Types of Rocks

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Types of Rocks

Rocks are naturally occurring solid materials that make up the Earth's
surface. There are three main types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, and
metamorphic. Each type has unique characteristics and properties that
make them distinct.

by Elisa Mae Ocay

Igneous Rocks
Granite Basalt
A coarse-grained, light-colored A fine-grained, dark-colored
igneous rock composed mainly igneous rock that is the most
of quartz, feldspar, and mica. common type of volcanic rock.

Obsidian Pumice
A glassy, black or dark-colored A lightweight, porous igneous
igneous rock formed by the rock that is formed by the rapid
rapid cooling of lava. cooling of lava.
10 Examples of Sedimentary Rocks
Sandstone Limestone Shale
A sedimentary rock composed of A sedimentary rock composed A fine-grained sedimentary rock
sand-sized mineral or rock grains primarily of calcium carbonate, often formed from the compaction of clay,
cemented together. formed from the remains of marine silt, or mud.

Conglomerate Chalk Gypsum

A sedimentary rock composed of A soft, white, porous sedimentary rock A soft, white or translucent
rounded pebbles or boulders composed primarily of the mineral sedimentary rock composed of the
cemented together. calcite. mineral gypsum.

Breccia Coquina Travertine

A sedimentary rock composed of A sedimentary rock composed A sedimentary rock composed of
angular, broken fragments of other primarily of the compressed and calcium carbonate deposited by
rocks cemented together. cemented shells of marine organisms. mineral springs, often with a banded or
layered appearance.

Diatomite Evaporite

A sedimentary rock composed of the fossilized remains of A sedimentary rock formed by the evaporation of saline water,
diatoms, a type of microscopic aquatic organism. such as salt (halite) or gypsum.

10 Examples of Metamorphic Rocks

Marble Quartzite Slate
A metamorphic rock formed from the A metamorphic rock formed from the A fine-grained metamorphic rock
recrystallization of limestone, often recrystallization of sandstone, with a formed from the compression and
with a smooth, uniform texture. hard, granular texture. recrystallization of shale, often with a
smooth, planar cleavage.

Schist Gneiss Serpentinite

A metamorphic rock with a distinct A coarse-grained, banded A metamorphic rock composed

foliated or banded appearance, formed metamorphic rock formed from the primarily of the mineral serpentine,
from the recrystallization of shale or recrystallization of granite or other often with a green, scaly appearance.
other fine-grained rocks. igneous rocks.

Amphibolite Phyllite Hornfels

A metamorphic rock composed A fine-grained metamorphic rock with A dense, fine-grained metamorphic
primarily of the mineral amphibole, a shiny, silky appearance, formed from rock formed by the contact
often with a dark, banded appearance. the recrystallization of shale or slate. metamorphism of shale or other
sedimentary rocks.


A rare, high-pressure metamorphic rock composed primarily of the minerals garnet and pyroxene.
Sedimentary Rocks
Sandstone Limestone
A sedimentary rock composed A sedimentary rock composed
of sand-sized mineral or rock primarily of calcium carbonate,
grains cemented together by formed from the remains of
various organic or inorganic marine organisms.

Shale Conglomerate
A fine-grained sedimentary A sedimentary rock composed
rock that forms from the of rounded pebbles, cobbles, or
compaction and cementation boulders cemented together by
of clay, silt, or mud. a finer-grained matrix.
10 Examples of Sedimentary Rocks
Sandstone Limestone Shale

A sedimentary rock composed of A sedimentary rock composed A fine-grained sedimentary rock that
sand-sized mineral or rock grains primarily of calcium carbonate, formed forms from the compaction and
cemented together by various organic from the remains of marine organisms. cementation of clay, silt, or mud.
or inorganic materials.
Metamorphic Rocks
Gneiss Schist
A metamorphic rock with a A metamorphic rock with a
banded or foliated appearance, distinct foliated or layered
formed by the recrystallization appearance, formed by the
of igneous or sedimentary alignment of platy minerals.

Slate Quartzite
A fine-grained metamorphic A metamorphic rock composed
rock that splits easily into thin, primarily of quartz, formed by
parallel sheets, formed from the recrystallization of
the metamorphism of shale or sandstone or other quartz-rich
mudstone. rocks.
10 Examples of Metamorphic Rocks
Gneiss Schist Slate
A metamorphic rock with a banded or A metamorphic rock with a distinct A fine-grained metamorphic rock that
foliated appearance, formed by the foliated or layered appearance, formed splits easily into thin, parallel sheets,
recrystallization of igneous or by the alignment of platy minerals. formed from the metamorphism of
sedimentary rocks. shale or mudstone.
Characteristics of Rock Types
1 Igneous Rocks
Formed by the cooling and solidification of molten material,
with a crystalline or glassy texture.

2 Sedimentary Rocks
Formed by the accumulation and cementation of mineral or
organic particles, with a layered or clastic texture.

3 Metamorphic Rocks
Formed by the transformation of existing rocks due to heat,
pressure, or chemical processes, with a foliated or banded
Key Takeaways
1 Diverse Compositions 2 Unique Formation
Rocks can be composed of a Processes
wide variety of minerals, The three main rock types
resulting in their diverse are formed through different
colors, textures, and geological processes, each
properties. with its own distinctive

3 Importance in Daily 4 Continuous Cycling

Life The rock cycle describes the
Rocks are a fundamental part continuous transformation of
of the Earth's crust and have rocks from one type to
numerous applications in our another over geological
everyday lives. timescales.

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