Some Important Families of Flowering Plants

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Some important families of flowering plants
1. Plant with 4 sepals, 4 petals, 6 stamens, two outer 13. Petals in China rose are
short four inner long, ovary one-celled later becoming (1) polypetalouys (2) gamopetalous
two celled belongs to the family (3) polyphyllous (4) gamophyllous
(1) Compositae (2) Gramineae 14. Free lateral stipules are present in
(3) Cruciferae (4) Papaveraceae (1) Brassicaceae (2) Asteraceae
2. Corolla is cruciform in case of (3) Rosaceae (4) Malvaceae
(1) Brassicaceae (2) Asteraceae 15. Lady’s finger belongs to the family
(3) Apiaceae (4) Lamiaceae (1) Malvaceae (2) Cucurbitaceae
3. The given floral diagram belongs to the family (3) Liliaceae (4) Brassicaceae
16. Most of the economically important fibre yielding
plants belong to the family
(1) Malvaceae (2) Solanaceae
(3) Cruciferae (4) Poaceae
17. The given formula belongs to

(1) Solanaceae (2) Malvaceae

(1) Fabaceae (2) Brassicaceae (3) Gramineae (4) Compositae
(3) Liliaceae (4) Poaceae 18. Anthers are monothecous in:
4. Replum is present in the ovary of flower of (1) Malvaceae (2) Fabaceae
(1) lemon (2) mustard (3) Mimosoideae (4) Liliaceae
(3) sunflower (4) pea 19. Versatile anthers are found in:
5. Four sepals arranged in two whorls is the (1) Fabaceae (2) Brassicaceae
characteristic of family (3) Poaceae (4) Liliaceae
(1) Solanaceae (2) Fabaceae 20. In Malvaceae, staminal tube is formed by fusion of
(3) Brassicaceae (4) Liliaceae (1) Anthers (2) Filaments
6. Chief features of family-Brassicaceae/Crucuferae is (3) Corolla (4) Stamens with ovary
the presence of 21. Cotton plant produces:
(1) latex (2) pectin (1) Loculicidal capsule (2) Septicidal capsule
(3) alkaloids (4) myrosin enzyme (3) Septifragal capsule (4) Porous capsule
7. Tetradynamous stamens are found in: 22. Seed surface produces cellulosic fibres in:
(1) Members of Leguminosae (1) Helianthus (2) Taraxacum
(2) Most of the crucifers (3) Gossypium (4) Xanthium
(3) Malvaceous flowers 23. Monothecous anthers are found in:
(4) Members of Asteraceae (1) Malvaceae (2) Brassicaceae
8. In tetradynamous stamens: (3) Mimosoideae (4) Fabaceae
(1) Two outer stamens are shorter and four inner 24. Lint and fuzz are obtained from fibres of:
are longer (1) Sunn hemp (2) Sunflower
(2) Four outer stamens are shorter and two inner are (3) Gossypium (4) Corchorus capsularis
longer 25. Cotton fibres are:
(3) All stamens are equally long (1) Outgrowth of seed surface
(4) None of the above (2) Cellulosic in nature
9. Replum develops in ovary of: (3) Dried parenchyma like cells
(1) Solanaceae (2) Brassicaceae (4) All of the above
(3) Asteraceae (4) None of these 26. Leguminous crops are agriculturally important as
10. In Brassicaceae, the placenta is: they:
(1) Oblique (2) Anterio-posterior (1) Control pastes
(3) Anterior (4) Posterior (2) Make soil alkaline
11. Epicalyx is (3) Enrich soil with nitrogen
(1) a scale like structure of fern rhizome (4) Enrich soil with humus
(2) an additional whorl of angiosperm flower 27. Butterfly like polypetalous corolla is found in:
(3) a tuberous root (1) Cruciferae (2) Fabaceae
(4) None of the above (3) Malvaceae (4) Liliaceae
12. The extra whorl of non-essential organs lying outside 28. Vaxillum, alae and carina occur in:
the calyx is (1) Caryophyllaceous corolla
(1) epicalyx (2) dicots (2) Rosaceous corolla
(3) involucre (4) inflorescence Page# 1
Some important families of flowering plants
(3) Papilionaceous corolla (3) Both florets (4) Only in ray florets
(4) Tubular corolla 43. Unilocular and bicarpellary ovary of epigynous
29. Archis hypogaea is: flower is found in:
(1) Walnut (2) Cashewnut (1) Asteraceae (2) Brassicaceae
(3) Peanut (4) Coconut (3) Fabaceae (4) Liliaceae
30. Pod fruit develops from: 44. Basal placentation develops when the ovary has:
(1) Inferior ovary (1) Single ovule
(2) Monocarpellary ovary (2) Many ovules
(3) Bicarpellary ovary (3) Many locules
(4) Multicarpellary ovary (4) Single ovule in each locule
31. Bean seed is an example of: 45. Cypsella fruit is product of:
(1) Albuminous seed (1) Monocarpellary ovary
(2) Exalbuminous seed (2) Superior ovary
(3) Oil yielding seeds (3) Bicarpellary ovary
(4) None of these (4) Polycarpellary ovary
32. Which of the following represents the condition seen 46. Basal placentation in monocarpellary ovary is found
in the family-Compositae? in:
(1) Superior ovary, syngenesious, single basal ovule (1) Asteraceae (2) Fabaceae
(2) Inferior ovary, monoadelphous, basal placentation (3) Poaceae (4) Liliceae
(3) Inferior ovary, syngenesious, axile placentation 47. The stigma is bifid but the ovary is monocarpellary in:
(4) Syngenesious, basal placentation and (1) Asteraceae (2) Brassicaceae
epigynous (3) Poaceae (4) None of these
33. Inflorescence of family-Compositae is 48. When stamens are united by their anthers, the
(1) perianth (2) lodicule condition is known as:
(3) capitulum (4) hypanthodium (1) Syndrous (2) Syngenesious
34. Most advanced dicot family is (3) Epipetalous (4) Monoadelphous
(1) Asteraceae (2) Fabaceae 49. Capitulum inflorescence is found in family:
(3) Asclepiadaceae (4) None of these (1) Solanaceae (2) Compositae
35. Which of the following is the character of family- (3) Leguminosae (4) Cucurbitaceae
Asteraceae? 50. Which plant of asteraceae causes pollen allergy?
(1) Head or capitulum inflorescence (1) Parthenium (2) Calendula
(2) Syngenesious stamens (3) Dahlia (4) Chrysenthemum
(3) Cypsella fruit 51. Ligulate flowers are diagnostic of family:
(4) All the above (1) Poaceae (2) Asteraceae
36. In capitulum, the flowers are arranged in: (3) Brassicaceae (4) Fabaceae
(1) Centripetal order (2) Basipetal order 52. If a friut is developed from inferior, bicapellary ovary
(3) Mixed order (4) No definite order showing unilocular condition and the seed coat is free
37. In sunflower, the florets are well protected by: from pericarp, the fruit would be called:
(1) Calyx (2) Pappus (1) Cypsella (2) Siliqua
(3) Involucre of bracts (4) Perinath (3) Silicula (4) Sorosis
38. Florets are found attached on a flattened receptacle in: 53. A ligulate corolla found in Compositae is also known
(1) Hypanthodium (2) Coenanthium as:
(3) Cupitulum (4) Vertricillaster (1) Masked corolla (2) Strap shaped corolla
39. In head or captitulum inflorescence, the ligulate (3) Two lipped corolla (4) Wheel shaped corolla
florets are: 54. Which of these characters do not belongs to
(1) Distributed towards periphery Compositae?
(2) Older than tubular florets (1) Ligulate ray florets
(3) usually pistillate type (2) Basal ovule
(4) All of the above (3) Syngenesious stamens
40. Hairs or pappus in florets of Asteraceae are modified: (4) Pentafid stigma
(1) Involucre of bracts (2) Calyx 55. Sunflower plant is cultivated mainly for its:
(3) Corolla (4) Thalamus (1) Ornamental use (2) Oil producing seeds
41. Syngenesious stamens are found in: (3) Alkaloids (4) Starchy seeds
(1) Helianthus (2) Tagetus 56. Cereals belong to the family
(3) Dahlia (4) All of the above (1) Malvaceae (2) Solanaceae
42. In Asteraceae, the stamens are always found in: (3) Poaceae (4) Rosaceae
(1) Ligulate florets (2) Tubular florets 57. Caryopsis fruit is found in P a g e # 2
Some important families of flowering plants
(1) wheat (2) rice
(3) maize (4) all of these
58. Glumes are modified
(1) bracts (2) petals
(3) flowers (4) anthers
59. Flowers are trimerous in case of
(1) gymnosperms (2) pteridophytes
(3) monocots (4) dicots
60. What is true for Gramineae?
(1) The carpel has two styles (1) United valvate sepals, free twisted petals, free
(2) Spikelets are always in pairs stamens, unilocular ovary with merginal
(3) Palea is the bracteole placentation
(4) Awn is an appendage of palea (2) United valvate sepals, free imbricate petals, free
61. Botanical name of wheat is stamens, unilocular ovary with axile placentation
(1) Trittcum aestivum (2) Oryza sattiva (3) United valvate sepals, free impricate petals,
(3) Zea mays (4) None of these epipetalous stamens, unilocular ovary with
62. Caryopsis is a fruit in which marginal placenta
(1) there are many seeds (4) United valvate sepals, free impricate petals,
(2) seeds are exposed in dehiscence epipetalous stamens, unilocular ovary with
(3) fruit wall is absent marginal placenta
(4) fruit wall is fused with seed coat 69. In Gramineae/Poaceae, the inflorescence is
63. Versatile anthers are present in (1) spikelet (2) spadix
(1) Cycas (2) cotton (3) cyathium (4) corymb
(3) jowar (4) Brassica 70. Which of the following represents the floral
64. Which of the following can be regarded as equivalent characters of Poaceae?
to perianth? (1) Pedicellate, bracteate, bisexual, trimerous
(1) Glumes (2) Lodicules actinomorphic, complete and superior ovary
(3) Palea (4) Lemma (2) Pedicellate, bracteate, bisexual, pentamerous,
65. Awn is a structure in flower of zygomorphic, complete and superior ovary
(1) China rose (2) apple (3) Sessile, bracteate, bracteolate, incomplete, uni
(3) sunflower (4) wheat or bisexual, perianth modified into lodicules,
66. The flower of jowar is stamens three, superior ovary and feathery
(1) actinomorphic (2) zygomorphic stigma
(3) complete (4) both (2) and (3) (4) Bracteate, unisexual, actinomorphic stamens five
67. In the given floral diagram, A, B and C indicate. and inferior ovary
71. Glumes occur in:
(1) Spikes (2) Spikelets of spike
(3) Corymb (4) Umbel
72. Ligulate leaves are found in:
(1) Myrtaceae (2) Compositae
(3) Poaceae (4) Cyperaceae
73. Perianth is reduced to lodicules in:
(1) Liliaceae (2) Poaceae
(1) A-Palea, B-Lodicule, C-Lemma (3) Orchidaceae (4) Musaceae
(2) A-Lemma, B-Palea, C-Lodicule 74. Which one is homologous to perianth?
(3) A-Lodicule, B-Palea, C-Lemma (1) Lodicules (2) Bracts
(4) A-Palea, B-Lemma, C-Lodicule (3) Glumes (4) Superior palea
68. Choose the correct description depicted by the floral 75. Single seeded fruits are produced from the ovaries of:
diagram. (1) Asteraceae (2) Poaceae
(3) Mangifera (4) All of these
76. Feathery stigma develops in flowers of:
(1) Asteraceae (2) Poaceae
(3) Liliaceae (4) Brassicaceae
77. Single seeded fruit produciong families are
(1) Fabaceae and Mimosoideae
(2) Asteraceae and Poaceae
(3) Liliaceae and Poaceae Page# 3
Some important families of flowering plants
(4) Brassicaceae and Malvaceae (3) Twisted (4) Vexillary
78. The maize plant is monoecious and the flowers are: 94. Althaea rosea belongs to the family:-
(1) Clestogamous (2) Unisexual (1) Cruciferae (2) Malvaceae
(3) Bisexual (4) Neutor (3) Cucurbitaceae (4) Leguminosae
79. The leafy structure which protects the flowers and 95. Characteristic feature of Malvaceae family is:-
fruits of maize cob is: (1) Monothecous anthers
(1) Involucre of bracts (2) Leafy calyx (2) Didynamous stamens
(3) Spathe (4) Spadix (3) Presence of staminodes
80. Families like Leguminosae, Asteraceae, Poaceae and (4) Superficial placentation
Brassicaceae are recognized by their: 96. Shoe flower belongs to :-
(1) Vegetative characters (1) Solanaceae (2) Malvaceae
(2) Inflorescence (3) Papilionatae (4) Liliaceae
(3) Fruits 97. ‘Hollyhock’ belongs to :-
(4) Seeds (1) Liliaceae (2) Malvaceae
81. Testa is completely fused with pericarp in: (3) Cesalpinoideae (4) Solanaceae
(1) Cypsella (2) Achenes 98. Spike of spikelets inflorescences commonly occurs
(3) Caryopsis (4) All of these in:-
82. Protein rich aleurone grains are found in: (1) Cruciferae (2) Papilionatae
(1) Outer endosperm layer in cereals (3) Poaceae (4) Solanaceae
(2) Inner endosperm layer in cereals 99. Which of the following is valid name for Gramineae
(3) Embryonal layer in cereals family :-
(4) Endocarp and mesocarp layers (1) Poaceae (2) Malvaceae
83. Fruits of wheat is: (3) Fabaceae (4) Papilionaceae
(1) Berry (2) Caryopsis 100. The floral formula of Pea is represented as :-
(3) Nut (4) Etaerio
84. Wheat grain is a: (1)
(1) Fruit (2) Seed
(3) Seed (4) Glume
85. Cruciferous plants when crushed emit a pungent (3)
smell, It is due to the presence of:-
(1) Oxalic acid (2) Alkaloids (4)
(3) Iron compounds (4) Sulphur compounds 101. The 3-sub-families of Leguminosae are distinguished
86. Ebracteate flowers mainly found in:- mainly on the basis of :-
(1) Solanaceae (2) Malvaceae (1) nature of gynoecium
(3) Cruciferae (4) Liliaceae (2) Nature of corolla and stamens
87. The special feature of the ovary in cruciferae is:- (3) Nature of habit of the plants
(1) Hypogyny (4) Nature of fruit
(2) Polyandry 102. The leguminous plants are important in agriculture
(3) False septum because :-
(4) One row of ovules on each placenta (1) They are disease resistant
88. In Brassica oleracea var. capitata the edible part is:- (2) They require very little irrigation
(1) Inflorescence (2) Flower bud (3) They help in nitrogen economy of nature
(3) Vegetative bud (4) Stem (4) Crops of legumes can be produced in a year
89. Shepherd’s purse plant belong to family:- 103. In family papilionaceae, 5 petals form a unique
(1) Cruciferae (2) Malvaceae association, In which 3 different elements participate,
(3) Solanaceae (4) Leguminosae these are vexillum, alae & carina. What is the number
90. Edible part of knol- khol is:- of these elements:-
(1) Inflorescence (2) Leaves (1) 1, 2, 2 respectively
(3) Roots (4) Stem (2) 2, 1, 2 respectively
91. Turnip (Brassica rapa) belongs to family:- (3) 1,1,3 respectively
(1) Cruciferae (2) Malvaceae (4) 2,2,1 respectively
(3) Liliaceae (4) Cucurbitaceae 104. The name papilionatae and cruciferae is based on:-
92. The Iberis is commonly called as:- (1) Corolla (2) Androecium
(1) Pansy (2) Candy-tuft (3) Gynoecium (4) Fruit
(3) Poppy (4) Snapdragon 105. Universal zygomorphy occurs in :-
93. Aestivation of petals in family Malvaceae is:- (1) Malvaceae (2) Mimosoideae
(1) Valvate (2) Imbricate (3) Papilionatae (4) Solanaceae Page# 4
Some important families of flowering plants
106. Staminodes commonly occur in :- (1) Polyadelphous (2) Monadelphous
(1) Liliaceae (2) Papilionatae (3) Diadelphous (4) Polyandrous
(3) Caesalpinoideae (4) All the above
107. Tamarindus indica and Cassia belongs to the
(1) Papilionaceae (2) Caesalpiniaceae
(3) Mimosaceae (4) None of the above
108. Floral formula of Cesalpinoideae is :-


109. Fruit lomentum is characteristic feature of the sub
family :-
(1) Papilionatae (2) Caesalpinoideae
(3) Mimosoideae (4) Leguminosae
110. Placentation in Mimosa pudica :-
(1) Axile (2) Parietal
(3) Marginal (4) Basal
111. Flowers and stamens of Compositae are :-
(1) Hypogynous and inferior
(2) Epigynous and inferior
(3) Hypogynous and superior
(4) Epigynous and superior
112. Which of the following stands for Congress grass :-
(1) Cynodon (Gramineae)
(2) Parthenium (Compositae)
(3) Aspidiastra (Liliaceae)
(4) Candytuft (Cruciferae)
113. Which of the following families have the largest
geographical distribution :-
(1) Malvaceae (2) Leguminosae
(3) Solanaceae (4) Compositae
114. Which of the following is the largest family :-
(1) Leguminosae (2) Cucurbitaceae
(3) Solanaceae (4) Compositae
115. Parachute mechanism of fruit and seed dispersal is
common in compositae is due to the structure called :-
(1) Bracts (2) Thorns
(3) Corolla (4) Pappus
116. In Gramineae the perianth is represented by small
scaly lodicules which are generally :-
(1) Two (2) Three
(3) Four (4) Five
117. In which family Pentamerous flowers having
monoadelphous stamen and dry dehiscent fruit are
persent :-
(1) Leguminosae (2) Malvaceae
(3) Cruciferae (4) Solanaceae
118. What type of placentation is seen in sweet pea?
(1) Basal (2) Axile
(3) Free central (4) Marginal
119. The technical term used for the androecium in a
flower of China rose (Hibiscus rosasinensis) is: Page# 5
Some important families of flowering plants
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 3 2
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
1 3 1 3 2 3 2 3 3 2
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
2 4 3 1 4 1 3 3 4 2
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
4 2 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 1
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
2 1 2 4 2 3 4 1 3 1
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
1 4 3 2 4 4 1 4 1 3
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
2 3 2 1 4 2 2 2 3 3
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
3 1 2 1 4 3 3 3 1 4
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
1 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 1 1
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
2 3 1 1 3 3 2 4 3 3
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
4 2 4 4 4 1 2 4 2 Page# 6

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