Column Design Calculator Sample Format
Column Design Calculator Sample Format
Column Design Calculator Sample Format
Pu = Փ(0.80)[0.85f′c(Ag−Ast)+ fy(Ast)] (Eq.2) 6. Select the Diameter of main reinforcing rebars to be used.
Diameter of Rebar (db) 16 20
3. Substitute Eq.1 into Eq.2 20 12
25 8
Pu = Փ(0.80)[0.85f′c( Ag −
ρg )+ fy( ρg )] (Eq.3)
Number of Rebars (n) 28 8
*Note: Number of bars (n) are rounded to nearest even number*
As per NSCP 2015, Section 425.7.2.1 As per NSCP 2015, Section 425.2.3
diameter of aggregates is
a. smin = dagg = (25) = 33.33mm a. Clear spacing of main bars shall be at least the greatest of:
typically 25mm
b. Center-to-center spacing of ties shall not exceed the least of: 1.5dbM = 24 mm *Note: for ties, No unsupported bar
16db = M
256 mm 40mm = 40 mm shall be farther than 150mm clear on
each side along the ties from a
48dbT = 576 mm smax = 256 mm (4/3)dagg = 33.33 mm laterally supported bar. If so, cross
Smallest dim. = 450 mm smin= 40 mm ties are needed
Use 12mm
tie diameter bcA 420 mm Ach 155400 mm²
spaced at
bcB 370 mm Ag 225000 mm²
100 mm
hxA Along Side A Side B
# of legs 4 4
Ash min (mm²) 430.94 379.64
Ash actual (mm²) 452.39 452.39
A = 500 mm
Remarks OK! OK!
For Main 8 20 mm As= 2513 mm² NOTE: If Ash actual < Ash min, then increase tie diameter or change the
Bars USE: 8 16 mmAs= 1608.5 mm² number of tie legs by revising the number of main bars
As per NSCP 2015, Section 418.7.5
Joint Reinf.
H= 2500 mm Clear height
l 0 = 500.0 mm Confinement reinforcement zone 50m
a 500 mm
b 417 mm l o shall be at least the largest of
a, b, c s0
c 450 mm
s 0 = 100 mm or say 100 mm
a 113 mm 100mm < s < 150mm
Therefore S0 is OK!
Splicing Zone
b 96 mm
H= 2500 mm
c 170 mm
st= 95 mm spacing at splicing zone st
NOTE: St must be the smaller of the smax as per NSCP
2105 Sec 425.7.2.1, 6 times main bar diameter or 150mm
As per NSCP 2015, Section 418.7.4.3
Joint Reinf.
S2 S2
8 -20mm 2560
8 -16mm 1720
4280 -
IF all 20mm,
######## 3840 Choose!