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Week 1: Introduction to Statics

Mechanical engineering, CAU
Jaehyung Yu

1/1 Mechanics

1/2 Basic Concepts

1/3 Scalars and Vectors

1/4 Newton’s Laws

1/5 Units

1/6 Law of Gravitation

1/7 Accuracy, Limits, and Approximations

1/8 Problem Solving in Statics

Mechanics & statics
• Mechanics : deals with the effects of forces on objects.
- the oldest subject of the physical sciences
- Specified into Solid mechanics, Fluid mechanics, and Dynamics

• Statics is a specific subject under mechanics

- In the equilibrium of rigid bodies under the action of forces
- Condition includes : stationary state / constant velocity
Basic concept
• Space
the geometric area(space) occupied by an object
In 3-dimensional space : 3 independent (x,y,z) coordinates are necessary
In 2-dimensional space : 2 independent (x,y) coordinates are necessary

• Time : Not necessary in the statics 3-dimensional space

• Mass
a quantitative measure of inertia(the continuation of an object in its current motion)
Basic concept (2)
• Force
The action of one body on another. Tends to move a body in the direction of its action.

• Particle
A body of negligible dimension (no physical size ~ a point)

• Rigid Body
A body of finite dimension, but no change in the size of the body.
Hard object! (like diamond)
Scalar & Vector

1. Scalar Quantity
A quantity with only a magnitude.
e.g. time, volume, density, speed, energy, and mass

2. Vector Quantity
Quantity with both a magnitude and a direction.
e.g. displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, moment, and momentum.
Vector Representation
Line Segment with an Arrowhead to Indicate Direction
Written in Bold, Roman Type, e.g., V
Magnitude is Written in Lightface, Italic type, e.g., V or |V|

Always Distinguish between Scalars and Vectors

Vector calculation
• Vector Sum V = V1 + V2
Two Vectors, V1 and V2, may be replaced by their equivalent vector V, which is
the diagonal of the parallelogram formed by V1 and V2.

• Vector Difference V′ = V1 – V2 (Adding a Negative)

Vector representation
• Vector Components

• Axis Orientation

• Rectangular Components (x-y)

Vector representation
• Unit Vector Representation, V = Vn
• A unit vector n has a magnitude of one (unity) and points in the direction of a vector.

• Three-Dimensional Vectors and Direction Cosines

• V = Vxi + Vyj + Vzk

• Vx = V cos θx = Vl where l = cos θx

• Vy = V cos θy = Vm where m = cos θy

• Vz = V cos θz = Vn where n = cos θz

• Pythagorean Theorem (Vector Magnitude)

• V2 = Vx2 + Vy2 + Vz2

• l2 + m2 + n2 = 1
Newton’s lawS
Law I : Law of inertia
A particle remains at rest or continues to move with
uniform velocity (in a straight line with a constant
speed) if there is no unbalanced force acting on it.

Law II : Law of acceleration

The acceleration of a particle is proportional to the
vector sum of forces acting on it and is in the
direction of this vector sum.

Law III : Law of action - reaction

The forces of action and reaction between
interacting bodies are equal in magnitude, opposite
Sir. Isaac Newton in direction, and collinear (they lie on the same line).
Why Newton (and ‘s laws) is important?

Introducing Mathematics to physics

: Describing the physical phenomena
with mathematical description

Newton’s apple tree

Trinity college, Cambridge University
Newton’s lawS
Law I : Law of inertia

0 velocity Constant velocity

Law III : Law of action - reaction

0 velocity Constant velocity

Law II : Law of acceleration

Force mass acceleration

Gravitational forces
• Mathematical Expression

F = the mutual force of attraction between two particles

G = a universal constant known as the constant of gravitation
m1, m2 = the masses of the two particles
r = the distance between the centers of the particles

• Constant of Gravitation, G
• SI Units: G = 6.673(10-11) m3/(kg·s2)
• U.S. Units: G = 3.439(10-8) ft4/(lb-sec4)
Gravitational forces
• Apparent Weight, W = mg

Mass m is always in kilograms (kg, almost always provided in the book).

Acceleration of gravity g = 9.81 m/s2 (unless stated otherwise).
Weight W is in newtons (N).
Kilogram (kg) is not a force!

mM e = mg
W =G 2 g = 9.81m/ s 2
(g = G 2 ) Here, g is a function of r: depends on the height from the
r center of the earth. Usually, using the constant measured at the
sea level of 45° Latitude
S.I. Units

Fundamental Quantities of Mechanics and their Units

F = ma Þ N = kg × m/sec 2
W ( weight ) = m(kg ) ´ g (m/sec 2 ), g = 9.806m/sec 2 (g : gravitational acceleration)

• Why these units are important?

S.I. Units

Air Canada 143 (1983) Mars Climate Orbiter (1998)

Confusion in kilogram(kg) to pound (lb)

Confusion in kilogram(kg) to pound (lb) (AGAIN!)
• Needed fuel amount : ~20,000 L
• Miscalculate orbit for satellite
• Actual fuel introduced : ~5,000 L
Result : ~ $ 300 million cost for nothing
Result : Emergency landing due to fuel shortage
S.I. Units
Prefix Multiple
n nano 10-9
µ micro 10-6
m milli 10-3
k kilo 103
M mega 106
G giga 109
T tera 1012
Accuracy, effective digits

1. Same dimensions
In the equation, left and right term should have same dimension

W = mg
N kg m/s2
2. Effective digits
The number of effective digits decides the accuracy of the equation
Q) The number of effective digits?
23400, 2.34x104 , 2.3400x104
Approximates, small numbers
• Small Angle Approximations (with radians)

• sin θ ≅ tan θ ≅ θ and sin dθ ≅ tan dθ ≅ dθ

• cos θ ≅ 1 and cos dθ ≅ 1

• Sample Calculation
• 1° = 0.017 453 rad, sin 1° = 0.017452, tan 1° = 0.017455, cos 1° = 0.999848
• The percent error for the sine function is only 0.51% at 10°.

• If more accuracy is required, retain the first two terms in the series expansion of the function.

• To convert from degrees to radians, multiply the angle in degrees by π/180°.

Example problem
1. Problem Statement
Use Newton’s law of universal gravitation to calculate the weight of a 70-kg person standing on
the surface of the earth. Then repeat the calculation by using W = mg and compare your two
Example problem
Example problem
2. Problem Statement
For the vectors V1 and V2 shown in the figure,
a) determine the magnitude S of their vector sum S = V1 + V2
b) determine the angle " between S and the positive x-axis
c) write S as a vector in terms of the unit vectors i and j and then write a unit vector n
along the vector sum S
d) determine the vector difference D = V1 − V2
Example Problem

• Part a) – Magnitude of S

• Part b) – Angle Between S and x-axis

• Part c) – Vector Expression for S and n

Article 1/9 – Sample Problem 1/3 (of 3)

• Part d) – Vector Difference

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