GIZ Fact Sheet Arbeiten in Mosambik en

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Information for applicants

Daytime temperatures vary between 25°C and 30°C
all year round, reaching up to 35°C inland. In
coastal cities in particular, there is generally also a
Mozambique is a southeast African country with a
pleasant breeze.
2,700 km-long coastline along the Indian Ocean.
The country borders Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia,
Zimbabwe, South Africa and Swaziland.
Medical care
Mozambique, which did not gain independence
from Portugal until 1975, and has been afflicted by
With some limitations, medical services in the
years of war, remains one of the ten poorest
capital are adequate, but deteriorate significantly
countries in the world, despite of all the
the further from Maputo you travel. Maputo has both
development progress made. Mozambique’s
state and private clinics, with the latter often run by
economic clout is equivalent to that of the city of
international organisations. However, you should
Bonn, and the challenges of providing services to a
travel to South Africa for complicated procedures,
population of almost 30 million dispersed over an
which is not a problem due to the proximity.
area two and a half times the size of Germany are
immense. On the other hand, Mozambique has
significant potential in agriculture, as a transit
Accommodation and quality of life
country for the landlocked countries in Southern
Africa and in the raw materials sector. Mozambique
Though it has over one million citizens, Maputo
is distinguished by the diversity of its population: In
does not suffer from the same traffic problems as
total, over 40 languages are spoken in the country
many other major cities. The coastal location also
with Portuguese as the official language.
helps keep pollution in check. In recent years, the
The capital, Maputo, is also known by its sobriquet:
supply of accommodation has improved, and prices
the ‘pearl of the Indian Ocean’. It is located at the
are at an acceptable level. However, due to their
southern tip of the country and marks the end of the
age and the lack of renovation, well-maintained
major road corridor to Johannesburg.
houses with gardens are difficult to find. The market
for modern apartments has greatly improved thanks
to the extensive construction work. There is a
Climate and sights
vibrant market for expat apartments, and brokers
Mozambique has a savannah climate, with one wet who specialise in this market.
season and one dry season. Roughly 80% of the Its Portuguese past and seaside location gives
annual precipitation falls in the rainy season Maputo a Mediterranean atmosphere with street
between November and April. While the weather in cafés, small parks around the city and a good
the rainy season is humid and hot, nights in the dry selection of restaurants compared with other African
season are far colder, especially in the capital. capitals. There is a small but constantly growing
cultural scene. Germany supports cultural work accompanying partners taking on employment
there with an outpost of the South African Goethe under a national contract.
Institute, and also offers German courses.
Both Mozambique’s endless beaches and its Schools: Maputo has multiple international
proximity to the South African border provide a wide schools, including the Maputo International School
range of leisure activities. The world-famous Kruger with the Cambridge Curriculum, the American
National Park shares a border with Mozambique International School of Mozambique (AISM) that
and can be reached in two hours from Maputo. also offers the IB, the French school or the
Portuguese school. They are all private schools with
major differences in their school fees. Details of the
Shops and services fees can be found on their websites, as can the
school year starting dates, which vary from school
The supply of goods in Maputo is excellent. The to school. Employees can also send their children to
major South African supermarket chains have boarding schools in South Africa. There is no
branches in Maputo, stocking a very wide range of German school. German for children is organised
goods, including fresh fruit and vegetables. on a private basis in cooperation with the Goethe
Dedicated expat shops satisfy even unusual Centre.
consumer wishes like a wide variety of cold meats,
cheese or chocolates. Local markets also sell Childcare: There are many different childcare
Mozambican products like cashew nuts, coconuts, centres and kindergartens.
fresh fish or shrimp.
The provincial capitals now also have branches of
South African supermarket chains. The range on Find out more
offer there is limited and focuses on local demand.
Mozambique’s currency is the metical. The banana https://www.auswaertiges-
sector is well developed. Foreign currency accounts
are permitted. mbik-node
Accompanying partners and
All employees and their family members need an
official passport. This entails an official accreditation
with Mozambique’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs via
the embassy. The identification issued as part of
this process ensures the rights to protection under
the TC framework agreement. The visas granted
permit free entry into and departures from
Mozambique. The procedure takes three weeks and
is initiated via the GIZ office once employees arrive
in the country. The accreditation prohibits

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