Spotify 2022 Equity Impact Report
Spotify 2022 Equity Impact Report
Spotify 2022 Equity Impact Report
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction This is Spotify 4
Climate Action In This Report
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Focus Areas
Mental Health CEO Statement
Civic & Community Engagement Our Equity & Impact Progress
Responsible Business & Governance
Reporting Principles & Data
This is Spotify We’re here to unlock the potential of human creativity by giving
millions of creative artists the opportunity to live off their art
and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by
it. This mission guides everything we do, from the features we
develop to where we invest our resources to how we engage
with and support creators, listeners, and our employees.
Next page
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction This is Spotify 5
Climate Action In This Report
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Focus Areas
Mental Health CEO Statement
Civic & Community Engagement Our Equity & Impact Progress
Responsible Business & Governance
Reporting Principles & Data
This is Spotify
Our Values
Innovative: We move
fast and we take risks.
Sincere: We have no
time for internal politics.
We recognize that Spotify has an ability and a When it comes to the environment, we’re working to
responsibility to help create a more equitable and measure and reduce our climate impact in line with Equity & Impact Passionate: We revel in
sustainable world for our employees, creators, our net-zero pledge, and to share a clear message of
and listeners. We take a proactive and intentional hope and action about the climate to our millions of Mission what we do.
approach, developing global programs and strategies listeners.
that drive systemic change across the audio industry.
We seek to empower voices from marginalized As the world’s most popular audio-streaming To create a more Collaborative: We
communities and to protect and nurture our planet. subscription service, Spotify seeks to model best
equitable and recognize that we’re all
practices and inspire wider change in our industry and
For Spotify, this work starts with driving equity both beyond. We welcome you to Spotify’s sixth annual
sustainable world for in this together.
within and beyond our organization. Everyone we Equity & Impact Report.
interact with should feel like they are welcome, heard,
and celebrated for who they are. This commitment
our employees, creators Playful: We don’t take
runs deep, and you will see evidence of it through the Unless the context requires otherwise, when the report refers to “we”, “us”,
“our”, “Spotify”, or “Company”, we mean Spotify Technology S.A. and its direct
and listeners. ourselves too seriously.
actions cataloged in this report. and indirect subsidiaries on a consolidated basis.
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction This is Spotify 6
Climate Action In This Report
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Focus Areas
Mental Health CEO Statement
Civic & Community Engagement Our Equity & Impact Progress
Responsible Business & Governance
Reporting Principles & Data
Focus Areas
Our Equity & Impact team works on five focus areas. Create access and opportunities for
These areas help them align on initiatives, guide underrepresented talent
Focus Areas Create access and
priorities, and communicate the work. Impact the careers of emerging and experienced
talent from underrepresented communities by opportunities for
Lead climate action cultivating career-affirming opportunities and underrepresented talent
Help tackle the climate crisis by reducing our incubation programs.
emissions to net-zero by the end of 2030 and by
using our platform to raise awareness, drive action, Support and enable employee well-being
and amplify voices of the people most affected by Welcome, respect, support, and champion all mental
climate change. health and lived experiences so that every employee Lead climate action Support and enable
feels a strong sense of belonging and can do their employee well-being
Focus on equity and inclusion best work.
Design systems, ways of working, and initiatives that
drive inclusion, equity, and belonging for everyone at Leverage our people, creators, and platform to
Spotify, and for our underrepresented communities drive real impact
in particular. We believe in a growth mindset and an Deliver a more just and equitable future that
equitable workplace and world. This in turn needs celebrates and positively impacts people of
an inclusive approach that embraces challenges and all backgrounds and identities by empowering Focus on equity Leverage our people,
thrives in the face of adversity. employees and creators, and by using our platform and inclusion creators, and platform to
and brand to create meaningful change. drive real impact
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction This is Spotify 8
Climate Action In This Report
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Focus Areas
Mental Health CEO Statement
Civic & Community Engagement Our Equity & Impact Progress
Responsible Business & Governance
Reporting Principles & Data
From the early days of Spotify, we’ve shaped our content, reflects and amplifies the millions of unique
platform to connect listeners with artists and creators and diverse voices and perspectives of all who use our
that engage, entertain, and inspire. Our company was platform. As a part of this, we’re continuously working
built on innovation and problem-solving, and we feel to develop intentional and proactive global programs
we can use those key strengths to impact society in and strategies that empower the voices of marginalized
creative and positive ways. communities, protect our planet, and power systemic
change across the audio industry.
The uncertain global economic environment has
helped us realize that meeting challenges and driving While we’ve made significant advances across all of our
impact are more important than ever. And to bring in Equity & Impact initiatives, we recognize that there’s
the most effective change we can, we’ve focused our more to be done. We remain confident that our current
efforts on a set of targeted priority areas that support policies, research, and expertise are driving impact but
global efforts in each of our business areas. Those it is our commitment to learning and improving these
efforts from the past year are explored in detail here, efforts that ensure our best days are ahead.
in our 2022 Equity & Impact Report.
Climate Action
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 11
Climate Action Measuring & Reducing Our Climate Impact
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Key Actions 2022
Mental Health Using Our Audio Platform to Educate & Inspire
Civic & Community Engagement Our Employees Take Climate Action
Responsible Business & Governance
Reporting Principles & Data
Our journey to net-zero GHG emissions Using our platform to educate and inspire
There’s no clear blueprint for an audio-streaming Our platform is uniquely placed to educate and
business like ours to reach net-zero emissions by the influence millions of people. During 2022, we
end of 2030. Hence, we want to take responsibility to continued to create and amplify engaging content on
drive progress in this space and share our journey with science, stories, and solutions related to the climate
our partners and peers. Our current focus is to further crisis. And we seek to provide more perspectives by,
measure and understand our climate impact along our for example, elevating the voices of underrepresented
value chain so that we can prioritize the right actions, groups and young climate champions. Last year, we
scale those actions, and collaborate to reduce also continued to make climate-related content more
our footprint. accessible through our Climate Action hub, at live
events, and by broadcasting from COP27, the 2022
Of course, we are already making changes where United Nations Climate Change Conference.
we can, including increasing energy efficiency in our
offices, supporting internal climate communities, and
updating our climate-tracking and risk-assessment
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 12
Climate Action Measuring & Reducing Our Climate Impact
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Key Actions 2022
Mental Health Using Our Audio Platform to Educate & Inspire
Civic & Community Engagement Our Employees Take Climate Action
Responsible Business & Governance
Reporting Principles & Data
21.5% Goods & services
Please see the graph for additional context on our
key emission sources and 2022 activities, and refer
11% Business travel
to the chapter Reporting Principles & Data for further
information on our methodology.
of Spotify’s GHG emissions
are Scope 3 6.7% Cloud use
4.9% Offices
3.4% Employees
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 13
Climate Action Measuring & Reducing Our Climate Impact
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Key Actions 2022
Mental Health Using Our Audio Platform to Educate & Inspire
Civic & Community Engagement Our Employees Take Climate Action
Responsible Business & Governance
Reporting Principles & Data
The core of our business is our platform and the Now our focus is to see these metrics rolled out
listeners and creators who use it. In 2022, as part and understood across our business, guided by a
of our efforts to embed sustainability into our streaming-emissions data model created through our
business practices, we prioritized further developing work with DIMPACT.
DIMPACT is a collaborative
strategies, goals, and processes within our core project that brings together world-class researchers
platform operations—with a focus on our Research from the University of Bristol and several of the most
& Development (R&D) team. R&D-related activities innovative media and technology companies. This
involving cloud and end use are key emission sources work has allowed us to better track our emissions
for Spotify, thus need to be addressed to reach net-zero. reductions and improve efficiency with clear
We also continued to work with, scale, and deepen our
climate initiatives across our other operations, striving Our goal is to refine our methodology for measuring
to reduce emissions related to offices, employees, and cloud and end use in 2023 based on the above
goods and services. Keep reading to learn more about collaboration, and move to a more activity-based
climate action for our key emission sources in 2022. approach.
Cloud and end use
Marketing was a major source of our emissions
In 2022, we implemented climate-related initiatives
in 2022. To reduce our marketing emissions, we
for key R&D teams that focus on ways to reduce
focused on understanding them better and exploring
emissions related to our cloud and end-use activities.
ways to advertise using more sustainable practices.
These initiatives include prioritizing platform solutions
For example, with the help of a local charity in Nigeria,
that can reduce emissions per content hour streamed
and finding ways to collaborate with partners along
we converted used billboards in Lagos into bags
for local schools. The material is safe to use, and
More key actions
our value chain to drive reductions in emissions.
repurposing it instead of sending it to a landfill helps
reduce emissions. We will continue to implement Next page
further environmental initiatives in 2023 to ensure our
approach to marketing aligns with our values.
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 14
Climate Action Measuring & Reducing Our Climate Impact
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Key Actions 2022
Mental Health Using Our Audio Platform to Educate & Inspire
Civic & Community Engagement Our Employees Take Climate Action
Responsible Business & Governance
Reporting Principles & Data
As we reach half a billion monthly active users 1.5 Degrees
worldwide, Spotify has a responsibility to curate and
create climate content. In 2022, we continued to Luisa Neubauer, a leader of the youth-
leverage the power of storytelling to inspire, educate,
and engage listeners by highlighting the many people Podcast
Youth Dispatches: led climate movement, speaks to world-
renowned scientists and activists in her
and initiatives combating the climate crisis, as well Our Earth podcast about how climate change is
as the ways we can all get involved. On this page we impacting people around the world.
present some examples of content from 2022. This podcast playlist features young climate
change activists telling their stories about
In addition to supporting climate content on our the future of our planet. With insight from a
platform, we seek to influence action in society by Twenty seventy-two climate scientist, these young voices from
Listen now
sharing knowledge through networking, collaborations, around the world talk about their personal
and partnerships. The Climate Action Studio, our Written by Tuva Novotny, Henrik Björn, experiences of climate change and what we
pop-up podcast format, traveled to Egypt for COP27 and Nathalie Álvarez Mesén, and told by can all do to enact change in ourselves, our
to bring inclusive and accessible content from the Gizem Kling Erdogan, Edvin Ryding, and communities, and our world.
conference to a wide audience around the world. In Maxida Märak, this collection of short stories
2022, we also hosted climate sessions at local events, creatively explores future climate scenarios. Listen now
such as the Way Out West festival in Sweden. The stories are based on the research of Dr.
Andrew Merrie, Head of Futures at Planethon.
This content, and much more, has a home in our
Climate Action hub, which launched in 2021 in
preparation for Earth Day. Since then, it’s become a Listen now
source of compelling and helpful information about
climate change for our listeners.
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 16
Climate Action Measuring & Reducing Our Climate Impact
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Key Actions 2022
Mental Health Using Our Audio Platform to Educate & Inspire
Civic & Community Engagement Our Employees Take Climate Action
Responsible Business & Governance
Reporting Principles & Data
Diversity, Equity,
Inclusion & Belonging
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 18
Climate Action Strategy
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Racial Equity
Mental Health Disability Inclusion Plan
Civic & Community Engagement Workforce Representation
Responsible Business & Governance Internal Tools & Practices
Reporting Principles & Data Community Groups
Creators & Contents
Creator Equity Fund
We revamped our strategy for diversity, equity,
inclusion and belonging in 2022, prioritizing Racial
Equity and Disability Inclusion while still delivering on Diversity Belonging 2022 Highlights
our broader set of goals. As with all our impact work, Diversity is the range of unique characteristics,
we look at the challenges and opportunities through perspectives, similarities, and differences • Reached most of our 5-Star Strategy
the eyes and ears of our employees, creators, an individual or organization has that shape goals in support of the growth and
and users. Spotify’s workplace and culture. These development of our Black employees,
may include national origin, language, race, expanded to a Racial Equity Strategy with
For our employees, we know that accelerating education, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender a global footprint, and added focus in the
diversity is not only about hiring. We also need identity, age, religion, sexual orientation, U.S. on the Latinx/Hispanic community
to develop and retain talent—at all levels of our socioeconomic status, military status, life Belonging is the experience of Spotifiers and the Asian American Pacific Islander
business—as well as invest in a new generation of experiences, mental health, neurodiversity, and when they are accepted, valued, and trusted (AAPI) community.*
audio creators and tech professionals. family structure. as true members of the organization.
• Developed our Disability Inclusion Plan
Speaking the same language with resources and support for Spotifiers.
We want everyone to feel they can have open and Centralized guidance on workplace
honest conversations about diversity, equity, inclusion, accommodations, making the process
and belonging. That starts with creating a shared
understanding of what we mean by those terms. Here
Inclusion Equity clearer and easier. Also created our
Disability Inclusion Playbook for managers
are the definition statements we use: and made our recruitment process more
accessible for candidates with disabilities.
Racial Equity
In 2022, we continued to focus on how we attract, around diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging at the region. We also expanded our long-standing U.S. • Launched the Sunday Dinner series. This
Sunday Dinner
hire, and retain people from diverse backgrounds every level of our business. We started activating our conference to become a truly Americas conference, documentary film series is a celebration of Black
and support them with the tools to thrive. We also Black equity work in Brazil, the U.K., and Sweden. with presenters from Brazil in our live event in NYC artists and music from different regions. Through
focused on making sure everyone feels seen, heard, We also continued to expand our efforts to further and participants from Brazil joining virtually. conversations over dinner from Black-owned
and valued at Spotify, educating our content teams on drive inclusion, belonging, and retention, amplifying restaurants, the documentary highlights Black
inclusive storytelling and building cultural competency Black, Latinx, and AAPI voices and supporting these • We created a scholarship program in partnership regional music making waves in Washington,
communities externally. with the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) to D.C., Maryland, and Virginia (DMV); California;
create pathways into the tech industry for and Texas. The artists discuss how the region has
Created in 2020, our 5-Star Strategy exists to Black students. influenced their craft and what the future of music
accelerate our anti-racism and racial equity work, looks like for their area. This series is an extension
both internally and on our platform. • We conducted listening sessions and surveys for of Spotify’s Frequency platform and the Ripple
the Black community so we can better understand Effect, a playlist series that uplifts Black artists from
In partnership with our Belonging Group, BLK, and opportunities to increase our support of the a regional scope to amplify their cultural power and
a cross-functional group of leaders who oversee the community in a meaningful way. value beyond their cities.
implementation of the 5-Star Strategy, we’ve been
working collaboratively across business units and Frequency • Launched two three-day song shops, in partnership
global functions to drive our racial equity plans. We Frequency is our global initiative and holistic with Songwriter Producer Relations, for almost
do this by focusing activities through five key areas: destination for celebrating Black art, entertainment, 30 producers, songwriters, and creators to raise
content, people, culture, giving, and policy. creativity, culture, and community both on- and off- awareness and amplify our Ripple Effect playlists.
platform. On-platform, Frequency has continued to
Through a focus on music and talk, talent, culture, operate with an always-on approach to support Black • Launched the Spotify x PLUS1 for Black Creatives
giving, and policy, the 5-Star Strategy has already artists and creators. Highlights from 2022: Fund Frequency Scholarship Program, which
made a holistic and lasting impact at Spotify and on provides renewable two-year need-based
our listeners and employees. • Hosted Frequency’s Free Studio—a four-day scholarships to Black students attending any
“residency” that provides space and resources for accredited college or university who are interested
For our Spotifiers Black creators across various disciplines in pursuing a career in music.
• We hosted our first BLK Workforce Development and mediums.
Conference in two European locations to focus on
the support and development of Black Spotifiers in
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 21
Climate Action Strategy
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Racial Equity
Mental Health Disability Inclusion Plan
Civic & Community Engagement Workforce Representation
Responsible Business & Governance Internal Tools & Practices
Reporting Principles & Data Community Groups
Creators & Contents
Creator Equity Fund
inclusion, and belonging. There are two tools we use to New users
help us provide and maintain this transparency.
Launched in 2021, Echo is our Internal Talent
Marketplace. Our people can use Echo to find growth
opportunities based on their skills, experience, and
development goals. The AI-powered tool also helps Published job opportunities
band leaders, project owners, and mentors find
and connect with talent from all over the world. We
designed Echo so everyone at Spotify can thrive,
be seen, and access opportunities from anywhere.
In this way, it helps remove biases and ensures that
opportunities are inclusive to all. In 2022, we saw our Internal hires
employees take full advantage of this tool.
Mentorship assignments
More tools & practices (pairs)
Next page
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 24
Climate Action Strategy
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Racial Equity
Mental Health Disability Inclusion Plan
Civic & Community Engagement Workforce Representation
Responsible Business & Governance Internal Tools & Practices
Reporting Principles & Data Community Groups
Creators & Contents
Creator Equity Fund
Women’s Day
Spotify celebrated International Women’s Day by Organizations included: In addition, we collaborated with the Spotify Singles
sharing the music and stories of women creators, franchise to produce three songs created exclusively by
artists, activists, and nonprofits around the world. The Okra
The Okra Projt A mutual aid collective that provides
project women—from production to recording to engineering.
support to Black trans, non-binary, and gender-
We kicked off International Women’s Day with a nonconforming people.
podcast playlist series called With Love. The series
celebrated and honored 24 women, each of whom Vital Voice Focuses on uplifting women leaders.
Vital Voices
moment in time. There were three playlists: one in the audio space. Ethel Cain SUNMI Bruses
for artists , one
for storytellers and one
for changemakers . mama Gl foundation
Mama Glow Supports women during the MEWEM
MEWEM (France) and MIM
MIM (Spain)
Finally, we awarded grants of $50,000 to two teams,
birthing processes. partnered to develop the MEWEM Golden
totaling four organizations, to bring the following
We also highlighted five global nonprofits focused on Ticket, a concept that will award eight women
concepts to life:
the wider spectrum of gender equity by amplifying Casa
Casa 1 1: Focuses on shelter for LGBTQIA+ people
entrepreneurs from across Europe free access
each nonprofit’s own curated playlist themed around expelled from homes throughout South America. Femme Africa and P_ssy Party are helping solve to international professional festivals to pitch
the voices of the community it serves. representation of women creators in Africa by their own projects and new ideas, develop their
developing a curriculum and an online directory to businesses, and meet future partners within a
connect creators within the industry. high-level network.
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 29
Climate Action Strategy
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Racial Equity
Mental Health Disability Inclusion Plan
Civic & Community Engagement Workforce Representation
Responsible Business & Governance Internal Tools & Practices
Reporting Principles & Data Community Groups
Creators & Contents
Creator Equity Fund
Pride Month is an annual opportunity to increase In addition to refreshing our flagship Pride playlists,
knowledge of the issues LGBTQIA+ communities still such as Out Now and Transcend we launched new
face globally. music playlists and podcasts that feature stories and
music from all corners of the LGBTQIA+ community.
At the heart of our campaign was the desire to shine a
light on new, untold stories from within the LGBTQIA+ • Pioneer:
Pioneer : A music playlist for artists whose music
community. We centered conversations around the has pushed sonic boundaries and led LGBTQIA+
importance of community, particularly for mental movements around the world.
Pride health and well-being, by focusing on a diverse group
LG BT of traditionally underrepresented queer activists from
the U.S., Sweden, the U.K., Japan, and Mexico. On
• Gay Pride
Gay Pride & Preju : A new Spotify Original
& Prejudice
also donated to grassroots nonprofits doing important • Sound Barrie : A new documentary podcast about
Sound Barrier
work for the community, including U.K. Black Pride, artists who break barriers in music and culture,
GiveOut, Regnbågsfonden, Casa Frida Refugio, ReBit, beginning with Sylvester
Sylvester .
and the National Black Justice Coalition.
• : A talk show that provides a safe
A Gay in the life
The activists we highlighted included Jonathan Lykes , space for conversation about the LGBTQIA+
Phyll Opoku-Gyimah (aka Lady Phyll) , Karolyna Pollorena , and experience, current events, history, and culture.
Fumino Sugiyama . Each one curated a playlist that
celebrates their work and their community.
We refreshed our Asian Pacific Islander Heritage In addition to our partnership with CAPE and Gold
Month content hub with new activist-created House, we’re working with Stop AAPI Hate , an
Elevating Underrepresented
We’re committed to identifying and, where possible,
removing barriers that make it harder for creators from
marginalized groups to flourish. One way we do this is
by providing opportunities that support these creators. Podcasts
Sound Up
NextGen Sound Up
NextGen is a Spotify initiative designed to infuse, SoundUp is our global program for empowering the
activate, and grow podcast culture on college next generation of podcasters through education, tools,
campuses. From the program’s inception, Spotify workshops, and support. We want to create a space for
has partnered with the University of Southern new voices, stories, and perspectives. In 2022, Sound
California, the University of Pennsylvania, and New Up operated in 11 countries, including Mexico, Italy, and
York University to offer podcast programming and Japan. We also supported an additional 120 emerging
curriculum to students, allowing us to get closer to an creators last year (totaling 280 program alumni) and
exceptional pipeline of Gen Z talent and storytellers. have seen many of our creators go on to release chart-
In 2022, in partnership with the CEF (Creator Equity topping content and become full-time podcasters.
Fund), Spotify expanded this program to HBCU
campuses across the U.S. Spelman College in Behind the Mic
Atlanta, Georgia, signed on as our first HBCU partner, Behind the Mic is Sound Up’s career development
inspiring the next class of Black content creators program to support members of underserved
and storytellers and equipping them with tools and communities who are aspiring to careers as
resources to develop their podcast skills. producers, sound engineers, and other behind-the-
scenes roles in podcasting.
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 32
Climate Action Strategy
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Racial Equity
Mental Health Disability Inclusion Plan
Civic & Community Engagement Workforce Representation
Responsible Business & Governance Internal Tools & Practices
Reporting Principles & Data Community Groups
Creators & Contents
Creator Equity Fund
Elevating Underrepresented
In February 2022, Spotify established the Creator In CEF’s first year, the team accomplished
Equity Fund (CEF), a $100 million investment the following:
spanning multiple years, that powers the company’s
commitment to uplifting creators who have historically • Supporting the year-round representation of Black
been underrepresented in the audio industry. and LGBTQIA+ artists through programs like
Frequency, AMPLIFIKA, and GLOW.
Today, the CEF team is primarily focused on
amplifying Black and LGBTQIA+ musical performers, • Funding the production and creation of several
songwriters, and podcasters in the U.S., the U.K., Black-led podcasts, including those launching new
and Brazil. We believe this is where Spotify will have seasons in 2023.
the most impact given our current footprint and
relationships in these markets, but we also think • Helping expand the Spotify Global Summer
it’s essential to approach the fund with fluidity and Internship program by funding for additional HBCU
flexibility as we strive to elevate emerging creators students to gain experience in audio during the
and reflect the diversity of our world. 10-week program.
Looking ahead, the CEF team’s efforts aim to continue • Sponsoring a music and arts festival founded to
supercharging long-standing Spotify programs, support and amplify LGBTQIA+ creators, artists,
introducing new initiatives, and highlighting the next and songwriters.
generation of creators.
The CEF team will continue to identify and create
the right opportunities to support underrepresented
artists while approaching its work with fluidity and
flexibility as they strive to uplift and amplify the
global creator community.
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 34
Climate Action Heart & Soul Ambassadors
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Access to Mental Health Support
Mental Health Domestic Abuse Support Program
Civic & Community Engagement Tuning In to Our Spotifiers
Responsible Business & Governance Key Learnings
Reporting Principles & Data Supporting Our Listeners
Mental Health
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 35
Climate Action Heart & Soul Ambassadors
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Access to Mental Health Support
Mental Health Domestic Abuse Support Program
Civic & Community Engagement Tuning In to Our Spotifiers
Responsible Business & Governance Key Learnings
Reporting Principles & Data Supporting Our Listeners
We want our people to feel they belong at Spotify, no • Enable self-care and professional support so that
matter what experiences they bring with them. That’s everyone can find their unique way of taking care
why we decided our diversity, equity, inclusion and of themselves.
belonging team was the true home for Heart & Soul. Enable self-care and Normalize the
And because it’s a strategy rather than a program with
a start and end date, Heart & Soul is always evolving
• Normalize the conversation to reduce mental
health stigma at work.
professional support conversation to
and finding new ways to drive behavioral and cultural so that everyone reduce mental health
changes at Spotify. We know that the best approach to any health issue
is preventive, so we provide the space, opportunities, can find their unique stigma at work.
Mental health has always been important at Spotify,
but our journey really took off in 2018 with the launch
tools, and resources for our people to seek and
receive the support they need.
way of taking care of
of Heart & Soul. The initiative has three pillars: themselves.
In 2022, we expanded this work with the launch
• Raise awareness and build knowledge around of our Domestic Abuse Support Program and our
mental health and mental health issues. Substance Use Awareness and Support Program.
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 37
Climate Action Heart & Soul Ambassadors
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Access to Mental Health Support
Mental Health Domestic Abuse Support Program
Civic & Community Engagement Tuning In to Our Spotifiers
Responsible Business & Governance Key Learnings
Reporting Principles & Data Supporting Our Listeners
Our network of Heart & Soul Ambassadors is key to We’ve trained most of our Ambassadors in Mental Our mental health partners team The purpose of the partners team is to consult the
implementing our global strategy across the business. Health First Aid (MHFA). That means they know In 2020, we formed an external mental health Heart & Soul leads, provide external mental health
Our 70 Ambassadors in 2022, up from 60 in 2021, how to spot and support colleagues who may be partners team. It consists of mental health trends from the regions where the partners are based,
spread Heart & Soul’s message in their offices or struggling with their mental health, and can connect professionals from Singapore, the U.K., and the U.S., and develop programming and resources, as well as
business units, acting as human touchpoints for them with the support they need. and it acts as an advisory board. safety-check communications.
anyone who needs mental health support. They have
the budget, autonomy, and trust to drive initiatives We suggest our Ambassadors give an average of two
that are relevant for the location or business unit they hours of their working week to Heart & Soul, avoiding
support, and are in alignment with the global strategy. more time to prevent burnout. Every Ambassador’s
manager supports them in this mission.
Being a Heart & Soul Ambassador means being more
exposed to complex topics and conversations that
are not always easy to navigate without training. We
Heart & Soul just want to ensure that our employee volunteers feel
supported in their role. That’s why we not only train
expands the space of them in MHFA, but also provide continuous learning
moments and space for reflection and connection
dialogue, of potential within the Ambassador team. On a monthly basis, we
things that are OK to say offer Ambassador Circles hosted by our mental health
partners on specific topics. We’ve been running
or issues that are OK to these sessions since 2020, and the Ambassador
team really appreciates them. In addition, we offer all
raise at work. Ambassadors unlimited access to counseling.
All the Feels Employee Assistance Program globally, as well as the Heart & Soul podcast. November
burnout. Our Understanding Boundaries resource
Through our All the Feels Employee Assistance Subjects are wide-ranging and include PTSD, provides all Spotifiers with knowledge, evidence, and
Program (EAP), we offer short-term counseling from postpartum depression, imposter syndrome, and Wellness Week tips for healthy boundary setting.
third-party mental health care professionals to all domestic abuse. The programming also creates
Spotifiers and their dependents ages 16 and older. opportunities for colleagues to share with one another Substance Awareness & Support Program
Anyone can access up to five sessions per issue per their mental health stories, which resonate powerfully We launched our Global Substance Awareness &
year. Issues include relationships and parenting, stress with Spotifiers around the world. Support Program in September 2022. The program
and anxiety, major life changes, and surviving loss. provides resources and tools to help individuals seek
Wellness Week help, make a change, or support someone else.
During 2022, the Heart & Soul team has continued to In late 2022, we celebrated our second annual
keep awareness high about All the Feels. In 2022 we Wellness Week, during which the whole company In collaboration with mental health experts and
saw approximately 7% of our employees (which can shuts down to allow Spotifiers to rest, restore, and partners, we invited all employees to participate in
include employees' dependents or family members) recharge in whatever way works for them. this carefully curated and compassionate program,
taking advantage of the program. In addition to All which focuses on alcohol, drugs, and over-the-
the Feels, we also offer comprehensive medical Guides for managers counter or prescription medications.
insurance, which includes long-term therapy. We want our managers to feel confident about, and
capable of, talking with their team members about The program offers recommendations and resource
Premium access to Headspace app mental health. We provide guidance to help managers library, a collection of talks and webinars from our
We give every Spotifier free premium access to recognize common signs of mental health struggles partners, and a Language and Attitude Guide to help
Headspace, an easy-to-use meditation app. and to know what support to offer. everyone communicate more mindfully on this issue.
This initiative helps us all become better allies to
Heart & Soul programming Understanding boundaries those struggling, and it plays an active role in creating
The Heart & Soul team curates a range of workshops, With so many of us working from home, we need to inclusive teams.
fireside chats, and panels delivered locally and set boundaries to help us avoid anxiety, fatigue, and
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 39
Climate Action Heart & Soul Ambassadors
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Access to Mental Health Support
Mental Health Domestic Abuse Support Program
Civic & Community Engagement Tuning In to Our Spotifiers
Responsible Business & Governance Key Learnings
Reporting Principles & Data Supporting Our Listeners
Domestic abuse is more prevalent than many At Spotify, we believe violence and abuse is
realize. An average of 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men unacceptable. Our Domestic Abuse Support Paid leave Work adjustments
experience domestic violence in their lifetime. And
Program, launched in 2022, will help us better
the problem intensified during COVID-19. In nearly understand, recognize, and effectively respond to
54% of cases, domestic abuse continues at or near domestic abuse.
work, for example, via abusive texts and emails. This
directly impacts the safety and well-being of victims Through the program, we provide training on how
and those around them. to identify the signs of domestic abuse and respond
with appropriate support; plus, we have a directory
However, the workplace can also represent a refuge
where those affected can seek help safely, maintain
of organizations that can help. We also support all
Spotifiers affected by domestic abuse through the
Confidential referral Safety planning
financial stability, and regain self-worth. Only 5% of following initiatives: service *
Music and podcasts can provide invaluable help and messages on our platform that click through to a
inspiration to those facing mental health struggles. We resource hub on the relevant issue. We’ve started
seek to support our listeners through the measuring the impact of these moments by tracking
following activities. how many people click through and engage with the
content we’ve shared.
The Mental Health hub
When someone performs a high-risk search on our World Mental Health Day
platform, a message directs users to the Mental For 2022’s World Mental Health Day, we invited
Health hub, where they’re connected with an easy- listeners to turn down the noise and tune in to
to-navigate list of local resources. This online hub, themselves. Through on- and off-platform messaging
with support from the global youth charity Ditch the and partnerships with artists and creators, we
Label, makes it easier for our listeners and creators to pointed people toward our Wellness hub . There, we
find help. highlighted new playlists and revamped content on a
wide range of mental health topics.
Mental Health moments
In 2022, we leveraged several key moments to The World Mental Health Day campaign was live in
open up the mental health conversation among our 23 markets, including Sweden, India, Canada, Taiwan,
employees and users. This typically involved sharing and Thailand.
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 43
Climate Action Media Responsibility & Impact
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Encouraging Users to Participate In the Democratic Process
Mental Health Our 2022 Civic Engagement Efforts
Civic & Community Engagement Philanthropic Work & Employee Engagement
Responsible Business & Governance Encouraging Employees to Give Back & Make a Difference
Reporting Principles & Data
Civic & Community
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 44
Climate Action Media Responsibility & Impact
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Encouraging Users to Participate In the Democratic Process
Mental Health Our 2022 Civic Engagement Efforts
Civic & Community Engagement Philanthropic Work & Employee Engagement
Responsible Business & Governance Encouraging Employees to Give Back & Make a Difference
Reporting Principles & Data
Media Responsibility
& Impact Podcast Podcast Podcast
a U.S.-based nonprofit civil rights advocacy
programs, we work with existing podcasts that are
organization, to create tools for listeners who Color of Change is proud to be a Social Impact partner for Spotify, offering listeners tangible
using the power of story to shine a spotlight on an
want to learn more and find ways to take actions they can take to address the issues raised in the storytelling they listen to. It’s not enough to tell
issue or community, and are building campaigns that
action on criminal justice reform. stories about the issues that impact our society; projects like Heather McGhee’s The Sum of Us podcast
empower inspired listeners to learn more and take
action on the relevant issues. In 2022, we launched allow listeners to move from passive to active, giving people real ways to take action and demand
three podcast impact programs to accompany three change. When we work together, anything is possible.
of our high-profile podcasts.
Listen now Kelle Rozell, Chief Marketing & Storytelling Officer at Color of Change
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 46
Climate Action Media Responsibility & Impact
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Encouraging Users to Participate In the Democratic Process
Mental Health Our 2022 Civic Engagement Efforts
Civic & Community Engagement Philanthropic Work & Employee Engagement
Responsible Business & Governance Encouraging Employees to Give Back & Make a Difference
Reporting Principles & Data
Our mission is simple: Help our consumers, creators, Our global and in-market teams work together closely By empowering them with credible information from
and employees feel empowered to vote while to build campaigns that are culturally relevant and external partners and with advice on how to start
providing real, actionable solutions to the problems Why do we care speak to the market’s electoral environment. For the conversation, we were able to make them more
faced by voters. To do that, we bring messages about each of our campaigns, we produce locally relevant confident in engaging in this space. We plan to build on
civic engagement to our audience wherever they are, about voting? information that’s focused on overcoming barriers to this program in future civic engagement campaigns.
from the voices they trust the most. Our campaigns voting by, for instance, explaining how it works, how
are nonpartisan and focus on making voting easier and to register, and where to go. Where possible, we also Our guiding principles
more exciting for our audience. prioritize reaching people who may be interested in • Drive action, not just awareness.
voting but need a little extra help to get to the polls. • Stay nonpartisan in an increasingly divisive
We’ve been running voter engagement campaigns environment.
since 2016. While we initially focused our efforts Spotify is all about the power of voices We focus our civic engagement efforts on those areas • Reach less-likely voters where they are by
on the U.S. and the EU, we’ve expanded into more being heard, so encouraging our listeners, where we can make the most impact. That means engaging trusted voices.
countries every year. We’ve now reached nearly employees, and creators to get loud about looking for opportunities where we can move the
57 million listeners worldwide, encouraging people civic engagement makes perfect sense. No needle and actually increase voter engagement.
globally to play their part in their local elections. matter what issues they’re passionate about,
Since we started our efforts, these campaigns have showing up to the polls to make sure their Testing and improving our approach Civic engagement
driven nearly 4 million visits to resources on civic The electoral landscape is always changing, and we use
engagement, such as helping users check their voter
voices are heard is essential. As a global
audio platform with a huge reach, Spotify that as an opportunity to test and pilot our engagement efforts
status, register to vote, or learn more about their has the responsibility and the opportunity to programs. For example, in the U.S. in 2022, we hosted
local elections. encourage people to vote and to do our best a forum for artists and podcasters to learn how they
Next page
to make sure no one’s left out of the process. can use their platforms for civic engagement.
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 47
Climate Action Media Responsibility & Impact
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Encouraging Users to Participate In the Democratic Process
Mental Health Our 2022 Civic Engagement Efforts
Civic & Community Engagement Philanthropic Work & Employee Engagement
Responsible Business & Governance Encouraging Employees to Give Back & Make a Difference
Reporting Principles & Data
Civic engagement campaigns
Our 2022 Civic
Engagement Efforts
In 2022, we ran civic engagement campaigns in people who participated in these critical elections Listeners reached by
five countries: Brazil, the U.S., France, Italy, and to make it the second-highest youth midterms campaigns in 2022
Sweden. Our messaging reached nearly 57 million turnout ever.
listeners, with nearly 4 million resources on voting
accessed as a result. Our campaigns primarily Our pilot poll worker program
targeted Gen Z listeners, as many of them were Because every market has different needs, there
making their electoral debut. are unique ways we, as a community of creators,
listeners, and employees, can be useful.
Our 2022 U.S. midterm elections campaign was Accessed resources as a
our most successful campaign to date. Building on Poll workers are an essential part of democracy result of this messaging
our 2020 U.S. election campaign, which targeted in the United States, helping to ensure the voting
first-time voters, this time we focused on helping process goes smoothly on the big day. A shortage
second-time voters return to the polls. Leveraging of poll workers can lead to long queues and
in-app notifications, a hub featuring podcasts confusion among voters, all of which potentially
about the election, an original playlist, social reduces turnout.
media, and more, our listeners accessed nearly r a ig h t
7 h o u r s s t
4 million election resources. This, in turn, led to at In the U.S. in 2022, we launched a program to I w o r k e d 1 a ll y
I loved it ! s so m in im
least 84,000 concrete voting actions, including encourage Spotify employees to volunteer as poll , w h ic h w a
y d is t ri ct t o p e n .
at m o st co uld n ’
registrations, plans to vote, and reviews of state workers. With our support, Spotifiers signed up to
e d t h e y a lm t ie n t . I t
staff in d a n d p a
information. We’re proud to have played a part become poll workers across 42 cities and p l e w er e k y
The p e o t o k n o w m
in contributing to the estimated 27% of young 21 states. r e a t t o g e t
a s re a lly g t y lin e s.
w o s s a ll p ar
u n it y a cr
com m
e m p lo yee
— Sp o tify
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 48
Climate Action Media Responsibility & Impact
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Encouraging Users to Participate In the Democratic Process
Mental Health Our 2022 Civic Engagement Efforts
Civic & Community Engagement Philanthropic Work & Employee Engagement
Responsible Business & Governance Encouraging Employees to Give Back & Make a Difference
Reporting Principles & Data
to impact and sustainability. It’s imperative that our Behind Spotify’s platform, playlists, and programs are
external philanthropy work aligns with our internal Funding Racial Equity passionate individuals who harness creativity in their
work on climate action, civic engagement, mental work every day. And because creative thinking is at
health, employee well-being, and gender and racial We want to create a world where disabled its best when pulled from a variety of backgrounds
equity. This year, we committed over $10 million to storytellers are able to create projects about and experiences, unleashing the full scope of creative
support nonprofits around the world through our anything they want, regardless of whether potential at Spotify means giving as many people as
employee match program and corporate grantmaking. their stories contemplate disability, which possible a seat at the table.
is only one part of their complex identities.
Supporting NGOs through employee matching and Podcasting creates a fruitful starting point for That’s why we partnered with the 4A’s Foundation
strategic grantmaking the next generation of disabled storytellers. to launch the
Spotify Pulse Fellowship : a co-created,
This year, we supported over 3,400 nongovernmental year-long creative development program for Black
organizations (NGOs). While our grantmaking is Over 20% of our committed funds supported Richie Siegel and Marisa Torelli-Pedevska, professionals with one to three years of professional
mostly focused on assisting existing programs, we did organizations championing racial equity. cofounders of Inevitable Foundation. experience in the advertising industry. To bring it
create powerful bespoke programs with our nonprofit to life, we partner with programs that are already
partners, including the following: doing inspiring work supporting, developing, and
empowering Black creatives, like MAIP
UNICEF and Ukraine (Multicultural Advertising Internship Program)
In October 2022, Spotify and UNICEF embarked on a D&AD Shift Marcus Graham Project ONE School
multiyear partnership that will explore innovative ways and our newest program partner BLAC Internship .
to use digital media and the power of music and audio long term for young people around the world, starting with the funding, mentorship, equipment, and
to support the mental health and well-being of young with Ukrainian youth and refugees and expanding to accommodations they need to level up their careers. Tapping into organizations already created for and
people and their caregivers, including those affected other communities in the near future. Participants receive ongoing support through by Black creatives is key to finding talent for the
by war. quarterly check-ins with the Inevitable Foundation Spotify PULSE Program. It initiates opportunities
Inevitable Foundation team, as well as community-building events where for individuals in underrepresented communities to
Together, we’ll also explore ways in which these Spotify partnered with the
Inevitable Foundation members can expand their professional networks and gain access to careers at the top, and ensures the
innovative approaches can alleviate mental health to launch Elevate for Podcasters, a program that meet other creatives with disabilities in podcasting, opportunities and offerings we’re enabling are even
distress and promote psychosocial well-being in the empowers professional podcasters with disabilities film, and television. more intentional, impactful, and meaningful.
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 49
Climate Action Media Responsibility & Impact
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Encouraging Users to Participate In the Democratic Process
Mental Health Our 2022 Civic Engagement Efforts
Civic & Community Engagement Philanthropic Work & Employee Engagement
Responsible Business & Governance Encouraging Employees to Give Back & Make a Difference
Reporting Principles & Data
Encouraging Employees
to Give Back & Make a
Spotify community Impact Day
impact activitites:
Responsible Business
& Governance
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 51
Climate Action Our Business Model
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Spotify’s Board of Directors
Mental Health Materiality Analysis & Stakeholder Engagement
Civic & Community Engagement Risk Management
Responsible Business & Governance Creating a Safe, Secure & Transparent Platform
Reporting Principles & Data Algorithmic Impact
Business Ethics
Our Business Model Spotify has transformed the way the world accesses
and enjoys music and podcasts. Today, millions
We’re continuing to build a two-sided marketplace for
users and creators that leverages our relationships,
of people around the world have access to over data analytics, and software. We’ve been instrumental
100 million tracks and 5 million podcast titles. in reshaping the way our users enjoy, discover, and
And during 2022, we rolled out the beginnings of share audio content. And with our marketplace
our audiobooks offering in select markets where strategy, we’re empowering creators by offering
people now have access to more than 300,000 unique insights and developing new tools designed
audiobooks. to give them more power and control to unlock
new monetization opportunities. Spotify is uniquely
Yet Spotify is more than an audio streaming service. positioned to offer creators and fans access to one
We are in the discovery business. Every day, fans another, and to provide creators with analytics and
from around the world trust our brand to guide tools that help them better understand their fans,
them to entertainment that they would never have support themselves, and be able to live off their
discovered on their own. creative work.
Our Board of Directors currently has 11 members. Audit Committee oversees the goals, objectives, Gender*
The Board provides Spotify’s management teams with opportunities, resources, and initiatives related
strategic guidance and ensures that management to Spotify’s climate strategy, while our People
adopts and implements procedures designed to
promote both legal compliance and the highest
Experience and Compensation Committee (P&C
Committee) oversees those relating to Spotify’s
63.6% 36.4%
Men Women
standards of honesty, integrity, and ethics throughout diversity, inclusion and belonging strategy. The P&C
the organization. The Board and its committees Committee also reviews our incentive compensation
conduct annual self-evaluations of their performance plans and equity-based plans and makes
to make sure they are functioning effectively. recommendations to our Board.
The majority of our Board is considered independent, Our Equity & Impact team
including our Lead Independent Director. Our Spotify’s Equity & Impact (E&I) team leads the
independent directors appoint our Lead Independent company’s work in the areas of environmental
Director annually. The Lead Independent Director’s and social impact, diversity, equity, inclusion and
role is to liaise between the chairman of the Board belonging, with the mission of creating a more
and the non-management directors, and to coordinate equitable and sustainable world for our employees, 81.8% 18.2%
with the chairman to set meeting agendas and creators, and listeners. Independent Non-independent
schedules. For more information on our governance
practices, please visit our Governance webpage. The E&I Reporting Steering Circle consists of the
E&I team and representatives from other parts of the
Our Board oversees Spotify’s environmental, social, business. The Steering Circle oversees the work for
and governance (ESG) strategies and initiatives, creating transparent and accurate disclosure for
assisted by its standing committees. Specifically, our E&I reporting. * As of the end of 2022
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 54
Climate Action Our Business Model
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Spotify’s Board of Directors
Mental Health Materiality Analysis & Stakeholder Engagement
Civic & Community Engagement Risk Management
Responsible Business & Governance Creating a Safe, Secure & Transparent Platform
Reporting Principles & Data Algorithmic Impact
Business Ethics
Risk Management
Disclosure requirements Spotify Response Section in Report
During 2022, we assessed high-level risks to our
business through our Enterprise Risk Management Business Model Key aspects of the Spotify business model are described in the report. Responsible Business & Governance
representation, which reports quarterly to the • Employees: Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging, nondiscrimination, implementation and
Mental Health
Audit Committee. communication of corporate values and ethics Civic & Community Engagement
Policies We have policies, or a position and management approach, in place for most of the areas and Climate Action
impacts and risks mentioned above. With regard to our environmental impact, although not a formal Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
policy, we have developed a strategy aimed at achieving our targets of net-zero emissions.
Mental Health
Performance Indicators We report measures of performance of each impact and risk mentioned above, where relevant data This is Spotify Climate Action
is available. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
We’re aware of the impact our platform can have on The Platform Rules were developed by internal Launch of the Safety Advisory Council SAC is also the first safety-focused council of its kind
people, society, and the world. Spotify is committed teams in concert with global external safety experts In 2022, Spotify took another step in our commitment at any major audio company. While we’ve worked
to making sure our platform is safe for both our to address dangerous, deceptive, sensitive, and illegal to improving platform safety and transparency: the closely with many of the council’s founding members
listeners and creators. content. They are not static: the abuse landscape establishment of the Spotify Safety Advisory Council for years, we’re excited to deepen our relationship
constantly evolves, and our rules must evolve along SAC . Management established the SAC as a with them to expand and evolve the SAC in the
We understand our responsibility in handling data with it. dedicated body to help our various business teams months and years ahead.
from users, creators, and employees, and we’re inform and evolve our policies and products in a
proactive when it comes to content moderation and All content is subject to the same rules and way that keeps our users safe while making sure we
policy, data protection, and privacy. We describe our enforcement actions. As outlined in our Content Actions respect creator expression.
approach in the following sections. article, Spotify may take a variety of actions on
content, including removing violative content from The Spotify SAC is globally focused, with each
Our Platform Rules our platform. Repeated or egregious violations of member bringing a distinct expertise on the online
We welcome all different kinds of ideas, perspectives, our Platform Rules may result in accounts’ being safety space. Council members advise our teams in
voices, and artistic expression. Inevitably, there will suspended and/or terminated. key areas like developing policy and safety features,
be some content on our platform that individuals and they help inform our approach to equity, impact,
don’t like, or that Spotify doesn’t endorse. However, In 2022, we explored how best to highlight our rules and academic research. While members don’t make
that doesn’t mean that “anything goes”. It’s important in our creator and publisher tools by providing an specific enforcement decisions, they help shape the
that our creators are aware of what is not allowed on in-product notification linking to the Platform Rules policies and processes we use to keep our platform
Spotify. For that reason, in 2022, we published our and encouraging creators to read them. This helps consistently safe.
long-standing Platform Rules, which help ensure that creators understand their accountability for the
everyone has a safe and enjoyable experience content they post on our platform.
on Spotify.
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 57
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Mental Health Materiality Analysis & Stakeholder Engagement
Civic & Community Engagement Risk Management
Responsible Business & Governance Creating a Safe, Secure & Transparent Platform
Reporting Principles & Data Algorithmic Impact
Business Ethics
Data protection and privacy We prioritize the protection of user data from We’ll use Kinzen’s insights, together with feedback from
We’re committed to data protection because we unauthorized use and inappropriate disclosure, and we experts on our Safety Advisory Council, to continue
believe privacy is a fundamental human right. As part follow a formal incident response process to identify developing local guidelines for tackling misinformation.
of this commitment, we regularly update our and respond to data security incidents. In 2022, our
Privacy Policy and Privacy Center to ensure they Data Protection Office identified two incidents that Continuing to combat misinformation about
comprehensively describe data processing at Spotify met the reporting threshold for security incidents under COVID-19
in simple and accessible language. We want everyone relevant data protection laws, and these were reported Two years on from creating the COVID-19 hub for
using our services to understand what data we to the appropriate privacy regulators. sharing trusted, up-to-date news about the pandemic,
collect, how we use and protect it, and what their we’re still learning and working to build ever-more-
rights and controls are over it. Acquisition of Kinzen robust processes and systems to better serve our
In 2022, we made strides to further improve our listeners.
All our users have access to a suite of tools to exercise ability to detect and address abusive content and
their privacy rights, as well as a knowledgeable staff misinformation with the acquisition of Kinzen, a global One of our key interventions in 2022 was the rollout
of advisors to answer their questions about data leader in protecting online communities. of a content advisory label on podcasts that discuss
processing at Spotify. In 2022, we enhanced our COVID-19. This label connects interested listeners
“Download your data” tool, making it easier for our Kinzen’s technology combines machine learning and with more information about COVID-19. We also
users to identify and download a comprehensive set human expertise—backed by analysis from leading published our Platform Rules policy on content that
of their personal data, or just the particular types local academics and journalists based in countries promotes dangerously false or dangerously deceptive
they’re interested in. This past year, almost 800,000 around the world—to analyze potential harmful medical information.
people used the “Download your data” tool to content and hate speech in multiple languages and
download their account data. countries.
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 58
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Mental Health Materiality Analysis & Stakeholder Engagement
Civic & Community Engagement Risk Management
Responsible Business & Governance Creating a Safe, Secure & Transparent Platform
Reporting Principles & Data Algorithmic Impact
Business Ethics
Algorithmic Impact
Understanding the impact our algorithms have on the Research and case studies
listeners and creators we serve is core to our business While industry methods and guidance in this space
and product success. We evaluate, and mitigate are still limited, we continue to collaborate with
against, potential algorithmic inequities and harms, teams across the company, translate new research
and we strive for more transparency about from the wider research community into Spotify-
our impact. specific approaches, and develop additional tools and
playbooks to fill gaps.
We have a dedicated company-wide effort on
algorithmic responsibility. The effort includes Industry standards are evolving, and we continue
policy, algorithmic assessment, and work with to develop methods to advance responsible
product teams, as well as governance and support product development. We also share our research
infrastructure. into algorithmic responsibility on Algorithmic
Responsibility Spotify Research .
Our Spotify Algorithmic Policy, Guidelines, and Best engagement with communities and researchers The policy also creates space for teams to further
Practices, which was implemented in 2021, continues outside the company, including Spotify’s Safety investigate potential inequitable outcomes for creators External collaboration
to provide our teams with centralized guidance on Advisory Council. and communities by providing guidelines and best Spotify is part of a broader industry conversation
facilitating safer approaches to personalization, data practices to mitigate algorithmic harms. about algorithmic responsibility, impact, and
usage, content recommendation, and discovery. Cross-functional collaboration accountability, and these past years we’ve contributed
In 2022, we published an overview of our Algorithmic Beyond this, our collaboration with specific product teams to external events such as FaCCT, NeurIPS, and
Our approach Impact Assessment AIA process, which we’ve continues to allow us to create more granular guidance. the T&S Research Conference. In academic and
Our investment into improving our algorithmic impact used to assess over 100 internal systems. The We ask teams to evaluate existing or potential algorithmic industry forums, we share our best practices, and
comes in three parts: direct work with product teams process helps us implement policy and serves as an harms, such as stereotyping, and provide customized we learn from others and apply those insights,
to better assess and address our impact, research instrument for teams to self-assess where there may guidance based on the recommendations found through including through establishing structures internally to
and case studies, and external collaboration and be potential harms to listeners or creators. the assessment process. operationalize algorithmic responsibility.
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 59
Climate Action Our Business Model
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Spotify’s Board of Directors
Mental Health Materiality Analysis & Stakeholder Engagement
Civic & Community Engagement Risk Management
Responsible Business & Governance Creating a Safe, Secure & Transparent Platform
Reporting Principles & Data Algorithmic Impact
Business Ethics
Business Ethics
Our values are designed to build and maintain trust This is reinforced by robust ethical policies and
among our employees and with those outside the procedures, including our prohibition of bribery
company, such as our users, creators, advertisers, and and corruption; conflicts of interest; discrimination,
partners. One of our key values is sincerity. It drives us harassment, and retaliation; the misuse of data;
to do the right thing, be nice, and play fair. We strive insider trading; and supplier misconduct. Through
every day to conduct business ethically. our Code and policies, we also prohibit all forms of
human trafficking, slavery, servitude, and forced or
In addition, our community is committed to cultivating compulsory labor in our business and supply chain.
an environment where: 1) employees are not
subjected to discrimination or harassment of any kind, All Spotifiers are prompted to annually review and
and 2) employees feel comfortable raising concerns acknowledge their compliance with the Code and
about such issues without fear of facing retaliation with many of these key global policies (“Global Policy
or reprisal. This commitment ensures we treat others Review”). This exercise is reinforced by accompanying
with respect and promotes a safe workplace where all training videos (including an anti-corruption video
of us can thrive. training) and messaging from senior leadership. By
the end of 2022, 97% of Spotifiers completed their
Policies and standards assigned Global Policy Review (company departures
These values are cemented through our Code of excluded), and the final 3%, often employees on
Conduct and Ethics (Code), which provides an leave, have a follow-up to prompt completion. All new
overview of what we expect from our employees in Spotifiers are also expected to complete review of
terms of ethical behavior. We require respect for and these global policies within their first 30 days of hire
compliance with laws, rules, and regulations. and confirm their commitment to abide by policies
prohibiting corruption, discrimination, and harassment.
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 60
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Mental Health Materiality Analysis & Stakeholder Engagement
Civic & Community Engagement Risk Management
Responsible Business & Governance Creating a Safe, Secure & Transparent Platform
Reporting Principles & Data Algorithmic Impact
Business Ethics
Business Ethics
Spotify Ethics Line concerns. It’s hosted by a third-party whistleblower Supplier responsibility
The ability of Spotifiers to raise compliance concerns hotline and web interface that sends concerns to the At Spotify, we want to be as open and transparent
comfortably, without fear of reprisal, is essential to appropriate teams for handling. It provides options with our business partners as possible while being
conducting our business with honesty, integrity, to submit concerns either by web, phone, or SMS responsible for where and how we source services.
and fairness. (in North America), and, where applicable, to route Our Supplier Code of Conduct SCoC defines
a concern through a local reporting tier. Our Spotify the basic expectations of our suppliers’ and third-
These concerns could be anything relating to Ethics Line is governed by our Whistleblower Policy, party intermediaries’ responsibilities toward their
compliance with our Code, employee policies, and which is subject to oversight by our Audit Committee. stakeholders and the environment. Our SCoC and
the law, and could span issues such as workplace statement concerning modern slavery underscore our
harassment and discrimination, conflicts of interest, commitment to high ethical standards for our supply
and suspicions of theft, bribery, or fraud. chain and to the promotion of fair and safe
working conditions.
We’ve made it a point to offer multiple ways to
raise concerns so that employees can pick the We are committed to doing business ethically,
path that feels most comfortable to them. Options and that includes ensuring that third parties act
include communicating with their manager, Human consistently with our expectations and values. As a
Resources, through a mailbox to a cross-functional result, several teams partner to review our third-party
team that helps with ethical conduct inquiries, or relationships based on their risk profiles. This is done
through our Legal department (which includes our to drive compliance with our policies—including our
Compliance and Employment Law teams). SCoC—and with laws that are designed to prevent
bribery, corruption, fraud, money laundering, and
Additionally, our
Spotify Ethics Line is available to terrorism financing and promote the protection of
all employees and others for raising compliance privacy, information security, and user safety.
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 61
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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Climate Data
Mental Health Governance Data
Civic & Community Engagement Auditors Report
Responsible Business & Governance Notes & Disclaimers
Reporting Principles & Data
Reporting Principles & Data
Equity & Impact Report 2022 Introduction Introduction 62
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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Climate Data
Mental Health Governance Data
Civic & Community Engagement Auditors Report
Responsible Business & Governance Notes & Disclaimers
Reporting Principles & Data
About This Report & Reporting Principles The report covers Spotify AB (corporate ID no. Data Appendix
This is Spotify AB’s sixth Equity & Impact Report and 556703-7485), subsidiary of Spotify Technology S.A., This data appendix consists of additional information
refers to the financial year 2022 from the months of headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and all other on data and KPIs. The information aims to provide
January through December. While this report brings subsidiaries as per Note 12 of the Spotify AB annual stakeholders and readers with supplementary ESG
the opportunity to share our work, our progress, and financial statements, unless otherwise noted in this information in order to gain a deeper understanding of
our commitments to push ourselves to be better report. In signing the annual financial statements, the the company’s activities and operations.
every year, it also fulfills disclosure requirements from Board of Directors of Spotify AB has also approved
the Swedish Annual Accounts Act (implementing the Equity & Impact Report.
EU Directive 2014/95 regarding disclosure of non-
financial information).
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Mental Health Governance Data
Civic & Community Engagement Auditors Report
Responsible Business & Governance Notes & Disclaimers
Reporting Principles & Data
US Black US employees 5.7% 8.3% 9.0% 9.0%
US Asian US employees Not previously reported 19.0% 20.0% 22.1%
* Reported number for 2020 has been recalculated to reflect only
permanent employees, excluding 421 consultants. US White US employees Not previously reported Not previously reported 57.0% 55.2%
** Our numbers reflect U.S. employees who have declared their
ethnicity (approximately 94%).
US Native American US employees Not previously reported Not previously reported <1% 0.2%
US Two or more race US employees Not previously reported Not previously reported 4.0% 4.0%
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Civic & Community Engagement Auditors Report
Responsible Business & Governance Notes & Disclaimers
Reporting Principles & Data
Climate Data
Method for collecting climate data and calculating For Scopes 1 and 2, a combination of data from third- 98,502 t CO₂e higher GHG emissions for Spotify in from estimating buildings emissions from square
GHG emissions party utility bills (natural gas, electricity) and estimated 2022. footage estimation to utility bills, improved input
The climate impact is measured using a combination of usage based on office square footage (where actual data granularity.
activity and spend data to calculate emissions results, data is not available) is used. A market-based approach Scope 3 emissions are primarily calculated using
and the methodology has been refined throughout has been applied, and these emissions are calculated spend as a proxy and applying industry standard (or Methodology changes
the year. The calculations follow the GHG Protocol using contract-specific emissions factors where supplier-specific, where available) emissions factors to (the methodologies applied to activity data between
Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard and available, data on grid-residual emissions factors, or monthly spend data. Certain Scope 3 subcategories measurements)
the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting location-based emissions factors where there are no such as business travel-related emissions, are based • Changes in climate science, e.g., the IPCC
and Reporting Standard. Emissions in the report are contracts or residual emissions factors. Location-based on activity data (e.g. flight logs obtained from travel (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
presented in metric tons of CO₂e. emissions are calculated using the emissions intensity agents). Because we’re committed to accuracy regularly updates its estimate of the warming
of the relevant grid region and that approach results in and transparency, we will continue to refine our potential of non-CO₂ greenhouse cases, changing
methodology and sources of data, focusing on the CO₂ equivalent values of those emissions;
Emissions t CO2e 2021 2022 key areas of our Scope 3 emissions, such as cloud
• Market and societal developments, e.g. the U.S.
Scope 1 682 299 computing and end use .
Department of Energy’s Buildings Performance
Scope 2* 3,124 4,141 Database’s 2021 version shows that buildings have
Changes in Spotify’s 2022 GHG emissions can be
become more efficient on average, using less
Scope 3 352,372 387,043 attributed to activity changes and/or methodology
electricity and natural gas per square foot;
Total Scope 1–3 356,178 391,483 changes including updated emission factors. See
below for examples of such changes in 2022. • Improvements in GHG emission accounting
Scope 3 breakdown methodologies,e.g., adding vendor-specific
End use 81,202 / 22.8% 103,920 / 26.5% Activity changes emissions factors based on newly reported data.
Marketing 98,855 / 27.7% 101,670 / 26.0% • Increases or decreases in activity, e.g., purchasing
Emissions factors have also been updated based on
more IT equipment, resulting in higher emissions
Goods & services 67,080 / 18.8% 83,982 / 21.5% improved availability of suppliers’ reported emissions
intensity from IT equipment;
Business travel 3,021 / 0.8% 43,250 / 11.0% via the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).
• Mixshifts in activity, e.g., employees’ moving to a
Cloud use 45,897 / 12.9% 26,218 / 6.7% region that has a cleaner grid, resulting in lower
* Note: Spotify will acquire Energy attribute certificates (EACs) for its
Offices 2,551 / 14.8% 19,248 / 4.9% work-from-home office emissions intensity; non-renewable office and home office electricity. 2021 numbers have
been restated to reflect the GHG emissions before EAC acquisition.
Employees 7,992 / 2.2% 13,194 / 3.4% • Changes in activity measurement type, e.g., moving
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Mental Health Governance Data
Civic & Community Engagement Auditors Report
Responsible Business & Governance Notes & Disclaimers
Reporting Principles & Data
Governance Data
Method(s) for data collection Activity 2021 2022
Data on data privacy is measured and tracked by the
Data Protection team. Data on algorithmic impact Anti-corruption
and responsibility is measured and tracked by the Percentage of employees who have completed anti-corruption training 97% 97%*
Algorithmic Impact & Responsibility team.
Data privacy
Number of users who downloaded their 708,123 799,492
account data (Privacy)
Number of reported data breaches 2 2
Algorithmic impact and responsibility
Number of algorithmic impact assessed internal systems +80 +100
* Number of employees confirmed to have read and agreed to follow
Auditor’s report
key global policies during 2022 through the “Annual Policy Review and
Confirmation” process (company departures excluded). The final 3%, Next page
often employees on leave, have a follow-up to prompt completion.
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Mental Health Governance Data
Civic & Community Engagement Auditors Report
Responsible Business & Governance Notes & Disclaimers
Reporting Principles & Data
To the general meeting of the shareholders of Spotify accordance with International Standards on Auditing
AB, corporate identity number 556703-7485. and generally accepted auditing standards in Sweden.
We believe that the examination has provided us with
Engagement and responsibility sufficient basis for our opinions.
It is the Board of Directors who is responsible for the
statutory sustainability statement for the year 2022 Opinions
and that it has been prepared in accordance with the A statutory sustainability statement has been
Annual Accounts Act. prepared.