1. Introduction
CH9102 is a USB bus converter chip, which converts USB to serial port. Provides standard MODEM signal,
to expand serial port for computer or upgrade directly from normal serial device or MCU to USB bus.
Computer or
Other USB CH9102
host USB UART/RS232/RS485/RS422
2. Features
l Full speed USB device interface, USB 2.0 compatible.
l Built-in firmware, emulate standard UART interface, used to upgrade the original serial peripherals
or expand additional UART via USB.
l Original serial applications are totally compatible without any modification in Windows operating
l Supports free installation OS which built-in CDC driver or multi-functional high-speed VCP vendor
l Hardware full duplex UART interface, integrated independent transmit-receive buffer, supports
communication baud rate varies from 50bps to 4Mbps.
l UART supports 5, 6, 7 or 8 data bits, and supports odd, even, space, mark and none parity.
l Supports common MODEM interface signals RTS, DTR, DCD, RI, DSR and CTS.
l Supports CTS and RTS hardware automatic flow control.
l Supports half-duplex, provides sending status TNOW, used for controlling RS485 to
transmit-receive switch.
l Supports RS232 interface, through external voltage conversion chip.
l Supports 5V and 3.3V power supply.
l CH9102F UART interface I/O powered independently, support 5V, 3.3V, 2.5V, 1.8V power supply
l CH9102X UART interface I/O only supports 3.3V power supply voltage.
l Integrated power-on reset, integrated clock, no external crystal required.
l Built-in EEPROM used to configure the chip of VID, PID, maximum current value, vendor and
product information string, etc.
l Integrated Unique ID (USB Serial Number).
CH9102 Datasheet 2
3. Packages
The backplane of CH9102F/CH9102X is 0# pin GND, which is an optional but recommended connection;
other GND are necessary connections.
CH9102X VIO pins and V3 pins have been short-circuited internally.
The USB transceiver of CH9102 is designed according to the built-in design of USB2.0, and it is
recommended that no external resistor is in series with UD+ and UD- pins.
4. Pin definitions
Pin Name Pin Type Pin Description
Pin No. Pin No.
Power supply voltage input, requires an external
decoupling capacitor
connected I/O power supply voltage input, requires an external
to VIO decoupling capacitor
23 28 DTR OUT MODEM output signal, data terminal ready, active low
5. Function descriptions
5.1. Internal structure
CH9102 supports 5V or 3.3V supply voltage, and the V3 pin should be externally connected to a power
decoupling capacitor with a capacity of about 0.1uF. When using 5V power supply (greater than 3.8V),
VDD5 inputs external 5V power supply (for example, the USB bus power supply), the internal voltage
regulator generates 3.3V on V3 which used by USB transceivers. When using 3.3V or lower operating
voltage (less than 3.6V), V3 should be connected to VDD5, while input external 3.3V power supply. V3 still
requires an external decoupling capacitor.
VIO pin of CH9102 provides I/O power for serial port I/O and RST pin. It supports 1.8V~5V power supply
voltage. VIO should use the same power supply as MCU and other peripherals. UD+, UD- and VBUS pins
use V3 power supply, not VIO power supply.
CH9102 automatically supports USB device suspension to save power consumption. In the USB suspend
state, if the I/O output pin has no external load and the I/O input pin is floating (internally pulled up) or in a
high level state, the VIO power supply will not consume current. In addition, when V3 and VDD5 lose
power and are at a voltage of 0V, the current consumption of VIO is the same as above, and VIO will not
flow backwards current to VDD5 or V3.
CH9102 Datasheet 5
VBUS should be connected to USB bus power supply, and when the loss of USB power is detected, CH9102
will turn off the USB and sleep (hang up). CH9102 provides VIO low-voltage protection mechanism when
VBUS connects with resistor in series and used to control VIO power through PMOS. During the shutdown
of the VBUS pull down resistance, if VIO voltage is detected to be lower than about 1.4V, then CH9102 will
automatically absorb about 300uA discharge current on VBUS, until the end of the discharge current after
the VIO voltage rises, and enables the pull-down resistance automatically.
Several power supply connection schemes for reference here:
USB powered Connects to Self-powered 1.8V~5V
Dual power 1.8V~5V
5V capacitor only (1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5V)
Self-powered Connects to
4V~5V Self-powered 4V~5V
All 4V~5V capacitor only
self-powered Self-powered, rated 3.3V,
1.8V~5V Self-powered 1.8V~5V
connects to external capacitor
Recommended dual power supplies scheme, only VIO and MCU use the same power supply, low-current
consumption VIO current is only 2uA when USB suspend or sleep.
VIO and V3 of CH9102X have been shorted internally. VIO uses the 3.3V power output by the internal
voltage regulator LDO. CH9102X only supports 3.3V serial port signals.
USB bus.
CH9102 has a built-in power-on reset circuit, and also provides an external reset input pin with active low
level. When the RST pin is at a low level, CH9102 will be reset; when the RST pin returns to a high level,
CH9102 internal will continue to delay reset for about 15mS, and then enter the normal working state
CH9102 has a built-in low-voltage reset circuit, and monitors the voltage of the V3 pin and VIO pin at the
same time. When the voltage of V3 is lower than VRV3 or the voltage of VIO is lower than VRVIO, the chip
will automatically reset by hardware.
CH9102 has built-in clock generator, without external crystal and oscillation capacitor.
6. Parameters
6.1. Absolute maximum ratings
(Operating in critical ratings or exceeding the absolute maximum ratings may cause chip to not work or even
be damaged)
VIO=5V 0 1.5 V
VIL Input high voltage VIO=3.3V 0 0.9 V
VIO=1.8V 0 0.5 V
VIO=5V 2.5 VIO V
VIH Input high voltage VIO=3.3V 1.9 VIO V
VIO=1.8V 1.3 VIO V
Error of internal clock (influence TA=-15℃~60℃ -1.0 ± 0.5 +1.0 %
baud rate comparatively) TA=-40℃~85℃ -1.5 ± 0.8 +1.5 %
TRSTD Reset delay after power on or external reset input 9 15 25 mS
TRI Effective signal width of RST external reset input 100 nS
TSUSP Detect USB automatic suspend time 3 5 9 mS
TWAKE Wake-up completion time after chip sleep 1.2 1.5 5 uS
7. Applications
7.1. USB to 9-line TTL UART
The figure below is the USB to TTL converter realized by CH9102F. Only RXD, TXD and public ground are
necessary connection, while the others are optional.
P4 is USB port, USB bus contains a pair of 5V power lines and a pair of data signals. Usually, the color of
+5V power line is red, the black one is ground. D+ signal line is green and the D- signal line is white. The
max supply current of USB bus is up to 500mA.The VBUS pin detects the USB power supply status here.
The capacitor C2 on V3 is 0.1uF, used to CH9102 internal power decoupling. C1 and C3 are used for
external power decoupling.
For CH9102F, if VIO has been short-circuited with V3 in the application, C3 can be omitted; In the case of
VIO=V3=VDD5, all self-powered 3.3V, capacitors C2 and C3 can be omitted.
Three power supply schemes: One is all USB power supply, CH9102 and USB products directly use the 5V
power supply provided by the USB bus, that is, VDD5=VBUS=USB 5V power, VIO=VMCU=USB 5V or
1.8V~4V after step-down; The second is separate and independent power supply. The VIO of CH9102 and
the MCU of the product use self-supplied standing power VDD, while CH9102 uses USB power, and its
VDD5 is connected to the USB power VBUS, that is, VDD5=VBUS=USB 5V power, VIO=VMCU=VDD=
self-supply 1.8V~5V; The third is all self-powered, only detecting but not using USB power, USB products
provide power VDD through self-powered mode, mainly VDD5=VIO=VMCU=VDD=self-supplied 5V or
VDD5=V3=VIO=VMCU=VDD=self-supplied 3.3 V two kinds.
When designing the PCB, pay attention to: the decoupling capacitors C1, C2 and C3 should be as close as
possible to the connected pins of CH9102; The D+ and D- signal lines are placed close to the parallel wiring,
and ground or copper should be provided on both sides to reduce signal interference from the other parts.
CH9102 Datasheet 10
In the figure, TNOW is the switch pin, the TNOW pin can be used to control DE (active high and transmit
enabled) and RE# (active low and receive enabled) pin of RS485 transceiver. RS485 transceiver should use
the same power supply as VIO.