Experiment No: 13: To Measure The Liquid Velocity in The Sample Using Ultrasonic Interferometer

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Experiment No: 13

To measure the liquid velocity in the sample using Ultrasonic Interferometer

Aim: To measure the sample of liquid velocity in Ultrasonic Interferometer.

Objectives: a) To understand the working of Ultrasonic Interferometer.

b) Learn the applications of Ultrasonic Interferometer.

 Ultrasonic Interferometer
 Water


An ultrasonic interferometer is a device used to determine the velocity of

ultrasonic sound waves in a liquid medium. It operates on the principle of acoustic
interference, where sound waves are produced and measured by creating standing
waves within a liquid.

Working Principle:

An Ultrasonic Interferometer is a simple and direct device to determine the

ultrasonic velocity in liquids with a high degree of accuracy.

The principle used in the measurement of velocity (v) is based on the accurate
determination of the wavelength (2) in the medium. Ultrasonic waves of known
frequency (f) are produced by a quartz crystal fixed at the bottom of the cell. These
waves are reflected by a movable metallic plate kept parallel to the quartz crystal.
If the separation between these two plates is exactly a whole multiple of the sound
wavelength, standing waves are formed in the medium. This acoustic resonance
gives rise to an electrical reaction on the generator driving the quartz crystal and
the anode current of the generator becomes a maximum.

If the distance is now increased or decreased and the variation is exactly one half
wavelengths (λ/2) or multiple of it, anode current becomes maximum. From the
knowledge of wavelength ( λ) the velocity (v) can be obtained by the relation:

Velocity = Wavelength x Frequency


Fig. 1: Cross section of the liquid cell

Fig. 2: Position of Reflector vs Crystal Current.


1. Remove the top reflector assembly from the Liquid cell. Pour experimental
liquid into cell and screw the knurled cap. Important: Liquid should be
filled, while keeping the cell out of the circular base. Wipe out excess liquid
overflowing from the cell.
2. Insert the Liquid cell in the base and tight it with the side screw provided.
3. Connect the base to the Electronic unit by co-axial cable provided with the
4. Switch ON the main unit.
5. Keep the "ADJ" knob at middle approx and "GAIN" knob at maximum.
Move the micrometer slowly in anticlockwise direction starting from 0
(zero). Micro-ammeter will show change in reading. If needle goes below
0(minus reading) or beyond 50, it had to be shifted to within scale with the
help of "ADJ" knob or "GAIN" knob. Keep on rotating the micrometer knob
in same direction, and bring the needle within scale (if crosses the scale)
first with the help of "Adj" then with "GAIN", if required such that both
maxima (maximum current value) and minima (minimum current value) are
within the scale i.e. within 0 - 100 μΑ Note: In present setup, Ratchet has no
function. Micrometer had to be rotated using knurled grip only.
6. Note the readings of micrometer corresponding to the maximum or
minimum (whichever is sharper) in micro-ammeter. Take about 50 readings
of consecutive maximum or minimum and tabulate them as shown below:

Micrometer Reading corresponding Difference between consecutive

S. NO to Maximum/Minimum maxima/minima
(in mm) (λ/2 )

7. Take average of all the differences (λ/2)

8. Once the wavelength (λ) is known the velocity (v) in the liquid can be
calculated with the help of the relation v= λ x f


A. Do not switch on the generator without filling the experimental liquid in the

B. Do not tilt the cell after filling the liquid to avoid now of liquid towards
micrometer which may rust/jam the threads of micrometer head.

C. Remove experimental liquid out of cell after use. Keep it cleaned and dried.
D. Keep micrometer open at 25mm after use.

E. Avoid sudden rise or fall in temperature of circulated liquid to prevent thermal

shock to the quartz crystal.

F. While cleaning the cell care should be taken not to spoil or scratch the gold
plating on the quartz crystal.

G. Give your generator 15 seconds warming up time before the observation.

Sample Calculations For Water

Frequency f = 2 MHz

Average λ/2 = 0.38mm

Ultrasonic velocity
In sample, v = λ x f = 1520 m/sec

Density of liquid ρ = 996.458kg / (m3)

Compressibility βad = . 1 .

= . 1 .
996.458 x (1520)

= 4.5x10-10 N/m2
Suggested Reference:
1. Introduction to Instrumental and Control by A.K.Ghosh, 4 th edition, PHI
2. Industrial Instrumentation by K.Krishnaswamy and S. Vijayachitra, New
Age International Publication.

Reference Used by Students:

Rubrics wise marks obtained:

Rubrics 1 2 3 4 5 Total

1. Group work while performing experiment.
2. Understand the concept while performing the experiment.
3. Individual work done while performing the experiment.
4. Analysis of the observations.
5. Quiz answers and submission in time.

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