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Explanation - Hospital Management System

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Building a Hospital Information System in C: A

Comprehensive Guide

In the field of healthcare, efficient management of patient records is
crucial for providing quality care. Keeping this in mind, we have
developed a simple Hospital Information System (HIS) using the C
programming language. This system allows users to display existing
patient records, add new patients, and exit the program. In this
article, we will explore the project's structure, functionality, and the
rationale behind design decisions.

Project Overview

The primary purpose of this project is to create a basic HIS that
facilitates the organization of patient information within a hospital. It
aims to provide a user-friendly interface for hospital staff to manage
patient records efficiently.

1. Display Patient Records: Users can view existing patient records,
including name, age, gender, and diagnosis.
2. Add Patient: Staff members can add new patient records to the
system, providing necessary details such as name, age, gender, and

3. User-Friendly Interface: The program features a menu-driven

interface, making it accessible and easy to navigate

4. Data Storage: Patient records are stored in an array of structures,

allowing for efficient data management.

Technology Used
The project is implemented in the C programming language, a
widely-used language known for its efficiency and versatility. The
standard input/output functions are utilized for user interaction.

Code Structure
Let's delve into the structure of the C code to understand how the
project is organized.

Header Files

The code includes standard header files for input/output and string


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>


A constant `MAX_PATIENTS` is defined to limit the maximum number
of patients the system can handle:


#define MAX_PATIENTS 50


Patient Structure
The `struct Patient` defines the structure of a patient, including fields
for name, age, gender, and diagnosis:


struct Patient {

char name[50];

int age;

char gender;

char diagnosis[100];


Function: `displayPatients`

This function is responsible for displaying patient records. It takes an

array of `Patient` structures and the number of patients as


void displayPatients(const struct Patient patients[], int numPatients);


Function: `addPatient`

The `addPatient` function allows the addition of a new patient to the

system. It takes an array of `Patient` structures and a pointer to the
number of patients as parameters:


void addPatient(struct Patient patients[], int *numPatients);


`main` Function

The `main` function serves as the entry point of the program. It

initializes an array of patients and manages the main menu loop:

int main() {

// Code within main function


User Interaction
The program employs a simple menu-driven interface to interact
with users. The menu includes options to display patient records, add
a new patient, and exit the program. Users input their choice, and
the program responds accordingly.


int choice;

do {

// Display menu

printf("\nHospital Information System\n");

printf("1. Display Patient Records\n");

printf("2. Add Patient\n");

printf("3. Exit\n");

printf("Enter your choice: ");

scanf("%d", &choice);
// Switch statement to handle user's choice

switch (choice) {

// Cases for displaying patients, adding patients, and exiting

} while (choice != 3);


Functionality in Detail

Displaying Patient Records

The `displayPatients` function iterates through the patient array and
prints the details for each patient. It provides a clear and organized
presentation of patient information.


void displayPatients(const struct Patient patients[], int numPatients);


Adding a New Patient

The `addPatient` function allows the addition of a new patient to the
system. It prompts the user for relevant details and updates the
patient array. The program ensures that the maximum number of
patients is not exceeded.

void addPatient(struct Patient patients[], int *numPatients);

Exiting the Program

The user can choose to exit the program by selecting option 3. This
option terminates the main menu loop, ending the program

Project Workflow
1. Initialization: The program begins by declaring an array of `Patient`
structures and initializing the `numPatients` variable to 0.

2. Menu Loop: The main menu loop allows users to repeatedly

choose options until they decide to exit the program.

3. User Choice Handling: The program uses a switch statement to

execute different functionalities based on the user's choice.

4. Display Patient Records: If the user chooses to display patient

records (option 1), the `displayPatients` function is called.

5. Add New Patient: Choosing option 2 triggers the `addPatient`

function, allowing the addition of a new patient to the system.

6. Exit Program: If the user selects option 3, the program exits the
loop and terminates.
In conclusion, the Hospital Information System project in C provides
a foundation for managing patient records within a hospital setting.
The project demonstrates the implementation of key features, such
as displaying existing records, adding new patients, and maintaining
a user-friendly interface. The use of structures enhances data
organization, while the menu-driven approach simplifies user

While this project serves as a basic example, it can be expanded and

enhanced to meet the specific requirements of a real-world hospital
information system. Additional features, error handling, and data
persistence mechanisms could be incorporated to make the system
more robust and practical.

Overall, this project serves as a valuable learning resource for

individuals interested in C programming and software development
in the healthcare domain. It combines fundamental programming
concepts with practical application, providing a solid foundation for
further exploration and development.

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