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Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2018/74/4 19

EREM 74/4 Production of Packaging from Recycled Materials: Challenges

Journal of Environmental Research,
Related to Hazardous Substances
Engineering and Management
Vol. 74 / No. 4 / 2018 Received 2018/11 Accepted after revision 2018/11
pp. 19-30
DOI 10.5755/j01.erem.74.4.22148
© Kaunas University of Technology http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.erem.74.4.22148

Production of Packaging from

Recycled Materials: Challenges
Related to Hazardous Substances
Ieva Kazulytė, Jolita Kruopienė
Kaunas University of Technology, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Gedimino 50, LT-44239 Kaunas, Lithuania

Corresponding author: ieva.kazulyte@ktu.lt

I. Kazulytė, Kaunas University of Technology, School of Business and Economics, Gedimino str. 50, Kaunas

Packaging waste that is not recycled or reused has a negative environmental effect and presents serious
concern. At the same time, various materials, which were used to manufacture packaging, could be used as
resources for production of new packaging or other products. For these reasons, legislation is tightening up
with waste management objectives becoming more stringent in order to reduce the volume of not recycled,
reused or recovered waste and encourage implementation of circular economy concept and use of materials
based on the closed-loop principle.
This paper analyses issues related to production of packaging by using materials from recycled packaging
waste with the focus on the influence of hazardous substances the waste may contain, and considers potential
problems in the context of implementation of circular economy principles according to the latest EU legislation.
Keywords: packaging, recycling, hazardous chemical substances, recycled raw materials in packaging production.

A significant part of packaging economy still uses same time, the concept of circular economy (CE) is
the linear model “take-produce-consume-discard”, getting more and more attention on various levels
which assumes that economic growth can be based (Reike et al., 2018), including the legislation. In the
on the abundance of resources and unlimited pack- circular economy, various materials are highly valued
aging waste disposal (Jurgilevich et al., 2016). At the and perceived as a source of resources, unlike in the
20 Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2018/74/4

traditional, linear economy model (EC, 2018c; Geisen-

dorf and Pietrulla, 2018). Generally speaking, the main Methods
purpose of CE for industry is “closing the loop” to pro- An overview of recycling and barriers to recycling was
mote industrial systems minimising waste, and re- based on the analysis of scientific literature, study
ducing raw material and energy inputs (Stahel, 2016; reports, EU strategic documents and legislation, sta-
Niero and Hauschild, 2017). When turning the linear tistical data, as well as practical experience when
economy model in to the circular economy model, working with and assisting companies to develop
it is important to understand and separate three ex- Declarations of Compliance of the EN 13427.
isting ways to close the loop (Stahel, 2013). They are
A survey was conducted in September 2018 with
“reduce, reuse and recycle” materials and product op-
companies that manufacture packaging in Lithuania.
tions (Jurgilevich et al., 2016; Zink and Geyer, 2017).
In total, 82 such companies were identified, which
For packaging, the “reduce” loop principle promotes
manufacture packaging from glass, plastic, PET, pa-
package redesigns and increases material efficiency;
per and cardboard, metal, wooden, composite, and
it is related to the initial stage of packaging. When a
other (textile) materials. Questionnaires were sent by
product reaches the end of its life cycle, reuse and
e-mail to the identified companies. The response was
recycling provide an opportunity to extend keeping
received from 48 companies out of 82. The question-
of materials in the economy (Clark et al., 2016). The
naire included questions on the use of recycled mate-
“reuse” packaging loop’s intended purpose is to reuse
rials: does the company use recycled raw materials,
packaging as many cycles as possible. Recycling is
why and how much, what share of production is made
the third component of the “reduce, reuse, recycle”
of recycled materials, what has inspired the produc-
waste hierarchy. The “recycling” packaging loop’s in-
tion of packaging made from recycled materials, and
tended purpose is to return resources as secondary
what are the disadvantages of packaging produced
raw materials back to the economy cycle for produc-
from recycled materials.
tion of new packages or other products.
Legislation provides increasingly stringent targets Packaging recycling: targets, achievements,
for recycling of packaging. However, legislation does regulations
not demand the use of minimum levels of recycled Strategic aims for packaging recycling
materials in new packaging, nor does it require to
The European Commission’s ambition to increase re-
have a certain share of production (packaging) to be
cycling and promote a more environmentally friend-
made from recycled materials. In practice, a number
ly economy according to the circular economy con-
of obstacles arise when trying to close the loops of
cept causes countries to be concerned about the
packaging materials. Purity/genuineness of materi-
well-functioning packaging waste systems (Dodick
als constituting the flow of used packaging is one of
and Kauffman, 2015). To improve them, the European
the major problems. Among the causes which may
Commission allocates much attention to packaging
compromise its purity are substances used in pack-
treatment targets in European Union. As a part of the
aging production or added to raw materials in order to
circular economy package, the European Commission
make the production processes easier or improve the
presented an action plan as well as a number of legis-
properties of the packaging.
lative proposals in 2015; proposals on Waste Frame-
The purpose of current article was to overview the is- work Directive and Packaging and Packaging Waste
sue related the use of recycled materials in the produc- Directive were among them (EC, 2015; European Par-
tion of new packaging, concentrating on the potential liament, 2016). In 2018, amendments to both direc-
presence of hazardous chemical substances in recycled tives were adopted: 2018/851 made amendments to
packaging waste flow. As well as, overview the most the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC), and
important legislation that regulates the further usage of 2018/852 made amendments to Packaging and Pack-
recycled materials in the packaging supply chain. aging Waste Directive (94/62/EC).
Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2018/74/4 21

Both directives pay attention to prevention, reuse, Packaging waste generation and treatment
and collection of waste streams and set a number of
Currently, about a quarter of EU municipal waste is
new recovery and recycling targets. It is foreseen to
still landfilled, less than half is recycled or compost-
increase municipal waste recycling/preparation for
ed, with wide variations between Member States
reuse to at least 55% by 2025, to 60% by 2030, and to
(Eurostat, 2018a). Packaging in the municipal waste
65% by 2035. Specific targets for packaging recycling
stream constitutes some 34% (Eurostat, 2015a). Its
by 2025 and 2030 are the following: for all packaging –
generation, somewhat fluctuated during the previous
65% and 70%, plastic – 50% and 55%, wood – 25% and
years, might be due to the economic slump in 2009. On
30%, ferrous metals – 70% and 80%, aluminum – 50%
average, 84.5 million tonnes, or 166.3 kg/inhabitant,
and 60%, glass – 70% and 75%, and paper and card-
were generated in EU-28 in 2015 (Eurostat, 2018b).
board – 75% and 85%, respectively.
According to the report “The Future of Global Pack-
Currently, the EU Member States have to comply with aging to 2022”, the demand for packaging will grow
targets set in 2008 for recycling and recovery: a min- steadily at 2.9% until 2022, which means, respective-
imum of 60% recovery rate (including waste inciner- ly, increase in packaging waste (Smithers Pira, 2018).
ation); between 55% and 80% of packaging waste to Paper and cardboard (~41%), plastics (~19%), glass
be recycled; minimum rates of 60% for glass, paper (~19%), wood and metals are, in that order, the most
and cardboard, 50% for metals, 22.5% for plastics, and common types of packaging waste in the EU Member
15% for wood. States. Less than 0.3% are attributed to other materi-
A lot of attention is being paid to plastics as one of als. It needs to be noted that composite packages are
the priority areas (Hahladakis et al., 2018; Packaging usually declared according to material which is larger
Europe, 2018). A European Strategy for Plastics in a by weight.
Circular Economy presents a vision that by 2030 all The recycling and recovery rates of packaging waste
plastics packaging placed on the EU market is either evolved in parallel. The recycling rate went up from
reusable or can be recycled in a cost-effective manner 56.9% in 2006 to 65.8% in 2015 (for EU-27). The
(EC, 2018a).

Fig 1.
Generation and recycling of all packaging waste in EU countries in 2015 (Eurostat, 2018b)
Title of the paper (at the odd page header)



kg/ inhabitant





United Kingdom









Czech Republic


European Union








Generated Recycled

2 Fig 1. Generation and recycling of all packaging waste in EU countries in 2015 (Eurostat, 2018b).
4 Statistics show the amount of recycled materials, but do not indicate whether this was a closed-loop recycling,
5 where the recycled materials were incorporated back into the packages, or whether it was an “open-loop” recycling,
6 where materials were used for other purposes.
8 Recycling challenges
22 Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2018/74/4

recovery rate rose from 68.9% in 2006 to 79.0% in the product cycle. Contamination of collected pack-
2015 (Eurostat, 2018b). Recycling was the main form aging materials with chemicals hinders their further
of recovery in all countries; in addition, recovery also processing and handling. This can happen either due
includes incineration at incinerators with energy re- to the use of certain raw materials and additives in
covery. the packaging, or because of what was packaged and
Fig. 1 gives an overview of the situation reported by stored (Hopewell et al., 2009; Peenarun et al., 2004;
the EU Member States in 2015 on packaging waste Pivnenko et al., 2016).
generated and recycled per inhabitant. There were Recycling opportunities and barriers by the type of
wide variations across the Member States. The gen- packaging materials are reviewed below.
eration rate varied between 51.2 kg/inhabitant in Plastics packaging. Simple, but true: when plastics are
Croatia to 222.3 kg/inhabitant in Germany. Germany recycled, they are usually “downcycled” (Plastics Europe,
also reported the highest amount of packaging waste 2017). Plastics cannot go through the closed-loop re-
recycled (154.1 kg/inhabitant). However, when ex- cycling processes like glass or metal, because they
pressed in percentage, Belgium had the highest rate cannot be made into the product with same quality,
for both recycling (81.5%) and recovery (99.3%) (Eu- and end up being harmful because of their chemical
rostat, 2018b). properties and how they were made in the beginning
Regarding different packaging materials, the average (Koushal et al., 2014; Ningwei et al., 2009; Plastics
recycling rate was the following: 85% for paper and Europe, 2016). To attain the desired products, more
cardboard packaging; 78% for metallic packaging; chemicals and additives are added to the recycled
74% for glass packaging; 40% for wooden packaging, products (McDonough and Braungart, 2002). These
and 42% for plastic packaging (Eurostat, 2016). Obvi- additives, used for recycled plastic packaging, mean
ously, targets set for 2008 by Directive 94/62/EC were that plastics often contain a complex blend of chem-
reached and exceeded, pointing to the need of more ical substances (DTI, 2014; Li et al., 2009; Satapathy,
ambitions aims. 2016). Thus, plastics are not always pure products but
Statistics show the amount of recycled materials, but mixed with resins and waxes, plasticizers, oils, etc.
do not indicate whether this was a closed-loop recy- (EC, 2018b; Lahimer et al., 2017). The risk of contam-
cling, where the recycled materials were incorporated ination increases when packaging is made and prod-
back into the packages, or whether it was an “open- ucts are packed outside the EU (Stenmark et al. 2017).
loop” recycling, where materials were used for other Traceability of chemical additives of plastics composi-
purposes. tion can be a significant barrier to further cyclic use of
packaging because they can harm the quality of the
Recycling challenges recycled material. That is why it is very important for
Packaging recycling as well as the use of recycled chemical engineers, packaging manufacturers, pro-
materials for packaging production face a variety of cessors and others to share information about chem-
challenges related to technical, economic, environ- icals and processes in packaging. Recycling also be-
mental, social and legal issues. Increasing recycling comes complicated when co-extrusion or lamination
costs, lack of raw materials, availability of technolo- combines multiple materials.
gies to separate different materials, increasing num- The broad stream of recycled plastics cannot compete
bers of legal acts are just a few examples of them. with virgin plastics so far. The plastic packaging chain
One of the barriers faced by operators who want to is currently a dominantly supply-led market: the plas-
use secondary raw materials is uncertainty as to their tic packaging material is recycled, regardless of the
quality. Many problems occur in packaging recycling demand for these recycled plastics. And although the
when attempts to solve the issue of hazardous sub- demand for recycled plastics for packaging is certainly
stances in packaging are shifted to the end of the rising, this is not enough to offset the demand for the
process instead of eliminating them at the outset of primary plastic materials (KIDV, 2017). According to
Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2018/74/4 23

Villanueva and Eder (2014), the main challenge for the infinitely recyclable without loss of quality and there
plastics recycling industry is that plastic processors is no “down cycling” of materials; they enter the ma-
require large quantities of recycled plastics, manu- terial-to-material loop (PRAG, 2009). Metal recycling
factured to strict specifications, which must remain at does not necessarily require the addition of primary
a competitive price in comparison with that of virgin material or chemical additives to enable the basic
plastic. Price is the key determinant in the demand for material function and properties (Metal Packaging
recycled plastics (European Parliament, 2017). Europe, 2017). Metal food packaging, e.g., aluminium,
Paper and cardboard packaging. Paper has always can continue almost indefinitely. However, untreated
been a significant source of raw material. Paper and aluminium surfaces are prone to oxidation which can
carton board packaging are easily recyclable. How- cause some loss of material during recycling (Geueke
ever, paper packaging cannot be recycled indefinite- et al., 2018).
ly because fibres get shorter and weaker each time Composite packaging. Although individual compo-
when they are recycled. Some virgin fibre must be nents that composite packaging is made from may
introduced into the process to maintain the strength be technically recyclable, the difficulties in sorting and
and the quality of the fibre. Recycled paper and board separating the material, for example, of laminates
often contain mineral oils and many other substances and metalized films, preclude recycling in real prac-
which may migrate at levels exceeding safe thresh- tice.
olds. Paper packaging may incorporate a significant
number of chemicals, added mainly during the print- Regulations on hazardous substances
ing and converting processes (i.e., binding, gluing, When concentrating on turning waste into resources,
laminating, labelling), before the product reaches the increasing resource efficiency, and closing the loop in
consumer (Pivnenko, 2016; Smith, 2011). the circular economy, considerable attention needs to
Glass packaging. Glass packaging is close to 100% be paid to the implementation of the recycling process
recyclability and can be recycled endlessly without for all waste streams with regard to chemicals that
significant loss in purity or quality. It is possible to they contain. For packaging, there are regulations that
substitute for up to 95% of raw materials. The spe- require the presence of certain hazardous substances
cific quantity of recycled contents depends on tech- in packaging materials and their components be min-
nical performance, consumer acceptance, or colour imised to protect consumers and workers, and reduce
of glass. Making recycled glass products from cullet environmental emissions.
consumes by 40% less energy than making new glass REACH Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006) is
from raw materials because of the lower temperature the main EU law on chemicals, which sets ambitious
needed for the process. Glass can be safely reused, chemicals safety standards. Among other, it sets re-
because chemicals from glass do not migrate. Glass quirements for communication in the supply chain re-
containers have a low rate of chemical interaction garding the environmental and health risks posed by
with their contents because they are made from natu- substances. Nevertheless, neither REACH nor other
ral and stable materials such as sand and limestone. legal acts and existing practices ensure that informa-
Thus, glass recycling is a closed-loop system, creat- tion on hazardous chemicals is properly passed along
ing no additional waste or products (Padmalatha and the entire material cycle and potential subsequent life
Shresta, 2016; West, 2015). Nevertheless, there are cycles (Fig. 2). When the information chain gets bro-
some problematic issues, such as increase of heavy ken, this results in technical and financial problems
metals concentration, even with glass packaging re- for recyclers, lost trust in secondary raw materials,
cycling (see section “Regulations on hazardous sub- and in potential for contaminated products, causing
stances”). health and environmental concerns, entering the
Metal packaging. Metal packaging is the perfect ex- market in the new cycle (Bernard and Buonsante,
ample of the circular economy. Metal packages are 2017; EC, 2018b; Janssen et al., 2017).
26 in the circular economy, considerable attention needs to be paid to the implementation of the recycling process for
27 all waste streams with regard to chemicals that they contain. For packaging, there are regulations that require the
28 presence of certain hazardous substances in packaging materials and their components be minimised to protect
29 consumers and workers, and reduce environmental emissions.
2430 REACH Regulation (Regulation
Environmental(EC) No 1907/2006)
Research, Engineeringisand
main EU law on chemicals, which sets ambitious
31 chemicals safety standards. Among other, it sets requirements for communication in the supply chain regarding
32 the environmental and health risks posed by substances. Nevertheless, neither REACH nor other legal acts and
33 existing practices ensure that information on hazardous chemicals is properly passed along the entire material
34 Fig.
cycle2and potential subsequent life cycles (Fig. 2). When the information chain gets broken, this results in technical
35 andpackaging
The financialsupply
problems for recyclers,
chain circle lost missing
with information trust inabout
materials, and in potential
in packaging material for contaminated
36 products, causing health and environmental concerns, entering the market in the new cycle (Bernard and
37 Buonsante, 2017; EC, 2018b; Janssen et al., 2017).

40 Fig. 2 The packaging supply chain circle with information missing about hazardous substances in packaging material.
42 A special
A special attention
attention is given
is given to substancesof
to substances ofvery
very high
high concern
packagingof measures encouraging
material composition ap-
43 substitution
concern are applied
(SVHC). A numberto these substances,encouraging
of measures such as an authorisation
(Pb, Cd, Hg or aand
Cr (VI) <=to100
ppm) (Chem
44 information on SVHC substances in articles. If a waste flow contains SVHCs, it is more difficult to develop the
45 substitution are (Janssen
recycling process applied andto Broekhuizen,
these substances,
2016). Itsuch Safety,
is still very hard2018; Varžinskas
to separate waste et al., 2016).
which A SVHCs
contains packaging sup-
46 as anSVHC-free
from authorisation
streams in anor early
a requirement
phase of thetowasteplier must ensure
recycling process that necessary
(Villanueva andmeasures have been
Eder, 2014).
47 These substances
provide informationmayon be SVHC
in products in
sold before thetaken
articles. restrictions
to limitapplied. Some
the level of of themmetals
heavy have a and,
long if possi-
If a waste flow contains SVHCs, it is more difficult to4 ble, to further reduce them in accordance with CEN/TR
develop the recycling process (Janssen and Broekhu- 13695-1:2000 methodology, as well as the level of all
izen, 2016). It is still very hard to separate waste which hazardous substances or mixtures as specified in EN
contains SVHCs from SVHC-free waste streams in an 13428:2004 and CEN/TR 13695-2:2004. However, when
early phase of the waste recycling process (Villanue- the Directive was adopted in 1994, practice showed
va and Eder, 2014). These substances may be present that in many plastic crates, plastic pallets and glass
in products sold before the restrictions applied. Some that were on the EU market, heavy metals, due to pro-
of them have a long lifetime, and therefore chemicals duction or technological reasons, were higher than the
of concern can be found in recycling streams. Various permissible 100 ppm limit (Lebedys et al., 2015). There-
measures are currently being developed to help iden- fore, exemptions have been granted to these types of
tify SVHCs more easily, such as guidelines (Janssen packages which are in closed packaging systems and
et al., 2017 and Leeuwen van et al., 2017), or a new the 100 ppm limit is to be concerned by the derogation
database on the presence of SCHCs in articles to be (2001/171/EC; 2006/340/EC). Studies by Jenseit and
established at the European Chemicals Agency, as Gibbs (2015) showed that the negative environmental
foreseen in the revised Dir. 2018/851. impact from extracting heavy metals from the plastic
In the packaging sector, important documents are and treating heavy metals exceeded the environmental
Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (94/62/EC) impact by allowing the heavy metals crates and pal-
and the Standards (EN 13427:2004; EN 13428:2004; lets to be reused and recycled under strict conditions.
CEN/TR 13695-1:2000). They determine the level of A similar situation is with glass packaging. Experience
chemicals used in packaging and provide limits for four has shown that there is a specific problem in the glass
Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2018/74/4 25

sector, as recycled glass is contaminated by glass ma- regulations do not go far enough and contain holes
terial containing high quantities of lead (2001/171/EC). (Chem Trust, 2016; Karamfilova, 2016). Finding haz-
According to the EN 13427, a Declaration of Compli- ardous substances in various food packages confirms
ance has to be provided for packages confirming the a need for further actions. Examples were found to
compliance with requirements related to the pres- contain such hazardous substances as bisphenol A,
ence of heavy metals, and also to substances hazard- phthalates, perfluorocarbons, nonylphenol, etc. in
ous for the environment, having in mind the end-of- various types of packaging (paper and board packag-
life treatment, when packaging goes to incineration es, pizza boxes) during a Danish study, or mineral oils
or landfilling. It needs to be noted that until now, there in Germany (Danish Consumer Council, 2015; Food
have been no investigations on how much precise in- Packaging Forum, 2015).
formation is provided by manufacturers of packaging
Using recycled raw materials in packaging
and packaging components in this declaration.
An important group of packaging is food packaging
(food contact materials, FCM). Recycling of food pack- The survey of packaging manufacturers in Lithuania
aging waste into new food packaging presents par- revealed that 60% of those who participated in the
ticular challenges (Geueke et al., 2018). A strict legal survey use recycled raw materials in their production
system applies to FCMs because they are intended processes. Nevertheless, the percentage varied for
to be brought into contact with food and are directly various packaging materials. It was 100% for met-
related to human health. The key document for this al and glass packages, as well as for “other” pack-
waste group is Regulation on Food Contact Materi- ages. It needs to be noted that the group of “other”
als (EC) No 1935/2004. It sets up a general safety packages consisted of one single company, produc-
requirement applicable to all FCMs, and envisages a ing “eco-friendly textile bags”, as they call them, and
possibility for the adoption of specific safety require- therefore it is a specific and not representative case.
ments for seventeen FCMs. So far, such requirements For paper and cardboard packaging, 75% of manu-
have been adopted only for four FCMs: plastics (in- facturers confirmed the use of recycled raw material.
cluding recycled plastics), ceramics, regenerated cel- Manufacturers of plastic and PET packaging were di-
lulose, and so-called active and intelligent materials. vided into two separate groups. However, it appeared
Where specific requirements have not been adopted that there was no difference between PET and oth-
at the EU level, the Member States can adopt such er plastics. The share of those who use recycled raw
measures at the national level. Some have done so, materials made 68% in both cases. In the case of
but the regulations vary in terms of their scope and composite packaging, companies using recycled and
level of protection. FCMs regulated by national legis- only primary materials were equally divided: 50% and
lation include such widely used FCMs as paper and 50%. Surprisingly, there were only 25% of wooden
board, metals and alloys, glass, coatings, silicones, packaging manufacturers who made it from the recy-
rubbers, printing inks. EU regulations on food pack- cled materials. See Fig. 3 for all the results.
aging require the same level of safety for chemicals Only a small proportion, 15% of manufacturers, pro-
migrating into foods for all recycled and virgin materi- duce their entire production from recycled raw ma-
als alike (ChemTrust, 2016; Karamfilova, 2016; Simo- terials. This means that manufacturers of packaging,
neau et al., 2016). Specific measures in case of FCMs who replied that they were producing from recycled
are directed not only at materials, but also at hazard- materials, in fact also had packages produced from
ous substances directly, restricting or prohibiting their primary raw materials only. The proportion of those
use, such as vinyl chloride monomer, nitrosamines,
who produced less than half and those who produced
more than half of their production using secondary
Assessment by the European Parliament has demon- raw materials was similar, 45% and 40%, respectively
strated that in spite of a solid legal basis on FCMs, (see Fig. 4).
26 Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2018/74/4

Fig. 3
N. Surname of the paper author(s) (at the even page header)
The share of manufacturers who use recycled raw materials in the production of packaging (by packaging material)
N. Surname of the paper author(s) (at the even page header)






Paper and





Paper and

Use recycled raw materials Do not use recycled raw materials

1 Use recycled raw materials Do not use recycled raw materials
2 Fig. 3 The share of manufacturers who use recycled raw materials in the production of packaging (by packaging material)
hare of manufacturers
3 who use recycled raw materials in the production of packaging (by packaging material)
4 Only a small proportion, 15% of manufacturers, produce their entire production from recycled raw materials.
small proportion,
5 15% means
This of manufacturers, produce their
that manufacturers entire production
of packaging, who repliedfromthat
they raw
producing from recycled materials, in
that manufacturers Fig. 4
of also
packaging, who replied thatfrom
were producing environmental
recycled materials,policy
in in the company, a possibility to
6 fact had packages produced raw materials The proportion of those who produced less than
d packages produced
7 from
half of
andtheprimary rawproduction
those who materialsthat
produced only. Thefrom
is made
more than proportion
of theirof
halfrecycled those whouse
production it assecondary
using a marketing
raw measure,
less than andsimilar,
materials was trends in legislation.
se who produced
8 more thaninrespectively
and 40%, half of their
companies (%)production using secondary raw materials was similar, 45%
(see Fig. 4). Lithuanian companies are facing problems with imple-
spectively (see
9 Fig. 4).
mentation of the circular economy concept and man-
ufacturing packaging from recycled materials. In the
survey, manufacturers of packaging for recycled mate-
rials revealed several problems: unclear composition of
15 % raw materials, insufficient amount of second-
15 % 45 %
45 % ary material, and rising prices for secondary raw ma-
terials. We can conclude that the traceability of harmful
substances in the supply chain is inadequate and the
requirements for safe secondary raw materials are too
40 %
40 % low to produce a larger quantity of packaging from a
secondary raw materials free from hazardous chemical
additives to human health and the environment.
All products from recycled materials
Results obtained on Lithuanian companies correlate
All products from recycled materials
More than 50 % from recycled materials
well with statements of the Netherlands Institute for
More than 50 % from recycled materials Sustainable Packaging that despite of rising recycling
Less than 50 % from recycled materials
10 Less than 50 % from recycled materials of household waste of plastic packaging in the Neth-
11 Fig. 4 Part of the packaging production that is made from recycled raw materials in companies (%).
Fig. 4 Part of12
the packaging production that is made from recycled raw materials in companies erlands,
(%). at the same time, costs are rising and quality
13 The companies listed the following reasons which encouraged is not yet them
high enough to compete
to use secondary rawwith virgin raw ma-
ompanies listed
14 the The following
willingness to reasons
companies listedwhich
be competitive encouraged
the with
following them to use
other companies,
reasons secondary
which rawThey
terials. materials:
the company, a possibilitythat
to the conclusion to use
to be competitive
15 with
as other companies,
a marketing
encouraged measure,
them toenvironmental
use trends policy in the
in legislation.
secondary raw company, a possibility to use it
materials: of a closed loop for plastics, both economically and in
ng measure,16and trends Lithuanian
in legislation.companies are facing problems with implementation of the circular economy concept and
nian companies willingness to be competitive with other companies, terms of raw materials, is not in sight yet (KIDV, 2017).
17 are facing problems
manufacturing with implementation
packaging of the circular
from recycled materials. In theeconomy concept
survey, manufacturers and of packaging for recycled
ng packaging 18 from recycled
materials materials.
revealed In the
several survey, unclear
problems: manufacturers
compositionof packaging
of recycled for raw
materials, insufficient amount of
vealed several
19 problems:
secondaryunclear composition
material, of recycled
and rising prices raw materials,
for secondary insufficient
raw materials. We canamount
conclude ofthat the traceability of harmful
material, and20rising substances
prices for secondary
in the supply raw chain
materials. We can conclude
is inadequate that the traceability
and the requirements for safeofsecondary
harmful raw materials are too low to
n the supply21chainproduce
is inadequate
a largerand the requirements
quantity of packaging forfrom
safe secondary
a secondary raw
materials arefree
low hazardous
to chemical additives to
rger quantity22 of packaging from and
human health a secondary raw materials free from hazardous chemical additives to
the environment.
h and the environment.
23 Results obtained on Lithuanian companies correlate well with statements of the Netherlands Institute for
lts obtained24on Lithuanian
Packaging correlate well of
that despite with statements
rising recycling ofof thehousehold
NetherlandswasteInstitute for packaging in the Netherlands,
of plastic
Packaging 25 that despite
at theofsame
rising recycling
time, of household
costs are rising andwaste of isplastic
quality packaging
not yet in thetoNetherlands,
high enough compete with virgin raw materials. They
Environmental Research, Engineering and Management 2018/74/4 27

These examples show that further success with im- ever, a complicated traceability process of hazardous
plementation of the circular economy concept in the substances in packaging materials presents a prob-
packaging industry requires thorough general guid- lem for waste operators seeking to increase the share
ance of companies and clarification of numerous of recycled materials in the packaging production.
questions related to technologies and their advance- 3 Analysis of legislation related to packaging with refer-
ments, safety issues of recycled material use, eco- ence to circular economy shows that until now regu-
nomic justification and other. lations do not go far enough and contain certain holes.
Neither REACH nor other legal acts and existing prac-
tices ensure that information on hazardous chemicals
is properly passed along the entire material cycle and
Conclusions potential subsequent life cycles. The current state of
1 Circular economy documents formulate goals and traceability of harmful substances in the supply chain
strategic targets, such as recycling of used packaging is inadequate for proving which volume of secondary
materials placed to market and closing circular econ- material is still safe to use and stays within limits set
omy loops (reuse, recycle, renew) at 100%, but rec- by REACH regulation and other documents.
ommendations and guidelines on how to implement 4 Special attention at the legislative level is given to recy-
them are still under the preparation. As a result, pack- cled materials which are used for food packaging. No
agers and processors are facing problems which they specific requirements for some FCMs have been adopt-
cannot solve on their own due to limited knowledge, ed at the EU level; therefore, some EU Member States
information and resources they possess. adopt such measures at the national level, and the laws
2 The increase in the share of recycled materials in the and regulations may vary from one country to another.
production of packaging, especially for food products, 5 To stimulate the implementation of circular economy
is directly linked to the information on composition of and close the material loops in packaging, the limits
the material to be used. This information can be found should be set for contamination with extraneous ma-
by tracing the entire packaging supply chain before it terials of the raw material used for recycled packaging
is recycled and analysing the flow of chemicals. How- production.

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