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C Programming Semester 3 Text Books

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CHENNAI – 600 025

Diploma in Computer Engineering

Course Code: 1052

M – Scheme
III Semester Diploma in Computer Engineering

Convener for Computer Engineering Discipline:

Mr. D. Arulselvan,
Thiagarajar Polytechnic College ,
Salem - 636 005.

Team Members for C Programming:

Thiagarajar Polytechnic College,
Salem – 636 005.

V. Saranya
HoD / Computer Engineering
Thiagarajar Polytechnic College,
Salem – 636 005.

Lecturer/ Computer Engineering
Thiagarajar Polytechnic College,
Salem – 636 005.

Validated by

Mr. B.Krishnakumar
HOD / Computer Engineering
Arasan Ganesan Polytechnic College

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Subject Code : 35233
Semester : III
Subject Title : C PROGRAMMING
No. of weeks per semester: 15 weeks
Max. Marks
Hours / Hours / Internal Board Duration
week Semester Assessment Examinations
Structures 5 75 25 75 100 3 Hours
Using C


Unit No Topic No of Hours







C’ is the most widely used computer language, which is being taught as a core course. C is general
purpose structural language that is powerful, efficient and compact, which combines features of high
level language and low-level language. It is closer to both Man and Machine. Due to this inherent
flexibility and tolerance it is suitable for different development environments. Due to these powerful
features, C has not lost its importance and popularity in recently developed and advanced software
industry. C can also be used for system level programming and it is still considered as first priority
programming language. This course covers the basic concepts of C. This course will act as
“Programmingconcept developer” for students. It will also act as “Backbone” for subjects like OOPS,
Visual Basic, Windows Programming, JAVA etc.
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At the end of the Course, the students will be able to

• Define Program, Algorithm and flow chart
• List down and Explain various program development steps
• Write down algorithm and flow chart for simple problems.
• Describe the concepts of Constants, Variables, Data types and operators. Develop programs
using input and output operations.
• Use of command line arguments & Explain compiler controlled directives.
• Understand the structure and usage of different looping and branching statements. Define
arrays and string handling functions.
• Explain user-defined functions, structures and union.
• Define pointers and using the concept of Pointers.
• To understand the dynamic data structure and memory management.


1.1 Program Algorithm & flow chart: Program development cycle- Programming language
levels & features. Algorithm – Properties & classification of Algorithm, flow chart – 2 Hrs
symbols, importance & advantage of flow chart.

1.2 Introduction C: - History of C – features of C structure of C program –Compiling, link &

2 Hrs
run a program. Diagrammatic representation of program execution process.

1.3. Variables, Constants & Data types: C character set-Tokens- Constants- Key words –
identifiers and Variables – Data types and storage – Data type Qualifiers – Declaration of
3 Hrs
Variables – Assigning values to variable - Declaring variables as constants-Declaration –
Variables as volatile- Overflow & under flow of data

1.4 C Operators: Arithmetic, Logical, Assignment Relational, Increment and Decrement,

Conditional, Bitwise, Special Operator precedence and Associativity. C expressions – 3 Hrs
Arithmetic expressions – Evaluation of expressions- Type cast operator

1.5 I/O statements: Formatted input, formatted output, Unformatted I/O statements 2 Hrs


Branching: Introduction – Simple if statement – if –else – else-if ladder , nested if-else-

2.1. 4 Hrs
Switch statement – go statement – Simple programs.

Looping statements: While, do-while statements, for loop, break & continue statement
2.2. 3 Hrs
– Simple programs

Arrays: Declaration and initialization of One dimensional, Two dimensional and

2.3. 3 Hrs
character arrays – Accessing array elements – Programs using arrays

Strings : Declaration and initialization of string variables, Reading String, Writing Strings
2.4 3 Hrs
– String handling functions (strlen(),strcat(),strcmp()) – String manipulation programs

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3.1. Built –in functions: Math functions – Console I/O functions – Standard I/O functions –
Character Oriented functions – Simple programs 3 Hrs

3.2 User defined functions: Defining functions & Needs-, Scope and Life time of Variables, ,
Function call, return values, Storage classes, Category of function – Recursion – Simple 6 Hrs

3.3 Structures and Unions: Structure – Definition, initialization, arrays of structures, Arrays
with in structures, structures within structures, Structures and functions – Unions – 4 Hrs
Structure of Union – Difference between Union and structure – Simple programs.


4.1. Pointers: Definition – advantages of pointers – accessing the address of a variable

through pointers - declaring and initializing pointers- pointers expressions, increment and
scale factor- array of pointers- pointers and array - pointer and character strings – 10 Hrs
function arguments – pointers to functions – pointers and structures – programs using

4.2. Dynamic Memory Management: introduction – dynamic memory allocation – allocating

a block memory (MALLOC) – allocating multiple blocks of memory (CALLOC) –releasing 4 Hrs
the used space: free – altering the size of a block (REALLOC) – simple programs


5.1 File Management: Introduction-Defining and opening a file-closing a file-Input/ Output
operations on files—Error handling during I/O operations –Random Access to files— 8 Hrs
Programs using files

5.2 Command line arguments: Introduction – argv and argc arguments – Programs using
command Line Arguments –Programs 2 Hrs

5.3 The preprocessor: Introduction – Macro Substitution, File inclusion, Compiler control
directives. 3 Hrs


Programming in Prof. E. TATA McGRAWHILL

1. 4th Edition

Programming and ISRD Group, Tata Mc-GrawHill, Sixth Reprint
Problem solving using C Lucknow NewDelhi 2010
2. Let us C Yeswanth Kanetkar BPB Publications Fourth Revised
PHI Private 2008
3. A TextBook on C E.Karthikeyan
Limited, New Delhi
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New Age
4. Programming in C D.Ravichandran International
Computer Concepts S.Chand & Company
5. Dr.S.S.Khandare FirstEdition2010
and Ltd. New Delhi
Sukhendu Dey,
Complete Knowledge in Narosa Publishing
6. Debobrata Reprint2010
C House, New Delhi
Oxford University
7. Programming in C Reema Theraja FirstEdition2011
Practical C O’Reilly, Eleventh Indian
8. Steve Oualline
Programming Shroff ReprintOct2010

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Unit No Name of the Unit Page No






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At the end of the unit, the students will be able to

▪ Explain program Development Life Cycle
▪ Understand algorithm and its properties
▪ Understand flow chart and its uses
▪ Write algorithms for simple programs
▪ Draw flow chart for simple programs
▪ Understand the basic structure of C
▪ Obtain a preliminary idea of the keywords in C
▪ Learn the data types, variables, constants, operators and expressions in C
▪ Get acquainted with the rules of types of expressions in C.
▪ Learn input / output functions.
▪ Differentiate formatted and unformatted I/O functions.

Before any problem can be solved using a computer, the person writing the program must be
familiarized with the problem and with the way in which it has to be solved. The problem solved is to
be represented by small and clear steps by using algorithms and flow charts.

A program is a set of instructions to solve a particular problem. C is a programming language , is to be

considered as a middle level language . This unit gives an overview of C language and explains about
the structure of C program. Variables and constants joined by various operators form an expression,
Basic I/O functions are used to accept data and produces output. Different types of values may be
passed to the computer from the keyboard. Such different types for the values are called as data types.

This unit will discuss in detail about the data types, variables, constants, various categories of
operators , expressions, type modifiers and Input – Output operations



A computer program is a sequence of instructions written to perform a specified task with a computer.

Programs are written in a programming language. These programs are then translated into machine
code by a compiler and linker so that the computer can execute it directly or run it line by line
(interpreted) by an interpreter program.


The process of developing software, according to the desired needs of a user, by following a basic
set of interrelated procedures is known as Program Development Life Cycle (PDLC)

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PDLC includes various set of procedures and activities that are isolated and sequenced for learning
purposes but in real life they overlap and are highly interrelated.
Tasks of Program Development
The basic set of procedures that are followed by various
organizations in their program development methods are as

1. Program specification.
2. Program Design.
3. Program coding.
4. Program testing.
5. Program documentation.
6. Program Maintenance.

Fig No 1.1. Program Development Life Cycle


This stage is the formal definition of the task. It includes the specification of inputs and outputs,
processing requirements, system constraints, and error handling methods.

This step is very critical for the completion of a satisfactory program. It is impossible to solve a problem
by using a computer, without a clear understanding and identification of the problem. Inadequate
identification of problem leads to poor performance of the system. The programmer should invest a
significant portion of his time in problem identification.

In this phase the design of the system is designed. The Design is developed by the analysts and
designers. The system analyst design the logical design for the designers and then designer get the
basic idea of designing the software design of Front end and back end both.

The system analyst and Designer work together in designing the software design and designer design
the best software design under the guidance of system analyst.

This step transforms the program logic design documents into a computer language format. This stage
translates program design into computer instructions. These instructions are the actual program. It is
the crucial job of programmer to develop a code by following the flowchart and that code is written
in any computer language.


Program testing is the process of checking program, to verify that it satisfies its requirements and to
detect errors. These errors can be of any type - Syntax errors, Run-time errors and Logical errors .
Testing include necessary steps to detect all possible errors in the program. This can be done either at
a module level known as unit testing or at program level known as integration testing.

Syntax errors also known as compilation errors are caused by violation of the grammar rules of the
language. The compiler detects, isolate these errors and terminate the source program after listing
the errors. Common syntax errors include

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• missing or misplaced; or },
• missing return type for a procedure,
• Missing or duplicate variable declaration.
• Type errors that include
• type mismatch on assignment,
• type mismatch between actual and formal parameters.

Logical errors: These are the errors related with the logic of the program execution. These errors are
not detected by the compiler and are primarily due to a poor understanding of the problem or a lack
of clarity of hierarchy of operators. Such errors cause incorrect result.

Errors such as mismatch of data types or array out of bound error are known as execution errors or
runtime errors. These errors are generally undetected by the compiler, so programs with run-time
error will run but produce erroneous results.

Debugging is a methodical process of finding and reducing the number of bugs in a computer program
making it behave as expected.

This task is performed by the programmer to make the code user friendly i.e. if new person got the
code then he/she can easily understand that which statement performed what task.

Proper documentation is useful in the testing and debugging stages. It is also essential in the
maintenance and redesign stages. A properly documented program can be easily reused when
needed; an undocumented program usually requires so much extra work that the programmer might
as well start from scratch. The techniques commonly used in documentation are flowcharts,
comments, memory maps, parameter and definition lists, and program library forms.

Proper documentation combines all or most of the methods mentioned. Documentation is a time-
consuming task. The programmer performs this task simultaneously with the design, coding,
debugging and testing stages of software development. Good documentation simplifies maintenance
and redesign, and makes subsequent tasks simpler.

During this phase, the program is actively used by the users. If the user encounters any problem or
wants any enhancement, then repeat all the phases from the starting, so that the encountered
problem is solved or enhancement is added.


Programming language is a set of grammatical rules for instructing a computer to perform specific
tasks. The term programming language usually refers to high-level languages, such as BASIC, C, C++,
COBOL, FORTRAN, Ada, and Pascal. There are two major types of programming languages. These are
Low Level Languages and High Level Languages. Low Level languages are further divided in to Machine
language and Assembly language.
Low level languages are machine oriented and require knowledge of computer hardware and its

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(a) Machine Language

Machine Language is the only language that is directly understood by the computer. It does not need
any translator program. It is written as strings of 1's (one) and 0’s (zero). For example, a program
instruction may look like this:
It is not an easy language to learn because of its difficult to understand. It is efficient for the computer
but very inefficient for programmers. It is considered to the first generation language. It is also difficult
to debug the program written in this language.
Advantage : Machine language programs are run very fast because no translation program is required
for the CPU.
1. It is very difficult to program in machine language. The programmer should know details of
hardware to write program.
2. The programmer should remember a lot of codes to write a program which results in program
3. It is difficult to debug the program.
(b) Assembly Language
The computer can handle numbers and letter. Therefore, some combination of letters can be used to
substitute for number of machine codes. The set of symbols and letters forms the Assembly Language
and a translator program is required to translate the assembly Language to machine language. This
translator program is called `Assembler'.
1. Assembly Language is easier to understand and saves a lot of time and effort of the
2. It is easier to correct errors and modify program instructions.
3. Assembly Language has the same efficiency of execution as the machine level language.
Because this is one-to-one translator between assembly language program and its
corresponding machine language program.
1. The assembly language is machine dependent. A program written for one computer might not
run in other computers with different hardware configuration.


The assembly language and machine level language require deep knowledge of computer hardware.
But High-level languages are machine independent. Programs are written in English-like statements.
As high – level languages are not directly executable, translators (compilers or interpreters) are used
to convert them into machine language.
Advantages of High Level Languages
1. These are easier to learn. Less time is required to write programs.
2. They are easier to maintain. Programs written in high-level languages are easier to debug.
3. Programs written in high-level languages are machine –dependent. Therefore programs
developed on one computer can be run on another with little or no modifications.

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Simplicity: A good programming language must be simple and easy to learn and use. For example,
BASIC is liked by many programmers only because of its simplicity. Thus, a good programming
language should provide a programmer with a clear, simple and unified set of concepts which can be
easily grasped.
Naturalness: A good language should be natural for the application area it has been designed. That
is, it should provide appropriate operators, data structures, control structures, and a natural syntax in
order to facilitate the users to code their problem easily and efficiently.
Abstraction: Abstraction means the ability to define and then use complicated structures. The degree
of abstraction allowed by a programming language directly affects its writability.
Efficiency: The program written in good programming language are efficiently translated into
machine code, are efficiently executed, and acquires as little space in the memory as possible.
Compactness: In a good programming language, programmers should be able to express intended
operation concisely.

Locality: A good programming language should be such that while writing a program, a programmer
need not jump around visually as the text of the program is prepared. This allows the programmer to
concentrate almost solely on the part of the program around the statements currently being worked
Extensibility: A good programming language should allow extension through simple, natural, and
elegant mechanisms. Almost all languages provide subprogram definition mechanisms for this


Algorithm is a step-by-step method of solving a problem or making decisions.


1. Finiteness: An algorithm must always terminate after a finite number of steps. It means after every
step one reach closer to solution of the problem and after a finite number of steps algorithm
reaches to an end point.
2. Definiteness: Each step of an algorithm must be precisely defined. It is done by well thought actions
to be performed at each step of the algorithm. Also the actions are defined unambiguously for each
activity in the algorithm.
3. Input: Any operation to be performed needs some beginning value/quantities associated with
different activities in the operation. So the value/quantities are given to the algorithm before it
4. Output: One always expects output/result (expected value/quantities) in terms of output from an
algorithm. The result may be obtained at different stages of the algorithm. If some result is from
the intermediate stage of the operation then it is known as intermediate result and result obtained

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at the end of algorithm is known as end result. The output expected value/quantities always have
a specified relation to the inputs.
5. Effectiveness: Algorithms to be developed/written using basic operations.
Any algorithm should have all these five properties otherwise it will not fulfill the basic objective of
solving a problem in finite time.


An algorithm may be implemented according to different basic principles.

• Recursive or iterative: A recursive algorithm is one that calls itself repeatedly until a certain
condition matches. It is a method common to functional programming. Iterative algorithms use
repetitive constructs like loops.
• Logical or procedural: An algorithm may be viewed as controlled logical deduction. A logic
component expresses the axioms which may be used in the computation and a control component
determines the way in which deduction is applied to the axioms.
• Serial or parallel: Algorithms are usually discussed with the assumption that computers execute
one instruction of an algorithm at a time. This is a serial algorithm, as opposed to parallel
algorithms, which take advantage of computer architectures to process several instructions at
once. They divide the problem into sub-problems and pass them to several processors.
• Deterministic or non-deterministic: Deterministic algorithms solve the problem with a predefined
process whereas non-deterministic algorithm must perform guesses of best solution at each step
through the use of heuristics.


Algorithmic logic is classified into three types. They are: (i)

Sequential Logic (ii) Selection or Conditional Logic and (iii)
Repetition logic. All the computing is done using only these types.


As the name suggests, Sequential Logic consist of one action

followed by another in a logical progression. In other words, CIRCUM = 2 * 3.14 *r
perform operation A and then perform operation B and so
on. This structure is represented by writing one operation
after another. PRINT

Fig No 1.2 Example for Sequential Logic

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Selection Logic allows the program to make a choice

between two alternate paths, whether it is true (1)
or false (0). First statement is a conditional

If the condition is true, Operation 1 is performed;

otherwise Operation 2 will be performed. For
example, if A>B, then print A, else print B

Fig No 1.3 Example for Selection or Conditional Logic

This is called the “if…Then…Else” structure. If the answer is “Yes”, then the control will be transferred
to some other path. Otherwise, if the answer is “No”, then the execution goes to the next statement
without doing anything.


Repetition Control Structure is also termed as Iteration Control Structure

or Program Loop. Repetition causes an interruption in the sequence of
processing. In the Repetitive Control Structure, an operation or a set of
operations is repeated as long as some condition is satisfied. The
performed operation will be the same, but the data will change every

Fig No 1.4 Example for Repetition Logic

When a sequence of statements is repeated against a condition, it is said

to be in a loop. Using looping, the programmer avoids writing the same
set of instructions again and again.

Some examples on developing algorithms using step-form:

• Each algorithm will be logically enclosed by two statements START and STOP.
• Input or READ statements are used to accept data from user.
• PRINT statement is used to display any user message. The message will be displayed to be
enclosed within quotes.
• The arithmetic operators =, +, *, -, / will be used in the expression.
• The commonly used relational operatos will include : >, <. >=, <=. +, !=
• The most commonly used logical operators will be AND, OR, NOT

Example 1 : To make a coffee

Step1: Take proper quantity of water in a cooking pan
Step2: Place the pan on a gas stow and light it
Step3: Add Coffee powder when it boils
Step4: Put out the light and add sufficient quantity of sugar and milk
Step5: Pour into cup and have it.

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Example 2 : To find the area and circumference of a circle

1. Start
2. Read the radius of the circle r
3. Find the area and circumference of the circle using formula
Area =3.14*r*r
Circum =2*3.14*r
4. Print the area and circumference of the circle
5. Stop


A flowchart is a diagrammatic representation that shows the sequence of operations to be performed

to get the solution of a problem.


Flowcharts facilitate communication between programmers and business people. Flowcharts play a
vital role in the programming of a problem and are quite helpful in understanding the logic of
complicated and lengthy problems. Once the flowchart is drawn, it becomes easy to write the program
in any high level language. Flowcharts are helpful in explaining the program to others. Hence, a
flowchart is a must for the better documentation of a complex program.


S.No Name of the Symbol Symbol Meaning

1 Start /Stop (Oval) Represents the start and end of the


Represents arithmetic and data

2 Processing (Rectangle) movement instructions.

Input / Output It is used to represent the input or output

(Parallelogram) function.

Represents decision making and

4. Decisions (Diamond) branching. It has one entry and two or
more exit paths

Used to join two parts of a program

5. Connector (Circle)

Used to link various boxes together to

6 Flow lines (Arrow lines) form the flow chart and indicate the
direction of the flow.

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• First of all list all necessary requirements in a logical order.

• The flowchart should be clear and easy to understand. There should not be any ambiguity in
understanding the flowchart.
• The usual direction of the flow of a procedure or system is from left to right or top to bottom.
• Only one flow line should come out from a process symbol.


• Only one flow line should enter a decision symbol, but two or three flow lines, one
for each possible answer, should leave the decision symbol.
• Only one flow line is used in conjunction with terminal symbol.

• If the flowchart becomes complex, it is better to use connector symbols to reduce the number of
flow lines. Avoid the intersection of flow lines for more effective and better way of communication.
• Ensure that the flowchart has a logical start and finish.
• It is useful to test the validity of the flowchart by passing through it with a simple test data.
1. Communication: Flowcharts are better way of communicating the logic of a system to all
2. Effective analysis: With the help of flowchart, problem can be analysed in more effective way.
3. Proper documentation: Program flowcharts serve as a good program documentation, which is
needed for various purposes.
4. Efficient Coding: The flowcharts act as a guide or blueprint during the systems analysis and
program development phase.

5. Proper Debugging: The flowchart helps in debugging process.

6. Efficient Program Maintenance: The maintenance of operating program becomes easy with the
help of flowchart. It helps the programmer to put efforts more efficiently on that part


1. Complex logic: Sometimes, the program logic is quite complicated. In that case, flowchart
becomes complex and clumsy.
2. Alterations and Modifications: If alterations are required the flowchart may require re-drawing

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Algorithm and flow chart for finding the product of first n natural numbers

1. Start
2. Read the number n.
3. Set the values P 1, Count1
4. While (count<=n)
P P X count
count  count +1
End the while loop.
5. Write “product of num is”, P.
6. Stop

Algorithm and flow chart for finding the largest of 3 numbers

1. Start.
2. Read three numbers s A, B and C.
3. Find A is greater than B and C, if so print
the variable A.
4. If B is greater than A, find B is greater
than C, if so print the variable B.
Else print the variable C.
5. Stop


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Algorithm and flow chart for finding whether the given number is odd or even.
1. Start
2. Read the number N.
3. Find the remainder(R) of N divided by 2
using the modulus operator( N%2)
4. If the remainder is zero.
Print “The number is Even Number”.
Print “The number is odd number”.
5, Stop.



C is a general purpose computer programming language and was developed at AT&Ts bell laboratory
of USA in 1972. It was originally created by Dennis Ritchie. By 1960, different computer languages
were used for different purposes. So, an International Committee was set up to develop a language
that is suitable for all purposes. This language is called ALGOL 60.

To overcome the limitation of ALGOL 60, a new language called Combined Programming Language
(CPL) was developed at Cambridge University. CPL has so many features. But it was difficult to learn
and implement. Martin Richards of Cambridge University developed a language called “Basic
Combined Programming Language” (BCPL). BCPL solves the problem of CPL. But it is less powerful.
At the same time, Ken Thomson at AT&T’s Bell laboratory developed a language called ‘B’. Like BCPL,
B is also very specific. Ritchie eliminated the limitations of B and BCPL and developed ‘C’.

1960 ALGOL International Group 1972 Traditional C Dennis Ritchie

1964 CPL Cambridge University 1978 K&R C Kernighan &
1967 BCPL Martin Richards 1989 ANSI C ANSI Committee
1970 B Ken Thompson 1990 ANSI/ISO C ISO Committee


• C has all the advantages of assembly language and all the significant features of modern high-
level language. So it is called a “Middle Level Language”.
• C language is a very powerful and flexible language.
• C language supports a number of data types and consists of rich set of operators.
• C language provides dynamic storage allocation.
• C Compiler produces very fast object code.
• C language is a portable language. A code written in C on a particular machine can be compiled
and run on another machine.


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Any C Program consists of one or more function. A function is a collection of statements, used
together to perform a particular task. An overview of the structure of a C program is given below: A C
program may contain one or more sections. They are illustrated below.

Documentation Section: The documentation section consists of a set of comment lines giving the
name of the program, the author and other details. It consist of a set of comment lines . These lines
are not executable. Comments are very helpful in identifying the program features

Preprocessor Section: It is used to link system library

files, for defining the macros and for defining the
conditional inclusion.

Definition section : The definition section defines all

symbolic constants.

Global Declaration Section: There are some variables

that are used in more than one function. Such variables
are called global variables and are declared in the global
declaration section that is outside of all the functions.
This section also declares all the user-defined functions.

main () function section : Every C program must have one

main function section. This section contains two parts;
declaration part and executable part.
a) Declaration part : The declaration part declares all
the variables used in the executable part.
b) Executable part : There is at least one statement in
the executable part.
These two parts must appear between the opening and
closing braces. The program execution begins at the
opening brace and ends at the closing brace.
Fig No 1.5 Structure of C Program
Subprogram section : The subprogram section contains all the user-defined functions that are called
in the main () function. User-defined functions are generally placed immediately after the main ()
function, although they may appear in any order.

#include <stdio.h>
int main () { int number, remainder;
printf ("Enter your number to be tested: ");
scanf ("%d", &number);
remainder = number % 7;
if ( remainder == 0 )
printf ("The number is divided by 7.\n");
printf ("The number is not divided by 7.\n"); }


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General rule for C Programming:

1. Every executable statement must end with semicolon symbol (;) .
2. Every C Program, must contain exactly one main method (starting point of the program execution)
3. All the system defined words ( keywords ) must be used in lowercase letters.
4. Keywords cannot be used as user defined names.
5. For every open brace ({), there must be respective closing brace(}).


C program executes in following four steps.: 1. Creating the program 2. Compiling the Program
3. Linking the Program with system library 4. Executing the program

1. Creating a program: Type the program and edit it in standard ‘C’ editor and save the program
with .c as an extension. This is the source program .The file should be saved as '*.c' extension

2. Compiling (Alt + F9) the Program:

• This is the process of converting the high level language program to Machine level
Language (Equivalent machine instruction) .
• Errors will be reported if there is any, after the compilation
• Otherwise the program will be converted into an object file (.obj file) as a result of the
• After error correction the program has to be compiled again
3. Linking a program to library: The object code of a program is linked with libraries that are
needed for execution of a program. The linker is used to link the program with libraries. It
creates a file with '*.exe' extension.
4. Execution of program: This is the process of running (Ctrl + F9) and testing the program with
sample data. If there are any run time errors, then they will be reported.


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Every C program contains statements. These statements are constructed using words and these words
are constructed using characters from C character set. C language character set contains the following
set of characters...
1. Alphabets 2. Digits 3.Special Symbols
Alphabets: C language supports all the alphabets from english language. Lower and upper case letters
together supports 52 alphabets.
lower case letters - a to z UPPER CASE LETTERS - A to Z
Digits : C language supports 10 digits which are used to construct numerical values in C language.
Digits - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Special Symbols : C language supports rich set of special symbols that include symbols to perform
mathematical operations, to check conditions, white spaces, back spaces and other special symbols.

, .Comma & .Ampersand

. .Period ^ .Caret
; .Semicolon * .Asterisk
: .Colon - .Minus Sign
? .Question Mark + .Plus Sign
' .Aphostrophe < .Opening Angle (Less than sign)
" .Quotation Marks > .Closing Angle (Greater than sign)
! .Exclamation Mark ( .Left Parenthesis
| .Vertical Bar ) .Right Parenthesis
/ .Slash [ .Left Bracket
\ .Backslash ] .Right Bracket
~ .Tilde { .Left Brace
- .Underscore } .Right Bracket
$ .Dollar Sign # .Number Sign
.Percentage Sign . .

White Space Characters:

The compiler ignores white spaces unless they are a part of a string constant. White spaces may be
used to separate words in strings. scanf() uses whitespace to separate consecutive input items from
each other.

1. Blank Space 2. Horizontal Tab 3. Carriage Return 4. New Line 5. Form Feed


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1.3.2. C TOKENS

C tokens are the basic buildings blocks in C. Smallest individual units in a C program are the C tokens.
C tokens are of six types. The figure 1.7 shows the C tokens.

20 sum float + - {} “ABC”

Fig No 1.7 C Tokens


The meaning of these words has already been explained to the C compiler. All the keywords have
fixed meanings. These meanings cannot be changed. So these words cannot be used for other
purposes. All keywords are in lower case. The keywords are known as Reserved words. Keywords or
Reserved words are Pre-defined identifiers. 32 keywords are available in C.
Properties of Keywords
1. All the keywords in C programming language are defined in lowercase letters only.
2. Every keyword has a specific meaning; users can not change that meaning.
3. Keywords cannot be used as user defined names like variable, functions, arrays, pointers etc...
4. Every keyword in C programming language represents some kind of action to be performed by
the compiler.

auto break case char const continue default
do double else enum extern float for
goto if int long register return short
signed sizeof static struct switch typedef union
unsigned void volatile while



The names of variables, functions, labels and various other user-defined objects are called Identifiers.
Identifiers are used for defining variable names, function names etc. The general rules to be followed
when constructing an identifier are:
1) Identifiers are a sequence of characters. The only characters allowed are alphabetic characters,
digits and the underscore character. Special characters are not allowed in identifier name.
2) The first character of an identifier is a letter or an underscore character.
3) Identifiers are case sensitive. For example, the identifiers TOTAL and Total are different.
4) Keywords are not allowed as identifier name.


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Name area interest circum amount rate_of_interest sum


Identifers Reason
4 The first letter is a numeric digit.
int The Keyword should not be a identifier
First name Blank space is not allowed.



The data values are usually called as Constant. Constant is a quantity that does not change during
program execution. This quantity can be stored at a location in the memory of the computer. C has
four types of constants: Integer, Floating, String and Character.
An Integer Constant is an integer number. An integer constant is a sequence of digits. There are 3 types
of integers namely decimal integer, octal integer and hexadecimal integer.

Decimal Integer consists of a set of digits 0 to 9 preceded by an optional + or - sign. Spaces, commas
and non digit characters are not permitted between digits.

Example for valid decimal integer constants are : 123 -31 0 562321 + 78
Octal Integer constant consists of any combination of digits from 0 through 7 with a O at the beginning.
Examples of octal integers are : O26 O O347 O676
Hexadecimal integer constant is preceded by OX or Ox. They may contain alphabets from A to F or a
to f. or a decimal digit ( 0 to 9). The alphabets A to F refers to 10 to 15 in decimal digits.
Example of valid hexadecimal integers are : OX2 OX8C OXbcd Ox123
Real constants are numbers with fractional part. Real constants are often called as Floating Point
1. A real constant must have atleast one digit.
2. It must have a decimal point.
3. It could be either positive or negative.
4. Default sign is positive (If no sign)
5. Special characters are not allowed.
6. Omitting of digit before the decimal point, or digits after the decimal point is allowed. (Ex

Examples : +325.34 426.0 -32.76 -48.5792

Real Constants are represented in two forms:

i) Fractional form
ii) Exponential form


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The Exponential form is used to represent very large and very small numbers. The exponential form
representation has two parts: 1) mantissa and 2) exponent. The part appears before the letter
‘e’ is called mantissa and the part following the letter ‘e’ is called exponent, which represents a power
of ten. The general form of exponential representation is.
mantissa e exponent
where “mantissa” is a decimal or integer quantity and the “exponent” is an integer quantity with an
optional plus or minus sign.
The general rules regarding exponential forms are
1. The two parts should be separated by a letter “e” or “E”.
2. The mantissa and exponent part may have a positive or a negative sign.
3. Default sign of mantissa and exponent part is positive.
4. The exponent must have at least one digit.
The value 123.4 may be written as 1.234E+2 or 12.34E+1.

The value 0.01234 may be written as 1.234E-2 or 12.34E-3.

Differences between floating point numbers and integer numbers.

• Integer includes only whole numbers, but floating point numbers can be either whole or fractional.
• Integers are always exact, whereas floating point numbers sometimes can lead to loss of
mathematical precision.
• Floating point operations are slower in execution and often occupy more memory than integer

A character constant is either a single alphabet, a single digit or a single special character enclosed
within a pair of single inverted commas.

The maximum length of a character constant can be 1 character

Examples: ‘A’ ‘1’ ‘$’ ‘‘ ‘;’

Each character constant has an integer value. This value is known as ASCII value. For example, the
statement printf (“”%d””,’A’) would print the value of 65. Because the ASCII value of A is 65.

Similarly the statement printf (“%c”,65) would display the letter ‘A’.


A combination of characters enclosed within a pair of double inverted commas is called as “String

Examples: “Salem” “35.567” “$125” “Rose”

Each string constant ends with a special character ‘\0’. This character is not visible when the string is
displayed. Thus “salem” contains actually 6 characters. The ‘\0’ character acts as a string terminator.
This character is used to find the end of a string.


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Remember that a character constant (e.g., ‘A’ ) and the corresponding single-character string constant
("A") are not equivalent.
A character constant has an equivalent integer value, whereas a single-character string constant
does not have an equivalent integer value and, in fact, consists of two characters - the specified
character followed by the null character ( \ 0).


A quantity, which may vary during program execution, is called variable. Variables may be used to
store a data value. Variables are actually memory locations , used to store constants. The variables
are identified by names. The program may modify the values stored in a variable.
Rules for constructing variable names
1. A variable name is the combination of characters. The length of a variable depends upon the
2. The first character must be an alphabet or underscore.
3. Special characters like comma or blank are not allowed except an underscore character. The only
characters allowed are letters, digits and underscore.
4. The variable name should not be a keyword.
Examples : area interest circumference fact date_of_birth


In C, all the variables used in a program are to be declared before they can be used. All variables must
be declared in the beginning of the function. Type declaration statement is used to declare the type
of various variables used in the program. The syntax for declaration is,

data_type variable_name(s)
where data-type is a valid data type plus any other modifiers. variable-name(s) may contain one or
more variable names separated by commas.
Examples : int a, b, c; long int interest; unsigned char ch;
Declaration statement is used to allocate memory space for the variable. Declaration statement also
provides a name for the location. Declaration statement declares that the program will use that
variable name to identify the value stored at the location.
For example, the declaration
char sub-name
allocates a memory location of size one byte, of character type. This memory location is given a name
of sub-name.


The process of assigning initial values to variables is called initialization of variables. In C, an

uninitialised variable can contain any garbage value. Therefore, the programmer must make sure all
the variables are initialised before using them in any of the expressions. The value for a particular
variable is initialized through declarative statement or assignment statement. For example to initialize
the value 10 to an integer variable i, the following two methods are used.


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i) int i = 10;
ii) int i;
i = 10;
The above two methods declares that i is an integer variable with an initial value of 10.

Examples : (i) float pi = 3.14; (ii) char alpha = ‘’h’’; (iii) int account = 10;

More than one variable can be initialized in a single statement. For example, the statement
int x = 1, y = 2, z;
declares x to be an int with value 1, y to be an int with value 2 and z to be an int of unpredictable
value. Same value can be initialized to several variables with the single assignment statement.
int i, j, k, l, m, n;
float a, b, c, d, e, f;
i = j = k = l = m = n = 20;
a = b = c= d = e = f = 13.56;


A constant is a quantity whose value does not change during program execution. The qualifier const
is used to declare the variable as constant at the time of initialization. The general form to declare
variables as constant is

const data type variable = value;

where const - keyword data type - valid type such as int, float etc.

Example : const float PI = 3.14;

const is a new data type qualifier. This tells the computer that the value of the float variable PI must
not be modified by the program. But , it can be used on the right-hand side of an assignment like any
other variable.



The qualifier volatile is used to tell explicitly the compiler that a variable’s value may be changed at
any time by some external sources not by the program( from outside the program). General form to
declare a variable as volatile is

volatile data type variable;

where volatile -keyword data type - valid types such as int, float etc.

Example : volatile int x;

The value of x may be altered by some external factors even if it does not appear on the left-hand side
of an assignment statement. When declaring a variable as volatile, the compiler will examine the value
of the variable each time it is encountered to see whether any external alteration has changed the

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1.3.11. DATA TYPES

C supports several data types. Each data type may be represented differently inside the computer’s
memory. There are four data types in C language. They are,

Types Data Types

Basic data types int, char, float, double
Enumeration data type enum
Derived data type pointer, array, structure, union
Void data type void

Basic Data Types

Basic or Fundamental data types include the data types at the lowest level. i.e. those which are used
for actual data representation in the memory. All other data types are based on the fundamental
data types.

Examples: char, int, float, double.

int type is used to store positive or negative integers. float data type is used to store a single precision
floating-point (real) number. Floating-point numbers are stored in 32 bits with 6 digits of precision.
double data type is used to hold real numbers with higher storage range and accuracy than the type
float. The data type char is used to store one character.

The size (number of bytes) and range of numbers to be stored in each data type is shown below.
Data Type Size ( Bytes) Range
char 1 -128 to 127
int 2 -32,768 to 32, 767
float 4 3.4 E-38 to 3.4 E+38
double 8 1.7 E-308 to 3.4 E+308

Derived Data Types

These are based on fundamental data types. i.e. a derived data type is represented in the memory as
a fundamental data type.
Examples: pointers, structures, arrays.

Void data type :

1. void is an empty data type that has no value.
2. This can be used in functions and pointers.



The basic data type may be modified by adding special keywords. These special keywords are called
data type modifiers (or) qualifiers. Data type modifiers are used to produce new data types.

The modifiers are: signed unsigned long short

The above modifiers can be applied to integer and char types. Long can also be applied to double

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Integer Type
A signed integer constant is in the range of -32768 to +32767. Integer constant is always stored in two
bytes. In two bytes, it is impossible to store a number bigger than +32767 and smaller than -
32768. Out of the two bytes used to store an integer, the leftmost bit is used to store the sign of the
integer. So the remaining 15 bits are used to store a number. If the leftmost bit is 1, then the number
is negative. If the leftmost bit is 0, then the number is positive.

C has three classes of integer storage namely short int, int and long int. All of these data types have
signed and unsigned forms. A short int requires half the space than normal size. Unsigned numbers
are always positive and consume all the bits for storing the magnitude of the number. The long and
unsigned integers are used to declare a longer range of values.
Floating Point Type
Floating point number represents a real number with 6 digits precision. When the accuracy of the
floating point number is insufficient, use the double to define the number. The double is same as float
but with longer precision. To extend the precision further , use long double, which consumes 80 bits
of memory space.

Character Type
Characters are usually stored in 8 bits of internal storage. The qualifier signed or unsigned can be
explicitly applied to char. While unsigned characters have values between 0 and 255, signed characters
have values from –-128 to 127.
Size and Range of Data Types on 16 bit machine.
TYPE SIZE (Bits) Range
Char or Signed Char 8 -128 to 127
Unsigned Char 8 0 to 255
Int or Signed int 16 -32768 to 32767
Unsigned int 16 0 to 65535
Short int or Signed short int 8 -128 to 127
Unsigned short int 8 0 to 255
Long int or signed long int 32 -2147483648 to 2147483647
Unsigned long int 32 0 to 4294967295
Float 32 3.4 e-38 to 3.4 e+38
Double 64 1.7e-308 to 1.7e+308
Long Double 80 3.4 e-4932 to 3.4 e+4932


Assigning a value which more than the upper limit of the data type is called overflow and less
than its lower limit is called underflow.
In case of integer types, overflow results wrapping towards negative side and underflow
results wrapping towards positive side.
In case of floating point types, overflow results +INF and underflow results –INF.
Example 1 :
#include <stdio.h>
void main()

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int a = 32770;
printf( “%d””,a);

Output : - 32766
The range of integer is – -32768 to + 32767, assigning 32770 results overflow and wrap
towards –negative side.
Example 2:
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
int a = 33000;
float b = 3.4e50;
printf( “%d%f””,a,b);
Output : - 32536 +INF
The range of integer is – -32768 to + 32767, assigning 33000 results overflow and wrap
towards –negative side and +INF is a result of float overflow.


Comments are used to make a program more readable. Comments are not instructions. Comments
are remarks written in a program. These remarks are used to give more information about the
program. The compiler will ignore the comment statements.

In C, there are two types of comments.

1. Single Line Comments: Single line comment begins with // symbol. Any number of single line
comments can be written.
2. Multiple Lines Comments: Multiple lines comment begins with /* symbol and ends with */.
Any number of multiple lines comments can be included in a program.

In a C program, the comment lines are optional. All the comment lines in a C program just provide
the guidelines to understand the program and its code.


(e.g.) /* Program to find the Factorial */

Any number of comments can be placed at any place in a program. Comments cannot be nested. For
/* Author Arul /* date 01/09/93 */ */ is not possible.
A comment can be split over more than one line. For example, the following is valid.
/* This statement is used to find the sum of two
numbers */


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Character combinations consisting of a backslash (\) followed by a letter or by a combination of digits

are called "escape sequences." To represent a newline character, single quotation mark, or certain
other characters in a character constant, escape sequences are used. An escape sequence is regarded
as a single character and is therefore valid as a character constant.

• The escape sequence characters are also called as backslash character constants.
• These are used for formatting the output
For example, a line feed (LF), which is referred to as a newline in C, can be represented as \n. Such
escape sequences always represent single characters, even though they are written in terms of two
or more characters. The commonly used escape sequences are listed below.


bell (alert) \a carriage return \r
backspace \b quotation mark (") \*
horizontal tab \t apostrophe (') \’
vertical tab \v question mark (?) \?
newline (line feed) \n backslash \\
form feed \f null \0
The following program outputs a new line and a tab and then prints the string This is a test.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf(''\n\tThis is a test.");
return 0;


• Although it consists of two characters, it represents single character.

• Every combination starts with back slash(\)
• They are non-printing characters.
• It can also be expressed in terms of octal digits or hexadecimal sequence.
• Each escape sequence has unique ASCII value.


• Names given to values that cannot be changed. Implemented with the #define preprocessor
#define N 3000
#define FALSE 0
• Preprocessor statements begin with a # symbol, and are NOT terminated by a semicolon.
Traditionally, preprocessor statements are listed at the beginning of the source file.


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• Preprocessor statements are handled by the compiler (or preprocessor) before the program is
actually compiled. All # statements are processed first, and the symbols (like N) which occur in
the C program are replaced by their value (like 3000). Once this substitution has taken place by
the preprocessor, the program is then compiled.
• In general, preprocessor constants are written in UPPERCASE. This acts as a form of internal
documentation to enhance program readability and reuse.
• In the program itself, values cannot be assigned to symbolic constants.
Use of Symbolic Constants
• Consider the following program which defines a constant called TAXRATE.
#include <stdio.h>
#define TAXRATE 0.10
main () {
float balance;
float tax;
balance = 72.10;
tax = balance * TAXRATE;
printf("The tax on %.2f is %.2f\n",balance, tax);}



C has a very rich set of operators. So C language is some times called “the language of operators”.
Operators are used to manipulate data and variables. An operator is a symbol, which represents some
particular operation that can be performed on some data. The data itself (which can be either a
variable or a constant) is called the 'operand'.
Operators operate on constants or variables, which are called operands. Operators can be generally
classified as either unary, binary or ternary operators. Unary operators act on one operand, binary
operators act on two operands and ternary operators operate on three operands.
Depending on the function performed, the operators can be classified as

Arithmetic Relational Logical Conditional Assignment

Increment & Decrement Modulo division Bitwise Special operators


Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operation in C. Arithmetic operators are divided
into two classes: (i) Unary arithmetic operators and (ii) Binary arithmetic operators

Binary operators

Operator Meaning
+ Addition or Unary Plus
-– Subtraction or Unary Minus
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulus Operator

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Arithmetic Operators +, -, * and / can be applied to almost any built-in data types. Suppose that a and
b are integer variables whose values are 10 and 3, respectively. Several arithmetic expressions
involving these variables are shown below, together with their resulting values.

Operation Value
a+ b 13
a–b 7
a* b 30
a/ b 3
a%b 1

Modulo operator: The modulo operator (%) gives the remainder of the division between the two
integer values. For Modulo division, the sign of result is always that of the first operand or dividend.

For example, 13%-5 = 3; -13 % - 5 = -3; -13% 5 = -3;

13% 5 = 3;

Example :
int a, b,c,d;
a = 10;
b = 4;
c= a/b;
d = a % b;
printf(“”%d %d””, c, d);
Modulo division operator cannot be used with floating point type. C does not have no option for

Unary minus operator

In unary minus operation, minus sign precedes a numerical constant, variable or an expression. A
negative number is actually an expression, consisting of the unary minus operator, followed by a
positive numeric constant. Unary minus operation is entirely different from the subtraction operator
( - ). The subtraction operator requires two operands.



C contains two special operators ++ and --. ++ is called Increment operator. -- is called Decrement
operator; The above two operators are called unary operators since they operate on only one
operand. The operand has to be a variable and not a constant. Thus, the expression 'a++' is valid
whereas '6++' is invalid.

Increment operators are used to increase the value of the variable by one and decrement operators
are used to decrease the value of the variable by one in C programs.
• Syntax:
Increment operator: ++var_name; (or) var_name++;
Decrement operator: – --var_name; (or) var_name –--;

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• Example:
Increment operator : ++ i ; i ++ ;
Decrement operator : --i ; i-- ;

If the operator is used before the operand, then it is called prefix operator. (Example: ++a, --a). If the
operator is used after the operand, then it is called postfix operator. (Example: a++, a--).

Difference between pre/post increment & decrement operators in C:

Below table will explain the difference between pre/post increment and decrement operators .

Operator Operator/Description
value of i is incremented before assigning it to the variable i
Pre increment operator (++i)

value of i is incremented after assigning it to the variable i

Post increment operator (i++)

value of i is decremented before assigning it to the variable i

Pre decrement operator (–i)

value of i is decremented after assigning it to variable i

Post decrement operator (i–)

Prefix and Postfix operators have the same effect if they are used in an isolated C statement. For
example, the two statements
x++; and ++x; have the same effect
But prefix and postfix operators have different effects when they are assigned to some other variable.
For example the statements
z = ++x; and z = x++; have different effects.
Assume the value of x to be 10. The execution of the statement z= ++x; will first increment the
value of x to 11 and assign new value to z. The above statement is equal to the following two
z =x;
The execution of the statement z = x++; will first assign the value of z to 10 and then increase the
value of x to 11. The above statement is equal to
The decrement operators are also in a similar way, except the values of x and z which are decreased
by 1.

Other Examples
a = 10 , b=6 a=10, b = 6
c = a * b++ c = a * ++b

c = 60; c = 70

The expression n++ requires a single machine instruction such as INR to carry out the increment
operation. But n+1 operation requires more instructions to carry out this operation. So the
execution of n++ is faster than n+ 1 operation.

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Relational operators are used to test the relationship between two operands. The operands can be
variables, constants or expressions. C has six relational operators. They are

Operator Meaning Operator Meaning

< is less than >= is greater than or equal to
<= is less than or equal to == is equal to
> is greater than != is not equal to

An expression containing a relational operator is called as a relational expression. The value of the
relational expression is either true or false. If it is false, the value of the expression is 0 and if it is true,
the value is 1.
Examples :
Suppose that i,j and k are integer variables whose values are 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Several relational
expressions involving these variables are shown below.

Expression Interpretation Value

i<j true 1
(1 + j) >= k true 1
(j + k) > (i + 5) false 0
k != 3 false 0
j == 2 true 1


Logical operators are used to combine or negate expression containing relational expressions. C
provides three logical operators.
Operator Meaning
&& Logical AND
|| Logical OR
! Logical NOT
Logical expression is the combination of two or more relational expressions. Logical operators are used
to combine the result of evaluation of relational expressions. Like the simple relational expression, a
logical expression also gives value of one or zero.


This operator is used to evaluate two conditions or expressions simultaneously. If both the expressions
to the left and to the right of the logical operator is true then the whole compound expression is true.
Example : a > b && x = = 10
The expression to the left is a > b and that on the right is x == 10.The whole expression is true only if
both expressions are true i.e., if a is greater than b and x is equal to 10.

The logical OR is used to combine two expressions or the condition. If any one of the expression is
true, then the whole compound expression is true.


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Example : a < m || a < n

The expression evaluates to true if any one of them is true or if both of them are true. It evaluates to
true if a is less than either m or n and when a is less than both m and n.
The logical not operator takes single expression and evaluates to true if the expression is false and
evaluates to false if the expression is true. In other words, it just reverses the value of the expression.
Suppose that i is an integer variable whose value is 7, f is a floating-point variable whose value is 5.5,
and c is a character variable that represents the character ’w ‘. Several complex logical expressions
that make use of these variables are shown below.

Expression Interpretation Value

(i >= 6) && (c == ' w’) true 1
(i >= 6) || (c == 119) true 1
(f < 11) && (i > 100) false 0
(c != ' p ' )|| ((i + f ) <= 10) true 1
The truth table for the logical operators is shown here using 1's and 0's.
p q p && q p || q !p
0 0 0 0 1
0 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 0


Simple conditional operations can be carried out with the conditional operator (?:). The conditional
operator is used to build a sionditional expression. The Conditional operator has two parts: ? and :

An expression that uses the conditional operator is called conditional expression. The conditional
operator is a ternary operator because it operates on three operands. The general form is
expression1 ? expression 2 : expression 3 ;
The expression1 is evaluated first. If it is true (non – zero), then the expression 2 is evaluated and its
value is returned. If expression 1 is false (zero), then expression 3 is evaluated and its value is returned.
Only one expression either expression 2 or expression 3 will be evaluated at a time.

Conditional expression frequently appear on the righthand side of a simple assignment statement.
The resulting value of the conditional expression is assigned to the identifier on the left.
Example : max = c >d ? c : d;

The purpose of the above statement is to assign the value of c or d to max, whichever is larger. First
the condition (c > d) is tested. If it is true, max = c; if it is false max = d;


The Assignment Operator (=) evaluates an expression on the right hand side of the expression and
substitutes this value to the variable on the left hand side of the expression.
Example : x=a+b;

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Here the value of a + b is evaluated and substituted to the variable x.

In addition, C has a set of shorthand assignment operators. Short hand assignment operators are used
to simplify the coding of a certain type of assignment statement. The general form of this statement
var oper = exp;

Here var is a variable, exp is an expression or constant or variable and oper is a C binary arithmetic
operator. The operator oper = is known as shorthand assignment operator
The above general form translates to : var = var op exp;
The compound assignment statement is useful when the variable name is longer. For example
amount-of-interest = amount-of-interest * 10 ;
can be written as
amount-of-interest * = 10 ;
For example a = a + 1; can be written as a+=1
The short hand works for all binary operators in C. Examples are
x - = y; is equal to x = x - y;
x * = y; is equal to x = x * y;
x / = y; is equal to x = x / y;
x %= y; is equal to x = x % y;


The combination of 8 bits is called as one byte. A bit stores either a 0 or 1. Data are stored in the
memory and in the registers as a sequence of bits with 0 or 1.

Bitwise operators are used for manipulation of data at bit level. The operators that are used to perform
bit manipulations are called bit operators. C supports the following six bit operators.

Operator Description Operator Description

& Bitwise AND ~ One’s Complement
| Bitwise OR << Shift left
^ Bitwise X-OR >> Shift right
These operators can operate only on integers and not on float or double data types. All operators
except ~ operator are binary operators, requiring two operands. When using the bit operators, each
operand is treated as a binary number consisting of a series of individual 1s and 0s. The respective
bits in each operand are then compared on a bit by bit basis and result is determined based on the
selected operation.
Bitwise AND operator

Bitwise AND operator(&) is used to mask off certain bits. The result of ANDing operation is 1 if both
the bits have a value of 1; otherwise it is 0. Assume the two variables a and b, whose values are 12
and 24. The result of the statement c = a & b is

a 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
b 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
c=a&b 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0


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The value of c is 8. To mask the particular bit (s) in a value, AND the above value with another value
by placing 0 in the corresponding bit in the second value.

Bitwise OR operator Bitwise OR operator(|) is used to turn ON certain bits. The result of ORing
operation is 1 if any one of the e bits have a value of 1; otherwise it is 0. Assume the two variables a
and b, whose values are 12 and 24. The result of the statement c = a | b is

a 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
b 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
c=a|b 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0

The value of c is 28. To turn ON a particular bit(s) in a pattern of bits, OR the above value with
another value by placing 1 in the corresponding bit in the second value.

Bitwise Exclusive OR operator

The result of bitwise Exclusive OR operator (^) is 1 if only one of the bits is 1; otherwise it is 0. The
result of a ^ b is

A 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
b 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
c= a^b 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
The value of c is 20.
Bitwise Complement operator

The complement operator ~ complements all the bits in an operand. That is, 0 changes to 1 and 1
changes to 0. If the value of a is 00001100, then ~a is 11110011.

Shift operators
The shift operators are used to move bit pattern either to the left or right. The general forms of shift
operators are

Left shift : operand << n Right shift : operand >> n

where operand is an integer and n is the number of bit positions to be shifted. The value for n must
be an integer quantity.

Assume the value of a is 12. Then the result of a << 2 will be follows:

a 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
a<<2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
The value of c is 48. The above operation shifts the bits to the left by two places and the vacated
places on the right side will be filled with zeros. Every shift to the left by one position corresponds
to multiplication by 2. Shifting two positions is equal to multiplication by 2*2 i.e, by 4. Similarly, every
shift to the right by one position corresponds to division by 2.


C supports some special operators like comma operator, sizeof operator, pointer operators (& and *)
and member selection operators (. And ->).


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Comma Operator:
Comma operator is used in the assignment statement to assign many values to many variables.
Example: int a=10, b= 20, c- 30;
Comma operator is also used in for loop in all the three fields.
Example: for (i=0, j=2; i<10; i=i+1;j=j+2);
Sizeof Operator:

Another unary operator is the sizeof operator . This operator returns the size of its operand, in bytes.
This operator always precedes its operand. The operand may be a variable, a constant or a data type
qualifier. Consider the following program.
int sum;
printf("%d", sizeof(float));
printf("%d", sizeof (sum));
printf("%d", sizeof (234L));
printf("%d", sizeof ('A')); }
Here the first printf( ) would print out 4 since a float is always 4 bytes long. With this reasoning, the
next three printf( ) statements would output 2, 4 and 2. Consider an array school[]= “National” .
Then, sizeof (school) statement will give the result as 8.


The order in which the operations are performed in an expression is called hierarchy of operations.
The priority or precedence of operators is given below.

The arithmetic operators have the highest priority. Both relational and logical operators are lower in
precedence than the arithmetic operators (except !). The shorthand assignment operators have the
lowest priority.
Order Category Operator Operation Associativity

1 Highest () Function call L→R

[] Left to Right
precedence →
2 Unary ! Logical negation (NOT) R→L
~ Bitwise 1’s omplement Right -> Left
+ Unary plus
- Unary minus
++ Pre or post increment
-- Pre or post decrement
& Address
* Indirection
Size of Size of operant in bytes
3 Multiplication * Multiply L→R
/ Divide
% Modulus
4 Additive + Binary Plus L→R
- Binary Minus


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5 Shift << Left shift L→R

>> Right shift
6 Relational < Less than L→R
<= Less than or equal to
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal
7 Equality == Equal to L→R
!= Not Equal to
8 Bitwise AND & Bitwise AND L→R
9 Bitwise XOR ^ Bitwise XOR L→R
10 Bitwise OR | Bitwise OR L→R
Logical AND && Logical AND L→R
12 Conditional ?: Ternary Operator R→L
13 Assignment = Assignment R→L
*= Assign product
%= Assign reminder
/= Assign quotient
+= Assign sum
-= Assign difference
&= Assign bitwise AND
^= Assign bitwise XOR
|= Assign bitwise OR
<<= Assign left shift
>>= Assign right shift
14 Comma , Evaluate L→R

An expression within the parentheses is always evaluated first. One set of parentheses can be enclosed
within another. This is called nesting of parentheses. In such cases, innermost parentheses is
evaluated first.
Associatively means how an operator associates with its operands. For example, the unary minus
associated with the quantity to its right, and in division the left operand is divided by right. The
assignment operator ‘=’ associates from right to left. Associativity also refers to the order in which C
evaluates operators in an expression having same precedence. For example, the statement a = b = 20
/ 2 ; assigns the value of 10 to b, which is then assigned to ‘a’, since associativity said to be from right
to left.


Example 1: Determine the hierarchy of operations and evaluate the following expression:
Stepwise evaluation of this expression is shown below:
i = 6 / 4 + 4 / 4 + 8 - 2 + 5 / 8 operation: *
i = 1 + 4 / 4 + 8 - 2 + 5 / 8 operation: /
i = 1 + 1+ 8 - 2 + 5 / 8 operation: /
i = 1 + 1 + 8 - 2 + 0 operation: /
i = 2 + 8 - 2 + 0 operation: +

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i = 10 - 2 + 0 operation: +
i = 8 + 0 operation : -
i = 8 operation: +
Note that 6 / 4 gives 1 and not 1.5. This so happens because 6 and 4 both are integers and therefore
would evaluate to only an integer constant. Similarly 5 / 8 evaluates to zero, since 5 and 8 are integer
constants and hence must return an integer value.
Example 2: Determine the hierarchy of operations and evaluate the following expression:
k = 1 * 4 + 3 / 8 + 3 operation: /
k = 4 + 3 / 8 + 3 operation: *
k = 4 + 0 + 3 operation: /
k = 4 + 3 operation: +
k = 7 operation +


Assignment statements are used to assign the values to variables. Assignment statements are
constructed using the assignment operator ( = ). General form of assigning value to variable is

variable = expression;

where expression is a constant or a variable name or the expression (Combinations of constants,

variables and operators).
Examples : (i) a = 5; (ii) a = b; (iii) a = a + b; (iv) a = a > b;
Rules to be followed when constructing assignment statements

1. Only one variable is allowed on the left hand side of ‘=’ expression a = b * c is valid, whereas
a + b = 5 is invalid.
2. Arithmetic operators can be performed on char, int, float and double data types. For example
the following program is valid, since the addition is performed on the ASCII value of the
characters x and y.

char a,b;
int z;
a = ‘x’;
b = ‘y’
z = a +b;

3. All the operators must be written explicitly. For example D = x. y .z is invalid. It must be
written as D = x * y * z.
Multiple Assignment Statement
The same value can be assigned to more than one variable in a single assignment. This is possible by
using multiple assignments. For example to assign the value 30 to the variable a, b, c, d is
a = b = c = d = 30;

However, this cannot be done at the time of declaration of variables.

For example
int a = b = c = d = 30 is invalid.

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An expression is the combination of Variables and Constants connected by any one of the arithmetic
operator. Examples for expressions are:

(i) a+b (ii) b+5 (iii) a+b*5-6/c (iv) 8.2+ a/b+6.7

Integer expression: If all the variables and constants in an expression are of integer type, then this
type of expression is called as integer expression. An integer expression will always give a result in
integer value.
Real Expression: If all variables and constants in an expression are of real type, then this type of
expression is called as real expression, A real expression will always give a result in real value.
Mixed mode Expression: If the elements in an expression are of both real and integer types, then this
type of expression is called as mixed mode expression. A mixed mode expression will always give a
result in real value.

Integer Expression Real Expression Mixed Mode Expresiion

int a,b,c; float a,b,c; int a,b;

c = a+b/5 + c/a; c = a+b/2.0 + c+ 5.6 float c,d;
d = 5 + a/c + c/b + 6.1


Implicit type conversion

C permits mixing of constants and variables of different types in an expression. C automatically
converts any intermediate values to the proper type so that the expression can be evaluated without
loosing any significance. This automatic type conversion is known as implicit type conversion
When constants and variables of different types are mixed in an expression, they are all converted to
the same type. The compiler converts all operands up to the type of the largest operand, which is
called type promotion. The order of various data type is

char < int < long < float < double

For example if an expression contains an operator between int and float, the int would be
automatically promoted to a float before carrying out the operation. The following table shows the
final data type when two operands are of different types.

Opearnd1 Opearnd2 Result

char int Int
char float float
int float float
int char Int
long int float fFloat
float double double
double char double
double long int double


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Explicit Conversion ( Type cast operator)

Consider for example the ratio of number of female and male students in a class is
Ratio =female_students /male_students
Since if female_students and male_students are declared as integers, the decimal part will be rounded
off and its ratio will represent a wrong figure. This problem can be solved by converting locally one of
the variables to the floating point as shown below.
Ratio = (float) female_students / male_students
The operator float converts the female_students to floating point for the purpose of evaluation of the
expression. Then using the rule of automatic conversion, the division is performed by floating point
mode, thus retaining the fractional part of the result.

The process of such a local conversion is known as explicit conversion or casting a value. The general
form is
(type_name) expression


C has no input and output statement to perform the input and output operations. C language has a
collection of library functions for input and output (I/O) operations. The input and output functions
are used to transfer the information between the computer and the standard input / output devices.

Console I/O functions - functions to receive input from keyboard and write output to VDU.


The basic difference between formatted and unformatted I/O functions is that the formatted
functions allow the input read from the keyboard or the output displayed on the VDU to be formatted
as per our requirements. For example, if values of average marks and percentage marks are to be
displayed on the screen, then the details like where this output would appear on the screen, how
many spaces would be present between the two values, the number of places after the decimal points
etc., can be controlled using formatted functions.

Console Input/Output functions

Formatted functions Unformatted functions
Type Input Output Type Input Output
char scanf() printf() char getch() putch()
getchar() putchar()
getche( )
int scanf() printf() int - -
float scanf() printf() float - -
string scanf() printf() string gets() puts()


printf ( ) function is used to display data on the monitor. The printf ( ) function moves data from the
computer’s memory to the standard output device. The general format of printf ( ) function is

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printf ( “control string”, list of arguments );

Comma is used to separate the control string from variable list.

The control string can contain : -the characters that are to be displayed on the screen.
-format specifiers that begin with a % sign.
-escape sequences that begin with a backward slash (\) sign.
printf (“”%f, %f, %d, %d””, i, j, k + i, 5);
printf (“Sum of %d and %d is %d””, a, b, a + b );
printf (“”Two numbers are %d and % d””,a,b );
printf ( ) never supplies a newline automatically. Therefore multiple printf ( ) statements may be used
to display one line of output. A new line can be introduced by the new line character \n.
Conversion Characters or Format Specifiers

The character specified after % is called a conversion character. Conversion character is used to
convert one data type to another type.

Conversion Character Meaning

%c Data item is displayed as a single character
%d Data item is displayed as a signed decimal integer
%e Data item is displayed as a floating-point value with an exponent
%f Data item is displayed as a floating-point value without an exponent
%i Data item is displayed as a signed decimal integer
%o Data item is displayed as an octal integer, without a leading zero
%s Data item is displayed as a string
%u Data item is displayed as an unsigned decimal integer
%x Data item is displayed as a hexadecimal integer, without the leading Ox

List of Variable Arguments

The arguments may be constants, single variable or array name or more complex expressions.


Formatted printf function is used for the following purposes:

1. To print values at the particular position of the screen.
2. To insert the spaces between the two values.
3. To give the number of places after the decimal point.
The above things can be achieved by adding modifier to the format specifiers. Modifiers are placed
between the percent sign ( % ) and the format specifier. A maximum field width, the number of
decimal places, left justification can be specified by using the modifiers.
The number placed between percent sign ( % ) and the format specifier is called a field width specifier.

For outputting Integer Numbers

The general format of the field width specifier is

where W is the minimum field width. If the value to be printed is greater than the specified field
width, the whole value is displayed. If the output is shorter than the length specified, remaining spaces

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will be filled by blank spaces and the value is right justified. The following example illustrates the
output of the number 1234 under different formats.

Format Output
printf(“”%d””,1234) 1 2 3 4
printf(“”%6d””,1234) 1 2 3 4
printf(“”%2d””,1234) 1 2 3 4
printf(“”%-6d””,1234) 1 2 3 4
printf(“”%4d””,-1234) - 1 2 3 4
printf(“”%06d””,1234) 0 0 1 2 3 4
Commonly used Flags:

- Data item is left justified within the field

+ A sign (either + or -) will precede each signed numerical data item. Without this
flag, only negative data items are preceded by a sign.
0 Causes leading zeros to appear instead of leading blanks.

Outputting of Real Numbers

The general format for field width specification for outputting real number is

% W.d f

Where W represents the minimum number of width used for displaying the output value and “d”
indicates the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal point. This number is called precision.
The precision is an unsigned number. The given value is rounded to d decimal places and printed
right-justified in the field of W columns. The default precision is 6 decimal places. Real numbers are
also displayed in exponentiation form by using the specification e.

The following example illustrates the output of the number y = 12.3456 under different formats.

printf(“”%8.4f””,y) 1 2 . 3 4 5 6

printf(“”%8.2f””,y) 1 2 . 3 5

printf(“”%-8.2f””,y) 1 2 . 3 5

printf(“%f””,y) 1 2 . 3 4 5 6 0 0

printf(“%8.2e”,y) 1 . 2 3 e + 0 1

Outputting of string data

The general format for field width specification for outputting string data is

% W. d s

where W represents the minimum number of width used for displaying the output value and d
indicates the maximum number of characters that can be displayed. If the precision specification is
less than the total number of characters in the string, the excess rightmost characters will not be


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When using string, for the minimum field width specification, leading blanks will be added if the string
is shorter than the specified field width, Additional space will be allocated if the string is larger than
the specified field width.

char item[9] = “”computer””;

c o m P U t e r
C O m p u t e r
c o m p u
c o m p U


scanf( ) function is used to read the value from the input device. The general format of scanf ( )
function is

scanf (“Control string”, list of address of arguments );

The list of address of arguments represents the data items to be read. Each variable name must be
preceded by an ampersand ( & ). The arguments are actually pointer which indicate where the data
items are stored in the memory. Example of a scanf function is

scanf ( “%d %f %c””, &a, &b, &ch);

The control string consists of format specifier, white space character and non-white space character.
The format specifier in scanf are very similar to those used with printf ( ).

Important points while using scanf are

1. Every basic data type variable must be preceded by ( & ) sign. In the case of string and array
data type, the data name is not preceded by the character &.
2. Text to be printed is not allowed in scanf statement. For example scanf (“Enter the number
%d”, &a); is not valid.
3. The data items must correspond to the arguments.
4. If two or more data items are entered, they must separated by white space characters. (blank
spaces, tabs or new line characters). Data items may continue into two or more lines. For
example, for the statement
scanf (“”%s %d %f””, name, &regno, &avg );
the data items can be entered in the following methods.

(i) Arul (ii) Arul 12345 (iii) Arul (iv) Arul 12345 85.56
12345 85.56 12345 85.56

Modifier with scanf functions

A modifier is used to specify the maximum field length. The modifier is placed between % sign and
the format specifier.

Example : scanf (“%6s””, str1);


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is used to read a string of maximum 6 characters. If the input is more than 6 characters, first 6
characters will be assigned.

Length of data items may be lesser than the specified field width. But the number of characters in the actual
data item cannot exceed the specified field width. Any excess character will not be read. Such uncovered
characters may be incorrectly interpreted. This excess character acts as the input for the next data items.


getchar() function is used to read one character at a time from the standard input device. When the
getchar() function is called, it waits until a key is pressed and assigns this character as a value to getchar
function. The value is also echoed on the screen.

The getchar() function does not require any argument. But a pair of empty parentheses must follow
the word getchar. In general, the getchar function is written as

variable name = getchar();

where variable name is a valid C identifier that has been declared as char type.
For example,

char letter ;
letter = getchar ();
will assign the character ‘A’ to the variable letter when pressing A on the keyboard. getchar ( )
accepts all the characters upto the pressing of enter key, but reads the first character only.


Single character can be displayed using the function putchar ( ). The function putchar ( ) stands for
“put character” and uses a argument. The general form of the putchar( ) function is

putchar (argument);

The argument may be a character variable or an integer value or the character itself contained within
a single quote.


void main() {
char x = ‘’A’’;
putchar (x);
putchar (‘’B’’);

gets() function

gets() accepts any line of string including spaces from the standard Input device (keyboard). gets()
stops reading character from keyboard only when the enter key is pressed.
Syntax for gets()



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puts() function

puts displays a single / paragraph of text to the standard output device.

Syntax for puts in C :


Sample program :
void main()
char a[20];

1. gets is used to receive user input to the array. gets stops receiving user input only when
the Newline character (Enter Key) is interrupted.
2. puts is used to display them back in the monitor.


1. Assume all variables are of type int. Find the value of each of the following variables:
a) x = (int) 3.8 + 3.3; b) x = (2 + 3)* 10.5; c) x = 3 / 5 * 22.0; d) x = 22.0 * 3 / 5;

a) 6 (reduces to 3 + 3.3) b) 52 c) 0 (reduces to 0 * 22.0) d) 13 (reduces to 66.0 / 5 )

2. Construct statements that do the following:

a. Decrease the variable x by 1.
b. Assigns to m the remainder of n divided by k.
c. Divide q by b minus a and assign the result to p.
d. Assign to x the result of dividing the sum of a and b by the product of c and d.
a) x--; or --x; or x = x - 1; b) m = n % k; c) p = q / (b - a); d) x = (a + b) / (c * d);

3. Construct an expression to express the following conditions:

a. number is equal to or greater than 90 but smaller than 100.

b. ch is not a q or a k character.
c. number is between 1 and 9 (including the end values) but is not a 5.
d. number is not between 1 and 9.
a. number >= 90 && number < 100 b. ch != 'q' && ch != 'k'
c. (number >= 1 && number <= 9) && number != 5 d. number < 1 || number > 9


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4. Given that 39.37 inches are equivalent to 1 meter, write a program that converts a given number
of inches to the equivalent length of centimeters.

void main()
float inches,cm;
printf(“”Enter the value in inches” ”);
cm = (inches/39.37)*100;
printf(“”\n The %.2f inches is equivalent to %.2f centimeter””, inches,cm);
5. Write a C program to print out the square and cube of any integer value from the terminal.

void main()
int number,square,cube;
printf(“ Enter the value :”);
square = number*number;
cube = number*number*number;
printf(“\n\n The square of given number is:%d””,square);
printf(“\n\n The cube of given number is:%d””,cube); }
6. Write a C program to convert a given character from uppercase to lowercase and vice versa by
using bitwise operator.
int main()
char input;
printf("Character to convert: ");
scanf("%c",&input); //read character
printf("Converted character: %c", input ^ 32);

ASCII values of the uppercase and lowercase characters have a difference of 32. For example, in ASCII, “A” is
represented by 6510 while “a” is represented by 9710 (97-65 = 32). At the bit level, only difference between
the two characters is the 5th bit.

65 = 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
97 = 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
32 = 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Therefore by inverting the 6th bit of a character it can be changed from uppercase to lowercase and vice
versa. Bitwise XOR operation can be used to invert bits. Therefore any ASCII value XOR with 32 will invert its
case from upper to lower and lower to upper.


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7. Temperatures of a city in Fahrenheit degree are input through a keyboard. Write a program to
convert the temperature into centigrade degrees

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main()
float fahr,cel;
printf("\n Let us convet farenhiet to celcius:");
printf("\n Enter the temperature in farenhiet\n");
cel= 5*(fahr-32)/9.0;
printf("\nThe value in celcius is : %f", cel);
8. Using ternary (conditional) operator, write a C program to find the absolute value of a number.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main(){
int num,r;
printf(" Enter a number");
printf("The absolute value of %d is %d",num,r);
getch(); }
9. printf(“”%–10s””, “”ABDUL””); displays (A) ABDULbbbbb (B) bbbbbABDUL (C) ABDULbbbbbbbbbb
(D) bbbbbbbbbbABDUL

Ans: A : -10s will print ABDUL in 10 space ABDUL followed by 5 blank space.

10. Read two float numbers and find sum, difference, product and division of the above numbers.

void main() { float x,y,sum,difference,product,division;

printf("ENTER TWO NUMBERS=\n");
11. Write a program to read the price of an item in decimal form ( like 15.95 ) and print the output in
paisa ( like 1595 paisa) .

void main() {
int b;

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float a;
printf("%d",b); }
12. Given the values of the variables X,Y and Z write a program to rotate their values such that X has
the value of Y,Y has the value of Z and Z has the value of X.
void main(){
int x,y,z,temp;
printf("Enter the value of x,y,z\n");
scanf("%d %d %d",&x,&y,&z);
printf("%d %d %d",x,y,z);}

13. Write a program that reads a floating-point number and then displays right-most digit of
the integral part of the number.
void main() { int a,e;
float p;
printf("Enter the value of p\n");
printf("%d\n",e); }
14. Write a program to print the value 345.6789 in fixed-point format with the following
specifications: (a) correct to two decimal place, (b)correct to five decimal place and (c)correct to
zero decimal place.
void main(){
float a=345.6789;
printf("The two decimal place is: %.2f\n",a);
printf("The five decimal place is: %.5f\n",a);
printf("The zero decimal place is: %.0f",a);
getch(); }
15. What conversion specification would you use to print each of the following?
a. A decimal integer with a field width equal to the number of digits
b. A hexadecimal integer in the form 8A in a field width of 4
c. A floating-point number in the form 232.346 with a field width of 10
d. A floating-point number in the form 2.33e+002 with a field width of 12
e. A string left-justified in a field of width 30
ANSWER : a) %d b) %4X c) %10.3f d) %12.2e e) %-30s


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• program in any programming language. Generally, program development life cycle contains
the following 6 phases …. Problem Definition , Problem Design , Coding , ,Testing ,
Documentation , Maintenance.
• A computer program is a sequence of instructions written to perform a specified task with a
• Programming language is a set of grammatical rules for instructing a computer to perform
specific tasks.
• Low Level languages are divided in to Machine language and Assembly language.
• Features of the High Level Languages are(i) Simplicity (ii) Naturalness: (iii) Abstraction: (iv)
Efficiency: (v) Efficiency: (vi) Compactness (vii) Locality (viii) Extensibility.
• Algorithm is a step-by-step method of solving a problem or making decisions.
• A flowchart is a diagrammatic representation that illustrates the sequence of operations to be
performed to get the solution of a problem.
• C has all the advantages of assembly language and all the significant features of modern high-
level language. So it is called a “Middle Level Language”.
• The C programming language is a structure oriented programming language, developed at Bell
Laboratories in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie
• The Features of C programming language are Reliability, Portability, Flexibility, Interactivity,
Modularity, Efficiency and Effectiveness.
• All C programs are having the following sections/parts : Documentation section , Link Section,
Definition Section, Global declaration section, Function prototype declaration section, Main
function, User defined function definition section
• A statement causes the compiler to carry out some action. There are 3 different types of
statements – expression statements compound statements and control statements. Every
statement ends with a semicolon.
• Statement may be single or compound (a set of statements). Most of the statements in a C
program are expression statements.
• C language character set contains the following set of characters... Alphabets ,Digits , Special
• Every C program is a collection of instructions and every instruction is a collection of some
individual units. Every smallest individual unit of a c program is called token.
• Keywords are pre-defined words in a C compiler. Each keyword is meant to perform a specific
function in a C program. C language supports 32 keywords.
• The value of the constants can not be modified by the program once they are defined.
Constants refer to fixed values. The different types of constants are : (i) Integer (ii) Real
(iii) Character (iv) String
• A constant is an entity that doesn’t change whereas a variable is an entity that may change.
• Identifier is a collection of characters which acts as name of variable, function, array, pointer,
structure, lable etc...
• A single character enclosed within a pair of single quotes is called single character constant.
Example : ‘A’ . Sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes. Example:“SALEM”
• Data used in c program is classified into different types based on its properties. In c
programming language, data type can be defined as a set of values with similar characteristics.

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All the values in a data type have the same properties. The memory size and type of value of
a variable are determined by variable data type.
• Primary data types are also called as Built-In datatypes. The following are the primary
datatypes in c programming language Integer Data type , Floating Point Datatype ,Double
Datatype, Character Data type
• The void data type means nothing or no value. Generally, void is used to specify a function
which does not return any value
• Derived data types are user-defined data types. The derived datatypes are also called as user
defined data types or secondary data types. In c programming language, the derived datatypes
are created using the following concepts...Arrays , Structures ,Unions and Enumeration
• An operator is a symbol, which represents some particular operation that can be performed
on some data. Operators operate on constants or variables, which are called operands.
• These C operators join individual constants and variables to form expressions.
• A Modulus operator gives the remainder value. This operator is applied only to integral
operands and cannot be applied to float or double.
• Operators, functions, constants and variables are combined together to form expressions.
• Consider the expression A + B * 5. where, +, * are operators, A, B are variables, 5 is constant
and A + B * 5 is an expression.
• If all the variables and constants in an expression are of integer type, then this type of
expression is called as integer expression.
• Bit operators are used to perform bit operations. Bit wise operators in C language are &
(bitwise AND), | (bitwise OR), ~ (bitwise OR), ^ (XOR), << (left shift) and >> (right shift).
• These operators are used to perform logical operations on the given expressions. There are 3
logical operators in C language. They are, logical AND (&&), logical OR (||) and logical NOT (!).
• Conditional operators return one value if condition is true and returns another value is
condition is false. This operator is also called as ternary operator.
• Operators that act upon a single operand to produce a new value are called unary operator.
• C supports special operators like comma operator, size of operator, pointer operators (& and
*) and member selection operators (. and ->).
• The priority or precedence in which the operations in an arithmetic statement are performed
is called the hierarchy of operations.
• When there are more than one operator with same precedence [ priority ] then we consider
associatively , which indicated the order in‟ which the expression has to be evaluated. It may
be either from Left to Right or Right to Left.
• The combination of backslash(\) and some character which together represent one character
are called escape sequences. Ex.: ‘\n’ represents newline character.
• The comment lines are simply ignored by the compiler. They are not executed. In C, there are
two types of comments. (i) Single line comments (ii) Multi line comments


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PART – A (2 Marks)
1. Define the term Program.
2. What are the different phases available in program development life cycle.
3. What are the different types of errors ?
4. Define Programming Language.
5. Give the different types of programming languages.
6. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of machine language.
7. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of assembly language.
8. Define Algorithm and Flow Chart.
9. List down the steps in executing a C Program.
10. Why C Language is called as Middle Level Language.
11. Define the term constant. List down the various types of constants.
12. What are the rules to be followed when constructing a floating point constant?
13. What are the data qualifiers? List them.
14. What is the output of the following program?
main() {
int x = 10;
printf ("%d %d", ++x, ++x);}
15. What is the numerical value of the expression x >= y || y > x ?
16. Without using a conditional statement how to find whether a given number is odd or even?
17. Using a conditional statement , write a statement to find the biggest number between
given three numbers a , b and c.
18. What is the difference between a statement and a block?
19. Why do we need different data types?
20. Define the term “ Token”. Give some examples.
21. s++ or s = s+1, which can be recommended to increment the value by 1 and why?
22. Define the term operator? How the operators are classified?
23. What is initialization? Why it is important?
24. What is a variable and what is the “value” of the variable?
25. When dealing with very small and very large numbers, what steps would you take to
improve the accuracy of the calculations?
PART – B ( 3 Marks)
1. What are the features of C Language? Explain
2. What are the characteristics of an algorithm? Explain
3. What are symbols used in flow chart? Explain the purpose of each symbol.


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4. What are the limitations of using flow chart? Define them.

5. Write down the history of C Language.
6. Mention any six features of C Language.
7. What is a keyword? What are the features of Keyword? How many keywords are available in
C Language?
8. What is typecasting? Give an example.
9. Write a c program to add two numbers without using addition operator
10. Name and describe the basic data types.
11. State the use of const and volatile qualifiers.
12. What do you mean by initialization of a variable? Give examples.
13. What are unary operators? State the purpose of each.
14. What do you mean by hierarchy of operations? Give an example.
15. Why do we use comments in programs? What are the two types of comments?
16. What do the getchar() and putchar() functions do ?

PART – C (5 Marks/ 10 Marks)

1. What is program development life cycle? With a neat diagram, explain different phases of
program development life cycle.
2. Explain the general structure of C Program.
3. With a grammatical representation, explain the various steps involved in executing a C
4. Briefly explain about the various types of constants used in C Language with examples.
5. Explain about the different types of data types available in C language?
6. Explain type casting with an example program
7. Briefly explain about the precedence and associativity of operators.
8. State the use of conditional operator with an example.
9. What are the special operators available in C language? Explain them
10. Explain different types of operators available in C language? List them with their uses.
11. State the difference between post increment and pre increment operators? Explain your
answer by giving examples.
12. Describe the characteristics and purpose of escape sequence characters.
13. Write a program that will obtain the length and width of a rectangle from the user and
calculate its area and perimeter.
14. Write a program to print the size of various data types in C.
15. Given the values of the variables a,b and c, write a program to rotate their values such that a
has the value of b, b has the value of c, and c has the value of a.
16. Write a program to print out the largest value of given three numbers without using if
17. Explain about the formatted I/O Statement.
18. Explain about unformatted I/O statements.


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After reading this unit, the student will be able to

• Learn about decision making control statements in C and the way they are used.
• Learn about looping control constructs in C and the technique of putting them to use.
• Describe the use of unconditional statements with their syntax.
• Learn about nested loops and their utility.
• Understand what an array is
• Learn about one-dimensional arrays, their declaration, initialization, ways to access individual
elements and other possible operations.
• Get acquainted with one dimensional string and the way it is declared, initialized,
manipulated, inputted and displayed.
• Define two dimensional and multidimensional arrays
• Know about array of strings, its declaration, initialization, other operations, manipulations,
and uses.
• Get a brief idea about string handling functions
• Write simple programs using decision making statements, arrays and strings

Normally the statements will be executed sequentially. Control statements are used to specify the
order in which the various instructions in a program are to be executed. Control statements are used
to determine the flow of control in a program. The control statements used in C are grouped into
three categories. 1. Decision making or Branching statements 2. Looping statements 3. Unconditional
Statements. Decision making statements are used to execute particular set of instructions for a
particular situation. Looping statements are used to execute a group of instructions repeatedly until
some condition is satisfied. Unconditional statements are used to transfer the control to other
statements without checking any condition.

Arrays are a kind of data structure that can store a fixed-size sequential collection of elements of the
same type. An array is used to store a collection of data, but it is often more useful to think of an array
as a collection of variables of the same type .

In this unit , we will discuss about the different tpes of branching statements, looping statements ,
arrays and Strings.


Decision making in C
Decision making is about deciding the order of execution of statements based on certain conditions
or repeat a group of statements until certain specified conditions are met. C language handles
decision-making by supporting the following statements,

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a. if statement
b. switch statement
c. conditional operator statement
d. goto statement
The if statement may be implemented in different forms depending on the complexity of conditions
to be tested. The different forms are,

• Simple if statement
• If....else statement
• Nested if....else statement
• else if statement

2.1.1. Simple if Statement

Simple if statement is used to execute some statements for a particular condition. The general form
of if statement and flow chart is shown below:

Syntax Flow chart

if (condition)


statement -2;

where condition is a relational or a logical expression. The condition must be placed in parentheses.
statement-1 can be either simple or compound statement (group of Statements). The value of
condition is evaluated first. The value may be either true or false. If the condition is true, the
statement – 1 is executed and then the control is transferred to statement – 2. If the condition is false,
the control is transferred directly to the statement-2 without executing the statement-1.

The conditional statement should not the terminated with Semi-colons (ie ;)
Example 1: Write a program to check Example 2: Write a Program to check whether
equivalence of two numbers. Use “if” a given number is less than 20.
# include<stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>
# include<conio.h> # include<conio.h>
void main( ) void main ()
{ {
int m,n; clrscr( ); int a;
printf(“\n Enter two numbers:”); scanf(“%d”, &a);
scanf(“%d %d”, &m, &n); if( a < 20 )
if(m= =n) {
printf(“”\n two numbers are equal””); printf("a is less than 20\n" );
getch(); } } printf("value of a is : %d\n", a); }

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2.1.2. if …. else Statement

The simple if statement will execute a single statement, or a group of statements, if the condition lis
true. If the condition is false, it does nothing.
If …else statement is used to execute one group of statements if the condition is true. The other
groups of statements are executed when the condition is false. General form of if…else statement and
flow chart is shown below:
Syntax Flow chart Explanation
if (condition) statement-1 and statement-2
{ can be simple or compound
statement-1; statements. If the condition is
} true, the statement-1 is
else executed; otherwise the
{ statement-2 is executed. In
statement-2; either case, either statement-1
} or statement-2 will be
statement -3; executed, not both. In both the
cases, the control is transferred
subsequently to statement-3.

Example 1: Write a program to print the given Example2: Develop a program to accept two
number is even or odd. numbers and find largest number and print.
# include<stdio.h> # include<stdio.h>
void main( ) void main( )
{ int n; { int a,b;
printf(“”Enter a number:””); printf(“Enter Two numbers:”);
scanf(“”%d””, &n); scanf(“%d%d”, &a,&b);
if( (n%2)==0 ) if( a>b )
printf(“”\n The given number is EVEN” ”); printf(““\n %d is largest number””,a);
else else
printf(“”\n The given number is ODD” ”); printf(“”\n %d is largest number””,b);
} }

2.1.3. Nested ifs

A nested if statement is an if statement which is within another if – block or else – block. If an if…else
is contained completely within another construct, then it is called nesting of if’s.

Syntax Flow chart

.if (condition-1)
if (condition-2)
statement -3;
Statement – 4;

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If the condition-1 is false, the statement-3 will be executed. Otherwise it continues to test condition-
2. If the condition-2 is true, the statement-1 will be executed; otherwise the statement-2 will be
executed and then the control is transferred to statement-4. Second if…else construction may be
nested in the if block or else block of the first if…else construction. The statements between the
keywords if and else are called if block and statements after the else form the else block.
Example: Program to select and print the largest of the three float numbers using nested “if-
else” statements.
# include<stdio.h>
# include<conio.h>
void main( ) {
float a,b,c;
printf(“Enter Three Values:”);
scanf(“%f%f%f ”, &a, &b, &c);
printf(“\n Largest Value is:”) ;
{ if(a>c)
printf(“ %f ”, a);
printf(“ %f ”, c); }
{ if (b>c)
printf(“ %f ”, b);
printf(“ %f ”, c); }
getch( ); }

In the above example second if….else construct is used within the else block and if block of the first
if…else construct.

2.1.4. Else if ladder

The else-if ladder is mutiway branching statement. It is used to test many conditions. .

Syntax Flow chart

The conditions are evaluated from top to bottom. When a true condition is evaluated, the statement
associated with it is executed and the rest of the ladder is omitted. If none of the conditions is true


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then default statement is executed. If the default statement is not present, no action taken place
when all other conditions are false.

The marks obtained by a student in 5 different subjects are input through the keyboard. The student
gets a division as per the following rules: (i) Percentage above or equal to 60 - First division
(ii) Percentage between 50 and 59 - Second division (iii) Percentage between 40 and 49 - Third division
(iv) Percentage less than 40 - Fail . Write a program to calculate the division obtained by the student.

main( )
Int m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, per ;
per = ( m1+ m2 + m3 + m4+ m5 ) / 5 ;
if ( per >= 60 )
printf ( "First division" ) ;
else if ( per >= 50 )
printf ( "Second division" ) ;
else if ( per >= 40 )
printf ( "Third division" ) ;
printf ( "fail" ) ;

If the first condition ( per >= 60 ) is true, then “First division” is printed. and the control will come out
of the loop. If the first condition is false, then the next statement ( per >= 50 ) will be evaluated.
Depending upon the result, the next statement is executed or control will come out of the loop. The
above procedure is continued until the last else if.

2.1.5. Switch Statement

1. The switch statement causes a particular group of statements to be chosen from several
available groups.
2. The selection is based upon the current value of an expression which is included within the
switch statement.
3. The switch statement is a multi-way branch statement.
4. In a program if there is a possibility to make a choice from a number of options, this structure
is useful.
5. The switch statement requires only one argument of int or char data type, which is checked
with number of case options.
6. The switch statement evaluates expression and then looks for its value among the case
7. If the value matches with case constant, then that particular case statement is executed.
8. If no one case constant not matched then default is executed.
9. Here switch, case, break and default are reserved words or keywords.
10. Every case statement terminates with colon “:”.
11. In switch each case block should end with break statement

switch (expression)
case constant1 ;
statement – 1 ;

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case constant2 ;
statement – 2 ;
default statement ;
statement –x;

where statement-1, statement-2 are statement lists and may contain zero or more statements. The
expression following switch must be enclosed in parentheses and the body of the switch must be
enclosed within curly braces. Expression may be a variable or integer expression. Case labels can be
only integer or character constants.

case labels do not contain any variable names. case labels must all be different . case labels end with
a semicolon.

The switch structure starts with the switch keyword. It contains one block which contain the different
cases. Each case contains different statements to be executed corresponding to different conditions
and ends with the break statement. Break statement transfers the control out of the switch structure
to statement – x. If the value of variable is “constant1”, the “case constant1: “is executed. If value is
“constant2”, the “case constant2” is executed and so on. If the value of the variable does not
correspond to any case, the default case is executed.

Flow chart for switch Statement


void main ( )
char ch;
int a,b,c=0;
printf (“Enter the two values”);
scanf(“%d%d”,&a, &b);
printf (“enter the operator ( + - * / )”) ;

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ch = getchar();
case ‘’+’’ : c = a + b;
case ‘’-‘’ : c = a – b;
case ‘’*’’ : c = a*b;
case ‘’/’’ : c = a/b;
default : printf (“The operator is invalid”) ;}
printf (“The result is %d”, c);


1. The order of the case may be in any order. It is not necessary that order may be in as ascending
or descending.
2. Mixing of integer and character constants in different cases is allowed.
3. If multiple statements are to be executed in each case, there is no need to enclose within a
pair of braces.
4. If default statement is not present, then the program continues with the next instruction.
5. switch statement may occur within another switch statement.
6. If the break is not used in a certain case, the statements in the following cases are also
executed irrespective of whether that case value is true or not. This execution will continue
till a break is encountered. For example, consider the following program,
switch( ch )
case ‘’a’’:
case ‘’b’’:
case ‘’i’’ : printf (“The vowel i \n”);
case ‘’o’’: printf (“The vowel o”);
break ;
case ‘’u’’:
default : printf ( Not vowel );
7. In the above example, if the value of ch = ‘i’, then the display will be
The vowel i
The vowel o
8. When one of the case statements is evaluated as true, all statements are executed until a
break statement is executed.

2.1.6. GOTO Statement

The goto statement is used to transfer the control from one point to another. The general form of the
goto statement is
goto label;
where label is an identifier. Label is the name given to the target place to which the control will be
transferred. Control may be transferred to any other statement within the program. The label is

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placed immediately before the statement where the control is to be transferred. The label can be any
where in the program either before or after the goto label statement. The general form of the target
place is
Label: statement (s)
The goto statement transfers the control without checking any condition. That is why this statement
is sometimes called as unconditional goto statement. Goto statement may be useful for exiting from
any levels of nesting in one jump.

It is possible to have a forward jump or a backward jump.

• If the “label:” is before the statement “goto label;” a loop will be formed and some statements
will be executed repeatedly. Such a jump is known as a „backward jump‟.
• If the “label:” is placed after the “goto label;” some statements will be skipped and the jump is
known as a “forward jump”.

Forward jump Backward jump


main ( )
int x = 10;
printf (“x is %d \n”, x );
if ( x < 100 ) goto loop;
printf (“End of the goto statement”);


Loops are used to execute a same set of instructions for many times. The number of times a loop
executed is given by some condition. The loop structures available in C are
1) for loop 2) while loop and 3) do…while loop

2.2.1. for loop

The for loop is used to repeat a statement or block of statements for a known number of times. The
general format of the for loop is

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for ( initialization; condition test; increment)

Initialization is an assignment statement, that is used
to set the loop control variable. The condition test is a
relational or logical expression which determines when
to end the loop. The increment is a unary or an
assignment expression. This section is used to alter
the value of the variable initially assigned by
initialization. These three sections must be separated
by semicolon. The statement which forms the body of
the loop can be either a single statement or a
compound statement ( group of statements ).

When the “for statement” is executed, the value of

conditional test is evaluated and tested before each pass through the loop. Incrementation is carried
out at the end of each pass.

The for loop continues to execute as long as the value of the conditional test is true. When the value
of condition becomes false, the program comes out of the for loop.

Execution of the for loop

1. Initialization of control variable is done first.

2. The value of control variable is tested using condition test. If the value is true, the body of the
loop is executed; otherwise the loop is terminated.
3. After the body of the loop is executed, the control is transferred back to for statement.
Control variable is altered and now the new value is tested. This process continues till the
value of the control variable fails to satisfy the test condition.

Example: To print odd numbers from 1 to 13

int i;
for ( i=1; i<=13; i=i+2)
printf(“%d”, i); }

Output : 1 3 5 7 9 11 13
The above for loop initialized the integer variable i to 1 and increments it by 2 every time the loop is

In for loop, the conditional test is always performed at the starting of the loop. The body of the loop
is not executed if the condition is false in the beginning itself. Thus the minimum number of loop
execution is zero.

All the three sections need not be present in the for statement. But semicolons are necessary and
must be shown. If the first section is omitted, the initialization is to be done before the for loop. If
the third section is omitted, the variable is incremented in the body of the loop. If the second section
is omitted, it will assumed that the permanent value is 1; then the loop will continue indefinitely.

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Different forms of for loop

Different forms of statements to print the numbers from 1 to 10 are given below.

1. The initialization, testing and incrementation of the control variable is in the for statement
main ( )
{ int i;
for ( i = 1; I <= 10; i = i + 1 )
printf ( “%d”,i );
2. Incrementing the control variable in the body of the for loop.
main ( )
int i;
for ( i = 1; i <= 10; )
printf (‘%d’, i ) ;
i = i + 1;

3. Initialization in the declaration statement itself, but before the condition..

main ()
{ int i = 1;
for ( ; i <= 10 ; i = i + 1 )
printf (‘%d’, i);
4. Initialization is in declaration statements and incrementation is in the body of the loop.
{ int i = 1;
for ( ;i <= 10;)
printf (‘%d’, i);
i = i + 1;
5. Comparison and incrementation is made through the same statement
{ int i ;
for ( i = 0; i++ < 10; )
printf (“%d”, i );
Multiple Initializations and Increments in for loop

The initialization section and increment section can contain more than one variable; These variable
are separated by the operator comma and evaluated from left to right.


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for ( i = 0, j = 10; I < 50; i++, j-- )

body of the loop
If the multiple expressions are to be checked, then they are connected by logical operators.

Infinite loop
A loop becomes infinite loop if a condition never becomes false. The for loop is traditionally used for
this purpose. Endless loop can be formed by leaving the conditional expression empty. Infinite loop
can be formed in two ways. They are

By writing no condition. For example - for ( i = 1; ;i++ )

By omitting all the sections of a for statement - for (;;)
When the conditional expression is absent, it is assumed to be true. You may have an initialization and
increment expression, but C programmers more commonly use the for(;;) construct to signify an
infinite loop.

Time Delay Loop

For loop can also be used without the body of the loop. This type of loop create time delays

for (i = 0; i<=1000; i++ );

is an example of a time delay loop. A for statement with a semicolon at the end of the statement Is
called null statement.

2.2.2. while loop

The while loop construct contains only the condition. The general format of the while loop is

Initialization Expression;
while( Test Condition)
{ Body of the loop

Updation Expression }

where body of the loop is either an empty statement, a single statement or a block of statements. The
condition may be any expression. The condition value may be zero or non-zero.

1. The while is an entry – controlled loop statement.

2. The test condition is evaluated and if the condition is true, then the body of the loop is
3. The execution process is repeated until the test condition becomes false and the control is
transferred out of the loop.
4. On exit, the program continues with the statement immediately after the body of the loop.
5. The body of the loop may have one or more statements.
6. The braces are needed only if the body contains two or more statements.
7. It‟is a good practice to use braces even if the body has only one statement.

The following example prints the value from 1 to 100


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int i = 1 ;
while ( i<=100 )
printf (“%d\n”,i);
Like for loop, while loop checks the condition at the top of the loop. So the body of the loop is not
executed, if the condition is false at the starting of the loop.

The for loop can be used if the number of iterations are known before the loop starts executing.
When the number of iterations is not known, then while loop can be used.

2.2.3. do…..while loop

The do while loop is sometimes called as the do loop in C. Unlike for and while loops, this loop checks
the condition at the end of the loop. So the body of the loop is executed at least once, even if the
condition is false initially. The general form of do…while loop is
Initialization Expression;


{ Body of the loop

Updation Expression; }

while ( Test Condition);

The do…while loop repeats until the condition becomes false. In the do…while, the body of the loop
is executed first, then the condition is checked. When the condition becomes false, control is
transferred to the statement after the loop.
Example :
To print the values from 1 to 10
int i = 1;
printf ( “%d\n”,i);
i = i + 1;
} while (i<=10 );


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Difference between while loop and do-while loop

The difference between the while and do…while is illustrated by

the following program segments

while loop

main ( )

while ( 100 < 10 )

printf (“False”);

In the above program, the condition is false for the first line. So the printf ( ) will not be executed at

do…while loop

main ( )


printf (“False”);

} while (100 < 10 );

In the above program, the printf statement will be executed only once.

Nested loops
A loop can also be used within loops.
1. i.e. one for statement within another for statement is allowed in C. (or „C‟ allows
multiple for loops in the nested forms).
2. In nested for loops one or more for statements are included in the body of the loop.
Two loops can be nested as follows.

for( initialize ; test condition ; increment) /* outer loop */
for(initialize ; test condition ; increment) /* inner loop */
{Body of loop; }
For example, to find the factorial value of number between 1 to 10, the program is


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main ( )
int i, j, factorial;
for ( i=1; i<=10; i++ )
factorial = 1;
for ( j = 1; j<= i; j ++ )
{factorial = factorial * j;}
printf (“Factorial value of %d is %d”, i, factorial ) ;
One loop can be completely contained within the other. But there can be no over lap. Each loop must
have different control variable.
counter controlled and sentinel controlled loops

Based on the nature of the control variables and the kind of value assigned to, the loops may be
classified into two general categories; counter controlled and sentinel controlled loops.

Counter controlled loops : The type of loops, where the number of the execution is known in advance
are termed by the counter controlled loop. That means, in this case, the value of the variable which
controls the execution of the loop is previously known. The control variable is known as counter. A
counter controlled loop is also called definite repetition loop.
Example : A while loop is an example of counter controlled loop.

Sentinel controlled loop : The type of loop where the number of execution of the loop is unknown, is
termed by sentinel controlled loop. In this case, the value of the control variable differs within a
limitation and the execution can be terminated at any moment as the value of the variable is not
controlled by the loop. The control variable in this case is termed by sentinel variable.
Example : do....while loop is an example of sentinel controlled loop.

entry controlled and exit controlled loops

Depending on the position of the control statement in the loop, a control structure can be classified
into two types; entry controlled and exit controlled. They are described below.
Entry controlled loop : The types of loop where the test condition is stated before the body of the
loop, are known as the entry controlled loop. So in the case of an entry controlled loop, the condition
is tested before the execution of the loop.


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If the test condition is true, then the loop gets the execution, otherwise not. For example, the for loop
is an entry controlled loop. In the given figure, the structure of an entry controlled loop is shown.

Exit controlled loop : The types of loop where the test condition is stated at the end of the body of
the loop, are know as the exit controlled loops. So, in the case of the exit controlled loops, the body
of the loop gets execution without testing the given condition for the first time. Then the condition is
tested. If it comes true, then the loop gets another execution and continues till the result of the test
condition is not false. For example, the do....while loop is an exit controlled loop. The structure of an
exit controlled loop is given in the given figure.

Comparison between the three loops, for, while, do....while.

No. Topics For loop While loop Do...while loop

01 Initialization of In the parenthesis of the Before the loop. Before the loop or in
condition loop. the body of the loop.
02 Test condition Before the body of the Before the body of After the body of the
loop. the loop. loop.
03 Updating the After the first execution. After the first After the first
condition execution. execution.
04 Type Entry controlled loop. Entry controlled Exit controlled loop.
05 Loop variable Counter. Counter. Sentinel & counter

2.2.4. Break Statement

1. A break statement terminates the execution of the loop and the control is transferred to the
statement immediately following the loop.
2. The break statement is used to terminate loops or to exit from a switch.
3. It can be used within a for, while, do-while, or switch statement.
4. The break statement is written simply as break;
int ch = 65;
printf(“%c”, ch);
if (ch == 97) break;

2.2.5. Continue Statement

1. The continue statement is used to bypass the remainder of the current pass through a loop.
2. The loop does not terminate when a continue statement is encountered.


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3. Instead, the remaining loop statements are skipped and the computation proceeds directly to
the next pass through the loop.
4. The continue statement can be included within a while, a do-while, a for statement.
5. It is simply written as “continue”.
6. The continue statement tells the compiler “Skip the following Statements and continue with the
next Iteration”.
7. In “while‟ and “do‟ loops continue causes the control to go directly to the test – condition and
then to continue the iteration process.
8. In the case of “or‟ loop, the updation section of the loop is executed before test-condition, is


{ int number, sum=0, count=0;
while (count <= 10)
printf(“\nEnter the number: “);
if(number <=0 ) continue;
sum + = number;
} }
The above program is used to find the sum of positive numbers.


2.3.1. Introduction

An array contains a collection of data elements of the same type. An array is referenced by a common
name. Each element of an array is stored in successive locations of the memory.
Types of Arrays: Arrays can be used to represent not only simple lists of values but also tables of
data in two or three or more dimensions.

a. One – dimensional arrays

b. Two – dimensional arrays
c. Multidimensional arrays

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2.3.2. Array elements and Subscript

The elements of the array are known as members of the array. Each array element is identified by
assigning a unique subscript or index to it. The dimension of an array is determined by the number of
subscripts needed to identify each element. A subscript is enclosed in bracket [ ] placed after the array
name. Space is not allowed between array name and subscript. A subscript is an integer value starting
from zero.
Thus the array named mark with 5 elements will be represented as mark[0], mark [1], mark[2], mark
[3], mark [4], and stored in successive locations of the memory as shown in the following figure.

mark[0] mark[1] mark[2] mark[3] mark[4]

Subscripts always start with 0. So, for an array of N elements, the last element has an index of N-1.

2.3.3. One dimensional array declarations

In one-dimensional array, single subscript is used. The one-dimensional array is also called as list.
Before using an array, it must be declared. An array is defined in the same way as a variable. Each
array name must be accompanied by a size specification (i.e. number of elements). The general from
for array declaration is
storage-type data-type array_name[SIZE]

where storage-type is optional. It may be either static, extern, automatic. The data-type specifies the
type of element that will be stored in the array. SIZE is an integer constant, indicating the maximum
number of elements of the array. The rules for forming array names are the same as for variable
(i) int number[100]; (ii) char text[100]; (iii) float ave[10]; (iv) signed char name[50];
In the first example, int specifies the type of the variable and the word number specifies the name of
the array. The number 100 indicates the maximum number of elements in the array. This number is
called as ‘dimension’ of the array. The bracket ([]) indicates that the given variable is an array.
The size of array should be a constant value.

The main purpose of the declaration of the array is to reserve space in memory. For example when
declaring the array
int marks[10];
reserves the 10x 2 = 20 bytes in memory. Each int occupies 2 bytes of memory.

2.3.4. Initialization of Arrays

After an array is declared, its elements must be initialized. Otherwise they will contain “garbage”.

An array can be initialized at either of the following stages. (i) At compile time ( During declaration
of the array) (ii) At run time. (using for loop and scanf() functions)


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1. During the declaration of the array

The general form of declaring the array during the initialization is

data_type array_name[SIZE] = {list of values}

The values in the list must be separated by commas.

Examples : int mark[5] = {55,60,70,23,100}; float avg[3] = {25.6,75.5,23.3};

In the first example, the size of the array is 5 and the values 55, 60, 70, 23, 100 will be assigned to the
variable mark[0], mark[1], mark[2], mark[3] and mark[4] respectively.
If the number of values in the list is less than the size of the array, the remaining elements will be set
to zero automatically.
For example, the statement float height[4] = {0.25, 0.50}; will initialize the first two elements 0.25
and 0.50 to height[0] and height[1] respectively. The remaining two elements height[2] and height[3]
will be set to 0.0
The size of the array may be omitted. In this situation, the compiler allocates enough space for all the
elements given for initialization. For example, the statement int marks[ ] = {25, 50, 100, 75}; will
declare the size of the array is 4.
If there are more elements than the declared size, the compiler will produce an error.
int number[3] = {10,20,30,40}; will not work. It is illegal in C.
2. Initialization of an array using for…loop.

for…loop is used to initialize values for array elements. for…loop can be used when initializing the
constant value or values which are having some relation to the array which are having large number
of elements.

(i) int array[100], i ;

for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
array [i] = 0;
The above for…loop initialize all the elements with the value of 0.
(ii) int array[50], i, j = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < 50; i++ )
array [ i ] = j;
j = j + 2;
The above for…loop initializes the value 0 to array[0], 2 to array[1], 4 to array[2] and so on.

(iii ) To initialize different values, scanf( ) function is used in the body of the for-loop

int array[50], i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < = 50; i++ )
scanf(“%d”, &array[i]);


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2.3.5. Two dimensional Arrays

One-dimensional arrays have a single subscript. But two-dimensional arrays have two subscripts. The
two dimensional array is called a matrix or table. Two dimensional arrays are used to represent the
values which are in matrix form. A two dimensional array can be represented with two pairs of square

Two-dimensional array can be represented in the following form

data-type array_name[subscript1][subscript2]
where subscript1, subscript2 are positive value integer constants or expression. This two subscripts
indicates the number of array elements associated with each subscript.

Two square brackets are used to indicate the value of two subscripts. Assume the values of two
subscripts as ‘m’ and ‘n’. Then two dimensional array can be arranged as a table with m rows and n

Examples : float table [3] [3]; int marks [10] [5];

The first example defines table as a floating-point array having 3 rows and 3 columns. An array
element starts with an index of 0 so that the individual elements of the array are

table [0][0] [0][1] [0][2]

[1][0] [1][1] [1][2]

[2][0] [2][1] [2][2]

The total number of elements of the two dimensional array can be calculated by multiplying the
number of rows and number of columns.

Example for a two - dimensional array

A typical example for a two – dimensional array is the marks obtained by 50 students in 5 tests. To
represent the above values 50*5 matrix is used. This can be declared by
int marks [50] [5];
The first index ( [50] ) is the number of the students and the second index ( [5] ) is the number of tests.
This declaration allocates 500 memory locations. The test number is the column number and the
student number is the row number. In each row, the marks obtained by the student in all the 5 tests
are represented.
Test1 Test2 Test3 Test4 Test5
student1 90 96 98 100 99



student50 79 87 88 67 55


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Care must be given to the order in which the initial values are assigned to the array elements. The
second subscript increases most rapidly and the first subscript increases least rapidly. The elements
of a two dimensional array will be assigned row wise. That is, all the elements of the first row will be
assigned, then all the elements of the second row and so on. For example, consider the following two-
dimensional array mark [4] [3] (three test marks of four students)

75 25 30
mark [4] [3] = 45 50 22
40 72 45
41 55 78
The above example array can be initialized as: int mark [4] [3] =
The first subscript ranges from 0 to 3 and the second subscript ranges from 0 to 2. Array elements will
be stored in continuous locations in memory. Two dimensional arrays are also can be initialized in the
following way

int mark [4] [3] = {

{75, 25, 30},
{45, 50, 22},
{40, 72, 45},
{41, 55, 78},

The three values in the first inner pair of braces are assigned to the array elements in the first row,
the values in the second inner pair of braces are assigned to the array elements in the second row and
so on. An outer pair of braces is required, containing the inner pairs. Each line contains the three
marks of one student separated by comma and enclosed in braces and separated from the next
students’ marks by comma. The whole array is enclosed in a pair of braces.
While initializing an array, the second dimension is a must. The first dimension (row) is optional. Thus
the following two declarations

int mark [2] [3] = {12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 70};
int mark [ ] [3] = {12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 70};
are equal.
If the values are missing in an initialization, they are automatically set to zero. For example

int mark [4] [3] = {

{12, 75},
{55, 75, 23},
{45, 98, 57},
will assign the following values


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mark[0] [0] = 12 mark[0] [1] = 75 mark[0] [2] = 0

mark[1] [0] = 55 mark[1] [1] = 75 mark[1] [2] = 23
mark[2] [0] = 45 mark[2] [1] = 98 mark[2] [2] = 57
mark[3] [0] = 48 mark[3] [1] = 0 mark[3] [2] = 0
Initialization by using for statement

The initialization can be done by using two for-loop statements. Here all the values are initialized to

for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )

for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
mark[i] [j] = 0;
The for statement is used when initializing the same value or values which are having some
relationship to each other to array elements.
Two dimensional arrays are used to iitailize a set of string values. For example to store the name of 10
students (each name with a maximum of 30 characters) in a class, the following code is used

for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )

for ( j = 0; j < 30; j++ )
scanf(“%s”, name[i]);

2.3.6. Multi Dimensional Arrays

An array of three or more dimension is called as multidimensional array. The general form of a multi-
dimensional array is

data-type array_name[subscript1][subscript2] ][subscript2]

where subscript I is size of the i-th dimension.


float sales[4][5][12]; int table[2][4][10][5];

where sales is a three-dimensional array, contains 240 float type elements. Similarly table is a four
dimensional array containing 400 elements of int data type. The array sales may represent a data of
sales during the last four years from January to December in five cities of a particular company.

Multi dimensional array can contain as many indices as needed. However the amount of memory
needed for an array rapidly increases with each dimension. For example

char arr [100][365][24][60][60];declaration would consume more than 3 gigabytes of memory.


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Memory does not contain rows and columns, so whether it is a one dimensional array or two
dimensional arrays, the array elements are stored linearly in one continuous chain. For example,
the multidimensional array

int arr[3][4][2]= {

{ {1,2},{3,4},{5,6},{7,8} },
{ {9,1},{1,2},{3,7},{4,7} },
{ {6,1},{18,19},{20,21} },
is stored in memory just like an one-dimensional array shown below:


2.4.1. Introduction

A group of characters defined between double quotation marks is called as a string constant. A group
of characters can be stored in a character array. Character arrays are called as “strings”.
Whenever a string is stored in memory, the NULL character (‘\0’) is automatically added to its end.
This Null character indicates the end of the string. A string not terminated by a ‘\0’ is not really a
string, but merely a collection of characters.

2.4.2. Declaration and Initialization of string

Strings are declared by using the data-type char. The general form for declaring the string is
char array-name [size];

The size determines the number of characters in the array-name.

Example: (i) char name[10]; (ii) char place[20];

In the second example, the character array ‘place’ can store 19 characters. place [0] to place [18 ] is
for storing valid characters and place [19] is used for storing the NULL character ‘\0’. When declaring
character arrays, always allow one extra element space for the null character.
When a string is read by using any of the string-based input functions, namely scanf( ) and gets( ), the
NULL character is automatically appended to the string.
Initialization of String

Initialization of character array is possible during the declaration. The strings are initialized in the
following ways:
Method 1 : char name[7] = {‘’t’’, ‘’e’’, ‘’m’’, ‘’p’’, ‘’l’’, ‘’e’’, ‘’\0’’};
Method 2 : char name[7] = {“”temple””};


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When using the method 2, the declaration ‘\0’ is not necessary. C inserts the NULL character
automatically. But when initializing character array by listing its elements, NULL termination must be
specified at the end.

2.4.3. Reading Strings from Terminals

There are two ways to read a string from the terminal. They are (1) by using the scanf function and
(2) by using gets function.
(i) By using scanf function
The scanf function with %s format specification can be used to read a string of characters. For example
char name[30];
scanf (“%s”, name);
is used to input a string of 30 characters.

The disadvantage of scanf function is that there is no way to enter a multi-word string into a single
variable. The scanf statement terminates its input on the first blank space it finds. Therefore if the
input for the above statement is
then only the string SENTHIL will be read into the array name, since the blank space after the word
‘SENTHIL’ will terminate the string. During the reading of strings, in scanf statement, the ampersand
(&) is not required before the variable name. The scanf function automatically terminates the string
with a NULL character.
(ii) By using gets
gets() function is also used to read a string from the keyboard. It eliminates the disadvantages of scanf
function. It is terminated when an enter key is pressed. The spaces and tabs are acceptable as part
of the input string. The program can be written in the following way
main ( )
char name[30];
print (“Enter a name \n”);
gets (name);
The above program is used to accept a string, which contains blank spaces and tabs. The value entered
upto new line character or till the enter key is pressed is stored in the array name. If the input is
then the whole string SENTHIL KUMAR is stored in the variable name. The disadvantage of gets is, it
can be used to read only one string at a time. For example, the statement
gets (name, address)
is not possible. It is possible to read more than one string by using a single scanf statement.


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2.4.4. Writing of Strings

(I) By using printf ( ) function

printf function with %s format is used to print strings on the screen. The format specifier %s is used
to display a character array that is terminated by the NULL character. For example, the statement
printf (“%s”, name);
can be used to display the entire contents of the array called “name”.
(ii) By using puts ( ) function
puts function is also used to print string on the screen. The general format of the puts function is
puts (variable name or string );
Unlike printf, puts() can output only one string at a time. When attempting to print two strings using
puts (), only the first one will be printed.

void main() OUTPUT:

{ Enter name
char name[30]; SURESH KUMAR
puts(“Enter name”); SURESH KUMAR
gets(name); GOOD MORNING
puts(“Good Morning”)’

2.4.5. Comparison of two strings

It is not possible to compare the two strings by using = = operator. For example (if (str1 = = str2) is not
a valid statement in ‘C’. To compare two strings, the two strings are compared character by character.
The comparison is done until there is a difference or one of the strings terminates with a null character,
whichever occurs first. The following program is used to compare two strings.


void main()
char name1[15], name2[15];
int i = 0;
printf ( “\n Enter the First string:”);
scanf(“%s”, name1);
printf ( “\n Enter the Second string:”);
scanf(“%s”, name2);
while(name1[i] == name2[i] && name1[i]!= ‘’\0’’ && name2[i] != ‘’\0’)
If (name1[i] == ‘’\0’’ && name2[i] == ‘’\0’)
printf ( “The two strings are equal”);
printf( “ The two strings are not equal);


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2.4.6. String handling functions

The C library has large number of string-handling functions. These functions can be used to carry out
many of the string manipulations. The most commonly used string-handling functions are shown
Function Use Function Use

strcat() To concatenate two strings strcpy() To copy one string over another string
strcmp() To compare two strings strlen() To find the length of the string

strcat( ) function
The strcat function is used to join two strings. The general form of strcat( ) function is


where string1 is a string variable and string2 may be a string variable or a string constant. When the
function strcat is executed, string2 is appended to string1. strcat( ) removing the NULL character at
the end of string1 and placing string2 from there. The string at string2 remains unchanged. For
example, consider the following strings:

name1 S I V A \0
name2 R A M \0
Execution of the statement

will result in

name1 S I V A R A M \0
name2 R A M \0

Make sure that the size of the string1 (to which string2 is appended) is large enough to accommodate
the final string.

strcat function may also append a string constant to a string variable. The following is valid:
strcat (name, “”SEKARAN”);
C permits nesting of strcat functions. For example, the statement
strcat (strcat (string1, string2), string3);
is allowed and concatenates all the three strings together. The resultant string is stored in string1.

strcmp( ) function
It is not possible directly to compare the value of 2 strings in a condition like if(string1==string2) .
strcmp function compares two strings character by character( ASCII comparisons) and returns a value.
Value may be less than 0, or equal to 0, or greater than 0. The general structure of strcmp ( ) function


where string1 and string2 are the two strings to be compared. string1 and string2 may be either a
string constant or a string variable. The following example illustrates the use of strcmp function.

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1. strcmp(“Newyork”,”Newyork”) will return zero because 2 strings are equal.

2. strcmp(“their”,”there”) will return a 9 which is the numeric difference between ASCII ‘i’ and
ASCII ’r’.
3. strcmp(“The”, “the”) will return -32 which is the numeric difference between ASCII “T” & ASCII

strcpy( ) function

strcpy( ) copies the second string to the first string specified in the strcpy ( ) parameter. The general
form is


where string1 is destination, string2 is source, where string1 is an array variable and string2 is an array
or a string constant.


1. strcpy ( str1, “”ABCD”); will copy the string ‘ABCD’ to the array str1.
2. strcpy ( name, name1 ); will copy the contents of the array name1 to the array name.

strlen( ) function

strlen() function is used to find the number of characters in string.

n = strlen (string);
where n is an integer variable which receives the value of the length of the string. The argument may
be a string constant or a string variable. The counting ends at the first NULL character. NULL character
is not included for counting.

atoi( ) function:

atoi( ) function is a C library function which is used to convert a string of digits to the integer value.

char st[10] = “”24175”” ;

int n;

n = atoi(st);

This will assign the integer value 24175 to the integer variable n.

Additional String Handling Functions:

(i) strupr( ): to convert all alphabets in a string to upper case letters.

Ex: strupr(“delhi”) = “ DELHI”


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(ii) strlwr( ): To convert all alphabets in a string to lower case letters.

Ex: strlwr(“CITY” ”) = “city”

(iii) strrev( ): To reverse a string

Ex: strrev(“SACHIN”) = “NIHCAS”

(iv) strncmp( ): To compare first n characters of two strings.

x: m = strncmp(DELHI , DIDAR . 2); m = -4

(v) strcmpi( ): To compare two strings with case in sensitive (neglecting upper / lower case)
Ex: m=strcmpi(“DELHI ”, “delhi ”); m = 0.

(vi) strncat( ): To join specific number of letters to another string.

Ex. char s1[10] = “New”; char s2[10] = “Delhi -41”; strncat(s1,s2,3); s1 will be “




1. Find the output of the following program:

main( )
int i ;
printf ( "Enter value of i " ) ;
scanf ( "%d", &i ) ;
if ( i = 5 )
printf ( "You entered 5" ) ;
printf ( "You entered something other than 5" ) }
Output : ( Here is the output of two runs of the above program)..

Enter value of i 200

You entered 5
Enter value of i 9999
You entered 5
We have used the assignment operator = instead of the relational operator ==. As a result, the
condition gets reduced to if ( 5 ), irrespective of the value of i. And remember that in C ‘truth’ is
always nonzero, whereas ‘falsity’ is always zero. Therefore, if ( 5 ) always evaluates to true and
hence the result.

2. Write a C Program that inputs an integer and determine whether it is evenly

divisible by 5 and 7.

void main()
int number;


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printf(“Enter the number:”);

if((number%5==0) &&(number %7==0))
printf(“The number is evenly divisible by 5 and 7”);
printf(“The number is not evenly divisible by 5 and 7”);

3. In a Company an employee is paid as under: if his basic salary is less than Rs. 1500,
then HRA = 10% of basic salary and DA = 90% of basic salary. If his salary is either
equal to or above Rs. 1500, then HRA = Rs. 500 and DA = 98% of basic salary. If the
employee's salary is input through the keyboard write a program to find his gross
/* Calculation of gross salary */
void main( )
float bs, gs, da, hra ;
printf ( "Enter basic salary " ) ;
scanf ( "%f", &bs ) ;
if ( bs < 1500 )
{ hra = bs * 10 / 100.0 ;
da = bs * 90 / 100.0 ;}
{hra = 500 ;
da = bs * 98 / 100.- ;}
gs = bs + hra + da ;
printf ( "gross salary = Rs. %f", gs ) ;

4. Write a C program to determine the factorial of a given number.

void main()
int number,fact=1,i;
printf(“Enter the number:”);
printf(“\n The factorial of given number is:%d”,fact);

5. Input three positive integers representing the sides of a triangle and determine
whether they form a triangle. For a triangle, the sum of any two sides must be
greater than the third side.


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int x,y,z;
printf(“Enter the value for x ,y z:”);
printf(“\n\n They form a triangle”);
pritnf(“They does not form a triangle”);

6. Write a program to solve the given quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c=0

void main()

float a,b,c,d;
double x1,x2;
printf(“Enter the values of a,b and c \n”);
scanf(“%f %f %f”,&a&b &c));
{ printf(“roots are real and different”);
else if(d==0)
{ printf(“roots are real and equal”);
printf(“roots are real and imaginary”);
printf(“\n x1=%.2f”,x1);

7. Write a program to find the power of some number.

void main ( )
float x, power=1.0;
int n;
printf (" Type a number \n");
scanf ("% f",&x);
printf (" Raise this number to\n");
scanf ("%d", &n);


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for( i=1; i<=n; i+ +)

power= power*x;
printf ("% f Raised to %d is % f", x,n,power);

8. Using for loop, write a C program to find the sum of first 50 natural numbers.
void main()
int i,sum=0;
sum = sum + i;
printf(“The sum is:%d”,sum);

9. Write a program in C, which finds and prints all the division of a given number.
void main()

int number, i;
printf(“”enter the number to find divisors:”);
printf(“\nThe divisors of given number is:”);
{ if(number%i==0)
printf(“%4d”,i); }

10. Write a C program to convert the given binary number into decimal number.

void main( )
long binary;
int dec=0, i=0;
printf ("\n Enter a binary No\n");
scanf ("%d", &binary);
dec + =(binary% 10)*pow(2,i++);
printf (" Equivalent decimal number is %d", dec);


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11. Using ASCII table, write a C Program that prints the following output using nested
for loop.

void main()
int i,j;
{ printf(“%c”, j); }

12. Write a C program that prints out the even numbers 2,4,…..20 using for ..loop.

void main()
{ int i;
printf(“Even number:”);
for( i=2;i<=20;i+=2)
printf(“%d”,i); }
13. Write a program to print the triangle of the following format.

void main ( )
int i, n, j ;
printf ("Type a number \n");
scanf ("%d", &n);
for (i=1 ; i<n ; i+ +){
for (j=1 ; j<=i ; j+ +)
printf ("%3d", j);
printf ("\n");


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14. Write a C program to print all the Armstrong numbers between 1 and 500 , An
Armstrong number is a number that is the sum of cubes of each of its digits is equal
to the number itself.

void main()
int i,num,sum,r;
printf(“the Armstrong numbers between 1 and 500:\n\n”);
sum = um+(r*r*r);
} while (num!=0);

15. Write a C Program to accept 10 integers from the keyboard and to display their
sum and average using while loop.

int number[10],sum=0,i=0;
float average;
printf(“enter the % d number:”i+1);
average =sum/10.0;
printf(“\n\n The sum of 10 integers:%d”,sum);
printf(“\nThe average of 10 integers:%2f”, average);

16. Write a menu driven program to find perimeter of rectangle, circle, square,
void main( );
float l, b, r, side;
int x,y,z,c;
printf(" 1 for rectangle");

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printf(" 2 for circle");

printf(" 3 for square");
printf(" 4 for triangle");
scanf("%d ", &c);
switch( c)
case 1: scanf( “%f%f”, &l &b);
printf(“%f ”, l * b);
case 2: scanf( “%f”, &r);
printf(“%f ”,3.14 * r * r);
case 3: scanf( “%f”, &side);
printf(“%f ”, 4 * side);
case 4: scanf( “%f%f%f”, &x &y &z);
printf(“%f ”, (x + y + z)/2);

17. Write a program to count all prime numbers that lie between 100 to 200. [Note: A
prime number is positive integer that is divisible only by 1 or by itself]
void main()
int i,j,count;
printf("\n\nSeries of prime number from 100 to 200:\n");
printf("The countable number is: %d",count);


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18. Write an appropriate array definition for the following: define a two dimensional
array (3*4)of integers called n. Assign the following values to the array elements.

10 12 14 16
20 22 24 26
30 32 34 36
int n[3][4]={

19. Write a C Program to read a one-dimensional array “mark”of 10 elements. Print the
above elements in reverse order.

int mark[10];
printf(“Enter the marks:\n”);
printf(“ The Original array is:\n”);
printf(“%d ”,&mark[i]);
printf(“ The reverse order is:\n”);
printff(“%d ”,mark[i]);

20. Write a C program to find the sum of square of elements on the diagonal of a square
matrix of order 5.

#define MAX 5
int mat[Max][MAX],i,j,sum=0;
printf(“enter the matrics elements:\n”);


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printf(“enter the number:”);
printf(“The sum of diagonal element are:%d”,sum);

21. Write a program to find the average of 10 real numbers in an array.

void main()
int i=0;
float sum,avg,num;

22. Write a C program to find if a number is present in a list of N numbers or not.

void main()
int i,n,m,flag=0; int a[10]; clrscr();
printf("how many elements u want to enter");
printf("enter element in the array");
printf("enter the element u want to search");

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printf("not present");

23. Write a program to print bytes reserved for various types of data and space required
for storing them in memory using array.

# include<stdio.h>
main ( )
{ int a[10]; char c[10];
float b[10];
printf(“the type „int‟ requires %d bytes”, sizeof(int));
pirntf(“ \n The type „char‟ requires %d bytes”, sizeof(char));
printf(“ \n The type „float‟ requires %d bytes”, sizeof(float));
printf(“ \n %d memory locations are reserved for ten „int‟ elements”, sizeof(a));
printf (“ \n %d memory locations are reserved for ten „char‟ elements”,sizeof(c));
printf (“ \n %d memory locations are reserved for ten „float‟ elements”,sizeof(b)); }
The type „int‟ requires 2 bytes
The type „char‟ requires 1 bytes
The type „float‟ requires 4 bytes
20 memory locations are reserved for ten „int‟ elements
10 memory locations are reserved for ten „char‟ elements
40 memory locations are reserved for ten „float‟ elements.
24. Write a program using a single subscripted variable to read and display the array
# include<stdio.h>
# include<conio.h>
main( )
{ int i ;
float x[10];
printf(“Enter 10 real numbers: \n”);
for (i=0; i <10; i++)
{ scanf(“ %f ”, &x[i]); }
printf(“The array elements are:”);
for(i=0; i < 10; i++)
{ printf(“%d \t”, x[i]); }
getch( );

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25. Program to find out the largest and smallest element in an array.

# include<stdio.h>
main( )
{ int i,n;
float a[50], large, small;
printf(“size of vector/value:”);
scanf(“%d”, &n);
printf(“ \n vector elements are \n”);
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
scanf(“ %f ”, &a[ i ]);
large = a[0];
small = a[0];
for(i=1; i<n; i++)
{ if(a[ i ] > large)
large = a[ i ];
if(a[ i ] < small)
small = a[ i ]; }
printf(“\n Largest element in vector is %8.2f \n”, large);
printf(“ \n smallest element in vector is %8.2f \n”, small);
getch( );

26. Program to sort the vector elements in ascending order.

# include<stdio.h>
# include<conio.h>
main( )
{ int i,j,k,n;
float a[50], temp;
printf(“size of vector:”);
scanf(“%d”, &n):
printf(“ \n vector elements are : \n”);
for( i=0; i < n; i++)
scanf(“ %f ”, &a[ i ]);
for( i=0; i < n-1; i++)
for( j=i+1;j<n; j++)
if(a[ i ] > a[ j ])

temp = a[ i ];
a[ i ] = a[ j ];
a[ j ] = temp;
printf(“\n vector elements in ascending order : \n”);

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for( i=0; i<n; i++)

printf(“ %8.2f ”, a[ i ]);
getch( );

27. Write a program to display the elements of two dimensional array.

# include<stdio.h>
# include<conio.h>
void main( )
int i,j;
int a[3][3] = { { 1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {7,8,9}};
printf(“elements of an array \n \n”);
for( i=0; i<3; i++)
for ( j=0; j<3; j++)
printf (“%d\t”, a[ i ][ j ]);
printf(“\n”); } /* end of outer for loop */
} /* end of main() function */

28. Program to read the matrix of the order upto 10 x 10 elements and display the
same in matrix form.

# include<stdio.h>
# include<conio.h>
void main( )
int i, j, row, col, a[10][10];
printf(“\n Enter Matrix Order upto (10 x 10) A :”);
scanf(“ %d %d ”, &row, &col);
printf(“\n Enter Elements of matrix A: \n”);
for( i=0; i<row ; i++)
for( j=0; j<col; j++)
{ scanf(“%d”, &a[ i ][ j ]); } }
printf(“ \n The matrix is: \n”);
for( i=0; i<row; i++)
{ for( j=0; j<col; j++)
{ printf(“ %d ”, a[ i ][ j ]);
printf(“\n”); } }

29 . Program to perform addition & subtraction of two matrices, whose orders are
upto 10 x 10.

# include<stdio.h>
# include<conio.h>


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main( )
{ int i,j,r1,c1, a[10][10], b[10][10];
clrscr( );
printf(“Enter Order of Matrix A & B upto 10 x 10:”);
scanf(“%d %d”, &r1, &c1);
printf(“Enter Elements of Matrix of A: \n”);
for( i=0; i < r1; i++)
{ for( j=0; j<c1; j++)
scanf(“ %d ”, &a[ i ][ j ]); }
printf(“Enter Elements of Matrix of B: \ n”);
for( i=0; i < r1; i++)
{ for( j=0; j < c1; j++)
scanf(“ %d ”, &b[ i ][ j ]); }
printf(“\n Matrix Addition \n”);
for( i=0; i < r1; i++)
{ for( j=0; j < c1; j++)
printf(“%d\t”, a[ i ][ j ] + b[ i ][ j ]);
printf (“ \n”); }
printf(“n Matrix Subtraction/Difference \n”);
for( i=0; i < r1; i++)
{ for( j=0; j < c1; j++)
printf(“%d\t”, a[ i ][ j ] – b[ i ][ j ]);
printf(“\n”); }
getch( ); }

30. Write a C program to multiply A matrix of order mxn with B matrix of order nxl.

# include<stdio.h>
# include<conio.h>
# include<math.h>
main( )
{ int a[10][10], b[10][10], c[10][10], m , n , i , j , l , k ;
clrscr( ) ;
printf(“ \n Enter Order of A matrix :”);
scanf(“%d %d”, &m, &n);
/* loop to read values of A matrix */
printf(“Enter a matrix \n”);
for( i=0; i<m; i++)
for ( j=0; j<n; j++)
scanf(“%d”, &a[ i ][ j ]);
printf(“\n Enter order of B matrix:”);
scanf(„%d %d”, &n, &l);
/* loop to read values of B matrix */
printf(“Enter B matrix \n”);
for( i=0; i<n; i++)
for ( j=0; j<l; j++)
scanf(“%d”, &b[ i ][ j ]);
for( i=0; i<m; i++)

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{ for ( j=0; j<l; j++)

{ c[ i ][ j ] = 0;
for( k=0; k < n; k++)
c[ i ][ j ] = c[ i ][ j ] +a[ i ][ k ] * b[ k ][ j ]; } }
printf(“ \n Resultant matrix is \n”);
for( i=0; i<m; i++)
{ for( j=0; j<l; j++)
printf(“%6d”, c[ i ][ j ]);
printf(“ \n ”); }
getch ( ) ;
31. Write a program to find the length of a string without using string function

char str[50];
int len=0,i=0;
printf(“\n Enter the string:”);
printf(“\n The length of the given string is : %d”,len);

32. Write a ‘C’ program using conditional operator to print whether the character
entered through the keyboard is a lower case letter or not.

int lower;
char ch;
printf(“Enter a character:”);
lower=ch>=’a’ && ch<=’z’ ? 1:0;
printf(“\n\nThe given letter is a lowercase letter:”);
printf(“\n\nThe given letter is not a lowercase letter:”);


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33. Write a program to find the no of words in a given sentence.

char str[50];
int word=1,i;
printf(“\n Enter the sentence:”);
if((str[i]= = ‘ ‘))
printf(“\n\n The no.of words in given sentence is: %d”,word);

34. Write a ‘C’ program to arrange a list of names in alphabetical order.

char Names[20][30],Temp[30];
int i,n;
printf(“\n How many names:?”)
printf(“\n Enter the %d person name:”,i+1);
gets(Names[i]); /*Get the names */
printf(“\n The %d Person Name :%s”,i+1,Names[i]);


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35. Write a program to concatenate two strings without using string functions.

char str1[50],str2[25];
int i,j;
printf(“Enter the first string:”);
printf(“\n Enter the second string:”);
printf(“\n The concatenated string is: %s”,str1);

36. Write a ‘C’ program to accept 15 characters from the key-board. Check whether
they are valid lowercase alphabets and if so, convert them and display them as
uppercase alphabets. If entry is other than lowercase, the character entered
should be skipped and not displayed.


char str[15];
int i;
printf(“Enter the string”);
gets(str) ;
printf(“\n\nThe output string is:”);
if((str[]>=’a’) && (str[i]<=’z’))

37. Write a program to accept a string of six characters from the keyboard

a. Construct a new string with a blank space in between each character.

b. Output the original string in the reverse order.

char str[10],newstr[15];

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int i,j=0;
printf(“\n Enter the string:”);
printf(“\n\n The new string is : %s”,newstr);
printf(“\n\n The reverse of original string is;”);
38. Given the string “DATA PROCESSING”, write a C program to read the string from
terminal and display the same in the following formats.

(ii) DATA
void main()
int i;
char a[50];
printf("enter the string");
while(a[i]!=' ')


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39. Write a C program that reads a fixed point real number in a character array and then
displays rightmost digit of the integral part of number.
void main()
char a[10];
int i;
printf("enter a fixed point real no. : ");
40. Write a program to display character array with their address.
void main( )
{ char name[10] = {“A”, “R”, “R”, “A”, “Y”};
int i = 0;
printf(“ \n character memory location \n‟);
while(name[i] ! = “\0‟)
{ printf(“ \n [%c] \t [%u]”, name[i], &name[i]); i++; }
Character Memory Location
[A] 4054
[R] 4055
[R] 4056
[A] 4057
[Y] 4058

41. Write a C program to count the occurrence of a particular character in the given

void main( )
char st[20], ch; int count, l,i;
printf(“ \n Enter the string:”);
printf(“ \n which char to be counted ?”);
scanf(“ %c”, &ch); /
l = strlen(st);
count = 0;
for( i=0; i < l; i++)
if(st[ i ] = = ch) count ++;
printf(“ \n the character %c occurs %d times”, ch, count);


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• Control statements are used to specify the order in which the various instructions in a program
are to be executed.
• Control statements are classified into (i) Conditional statements (ii) Looping statements
(iii)Unconditional statements
• Examples for Conditional statements are: If statement If – else statements ,Nested if – else
statements , Switch statement
• Examples for looping statements (i) While loop (ii)Do – while loop (iii) For loop.
• Examples for Unconditional statements (i) Break statements (ii) Continue statements
(iii) goto statements
• The simple if statement will execute a single statement, or a group of statements, if the
condition lis true. If the condition is false, it does nothing.
• If …else statement is used to execute one group of statements if the condition is true. The
other group of statements are executed when the condition is false.
• A nested if statement is an if statement which is within another if – block or else – block.
• Looping statements are used to execute a group of instructions repeatedly until some
condition is satisfied.
• The minimum number of times the body of a do… while loop is executed is one.
• A while loop performs its test before the body of the loop is executed, whereas a
do..loop makes the test after the body is executed.
• The switch statement is used to pickup or executes a particular group of statements.
It allows us to make a decision from the number of choices.
• The four keywords associate with switch statement are: (i) switch (ii) case (iii) default
and (iv) break.
• The break terminates the loop. The continue branches immediately to the test portion
of the loop.
• A loop with no terminating condition is called an infinite loop.
• The type of loops, where the number of the execution is known in advance are termed
by the counter controlled loop.
• The type of loop where the number of execution of the loop is unknown, is termed by
sentinel controlled loop.
• The goto statement is used to transfer the statements execution from one place to
• A switch statement is generally best to use when you have more than two conditional
expressions based on a single variable of numeric type.
• A statement is a single C expression terminated with a semicolon. A block is a series
of statements, the group of which is enclosed in curly-braces.
• The break statement unconditionally ends the execution of the smallest enclosing
while, do, for or switch statement.
• Array is an ordered collection of elements that share the same name.
• The elements of the array are known as members of the array
• The dimension of an array is determined by the number of subscripts needed to
identify each element.

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• The one-dimensional array is also called as list.

• The subscript of the first element of an array in ‘C’ is zero.
• One dimensional array has a single subscript. But two dimensional arrays have two
subscripts. The two dimensional array is called a matrix or table.
• Arrays can be classified into: (i) One-Dimensional arrays (ii)Two-Dimensional arrays
and (iii) Multi-Dimensional arrays.
• An array of three or more dimension is called as multidimensional array.
• Any group of characters enclosed in double quotes is a string constant. It is terminated
by a null character (\0)
• In ‘C’ language a string is defined by using the character array.
• When declaring character arrays, always allow one extra element space for the null
• There are two ways to read a string from the terminal. They are (1) by using the scanf
function and (2) by using gets function.
• The disadvantage of scanf function is that there is no way to enter a multi-word string
into a single variable.
• A group of characters defined between double quotation marks is called as a string
• Whenever a string is stored in memory, the NULL character (‘\0’) is automatically
added to its end
• The most commonly used string-handling functions are strcat(), strlen(), strcmp,
• The strcat() function is used to join two strings.
• strcmp() function compares two strings character by character( ASCII comparisons)
and returns a value. Value may be less than 0, or equal to 0, or greater than 0.
• strcpy ( ) copies the second string to the first string specified in the strcpy ( )
• strlen() function is used to find the number of characters in string.


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PART – A ( 2 Marks)
1. What do you mean by control statements in C?
2. How the control statements are classified?
3. What is the purpose of the comma operator? Within which control statement does
the comma operator usually appear?
4. Write down the syntax of if-else statement.
5. What is meant by looping? Give an example.
6. Write an infinite loop in C language , which does not use any variable or constant/
7. What is nested loops ? Give an example.
8. State the difference between Counter controlled loop and sentinel controlled loop?
9. In a control structure switch-case, explain the purpose of using default.
10. What are the four keywords used in switch structure?
11. In what way does an array differ from an ordinary variable?
12. How are individual array elements identified?
13. What is an array? Can array index be negative?
14. What condition must be satisfied by the entire elements of any given array?
15. How a string is stored in C?
16. State the difference between character constant and string constant.
17. What is null character? State the use of null character.
18. What is the difference between a, ‘’a’’ and “”a””
19. How do we read string including blank space?
20. State any four string manipulating functions.
21. Give the general structure of (i) strlen() (ii)strcmp() functions

PART – B ( 3 Marks)

1. Explain the forward and backward jump with necessary example.

2. What is the purpose of switch statement? What labels, i.e., case prefixes? What type
of expression must be used to represent a case label?
3. What is time delay loop ? How you will form time delay loop?
4. In any program, using switch statement, if all break statements are removed from all
cases of switch statement, how does it affect the functionality of switch statement?
Give example.
5. What are subscripts? How are they written? What restrictions apply to the values
that can be assigned to subscripts?
6. What is the difference between scanf() with % s and gets()?
7. What is the difference between character array and string?
8. Write a C Program that will capitalize all the letters of a string.
9. Write a C program to read a word and rewrite it in reverse order.
10. Write a program to find the largest number between given three numbers


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PART – C ( 5 Marks / 10 Marks)

1. Describe the different forms of the if statement. How do they differ? Give examples.
1. Explain unconditional control statements with examples.
2. Draw the flow chart and syntax of else-if ladder.
3. Distinguish between Break and continue statement.
4. Write down the differences between do…while and while loop? Explain with an example.
5. Explain the general syntax of a switch statement and with simple example. Explain its use in
6. What is the purpose of while-loop , do-while loop and for loop ? How these are executed?
Summarize the rules associated with these structures.
7. What is the purpose of “continue” statement? Within which control structures can the “
continue” statement be included? Compare it with the “break “ statement.
8. Explain (i) Entry controlled looping statement and (ii) exit controlled statement?
9. What are the different form of for loop ? Explain.
10. Write a program to find the factorial of a given number using the for loop.
11. Read a list of 10 numbers and print it in reverse order.
12. Read a 3 x 3 matrix and find their sum.
13. How can a list of strings be stored within a two dimensional array? How can individual
stringsbe processed? What library functions are available to simplify the string processing?
14. Write a C program to print the quotient of an integer number without using ‘/’.
15. Write a C program to print all the even and odd numbers of a certain range as indicated by
the user.
16. Illustrate the initialization of one dimensional arrays , two dimensional arrays and strings.
17. Take input from the user in a two-dimensional array and print the row-wise and column-wise
sum of numbers stored in a two-dimensional array.
18. Swap the kth and (k+1) th elements in an integer array, k is given by the user.
19. What are the functions used for reading and writing strings? Explain them.
20. Write in detail about the following string handling functions: (i) strcat() (ii) strcpy() (iii)
strlen() (iv)strcmp
21. Write a program to count number of characters, words and lines in a given text.
22. Write a program to count number of vowels, consonants and blanks in a given text.
23. Write a program to check whether a give string is palindrome or not.
24. Write a C program that takes an organization name as input and print it in abbreviation from.
For example if the input is “ Bharath Heavy Electricals Limited “, the the output should be
25. Write a C program to find the Fibonacci series upto 200.
26. Write a C program to arrange the given N numbers in ascending order.
27. Write a C program to accept a month number and display the month name.
28. Write a program to delete an element from an array.


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After reading this unit, the student will be able to

• Understand what a function is and how its use benefits a program

• Classify functions
• Learn how a function declaration, function call and function definition are constructed.
• Understand how arrays and functions are passed to function
• Classify different types of user defined functions.
• Understand what scope rules mean in functions,
• Learn about scope and lifetime of different types of variables.
• Understand the basic concept of recursion.
• Learn the techniques of constructing recursive function.
• Understand the basic concept of structures.
• Access, Initialize and copy structures and their members
• Understand nesting of structures
• Learn about union data type.
• Differentiate structures from union

A function is a self-contained block of program statements that perform a particular task. Every C
program is a collection of functions. A large single list of instructions becomes difficult to understand,
debug, test and maintain. For this reason, functions are used. The function code is stored in only one
place in memory, even though it may be executed as many times as a user needs thus saving both
time and space.

A structure is a derived data type. Structure is a collection of mixed data types referred by a single
name. Closely associated with the structure is the Union, which also contains multiple members.
Unlike a structure, the members of a union share the same storage area.

In this unit, we will discuss about the concepts of functions, structures and unions.


A function in C is a small “sub-program” that performs a particular task. C, functions can be classified
into two categories, namely, (i)Library functions or Built in functions or Pre-defined functions and
(ii) User-defined functions.

Pre-defined functions are already written by compiler developers. Pre-defined functions are not
written by the programmer. Pre-defined functions are commonly used in all the programs. These
functions are grouped together and stored in a library.

Programmer defined functions can be written by the programmer at the time of writing a program.


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C contains number of library functions. These functions are also known as built-in functions. The
related library functions are grouped together and stored in a header file. Some of the library functions
are shown below

Header file Library function Header file Library function

stdio.h gets, puts, getchar, putchar, ctype.h tolower, toupper,isalpha,
scanf, printf isdigit
string.h strcat, strlen, strcmp, strcpy Stdio.h printf(), scanf(), getc, gets,
math.h sin, cos, pow, ceil, floor math.h

3.1.1. Math Functions

sin(sine) : This function is used to find the sine value. The value for sine must be in radians. This
function returns a value in the range -1 to 1.

Syntax: double sine(double x);

cos(cosine) : This function is used to find the cosine value. The value for cosine must be in radians.
This function returns a value in the range -1 to 1.

Syntax: double cos(double x);

tan(tangent ) : This function is used to find the tangent of a value. The value for tangent must be in
radians. This function returns a value in the range -1 to 1.

Syntax: double tan(double x);

ceil (roundsup): Ceil function returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the given value

Syntax: double ceil(double x);

floor (roundsdown) : floor function returns the largest integer less than or equal to the given value.

Syntax: double floor(double x);

Some example:

x Floor Ceiling
-1.1 -2 -1
0 0 0
1.01 1 2
2.9 2 3
3 3 3


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exp(Exponent) : Exp function calculates ‘e’ to power of xth power.

Syntax: double exp(double x);

abs(absolute): This function is used to find the absolute value of an integer.

Syntax: int abs(int x);

pow(power) : This function is used to find the power of any value(x) to any value (y). (i.e.xy)

Syntax: double pow(double x,double y);

Example : pow( 5,2) = 25

sqrt(square root) : This function is used to find the square root of any number.

Syntax: double sqrt(double x);

Examples by using functions in math.h header file

void main ()
{ double Degree, Radian;
double w,x,y,z;
double pi = 22.0 / 7.0;
printf (“\nEnter the angle in degrees:”);
scanf (“%f”, &Degree);
Radian = (pi / 180.0* Degree);
x = sin(Radian);
y = cos(Radian);
z = tan(Radian);
w = exp(x);
printf (“\nSin(%f)=%f\nCos(%f)=%f\n Tan (%f)=%f\nExp(%f)=%f”,
Degree, x, Degree, y, Degree, z,x,w);
Sin(48.250000)= 0.746283
Tan ((48.250000)=1.121170


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3.1.2. Console functions

The screen and keyboard together are called a console. Console I/O functions can be further classified
into two categories—formatted and unformatted console I/O functions. The basic difference between
them is that the formatted functions allow the input read from the keyboard or the output displayed
on the VDU to be formatted as per our requirements. For example, if values of average marks and
percentage marks are to be displayed on the screen, then the details like where this output would
appear on the screen, how many spaces would be present between the two values, the number of
places after the decimal points, etc. can be controlled using formatted functions.

Unformatted console I/O functions work faster since they do not have the overheads of formatting
the input or output.

3.1.3. Character functions

The library functions contained in the header file ctype.h are called as Character Class Test Functions.
These functions are used to find the type of the character and used for character conversion. Some of
the functions available in the above header file are described below:

isdigit(x) : This function is used to check whether a given character is a digit or not. This function
returns a non-zero integer for true and zero for false.

Syntax : int isdigit(int x);

isalpha(x) : This function is used to check whether a given character is a letter or not. This function
returns a non-zero integer for true and zero for false.

Syntax : int isalpha(int x);


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islower(x) : This function is used to check whether a given character is a lowercase or not. This
function returns a non-zero integer for true and zero for false.

Syntax : int islower(int x);

isupper(x): This function is used to check whether a given character is a uppercase or not. This function
returns a non-zero integer for true and zero for false.

Syntax: int isupper(int x);

ispunct(x) : This function is used to check whether a given character is a punctuation character or not.
This function returns a non-zero integer for true and zero for false.

Syntax : int ispunct(int x);

tolower( ) : Converts character to lowercase

toupper() : Converts character to uppercase

islower( ) and tolower( ): islower(c) determines if the passed argument is lowercase. It returns a
nonzero value if true otherwise 0. tolower ( ) is a conversion function , that convert argument c to

char v = ‘A’;
char w = ‘6’;
char x = ‘q’;
char y = ‘Q’
if(isalpha(v)) printf(“\n%c is an alphabet”,v);
if(isdigit(w)) printf(“\n%c is a digit”,w);
if(islower(x)) printf(“\n%c is a lowercase character”,x);
if(isupper(z)) printf(“\n%c is a uppercase character”,Q);}

A is an alphabet
6 is a digit
q is a lowercase character
Q is a uppercase character

3.2.1. Introduction about functions

A function is a self-contained program segment that performs a particular task. A large program has to
be split into smaller segments so that it can be efficiently solved. Functions are smaller segments,
which are used to solve the large problem.


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3.2.2. Reasons for using the functions

1. A function avoids the need for writing repeated codes having same statements. The
length of a source program can be reduced by using functions at appropriate places.
2. Functions are easier to write, debug and understand. Simple function can be written to
perform unique specific task. Programs containing the functions are also easier to maintain.
Functions are also put in a library and later used by many programs.
3. Understanding the flow of program and its code is easy, since the readability is
enhanced while using the functions.
4. A single function written in a program can also be used by other programs.
5. Make program self-documenting and readable.

3.2.3. Elements of user defined functions

The following are the three elements of user defined function

1. Function definition 2. Function call

3. Function declaration
The function definition is an independent program module that is specially written to implement to
the requirements of the function. Function call is used to invoke it at a required place in the program.
The program or a function that has called a function is referred to as the calling function or calling
program. The calling program should declare any function that is to be used later in the program. This
is known as the function declaration

3.2.4. Function definition

A function definition, also known as function implementation shall include the following elements

1. Function name
2. Data type
3. List of parameters ( Argument list(s))
4. Local variable declarations
5. Function statements
6. A return statement
All the six elements are grouped into two parts; namely, (i) Function Header ( First three elements)
and (ii) Function Body ( Second three elements)

The function definition is the actual body of the function. The general form of a function is

[data type] function name (argument list)

local variable declarations;
[return expression]


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Function Header :

The function header consists of three parts; function type, function name and list of parameter.

(a) Data Type : The function type specifies the type of value (like float or double) that the function is
expected to return to the calling program. If the return type is not explicitly specified, C will assume
that it is an integer type.

(b) Function name : The function name is any valid C identifier and therefore must follow the same
rules of formation as other variable names in C. The name should be appropriate to the task performed
by the function.

(c) List of Parameter : The parameter list declares the variables that will receive the data sent by the
calling program. They serve as input data to the function to carry out the specified task.

Example : (i) float mul (float x, float y) (ii) int sum (int a, int b)

Function body :

The function body is enclosed in braces, contains three parts, in the order given below:
1. Local variable declaration : Local variable declarations are statements that specify the
variables needed by the function.
2. Function Statements : Function statements are statements that perform the task of the
3. Return Statements : A return statement is a statement that returns the value evaluated by
the function to the calling program. If a function does not return any value, one can omit the
return statement.

Arguments appearing in the parentheses of function header are called as formal parameters or formal
arguments or dummy arguments. The body of the function may consist of many statements.


int sum ( int a, int b)

int c;
c = a+b;
return c;
The above is the function definition for the function “sum”. The function takes up two integers namely
“a” and “b”. They are called as dummy parameters. The function returns an integer value. Some
functions will not actually return a value or need any arguments. For these functions the keyword void
is used.

3.2.5. Return Statement

Information is returned from the function to the calling program through a return statement. Return
statement has two purposes.


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1. Executing of return statement immediately transfers control from the function to the calling
2. The value inside the parentheses of return statement is returned to the calling program.

The general formats of return statements are

• return;
• return (constant);
• return (expression);
• return (variable);
• return (condition expression);

The first statement does not return any value; it is just equal to the closing brace of the function.
Examples :

return(5); return(x*y); return (p); return(a>b?a:b)

1. A limitation of return statement is that it can return only one value

2. The return statement need not always be present at the end of the called function.
3. If the called function should not return any value, then the keyword void must be used as
data-type specifier.
4. It is possible for a function to have multiple return statements. For example:
Int large big(int a, int b)
if (a>b)
return a;
return b;
3.2.6. Function Declaration (Function prototyping)

The program or a function that called a function is referred to as the calling function or calling program.
The calling program should declare any function that is to be used later in the program. This is known
as the function declaration. Whenever a function is called, before to that the called function should
be either declared or defined. Function declaration is the activity that is telling the compiler that a
function is defined somewhere below.
A function declaration consists of four parts. They are,
1. Function type
2. Function name
3. Parameter list
4. Terminating semicolon

Function declaration can be written as

Funtion_type function_name(parameter list);

where function type refers to the data-type of the data returned by the function, and name refers to
the function name. The declaration of a function is known as function prototype


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If the function definition precedes all function calls, then it is not necessary to include a function
declaration within the calling portion of the program.

main( )
{ float square ( float ) ; /* function declaration stement */
float a, b ;
printf ( "\nEnter any number " ) ;
scanf ( "%f", &a ) ;
b = square ( a ) ;
printf ( "\nSquare of %f is %f", a, b ) ; }

float square ( float x ) {

float y ;
return ( y ) ;

Enter any number 1.5

Square of 1.5 is 2.250000
Enter any number 2.5
Square of 2.5 is 6.250000

Some points to keep in mind when calling functions

1. The number of arguments in the function call must match the number of arguments in the
function definition.
2. The type of the arguments in the function call must match the type of the arguments in the
function definition.
3. The actual arguments in the function call are matched up in-order with the dummy arguments
in the function definition.
4. The actual arguments are passed by-value to the function. The dummy arguments in the
function are initialized with the present values of the actual arguments.
5. Any changes made to the dummy argument in the function will NOT affect the actual
argument in the main program.

3.2.7. Calling a function

A function can be called by specifying its name, followed by a list of arguments enclosed within
parentheses and separated by commas. The parenthesis is used to indicate the compiler that the
identifier is a function and not a variable. A function name used in the calling program is either a part
of a statement or a complete statement with a semi-colon. In function definition, semi-colon is not
placed at the end of header. The absence of semicolon indicates that the function is being defined
and not called. If the function call does not require any arguments, an empty pair of parentheses must
follow the function’s name.
Important points to be considered when calling a function

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1. A semicolon is used at the end of the statement when a function is called.

2. Parentheses are compulsory after the function name.

3.2.8. Function Call

Whenever a function uses the service of another function, then the former one is called as “calling
function” and the later one is called as “called function”. The process of invoking a function is referred
as “Calling a function”. During the function call, the execution of current function is temporarily
stopped and the control moves to the execution of the function called. While calling the function,
some values are provided within ( ). These values are called as actual parameters or actual arguments.

The above values are copied or assigned to the dummy parameters available in the function header
in order. The number of actual parameters should be equal to the number of dummy parameters and
their type should also be same.

After the control is moved to the called function, the execution of the called function starts. The
statements in the function are executed upto return statement. Finally the result is returned to the
calling function.
int I;
for (i=1; i<=10; i++)
j = square(i); /* function call */
printf(“\nSquare of %d is %d”, I,j);
square ( int x)
int y;
y = x*x;
The above program is used to print the squares of 1 to 10. This is achieved by calling a function called
square. The result is passed from the called function.

3.2.9. Types of functions

A function may belong to any one of the following categories:

1. Functions with no arguments and no return values.

2. Functions with no arguments and return values
3. Functions with arguments and no return values.
4. Functions with arguments and return values.


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1. Functions with no arguments and no return values:

There is no data transfer between the calling function and the called function. When a function has
no arguments, it does not receive any data from the calling function. Similarly, when it does not return
value, the calling function does not receive any data from the called function.

A function that does not return any value cannot be used in an expression. It can be used only as
independent statement.

/* Program to illustrate a function with no argument and no return values*/
#include <stdio.h>
printf(“\n Sample subprogram output”);
printf(“\n Sample subprogram output two”);
int a;
for (a=1;a<60;a++)

2. Functions with No arguments but return values:

When a function has no arguments, it does not receive any data from the calling function. When it
returns a value, the calling function receives the data from the called function.


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#include <stdio.h>
float area()
int radius:
float area;
printf(“Enter Radius of the circle\n”);
area = 3.14 *r * r:
void main()
float ar;
ar = area();
printf(“ Area of the circle is %f”, ar);

3. Functions with arguments but no return values:

When a function has arguments, it receives data from the calling function. The calling function can read
data from the input terminal and pass it to the called function.

/*Program to find the largest of two numbers using function*/

#include <stdio.h>
int a,b;
printf(“Enter the two numbers”);
largest(a,b) ;
/*Function to find the largest of two numbers*/
largest(int a, int b)
printf(“Largest element=%d”,a);
printf(“Largest element=%d”,b);

In the above program we could make the calling function to read the data from the terminal and pass it
on to the called function. But function does not return any value.


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4. Functions with arguments and return values:

The function of the type Arguments with return values will send arguments from the calling function to
the called function and expects the result to be returned back from the called function back to the calling


float x,y,add();
double sub( );
printf(“%f\n” add(x,y));
float add(a,b)
float a,b;
double sub(p,q)
double p,q;
{ return(p-q); }

Call by value

When the values are passed to a function via an actual argument, the value of the actual argument is
copied into the function. Therefore, the values of the corresponding formal arguments can be altered
within the function. But the values of the actual argument within the calling function will not change.
The procedure for passing the values of arguments to a function is known call by value.
Advantages of call by value
1. Expression can be passed as arguments.
2. Unwanted changes to variables in calling program can be avoided.
Disadvantages of call by value

1. Information cannot be passed back to calling function through arguments.

main( )
int a = 10, b = 20 ;
swap ( a, b ) ;
printf ( "\na = %d b = %d", a, b ) ;
swap ( int x, int y )

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int t ;
printf ( "\nx = %d y = %d", x, y ) ;
The output of the above program would be:
x = 20 y = 10
a = 10 b = 20

Note that values of a and b remain unchanged even after exchanging the values of x and y.

3.2.11. The Scope and Life time of varaibles used in functions


Every variable in C has two attributes: its data type and its storage class. The storage class refers to
the way memory is allocated for the variable. The storage class also determines the scope of the
variable, that is, what parts of a program the variable’s name has meaning. In C, the four possible
Storage classes are

– auto
– extern
– static
– register

The life time of a variable refers to the existence of a variable in memory. The four classes of a variable,
as classified by their scope and life time are
1. Automatic Variables
2. External variable
3. Static variable
4. Register variable.
Automatic variables

Automatic variables are declared inside a function. They are created as soon as a function starts
execution, and used within the function. At the end of the execution of the function, it is destroyed.
Here “created” means the memory is allotted to the variable and “destroyed” means the memory is
freed and released back to operating system.

Automatic variables are therefore local to the function and are not recognized outside the function.
So, automatic variables are also called as “local variable” or “internal variable”.

A keyword “auto” is sometimes used to specify automatic variable storage class. Automatic variables
are initialized by the programmer. They are recreated each time the function is called.


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/* A program to illustrate the working of auto variables*/

void main()
int m=1000;
int m=10;
int m=100;


The output clearly shows that value assigned to m in one function does not affect its value in the other
function. The local value of m is destroyed when it leaves a function.
External variables
External variables are active throughout the program execution. They are also known as global
variables. External variables can be accessed by any function in the program. External variables are
declared outside a function. If a variable is declared at the beginning of a program outside all
functions [including main()] it is classified as an external by default.

External variables are useful when variables have to be shared among functions.

If a variable is declared as external variable, any function can use it and change its value. Subsequent
functions can reference only that new value.


The following example illustrates the use of global variable.

int j ;
main( )
printf ( "\nj = %d", j ) ;
increment( ) ;
increment( ) ;

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decrement( ) ;
decrement( ) ;
increment( )
printf ( "\incrementing j = %d", i ) ;
decrement( )
printf ( "\decrementing j = %d", i ) ;

Output :
incrementing j = 1
incrementing j = 2
decrementing j = 1
decrementing j = 0

The value of j is available to the functions increment( ) and decrement( ) since j has been declared
outside all functions.

Advantage of using global variables: It is a method of transmitting information between functions

in a program without using arguments.

Static variables
The value of the static variable persists until the end of the program. When variables are required to
retain their values from one execution to another execution of the function, they should be declared
with the keyword “static” before their type declaration.
Static variable will not lose their storage locations or their values when control leaves the functions or
blocks wherein they are defined. The initial value assigned to a static must be a constant or an
expression involving constants.
Static variables are automatically initialized to 0, by default during the first execution of the program.
However, the initialization does not make place during subsequent calls.
int j;
static int x=0;


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Output : 1 2 3

During the first call to inc() in the example shown above , x is incremented to 1. because x is static,
this value persists and therefore the next call adds another 1 to x giving it a value of 2. The value of x
becomes 3 when third call is made. If we had declared x as an auto then output would here been x=1
all the three times.

Registers variables are placed in one of the machine registers, instead of using memory. Accessing
the register is very fast compared to memory. So frequently used variables are placed in register. This
will increase the execution speed. The general format to declare a variable as register variable is

register data_type variable_name

These variables are defined with the keyword “register”. Register variables should be having
maximum size of the computer register. Suppose if the register size is 4 byte means , it is not possible
to go for variables whose size is greater than 4 bytes. Thus char, int, long and float are possible types.
Double and long double are not possible for this storage type.


{register int count;


Register variables are used to speed up the program execution. It is error to refer the address of a
register variable.


a. Automatic storage class: The features of variables are as follows

• Storage: Memory
• Default initial value: Garbage value
• Scope: Local to the block in which defined
• Life: till the control remains within the block in which defined.
b. Register storage class: The features of variables are as follows
• Storage: CPU registers
• Default initial value: Garbage value
• Scope: Local to the block in which defined
• Life: till the control remains within the block in which defined
c. Static storage class: The features of variables are as follows
• Storage: Memory
• Default initial value: Zero
• Scope: Local to the block in which defined
• Life: value of variable persists between different function calls.

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d. External storage class: The features of variables here are as follows

• Storage: Memory
• Default initial value: Zero
• Scope: global
• Life: As long as program execution does not come to an end.

3.2.12. Recursion

Recursion is the process in which a function repeatedly calls itself to perform calculations. For
example consider the following:

printf(“This is an example of recursion.\n”);
main(); }
When executed this program will produce an output which is something like this,

This is an example of recursion.

This is an example of recursion.
Execution is terminated abruptly; otherwise the execution will continue indefinitely.

Recursion is a special case of function call where a function calls itself. These are very useful in the
situations where solution can be expressed in terms of successively applying same operation to the
subsets of the problem. For example, a recursive function to calculate factorial of a number n is given

The following function calculates factorials recursively:

int fact(int n)
int factorial;
return (factorial);
Assume n=4, we call fact(4)
Since n is not equal to 1 0, factorial=n*fact(n-1)
Factorial=4*fact(3) (again call fact function with n=3)
=4*3*fact(2) (again call fact function with n=2)
=4*3*2*fact(1) (again call fact function with n=1)
=4*3*2*1 (terminating condition)
Always have a terminating condition with a recursive function call otherwise function will never


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3.3.1. Structures - Introduction

Structure is a compound data type. It is used to store different types of data items. Sometimes a
structure is called as a record. The individual structure element is referred to as “members”. A
structure is a convenient method of handling a group of related data items of different data types.

Differences between Array and structure

Array Structure
Array is a collection of homogeneous data. Structure is a collection of heterogeneous data.
Array elements are referred by subscript. Structure elements are referred by its unique name.
Array elements are accessed by it's position Stucture elements are accessed by its object as '.'
or subscript. operator.
Array is a derived data type. Structure is user defined data type.

3.3.2. Defining a structure

The general format to define a structure is as follows.

struct tag_name
data_type member1;
data_type member2;


Here ‘struct’ is the keyword to declare a structure. tag _ name can be any user-defined identifier. The
structure declaration should always end with ‘;’.

Consider a library database consisting of title of the book, autor name, number of pages and price. A
structure used to define the above is

struct lib_books
char title[20];
char author[15];
int pages;
float price;

The above example declares a structure “lib_books” with 4 members : title, author, pages and price.


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3.3.3. Variable Declaration

The compiler does not reserve any memory space when a structure is declared. Memory space is
reserved when only a variable of this type is defined.

Structure variable is defined anywhere in the program by using the tag-name. For example, the
struct lib_books c, java, basic;
defines c, java, basic as variables of type struct lib_books..

The syntax for creating the structure variable is

struct tag_name varaibe_name1, variable_name2,…….

The memory allocated for a structure variable is equal to the sum of memory allocated for all its

For the above example 41 byte are allocated, for each variable, which is calculated as follows.
title 20 bytes (20 * 1) author- 15 bytes pages - 2 bytes price - 4 bytes

It is also possible to combine both definition and variable declaration in the same statement. For

struct lib_books
char title[20];
char author[15];
int pages;
float price;
} c, java, basic;

is also valid. The use of tag-name is optional when declaring the variables during structure definition.

3.3.4. Initialization of a structure

The members of a structure can be initialized to constant values by enclosing the values to be assigned
within the braces after the structure definition. Thus the declaration
struct date
int date;
int month;
int year;
} republic = {26,1,1950};
initializes the member variables date, month, year of republic to 26,1,1950 respectively.


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Struct date Gandhi_jay = {2,10,1869) initializes the member variable date, month and year of the
structure variable Gandhi_jay to 2,10,1869 respectively.

If number of elements placed in an initialization is less than the member of members present, then
the remaining members are initialized to zero, or NULL.

3.3.5. Accessing and giving vales to members

The members themselves are not variables. They should be linked to structure variables in order to
make them meaningful members. To refer to the structure member, member operator ‘.’ is used. This
operator establishes a link between a member and a variable. This operator is also known as “dot
operator” or “period Operator”. A link is established by specifying the name of the variable, followed
by a period (dot), and then the name of the member. The syntax is


For example price.c is the variable representing the price of c.

scanf function is used to assign values like

scanf(“%s”, c.title);
scanf(“%d”,& c.pages);

variables to the members of book1 can be assigned in the following way


#include< stdio.h >
void main()
struct stu_detail
int id_no;
char name[20];
char address[20];
int age;
printf(“Enter the student information”);
printf(“Now Enter the student id_no”);
printf(“Enter the name of the student”);
scanf(“%s”,&new student.name);
printf(“Enter the address of the student”);
scanf(“%s”,&new student.address);
printf(“Enter the age of the student”);

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scanf(“%d”,&new student.age);
printf(“Student information\n”);
printf(“student id_number=%d\n”,newstudent.id_no);
printf(“student name=%s\n”,newstudent.name);
printf(“student Address=%s\n”,newstudent.address);
printf(“Age of student=%d\n”,newstudent.age);
Structure variables can also be assigned to each other, just like with other variable types:

dob1 = dob2;
Each member of dob1 gets assigned the value of the corresponding member of dob2

The same member names can appear in different structures. There will be no confusion to the
compiler because when the member name is used it is prefixed by the name of the structure

3.3.6. Structures within structures

A structure can be declared within another structure. Some times it is required to keep a compound
data items within another compound data item. Structures within a structure is called as nesting of

Consider the following structure “student”. In this case the structure date may be placed inside this
structure. The structure ‘date’ contains date of birth of student.

struct date
{ int day;
int month;
int year; };
struct student
char name[20];
structure date dob;
The structure “student” contains another structure “date” as its one of its members. Following
program demonstrates how to initialize and manipulate the structure student

struct student raja ={ “Raja”,{14,8,85}};.
printf(“\n Name %s”,raja.name);
printf(“\n Date of birth: %d - %d - %d”, raja.dob.day, raja.dob.month, raja.dob.year);
Note that the date, month, year are referred with another member operator along with raja.
Output : Name : Raja
Date of Birth : 14 - 8 - 85
It should be understand that the total bytes allocated to raja is 26. (20+2+2+2 = 36)


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Syntax for declaring a structure within another structure.

struct tag-name1 {declaration 1; declaration 2; …declaration;};

struct tag-name2
struct tag-name1 varaible-name1;
Nesting of more than one type of structure is permissible. However, a structure cannot be nested
within itself.

3.3.7. Arrays of structures

Arrays of structures are commonly used when a large number of similar records are required to be
processed together.

Assume, a library has 1000 books. The data related to the above books can be organized in an array
of structures. The idea is very simple. First create a structure template. (i.e., declare a structure).
Then define an array with this structure for a specified size.

Consider the following example.

struct lib_books
char title[20];
int pages;

Then array of structure used is struct lib_books library{1000].

In the above statement library is an array containing 1000 elements of the type struct lib_books. The
advantage is that all these 1000 records can be easily manipulated with the help of loops.

The first record is referred as library[0], second record is referred by library [1] and so on. The first
record’s title and pages fields are referred as library[0].title and library[0].page.

Hence array of structures is used to manage large number of records easily.

3.3.8. Arrays within structures

A structure can have an array within it. Consider the above example ‘lib-books’. Here the first field
name is an array which is declared as
char title[20];
Like this a structure can have number of arrays as members.

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struct student
char name[20];
int semester;
int year;
char branch[10];
int mark[3];

In the above example there are 5 members namely name, semester, year, branch and mark. Out of
these 5 fields, name and branch are character arrays and mark is an integer array.
The member mark contains three elements mark[0], mark[1] and mark[2]. If the structure is used to
create a variable, then the total amount of memory allocated is 45 bytes (25+2+2+10+2*3) .

Now let us see how to refer the various elements of the array mark. Consider the following definition.
struc student DCT;
The first subject mark is referred as DCT. mark[0]. And second subject mark as DCT.mark[1] and so
on. This is how arrays can be placed inside structure in order to declare an user defined data type that
is representing a complex real world entity.

3.3.9. Unions - Introduction

Union is another compound date type like structure. Union is used to minimize memory utilization.
In structure, each member has the separate storage location. But in union, all the members share the
common place of memory. Therefore, a union can handle only one member at a time.

Unions are useful for application involving multiple members, where values need not be assigned to
all the members at any one time.

3.3.10. Declaration of union

Like structures union can be declared using the keyword union. The general format for declaring union
union tag_name
data_type member_1;
data_type member_2;
data_type member_n;
where union is the key word. tag-name is any user defined data name.


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union Bio
char name[10];
int age ;
float height;

In the above example ‘union Bio’ has 3 members. First member is a character array ‘name’ having 10
characters (i.e., 10 bytes). Second member is an integer ‘age’ that requires 2 bytes. Third member is
a float ‘height’ requiring 4 bytes. All the three members are different data types.

Here all these 3 members are allocated with common memory. They all share the same memory. The
compiler allocates a place of storage that is large enough to hold the largest type in the union. In the
declaration above, the member “name” requires 10 bytes, which is the largest among the members.

The total memory allotted is also different from structures. In case of structure it will be 10+2+4 = 16.
But here it is only 10.

Union variables are created just like structure variables. For example to create a variable for above
‘union Bio’ , the following code is used.

union Bio studentBio;

3.3.11. Initializing Unions

Unions must always be initialized with its first field only. For example to initialize the above ‘Union
Bio’ the statement used is

union Bio studentBio = {“Rama”};;

Here first element is a character array. Hence the variable studentBio is initialized with “Rama” which
is a character constant. The following are erronous initialization for the ‘union Bio’.

union Bio studentBio = {32};

union Bio studentBio = {172.3};

Advantages of Union

• It is used to minimize memory utilization.

• It is used to convert data from one type to another type.
• It is used to write a record into a file as a character.

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1 Every member has its own memory space All members use the same memory space

2 Can handle all members as required at a time Can handle only one member at a time

3 All members can be initialized Only first member may be initialized

4 Difference Interpretations for the same Different Interpretations for the same
memory location is not possible memory location are possible

5 More storage space required Conservation of memory is possible


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Programs Using Functions, structure aand Unions

1. Write a C program to calculate the circumference and area of a circle given its
radius using functions. Implement calculation of circumference and areas as
separate functions.
#include <stdio.h>
const float pi = 3.141;
float area(float r); //function prototype
float circum(float r); //function prototype
int main(){
float radius;
printf("Enter radius: ");
scanf("%f",&radius); //read radius
printf("\nArea : %.2f", area(radius));
printf("\nCircumference : %.2f", circum(radius));
float area(float r)
return (pi*r*r);
float circum (float r)
return (2*pi*r);
2. Write a function called ‘prime’ that returns 1 if its argument is a prime no and
returns zero otherwise
{ int i,j,number;
printf(“\n Enter the number:”);
printf(“\n\n The given number is prime number”);
printf(“\n\n The given number is not prime number”);
int prime(int n)
int j;
if(n%j = = 0) break;
if(j= =n) return 1;
else return 0; }

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3. Write a function sub-program in ‘C’ to find the value of y.

y =x3+2x-10 if x>=10
= /x/ if x < 0
= 3x if 0 < x < 10
Use it in main program to evaluate y for x varying from -5 to 15 in steps of 0.5.

float x,y;
float findy(float x) /* Prototype declaration */
printf(“\n\n The y value is :%f”,findy(x));

float findy(float x)
float t;
else if (x > 0)
t=(x* -1) /* for absolute value */
return t;
4. Write a program to find the sum of the digits of a given number using function
/*find the sum of the digits of a given number using function*/

void main()

int sumdigit(long int n);/*function prototype*/

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long int num;

int sum;
printf("Enter the number\n\n");
sum=sumdigit(num);/*function call*/
printf("\n\nSum of digits of %ld is %d\n",num,sum);

/*function defunition sumdigit()*/

int sumdigit(long int n)

int r,s=0;/*local variables*/
} while(n!=0);
5. Write a program to find the largest of three numbers using function

/*largest of three numbers using function*/

void main()
int max(int x,int y,int z); /*function prototype*/
int a,b,c,result;
printf("Enter the three numbers\n:");
printf("\na=%6d b=%6d c=%6d\n",a,b,c);
result=max(a,b,c);/*function call*/
printf("\n\nLargest of three numbers is %d\n",result);
/*function definition max()*/
int max(int x,int y,int z)
int big;/*local variable declaration*/
return(big); }

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6. Using recursion, write a C program to reverse a given number.

void main()
int n,r;
printf("enter an integer");
rev (int n)
if (n>0)
printf ("%d",n%10);
7. Devise a structure template that will hold the name of a month, a three-letter
abbreviation for the month, the number of days in the month, and the month

Struct month
char name[10];
char abbrev[4];
int days;
int mo_numb;
8. Define an array of 12 varaibles of struct month of the previous question and initialize
it for a non-leap year.

struct month months[12] = {

{"January", "jan", 31, 1},
{"February", "feb", 28, 2},
{"March", "mar", 31, 3},
{"April", "apr", 30, 4},
{"May", "may", 31, 5},
{"June", "jun", 30, 6},
{"July", "jul", 31, 7},
{"August", "aug", 31, 8},
{"September", "sep", 30, 9},
{"October", "oct", 31, 10},
{"November", "nov", 30, 11},
{"December", "dec", 31, 12} };

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9. Define a structure “cricket” that will contain the following information: player name
, country name , batting average. Using “cricket”, declare an array ’player’ with 50
elements and write a program to read the info about all the 50 players and print a
country-wise list containing names of players with their batting average

struct cricket
char p_name[20];
char country[20];
float bat_avg;
struct cricket player[50];
int i;
char country[20];
printf(“\n Enter the details about %d batsman”,i+1);
printf(“\n Enter the player name:”);
printf(“\n Country name:”)
printf(“\n batting average:”);
scanf(“%f”,& player[i].bat_avg );
printf(“\n Enter the country name to print country- wise list:”);
printf(“\n\t\t Country wise list”):
printf(“\n Batsman Name \t\tCountry name\t\tBat.Average”);
if(strcmp(player[i].country,country)= = 0)
{ printf(“%-20s\t%-20s\t%f”,player[i].p_name,
,player[i].country,player[i].bat_avg); }
printf( “\n”);

10. Write a program to create a record of 10 countries and capitals using structures.
Extend the above program to print the capital if country is given.

#include<string.h> /* for strcmpi() which ignores case */
struct count_capital
char country[25];
char capital[25];
} arr[10]; /* array of structures declared */

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int i, total, choice;
char country_name[25], capital_name[25];
printf(“\nEnter countries and corresponding capitals :\n”, )
printf(“\nCountry : “);
printf(“Capital :”);
printf(“Enter the option : \n”);
printf(“\n1.Display the list \n”);
printf(“\n2.Display the inputted country’s capital \n”);
printf(“\nOption : ”);
scanf(“%d”, &choice);
case 1:
printf(“Sr. No. Country Capital\n”);
printf(“\n%25s%25s”, arr[i].country, arr[i].capital);
case 2:
printf(“Enter the country : “);

printf(“\nCountry : %s\n”, arr[i].country);
printf(“\nCapital : %s\n”, arr[i].capital);
printf(“\nNo match found for : %s\n”, country_name);

11. Define a structure for an employee of an organization having employee code, name,
address, phone number and number of dependents. Assume that “allEmployees” is
an array of employees in ascending order on the employee code. Write a function
to display the details of an employee given its employee code

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struct employee
int emp_code;
char emp_name[30];
char emp_address[50];
char emp_ph_num[10];
int no_of_dep;
void display()
int ctr=0;
printf("\n\n\n\tFollowing are the details :-");
printf("\n\n\tRecord #%d",ctr);
printf("\n\n\t\tCode : %d",allEmployees[i].emp_code);
printf("\n\n\t\tName : %s",allEmployees[i].emp_name);
printf("\n\n\t\tAddress : %s",allEmployees[i].emp_address);
printf("\n\n\t\tNumber of Dependents
printf("\n\n\n\n\t\tPlease Press Enter...");
getch(); }}
12. Using recursion, write a C program to reverse a given number.

void main(){
int n,r;
printf("enter an integer");
rev (int n)
if (n>0)
printf ("%d",n%10);


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• A function is a self-contained program segment that performs a particular task.

• C functions are classified as 1. Pre-defined functions 2. Programmer - defined
• Pre-defined functions are already written by compiler developers. Pre-defined functions are
not written by the programmer. Pre-defined functions are commonly used in all the programs.
• Programmer defined functions can be written by the programmer at the time of writing a
• If type is not specified in the function definition, then the function returns an int value.
• Arguments appearing in the parentheses are called as formal parameters or formal arguments
or dummy arguments.
• Information is returned from the function to the calling program through a return statement.
A limitation of return statement is that it can return only one value
• Function declaration is the activity that is telling the compiler that a function is defined
somewhere below.
• The function main () invokes other functions within it. It is the first function to be called when
the program starts execution.
• A statement that invokes another function is called as the function call statement.
• Important points to be considered when calling a function are:
• A semicolon is used at the end of the statement when a function is called.
• Parentheses are compulsory after the function name.
• Whenever a function uses the service of another function, then the former one is called as
calling function and the later one is called as called function.
• The process of invoking a function is referred as “Calling a function”.
• While calling the function, some values are provided within ( ). These values are called as actual
parameters or actual arguments.
• This procedure for passing the values of arguments to a function is known call by value
• The scope of variable refers to visibility or accessibility of a variable. The lifetime of a variable
refers to the existence of a variable in memory.
• The four classes of a variable, as classified by their scope and life time are 1. Automatic
Variables 2. External variable 3. Static variable 4. Register variable.
• Automatic variables are declared inside a function. They are created as soon as a function
starts execution, and used within the function. At the end of the execution of the function, it
is destroyed.
• Automatic variables are therefore local to the function and are not recognized outside the
function. So automatic variables are also called as “local variable” or “internal variable”.
• External variables are active throughout the program execution. They are also known as global
variables. External variables can be accessed by any function in the program. External variables
are declared outside a function.
• Registers variables are placed in one of the machine registers, instead of using memory.
Accessing the register is very fast compared to memory. So frequently used variables are
placed in register. This will increase the execution speed


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• ceil function returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the given value. floor function
returns the largest integer less than or equal to the given value.
• In C it is possible to call a function itself. Recursion is a process by which a function calls itself
repeatedly until some specified condition has been satisfied. A function is called recursive if a
statement within the body of function calls the same function.
• There are two types of passing variables to function. They are, call by value and call by
• A structure is a derived data type usually representing a collection of variables of same or
different data types grouped together under a single name .
• The tag_name is used to declare structure variable anywhere in the program
• The “struct” keyword is used to create a structure variable.
• Defining a structure means creating variables to access the members in the structure.
• An array is a collection of same data types. But structure is a collection of different data types.
• To refer to the structure member, member operator ‘.’ is used. This operator establishes a link
between a member and a variable. This operator is also known as “dot operator” or “period
• Nested structures are nothing but a structure within a structure is called nested structure.
• If a member of a structure is a pointer to itself, it is a self – referential structure.
• Array of structures are defined as a group of data types stored in a consecutive memory
location with a common variable name.
• A pointer to a structure is similar to a pointer to an ordinary variable. It is created in the same
way as a pointer to an ordinary variable is created.
• Union is another compound date type like structure. Union is used to minimize memory
utilization. In structure, each member has the separate storage location. But in union, all the
members share the common place of memory. Therefore, a union can handle only one
member at a time.
• Advantages of union are : (i) It is used to minimize memory utilization. (ii) It is used to convert
data from one type to another type. (iii) It is used to write a record into a file as a character.


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PART – A ( 2 Marks)
1. State any two advantages of functions.
2. What is a pre defined function? What is programmer defined function?
3. Write down any four functions available in ctype.h file
4. Write down any four functions available in math.h file
5. Write down the syntax and use of isalpha() function.
6. Write down the syntax and use of islower() function.
7. State the difference between ceil() and floor() functions
8. Give the general form of function definition.
9. What are the purposes of return statement.
10. What are the general forms of return statement.
11. What is a “Calling function”? What is a “Called function”?
12. How the variables are classified by their scope and lifetime?
13. What are external variables? State the other name of external variables.
14. What is register variables? State its use.
15. What is structure ? What is union?
16. Give the general syntax of structure .
17. Give the general syntax of union.
PART – B ( 3 Marks)
1. With syntax , explain any three functions available in math.h header file.
2. With syntax , explain any three functions available in ctype.h header file.
3. What is a recursive function? What are advantages of recursion?
4. Write the general form of structure. Give an example.
5. Give the example for structure initialization. Give an example.
6. Write down the main differences between an array and a structure.
7. What are the three ways of passing a structure to a function?
8. Define compare union with structure..
9. Write the general form of union. Give an example.

PART – C ( 5 Marks / 10 Marks)

1 What is a function? How the functions are classified? Explain.
2 Explain the syntax and usage of any six functions available in math.h header file.

3 Explain the syntax and usage of any six functions available in ctype.h header file.

4 Explain the syntax and usage of any six functions available in stdio.h header file.

5 State any five reasons for using user-defined function.


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6 Explain the elements of function definition with an example.

7 State the use of return statement. What are the different forms of return statement? State
the limitations of return statement.
8 What do you meant by function prototyping? Explain.

9 How you will call a function? Explain your answer by giving an example.

10 What is register variable? Give its syntax. Also state the advantages and disadvantages of
register variable.
11 Compare different types of storage classes.

12 What is a recursion? Give an example program.

13 What is structure? List down the differences between structure and array.

14 How you will define a structure? How you will declare and initialize the values to variable?

15 Write down the procedure for accessing a variable in structure. Give an example.

16 Explain structures within structures.

17 What is union? List down the differences between structure and union.

18 How you will define a union? How you will declare and initialize the values to variable?

19 Explain call by value with an example program.

20 Explain the difference between a function declaration and function definition

21 Distinguish between the following: (i) Automatic and static variables (ii) Global and local
22 What are the elements of user defined function? Explain in detail.

23 How the user defined functions are classified? Explain each function with an example.

24 Explain briefly about the scope and lifetime of variables.

25 Explain the following; (i) Array of structures and (ii) Arrays within structures.

26 Write a C program to calculate the circumference and area of a circle given its radius using
functions. Implement calculation of circumference and areas as separate functions.

27 Write a function called ‘prime’ that returns 1 if its argument is a prime no and returns zero
28 Write a function sub-program in ‘C’ to find the value of y.
Y =x3+2x-10 if x >= 10
=/x/ if x < 0
=3x if 0 < x <10
Use it in main program to evaluate y for x varying form -5 to 15 in steps of 0.5.
29 Write a program to find the sum of the digits of a given number using function

30 Write a program to find the largest of three numbers using function


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31 Using recursion, write a C program to reverse a given number.

32 Using recursion, write a C program to reverse a given number.

33 Devise a structure template that will hold the name of a month, a three-letter abbreviation
for the month, the number of days in the month, and the month number.

34 Define an array of 12 varaibles of struct month of the previous question and initialize it for a
non-leap year.

35 Define a structure “cricket” that will contain the following information: player name , country
name , batting average. Using “cricket”, declare an array ’player’ with 50 elements and write
a program to read the info about all the 50 players and print a country-wise list containing
names of players with their batting average
Write a program to create a record of 10 countries and capitals using structures. Extend the
above program to print the capital if country is given.
36 Define a structure for an employee of an organization having employee code, name, address,
phone number and number of dependents. Assume that “allEmployees” is an array of
employees in ascending order on the employee code. Write a function to display the details
of an employee given its employee code.


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At the end of the unit, the students will be able to

• Define pointer
• Discuss the advantages of pointers.
• Understand the concept of pointers
• Learn the use of pointer variables.
• Understand pointer arithmetic.
• Learn about the concept and construction of array of pointers and pointer to array.
• Discuss pointers and functions
• Get an idea about pointers to functions – functions as arguments to another function
• Understand dynamic memory location using pointers
• Describe about the functions used in dynamic memory allocation.
• Differentiate dynamic memory functions.


Pointer is an important feature of C Language. A pointer is a derived data type in C. It is powerful and
handy tools of C language. As the pointers are closely associated with the arrays, they provide an
alternative way to access the individual element of an array. C Programmers use pointers to make the
code more efficient. Some C programming tasks are performed more easily with pointers, and other
tasks, such as dynamic memory allocation, cannot be performed without using pointers. So it becomes
necessary to learn pointers to become a perfect C programmer.

C language requires the number of elements in an array to be specified at compile time. But
sometimes, it is not possible to judge the number of elements. C languages permit a programmer to
specify an array’s size at run time. C language have the ability to calculate and assign, during execution,
the memory space required by the variables in a program. The process of allocating memory during
run time is called as dynamic memory allocation.



A pointer is a variable that is used to store the address of another variable. Since a pointer is also
another variable, its value is also stored in the memory in another location. The pointer variable might
be belonging to any of the data type such as int, float, char, double, short etc.

Each memory cell in the computer has an address that can be used to access that location. So a pointer
variable points to a memory location. The contents of this memory location can be accessed and
changed by using pointer variable.

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Assume a variable “cost”. Then the address of this cost is assigned to pointer variable ptr. The link
between the variables ptr and cost is shown in figure. Assume the address of ptr is 2050. The link
between the two variables are shown in the following figure.

Variable Value address

cost 500 2000

ptr 2000 2050



1. Pointers are used to increase the speed of the execution.

2. Pointers are used to reduce the length and complexity of program.
3. A pointer is used to access a variable that is defined outside the function.
4. Storage space is saved when using pointer array to character strings.
5. Pointers can also be used in efficient manner to access the individual array elements.


Pointer variables, like all other variables, must be declared before they may be used in a C program.
The interpretation of a pointer declaration is somewhat different than the interpretation of other
variable declarations. For defining a pointer variable ‘*’ symbol is used. A pointer variable must be
declared with preceding the variable name. This signifies that it is not an ordinary variable but a
pointer variable. The type of data it is pointing must be specified. The general structure for declaring
a pointer variable is

data_type *ptr_name;

For example, the statement int *p declares p as a pointer variable that points to an integer data type.

For example,
float a,b;
float *pb;

The first line declares a and b to be floating-point variables. The second line declares pb to be a pointer
variable whose object is a floating-point quantity i.e. 'pb' point to a floating point quantity. 'pb'
represents an address, not a floating-point quantity. Within a variable declaration, a pointer variable
can be initialized by assigning it the address of another variable.

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The address of a variable is obtained with the help of “&” operator at any time. & operator is called as
“address operator”. The operator & immediately preceding a variable returns the address of the
variable. For example, the statement
places the address of num into the variable ptr. If num is stored in memory 21260 address, then the
variable ptr has the value 21260.

/* A program to illustrate pointer declaration*/

int *ptr;
int sum;
ptr= &sum;
printf (“\n Sum is %d\n”, sum);
printf (“\n The sum pointer is %d”, ptr);


The content of any pointer variable can be accessed with the help of “*” operator. The operator “*”
is known as indirection operator. If “p” is an pointer variable, then *p is used to access the content
of the pointer variable “p”. For example the statement t=*p is used to assign the contents of the
pointer variable p to t.

/* Program to display the contents of the variable using pointer variable*/

int num, *intptr;
float x, *floptr;
char ch, *cptr;
printf(“Num %d stored at address %u\n”,*intptr,intptr);
printf(“Value %f stored at address %u\n”,*floptr,floptr);
printf(“Character %c stored at address %u\n”,*cptr,cptr);

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Before using the pointer, it should be initialized. Static local pointer variables and global pointer
variables are initialized with NULL by default. “NULL” is a pointer constant whose numerical value is
Automatic pointer variable can be either initialized with NULL or with address of some other variable
that is already defined.
For example in the statement,
p = & cost;
p contains the address of cost. This is called pointer initialization.
A pointer variable can also be initialized in the declaration statement itself. For example.
int a; *b = &a; is also valid.
Example :
# include <stdio.h>
main ( )
int a=3;
int b;
int *pa; /* to an integer */
int *pb;/*pointer to an integer */
pa=&a;/* assign address of a to pa */
b=*pa;/* assign value of a to b*/
pb=&b;/* assign address of b to pb */
printf (“\n% d %d % d %d”, a, &a,pa, *pa);
printf (“\n% d %d % d %d”, b, &b, pb, *pb);

The output is : 3 F8E F8E 3

3 F8C F8C 3
The unary operators & and * are members of the same precedence group.The address operator (&)
must act upon operands associated with unique addresses, such as ordinary variables or single array
elements. Thus, the address operator cannot act upon arithmetic expression, such as 2*(a+b). The
indirection operator (*) can only act upon operands that are pointers.


# include <stdio.h>
main() {
int i=3,* j;k; /*j is a pointer to integer */
j=&i; /*j points to the location of i*/
k=*j ; /*assign to k the value pointed to by j*/
*j=4 /assign 4 to the location pointed to by j*/
printf(“i=%d, *j=%d, k=%d\n,” i, *j, k);}
The output is as follows: i=4,*j=4, k=3

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It is always a good practice to assign a NULL value to a pointer variable in case you do not
have an exact address to be assigned. This is done at the time of variable declaration. A
pointer that is assigned NULL is called a null pointer.
The NULL pointer is a constant with a value of zero defined in several standard libraries.
Consider the following program –
#include <stdio.h>
int main () {
int *ptr = NULL;
printf("The value of ptr is : %x\n", ptr );
return 0;

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −
The value of ptr is 0
In most of the operating systems, programs are not permitted to access memory at address
0 because that memory is reserved by the operating system. However, the memory address
0 has special significance; it signals that the pointer is not intended to point to an accessible
memory location. But by convention, if a pointer contains the null (zero) value, it is assumed
to point to nothing.

To check for a null pointer, you can use an 'if' statement as follows −

if(ptr) /* succeeds if p is not null */

if(!ptr) /* succeeds if p is null */


Pointer variables can also be used in expressions. Assume a and c are pointers. Then the following is
an example of pointer expression
c = *a + 14;
The above expression adds the value 14 to the contents of address stored in a and assigns the new
value to c. The following are also valid expressions.

2. x = *a * *b;
3. total = total - *a;
4. z = *b/*a + 10;
5. *b = *b + 10;
The pointers may not be used in division or multiplication. For example *a/3 or *a x 3 are not allowed.
Two pointer variables can be compared provided both points to objects of same type. Some examples
are a>b, a==b, and a!=b. Comparisons can be used in handling arrays and strings.

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The content of location a is incremented by 1 through a+=1; The contents can also be incremented
either through ++*p; or (*p)++; It is also possible to add integers or subtract integers from pointers.
Subtraction of one pointer from another pointer is also possible. For example the following
statements are valid.

a++ - -b; a-b;

When a pointer is incremented, its value is incremented by the length of the data type it points to.
For example assume a is an integer pointer and its value is 5000. After performing the operation a
= a+1, the value of a will be 5002, and not 5001. Because, integer value occupies 2 bytes. This length
is called the scale factor.

#include<stdio.h> Output
main( )

int i = 3, *x ; Suppose i, j and k are stored in memory at addresses 1002, 2004

float j = 1.5, *y ; and 5006, the output would be...
char k = 'c',*z ;
x=&i ;
y=&j; Value of i = 3
z =&k ;
printf ( "Original value in x = %d\n", x) ; Value of j = 1.5
printf ( "Original value in y = %d\n", y) ;
printf ( "Original valueJn z = %d\n\n', z) ; Value of k= c
Original value in x = 1002
z++; Original value in y = 2004
printf ( "New value in x = %d\n", x ) ;
printf ( "New value in y = %d\n", y ) ; Original value in z = 5006
printf ( "New value in z = %d\n", z ) ;
getch(); New value in x = 1004

New value in y = 2008

New value in z = 5007


1. A pointer variable can be assigned the address of an ordinary variable.

2. A pointer variable can be assigned the value of another pointer variable provided both
pointers point to objects of the same data type.
3. An integer quantity can be added to or subtracted from a pointer variable.
4. A pointer variable can be assigned a null (zero) value.
5. One pointer variable can be subtracted from another provided both pointers point to
elements of the same array.
6. Two pointer variables can be compared provided both pointers point to objects of the same
data type.
7. A pointer variable can be assigned to address of another variable.
8. A pointer variable can be assigned the values of another pointer variables.

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9. A pointer variable can be initialized with NULL or 0 value.

10. A pointer variable can be prefixed or postfixed with increment and decrement operator.
11. An integer value may be added or subtracted from a pointer variable.
12. When 2 pointers points to the same array, one pointer variable can be subtracted from
13. When two pointers points to the objects of save data types, they can be compared using
relational opeartor.
14. A pointer variable cannot be multiple by a constant.
15. Two pointer variables cannot be added.
16. A value cannot be assigned to an arbitrary address


Pointers and arrays have got close relationship. In fact array name itself is a pointer. Some times
pointers and array names can be interchangeably used.

The array name always points to the first element of the array. For example, an array int a[5]; is shown
in the following figure.

a[0] a[1] a[2] a[3] a[4]

Here ‘a’ points to the first element of the array. That means a is &a[0].

In arrays a and &a both are same. Hence a, &a and &a[0] all means same. But there exists difference
between array and pointer in certain aspects. . Similarly, the address of the second array element can
be written as either & a [1] or as (a+1) and so on.

Since &x[i] and (x+i) both represent the address of the ith element of x then x [i] and *(x+i) both
represent the contents of that address. The two terms are interchangeable.

Array name is a constant pointer. It can’t be assigned with new address. It always points to the first
element. But it’s address can be used for some other purpose.


int a[5];
int i;
a++; /* error*/
a= &i; /* error*/
*(a+2) = 30; /* ok*/

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a[0] a[1] a[2] a[3] a[4]

Here *(a+2) actually refers to a [2]. At some places pointers and arrays can be interchangeably used.
A program to display the contents of array using pointer
int a[100];
int *ptr;
int i,j,n;
printf(“\nEnter the elements of the array\n”);
printf(“Enter the array elements”);
for(i=0;i< n;i++)
printf(“Array element are”);
for(ptr=a,ptr< (a+n);ptr++)
printf(“Value of a[%d]=%d stored at address %u”,j+=,*ptr,ptr);
A Program to compute the sum of all the elements in an array.

int *p, total = 0; i=0;
int a[5]= {2,3,4,6,7};
p = a;
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
total = total + *p;
printf(“\nTotal%d”, total)


A function also has an address location in memory. It is therefore possible to declare a pointer to a
function which can be used as an argument in another function.

A pointer to a function is described as follows

type (*pointer-name) ( );

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For example int (*sqrt) ( ) tells the compiler that sqrt is a pointer to a function which returns an int
For example, in the statements
int *sqr ( ), square ( );
sqr = square;

sqr is pointer to a function and sqr points to the function square. To call the function square, the
pointer sqr is used with the list of parenthesis. That is,
(*sqr) (a,b)
Is equivalent to
square (a,b)

Pointers as functions arguments ( Call by Reference)

A pointer plays an important role when used with functions. Pointer variables can be passed as
arguments to some other function. That is, the address of a variable is passed to another function.
This type of function call is known as call by reference. The function is allowed to access and change
the variable of a calling function. When passing the address of a variable as an argument to a function,
the parameters receiving the address should be pointers.

When the function invocation uses the method call by value, the value of actual parameter is copied
to dummy parameters.

In the case of call by reference method, instead of passing the values, the addresses of actual
arguments in the calling function are copied into formal arguments of the called function. Hence it is
possible to change the actual argument within the function body. This means, using these addresses
it is possible to have an access to the actual arguments and hence manipulate them.

Since the actual argument variable and the corresponding dummy pointer refer to the same memory location,
changing the contents of the dummy pointer will- by necessity- change the contents of the actual argument
variable. The following program illustrates this fact.

#include <stdio.h>
main ()
int i,j;
printf(“i=%d and j=%d\n”, i,j);
/* Now exchange them */
printf(“\nnow i=%d and j=%d\n”, i,j);
int *i,*j;
int temp=*i; /* create temp and store into it the value pointed to by “i”*/
*i=*j; /*The value pointed to by j is stored in the location pointed to by i*/

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*j=temp;/* Assign temp to the location pointed to by j*/

The output is as follows:
i=2 and j=5
Now i=5 and j=2

If the formal parameters i and j of the swap function were declared merely as integers, and the main
function passed only i and j rather than their addresses, the exchange made in swap would have no
effect on the variables i and j in main. The variable temp in swap function is of type int, not int*. The
values being exchanged are not the pointers, but the integers being pointed to by them. Also temp is
initialized immediately upon declaration to the value pointed to by i.

C program to find the highest of three numbers using pointer to function is listed below:

void main()
int x,y,z;
printf("\n Enter three numbers : ");
scanf("%d %d %d",&x,&y,&z);
printf("\n\n The highest of the three numbers is : ");
int *a,*b,*c;
if(*a > *b && *a > *c)
else if(*b > *a && *b > *c)

Character array is called as string variable. Pointer is used to access the individual character in a


char name[30];
char *p;
p = name;
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printf(“\n%s”, name);
Output : salem

Here ‘p’ is an alias name of character array ‘name’. Character pointers can be used effectively for
various purposes.

char name[30] ={“”salem””};
char name1[30];
void mycopy ( char *, char *);
printf(“\n%s”, name1);

void mycopy ( char *d, char *s)

While ( *s !=’’\0’’)
(*d++ = *s++);
Output salem
The above program copies one string to another string. In the above function pointer arithmetic is
used. After copying the content of one pointer to another, they are incremented to point the next
element. Hence next element is copied. This is repeated until ‘\0’ is encountered. The while loop will
be continued as long as the condition is true i.e., non-zero.


Sometimes it is required to store more than one string in an array. One way is to use two dimensional
character array.


int i;
char name[3][12]={“Ramu”, “Govindan”, “Rajasekaran”};
for (i=1; i<3; i++)
printf(“\n%s ”, name[i]);

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Note that irrespective of the size of the names totally 3 * 12 = 36 bytes of memory is allocated. When
using array of pointers , the memory usage can be minimized.



int i;

char *name[3]={“Ramu”, “Govindan”, “Rajasekaran”};

for (i=1; i<3; i++)

printf(“\n%s ”, name[i]);

In this declaration name[ ] is an array of pointers. It contains base addresses of respective names. That
is, base address of “Ramu” is stored in name[0], base address of “Govindan” is stored in name[1] and
so on.

Here only required amount of memory is allocated. i.e.,5 +9 + 12 = 26 bytes. Hence we have saved
10 bytes.

Advantages of storing strings in an array of pointers:

1. One reason to store strings in an array of pointers is to make a more efficient use of available
2. Another reason to use an array of pointers to store strings is to obtain greater ease in
manipulation of the strings.

Limitation of array of pointers to strings

When using a two-dimensional array of characters, it is possible to initialize the strings when declaring
the array or the strings can be received through scanf( ) function.
However, when using an array of pointers to strings, it is possible to initialize the strings at the place
where we are declaring the array, but it is not possible to receive the strings from keyboard using
scanf( ). Thus, the following program would never work out.
main( )
char *names[6] ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i <= 5 ; i++ )
printf ( "\nEnter name " ) ;
scanf ( "%s", names[i] ) ;

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In an array, the name of an array stands for the address of its zeroth element. Similarly struct variable
represents the address of its first element.


typedef struct Bio

char name[30];
int age;


{ Bio Record;
Bio *p;
p = & Record;
printf( “\n Enter Name;”);
scanf( “%s”, (*p).name);
printf( “\n Enter Age;”);
scanf( “%d”, &(*p).age);
printf( “\n Name;”, (*p).name);
printf( “\n Age%d”, (*p).age);

Enter Name : Ramu

Enter Age : 28

Name : Ramu

Age : 28

Here in this program first ‘Bio’ struct type is declared. Then in main( ), Record of type ‘Bio’ and a
pointer ‘p’ of type ‘Bio’ is defined.

Then ‘p’ is made to point ‘Record’. Hence ‘*p’ is an alias name of ‘Record’. There after whenever ‘*p’
is referred, it should be interpreted as ‘Record’. Then the fields of Record name and age are read and
they are printed.

Note for referring the fields, use both indirection operation ‘*’ and member operator “.”.

i.e., (*p). name

Parenthesis is required since priority of ‘.’ operator is higher than ‘*’ operator. Apply ‘*’ operator first.
Hence change the order of priority by using parenthesis.

This leads to confusion. Hence instead of using ‘*’, ‘.’ and parenthesis,
the above is simplified by using the - > operator. The symbol -> is called as arrow operator.
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Instead of writing (*p). name, we write

p-> name ; /* no space between p->name */

which is more simple.

A pointer pointing to a structure just the same way a pointer pointing to an int, such pointers are
known as structure pointers. For example consider the following example:

struct student
char name[20];
int roll_no;
void main()
struct student stu[3],*ptr;
printf("\n Enter data\n");
{ printf("Name");
printf("\nStudent Data\n\n");
printf("%s %5d\n",ptr->name,ptr->roll_no); ptr++;

Here ptr is a structure pointer not a structure variable and dot operator requires a structure variable
on its left. C provides arrow operator “->” to refer to structure elements. “ptr=stu” would assign the
address of the zeroth element of stu to ptr. Its members can be accessed by statement like “ptr-
>name”. When the pointer ptr is incremented by one, it is made to point to the next record, that is
stu[1] and so on.

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A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection, or a chain of pointers. Normally, a pointer

contains the address of a variable. When we define a pointer to a pointer, the first pointer contains
the address of the second pointer, which points to the location that contains the actual value as shown

A variable that is a pointer to a pointer must be declared as such. This is done by placing an additional
asterisk in front of its name. For example, following is the declaration to declare a pointer to a pointer
of type int:

int **var;
When a target value is indirectly pointed to by a pointer to a pointer, accessing that value requires
that the asterisk operator be applied twice, as is shown below in the example:

#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
int var;
int *ptr;
int **pptr;
var = 3000; /* take the address of var */
ptr = &var;
/* take the address of ptr using address of operator & */
pptr = &ptr;
/* take the value using pptr */
printf("Value of var = %d\n", var );
printf("Value available at *ptr = %d\n", *ptr );
printf("Value available at **pptr = %d\n", **pptr);
return 0;

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces following result:

Value of var = 3000

Value available at *ptr = 3000

Value available at **pptr = 3000

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The process of allocating memory at run time is known as dynamic memory allocation. Dynamic
memory management technique is used to optimize the use of storage space. These techniques are
used to allocate additional memory space or to release the unwanted space at run time. Using
dynamic memory management techniques, the programmer can allocate memory whenever he
decides and releases it after using the memory.

The functions used in the dynamic memory management are (i) malloc ( ) (ii) calloc( ) (iii) realloc( )
and (iv) free ( ).

4.2.1 malloc()

The name malloc stands for "memory allocation". This function is used to allocate a block of memory.
The required amount of byte should be specified as argument to the function. After allocating
memory in the heap (free memory) the function returns the starting address of the block of memory


ptr = (cast_type *) malloc (size);

where ptr is a pointer of type cast_type.

For example the statement p = (int*) malloc(100); reserves 100 bytes of the memory and the
address of the first byte of the memory allocated is assigned to the pointer p of type int.


int *p;
p = (int*) malloc(6);
p[0] = 10;
p[1] = 20;
p[2] = 30;
printf(“\n%d %d %d”, p[0] , p[1] , p[2]) ;
free (p);

Output: 10 20 30

Here ‘p’ is an integer pointer. A pointer variable stores the memory address.

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The malloc( ) allocates 6 bytes in heap and the address is converted to integer address by means of
(int * ) cast operator. This converted address is assigned to the pointer ‘p’.

Now ‘p’ points to 6 byte of memory block each 2 byte pair representing an integer. In short ‘p’ is an
array having 3 elements namely p[0], p[1] and p[2].

There after ‘p’ can be used as if it is an array. But the difference is that whenever required, the
elements can be created and after having used it may be released using free( ). The following figure
shows this setup.

1 0 2 0 3 0

p[0] p[1] p[2]

The storage space allocated dynamically has no name and therefore its contents can be accessed only
through a pointer.


// Program to demonstrate usage of malloc( )

main( )

int n, avg, i, *p, sum = 0;

printf("Enter the number of students");
p = (int *) malloc (n * 2);
if( p == NULL)
{ printf("Memory allocation unsuccesful");

exit( );

for( i = 0; i< n; i++)

scanf("%d",(p + i));

for( i = 0; i<n; i++)

sum = sum + *p;

avg = sum / n;
printf("Average marks = %d", avg);

The above program asks for the number of students whose marks are to be entered and then
allocate only as much memory as is really required to store these marks. The allocation job is
done by malloc( ). It returns a NULL if memory allocation is unsuccessful. If successful it
returns the address of the memory chunk that was allocated.

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This address we collected in an integer pointer p. The expression (int * ) is used to type cast
the address being returned as the address of an integer rather than a character. This type
casting is necessary since malloc( ) by default returns a pointer to a void.

4.2.2 free()

This function is used to deallocate the memory. The release of storage space is important when the
storage is limited. When data stored in a block of memory is not needed, then release that portion of
the memory.



where pointer variable is a pointer to a memory block which has already been created by malloc or

int *p;
p = ( int*) malloc(6);
free (p);

4.2.3 calloc()
The name calloc stands for "contiguous allocation" malloc( ) is used to allocate single block of memory.
Whereas calloc( ) will allocate multiple blocks of storage, each of the same size and initialize all the
bytes of the memory to zero. calloc function is used when requesting memory space at run time for
storing derived data types such as arrays and structure.


p = (cast_type) *) calloc (number of blocks, block size);

This allocates continuously memory blocks each with the specified size. The returned address will be
the address of the starting byte. If the required amount of memory is not available, then NULL value
is returned.

int *p;
p = (int*) calloc(10, sizeof(int));
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This allocates 10 continuous blocks of memory and each block having 2 bytes.

Differences between malloc() and calloc()

Another minor difference between malloc( ) and calloc( ) is that by default the memory
allocated by malloc( ) contains garbage values whereas that allocated by calloc( ) contains all

While malloc allocates a single block of storage space, calloc allocates multiple block of storage,
each of the same size, and then sets all bytes to zero.

4.2.4 relloc()

This function is used to change the memory size previously allocated. The space may be increased or


ptr= realloc (pointer variable name, new size);

This function allocates a new memory space of size equal to the new size to the pointer variable ptr
and returns a pointer to the first byte of the new memory block.

The new size may be large or smaller then the original size. Consider the following example.

int *p;
p = (int*) malloc(10);
P= (int*) realloc(p,20);
Here initially ‘p’ is allotted with 10 bytes. But later it is felt that amount of memory is to be increased.
That is done with the help of realloc( ) function. This time 20 bytes are allotted.

Like that, it is also possible to decrease the memory size.

Here also if it is not possible to allocate memory space, realloc( ) returns NULL value, and the original
block is lost. Here, ptr is reallocated with size of newsize.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){
int *ptr,i,n1,n2;

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printf("Enter size of array: ");

printf("Address of previously allocated memory: ");
printf("\nEnter new size of array: ");
return 0;

1. Consider the following:

P1 is an integer pointer

P2 is a long integer pointer

P3 is a character type pointer

The initial value of P1 is 2800, P2 is 1411 and P3 is 1201.

What is the new value of P1 after P1=P1+1, P2 after P2=P2+1 and

P3 after P3=P3+1; (4)

The initial value of P1 is 2800 which is an integer pointer so new value of P1 is 2802 after P1=

The initial value of P2 is 1411 which is a long integer pointer so new value of P1 is 1415 after
P2= P2+1 because long takes 4 bytes of memory.

The initial value of P3 is 1201 which is a char type pointer so new value of P3 is 1202 after P3=

2. Write a program to read in an array of integers .Instead of using Subscripting ,however,

employ an integer pointer that using to the element currently being read in and which is
incremented each time. Write a function to display the array.

#define MAX 50

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int array[MAX];
int i,n;
int *employ=array;
printf(“\n How many numbers:”);
printf(“\n Enter the %d number:”,i+1);
display(int *ptr,int size)
int i;
printf(“\n The %d number : %d”,i+1,*(ptr+i));

3. Write a ‘c’ program to sort an array of integers using pointers

int number[50];
int i,j,n,*temp,*ptr=number;
printf(“\n How many numbers:”);
printf(“\n Enter the %d number:”,i+1);

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printf(“\n\n The sorted array :”);
printf(“\n The %d number : %d”,i+1,*(ptr+i));

4. What is the output of the following?

int i=4,j=2;
jack(int *i,int j)
*i=*i * *i;
j=j * j;

Output 16 2

5. Write a program using pointers to read an array of integers and prints its elements in
reverse order.
int array[50],*ptr=array,n,i;
printf(“\n How many integers:”);
printf(“\n Enter the %d number:”,i+1);

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printf(“\n %d”,*(ptr--));
6. Write a program using pointers, which accepts a string and displays the length of the string
char str[50],*ptr=str;
int len=0;
printf(“\n Enter the string:”);
printf(“\n\n The length of the string is:%d”,len);
7. Write a program that accepts two strings, compares them and displays which is bigger. Use
pointer notations.
char str1[50],str2[50];
char *ptr1=str1,*ptr2=str2;
int len1=0,len2=0;
printf(“\n Enter the first string:”);
printf(“\n Enter the second string:”);
{ ++len1; }

{ ++len2 }

if(len1>len2) printf(“\n The first string is bigger”);

else if(len1<len2) printf(“\n The second string is bigger”);
else printf(“\n The two strings are equal”);

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8. Write a program that , given two strings, appends the second string to the first
char str1[50],str2[50];
char *ptr1=str,*ptr2=str2;
printf(“\n Enter the first string:”);
printf(“\n Enter the second string:”);

while(*(ptr++) = *(ptr2++));
*(ptr1) = NULL;
printf(“\n\n The concatenated string is :%s”,str1);

9. Write a program to reverse a string using pointer.

void main()
int i,j;
char *a;
printf("enter a string");
10. Write a C program to display the contents of an array using a pointer arithmetic:
void main()
int *p,sum,i;
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static int x[5] = {5,9,6,3,7};

printf("\nElement Value Address\n\n");
printf(" x[%d] %d %u\n",i,*p,p);
printf("\n Sum = %d\n",sum);
printf("\n &x[0] = %u\n",&x[0]);
printf("\n p = %u\n",p);

11. Differentiate between pointer (*) and address (&) operator using examples.

The indirection operator (*) gets the value stored in the memory location whose address
is stored in a pointer variable. The address of (&) operator returns the address of the memory
location in which the variable is stored. The output of the following example shows the
difference between * and &.

void main()
int k;
int *ptr;
printf("\n Value of k is %d\n\n",k);
printf("%d is stored at addr %u\n",k,&k);
printf("%d is stored at addr %u\n",*ptr,ptr);
printf("\n Now k = %d\n",k);
getch(); }

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12. Compare Indirection and Address-Of Operators

Indirection: * is applied to a pointer variable, to refer to the location whose address is stored
inside the pointer variable.
– It CANNOT be applied to non-pointer variables.
– It CAN appear on either side of an assignment statement.

Address-Of: & is applied to a non-pointer variable, to return the address of the variable.
– It CAN be applied to a pointer variable.
– It CANNOT appear on the lefthand side of an assignment statement. (You can’t change the
address of a variable.)

13. Define a structure for an employee of an organization having employee code, name, address,
phone number and number of dependents. Assume that “allEmployees” is an array of
employees in ascending order on the employee code. Write a function to display the details
of an employee given its employee code
struct employee
int emp_code;
char emp_name[30];
char emp_address[50];
char emp_ph_num[10];
int no_of_dep;
void display()
int ctr=0;
printf("\n\n\n\tFollowing are the details :-");
printf("\n\n\tRecord #%d",ctr);
printf("\n\n\t\tCode : %d",allEmployees[i].emp_code);
printf("\n\n\t\tName : %s",allEmployees[i].emp_name);
printf("\n\n\t\tAddress : %s",allEmployees[i].emp_address);
printf("\n\n\t\tNumber of Dependents
printf("\n\n\n\n\t\tPlease Press Enter...");

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14.Write a C program to find sum of n elements entered by user. To perform this program,
allocate memory dynamically using calloc() function.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
int n,i,*ptr,sum=0;
printf("Enter number of elements: ");
printf("Error! memory not allocated.");
printf("Enter elements of array: ");
return 0;

15.Write a C program to swap numbers in cyclic order using call by reference.

void Cycle(int *a,int *b,int *c);
int main(){
int a,b,c;
printf("Enter value of a, b and c respectively: ");
printf("Value before swamping:\n");
printf("Value after swaping numbers in cycle:\n");
return 0;

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void Cycle(int *a,int *b,int *c){
int temp;

16. Write a C program to add two distances entered by user in feet-inch system. To perform
this program, create a structure containing elements feet and inch. [Note: 12 inch= 1feet]

#include <stdio.h>
struct Distance
int feet;
float inch;
int main()
printf("1st distance\n");
printf("Enter feet: ");
printf("Enter inch: ");
printf("2nd distance\n");
printf("Enter feet: ");
printf("Enter inch: ");
//If inch is greater than 12, changing it to feet.
if (sum.inch>12){
printf("Sum of distances=%d\'-%.1f\"",sum.feet,sum.inch);
return 0;

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• Pointer variable represents the address of a data item.

• The pointer variable might be belonging to any of the data type such as int, float, char,
double, short etc.
• A pointer that is assigned NULL is called a null pointer.
• Two pointer variables can be compared provided both points to objects of same type.
• When a pointer is incremented, its value is incremented by the length of the data type it
points to.
• In an array, the name of an array stands for the address of its zeroth element. Similarly struct
variable represents the address of its first element.
• Instead of using ‘*’, ‘.’ and parenthesis, the - > operator. (arrow operator.) can be used.
• A pointer pointing to a structure just the same way a pointer pointing to an int, such pointers
are known as structure pointers.
• Using the pointer, the memory location can directly be accessed.
• & ( address of 0 and * ( indirection operator) are the two operators used in pointer related
• Pointer variables can be used in expressions.
• Addition of two pointers, multiplication, and division of the pointer with a number is not
• Array elements can be accessed through the pointers quickly.
• Pointers can be passed in the function as an argument.
• Like any other return type, functions can also return the pointers.
• The process of allocating memory at run time is known as dynamic memory allocation.
Dynamic memory management technique is used to optimize the use of storage space.
• malloc() , relloc(), calloc() and free are used in dynamic memory allocation.
• The name malloc stands for "memory allocation". This function is used to allocate a block of
memory. The required amount of byte should be specified as argument to the function. After
allocating memory in the heap (free memory) the function returns the starting address of the
block of memory allotted.
• The storage space allocated dynamically has no name and therefore its contents can be
accessed only through a pointer.
• free() is used to deallocate the memory. The release of storage space is important when the
storage is limited. When data stored in a block of memory is not needed, then release that
portion of the memory.
• by default the memory allocated by malloc( ) contains garbage values whereas that allocated
by calloc( ) contains all zeros.
• While malloc allocates a single block of storage space, calloc allocates multiple block of storage,
each of the same size, and then sets all bytes to zero.
• The name calloc stands for "contiguous allocation" calloc function is used when requesting
memory space at run time for storing derived data types such as arrays and structure..
• This function is used to change the memory size previously allocated. The space may be
increased or decreased.

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SUMMARYPART PAPART - A ( 2 Marks Questions)

1. What are pointers?

2. Explain the use of (*) indirection operator.

3. How to declare pointer variable? Give an example.

4. What are the two operators associated with the pointer variable?

5. Why is the addition of two pointers impossible?

6. Which arithmetic operations are possible with pointers?

7. How is a pointer initialized?

8. What is the result of adding an integer to a pointer.

9. What is the purpose of realloc() function?

10. What is the need for dynamic memory allocation?

11. What are the functions used in dynamic memory allocation?

12. What is a scale factor? Write down the scale factor of int, float and char data types?

PAPART - B ( 3 Marks Questions)

1. Write down the advantages of pointers?

2. What is NULL pointer? Is it the same as an uninitialized pointer?

3. What is an array of pointer? How is it declared?

4. Distinguish between ( *m) [5] and *m [5]

5. Differentiate between p and *p.

6. Differentiate between calloc(0 and malloc(0 function in C.

7. How to pass the whole array to the function?

8. Why we have to release the memory and how?

9. What are the advantages and limitations of storing strings in an array of pointers ?

PAPART - C ( 5 or 10 Marks Questions)

1. What are pointers? Why are they needed? Explain with an example.

2. Explain the relation between array and pointer. Give an example.

3. Write a program using pointers to read in an array of integers and print its elements
in reverse order.

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4. Briefly explain about pointer arithmetic.

5. Explain the role of pointers in strings with examples.

6. How do we use arrauy of pointers/ Explain.

7. Explain call by reference with a C program.

8. Write a program to reverse the characters of a string using pointers.

9. Write a C program to find the length of the string using a pointer.

10. Write a C program to find the average of elements of an array using pointers.

11. What do you understand by a pointer to a pointer/ Can this be extended to any level?

12. Explain the various functions used in dynamic memory management.

13. Explain the use of pointers in handling arrays and structures.

14. How can array of string pointers be initialized? Illustrate your answer with an

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At the end of the unit, the students will be able to

• Define the term “File”
• Understand the functions used in opening, closing , reading and writing a file.
• Learn the Input/output operations on files.
• Get acquaintance with the error handling during I/O operations.
• Differentiate Random access with sequence access of files.
• Learn the syntax and usage of functions used in random access.
• Write programs using files.
• Introduce command line arguments.
• Develop programs using command line arguments.
• Understand preprocessor.
• Learn about the different types of pre processor directives.


When the program is terminated, the entire data is lost in C programming. For permanent storage of
data, it is required to use files and read it from them. C language supports number of functions that
have the ability to perform the basic file operations. C Pre-processor is a collection of special
statements, called, directives, that are executed at the beginning of the compilation process.
This unit will discuss about the various operations that can be performed on files, concept of command
line arguments and preprocessor



Files are used to store a large amount of data in a disk. Handling of large volume of data through
keyboards has the following disadvantages:
1. It is time consuming.
2. The entire data is lost when either the program is terminated or when the power is turned
A file is a group of related data, stored on the disk.

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Before using any files, it must be opened properly. Opening a file establishes a link between the
program and the operating system, about, which file we are going to access and how. The link between
our program and the operating system is structure called FILE, which has been defined, in the header
file "stdio.h" (standard Input Output header file). Also the purpose of opening the above file should
also be defined. The purpose may be either reading, writing or appending data.

The function fopen( ) is used for opening a file. The general format for defining and opening a file is
as follows.

FILE *ptr;

ptr = fopen(“filename”, “mode”);

where FILE is a defined data type. Data structure of a file is defined as FILE. It is not necessary to
define this structure. The FILE is a type of structure, which has been defined in the header file stdio.h.
Each file will have its own FILE structure. The FILE structure contains information about the file being
used, such as its current size, its location in memory etc . So all the files should be declared as type
FILE before they are used. This structure is defined only in uppercase letters. Do not use file or File
instead of FILE.

ptr is a pointer variable containing the address of the structure FILE. ptr is a pointer to the data type

The second statement opens the file indicated as filename and assigns an identifier to the FILE type
pointer ptr. “mode” part is used to indicate the purpose for which the file is being opened. The value
of “mode” can be any one of the following.

Mode Purpose Action

“r” Read from the file This mode searches the disk for the filename. If it exists, then it is
loaded from disk into the memory and a pointer returned to the file;
otherwise, an error occurs and returns NULL value. NULL indicates that
there will be a failure in opening the file.
“w” Write data into A file with a specified name is created, if the file does not exist. If the
the file. file already exists, its contents are deleted. If it is unable to open the
file, it returns NULL.
“a” Append data to If the file already exists, it is opened so that data may be added. If the
the file. file does not exist, it is created. If It is unable to open the file, it returns
r+ - Opens a text file for reading and writing both

w+ - Opens a text file for reading and writing both. It first truncate the file
to zero length if it exists otherwise create the file if it does not exist.

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a+ - Opens a text file for reading and writing both. It creates the file if it
does not exist. The reading will start from the beginning but writing
can only be appended.

Trouble in file opening :

The fopen() function for opening file for read/write operations may fail due to anyone of the following

• A file for reading may not be present on the disk

• Insufficient disk space for opening a for writing.
• Write protected disk does not allow storage of data on it.
• Dealing with a corrupt file


FILE *ptrf;

ptrf = fopen ( “exam.dat”, “r”);

The above two statements are used to open the file “exam.dat” for reading and the pointer ptrf
returning a pointer. If the file “exam.dat” does not exist, an error will occur and the value NULL is
assigned to ptrf.

The following program is used to display the error message if the file could not be opened due to some

#include <stdio.h>


FILE *ptrf;
ptrf = fopen(“exam.dat”,”r”);
if ( ptrf == NULL)
printf( “ File could not be opened \n”);
exit (0);
A number of files can be opened at a time.

Difference between Append and Write Mode :

Write (w) mode and Append (a) mode, while opening a file are almost the same. Both are used to
write in a file. In both the modes, new file is created if it doesn't exists already. The only difference
they have is, when opening a file in the write mode, the file is reset, resulting in deletion of any data
already present in the file. While in append mode this will not happen. Append mode is used to append
or add data to the existing data of file (if any). Hence, when opening a file in Append(a) mode, the
cursor is positioned at the end of the present data in the file.

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A file must be closed immediately after finishing all the operations on the above file. The purposes of
closing a file is as follows:

1. To flush the information from the buffers of the memory.

2. To break all the links to the file.
3. To prevent the accidental movement of the file.
4. To reopen the same file in a different mode.

The general format for closing a file is

fclose (ptrf) ;

The above statement close the file associated with the FILE pointer (ptrf). Once a file is closed, its file
pointer can be reused for another file.

FILE ptrf1, ptrf2;

ptrf1 = fopen(“exam.dat”, “r”);
ptrf1 = fopen(“result.dat”, “w”);
fclose (ptrf1) ;
fclose (ptrf2) ;

The above program opens two files and closes them after all operations are completed.


Reading from a file (getc( ) function)

Once the file has been opened for reading using fopen( ), the file's contents are brought into memory
(partly or wholly) and a pointer points to the very first character. To read the file's contents from
memory there exists a standard library function called getc( ).

getc( ) function is used to read a character at a time from the file. When a file is opened, the file
pointer provides access to the first character written on the file.
The functions getc( ) reads one character from current pointer position,. This character is then
assigned to variable and advances the pointer position so that it points to the next character. Once
the file has been opened, it is referred by file pointer ond file name is no longer valid.

getc( ) function stops the reading process when the end of file is reached. The end of file can be
checked by checking for EOF.
For example, the statement
ch = getc(fp1);
read a character from the file whose file pointer is fpl. The above character is stored in the variable
ch. getc( ) and fgetc( ) are both same.

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Program 1 : Write a program to read file and print the contents on the screen.
FILE*fp; char ch;
char filename[12];
printf("\n\nEnter the filename to read:");
} while(ch!=EOF);
getch(); }

Program 2 : Read a file called “bio.dat” and count the number of characters in it.

int count=0;
char ch;
} while(ch!=EOF);
printf("\n\nThe no. of characters in a file is:%d",count);
printf("\n including EOF character");
getch(); }

Writing into a file (putc( ) function)

putc( ) function is used to write a character into a file. The statement

putc( c, ptrf);
write the character contained in the character variable c to the file associated with FILE pointer ptrf.

The end of file is marked by EOF. This EOF can be placed at end of file through ^ z(ctrl + z). putc( ) and
fputc( ) are same.

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Program 3 : Create a text file called “self.dat”.

main() {
char ch;
do {
} while(ch!=13);
fclose(fp); }
The getw( ) and putw( ) function

The getw( ) and putw( ) are integer oriented functions. These two functions are used to read and write
integer values. These functions are useful when handling only integer data. The general format of
getw and putw function are
getw(ptrf); putw(integer, ptrf);
Program 4 : Create a file “data.dat” which contain 10 integer numbers. From the above
file create another file, which contains only odd numbers, and print the contents of this

FILE *fp1,*fp2;
int num,i;
printf("All Numbers - data.dat\n\n");
printf("\n\nOdd Numbers-odd.dat\n\n");
fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2); }

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5.1.5. FORMATTED FUNCTIONS ( fprintf() AND fscanf() )

getc( ), putc( ), getw( ) and putw( ) function can handle one character or integer at a time. But the
functions, fprintf ( ) and fscanf ( ) can handle a group of data simultaneously.

These two functions perform input/output operations that are identical to printf and scanf functions.
But these two functions work on files.

The parameters to these functions are similar to printf and scanf. But one more additional parameter,
FILE pointer specifying the file, is added to these functions. The first argument of these functions is a
file pointer, which specifies the file to be used.

fprintf( )

The general format of fprintf statement is

fprintf( ptrf, “control_string”, list);

where ptrf is the file pointer for the file that has been opened for writing. The control string specifies
the output format for the various items in the list.

The list may contain variables, constants or strings.


fprintf( ptrf1, “%s %d %d ”, name , age , salary);

fprintf( ptrf1, “%2f %d %d ”, price , quantity, product_name);

fscanf( )

fscanf reads characters from the specified file, converts them as per directions given in control string
format. Then the converted value is assigned to the objects pointed by the list of arguments. The
general form is

fscanf( ptrf, “control_string”, list);


fscanf( ptr3, “%s %d %d ”, &name , &age , &salary);

fscanf( ptrf1, “%f %d %d ”, &price , &quantity, &product_name);

The function returns the value EOF if an input failure occurs.

Program 5: Write a c program to get inputs as name, roll no, age and native place from
the keyboard and store the details in a data file. Also read the file and display formatted.



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char filename[12];
char name[30],rollno[5],nat_place[20],ch;
int age,i,end;
printf("Enter the filename to read and write:");
printf("Enter the name,rollno,age and native place::\n");
printf("\n\nDo U want to continue?");
} while((ch=='y')||(ch=='Y'));
end = ftell(fp);


An error may occur during input / output operations on a file. Some of the situations in which the
error occurs are as follows.

1.When reading the data beyond the EOF mark.

2.Device overflow (i.e., no space in disk)
3.Not opening of files.
4.Trying to perform an operation on a file, when the file is opened for another type of
operation. For example it is not possible to perform read operation, when the file is opened
for write operation.
5. Opening a file with an invalid file name.
Two library functions feof and ferror is used to detect I/O errors in the files.
feof( )
This function is used to test for an end of file condition. This function has only one argument. This
argument is a FILE pointer. This function returns a non-zero integer value if all the data from the
specified file has been read. Otherwise it returns zero. For example, the statements
printf ( “ End of file”);
displays the message “End of file”, on reaching the end of file condition.
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ferror( )

This function is used to report the status of the file specified. This function also takes only one
argument, FILE pointer. This function returns a non-zero integer if an error has been detected upto
that point during processing. Otherwise, it returns zero. For example, the statements


printf ( “ There will be an error”);

display the message “There will be error”, if the reading is not successful.


Sequential and Random Access File Handling in C

In computer programming, the two main types of file handling are:

• Sequential;
• Random access.
Sequential files are generally used in cases where the program processes the data in a sequential
fashion – i.e. counting words in a text file – although in some cases, random access can be feigned by
moving backwards and forwards over a sequential file.

True random access file handling, however, only accesses the file at the point at which the data should
be read or written, rather than having to process it sequentially.

In random access mode, it is possible to access only a particular part of a file. The functions available
for random access operations are (i)fseek (ii) ftell and (iii) rewind.

To access the forty fourth record then first forty three record read sequentially to reach forty four
record . In random access data can be accessed and processed directly .There is no need to read each
record sequentially . To access a particular record in a random access takes less time than the
sequential access

The ftell( ) function

This function returns the current offset position in the file. For example, as soon as a file is opened,
this function returns 0. this function is used to save the current position of a file, which can be used
later in the program. The general format is
long int position = ftell(ptrf);
where position would give the relative offset (in bytes) of the current position.

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The rewind( ) function

This function resets the pointer position to the beginning of the file. For example, the statements


position = ftell(ptrf);

assigns the value 0 to position. The first byte in the file is numbered as 0, second as 1 and so on.

This function is used to read a file more than once, without having to close and open the file.

fseek ( ) function

After performing an input or output operation on a file, the pointer is shifted to the next position in
the file. The “current position” is the position at which data will be read from in an input operation or
written to in an output operation. When a file is opened, the “current position”, is always at the
beginning of the file.

fseek function is used to move the file position to a desired location. The general format of fseek
function is

fseek(fileptr, offset,

where file-ptr is a pointer to the file concerned. Offset is a long integer that specifies the number of
bytes that have to be shifted. from_ where is an integer specifying the position on the file from
where the offset would be effective. from_where can take one of the following three values.

Value Meaning

0 Offset is effective from beginning of file

1 Offset is effective from the current position

2 Offset is effective from end of file

The offset may be positive or negative. If it is positive, the pointer moves forwards. If it is negative
the pointer moves backwards.


fseek(fp,0L,0) - beginning of the file ( similar to rewind)

fseek(fp,0L,1) - atay at current position
fseek(fp,0L,2) - Go to the end of the file
fseek(fp,m,0) - Move to (m+1) th byte in the file.
when the operation is successful, fseek returns 0; otherwise it returns 1.

fp = fopen (“mark.dat”, “r”);

fseek ( fp,0,0);

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ……. …..

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fseek (fp,5,0)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ……. …..

fseek(fp, -2,1)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ……. …..

Current position shifted by – 2 bytes.

Program 6 : Write a program that displays the content of a file in reverse order.

FILE *fp;
char ch;long int pos;
getch(); }

In the above program, the statement (fp, -1,2) is used to move the file pointer to the last character.

Since every read/write operation moves the file pointer forward by one position, the file pointer is
moved back by two positions to read a next character. This is achieved by the statement feek(fp-2,1).


Write a C program to find a read a text file and copy it to other file such that each word comes in
separate lines.

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FILE *fp1,*fp2;
char infile[12],outfile[12],ch;
printf("Enter the file name to read:");
printf("Enter the file name to write ");
if(ch==' ')
Write a program to convert lowercase text file to uppercase text file.

FILE *fp1,*fp2;
char lowerfile[12],upperfile[12],ch;
printf("Enter the file name to read:");
printf("\nEnter the file name to write :");

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Write a Program to remove all the comment lines in a C program.

void main(int arg ,char *argv[])
FILE *fp,*tmp;
char comment[3],ch;
int flag=1,f1,i,pt=0;
int start ,end;

for (i=0;i<f1;i++,pt++)
if(strcmp(comment,"*/" )==0)flag=0;
else if(strcmp(comment,"*/")==0)
pt=ftell(fp)+2; /*for avoid \n character*/
if( flag)

Write a C program to read from the keyboard and write the following data pertaining to the
supply of stores in a binary file using function and write();

Supplier Address Part No Qunatity

Ram Bros 12, Anna Salai 2345 45
SPK 345, Patel Road 567 78

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Use a structure for the fields in each record. Write a function to display the data on the screen

struct supplier
char name[20];
char addr[30];
int partno;
int qty;
main() {
FILE *fp;
char filename[12],ch;
int i,end;
printf("Enter the file name to write and read:");
printf("Enter the supplier name ,address,partno,quantity:\n");
fscanf(stdin," %s %s %d %d " ,supp.name,supp.addr,&supp.partno,&supp.qty);
fprintf(fp,"%s %s %d %d\n",supp.name,supp.addr,supp.partno,supp.qty);
printf("\n\n Do you want to continue?");
end =ftell(fp);
printf("\n\n Supplier\tAddress \tPartno\tQuantity\n\n");
getch(); }

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It is possible to pass some values from the command line to C programs when they are executed.
These values are called command line arguments and many times they are important to control the
program. Command line arguments are parameters. These parameters are supplied to a program
when the program is executed. The first parameters may represent a file name the program should

main( ) function can also take arguments like other functions. main( ) can take two arguments. So
when main is called, it is called with two arguments. They are argc and argv. The information
contained in the command lines is passed onto the program through these arguments.

The argc is called as an “argument counter” and it represents the number of command line arguments.
The argv is an argument vector, is a pointer to an arrays of character strings that containing the
arguments, one per string. The size of this array will be equal to the value of argc.

The c in argc stands for counter and v in argv stands for vector.

In order to access the command line arguments, main function is declared as follows:

main (int argc, char *argv[])


The first parameter in the command line is always the program name. Therefore argv[0] represents
the program name.


Assume that there is a program called “display” which displays whatever input string is fed to it. The
following program is invoked with the command line argument “display Good morning to everybody”.
Then the following program displays the message “Good morning to everybody”.

main (int argc, char *argv[])

int i = 1;
while ( -- argc>0)
printf ( “%s”, argv[i]);
if ( i<argc-1)
printf( “\n”);
printf(“ “);
C:\TC\BIN > display Good morning to everybody
Good morning to everybody
When the command is processed, the value of argc is 5.

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Argv Array of strings

. 0 Display\0
1 Good\0
2 morning\0
3 to\0
4 everybody\0

argv[0] is always the name of the program and argv[argc] is NULL.

C Program to Add two numbers using Command Line Arguments

void main(int argc, char * argv[])
int i, sum = 0;
if (argc != 3) {
printf("You have forgot to type numbers.");
printf("The sum is : ");
sum = sum + atoi(argv[1]) + atoi(argv[2]);
printf("%d", sum);
Write a Simple Calculator program using command line arguments

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
float result = atoi(argv[1]);
int i;
for (i = 3; i < argc; i = i + 2)
switch (*argv[i-1]) {
case '+':
result = result + atoi(argv[i]);
case '-':
result = result - atoi(argv[i]);
case '*':
result = result * atoi(argv[i]);
case '/':

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result = result / atoi(argv[i]);

printf("Wrong Input");
printf("\nResult = %f", result);
Write a program to copy the contents of one file to another file ( Read file names
using command line arguments ).

#include <stdio.h>
main (int argc, char *argv[]);
FILE *fp1, *fp2;
char ch;
fp1 = fopen(argv[1], “r”);
fp1 = fopen(argv[2], “w”);
ch = fgetc(fp1);
fputc(ch, fp2);
} while(ch != EOF);
printf ( “File copied”




Preprocessor processes the source code before the compilation begins. The preprocessor is invoked
automatically by the C compiler.
In C program, commands or instructions to the C compiler can be included. These are called
preprocessor directives. Every preprocessor directive must begin with the character #. Preprocessor
directive do not require a semicolon at the end. Preprocessor directives are placed in the source
program before the main function.

Preprocessor directives can be subdivided into

• Macro definition and substitution
• File inclusion.
• Compiler controlled directives.

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In macro substitution, an identifier is replaced by a string. The preprocessor accomplishes this task
with the help of define statement. The general form of define statement is

# define macro_name macro body

The above statement is used to replace the macro_name wherever it occurs in the program by the
string of the macro_body. Macro_name is generally written in uppercase letters.

The #define directive defines an identifier and a string/constant that is substituted in place of the
identifier name each time it is encountered in the file. This identifier is called macroname and the
replacement process is known as macro substitution.

There is no need of a semicolon after the statement having a #define directive.

Advantages of of #define statement :

1. It helps in generation of faster and compact code.

2. It saves the programmer’s time.
3. It reduces the chances of inconsistency within the program.
4. It makes the modification easier, as the value has to be changed only at one place in the
program i.e., it increases the flexibility of the program

Macro Substitutions

Simple macro substitution is commonly used to define constants


# define PI 3.14
# define PLACE “ SALEM”
# define SUM 0
Expressions can also be included in macro definition
For example,
# define AREA 10 * 25.5
# define THREE _PI 3 * 3.1
are also valid . Following examples are also the correct macro definitions.
# define EQUALS ==
# define AND &&
# define OR ||
# define NOT_EQUAL !=
# define INCREMENT ++
Then the following statement
if (age EQUALS 25 AND height NOT_EQUAL 50) INCREMENT count; is also valid.

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Macro with arguments

Macros with arguments takes the following form

# define variable name(a1,a2……..an), string

There should not be any space between variable name and the left parentheses. The arguments a1,
a2, are formal macro arguments.


#define square (A) (A*A)

if the following statement appears late in the program

AREA = square(side);

Then the above statement is equivalent to : AREA = side * side;


# define MAX (X,Y)(((X) >(Y))?(X:Y))

# define MIN(A,B)(((A)<(B)) ? (A):(B))
# define ABS(X) (((X)>0) ? (X)-X)))


#define AREA(x) ( 3.14 * x* x )

main( )
float r1 = 6.25, r2 = 2.5 , a;
a =AREA ( r1 ) ;
printf ( "Area of circle = %f\n", a ) ;
a = AREA ( r2) ;
printf ( "Area of circle = %f", a) ;

Difference between functions and macros in C

• Macro templates are replaced by macro expansion by preprocessor.
Whenever function is called, execution goes to that function, calculations are performed and
execution returns to main.
• Macros are faster than functions.
• In macros program size increases if called for more times.
• In function program remains compact even though called for several times.
• No address is associated with macro identifier and hence pointers cannot be used with
• When we pass the arguments to the macro, it never checks for their data types and checks for
only the number of arguments

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Undefining a Macro

undef directive is used to undefine a defined directive. The statement

# undef macro_name

cause the previous preprocessor directive with this macro_name to lapse. From this point onwards,
the previous definition will not hold good. undef is useful when restricting the definition only to a
particular part of the program,

Major advantage of using macro is to increase the speed of the execution of the program.

Disadvantages of Macros

• No type checking is performed in macro. This may cause error,

• A macro call may cause unexpected results.


External files containing function or macro definitions can be inserted into the program by the
preprocessor directive include. The general format for include directive is

# include “filename”, (or) # include <filename>

Where filename is the name of the file to be inserted. The preprocessor inserts the entire contents
into the source code of the program.

When the file name is within the double quotation marks, the file is first searched in the current
directory and then in the standard directories. When the file name is within a pair of angle brackets,
the file is searched only in the standard directories.


Compiling the selected portion of the program for a particular condition is called “conditional
compilation”. Conditional compilation directives are (i) ifdef (ii) ifndef (iii) #if #else #endif directive

The #ifdef feature is used to remove sections of codes automatically. For example,

# ifdef LABEL
Block _ 1
# else
Block _2
# endif
Block 1 will get compiled only if LABEL has been # defined. If LABEL has not been defined as a macro,
the Block1 won’t be sent for compilation at all. Block 2 will get compiled.
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For example, assume a single program can be compiled by two different makes of computer. The
following single program conditionally compiles only the code pertaining to either of the two
code for MACINTOSH
# else
code for IBM
# endif
ifdef means “if defined”. The above program would run smoothly on a MACINTOSH as well as IBM. If
MACINTOSH has been defined, then the above program will run on MACINTOSH computer. Otherwise
it will run on IBM computer. For running the above program in Macintosh, the directive # define
MACINTOSH may be included.


# define SQR
{ int i = 3;
# ifdef SQR
printf (“Square of I = %d”, I*I);
# else
printf (“ i = %d”, i);
# endif
The output of the above program is 9.

ifndef directive

ifndef means “if not defined”. This directive works exactly opposite to the directive #ifdef. The general
form of this directive is

#ifndef macro_name
statement 1;

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If there is no #define for macro_name, then statement1 will be executed otherwise statement2.

#if #else #endif directive

#if #else #endif directive tests an expression for non zero value and performs the conditional
compilation, The general form of this is:

# if constant-expression


Write a Macro to determine the absolute value of a numeric data and use the macro in
your program.

#define absolute(x) abs(x)
int num;
printf(“\n Enter the number:”);
printf(“\n The absolute value is:%d”,absolute(num));
Write a nested macro that gives the minimum of three values.

#define min(a,b) ((a>b)?b:a)
#define minthree(a,b,c) (min(min(a,b),c))
void main()
int x,y,z,w;
printf("enter three numbers :\n");
printf("Minimum of three value is %d",z);

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Write a program which accepts two file names from the command line and prints whether the
contents of the two files are same or not. If not, then print the first line number and then the
contents of the lines from which they differ. Assume that the lines in both the files have at most 80

main(int argc, char *argv[])
FILE *fp1, *fp2;
char ch1[80],ch2[80];
int i=1,j=1,l1=0,l2=0;
if (argc!=3)
printf ("\nWrong number of arguments.");
if (fp1==NULL)
printf ("\nunable to open the file %s",argv[1]);
if (fp2==NULL)
printf ("\nunable to open the file %s",argv[2]);
while (i!=0 && j!=0)
if (strcmp(ch1,ch2)!=0)
printf ("\nContents of both Files are not
printf ("\nLine Number\tContents\tFile
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printf ("%d\t\t%s\t\tFrom %s",l1,ch1,argv[1]);
printf ("%d\t\t%s\t\tFrom %s",l2,ch2,argv[2]);
if (i==0 && j==0)
printf ("\nBoth Files are equal");
printf("\nBoth files are not equal");
Write a C program to create a file contains a series of integer numbers and then reads all numbers
of this file and write all odd numbers to other file called odd and write all even numbers to a file
called even.

void main()
FILE *f1,*f2,*f3;
int i,j;
printf("Enter the data\n");
{ scanf("%d",&j);
if(j== -1) break;
{ if(j%2==0)
printf("\nContents of odd file\n");

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printf("\nContents of even file\n");
Write a C program to read name and marks of n number of students from user and store
them in a file.

#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
char name[50];
int marks,i,n;
printf("Enter number of students: ");
FILE *fptr;
printf("For student%d\nEnter name: ",i+1);
printf("Enter marks: ");
fprintf(fptr,"\nName: %s \nMarks=%d \n",name,marks);
return 0;
Write a C program to read name and marks of n number of students from user and store
them in a file. If the file previously exits, add the information of n students.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()

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char name[50];
int marks,i,n;
printf("Enter number of students: ");
FILE *fptr;
printf("For student%d\nEnter name: ",i+1);
printf("Enter marks: ");
fprintf(fptr,"\nName: %s \nMarks=%d \n",name,marks);
return 0;

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• A file a place on the disk where a group of related data is stored.

• For reading and writing on files, getc(0, putc(), getw() , puts() functions are used.
• Opening a file establishes a link between the program and the operating system, about, which
file we are going to access and how. The link between our program and the operating system
is structure called FILE, which has been defined, in the header file "stdio.h" (standard Input
Output header file).
• “r”s mode searches the disk for the filename. If it exists, then it is loaded from disk into the
memory and a pointer returned to the file; otherwise, an error occurs and returns NULL value.
NULL indicates that there will be a failure in opening the file.
• When opening a file in the write mode, the file is reset, resulting in deletion of any data already
present in the file. While in append mode this will not happen. Append mode is used to append
or add data to the existing data of file (if any). Hence, when opening a file in Append(a) mode,
the cursor is positioned at the end of the present data in the file.
• getc( ) function is used to read a character at a time from the file. When a file is opened, the
file pointer provides access to the first character written on the file.
• The getw( ) and putw( ) are integer oriented functions. These two functions are used to read
and write integer values.
• getc( ), putc( ), getw( ) and putw( ) function can handle one character or integer at a time. But
the functions, fprintf ( ) and fscanf ( ) can handle a group of data simultaneously.
• fprintf() and facanf() functions perform input/output operations that are identical to printf and
scanf functions. But these two functions work on files.
• Two library functions feof and ferror is used to detect I/O errors in the files.
• In random access mode, it is possible to access only a particular part of a file. The functions
available for random access operations are (i)fseek (ii) ftell and (iii) rewind.
• fFtell() function returns the current offset position in the file. For example, as soon as a file is
opened, this function returns 0.
• rewind() function resets the pointer position to the beginning of the file.
• When a file is opened, the “current position”, is always at the beginning of the file. fseek
function is used to move the file position to a desired location.
• The functions getc( ) reads one character from current pointer position,.
• For random access on files, the following functions are provided , namely , ftell, rewind and
• When an existing file is open using “w” mode, the contents of file are deleted.
• EOF is an integer type with a value -1. Therefore, integer variable must be used for EOF.
• It is a good practice to close all file before terminating a program.
• In the command line parameters , the first parameters may represent a file name the program
should process.
• The argc is called as an “argument counter” and it represents the number of command line
arguments. The argv is an argument vector, is a pointer to an arrays of character strings that
containing the arguments, one per string.
• The c in argc stands for counter and v in argv stands for vector.

Preprocessor processes the source code before the compilation begins. The preprocessor is
invoked automatically by the C compiler.
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• Preprocessor directives can be subdivided into Macro definition and substitution , File
inclusion , Compiler controlled directives.
• The #define directive defines an identifier and a string/constant that is substituted in place of
the identifier name each time it is encountered in the file. This identifier is called macroname
and the replacement process is known as macro substitution.
• Macro templates are replaced by macro expansion by preprocessor.
Whenever function is called, execution goes to that function, calculations are performed and
execution returns to main.
• Major advantage of using macro is to increase the speed of the execution of the program.
• External files containing function or macro definitions can be inserted into the program by the
preprocessor directive include.
• Compiling the selected portion of the program for a particular condition is called “conditional
compilation”. Conditional compilation directives are (i) ifdef (ii) ifndef (iii) #if #else #endif


PART – A (2 Marks)

1. What are the disadvantages of handling large volume of data through keyboards ?

2. Write down the general format for defining and opening a file.

3. What do you mean by file pointer?

4. What is the difference between write and append mode?

5. What do you understand by opening a data file? How is this performed?

6. Differentiate between the following : getw(0 and putw()

7. State the difference between getc() and fscanf() functions when handling data.

8. How to find the end of file?

9. What is the advantage of random file access methods?

10. What are the common uses of rewind and ftell functions?

11. What do the ‘c” and “v” in argc and argv stand for?

12. What is a preprocessor?

13. How the preprocessor directives can be sub divided?

14. What is a macro? What points to be considered while defining macros.

15. What are the advantage of #define statement?

16. What are the advantage of macros?

17. What do you mean by undefining a Macro?

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18. State the difference between #include “stdio.h” and #include <stdio.h>

19. What is conditional compilation?

20. Give some examples for conditional compilation directives.

PART – B (3 Marks)

1. Describe various modes of opening a data file in C

2. Mention any three purposes for closing a file.
3. What are the functions associated with random access of a file?
4. Tabulate the differences between functions and macros
5. How to use ftell() function in a file program?
6. Explain #define directive.
7. What is conditional compilation? Give an example.
8. Distinguish between #ifdef and #if directives.
9. What is the difference between the statements rewind(fp); and fseek(fp,0L,0);?
PART – C (5/10 Marks)
1. Briefly explain about the Input / Output operations on files

2. List down the situations in which errors may occur.

3. What are the two functions used to detect I/O errors in the files? Explain them.

4. Explain the syntax and usage of functions used in random access of a file with examples.

5. Write a program in C to replace every uppercase letter with corresponding lowercase letters
and vice-versa in a file.

6. Write a C program to concatenate two text files.

7. Write a C program to copy a text file to another.

8. What is macro substitution? Explain with an example.

9. Explain macro with arguments with an example program

10. Define a macro CIRCUMFERENCE having argument r for finding the circumference of a circle.
Write a C program to use it in main() function.

11. Define a macro INTEREST having arguments p,r,and n for finding the simple interest. Write a
C program to use it in main () function to compute the simple interest for principal, rate and
time as 2000, 10.0, 12.0 respectively.

12. What is file inclusion? Explain.

13. Explain about conditional directives.

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