Arduino Theory
Arduino Theory
Arduino Theory
Introduction to Arduino:
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to use hardware and software.
Through this Arduino platform, Integration of Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics & Software
systems is Possible. Such an Integration of systems is essential for automation of any
process/machines. Such Inventions improves the productivity of engineering systems by
reducing the Human Efforts & Improving the Quality and Production rates.
1. Arduino Uno
2. Arduino Mega ADK
3. Arduino Mini
4. Arduino Micro
5. Arduino Nano
6. Arduino Leonardo
7. Arduino Ethernet
8. Lilypad Arduino
9. Arduino Robot motor
10.Arduino Gemma
Components in an Arduino UNO Board:
Major Components of Arduino Uno are as follows
1. Micro controller
2. Digital Input / Output Pins
3. Analog Input Pins
4. USB Connector
5. USB Interface Chip
6. DC Power Port
7. Reset Switch
8. Crystal Oscillator
Microcontroller: Atmega328P microcontroller used in Arduino UNO. It is the most
prominent black rectangular chip with 28 pins. Think of it as the brains of your Arduino.
Atmega328P has the following components in it:
stored here.
ime memory.
of 1KB.
This is a type of non-volatile memory, and it keeps the data even after device restart and reset.
Atmega328P is pre-programmed with boot loader. This allows
to directly upload a new Arduino program into the device, without using anyexternal hardware
programmer, making the Arduino UNO board easy to use.
USB connector:
This is a printer USB port used to load a program from the Arduino IDE ontothe Arduino
board. The board can also be powered through this port. Power port: The Arduino board
can be powered through an AC-to-DC adapter or a battery. The power source can be
connected by plugging in a 2.1mm centre positive plug into the power jack of the board.
TX – RX LEDs: TX stands for transmit, and RX for receive. These are indicator
LEDs which blink whenever the UNO board is transmitting orreceiving data.
Crystal oscillator: This is a quartz crystal oscillator which ticks 16 million times a
second. On each tick, the microcontroller performs one operation, forexample, addition,
subtraction, etc.
Reset switch: When this switch is clicked, it sends a logical pulse to the reset pin of the
Microcontroller, and now runs the program again from the start. This can be very useful if
your code doesn’t repeat, but you want to test it multiple times.