Purposive Communication

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PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION understood; specific, definitive - Person giving the

and distinctive. Free from any feedback should be

Communication – essence of
doubt. accountable to give
communication brings
his/her response
knowledge; it is believed that The channel – channel is the
accurately and on time.
without communication there one who transmit the message
can be no transmit of clearly, faithfully, and TYPES OF COMMUNICATION
knowledge. efficiently. message
- “Sine qua non” of - Transmit message decoding Receiver
knowledge; one wants to accurately.
communication – happens
learn has to
The receiver – good receiver; within the “self” you are your
good listener, comprehends own sender and receiver.
ELEMENTS OF message accurately; free from
- Self-talk, imagination,
COMMUNICATION emotional or psychological
visualization, recall of
baggage that could affect the
Sender – first element of memory.
accuracy of the message.
communication, the origin of
the communication. The origin The feedback – the response
communication – involves
of communication. to the message; doesn’t have
two individuals; both act as
to be timely but should be
- Contributes to the sender and receiver of the
success of message. Verbal and
communication; nonverbal.
- The source of the
Group communication –
composed at least three or
- Good sender formulates
more communication, evident
an effective message;
in classroom; work setting or in
verbal or nonverbal.
group discussions.
The message – should be source encoding
Public communication –
clear for it to be easily channel
similar to group

communication, 1. Variation in speed – intonation, variation in
sender/receiver speaks in a difficulty in speed and volume.
one-directional flow. understanding what is 7. Pitch – associated with
said due to heavy slang, intonation and volume.
- Graduation speech,
accent and speed of The intensity of the
reporting, political
speaking. voice.
campaigns, seminar, and
2. Volume – sensitivity to 8. Pausing and phrasing
press conference.
voice (tone) when – associated with
Mass communication – speaking; distance of emphasis, to be effective
wherein the message is relayed people you’re talking. must learn to pause at
via electronics. 3. Intonation – the falling every certain points of
and rising of voice, due your conversation.
- SONA, news, social
to diverse dialects that
media, movies, radio, Written communication –
affects on how a person
and television. sends message through the use
of written signs and symbols;
hand written or printed.
ACCORDING TO MEDIUM language support verbal
communication; 7C’S OF WRITTEN
Medium – either written or mannerism when COMMUNICATION
spoken. speaking.
1. Completeness – needed
- Employed by both sender 5. Emphasis – speaker
information and facts are
and receiver. uses proper pausing;
well written and
proper volume of voice;
Verbal communication – the explained.
and right intensity when
use of words that is being 2. Conciseness –K.I.S. S
pointing out certain
spoken; may be written and (keep it short and simple)
oral. should be clear without
6. Rhythm – the strong,
any form of verbosity.
ELEMENTS OF VERBAL weak, duration and
3. Consideration –
COMMUNICATION accent or beat.
consider your target or
Associated with
4. Clarity – organized in a a. Intimate space refers to and the character a person
way that is easy to significant ones, or loved must imply in order to have
understand and follow. ones only you and the a good self-presentation on
5. Concreteness – be other person share thy self.
factual; message aided privacy and closeness
Ethics of communication
with unbiased support; comfortably.
provide research data, b. Personal space refers Honesty – refers to being
stats; figures. to family and friends; truthful/transparent when
6. Courtesy – be polite; ones you have shared a communicating and shares
avoid using vulgarity and lot. factual message.
offensive words. c. Social space refers to
Openness to others view
7. Correctness – written gatherings; in a group
– refers to being open-
information should be setting where socializing
minded about others
based on FACTS. involve; parties,
different perceptions, either
classroom, few to familiar
Non-verbal communication – they disagree to a situation,
people are involve.
a non-spoken language or argue to an opinion,
d. Public space refers to
comprises gestures, body regardless, you are being
setting intended for the
language, actions, unconscious open to listen and
public; markets, malls,
behavior, or facial expression. understand their thoughts.
parks, museum,
Kinesics – eye contact, anywhere open for all Commitment – refers to
gestures, body movement. people. being eager in engaging
conversation, being open to
Haptics- sense of touch; kiss, Self-presentation and
particular topics and shares
hugs, shoulder tap. environment – refer from
thoughts or knowledge.
how you present yourself
Vocalics – rising and falling
depending on the situation Build consensus – refers to
intonation subconsciously.
such as formal setting; job building a good conversation
Proxemics – involves different interview, research defense, or connection when having a
types of space work reports, event speech. good agreement with others
Both involves the setting instead of arguing.
Principles of positive communication that
communication can draw attention to your
Relevance – in
communication, your point, Maintain intense focus –
view, or message to certain means to always stay in focus
topic should be relative or to your point, carry out your
connected to what the topic message in ways that your
is about. thoughts are organized to avoid
confusion to your audience, it is
Be positive – positivity
important that your viewers
creates good
understand what you
communication, meaning
that having a positive
approach or attitude creates
a positive and engaging
Choose the best medium –
choose the best or suitable
medium; spoken or written
when communicating.
Depending on the situation,
Study your audience – gain
knowledge to your targets such
as age, gender, religion, it is
important to consider your
viewer’s background.
Be enthusiastic – the way you
deliver affects communication,
thus create an engaging, and

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