Week 1 Plumbing Code

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The practice of plumbing within the JANUARY 28, 1959 - Plumbing Code was
meaning and intent of this Act shall embrace promulgated and approved by Malacañang
services in the form of consultations,
1966-1969 - Examiners and NAMPAP
designing, preparations of plans,
prepared a curriculum for Plumbing
specifications; estimates, erection,
installation and supervision of plumbing
work including the inspection and NOVEMBER 28, 1967 - First Amendment
acceptance of materials used therein; to the Plumbing Code was approved
extension and alteration of all piping to (inclusion of Asbestos Cement Pipe as
fixtures, appliances, appurtenances in approved plumbing material)
connection with any of the following: storm
and sanitary drainage, facilities of buildings, DECEMBER 21, 1999 - Section 4 of R.A.
the sanitary venting of fixtures, hot or cold 1378 was approved by Pres. Estrada
water supply systems within or adjacent to
any building, storm drains, sewerage system
of any premises and/or in connection with 22 BASIC PRONCIPLES
any public disposal or any acceptable
1. All premises shall be provided with a
terminal. The enumeration in this paragraph supply of pure and wholesome water.
shall not be construed as excluding any 2. Plumbing fixtures shall be supplied
other work requiring plumbing knowledge with water of sufficient volume and
and application. adequate pressure.
3. Plumbing shall be designed and
adjusted to use the minimum
BOARD OF MASTER PLUMBER quantity of water.
Hon. Reynald B. Ilagan - Chairman 4. Devices shall be so designed and
installed to prevent from explosion.
Hon. Pedrito D. Camilet, Jr. - Member 5. Every building shall be connected to
Hon. Jaime Jajay E. Cruz - Member the sewer system.
6. Each family dwelling unit shall have
one water closet, one kitchen sink, a
PLUMBING TIMELINE lavatory, a bathtub or shower.
7. Plumbing fixtures shall be made of
17TH CENTURY - Birth of the plumbing smooth non-absorbent material and
profession in the Philippines be in ventilated enclosures.
8. The drainage system shall be
18TH AND 19TH CENTURY - Filipino
designed, constructed and maintained
Plumbers were assigned the task of and with adequate cleanouts.
maintaining plumbing systems 9. All piping shall be made of
20TH CENTURY - Hygiene became NAMPAP approved materials.
priority 10. Each fixture shall be equipped with a
water sealed trap.
1902 - The plumbing trade was duly 11. The drainage piping system shall be
recognized by the government. designed to provide adequate
circulation of air.
1935 - NAMPAP has been registered with 12. Vent terminals shall extend to the
the Securities and Exchange Commission outer air.
JULY 1956 - First licensure examination for 13. Plumbing systems shall be subjected
master plumbers to tests to effectively disclose leaks

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and defects. 5. Allow the use of his/her License as a
14. No substance which will clog or Registered Master Plumber for a fee
destroy the pipes shall be allowed. to an unlicensed Master Plumber in
15. Proper protection shall be provided plumbing works without his/her
to prevent contamination. personal supervision.
16. No water closet shall be located in a
room which is not properly 6. Injure falsely or maliciously, directly
ventilated and lighted. or indirectly, the reputation of
17. Suitable provision shall be made for another Registered Master Plumber
disposing of building sewage if by reviewing his/her work for the
there is no available sewer. same client unless the professional
18. Suitable provision shall be made to services of the former have been
prevent from backflow of sewage. officially terminated and all
19. Plumbing systems shall be professional fees have been dully
maintained by Registered Master paid by the client;
20. All plumbing fixtures must be 7. Advertise in self-laudatory language,
properly spaced. act in any manner and engage in any
21. Plumbing shall be installed with due practice which tends to bring
regard to preservation of strength dishonor to the dignity of the
and prevention of damage of other Registered Master Plumber, the
structural members. National Master Plumbers
22. Sewage that are deleterious shall not Association of the Philippines
be discharged into the ground or (NAMPAP), and the plumbing
into any waterway. profession.


A registered master plumber shall maintain a
professional bearing consistent with an
honorable and dignified pursuit of his/her
profession, adhering to a set of conduct
becoming of his/her calling, and shall not:


1. Act in an unprofessional manner and A Registered and Licensed Master Plumber
demand any remuneration other than shall file an application at the office of the
his/her original charges except for Building Official on behalf of the building
additional services not covered in the owner: Application shall:
basic contract;  Identify & describe the plumbing
work covered
2. Supplant another Registered Master  Have the description of the land upon
Plumber after definite steps have which the plumbing work is to be
already been taken toward his/her done
being commissioned to perform the  Indicate the use or occupancy
contract;  Be accompanied by plans, drawings,
diagrams, computations, technical
3. Underbid another Registered Master specifications, and other pertinent
Plumber by reducing his/her data required by Administrative
professional fees after being Authority
informed of the fees charged by the  Be signed by the Owner or permittee
other Registered Master Plumber;  Be signed & sealed by the Registered
& Licensed Master Plumber.
4. Take the advantage of a salaried
Plans & Specifications:
government position to compete
 All plumbing plans, drawings,
unfairly with a practicing Registered
diagrams, design analyses/
Master Plumber;
computations as required, technical
specifications, bill of materials &
other required documents for all
Week 1: Plumbing Code Page 2 of 4
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types of occupancy shall be PROBLEMS
prepared, signed & sealed by a
1. Who is the current chairman of the board
Registered & Licensed Master
Plumber, without limitation pursuant of Master Plumbers?
to Republic Act 1378, as amended.
 The above requirements shall be 2. Who is the re-appointed member of the
submitted in (6) sets Board of Master Plumbers and the
chairman of Committee on Integration &
PERMIT ISSUANCE Unification of Registered Master
The Administrative Authority may Plumbers/ Plumbing Engineers?
issue Partial Permit for the
construction of a part of a large
and/or complicated plumbing system 3. Who is the chairman of CPD Council for
before the entire plans & Master Plumber?
specifications for the whole system
submitted or approved:
4. What century did the hygiene became
Retention of approved plans, priority in the Philippines?
specifications, computations & other
5. What year NAMPAP has been registered
pertinent data:
One (1) set for Administrative with the Securities and Exchange
Authority Commission?
Two (2) sets returned to the 6. Republic Act of Sanitary Engineering
Law signed by Pres. Magsaysay on June
One (1) set kept at the Jobsite
18, 1955?
Expiration: 7. Republic Act of Plumbing Law signed
One (1) year from date of issuance
by Pres. Magsaysay on June 18, 1955?
Within 120 days if the work is
suspended or abandoned 8. Shall not underbid another Registered
Master Plumber by reducing his/her
INSPECTIONS professional fees after being informed of
 General:
the fees charged by the other RMP?
 No portion of any plumbing system
shall be concealed until inspected & 9. Shall not act in an unprofessional manner
approved and demand any remuneration other than
 All Administrative Plumbing his/her original charges except for
Personnel, Plumbing Inspector shall
additional services not covered in the
be a Registered and Licensed Master
basic contract?
 Inspection Request: 10. How many set/s of plans will be retained
 Shall be filed at least three (3) working on the job site?
days before such inspection is intended.
 Shall be in writing & jointly 11. Number of days a plumbing permit will
signed by Owner & the expire if the project is not commenced?
Registered and Licensed Master
Plumber-Contractor. 12. Number of days a plumbing permit will
expire if the project is abandoned?
13. Fee for the renewal of expired plumbing
(Refer to RNPCP Chapter 2 and ASPE
14. Part of the lowest horizontal piping of
Plumbing Terminology)
the drainage system 0.60 meters outside
Note: Based on past exams, majority of the building wall?
terminology questions are from these two
15. This starts at the end of the building drain
from 0.60 meters outside the building
16. A tee with a branched tapped to receive
a threaded fitting.

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17. A metallic sleeve, caulked to an opening
in a pipe to which a plug is screwed for
the purpose of cleaning or examining the
interior of the pipe.
18. A receptacle which water or wastes may
be collected or retained for ultimate
discharge into the plumbing system.
19. A manufactured device or a
prefabricated assembly. Performs useful
functions in the operation, maintenance,
servicing, and safety.
20. Any of two or more similar adjacent
fixture which discharge into a common
horizontal soil or waste branch.
21. A length of soil or waste stack
corresponding in the general to a storey
height, but in no case less than 2.43m
within which the horizontal branches
from one floor or storey of a building are
connected to the stack.
22. A receptacle in which liquids are
retained for a sufficient period of time to
allow settable material to deposit.
23. It is the art & technique of installing
pipes, fixtures & other apparatuses in
buildings for bringing the supply, liquids,
substances &/or ingredients & removing
them; & such water, liquid & other
carried-wastes hazardous to health,
sanitation, life, property; also the pipes
and fixtures after installation i.e., the
plumbing system.
24. It is the vertical vent pipe installed
primarily for providing circulation of air
to & from any part of the soil, waste of
the drainage system.
25. Name at least one of the top 10 of MPLE
February 2025.

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