Some Important Families of Flowering Plants
Some Important Families of Flowering Plants
Some Important Families of Flowering Plants
1. Plant with 4 sepals, 4 petals, 6 stamens, two outer 13. Petals in China rose are
short four inner long, ovary one-celled later becoming (1) polypetalouys (2) gamopetalous
two celled belongs to the family (3) polyphyllous (4) gamophyllous
(1) Compositae (2) Gramineae 14. Free lateral stipules are present in
(3) Cruciferae (4) Papaveraceae (1) Brassicaceae (2) Asteraceae
2. Corolla is cruciform in case of (3) Rosaceae (4) Malvaceae
(1) Brassicaceae (2) Asteraceae 15. Lady’s finger belongs to the family
(3) Apiaceae (4) Lamiaceae (1) Malvaceae (2) Cucurbitaceae
3. The given floral diagram belongs to the family (3) Liliaceae (4) Brassicaceae
16. Most of the economically important fibre yielding
plants belong to the family
(1) Malvaceae (2) Solanaceae
(3) Cruciferae (4) Poaceae
17. The given formula belongs to
109. Fruit lomentum is characteristic feature of the sub
family :-
(1) Papilionatae (2) Caesalpinoideae
(3) Mimosoideae (4) Leguminosae
110. Placentation in Mimosa pudica :-
(1) Axile (2) Parietal
(3) Marginal (4) Basal
111. Flowers and stamens of Compositae are :-
(1) Hypogynous and inferior
(2) Epigynous and inferior
(3) Hypogynous and superior
(4) Epigynous and superior
112. Which of the following stands for Congress grass :-
(1) Cynodon (Gramineae)
(2) Parthenium (Compositae)
(3) Aspidiastra (Liliaceae)
(4) Candytuft (Cruciferae)
113. Which of the following families have the largest
geographical distribution :-
(1) Malvaceae (2) Leguminosae
(3) Solanaceae (4) Compositae
114. Which of the following is the largest family :-
(1) Leguminosae (2) Cucurbitaceae
(3) Solanaceae (4) Compositae
115. Parachute mechanism of fruit and seed dispersal is
common in compositae is due to the structure called :-
(1) Bracts (2) Thorns
(3) Corolla (4) Pappus
116. In Gramineae the perianth is represented by small
scaly lodicules which are generally :-
(1) Two (2) Three
(3) Four (4) Five
117. In which family Pentamerous flowers having
monoadelphous stamen and dry dehiscent fruit are
persent :-
(1) Leguminosae (2) Malvaceae
(3) Cruciferae (4) Solanaceae
118. What type of placentation is seen in sweet pea?
(1) Basal (2) Axile
(3) Free central (4) Marginal
119. The technical term used for the androecium in a
flower of China rose (Hibiscus rosasinensis) is: Page# 5
Some important families of flowering plants
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