiting if taken in large quantity. Heavy drinking over the time can damage the heart and lead to high blood pressure, enlarged and weakened heart, congestive heart failure, and stroke. WHAT CAN I DO? Believe in yourself Smokers need to have the confidence that they can quit. In short, they need to realize the inner strength and self-determination to quit alcohol and smoking. Make list -Smokers need to prepare their own list on tips and plans to quit smoking. Plan what you think can help you. Heavy alcohol drinkers should also do the same. Support groups- Many hospitals and volunteers are ready to help people those want to quit smoking and drinking. Find support from friends and family. Set up a date- Specify a date till when the smoker thinks he/she can completely quit smoking. Other things- Practice deep breathing, mediation and yoga. Join a gym and ask help of a doctor if you wish to. Spend time in creative way-Discover new places, sports clubs and other things to do rather sitting in a bar and having drinks. Find very helpful tips and information on-


Final Notes
After reading the whole book, you probably have a long list of toxins that you would like to avoid in future as far as possible. Although toxicity is a reality of today's world, you can put a positive twist on the process of removing them. Place your emphasis on recognizing the vast resources of non-toxic items you can add to your life. In fact by discovering the sources of toxins you have opened the doors for the whole new array for the positive possibilities in your life which will enhance your lifestyle and longevity. Proceed towards the change slowly and positively. Don't be in a rush to change everything overnight. Take step by step and plan what you want to achieve first. Even small changes will make a difference. If you choose the less toxic products and habits you will reward your body with more energy, enthusiasm, improved health and best quality of life. It will take some time for your body to show the effects, so be patient.


1. Pesticide Action Network North America 2. 3. Jha P, Jacob B, Gajalakshmi V, et al. A nationally representative case-control study of smoking and death in India. New Engl J Med 2008; DOI:10.1056.NEJMsa707719. Available at: 4. Walker , Morton. Chemical pollution of the body: All children are endangered by pesticides, Towsend letter for doctors and patients, June 1997. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Fitzgerald, Patricia. The Detox Solution (Illumination Press)


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