Department of Education: Professionals and Practitioners in Social Work
Department of Education: Professionals and Practitioners in Social Work
Department of Education: Professionals and Practitioners in Social Work
Department of Education
Division of City Schools of Kidapawan
1. Content Standards 2. Performance Standard C. Learning Competency/ies:
Understand the disciplines of demonstrate a high level of understanding of the discuss the core values of social
social work basic concepts of social work through a group work
presentation of a situation in which practitioners of
social work collaborate to assist individuals, groups, or
communities involved in difficult situations
II-CONTENT Professionals and Practitioners In Social Work
need it most.
3. Is a very important value for social work because it separates social caregiving from
social work professional practice.
4. Provides the determination and drive for social workers to seek the marginalized in all
forms without much regard as to whether such problem is self- inflicted or socially
5. Social work is all about relationship.
G. Making generalizations and Answer the following questions
abstractions about the lesson 1. What are the core values of Social Work?
2. Why is it necessary for a social worker to follow a set of core values?
H. Finding Practical applications • Do you see yourself as a social worker by profession in the future? Yes, or No? Why?
of concepts and skills in daily • What particular core values of social work that you are willing to apply in your life? Why?
I. Evaluation of Learning Direction: Answer the following by demonstrating a comprehensive approach to the context.
• If you are the social worker, how will you handle the case?
• What core values and principles are you going to apply?
• How will you manage the situation?
Shancai is a newcomer at the senior high school program of FEBIHS. Being a new to the school,
she observed to be silent and avoids interaction in groups very often. Three months after, the
situation remains the same as she still finds difficulty building relationships. She prefers to eat, to
study and walk alone. Bothered by the situation of Shancai, her adviser in class referred the case
to school’s social worker.
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned B. No. of learners who scored C. Did the remedial D. No. of learners who
80?% in the evaluation: below 80% who needs lessons work? No. of continue to require
________ additional activities for learners who have caught remediation: _________
remediation: _______ up with the lesson:
E. Which of my teaching strategy/ies worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter with my principal or superior can help me solve?
Prepared by:
School Head