Geo Information Systems Remote Sensing Application
Geo Information Systems Remote Sensing Application
Geo Information Systems Remote Sensing Application
© With Authors.
Geo Informatics is an interdisciplinary field responsible for spatial information related activities. Geo
Informatics is close to the Geo Information Science, Geo Information System, Remote Sensing, etc.
Geo Informatics is a combination of Geo Science and Information Science and here different kinds
of IT and Computing tools are being used such as Database Technology, Network Technology, Web
Technology, Multimedia Technology, etc in the spatial data management. Remote Sensing is
considered as a component of Geo Information Science dedicated in gathering of information on the
different types of objects without physical content and applicable in different areas of the geography,
survey of land and different type of geo related areas viz. Hydrology, Ecology, Meteorology,
Oceanography and Geology, etc. The term remote sensing is also called as GIS & RS due to their
relationship and their importance. The applications of the IT in Geography and allied areas are called
as Geo Informatics or Geo Information Science. Similarly, the applications and utilization of IT,
Information Science and Computing in Environment and allied areas are known as Environmental
Informatics or Environmental Information Science. The GIS and Remote Sensing applications in the
environment and ecological areas are increasing rapidly and it includes various existing and emerging
applications. This paper talks about the applications of the GIS and RS in Environmental Applications
and Management.
Keywords: Geo Informatics, Remote Sensing, GIS in Environment, Environmental Informatics,
Environmental Management, Sustainable Development.
There are various applications of the geographic information systems (GIS) in environmental science that are
noticeable; however, it is treated as a complex, multifaceted aspect. Environmental science is a
multidisciplinary field incorporating aspects of the biological, social, and physical sciences regarding the
environmental problems and importantly GIS is useful indifferent spatial information related activities such as
organize, analyze, manage, visualize geospatial data management for the purpose of the environmental analysis
and modeling [1], [5]. The GIS in environmental science deals with the macros a broad bibliographic
landscape. During the 1960s and 1970s when environmental movement held strongly the field of
environmental science was noticeable in relation to ecology, geography, and hydrology. Later various Geo
techniques and technologies consider as important and accessible tools to analyze and solve complex
environmental problems. In the areas of risk management, pollution, and monitoring of the environment, GIS
and RS are applied effectively. The Information Technology development including data accessibility,
visualization, software modeling treated as a perfect storm for the adoption of Environmental Informatics
where integrated technology like GIS is applicable in solving various environmental issues. There was an
explosion of Environmental IT uses in the water resources, climate change, urban planning, etc. and here GIS
is very much effective. Today all of us are dedicated in protecting the environment including the aspects of the
Climate change, i.e. erratic weather patterns effective natural environment and crop production, melting of ice
glaciers and in such aspects and monitoring GIS can helpful and a powerful tool [7], [17].
The main objectives of the paper are mentioned as follows (but not limited to)—
To learn about the basics of Geo Informatics and Geo Information Systems with features and attributes.
To get knowledge about the basic applications of the Geo Information Systems and Remote Sensing.
To learn about the basics of Environmental Informatics with reference to GIS and RS.
To learn about the basic applications of the GIS and Remote Sensing Applications in Environment and
Ecological Management.
To learn about the field specific applications of the GIS, Remote Sensing, etc. for the healthy
Environmental Monitoring and Utilizations.
To get the current trends and future potentiality of the GIS and Similar Spatial Technologies in the
healthy Ecology and Environmental Informatics practice.
Environmental Informatics is emerging and combines with the Environment and Informatics (i.e. also called
as Environmental Information Science). In a simple sense it is the applications of Information Technology and
Computing in Environment and Ecological aspects and subjects viz. Geology, Agriculture, Forestry,
Geography, Climatology, Oceanography, etc. It is partially also called as Eco Informatics and Ecology
Informatics; however, Environmental Informatics is broader than these. Moreover, another nomenclature
called Environmental Information Technology is another important one though Environmental Informatics
may also additional talks/ deals with manual information management in respect of the environment and
ecology. Here various emerging technologies are applicable in different sectors of the environment such as—
Environmental Science /Studies
Environmental Management
Environmental Engineering, etc [3], [18], [25].
The Geo Information Systems and Remote sensing applications are merging in different areas and it is growing
rapidly for various reasons such as—
For the building of an intelligent Geo Information Systems and Spatial Development including Spatial
In Collection, analysis, etc of spatial data including in Disaster Management and development.
In the areas of healthy Public Administration and Disaster Management Geo Information Systems and
Remote sensing are very much effective and useful.
Regarding the transferring of the data from hard version to the digital one here GIS and Remote
Sensing are required.
In the areas of mapping including in analyzing of the longitude, latitude, atmosphere measurement
also Geo Information Systems and Remote sensing are effective tools.
In Zincography also Geo Information Systems and Remote sensing are being used as it is for spitting
map to map with respective layers and here these tools become useful.
The GIS applications are important in the diverse areas of viz. Environmental Mapping and
Monitoring, Environmental Designing such as effective and planned water network, wired system, etc.
Moreover, in urban and town planning also Geo Information Systems and Remote sensing useful viz.
traffic control, pollution control, urbanization and in rural development.
Geo Information Systems and Remote sensing are useful in Measuring various environmental systems
such as water systems, weather management etc. for healthy ecological practice.
Topographical modelling is important in the environment and here GIS and Remote sensing useful
and increasing.
The functions, roles and applications of GIS are increasing day by day and in addition other sustainable
technology as well. The next section deals with these diverse areas [9], [19], [24].
It is important to note that the issues of the global warming are increasing day by day with the environmental
degradation including decreasing glacier area, increasing the size of the glacial lake, heavy rainfall, changes
in lands including floods, etc. Moreover, the aspects of the landslides, limited agricultural crop production can
also be considered as important environmental changes and these need timely monitoring. In this context for
Effective monitoring of the environmental aspects here geospatial technologies including remote sensing and
GIS are effective and useful [8], [14], [23].
GIS is effective environmental data analysis, planning and management tool and helps in healthy
environmental conditions viz. slopes, aspects, and vegetation and so on. Digital information is possible using
GIS tools to provide environmental data, quick, comparative view of hazards, risks and also areas to be
safeguarded. Based on Data Analysis, GIS is helpful in managing the environmental hazards and risks and
other environment related problems including planning decisions and for mitigation activities. GIS also helps
in environmental assessment and in the generation of the environmental models and here is GIS is an effective
very much. GIS is thus needed in environmental management for the following concern—
Planning and Monitoring
Air pollution Management with control.
Disaster and Recovery Management.
Forest Management including fire management.
Managing natural resources.
Wastewater Management, etc [10], [15], [24].
GIS systems are used in integrated, well developed disaster management and mitigation systems with risk
management and analysis. This is required in natural or artificial disaster management including in
identification, preventive measures, etc.
In early warning systems, GIS and RS are used including in decision support systems towards a healthy
disaster is management with mitigating the risks of a disaster. Further GIS and RS are useful in better,
responsive, and faster GIS based systems. The tool is useful in affected areas, recovery becomes easier and
faster. Therefore, in cyclone alerts, regional tsunami, heavy rainfall, in the coming flood alert system GIS is
effective for complete disaster management.
Therefore, using GIS and RS natural resource related data could be collected through aerial photography,
satellite imagery using GIS technology. Hence in the aspects of climate change, population, pollution, is
a worthy tool. GIS is helping to study specific monitoring including environmental conditions and policy,
including conservation programs. Maps in GIS provide the information of location and current resources. GIS
is required in wastewater management, oil spilling, sewage treatment, etc. As GIS helps location information
thus also required in various types of decision-making, policy making, etc and helpful in environmental
management. Therefore, GIS basically responsible for collects, analyzes, stores and disseminates Geo Spatial
Information which helpful in environmental development and agricultural management [6], [16], [20].
Geo Spatial Information Technology is dedicated to Land Management i.e. the degrees of actual or potential
hazard from landslides. With GIS & RS it collects, manipulates spatial data viz. geological, structural, surface,
etc. and therefore in hazard zonation, this system could be useful. On the other hand, the role of GIS technology
is also useful in land cover applications including land cover patterns within time.
As far as Soil mapping is concerned GIS provides resource information and thus it helps in soil feature analysis
and may be helpful in preventing environmental deterioration; in forest management and for agriculture to
understand the characteristics of the soil; GIS and RS are useful.
As far as Flood Damage and Management is concerned the GIS and Remote Sensing tools help in disaster
relief funds and can be utilized by administrators, policy makers, and so on.
Furthermore, in Irrigation Management also GIS are useful; it is helpful in knowing water availability and may
be needed in water management, crop production, agriculture management, etc. For the effective management
of the utilization of water, Geo Spatial Technologies are important and useful.
Wetland is an important part of the environment and it helps in better land management including reducing
flood levels. GIS and RS helps in wetland mapping and design. As far as Volcanic hazard is concerned that
deals with the particles gas clouds, lava flows and flooding and here GIS based impact assessment will be
helpful. Ultimately it may be helpful in volcanic hazards management including in partial helpful in economic
loss and loss of lives in a different context [9], [22].
Environment is very much important regarding development; and in Environmental and Ecological
Management it helps in a sustainable world. And in all these, GIS Technologies are important and required.
The subjects viz. Environmental Science, Environmental Technology, Environmental Management,
Environmental Engineering, etc. are helpful in environmental assessment and management. The areas such as
GIS and Remote Sensing become important in Environmental Management. Here the GIS and RS dealing
subjects such as Geo Informatics, Geo Information Systems, Geo Information Science, etc. play a leading role.
Moreover, in the development environment and disaster management related affairs also GIS and GPS tools
are important and increasing rapidly.
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