Pas Ict
Pas Ict
Pas Ict
1. When you enter the data, facts or instructions into a computer using the keyboard the
mouse is called _______________________
2. A sistem of computer divided in 2, ________________ and ______________________
3. The physical parts of computer that you can sess and touch are called
4. Give 3 examples of hardware
5. The first screen you see after booting is
6. The small picture on the desktop is called _______________________________________
7. The bar at the top of window is called ________________________________
8. By clicking the restore down button reduces the _________________________
9. Write steps to shut down a computer
10.To saves the session nad puts the computer in low-power we can use ________________
11.Pictures can be edited using the _______________________________________________
12.To cut a part of the drawing using
13.Quick key of cut is ___________________________________________________
14.Cut, copy and paste options available in the _______________________________
15.The image group includes the _____________, _________________ and
16.Write names part of the computer :
17.Write the names