Vardhan Sir
Vardhan Sir
Vardhan Sir
27. If the filaments are fused in a single group 37. The first whorl of flower is of
the condition is (1) Petals (2) Stamens
(1) Monoadelphous (3) Carpels (4) Sepals
(2) Polyadelphous Ans. (4)
(3) Both 1 & 2
(4) Diadelphous 38. Water melon is :-
Ans. (1) (1) Pome fruit (2) Sorosis fruit
(3) Pepo fruit (4) Drupe fruit
28. Pappus is modification of - Ans. (3)
(1) Bracts (2) Corolla
(3) Calyx (4) All 39. Geocarpic fruit is -
Ans. (3) (1) Carrot (2) Radish
(3) Ground nut (4) Turnip
29. A characteristic of angiosperm is Ans. (3)
(1) Flowers (2) Roots
(3) Seed (4) Stem 40. Tetradyanamous condition of stamens
Ans. (1) occur in members of :
(1) Cruciferae (2) Malvaceae
30. Adhesion in a flower is - (3) Solanaceae (4) Lilliaceae
(1) Union of dissimilar parts Ans. (1)
(2) Union of similar parts
(3) Both 1 & 2 41. Edible part in pomegranate is :-
(4) Fusion of carpels (1) Testa (2) Epicarp
Ans. (1) (3) Endocarp (4) Epidermis
Ans. (1)
31. The fourth whorl of flower is of
(1) Petals (2) Stamens 42. Juicy hair-like structures observed in the
(3) Carpel (s) (4) Sepals lemon fruit develop from :-
Ans. (3) (1) Exocarp
(2) Mesocarp
32. Siliqua is the fruit of:- (3) Endocarp
(1) Cruciferae (2) Malvaceae (4) Mesocarp and endocarp
(3) Liliaceae (4) Solanaceae Ans. (3)
Ans. (1)
43. Which of the following represents the
33. Fruit of brinjal is :- edible part of the fruit of Litchi –
(1) Berry (2) Hesperidium (1) Endocarp (2) Pericarp
(3) Drupe (4) Pome (3) Juicy aril (4) Mesocarp
Ans. (1) Ans. (3)
34. Which of the following is false fruit ? 44. Epigynous flowers are present in :-
(1) Pome (2) Pepo (1) Mustard (2) Brinjal
(3) Hesperidium (4) Drupe (3) China rose (4) Cucumber
Ans. (1) Ans. (4)
55. Ground nut belongs to family:- 64. China rose (Shoe flower) belongs to :-
(1) Fabaceae (2) Malvaceae (1) Solanaceae (2) Malvaceae
(3) Liliaceae (4) Cucurbitaceae (3) Papilionatae (4) Liliaceae
Ans. (1) Ans. (2)
65. Spike of spikelets inflorescences 74. Basal placentation occurs in:-
commonly occurs in:- (1) Poaceae (2) Solanaceae
(1) Cruciferae (3) Malvaceae (4) Liliaceae
(2) Papilionatae/Fabaceae Ans. (1)
(3) Poaceae/Gramineae
(4) Solanaceae 75. Diadelphous condition is common in :-
Ans. (3) (1) Malvaceae (2) Cruciferae
(3) Liliaceae (4) Fabaceae
66. Inflorescence in Solanaceae is:- Ans. (4)
(1) Racemose (2) Cymose
(3) Hypanthodium (4) Verticillaster 76. Root nodules occur in plants of family :-
Ans. (2) (1) Fabaceae (2) Liliaceae
(3) Malvaceae (4) Compositae
67. Lycopersicum esculentum (Tomato) Ans. (1)
belongs to family:-
(1) Solanaceae (2) Malvaceae 77. Pulses yielding main family of plants is :-
(3) Cruciferae (4) Cucurbitaceae (1) Poaceae (Graminae)
Ans. (1) (2) Cucurbitaceae
(3) Liliaceae
68. Atropa belladona, an important medicinal (4) Papilionaceae (Fabaceae)
plant is of the family:- Ans. (4)
(1) Liliaceae (2) Cucurbitaceae
(3) Cruciferae (4) Solanaceae 78. The floral formula of pea is represented
Ans. (4) by:-
(1) Br% K(5) C1+2+(2) A(9)+1 G1
69. 'Simla mirch', chillies and potato belong to
family:- (2) Br K(5) C5 A1+(9) G1
(1) Solanaceae (2) Compositae
(3) Gramineae (4) Cruciferae (3) Br% K(5) C1+2+(2) A9+1 G1
Ans. (1) (4) Ebr or Br % K(5) C1+2+(2) A10 G1
Ans. (1)
70. Nicotiana, Petunia belong to :-
(1) Malvaceae (2) Liliaceae 79. Which of the following statements is
(3) Solanaceae (4) Cruciferae correct :-
Ans. (3) (1) Flower is a modified root
(2) Flower is a modified shoot
71. The drug 'Belladona' is obtained from :- (3) Flower is a modified leaf
(1) Atropa (2) Rauwolfia (4) Flower is a modified inflorescence
(3) Solanum (4) Capsicum Ans. (2)
Ans. (1)
80. Twisted aestivation is found in :-
72. What is the major edible part of brinjal (1) Malvaceae (2) Asteraceae
(1) Calyx (2) Thalamus (3) Fabaceae (4) Mimosoideae
(3) Placenta (4) Style Ans. (1)
Ans. (3)
81. Staminal tube is found in :-
73. Which of the following is valid name for (1) Solanaceae (2) Cruciferae
Gramineae family :- (3) Malvaceae (4) Poaceae
(1) Poaceae Ans. (3)
(2) Malvaceae
(3) Fabaceae 82. Bean and gram belong to the family :-
(4) Papilionaceae (1) Liliaceae (2) Fabaceae
Ans. (1) (3) Solanaceae (4) Cruciferae
Ans. (2)
83. Fruit legume is characteristic feature of :- 92. The flower of Compositae is :-
(1) Solanaceae (2) Liliaceae (1) Epigynous (2) Perigynous
(3) Fabaceae (4) Malvaceae (3) Hypogynous (4) Half perigynous
Ans. (3) Ans. (1)
87. A distinct monocot character shown by 96. Tetradynamous stamens and cruciform
the flowers of Liliaceae is :-0 corolla are characteristic features of –
(1) Hypogynous flowers (1) Solanum tuberosum (Potato)
(2) Actinomorphic flowers (2) Abelmoscus esculentus (Lady finger)
(3) Trimerous flowers (3) Ochroma lagopus (Balsa)
(4) Bisexual flowers (4) Brassica campestris (Mustard)
Ans. (4)
Ans. (3)
89. Which of the family possess perianth of six 98. Grain of Maize is –
tepals:- (1) Seed
(1) Mimosoideae (2) Solanaceae (2) Fruit
(3) Liliaceae (4) Malvaceae (3) Neither seed nor fruit
Ans. (3) (4) Bud of flower
Ans. (2)
90. Colchicum autumnale belongs to :-
(1) Leguminosae (2) Cruciferae
99. floral formula
(3) Liliaceae (4) Malvaceae
Ans. (3) belongs to which family :-
(1) Leguminosae (2) Liliaceae
(3) Labiatae (4) Graminae
91. Smilax and Gloriosa belong to :-
Ans. (2)
(1) Liliaceae
(2) Solanaceae
(3) Leguminosae
(4) Cruciferae
Ans. (1)