Total Inspection Points
Total Inspection Points
Total Inspection Points
- Risk assessment: if you didn’t make it yet, you can use our template
attached and I extracted quickly below few lines I had related to
welding from previous projects (some of it are not relevant at all to
your activity but still some points can help as a basis). As ERP, the
idea is not do hundred pages but simply to ensure that the risk is
controlled and acceptable for all your activities. The most important is
not to forget any activity! Don’t forget that the risks and mitigation
measures are different based on your welding process (MIG, TIG, SMAW,
FCAW, etc…)
- List of PPE: can you please tell me if the PPE for the trainees are
already at location (I hope yes so that we can check them), provide me a
list of standard PPE you will provide to trainees and your personnel.
Please specify clearly the standards of PPE (it shall be EN or ANSI
compliant, not locally manufactured without standards of course). Thanks
to detail the respiratory protection specs (what kind of mask do you
provide for which activity or process of welding) and the welding masks
-Health: are you providing rest areas, showers, number of toilets, their
condition, water availability, soap, etc… we’ll have a look at it
-Safety board: please prepare a simple white board that can be displayed
close to training area simply to communicate on HSE related topics
(emergency contacts, first aid kit, identification of personnel trained
for first aid, incident reports, safety feedbacks,etc…). I attached
few contacts that you can use but you can find many online or you might
,already have a database.fa
Hello Jonathan,
Kindly follow through the following information as requested in preparation for the field visit of the
Assessment and Skilling Center training facilities in Lwengo and Hoima
- Layout of the training facility : Please see attached the layouts of the two training facilities to be used
for the Welder Training and Certification Program namely: Lwengo Technical Institute in Lwengo and St
Simon Peter Vocational Training Center in Hoima
- Simple organization chart of the training facility: Please see attached the organization chart explaining
the hierarchy at the training facility.
- Emergency Response Plan. Please also see attached the documented Emergency Response Plan
- Risk assessment: See attached a Risk Assessment for the Welder Training and Certification facility. The
Risk Assessment format that’s attached is one that we have been using at TASC. Kindly review and
advise if it is sufficient or we adopt
- Training curriculum: Health and Safety training will be central to the Welder training program and as
such, all trainees have to take part in a weeklong Health and Safety Induction and Awareness level
Training for several HSE subjects that are closely related to the Welder Training and Certification
Program. Please see attached the training schedule for this weeklong Health and Safety Induction and
Awareness Training
- List of PPE: The PPE to be used by trainees is not yet on site, but please see attached a list of PPE that
will be availed to the delegates
-Non-Destructive Test: The None Destructive Tests to be carried out during the training will include:
Visual Tests and Penetrant Tests, Ultra Sound Tests will be used in the Final Assessment
-Ventilation: The training container facilities fully open to allow air flow and avoid buildup of fumes in
the welding areas of the training facilities. Additionally, the containerized training facilities have been
strategically positioned in open space. as vapors and fumes are a major long-term hazard for
-Consumables management: Consumables are stored at our site stores, these include products and
materials used during training. Some of these products are chemicals. We have corresponding MSDS
documents for these chemical consumables. Attached here is a list of chemicals that we may use during
the upcoming Welder training and Certification Program
-Gesture and posture/Ergonomics: This topic is extensively covered in the HSE induction and Awareness
training that takes place in the first week of training. Trainees will also encouraged to continuously
identify any unsafe acts that occur during the course of the training and take corrective action
immediately. This will be implemented through the Safety Observation Card Tool. This tool will be
introduced to the trainees as early as the first week. Statistics accumulated by this tool will also feed
into the HSE report board that will capture among other things, the manhours completed without and
incident, toolboxes completed etc. This HSE report board will be located at the safety board
-Flash arc prevention – As we shall observe at the training facilities, We control flash arc hazard by using
welding curtains that are set up to create a welding booth
-HSE Training: All site administrators will have First aid training Level 1. These will be the designated first
responders in the event of a first aid case before escalation to further medical treatment if needed.
-Safety board: A safety board for each training facility has the information as attached here for your
I hope we shall discover more about processes in the process of the forthcoming inspection. O goal is to
use the inspection and results for corrective action and continual improvement.
Alex Tukachungurwa