BBA IIIrd Semester Syllabus 2022-23
BBA IIIrd Semester Syllabus 2022-23
BBA IIIrd Semester Syllabus 2022-23
Semester IV
BBA401 Human Resource Management 3 1 2 20 20 40 60 100 5
BBA402 Marketing Management 3 1 2 20 20 40 60 100 5
BBA403 Operation Management 3 1 2 20 20 40 60 100 5
BBA404 Fundamentals of Financial 3 1 2 20 20 40 60 100 5
BBA405 Business Information System 3 1 2 20 20 40 60 100 5
Note: ESE -End Semester Examination, MT – Mid Term, TA – Teacher Assessment
BBA 2nd Year
3 1 2
Course Name: Quantitative Analysis & Decision Making Course Code: BBA301
Course Credit Hour: 5 hrs Total Contact hour: 50hrs
Course Objective: To familiarize the students with various Statistical Data Analysis tools that can be
used for effective decision making. Emphasis will be on the application of the concepts learnt to
various managerial situations
Course Description: Statistics is a course that is designed to give you the basic tools of collecting,
analyzing, presenting, and interpreting data. In the business community, managers must make
decisions based on what will happen to such things as demand, costs, and profits. These decisions are
an effort to shape the future of the organization. If the managers make no effort to look at the past and
extrapolate into the future, the likelihood of achieving success is slim.
Course Contents:
Unit 1: Statistical Data and Descriptive Statistics
a. Nature and Classification of data: univariate, bivariate and multivariate data; time-series and cross-
sectional data
b. Measures of Central Tendency
i. Mathematical averages including arithmetic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean;
Properties and applications
ii. Positional Averages
Mode and Median (and other partition values including quartiles, deciles, and percentiles)
(including graphic determination)
c. Measures of Variation: absolute and relative.
Range, quartile deviation, mean deviation, standard deviation, and their coefficients,
Properties of standard deviation/variance
d. Skewness: Meaning, Measurement using Karl Pearson and Bowley’s measures; Concept of
Concept of Sampling distributions and Theory of Estimation: Point and Interval estimation of
means (large samples) and proportions.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs): After completing the course, the student shall be able to:
CLO 1: Acquire a fair degree of proficiency in comprehending statistical data, processing and
analyzing it using descriptive statistical tools.
CLO 2: Gather knowledge about various probability concepts and distributions and their business
CLO 3: Understand the relationship between two variables using concepts of correlation and
regression and its use in identifying and predicting the variables.
CLO 4: Develop an understanding of the index numbers and their utility in daily life and stock market.
CLO 5: Become aware of the patterns revealed by the time series data and to use it to make
predictions for the future.
Text Books:
1. Gupta, S.C. Fundamentals of Statistics. Himalaya Publishing House.
2. Gupta S. P. (2018) Statistical methods, Sultan Chand and Sons.
Reference Books:
1. Levin, Richard, David S. Rubin, Sanjay Rastogi, and HM Siddiqui, Statistics for Management, 7th
ed., Pearson Education.
2. David M. Levine, Mark L. Berenson, Timothy C. Krehbiel, P. K. Viswanathan, Business Statistics:
A First Course, Pearson Education.
3. Siegel Andrew F. Practical Business Statistics, McGraw Hill Education.
4. Gupta, S.P., and Archana Agarwal, Business Statistics, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
5. Vohra N. D., Business Statistics, McGraw Hill Education.
6. Murray R Spiegel, Larry J. Stephens, Narinder Kumar, Statistics (Schaum’s Outline Series),
McGraw Hill Education.
7. Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams, Statistics for Students of Economics and Business, Cengage
Course Objectives:
The students will be able to understand the concept of business environment its meaning, scope and importance.
To identifying business opportunities, to improve performance, Sales and Profit, It helps in decision-
Course Description:
The syllabus includes the following: scope of business environment, economic planning, socio-cultural,
political, economic and technological framework for studying business environment.
Course Content:
Unit 1 – Overview of Business Environment
Concept & Significance and Nature of business environment, Nature and Structure of Economy,. Type
of Environment - internal, external, micro and macro environment, Competitive structure of industries,
environmental analysis and strategic management, Process and limitations of environmental analysis,
Techniques for Environment Analysis, Approaches and Significance of Environment Forecasting
Functions of state, economic roles of government, government and legal environment. The
constitutional environment, rationale and extent of state intervention Relationship between Business
and Government, Promotional and Entrepreneurial Roles of Government, An overview of major laws
affecting business, Consumerism, Social Responsibility of Business.
Unit 4- Technological Environment:
Nature and impact of culture on business, culture and globalization, social responsibilities of business,
social audit, business ethics and corporate governance, Demographic environment population size,
migration and ethnic aspects, birth rate, death rate and age structure, Population Size, Business and
Society, Business and Culture, Culture and Organisational Behaviour.
Course Outcomes:
1. To analyze various categories that are constituting the business environment and apply various
approaches that are helpful to manage both the internal and external environment of the business.
2. To apply the various types of policies in the economic environment, applying these policies change
the structure of the economy and the transition thereof from the past to the present scenario.
3.To apply various constitution provisions & how government play different roles for the smooth
functioning of an organization & evaluate the importance of CSR in an economy
4. To develop the understanding of technological, demographic social, and cultural factors that play an
important part in an organization’s functioning and to evaluate the recent trends in the environment of
the firm.
5. To demonstrate the various policies of foreign institutions like the world bank. Summarize the basics
of foreign investments that are helpful for the economy and interpret the terms that are related to trade
and its regulation.
PO2) Enhance the ability of students to meet global challenges through sensitivity towards
organizational, economic and cultural diversity.
Text Books:
1. Rangarajan, C.A.; Perspective in Economics, S.Chand & Sons, New Delhi
2. 2. Cherunilam, Francis; Business Environment - Text and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House.
3. Aswathappa, K.; Essentials of Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.
Course Objective:
The objective of this Course is to impart the students, knowledge about the use of financial, cost and
other data for the purpose of managerial planning, control and decision making.
Course Description:
This course provides an introduction to the Nature and Scope of management accounting, Budgeting
and Budgetary Control, Standard Costing and Variance Analysis, Marginal Costing, Decision Making
Process, Contemporary Issues like Responsibility Accounting and Transfer Pricing.
Unit 1: Introduction
Meaning, Objectives, Nature and Scope of management accounting, Difference between cost
accounting and management accounting, Cost control and Cost reduction, Cost management
1. Singh, Surender. Management Accounting, Scholar Tech Press, New Delhi. Goel, Rajiv,
Management Accounting. International
Book House,
2. Arora, M.N. M a n a g e m e n t A c c o u n t i n g. Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
Maheshwari, S.N. and S.N. Mittal. M a n a g e m e n t Accounting. Shree Mahavir Book Depot, New
3. Singh, S. K. and Gupta Lovleen. Management Accounting – Theory and Practice. Pinnacle
Publishing House.
4. Khan, M.Y. and Jain, P.K. Management Accounting. McGraw Hill 5. Education H.V. Jhamb,
Fundamentals of Management Accounting, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd.
Note: Latest edition of text books may be used.
Course Objective:
The objective of the paper is to understand the bases of India‘s diversity and its linkages with the
people, livelihood, occupational diversity and socio-economic challenges. Further, it aims at
understanding the diversity and its implications for the business.
Course Description:
This course provides the bases of India‘s diversity linkages with the people, livelihood, and
occupational diversity and socio- economic challenges. Further, it aims at understanding the diversity
and its implications of the business.
Course Content:
Unit 1: Recognizing, Accommodating and valuing diversity Challenges and dilemmas posed by
diversity and drive for homogenization; Sources of dilemma and tension—immigration, competition
for limited resources; Regional bases of India‘s diversity: regional approach to understanding diversity
in terms of India‘s topography, drainage, soil, climate, natural vegetation, rural and urban settlements.
Social diversity in India: Peopling, demography, languages, castes, ethnicity, religions, sects, family,
kinship and social institutions; socio-cultural regions.
Unit 2: People, Livelihood and Occupational Diversity. Traditional livelihoods and their nature -
agriculture, crafts, industry and services; Region, occupation and employment
Unit 3: Linkages between Diversity and India‘s Socio-economic challenges. Regional variations in
terms of geographic and socio-economic factors- trends and emerging options; Food insecurity,
economic inequalities and poverty, environmental degradation and sustainable development
Unit 4:Diversity and Business, Indian Consumers and marketing; Rural and Urban context; Diversity,
manufacturing, industry and services; Diversity and Innovation; Workforce diversity and management
2) To understand the inter linkages between diversity and socio economic challenges
1. Bhatt, B. L (1980)- -India and Indian Regions: A Critical Overview. in David E. Sopher =An
Exploration of India- Geographical Perspectives on Society and Culture‘. Cornell.
2. Bose NK (1969) Unity in Indian Diversity in Desai AR (1969) Rural Sociology in India,
reprinted 2009, Popular Prakashan, (for diversity as strength Part II chap 3 pp 134-136)
Reference Books:
1. Gadgil and Guha Ecology and Equity: The use and abuse of nature in contemporary
India. Penguin 1995
3. Chakravarti AK (2004) Regional Preferences for Food: Some Aspects of Food Habit Patterns in
India in Grover N and KN Singh (eds) 2004, Cultural Geography: Form and Process, Concept
Publishers, Delhi (for regional specificity of food -Chap 23 pp 355 to 375).
3 1 2
Course Name: Business Research Fundamental Course Code: BBA305
Course Objective:
To provide an exposure to the students pertaining to the nature and extent of research
orientation, which they are expected to possess when they enter the industry as
practitioners. To give them an understanding of the basic techniques and tools of
business marketing research.
Course Description:
Course Content:
Unit 5:Measurement Scale and Data Analysis: Measurement & Scaling; Primary scales
of Measurement - Nominal, Ordinal, Interval & Ratio Scaling techniques; Paired
comparison; Rank order; Constant sum; Semantic differential; Itemized ratings, Likert
Data Analysis - Z test (mean, diff. of mean, diff. of proportion); t test (mean), paired t test;
Chi square test; Report writing.
Text Books: