Hospital Management System Project
Hospital Management System Project
Hospital Management System Project
Learning Objectives
The designing of the Hospital Management System project helps the student to:
Create C++ classes with structures defined in them
Call the functions declared in the classes and the attributes defined in the
Develop and display main menu and its sub-menu
Change the menu options during runtime
Store data of the patients in arrays
The Hospital Management System Project is a menu based application, which takes the data of
new patients being admitted in a hospital as input and saves all the data in arrays. When you
run the Hospital management System application then a menu appears with three options;
Enter New Patient Information, View Details of Existing Patients and Exit Application. The Enter
New Patient Information option allows you to enter information related to a new patient of the
hospital. The View Details of Existing Patients option displays all the patient details on the
basis of registration number, starting from 1. This registration number keeps increasing, as
more patient records are added to the Hospital Management System. This Registration number
is automatically generated while a new record of a patient is entered. The following figure
shows the menu of the Hospital Management System.