NLC Integrated Report 2022
NLC Integrated Report 2022
NLC Integrated Report 2022
About the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) The NLC was established in terms of the
Lotteries Act 57 of 1997, as amended, to regulate the National Lottery, and sports pools, as sports
pools depend highly on the sustainability of the Operator, they cannot be run independently of the
Operator, as well as other lotteries, including society lotteries, to raise funds for worthy causes.
REGULATE the National Lottery ADVISE the Minister of Trade industry DISTRIBUTE a portion of the revenue
and sports pools as well as other and competition on policy matters from the National Lottery to good causes
lotteries, including society lotteries relating to the National Lottery, sports through the National Lottery Distribution
and sports pools. pools and other lotteries. Trust Fund (NLDTF).
Intellectual of the National
On average first
Achieved Level-5 tranches were paid
B-BBEE rating within 33 days of
(2020/21: Level 5) receipt of a compliant
grant agreement
National Lotteries
Registered name
Contact telephone Switchboard +27 12 432 1300, Fax +27 12 432 1387
numbers Info Centre 0860 065 383
External auditors’ Auditor-General South Africa, 4 Daventry Street, Lynnwood Bridge Office Park,
information Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria, 0081
AA Accounting Authority DA Distributing Agency
Act The Lotteries Act (Act No. 57 of 1997), as ERM Enterprise risk management
GRAP Generally Recognised Accounting Practice
AFS Annual Financial Statements
HCM Human Capital Management
AGSA Auditor-General South Africa IoDSA Institute of Directors South Africa
APP Annual Performance Plan IPSAS International Public Sector Accounting
Board Board of Directors of the NLC Standards
CATHSSETA Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality, Sports, M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
Sector Education and Training Authority MTEF Medium-term Expenditure Framework
Commissioner Commissioner of the NLC NDP National Development Plan
Our integrated report 2021/2022 The NLC has adopted the combined assurance model, which has been designed to highlight
endeavours to be concise. However, we relevant high-risk areas and the assurance to be provided for the NLC to be appraised of the
are cognisant of addressing all material risk management efforts undertaken to manage risks to an acceptable level.
stakeholder reporting requirements
enshrined in the Lotteries Act, Public Activity Standard/Code Assurance provider
Finance Management Act (PFMA), Treasury Financial information GRAP Auditor-General South Africa
Regulations and National Treasury presented here
Reporting Standards guidelines, published
on our website Strategic PFMA NLC Board Audit and Risk Committee
acts/. performance
Our Group annual financial statements (AFS) B-BBEE information BEE Act 53 of 2003 and Siyandisa Verification Solutions
follow Generally Recognised Accounting Codes of Good Practice
Practice (GRAP) standards for AFS. Operational PFMA and Lotteries Act NLC Audit and Risk Committee
We apply the King IV Code.
• The Board was responsible for establishing and implementing a system For the period under review, the NLC has produced
of internal control, which has been designed to provide reasonable limited print copies of the integrated report. The full
assurance as to the integrity and reliability of the performance
integrated report is also available electronically at
information, the human resources information and the AFS.
• The external auditors are engaged to express an independent opinion
on the AFS. In our opinion, the integrated report fairly reflects the
operations, performance information, human capital information and the
financial affairs of the entity for the financial year ended 31 March 2022.
NGO Non-governmental Organisation PFMA Public Finance Management Act
(Act No. 1 of 1999) as amended
NLC The National Lotteries Commission
established in terms of the Lotteries PPE Personal protective equipment
Amendment Act, including its controlled
R&D Research and development
entities, being National Lotteries
Distribution Trust Fund and National RFP Request for Proposal
Lotteries Participants Trust SCA Supreme Court of Appeal
NLDTF National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund SCM Supply Chain Management
NLPT National Lotteries Participants Trust SHE Safety, Health and Environment
NPO Non-profit organisation SOP Standard operating procedures
OHS Occupational Health and Safety The dtic Department of Trade, Industry and
The UN SDGs provide direction and clarity concerning the developmental goals that must be achieved to
support sustainable life on earth.
Based on an analysis of SDG interlinkages, the following five SDG targets were identified as those
with the most enabling connections for South Africa
considered material interdependence on government
policies, local and international market
if they have the trends, as well as South Africa’s
potential to impact socioeconomic environment.
our performance
significantly and
therefore our ability
to create value over
the short, medium Our Board engages
and long term. with material matters in
the development of the strategy
Our assessment of and strategic risk review. The
materiality involves Board also provides oversight in ensuring
identifying those that the NLC proactively addresses
identified material matters.
matters that affect
Our executive management ensures
our regulatory that material matters are
mandate to create a managed appropriately and
safe and sustainable remain relevant.
lotteries industry
while protecting
and maximising
revenue to ensure a
sustainable fund for We pride ourselves on
With the persistent challenges facing the South African economy, including poverty and low levels of
employment, as well as an urgent need for economic growth, we continued to face challenges in meeting the
unrealistic demand on the NLDTF.
We continue to look for innovative measures to maximise revenue while encouraging and channelling our
Macroeconomic valued beneficiaries to explore other forms of funding through the introduction of society lotteries and innovative
projects to support the sustainability of their organisations.
Interpretation of the Lotteries Act, No. 57 of 1997, specifically regarding the Appointment of a Chairperson of
the Board, remained a challenge – where if interpreted incorrectly, the appointment of the Chairperson has a
Interpretation of potential of adversely impacting the operations of the Commission.
The Lotteries Act requires amendment to ensure that the NLC has full regulatory powers. These include the
issuing of penalties for certain regulatory breaches and inspectorate powers to police and enforce the Act on
illegal operations.
Administrative penalties are tools used by regulators to enforce compliance with legislation. These penalties
should be of a monetary value and be imposed without reliance on a court process for the enforcement
Challenges Powers to appoint inspectors with all required enforcement powers to conduct inspections on illegal lotteries
in regulation would assist in effective execution of the mandate of policing lotteries.
Challenges identified by the Board in regulating the lotteries industry include conflicting legislation and different
regulators for gambling, as it’s separated from lotteries which create ambiguity in regulation and a lack of
enforcement powers to effectively regulate lotteries.
The lottery industry remains competitive, with licenced and registered local lotteries finding themselves
competing with foreign lotteries due to online platforms. Online gaming is providing more options for
consumers; however, it is also threatening the revenue generated by traditional lottery operators. The
proliferation of online operators also poses threats to the restrictive legislated environment.
The global lottery industry is coming to grips with the rapid changes resulting from online gaming and the use of
technology. Within this context, the NLC is expected to regulate the lotteries and sports pools industry and curb
Online gaming the scourge of illegal lotteries. The NLC is further expected to advise the Minister on the issuing of the licence
to conduct the National Lottery and sports pools while ensuring the National Lottery and sports pools are
conducted with all due propriety; that the interests of every participant in the National Lottery are adequately
protected and that the net proceeds of the National Lottery are as large as possible.
The Board developed and submitted the Request for Proposal for the Fourth National Lottery Licence
Strategy and Draft Proposal to the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition and sports pool Licences.
Sustainability of Delays in implementation of the strategy may have adverse results on the sustainability of the National Lottery
the National Lottery and sports pools.
and sports pools
The NLC has the sole mandate to regulate and prohibit lotteries and sports pools and to provide for matters connected therewith.
• To ensure that the National Lottery and sports pools are conducted with all due propriety and strictly in accordance with the
Constitution, this Act, all other applicable law and the licence for the National Lottery, together with any agreement pertaining to that
licence and that the interests of every participant in the National Lottery are adequately protected.
• Conduct research on worthy causes that may be funded without lodging an application prescribed in terms of the Lotteries Act, upon
request by the Minister, Board or on its own initiative in consultation with the Board.
• Invite applications for grants from worthy causes in the prescribed manner, upon request by the Minister, Board or on its own initiative
in consultation with the Board.
• Promoting public knowledge and awareness, developing and implementing educational and informational measures to instruct the
public on the lotteries and provisions of the Lotteries Act, as amended, and educating the public by detailing the process, requirements
and qualifications relating to the application for grants in terms of this Act.
• Manage staff, and its financial, administrative and clerical functions; and exercise any other function as delegated or directed by the Minister
or the Board.
To ensure better regulation and social upliftment through innovation.
To be a global, Refer to page 71
innovative leader in
regulating safe and To maximise revenue for good causes in a responsible manner.
sustainable lotteries Refer to page 87
and sports pools.
To distribute funds, equitably and expeditiously.
Refer to page 94
We are committed to achieving sustainable growth through the practice of good corporate governance, the provision of excellent
service and sound regulatory practice. In fulfilling the mission and delivery of our mandate, we demonstrate:
13 319
NORTH WEST 2 390 R286 816 780
13 176 884
1 230 R336 563 708 KWAZULU-NATAL
916 18 922
2 679 R581 865 336
1 067
13 173 14 217
365 R101 730 472 1 060 R213 484 151
573 641
16 303
15 299
Number of lottery jackpot winners: 970 R298 892 190
1 308 R607 903 255 11 147 number of jackpot winners 627
2 361 64 number of jackpot millionaires
principles of openness
and transparency, exercise
the functions assigned to
it in accordance with the
Lotteries Act, as well as
other applicable laws and
Chief Audit Executive
best practice. Ms Daisy Ledwaba
After several years of effort by the Ministry and The NLC received a qualified audit opinion on the
department in pursuing allegations of malfeasance financial accounts and a number of internal controls
in the granting of public funds to the most vulnerable and compliance deficiencies that the accounting
in our society, I am pleased to report that the veil on authority did not effectively oversee relating to
maladministration in the (NLC) began to lift during financial reporting and compliance with legislation
the period under review. were identified. The new Board on an urgent basis
must address these issues.
Since August 2019, at the start of the new
Administration the Ministry and department At the time of the audit, investigations were still
took several steps to address allegations of ongoing against the NLC, being the Special
misconduct, including: Investigating Unit (SIU) investigation on the NLC
for the period 1 January 2014 to 6 November
• undertaking physical visits by the dtic internal
2021 and the investigation by the Directorate for
audit team on claimed project buildings.
Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks) relating to grant
• commissioning an independent forensic funding allegations levelled against beneficiaries,
investigation into specific projects. management and previous board members.
• requesting implicated NLC staff to be suspended.
During the course of investigations, the
• laying criminal charges with SAPS. Commissioner, the Chief Operating Officer and Chief
• supporting the appointment of the Financial Officer resigned.
Special investigating Unit (SIU) to look into
Against the background, I am gratified that a new
maladministration at the NLC.
Board with persons of high integrity and standing in
• resisting pressure from orchestrated marches on our society were appointed. The Board is headed by
the offices of the Ministry. Dr Barney Pityana, a respected public figure and the
• opposing a number of applications by external Board members comprise Dr Cassius Lubisi (former
entities to suppress disclosure of beneficiary head of Cabinet), Ms Precious Mvelane, a chartered
information and successfully challenging the accountant, Mr Willie Hofmeyr, former head of the
NLC’s grounds for refusing to disclose such Asset Forfeiture Unit and Ms Beryl Ferguson, a
information, and previous MP with experience in governance.
• opposing a number of court applications by I have requested the Board to prioritise measures
the NLC against the Ministry on governance to hold implicated persons to account and I am
matters, including the decision to commission confident that the process of re-building trust in the
an independent forensic investigation, which NLC is now in good hands.
decision was upheld by the Gauteng High Court.
Largest grant
funder reaching R1.2 billion
Level 5 3 294 beneficiaries distributed to good causes in
B-BBEE rating the year under review
during the year
We believe that South Africa can realise these The NLC remains committed to growing
goals by growing an inclusive economy, building and preserving the trust relationship with its
capabilities, enhancing the state’s capacity, and stakeholders to fulfil its stated purpose of catalysing
promoting leadership and partnerships throughout social upliftment. The Board of the NLC recognises
society. Therefore, in line with its mandate, vision that it provides oversight to an integral asset of
and mission, the NLC’s formulation of programme society and has adopted a stakeholder inclusive
activities and targets are aligned with the political, approach in executing its corporate governance
social and economic realities of South Africa, as well and advisory role on the efficacy of the Lotteries
as the global goals encapsulated in the SDGs. Act, as amended. To this end, the NLC continuously
reviews its strategies to ensure the organisation
Indeed, the NLC exists to create sustainable
can meet its stated aims and protect the public
lotteries and sports pools that support a thriving
through compliance, monitoring, and enforcement
society, ensuring participant protection against
of lotteries and sports pools while delivering
illegal operators and generating funds through
social impact.
licenced operators to support the non-profit sector.
During the year, through its regulatory work, the
NLC ensured its stakeholders were protected from
unscrupulous operators of prohibited lotteries by Signed on behalf of the Board
shutting down these illegal operations. Ms BD Ferguson
The NLC managed, notwithstanding harsh economic The NLC has continued to chart plans to ensure
conditions and excessive demand on the fund, to integration between the work of the department, with
fund worthy causes to the tune of R1.2 billion and continual progress reported to the Ministry. Likewise,
ensured 100% of funds were allocated to identified our APP was not about introducing many new
priority areas. objectives but, rather, delivering a fresh approach to
implementation, with a focus on integration to enhance
LIVING OUR VALUES the development impact of the work of the NLC.
The Board is committed to clean governance as it
provides strategic direction to and accountability over OUTLOOK AND APPRECIATION
the running of the NLC, in line with the King IV Report The NLC remains committed to social upliftment and,
on Corporate Governance. Members of the Board are as such, has reviewed our plans to ensure that we
professionals from diverse backgrounds, aligned with continue to respond to the heightening needs of our
the values of the NLC, and dedicate time to steering stakeholders with agility and responsibility to create
the organisation toward maximum positive impact for maximum impact while protecting the public through
the benefit of the hundreds of thousands of South compliance, monitoring and enforcement of lotteries
Africans whose lives are changed for the better and sports pools.
through our regulatory and funding activities.
I extend my sincere gratitude to the staff of the NLC,
The NLC takes cognisance of all issues raised by who continuously strive for performance excellence
our stakeholders, implementing required controls to
and demonstrate a continued commitment to being
ensure our dual mandates are delivered effectively
catalysts for social upliftment. I also wish to thank the
and efficiently. Additionally, our controls are
Board and Exco for the strength of leadership they
continually enhanced to mitigate against potential
have demonstrated during these challenging times. And
and perceived corruption through ground-breaking
finally, to our shareholder and other stakeholders, thank
initiatives to safeguard the organisation and ensure
you for your continued support.
that our valued employees and external stakeholders
engage in ethical practices.
The Board submitted quarterly performance reports to the Executive Authority.
The Commission responded to all Parliamentary Questions comprehensively and
timeously. There was one engagement on behalf of the Minister in relation to RFP
matters and several correspondence the Board responded to.
The NLC engaged with applicants through the provincial stakeholder
engagements, education and awareness sessions, as well as various media
platforms to discuss NLC funding matters, to support society lotteries towards
greater sustainability and to support the capacity building of stakeholders.
The National Lottery Participant Trust (NLPT) was established for protection of participants.
The NLPT obtained an unqualified audit opinion in the year under review.
The NLC implemented the participant protection strategy.
For more information on the outcomes of the above initiatives, please see page 92.
The NLC was certified Top Employer benchmarked against best practice and global standards.
Zithande, the employee assistance programme, continued to show increase in uptake.
The NLC responds positively to staff development, while balancing the interest of the NLC and
considering skills capacity required for the sustainability of the organisation.
For more information, please see page 104.
The NLC continues to engage with media through responses to questions posed
by outlets.
The NLC proactively engages with various media outlets to educate the public on
the NLC’s mandate and initiatives.
100% of all identified and reported lottery schemes investigated
We invested in localised procurement and empowering disadvantaged groups.
We supported our suppliers through the payment of invoices within 14 days of receipt.
The NLC engaged robustly with external auditors during the 2021/22 audit in line with
the external audit strategy and engagement letters. Site visits to sampled projects were
undertaken. The NLC engaged with the Auditor-General at the scheduled Audit Steering
Committee meetings.
We seek to maintain high levels of transparency to build and
maintain trust with our stakeholders, growing social capital
to enable value creation and protect against value erosion.
In line with this, below is a summary of critical matters that arose as areas of
heightened stakeholder interest as part of a recent stakeholder perception
survey. Some of the most salient issues include:
We have formalised regulatory oversight structures and policies, supported by a continual drive to ensure that
the organisation has the requisite skills to enable effective regulatory oversight. The Independent Verification
System for independent verification of National Lottery ticket sales is a crucial risk response mechanism
further augmented by our additional data analysis tools and competencies as an organisation. As an
System does not ongoing enhancement strategy, we work continually with the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition
provide for sufficient (shareholder) to enable a responsive and up-to-date legislative framework that ultimately enhances the
regulatory oversight protection of lottery participants and beneficiaries of the work of the NLC.
The NLC has committed to developing a strategy to address inadequacies in independent monitoring of
the National Lottery, sports pools, and other lotteries. This strategy, it is envisaged, shall consider emerging
technologies that optimise the effectiveness and reliability of oversight outcomes.
Our focus on preventing, detecting, and combating illegal lottery operations is not only empowered by
legislation but is also further enhanced through collaboration with other regulators, law enforcement agencies
and stakeholders in the market and internationally.
We seek to prevent illegal lottery activity through active media monitoring, formal registration criteria, and an
enforcement and easy registration process for compliant lotteries. In addition, ongoing education is a tool relied upon to inform
prohibition action the public of lotteries and sports pools regulations and how they can best be protected as participants.
One of the main challenges is a lack of awareness regarding the nature of illegal lotteries amongst participants
and those conducting them, which is managed through structured and ongoing awareness campaigns.
The NLC has implemented a formal sustainability strategy providing guidelines and objectives for sustainability
under various themes. The annual and ongoing budget preparation and monitoring processes ensure that the
organisation remains in touch with its financial health and implements required financial mitigations timeously.
In addition, the organisation implements a reserving strategy to absorb the economic effects of uncertainties
Impaired and disruptions. This is combined with ongoing cost-containment measures and revenue maximisation
organisational strategies that are reviewed formally at least annually.
sustainability Cost containment is supported by awareness sessions with staff members designed to build a cost-saving
culture through seeking out cost efficiencies while ensuring that the NLC’s organisational mandate is
achieved. The revenue generation model continues to be reviewed, and as part of that process, the revenue
maximisation strategy was developed during the financial year under review, pending Board approval.
Failure by the Through the request for proposal (RFP) management process, the NLC assists the Executive Authority in
Executive Authority reaching a conclusion on the National Lottery Operator.
to appoint a National This supports a considered and balanced RFP process that is informed by a formal RFP strategy and
Lottery Operator considers pertinent procurement laws and regulations. In addition, a reserving strategy is in place to protect
on time business continuity and ensure that the NLC is less affected by key business disruptions should these arise.
Formal business continuity planning is supported by robust crisis management and emergency planning.
Such supporting contingency management practices include a pandemic mitigation strategy, off-site backup
solution, a disaster recovery policy and structured health and safety management in terms of an occupational
health and safety policy. Moreover, there are additional interventions in the form of an employee wellness
Critical programme and crisis communications management to deal with the fallout resulting from certain business
business continuity
disruptions We have placed heightened emphasis on third-party or strategic partner impacts on business continuity by
formally reviewing key third-party business continuity arrangements and ensuring effective alignment between
the organisational business continuity plans and relevant third-party plans. The NLC additionally ensures
ongoing monitoring of the National Lottery Operator’s business continuity arrangements to ensure operational
continuity is not impaired by significant adverse occurrences at the National Lottery Operator.
We make every effort to protect the privacy of personal information and have implemented related formal
protocols. Such protocols include a commitment to protect personal information in public disclosures
unless this is required in terms of legislation. A formalised ICT strategy guides the priorities and focus areas
Ineffective of the ICT function of the NLC. This strategy is aligned with and responsive to the organisational strategy.
The organisation has also developed a cloud-based services strategy that should result in the progressive
migration of services to the cloud environment. ICT security is a priority of the organisation and is addressed
of information through a formal ICT security policy and supporting sub-processes.
As part of the organisation’s stringent management processes over personal information, there is an ongoing
review and implementation process to enable full compliance with the Protection of Personal Information Act.
A formal human capital strategy informs the NLC’s human capital management initiatives in support of
Non-optimal the organisational strategy. Additional wellness interventions are a crucial risk management measure that
human capital works with the health and safety policy. Performance management and related development is a formalised
structure and skills to process within the NLC designed to drive performance through recognition, incentivisation and consequence
meet the organisation’s management regarding individual and team performance.
mandate and
A detailed review of the current organisational structure and alignment thereof has been conducted, and as the
strategic obligations
needs, technology, and work of the NLC continue to evolve, the organisation will ensure any required reskilling
of staff members is implemented in line with formal change management processes.
The NLC is committed to delivering on its mandate in a manner that ensures sound strategic outcomes
and builds shareholder value. A non-functional relationship between the NLC and the shareholder would
significantly impair performance and service delivery with the potential effect of reputational harm and loss of
integrity of the National Lottery, sports pools, the NLC, other lotteries, and the shareholder.
shareholder relations In meeting the intents of formal shareholder compacting, there are ongoing shareholder interface and
communication processes in terms of a formal stakeholder management process that are bi-directional and
whose primary focus is to ensure the efficient implementation of the NLC mandate. In addition, the Board
engages periodically with the shareholder on critical strategic matters.
The Minister of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition periodically appoints Board members
and distributing agencies. The organisation has supplemented its succession plan with a comprehensive
knowledge management strategy.
The NLC has also prioritised the development of a Board succession strategy, including a handover process
governance and
to ensure continuity and lesser disruption of the oversight work of the Board. The expiry of contracts for key
succession planning positions within the NLC is a significant risk to overall governance and succession management. Therefore,
the organisation has ensured ongoing communication with the shareholder where intervention is required to fill
such critical vacancies.
The organisation holds a zero-tolerance policy toward any acts of fraud, corruption, and related misconduct.
The organisation will therefore not condone such actions, whether known or unknown and expects the highest
standards of ethical conduct of its officials and related parties. Driven by a formal anti-fraud and corruption
policy, the organisation enables timely fraud reporting, investigation and resolution through a range of related
standard operating procedures.
The organisation performs a periodic review of its fraud risks through a formal fraud risk assessment.
We support openness and transparency through a set of organisational values, a clearly communicated
whistleblowing policy and channels thereof, and protecting the rights of whistle-blowers in terms of legislation.
Fraud and An ethics policy underpins our approach to ethics, overseen by the Human Resources, Ethics and Social
Responsibility Committee.
unethical conduct
A periodic conflict of interest assessment is conducted in various areas of the organisation, and the findings
thereof are resolved and included in future organisational process improvements. Through adequate
segregation of duties, awareness building and consequence management, we give priority to the management
of fraud risks within the organisation – not only as a cause of financial losses but a fundamental cause
of reputational risk as well as a direct cause of loss of value and protection for lottery participants and
The NLC prioritised and rolled out an organisational compliance framework and an ethics awareness
programme during the period under review.
The development, implementation and maintenance
of a performance management policy is critical in
meeting the needs of our stakeholders effectively,
efficiently and economically.
Reporting (in-year and annual reporting) PFMA, section 55(2)(a) and Treasury
• Achieve a uniform approach to ensure compliance with the PFMA in relation to performance
management and reporting.
• Promote open and transparent management of performance information strategy and measurement
• Uphold sound corporate governance principles.
Performance management within the NLC is an integrated management strategy that seeks to:
• Create a shared vision of the purpose, aims and values of the NLC.
• Help stakeholders and employees understand their part in contributing to the achievement of
organisational aims and goals, as well as maintaining organisational values.
• Manage and enhance the performance of individual employees and that of the NLC as a whole.
• The performance management process comprises planning, budgeting, monitoring and reporting of
Strategic planning
Assess and
Year-end national department Operational planning
reporting provincial department and budgeting
municipality public entity
municipal entity
Set targets
and allocate
Implementation and
in-year planning
Compliant and
Competent, capable regulated lottery Fair and equitable
and relevant industry receptive distribution of grant
lottery industry. to the NLC funding.
For more information on our performance against our strategy, please see page 38.
The NLC’s intangible assets that Monitoring the Monitoring of
work to enhance the day-to-day implementation of protection and
operations of the organisation. Social Responsibility payment of prize
These include the NLC’s ERP Programme winners
system, feasibility studies, the grant
funding system and development
research, as well as the NLC
regulatory and grant funding
model procedures, processes and
governance. The NLC and National ACTIVITIES
Lottery logos and brands and
reputation are also included.
Funding for THAT ENABLE OUR Stakeholder
impact engagements
The NLC’s tangible assets that Pursuing
work to facilitate the day-to-day Education
operations of the organisation. This and awareness
includes the NLC’s buildings and
technological tools.
Natural resources refer to the
water, paper, land and other natural
resources that are used in the
course of our day-to-day business. To Ensure Financial
To enhance To Implement Relevant
Sustainability, Control
administration and Initiatives Geared To Ensure Fair
and Discipline in
ensure compliance with towards Ensuring and Equitable
Social and relationship applicable legislation
line with Applicable
Compliance with Grant Allocations
Legislation and
The NLC is a stakeholder-focused and policy prescripts the Act
Policy Prescripts
entity. Engagements with our
internal and external stakeholders
have ensured that we maximise
revenue for worthy causes and
3 4
R1.172 billion allocated for good causes (2021: R1.14 billion).
Accelerated disbursements to funded organisations.
The NLC regulates various • Economic growth and development for
successful applicants.
lotteries, including sports • Injection of funds into economic circulation.
pools, society lotteries, raffles
and competitions. Human
The NLC monitors and regulates • Low staff turnover at less than 2%.
• Elimination of backlog.
the running of various lottery
• Improved and efficient administration.
competitions, including those
• Better regulation.
organised by non-profit • Strong internal controls.
organisations to raise funds, and
by companies to promote their Intellectual
goods and services. • Development of society lotteries model,
Balancing between our critical resources
• Acquisition of provincial offices.
• NLC-funded infrastructure projects.
• The NLC invested in environmental projects and boreholes in drought areas,
which has resulted in food security and ensure water availability.
GRANT FUNDING • Food security and water preservation were areas that featured prominently
during the year, including the funding to support micro-agricultural projects in all
nine provinces.
The NLC also serves as a grant
funder, providing registered
Social and relationship
NPOs with funding to establish
• Localised procurement by the National Lottery Operator.
projects that improve the lives of
• Procurement by the National Lottery Operator to B-BBEE companies.
everyday South Africans. • Continued frequent and intensive stakeholder engagements.
• Engagements with our internal and external stakeholders have ensured that we
maximise revenue for worthy causes and make the NLC fund accessible.
• 14 days payment turnaround times to established businesses.
• 11 days payment turnaround times to SMEs.
• First tranches paid within 33 days on average to beneficiaries.
• R158.2 million procurement towards designated groups (2021: R148 million).
Macroeconomic conditions
In 2020, the global extreme poverty rate rose significantly. Hundreds of millions • SA economy no longer stable
were pushed back into extreme poverty and chronic hunger due to COVID-19 and • Illegal gambling a threat
the resulting lockdowns and negative impacts on economies globally. The global
• R2.4 billion spent on illegal gambling
economic output contracted in real terms by 3.2% during 2020. Off of this low
base, the IMF is expecting that it will grow by 6.0% in 2021 and 4.9% during 20221.
• Loss in tax revenues to government
In South Africa, the average consumer is becoming poorer in real terms, evident estimated at R140 million
when considering the declining real GDP per capita trend. Since 2014, the real
GDP per capita has decreased by between 0.1% and 1% each year, with more
significant impacts during 2020.
The NLC does not receive funds from the fiscus, and the dependence on a single source of revenue against rising inflation and an
increase in the NPO ask has become a considerable challenge. In addition, the funding model of these organisations appears to
promote dependency on consistent external support. This challenge arguably represents an opportunity for the possible emergence
of a more sustainable funding model for these organisations, which we hope to explore by enhancing our grant funding model.
The NLC receives, on average, approximately 80% of its funding from the share of ticket sales. While the invigoration of the games
has increased gross revenue, it does little to measure up against the growth and demand for funding. The NLC is further faced
with increased competition from bookmakers and illegal lottery operators. The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic presents further
challenges, particularly concerning its impact on revenue. The proposed amendments to the Gaming Bill could positively impact the
NLC. Amendments to the gaming legislation in the country could provide enforcement powers to the NLC to combat illegal lotteries
and provide opportunities through licensing bookmakers for taking bets on the outcome of the National Lottery. However, the lack
of alignment between the Provincial Gaming Legislation and the National Gaming Bill implies that illegal lotteries will remain a threat.
Fantasy gaming is also not addressed by the legislated amendments.
Macroeconomic Challenges in
Online gaming
conditions regulation
The speed of current breakthroughs in technology has no historical precedent. Compared with • The Essential Eight
previous industrial revolutions, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is evolving at an exponential technologies that matter
rather than a linear pace. This rapid growth in technology is changing how people live and work. most for business today
Technology platforms currently central to this revolution include artificial intelligence, augmented • Artificial Intelligence
reality, blockchain, drones, the internet of things, robotics, virtual reality and 3D-printing2. Such
• Augmented reality
technologies increasingly blur the lines between the digital, biological and physical worlds.
• Blockchain
Technological advancements such as these challenge regulators and policymakers, particularly
• Drones
in the gaming industry, including the National Lottery. Since the legalisation of gambling in
South Africa in 1996, the gambling industry has grown and evolved substantially. Technological • Internet of things
advancements in existing and new forms of gambling have emerged and have created challenges • Robotics
for regulators and policy makers to regulate the gaming industry effectively. This has been shown
• Virtual reality
by certain forms of illegal gambling persistently growing in popularity.
• 3-D printing
PWC, Eight emerging technologies and six convergence themes you need to know about,
essential-eight – technologies.html
The NLC’s enterprise-wide architecture aims to harness the positive impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The NLC has set
aside necessary investments to enable staff and external stakeholders to participate and benefit from a secured infrastructure
and enterprise architecture. Prioritising cybersecurity capabilities is another critical priority to protect the organisation and our
stakeholders’ data, assets and reputations and is also fundamental to effective digital transformation.
Online gambling has changed the landscape as people want to participate at their convenience. The scourge of illegal online lotteries
and gambling has encroached on the lottery space. The promotion of fantasy gaming further exacerbates the situation. Innovation
remains a tool towards success, especially within an era of increasingly advancing business, social, and economic environments.
We introduce innovative methods of interaction to allow stakeholders to take on new roles as enabled and empowered participants.
To capitalise on these opportunities, the NLC will ensure that the developed technology roadmap encapsulates principles of flexibility,
scalability and affordability within an appropriate risk-tolerant infrastructure and enterprise environment. It must, however, be noted
that introducing new services in a network often presents challenges, such as security issues. At the NLC, this is addressed through
the enacted ICT governance framework.The NLC receives, on average, approximately 80% of its funding from the share of ticket
sales. While the invigoration of the games has increased gross revenue, it does little to measure up against the growth and demand
for funding. The NLC is further faced with increased competition from bookmakers and illegal lottery operators. The advent of the
COVID-19 pandemic presents further challenges, particularly concerning its impact on revenue. The proposed amendments to the
Gaming Bill could positively impact the NLC. Amendments to the gaming legislation in the country could provide enforcement powers
to the NLC to combat illegal lotteries and provide opportunities through licensing bookmakers for taking bets on the outcome of the
National Lottery. However, the lack of alignment between the Provincial Gaming Legislation and the National Gaming Bill implies that
illegal lotteries will remain a threat. Fantasy gaming is also not addressed by the legislated amendments.
Macroeconomic conditions
Before the pandemic’s onset, the economy stagnated, the unemployment rate • South Africa is the most unequal
was at its highest level in over a decade, poverty and inequality remained a country in the world.
significant concern, and the fiscal situation was deteriorating due to lower-than- • The unemployment rate is 63.9% for
expected revenue earnings and growing sovereign debt. Moreover, the COVID-19 those aged 15–24 and 42.1% for
pandemic has caused millions of workers to lose their jobs, while the number of those aged 25–34, while the current
discouraged workers also increased. official national rate stands at 34.5%.
The National Lottery differs from other gaming categories in that it is operated to generate funds for charitable, sports, arts and
other worthy causes rather than as an entity focused on maximising returns for shareholders. The NLC’s primary aim when
considering funding for impact hinges on the project’s sustainability, with emphasis on the number of jobs created and sustained
through its funding. During the year, the organisation created 12 002 (6 936 permanent and 5 066 temporary jobs) through its
funding. Regarding the secondary beneficiaries, a total of 263 229 individuals reported having been served or reached with
various services offered by the NLC’s beneficiaries. These are beneficiaries that have directly benefitted from NLC-funded
programmes or projects.
According to the Global Risks Report • South Africa is experiencing significant effects of climate change – including
2021, extreme weather, climate action increased temperatures and rainfall variability.
failure, and human-led environmental • The observed rate of warming is more than twice the global rate of
damage are among the highest temperature increase for the western parts and the northeast.
likelihood risks for the next 10 years.
• Extreme weather events in South Africa are increasing – including heat
waves, lengthening dry spells and increased rainfall intensity.
In line with the material impacts of the climate crisis on the most vulnerable in our society, food security and water preservation
were areas that featured prominently in the NLC’s funding plan during the year.
• Action plan on raising • Percentage disbursement • Implement the National • A minimum of 90% of
service delivery standards. of grants as per GNR644, Lottery monitoring matrix. funding allocated to
• Number of education and 6(c)(iv). • Implement the sports pool identified priority areas.
awareness engagements • Level 7 B-BBEE score to be monitoring matrix. • Alignment of the approved
conducted nationally. obtained. • The National Lottery and grant funding model.
• NLC reputation brand • Second phase of the sports pools enforcement • Completion of 2500
management action Fourth RFP National Lottery policy to be implemented. monitoring reports.
plan developed and Licence to be implemented. • An evaluation into actions • Number of funding agents
implemented. to reduce the risk of harm registered and accredited.
to children and those most
susceptible to excessive
gaming to be conducted.
• Number of retailer
inspections to be
conducted nationally.
• Percentage of
investigations on reported
and identified lottery
Research & 1.1 The action plan perception survey
Development to on raising service concluded, and
measure –
delivery standards action plan
stakeholder implemented. approved by the
satisfaction Board
1.2 Number of stakeholder
education and 187 engagements
Education & awareness stakeholder focused on
Awareness engagements engagements regulatory
A professional conducted conducted mandate
and sustainable conducted
1.3 NLC
Protect and Brand
Strengthen Management
NLC’s Brand Action Plan
Reputation developed and
Conduct 40 education The achievement is due
292 education and
and awareness to the ability of the NLC
engagements to conduct virtual
engagements were
nationally engagements.
conducted nationally.
2.1 Percentage
Optimise disbursement of 91% of 80% of
returns to grants as per grants grants
good causes GNR644, disbursed disbursed
and agile
2.2 Level 7 BBBEE
systems and Organisational score BBBEE Level 8 BBBEE Level 5
standards Obtained
that are
2.3 2nd Phase
Awarding of 4th RFP
of the 4th RFP
the 4th Licence
National Lottery
National Strategy
Lottery Licence developed
The achievement is as
a result of the Grant
Making contribution to
Obtain a Level 7 Skills Development
NLC obtained a Level
BBBEE score through relevant
5 BBBEE score. programs; capacity
building initiatives as
well as internal training.
Policy for 3.3 The National National Lottery
regulating the Lottery and Sports and Sports Pools
national lottery Pools Enforcement Enforcement
by providing a Policy Policy developed
framework for implemented and implemented
the decisions
Safe and
sustainable 3.4 An evaluation Responsible Play
into actions to
lotteries and and Complaints
Protecting the reduce the risk of 9 Participant Resolution
sports pools interests and harm to children Protection strategy
preventing harm and those most Programs developed and
to participants susceptible to implemented approved by the
excessive gaming Board
Implementation of the The National Lottery
National Lottery monitoring matrix was
Monitoring Matrix implemented.
Implementation of the The Sports Pool
Sports Pool Monitoring monitoring matrix was
Matrix implemented.
Implementation of the The National Lottery
National Lottery and and Sports Pools
Sports Pools Enforcement Policy
Enforcement Policy was implemented.
Conduct an Evaluation The evaluation of
of actions to reduce actions to reduce the
the risk of harm to risk of harm to children
children and those and those most
most susceptible to susceptible to
excessive gaming excessive gaming was
The achievement is as
a result of the easing of
Achieved. Covid 19 restrictions
650 retailer inspections 1044 retailer and a strategy of doing
conducted inspections were repeat inspections to
conducted. ensure consistency in
compliance and
operations at certain
A revised Grant
Funding Model 4.2 The aligned Alignment of the
Grant Funding
aligned to the Grant Funding enhancements of
A sustainable developmental Model Model approved the revised grant
by the Board
and impactful needs of South implemented funding model
civil society
Monitoring and 4.3 2500 1460
Evaluation of the monitoring reports 2500 site visits monitoring reports
projects we fund completed (site visits)
The achievement is as
a result of efficiency
Achieved. improvements
Allocation of 90% of 100% of funds was throughout the value
funds to identified allocated to identified chain including the
priority areas priority areas. pre-screening that
commences before an
application is accepted.
Implementation of the The aligned grant
aligned Grant Funding funding model was
Model implemented.
Register and accredit 15 funding agents were
15 funding agents registered and
2020/2021 2021/2022
2020/2021 2021/2022
Bachelor of Primary Education, MSc in Development Planning, Executive Development Programme,
Diploma – Practical Project Management
Ms Brown has been a public servant for more than 15 years, a majority of which she held Senior
Ms A Brown (47) Management positions in MandE. She worked for the South African Human Rights Commission
and proceeded to the following departments, namely Land Affairs, National Prosecuting Authority,
Non-executive Board Member Corporative Governance and Traditional Affairs, KZN Corporative Governance and Traditional
(Minister’s Representative) Affairs, Mineral Resources and currently at the dti. She sits on the NLC Board as the Minister’s
Appointed 1 April 2017 Representative.
* Resigned March 2022 Ms Brown is a member of the Institute of Directors South Africa (IoDSA).
Committee membership:
Board Review Committee; Board Regulatory Compliance and Legal Committee; Board and
Distributing Agency Committee; Board Nominations Committee
BAccounting, Bcompt (Hons), CTA, BAdmin (Hons), MBA, International Executive Development
Programme, Gaming Executive Development Programme, Certificate in Labour Relations,
Advanced Programme in Human Resources
Ms Dondur (55) Ms Dondur has extensive corporate experience, governance and compliance skills as well as
comprehensive understanding of accounting standards and financial reporting. As an independent
Independent non-executive member of numerous boards and as the Audit and Risk Committee Chairperson she
Non-executive Board Member continues to give strategic guidance and direction on the practical application of various disciplines
Appointed 1 April 2017 applicable to boards.
Committee membership:
Board Review Committee; Board Regulatory Compliance and Legal Committee; Board Audit
and Risk Committee; Board Nominations Committee; Board Human Capital, Social and Ethics
Dr Madzivhandila has held various board memberships in development agencies. He is a strategist
with hands-on experience in community development and stakeholder relations. His strength lies in
Dr M Madzivhandila (58)
change and diversity management.
Independent Non-executive
Appointed 1 April 2017 Committee membership:
% Departed February 2022
Board Review Committee; Board Regulatory Compliance and Legal Committee; Board Audit
and Risk Committee; Board Nominations Committee; Board Human Capital, Social and Ethics
Prof Gordhan has been a non-executive director since 2006 at various public entities in the RSA.
In his directorship career he has held various positions including chairing of boards and audit
Prof YN Gordhan (71)
CA(SA) Committee membership:
Independent Non-executive
Board Review Committee; Board Regulatory Compliance and Legal Committee; Board Audit and
Appointed 1 April 2017 Risk Committee; Board and Distributing Agency Committee; Board Nominations Committee; Board
Human Capital, Social and Ethics Committee
BProc, Bachelor of Laws, Master of Laws, Graduate Diploma in Company Direction (Corporate
Governance), Financial Management (Finance for Non-Financial Managers), Various Certificates of
Attendance in Human Capital and Performance Management
Adv Huma has held various executive and non-executive director positions since 1984. He has
Adv WE Huma (61)
chaired various committees including audit committees in public entities since 2001. Adv Huma
Independent Non-executive
has extensive experience, knowledge and understanding of corporate governance, Compliance,
Appointed 1 April 2017 Project, Financial and Risk Management as well as Business Administration and Law.
@ Resigned October 2021
Committee membership:
Board Review Committee; Board Regulatory Compliance and Legal Committee; Board Audit and
Risk Committee; Board and Distributing Agency Committee; Board Nominations Committee; Board
Human Capital, Social and Ethics Committee
Ms Mvulane is a Chartered Accountant (SAICA) and a Registered Auditor (IRBA). She has over
Ms Precious Mvulane 18 years’ experience in different finance roles, i.e. auditor (internal and external) in the private and
CA(SA), RA (46) public sector. She has also been involved with governance structures for the past 11 years and
Independent Non-executive sits on 10 boards as an audit committee member, of which she chairs 5. One of these board is
the IRBA (her own professional body) and IBASA. Over the past seven years, she has trained over
Appointed 24 March 2022
1 500 entrepreneurs and 200 non-profit organizational leaders. Her clients include Absa, Standard
Bank, SAB Kickstart, National Gazelles – ATNS, the Hope Factory (SAICA ED programme), UPD,
BP South Africa, Accenture and Clicks Group.
Education Gender
2 4
Humanities Male
Commerce Female
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Higher Diploma in Education (HDE), Bachelor of Education (cum
laude), Doctor of Philosophy
Dr Cassius Reginald Lubisi is an accomplished academic, educationist, public service manager and
Dr Cassius Lubisi (56) strategist, and brings to the Presidency many years of experience at a strategic level in the public
Independent Non-executive service and academia. Previously, Dr Lubisi was the Superintendent-General of the Department
of Education in KwaZulu-Natal, where he was responsible for the overall strategic direction
Appointed 24 March 2022
and management of the Department. Prior to joining the KwaZulu-Natal provincial government
as head of department in 2005, Dr Lubisi was Deputy Director-General for General Education
and Training in the national Department of Education. He has also served as Special Adviser to
Former Education Minister Kader Asmal. He was Chairperson of Umalusi, the Council for Quality
Assurance in General and Further Education and Training, from June 2002 to May 2004.He worked
for 10 years as a lecturer and senior lecturer at the School of Education in the Pietermaritzburg
campus of the University of Natal. On secondment from the University, he became the project
manager and chairperson of the ministerial project committee to develop the National Curriculum
Statement for Grades 10 to 12 from 2002 to 2003.The Mpumalanga province-born Dr Lubisi
studied at the University of Natal and completed his Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Education
and Higher Diploma in Education degrees, with the Bachelor of Education being completed
cum laude. Dr Lubisi completed his doctoral degree with the University of Nottingham in the United
Kingdom, having researched the topic “An investigation into mathematics teachers’ perceptions
and practices of classroom assessment in South African lower secondary schools”.He has been
involved in several projects, including the ministerial review of Curriculum2005, Telematic Learning
Systems, the South African Democracy Education Trust and the Nelson Mandela Foundation.
Ms Ferguson is a seasoned leader and entrepreneur with over 30 years business experience. Her
Ms Beryl Ferguson (65) participation and leadership roles accompanied with key strengths that consistently achieve collective
Independent Non-executive creative competencies from her teams. She encourages the generation of alternative knowledge
Appointed 24 March 2022 combinations, towards achieving optimum organisational performance. Her experience is reflected
in her detail at strategy execution that emphasises the importance of talent advancement with
management and its strategic impact on organisational performance culture – in information intensive
organisations. As the board chairman of SANBI she leverages knowledge management to organise
and direct knowledge intensive activities in order to achieve the SANBI mandate.
Education Gender
2 4
Humanities Male
Commerce Female
Mr Willie Hofmeyr (68)
Mr Hofmeyr is a Deputy National Director of Public Prosecutions in South Africa. He was the Head
Independent Non-executive
of the Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU) at the National Prosecuting Authority and in the past he has
Appointed 24 March 2022 been responsible for their Legal Affairs Division and their Special Investigating Unit. He is an expert
on asset forfeiture and recovery, anti-corruption strategies and the working of the South African
Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Mr Hofmeyr is the longest-serving Deputy National Director of Public Prosecutions, having been
appointed by President Thabo Mbeki in 2001.Mr Hofmeyr served for five years as a Member of
Parliament in South Africa, supporting the government of President Nelson Mandela. During this
time, he served as the Chairperson of the Constitutional Assembly committee that drafted the
chapter on the Judiciary in the new Constitution, and he was a Parliamentary Counsellor to the
Deputy President.
LLB, BCom (Marketing), FCIS, Certified Ethics Officer, International Executive Development
Adv Nene has experience in various private and public entities. She is an admitted advocate in the
Adv N Nene (FCIS) (41)
High Court of South Africa and a Fellow Chartered Company Secretary.
Company Secretary
Appointed 1 March 2016
Advise the Minister on issuing • Fourth National Lottery Licence Request for Proposal: Strategy and
of the licence to conduct the proposed RFP Document for publishing submitted in line with Section 13(2)
National Lottery. (a) of the Lotteries Act requirements.
Advise the Minister on the Advised Minister on the Efficacy of Legislation: Legislative Review:
efficacy of legislation
• Advice to the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on any Matter
pertaining to lotteries and
Relating to the National Lottery and Other Lotteries or Any Other Matter on
ancillary matters.
which the Minister requires the Advice of The Board: Sale of National Lottery
Tickets as an Essential Service.
• Submission on approval for Multi-year Funding submitted in line with Lotteries
Act requirements.
• Re-configuration of NLC Distributing Agencies.
Ensure that the National • Monitoring of National Lottery Operations and oversight of National Lottery
Lottery and sports pools are and Sports Pools Compliance matrix.
conducted with all • Approval of policies and strategies related to ensuring the National Lottery
due propriety. and Sports Pools are conducted with due proprietary.
• Oversight over the National Lottery Participants Trust.
Advise the Minister on • The NLC has approved a participant protection strategy which entails
establishing and implementing guidelines on market overstimulation and restrictions of underage play.
social responsibility MOUs concluded ensures responsible play through combating of illegal
programmes in respect of lotteries.
Ensure that the interests of • Oversight of the National Lottery Participants Trust.
every participant in the • Approval of related policies and strategies. Monitoring of implementation of
National Lottery are policies.
adequately protected.
• See page 87 of Regulatory Compliance report.
Administer and invest the • Approval of Investment Policy and Strategy.
money paid to the NLDTF in • Previous investment strategy implemented yielding on average 8% return
accordance with the Lotteries on investment.
Ensure that net proceeds • Approval of game design from the Operator. Monitoring financial dimensions of
of the National Lottery are National Lottery Operations.
as large as possible.
• Approval of Investment Policy and Strategy.
• Approval of Revenue maximisation strategy.
• Education and Awareness on Society Lotteries and other lotteries.
Board Regulatory Compliance and Legal Committee/Board Audit and Risk Committee
Perform such additional • All Board duties performed in line with legislative prescripts. There were no additional
duties in respect of duties assigned by the Minister.
lotteries as the Minister
may assign to the Board.
Administer the NLDTF and • Approval and implementation of Regulations relating to funds for worthy causes,
hold it in trust. appropriate budget and M and E.
• See Finance and Operations Report.
Board Audit and Risk Committee/Board and Distributing Agency Committee
Monitor, regulate and • Approval of related policies and strategies. Monitoring of illegal lotteries and curbing of
police lotteries incidental the same. MOUs with relevant authorities and provincial gambling authorities.
to exempt entertainment, • See page 87 Regulatory Compliance and Legal report.
private lotteries and society
RESPONSIBLE Board Audit and Risk Committee/Board Regulatory Compliance and Legal Committee
Advise the Minister on any Advised Minister on the Efficacy of Legislation: Legislative Review:
matter relating to the
• Advice to the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition on any Matter Relating to
National Lottery and other
the National Lottery and Other Lotteries or Any Other Matter on which the Minister
lotteries or any other topic
requires the Advice of The Board: Sale of National Lottery Tickets as an Essential
on which the Minister
requires the advice of the
Board. • Advice relating to the Fourth National Lottery Licence.
Advise the Minister on • Legislative review recommendations submitted.
percentages of money to • Percentages of monies allocated maintained. See Operations and Finance reports.
be allocated.
Board Regulatory Compliance and Legal Committee/Board Audit and Risk Committee/Board
RESPONSIBLE and Distributing Agency Committee
All Non-executive Board members are appointed by the Minister of Trade and Industry, in accordance with section 3 of the Lotteries Act as
amended. The Minister appoints a Chairperson, who shall be a person with relevant knowledge or experience with regard to matters connected
with the functions of the Board. Furthermore, one member designated by the Minister and not more than five members who have proven
business acumen or applicable knowledge or experience with regard to matters connected with the functions of the Board, and of whom at least
one should be a legal practitioner admitted to practice in the Republic and at least one a chartered accountant in the Republic. The Lotteries Act
further stipulates that at least four members shall be persons who are not in the service of any sphere of government. The Board currently has
two vacant positions. The NLC welcomed four Board members on 26 March 2022.
The Commissioner is an ex-officio member of the Board and is a member of the IoDSA. The approved organisational succession plan continued
to be implemented and monitored during the year under review.
All Non-executive Board members are considered to be independent as they have no material interest in the NLC, the National Lottery Operator,
beneficiaries or suppliers. Members are required to complete an annual disclosure of interest and required to disclose interest at every meeting to
ensure that circumstances that may give rise to a conflict of interest are managed and monitored effectively.
There were no conflicts of interest identified during the reporting period.
The Board reviewed its approach and arrangements for delegation to promote independent judgement and assist with the balance
of power and the effective discharge of duties without abdicating its accountability. Delegation arrangements were in accordance
with the Lotteries Act, as amended, which stipulates that the Board may appoint committees to assist it in efficiently and effectively
performing its functions and exercising its powers. Committees consist of such members of the Board as the Board may designate,
with the Board appointing the Chairperson of every committee. Every committee performs its functions in accordance with the
provisions of this Act and such directives of the Board that are not in conflict with such requirements. Any delegated function so
performed shall be deemed to have been performed by the Board.
As such, the Board comprised six committees, which included two statutory committees and five standing committees as
depicted below:
Executive Committee
Board member Role meetings
Ms A Brown* Member 16/26
Ms DLT Dondur Member 21/26
Prof YN Gordhan Member 19/26
Adv WE Huma@ Member 2/26
Dr MA Madzivhandila% Member 19/26
Ms B Ferguson Member 2/26
Dr CR Lubisi Member 1/26
Ms PK Mvulane Member 2/26
Mr W Hofmeyr Member 2/26
Meetings included:
• Statutory Meetings
• Special Board Meeting (AFS Approval, National Lottery Matters and Urgent Reports)
• NLC and Ithuba RF (Pty) Ltd Joint Boards meetings
• Board Strategy Sessions
• Board Risk Workshop
The Review Committee is established in terms of Section 26H of the Lotteries Act. The Committee is chaired by the Chairperson of the NLC
Board and reviews decisions of the Distributing Agency concerning applications for grants, only on application by an aggrieved applicant in the
manner prescribed: Provided that such review shall be adjudicated by a Board Committee set up for such purpose without delay.
If the Board overrules the decision of the Distributing Agency, the Board may either order the Distributing Agency to re-evaluate the application,
taking into consideration matters raised by the Board or set aside the decision of the Distributing Agency and substitute it with an order the Board
deems appropriate.
During the year under review, the Board Review Committee considered a total of 381 review applications.
7 20 2 1
Reviewed DA decision R6 019 466 R4 190 080 R3 527 222 – R58 000 30 (8%) R11 094 768
Referred back to
the DA 1 1 1 – – 3 (1%) –
Upheld DA decision 169 16 146 16 1 348 (91%) –
The number of review applications upheld demonstrates consistency and fairness in the application of regulations relating to applications for
grants, related policies and guidelines by the DAs.
During their engagements, the Committee reviewed its Charter and policy framework. The Committee’s oversight over the Operations Division
and Distributing Agencies ensured NLC’s strategic objectives and related outcomes were achieved. The Committee continues to ensure the
efficient and effective performance of the NLC through the Operations Division as well as ensure the fair and equitable distribution of funds
through independent and objective adjudication.
The Committee noted negative media reports as a result of the identified risk of conflicting beneficiaries and well as misunderstanding of the
Proactive Funding model. The NLC’s funding model as ensured that the NLC fulfils its mandate of equitable distribution and addressed identified
priorities in our communities. (Refer to Operations Report and Performance highlights)
The Committee was satisfied that it had performed all the functions required by its mandate and approved work plan.
During their engagements the Committee reviewed its Charter and policy framework. The Committee’s oversight over the Operations Division and
Distributing Agencies ensured NLC’s strategic objectives and related outcomes were achieved (icons refer to Operations Report, Performance
Highlights). The Committee continues to ensure the efficient and effectively performance of the NLC through the Operations Division as well as
ensure the fair and equitable distribution of funds through independent and objective adjudication.
The Committee was satisfied that it had performed all the functions required by its mandate and approved work plan.
The Board Regulatory Compliance Committee comprises of six members. In terms of Board Regulatory Compliance and Legal Charter, the
Committee must meet at least four times a year. During the financial year ended 31 March 2022, Committee convened on five occasions.
See our human capital discussion on page 104 and the remuneration report to follow.
Board Human Capital, Social & Ethics Committee Meetings include Quarterly Meetings and Committee Policy Review Session.
NLC did a Formal Policy 2014. Calibration with Senior
It was built on an approach Management resulted in
where management applied
the prior the policy inception
the pillars of the policy
which defined the “fixed”
the 25th perentile and all remuneration with benefits CURRENT
other employees’ @ the 50th
being an expense to the
The fixed remuneration was to The approach with TGP Excluding benefits
TGP AND exclude the medical aid and insured has created the “GAPS” seen externally
benefits. Hence the people pay on the benchmarking completed with
BENEFITS costs were defined without medical REMCHANNEL’S national market. The SOE
aid and risk benefits. benchmarking has also been completed.
Our reward philosophy underpins our strategy in supporting a high-performance culture that rewards engaged employees that make
meaningful contributions to achieve the NLC’s purpose, vision, and values. Our core reward principles support the philosophy. Our reward
elements are delivered through core financial remuneration elements and design principles.
NLC core reward principles:
1. Internal Equity
2. External Competitiveness
3. Annual remuneration adjustments
4. Reward for Performance
Through our remuneration policy, we seek to achieve the following objectives:
Motivate to ensure
strategic alignment
Attract to enable the Achieve to support
and engage with organisational and retain achievement
of strategic
parity and sustainable
employees and individual top talent objectives equity performance
Our remuneration model balances short-term and long-term financial and non-financial rewards to drive a high-performance culture.
The critical components of this model include:
• Fixed pay for the Encourage and • Encourage Retention of critical • Preferred and
scope and depth of reward superior continuous and scarce talent nurturing employer
Our strategy underpins the decisions taken in selecting our short- 5% 3,2% 4.5% 4.6%
term incentive with metrics to ensure that our pay arrangements 4%
support the delivery of the organisation’s strategy and the 3%
NLC is subscribed to RemChannel for benchmarked and salary
survey. 2018/2019 CPI 2020/2021 CPI 2021/2022 CPI
2 4
1 3
To develop an understanding The scope of the work to be Lead the HR team to adopt
of the internal and external conducted with REMCHANNEL the revised policy and pay
core structures to the grades and will include: system
of NLC. Have a guideline for
Recruitment on salary bands. A high level job matching; and
A review of the salaries to the
external median of the market
Our reward roadmap seeks to enable a future-fit workforce aligned with the evolving needs of the business by:
• Implementing an agile operating model and ways of working to improve speed and efficiencies.
• Assessing current plans.
• Communicating results and identifying refinements.
• Conducting a risk assessment with improved people policies for 2022/2023.
• Implementing guiding principles on remuneration.
• Ensuring a total guaranteed pay compensation programme design.
• Revising the incentive plan provisions.
• Improving performance measures and goal setting.
• Enhancing administrative procedures.
Integrity in Action
A strong ethics programme grounded in our values is critical to ensuring we remain a responsible and ethical organisation. The NLC continues to
be transparent about the challenges we face, how we learn from them and how we use them as an opportunity to improve and push ourselves
to do better. This report sets out the efforts that have gone into building our NLC Ethics programme, raising awareness of it, monitoring it, and
continuously maintaining and tailoring it, to ensure it is fully embedded into our organisation. Ensuring our programme is implemented in every
office and business unit requires significant ongoing effort. By openly communicating on our programme, we hope we can contribute to the
continued development and evolution of ethics programmes and the promotion of responsible business practices.
The NLC adopts the the Governance of Ethics Framework, as developed by The Ethics institution and endorsed by the Public Service
Commission. The Ethics Office report focuses on the elements of the Governane of Ethics Framework. The NLC’s Ethics Programme includes
risk assessments, policies, standards, procedures and guidelines, training and awareness, advice, monitoring, and reporting, as well creating
platforms that encourage speaking openly on possible misconduct. The key elements of our Ethics Management programme establish a risk-
based approach.
98% 2% 0%
Assessment concluded; no further Refer for External Assessment Refer to Legal for Investigation.
assessment required. with Vetting Agency.
Supplier Vetting
During the current financial year, the Ethics Office conducted vetting of suppliers who submitted proposals for business, from the SCM
office. Our independent external service provider conducted the vetting and provided reports which were advanced from the SCM office.
Feedback in terms of reports was shared with Supply Chain Management unit with findings and recommendations.
Staff Vetting
During the FY2021/22 a total of 280 employees out of a total of 304 had disclosed their interests on the MyDisclosure system.
This represents 92% compliance with the Ethics and Conduct Policy. Employee files of the 8% non-compliant members of staff were
submitted to HCM for sanctions in line with relevant policy. The following internal assessment, all staff declarations received by the Ethics
Office were referred for external verification.
The Ethics Office continues to ensure that the vetting process becomes an ongoing process to address and manage the risk of conflict of
interest that the NLC may be exposed to.
While the NLC continues to be a catalyst for social upliftment - our commitment to running an organisation that is rooted in ethics and
integrity will never change. The introduction of our internal and external vetting process is yet another way we continue to ensure that
we uphold the highest ethical standards. In the coming financial year, the NLC is embarking on an exciting Integrity Enhancement
Programme for external and internal stakeholders. This programme will see the enhancement of our vetting processes and includes
integrity testing for staff, management and board and a Corporate Governance Development Programme for our beneficiaries.
The NLC employees are guided by the ethics and conduct policy and gift and donations policy (code). An abridged version of this is
included in all suppliers’ contracts, grant agreements and the National Lottery Operator licence. These stakeholders are expected to
abide by the same level of ethics. The NLC code is available on the NLC intranet for all employees to access.
The ethics office rolled out quarterly organisational ethics interventions and subsequently considered findings or outcomes of these
initiatives. The code was reviewed and approved by the Board during March 2021. In the coming financial year, the NLC will continue
implementing its ethics strategy, which will be aligned with the NLC sustainable business strategy. The NLC did not incur any fines during
the year.
All divisions and business units attended organisation-wide interventions, and interventions utilised the themes indicated below.
In the case that a Distributing Agency member being an employee or serving on the Board or equivalent governing body of an applicant
for NLDTF, the application from that applicant will be referred to another DA for adjudication. The table of interests declared by the
respective Distributing Agency members is indicated on page 37 of the report.
In the period under review, Board members and employees lodged their disclosures of interest, and no material conflicts of interest were
Gift declarations
In terms of the donations policy, employees are required to electronically disclose all gifts received from suppliers, from any person who
received a grant or intends to apply or has applied in terms of section 13, for a licence to conduct the National Lottery. The ethics office
recorded a total of 15 gifts during the period.
The Committee developed the Board’s code of conduct as well as code of ethics policies to enhance ethical leadership within the organisation.
An independent Board skills review was commissioned, and the process of enhancement of the Board’s skills and capacity initiated.
Adv WE Huma @
Member See page 58 2/29
Ms K Singh Representative from the dti B.Comt (Hons), CTA (Certificate of theory in 0/29
accounting), CIA (Certified Internal Auditor –
through IIA Global), Post-graduate Diploma in
Executive Development
Mr D Kekana Representative from the dti Bcom degree Certified Information 2/29
Systems auditor (CISA)
Meetings include: :
• Special Meeting (AFS Approval, NLPT Workshop)
• Board Policy Review Session
• Investigation Reports
• Mainly 2021/2022 External Audit matters
A summary of the responsibilities discharged is as follows, with the detail of the specific sections after the summary:
Review the actual revenue and expenditure of the quarter Quarterly Complies
Review and approve the Internal Audit charter and recommend to the Board for approval Annually Complies
Evaluate the performance of the Internal Audit function and the requirement for an independent Annually Complies
quality review
Consider the Internal Audit formal documented review of the design, implementation and Annually Complies
effectiveness of the system of internal controls
Review whistle-blowers arrangements to enable employees and outside whistle-blowers to report, in Quarterly Complies
confidence, their concerns
Review combined assurance model, progress and risk reports Quarterly Complies
Review of ICT business resilience arrangements for disaster recovery Annually Complies
Consider legal and regulatory requirements to the extent that they may have an impact on the Annually Complies
financial statements and annual report
Review the effectiveness of the system for monitoring compliance and the results of management’s Annually Complies
investigation and follow up of any instances of non-compliance
Approve the terms of engagement of the external auditor, including remuneration Annually Complies
Review and approve the annual external audit plan Annually Complies
Assess the quality, effectiveness and performance of the external audit process Annually Complies
Even with this rating a number of significant improvement The Committee also monitored the implementation of the action plans
opportunities were identified in 2021/22 financial year, mainly to address matters arising from the Management Report issued by the
relating to the management of and quality assurance of Auditor-General South Africa for the 2020/21 Financial Year.
audit engagements. A Partially Conforms overall rating was The Committee confirms that it was kept informed as to the progress
consequently achieved in the following series of International made with the external audit process and the challenges; on a regular
Internal Audit Standards: basis and by all involved.
• 2000 – Managing the Internal Audit Activity The Audit Committee has also had several in committee meetings with
• 2100 – Nature of Work the Auditor-General of South Africa.
• 2300 – Performing the Engagement The Committee concurs and accepts the conclusions of the
• 2400 – Communicating the results Auditor-General on the AFS and is of the opinion that the audited
The outcome of file reviews also received a Partially AFS be accepted and read together with the report of the
Conforms rating. Auditor-General South Africa.
Ensuring player Safeguarding the fairness Monitoring protection and Ensuring compliance
protection of the National Lottery payment to prize winners and enforcement
To create and maintain a safe and sustainable lotteries industry while protecting participants.
For every amendment, such as new games, channels of play and changes to game rules and prize pay-out structures, the NLC receives
proposals from the Operator. These proposals are assessed and recommended to the Board to advise the Minister on approval thereof, as
required in the Act and the licence.
Before recommending approval, the NLC considers the following critical matters, among others:
Player Projected returns Impact on the
protection for good causes National Lottery brand
9 063 society lottery guidelines were distributed to Non-profit Organisations (“NPO’s”) in all provinces
Player protection and
compliance Awareness 100 seminars on society lotteries, lottery managers and participant protection
Programmes programmes were conducted in all provinces.
As part of our enforcement mandate, we identify and keep informed of various schemes that are
advertised requiring public participation. It is only through detailed legal analysis that we can ascertain
Surveillance and whether or not such schemes can be deemed lotteries and, if so, whether they are permissible in terms of
investigation of lottery the Lotteries Act, as amended or are conducted without prior approval, which would render them illegal.
schemes 1058 lottery schemes were investigated and
And legal analysis drafted on 100% of identified and investigated lottery schemes. The financial impact
on the National Lottery was estimated at R77 538 500
A retailer refers to those vendors who operate terminals to sell lottery tickets.
Retailer inspections are conducted to ensure that the integrity of the National
Retailer inspections
Lottery and sports pools is maintained. During the year under review, the Regulatory
Compliance Division conducted 972 retailer inspections nationally.
Measures the impact of Rooted in the vision – to be a The R&D Unit coordinates the The NLC provincial offices are
funding. catalyst for social upliftment – and research activities of the NLC. aimed at improving accessibility to
includes strategies and activities the NLC’s service offering.
within the area of stakeholder
ICT continues to be an enabler of conducting COMMUNICATIONS
business more efficiently. AND TECHNOLOGY
The human capital division represents the organisation’s heartbeat in that it ensures
the organisation gains knowledge, talents, skills, abilities, experience and intellectual
capital through the NLC’s most valued asset, its employees. DIVISION
The NLC is required to fulfil its mandate and ensure that the Commission performs its
functions efficiently and effectively in compliance with the Act and any other applicable
law. The Legal division ensures that the NLC provides guidance and support the
Board in applying the principles of openness and transparency to advise the Minister
on the efficacy of legislation pertaining to lotteries and ancillary matters, exercises its LEGAL SERVICES
power to institute legal proceedings in order to properly discharge its functions and
responsibilities and approach any court for any order the Board deems appropriate for
effective regulation and enforcement of the Lotteries Act.
Monitoring of all lotteries and sports pools to ensure they are conducted with integrity.
Being an enabling regulator for lotteries and sports pools operators to ensure that their requests for
regulatory approvals are attended to timeously. Addressing all enquiries and complaints by providing
complete and accurate information.
Protecting lottery and sports pool players’ interests; assisting operators of lotteries and sports pools
to adhere to regulatory requirements and enforce compliance.
Achieving our performance targets ensures that we remain effective in our regulatory work by
protecting lottery and sports pools players and supporting education and awareness on the Lotteries
Seeking new and improved ways of doing our work to ensure efficient and effective utilisation of
resources. Assessing and approving innovative ways proposed by lottery and sports pools operators
to ensure the success of their operations while adhering to regulatory requirements.
The NLC’s mandate to regulate all lotteries and sports pools with integrity and ensure the protection of all participants is realised through the
activities of the Regulatory Compliance Division. The NLC’s regulatory mandate continues to be one of the organisation’s main priority areas,
focusing on regulating and monitoring the compliance and performance of the Operator with the Lotteries Act and licenses to conduct the
National Lottery and sports Pool. The NLC ensures optimum and balanced regulation of lottery operators through the regulatory compliance
model depicted on page 88.
In accordance with the Board’s directive to ensure that the NLC is positioned and recognised as a regulator, the following must
be implemented:
• Developing a strategy that will influence the direction of the legislation by advising the Minister.
• Aligning the structure to the regulatory mandate of the NLC.
• Introducing programmes that give effect to section 2B that stipulates that the Commission must ensure that the interests of participants in
the National Lottery are adequately protected.
• Exploring and recommending to the Minister innovative ways to combat illegal lotteries, including licensing certain illegal lotteries, i.e., Fafi
and online activities.
• Exploring opportunities in private lotteries as contemplated in the Lotteries Act.
• Revenue
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• Social responsibility
• Participation protection
• Supplier development
Source: [Dr Lea Meyer, 2013]
Central to the mandate of the NLC is the regulation of the National Lottery. A licence to operate the National Lottery was awarded to Ithuba in
2015, in terms of the Lotteries Act, No. 57 of 1997, as amended. As part of the ongoing regulatory work and delivering on the APP target for
the period under review, the following was conducted in regulating and ensuring the Operator’s compliance with and performance against the
licence agreement and the Act:
All directors and staff of the Operator are vetted, together with retailers who sell National Lottery tickets. The NLC also ensures that
contractors that conduct business with the Operator are also vetted to ensure that the integrity of the National Lottery is maintained, and
players are protected.
Protecting players
Ensuring that the Conducting reviews Approving
against possible fraud
Operator pays prizes to ensure that the and monitoring
by ensuring the Operator
promptly by conducting Operator protects the descriptions and
implements appropriate
regular reviews of anonymity of winners, procedures for key
security measures to
payments to prize in line with licence processes (e.g., draws
verify the identity of
winners. requirements. and prize payments).
winners who claim prizes.
Unclaimed and expired prizes are One of the critical regulatory tools for ensuring
transferred to the NLDTF. These are prizes the protection of participants is the NLPT, as it
that have not been claimed within 365 days safeguards the prize monies to ensure that all
after the draw date. winners are paid their winnings.
We have monitored the National Lottery website and other media to ensure the integrity of the National Lottery information displayed
therein. We also verified that Trademarks, Copyright and National Lottery logos correctly appear on all National Lottery materials available
to the public. This ensures that players can tell the difference between the National Lottery and other gambling products available in the
market. Retailer inspections were regularly conducted to ensure that retailers comply with regulatory requirements.
Our focus for the new financial year will be to continue creating awareness on society lotteries and assisting NPOs who wish to run such
schemes in complying with the Act.
The NLPT is established in terms of the Trust Property Control Act, No. 57 of 1998. The NLPT was founded by Ithuba Holdings (RF) Proprietary
Limited in accordance with the third licence to operate the National Lottery. The licence is a regulatory instrument provided for under the Lotteries
Act to enable the NLC to fulfil its regulatory mandate of monitoring Ithuba’s operations and Ithuba’s obligations to procure a Trust to protect,
amongst others, prize monies payable to National Lottery participants who have 365 days to claim their prizes. The duty of procuring the Trust is
a critical element of the regulatory function of the NLC as set out in section 10(1)(j) of the Lotteries Act.
The NLC Board, in its capacity as regulator, exercises oversight in accordance with the provisions of the Lotteries Act, the licence and the
principles contained in the King IV Code. The NLPT complied with all reporting requirements by submitting quarterly reports, management
accounts, income and expenditure statements and AFS within the stipulated periods as indicated by the Board of the NLC.
The Board of Trustees comprises two nominee Trustees, who are representatives of the NLC and Ithuba, respectively, and three independent
Trustees. The NLC, with consent from Ithuba, appoints a maximum of three independent Trustees. Trustees hold office for three years and are
eligible for re-appointment at the end of the three-year period.
All independent and nominee Trustees are deemed to be independent, having adhered to King IV Code principles of independence and criteria
for connected persons as defined in the Income Tax Act. A majority of the Trustees are independent as they have no material interest in the NLC,
interest in the National Lottery Operator, beneficiaries or suppliers. Trustees of the NLPT have fiduciary duties to the Trust and its beneficiaries.
The primary beneficiaries of the NLPT are participants in the lottery who are secured of their prize money as well as the NLDTF as a secondary
beneficiary of interest on the funds that are paid to the NLPT as well as unclaimed and expired prize money.
Trustees are required to complete an annual disclosure of interest. In addition, they are required to disclose interests at every meeting to ensure
that circumstances that may give rise to a conflict of interest are managed and monitored effectively. There were no conflicts of interest identified
during the reporting period.
The Trust administrator is appointed to service the Trust for the duration of the third licence to operate the National Lottery. The Trust
administrator is accountable to the NLPT Board of Trustees for the performance of all financial, administrative, secretariat and clerical functions,
as well as any duties that the Board of Trustees may delegate.
Mr PR Letwaba, CA(SA) Member – NLC Representative BCom Accounting CTA 28 May 2015 0/9
Adv BE Mabuza Member – Ithuba BProc (NWU) LLB (Wits) 22 July 2015 8/9
Representative LLB (Georgetown University)
Mr A Mahlalutye Member BSc Quantity Surveying (UCT) Masters in 1 February 2018 9/9
Business Leadership (UNISA)
Masters in Financial Management
(University of London)
Protection of R79 million Early Childhood
the vulnerable – funding towards Development –
R213 million. environmental projects. R209 million.
PROACTIVE FUNDING is the vehicle that allows the NLC to fund worthy causes aligned with the country’s developmental agenda
and respond to emergencies and disasters across South Africa outside of the application-based funding.
In the wake of the unprecedented impact of the July 2021 civil In April 2021, devastating fires tore through the Mother City, and the University
unrest on the economy and day-to-day life of many South of Cape Town bore the brunt of the disaster. Parts of their esteemed Jagger
Africans, the NLC delivered R5 million in aid to the KwaZulu-Natal Library were lost to the blaze, resulting in the loss of irreplaceable literature and
province. The handover took place on Thursday, 29 July 2021. artefacts from across the continent, including the first black-owned South
African newspaper, Imvo Zabantsundu, which was founded in 1884, along with
With hundreds of thousands of jobs at risk and approximately
thousands of materials from the African Studies Collection.
50 000 informal traders also estimated to be adversely impacted,
five non-profit organisations in KwaZulu-Natal were identified as The NLC’s proactive funding toward disaster relief for UCT in May 2021 included
the NLC’s implementing partners to roll out aid to all 11 districts the disbursement of R4 million to assist in rebuilding.
of the province. Initiatives included relief programmes, such as
“This generous contribution by the NLC will go a long way towards assisting
delivering essential goods and food parcels for vulnerable
the university as we continue with our recovery efforts. In addition, it will
members of the community.
benefit the student-centric initiatives we are putting in place, not only as a
This initiative followed similar funding for communities in Soweto direct response to the fire but also to continue ensuring that our students
and a grant to assist community radio station Alex FM in are optimally cared for.”
purchasing broadcasting equipment after their studios were also
UCT vice-chancellor Prof Mamokgethi Phakeng
affected during the unrest.
The oversight responsibility for NLC’s grant funding model goes through rigorous corporate
governance processes.
Beneficiary centricity was not limited to the operational indicators of the beneficiary experience,
but also extended, to the respect and humanity with which the NLC engaged applicants, grant
holding organisations and communities at large.
The review of the grant funding model was undertaken to determine how to streamline the funding
process and eradicate unnecessary bureaucracy in the system. Notwithstanding legislative
impediments to improvements, the identified changes were aligned to ensure efficiency. The new
financial period will herald the implementation of the enhanced model.
The NLC values service excellence and is constantly innovating to provide the best possible grant-
making solutions. During the year, the revised grant funding model was approved by the Board.
Adjudications by DAs
Application-based funding
Lotteries Amendment
Act – Applications for
• NLC Policy and
Operational Strategic Payment and project
Legal process Approved
Framework: S10
– Grant Funding Policy
NLC Grant Funding model
Primary or secondary data
Primary or secondary data
Proactive funding
Consult key stakeholders
Consult key stakeholders
(Fourth level assurance)
0 Miscellaneous
w Sports
Board Audit
and Risk
The adjudications of applications were fair, and all decisions taken were communicated to the
applicant, with 98% of these communications within 30 days from the date of adjudication.
The commitment that the division showed to serve the public despite the challenges of COVID-19
demonstrated extraordinary courage. The division continued their work with competence and care,
resulting in positive impacts on thousands of lives.
The Operations Division across all provinces heeded the call to support the community’s needs and
distributed personal protective equipment (PPE) to remote communities to assist in curbing the
spread of COVID-19.
The ability of the division to move with speed in the face of the virus ensured that NGOs stayed
afloat, and 12 887 households received food parcels and PPE.
In responding to the COVID-19 virus, the NLC contributed R50 million towards the Solidarity Fund,
R10 million toward supplying PPE and food parcels to households and R150 million towards a
COVID-19 Relief Fund.
The Operations Division serves as an enabler for the smooth running of the organisations’ operations
with the ultimate goal of ensuring that set organisational objectives are accomplished efficiently and
The Operations Division is headed by the Chief Operations Officer and comprises nine provincial
offices; Grant Funding; Stakeholder Relations, Marketing and Communications; and Business
Development. The Operations Division is a cornerstone of the organisation that serves as a strategic
enabler for the smooth running of the organisations’ operations with the ultimate goal of ensuring that
set organisational objectives are accomplished efficiently and economically.
The NLC Board resolved the establishment of the R&D Unit in fulfilment of its responsibility to “conduct
research on appropriately deserving worthy causes that may be funded or recipients that may be
funded without lodging an application”. Additionally, the Board of the NLC may “determine or direct or
order the performance of research intended to enhance the optimum functioning of the Board and the
distribution of grants”.
The R&D Unit was therefore created within the Operations Division of the NLC. The unit is charged
with overseeing and coordinating the research activities of the NLC, including the commissioning of
research projects. The R&D Unit develops an annual research agenda and conducts relevant research
to support evidence-based decision-making with a primary focus on the two core mandates of the
organisation (i.e., regulation and grant-making).
2 500
2 000
1 500
1 206
1 002
1 000 754
Arts Culture Charities Sport and Miscellaneous Total
and National Recreation
A total of 8,959 jobs were created. In terms of social groups, 4,167 were adults,
M&E UNIT 4,039 youth and 162 jobs were created for people with disabilities. The Arts,
Culture and National Heritage sector had the highest number of jobs created.
The M&E Unit was established in 2014 as one of
the functions under the Regulatory Compliance JOB CREATION PER FINANCIAL YEAR PER SECTOR
Division. The primary purpose of the unit is
to monitor and report on funding outcomes,
6 770
and on overall impact of funding through the Total
5 060
commissioning of external evaluations. Over the
past eight years, the unit has commissioned or Arts, Culture and 1 961
conducted five impact evaluation studies and National Heritage 2 967
two data quality assessments.
4 667
The unit routinely monitors funded projects, Charities
1 797
collecting and reporting on various outcomes
indicators such as job creation, skills Sport and 131
development and beneficiaries reached with Recreation 213
services by NLC grantees as they implement
various projects and programmes. 11
Miscellaneous 83
Since its inception, the unit has conducted close
to 16 000 monitoring sessions, where they also 0 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000 6 000 7 000
assist grantees on understanding the grant
agreement conditions, reporting requirements, Permanent jobs Temporary jobs
record keeping, and any other areas related to
monitoring and reporting as required.
Graph below shows the distribution of job creation among the three sectors.
More jobs were created under the Charities sector, followed by Arts, Culture and
National Heritage and, Sport and Recreation sectors. A total of 94 jobs were
created in the miscellaneous sector. A total 7 683 jobs (64 percent) were created
for women.
7 683
Total 4 147
11 830
2 731
Arts, Culture and 2 197
4 928
National Heritage
4 730
Charities 1 734
6 464
Sport and 165
Miscellaneous 51
During the year under review, 2 990 monitoring reports were completed. The NLC adopted a
strategy of conducting virtual and physical monitoring due to alert level restrictions imposed
under the national state of disaster declared in March 2020.
7 000
6 340
5 969
6 000 5 733 5 760
5 000
4 000
3 000
2 000
250 000
200 000
Graph on left shows the
distribution of beneficiaries
150 000 reached with services
125 571
provided by the grantee
104 983
organisations, through
100 000 programmes or projects
50 000 32 374
Arts Culture and Charities Sport and Miscellaneous Total
National Heritage Recreation
Enabled service excellence to all our stakeholders through our agile infrastructure that
supported remote engagements and service delivery throughout the pandemic.
ICT security is a priority of the organisation and is
addressed through a formal ICT security policy and
supporting sub-processes. Routine awareness
building is seen to assist in limiting the occurrence
of ICT threats as a result of human actions. Regular
network vulnerability assessments subject the NLC’s
networks to potential attack scenarios and determine
areas of strength and those for improvement. An
independent review of ICT security was conducted,
and the organisation is in the process of closing
noted gaps.
We make every effort to protect the privacy of
personal information and have implemented
strict protocols thereof. Such protocols include
a commitment to protect personal information in
public disclosures unless disclosure is required
in legislation. In addition to the organisational
information security policy and the ICT governance
framework, the organisation is currently ensuring
full compliance with the Protection of Personal
Information Act. To that end, the NLC has established
a formal implementation project team with
periodic reporting obligations and a formal project
implementation timeline.
Our people are our crucial enablers – the driving force behind the NLC’s vision and mission. Only
through their knowledge, skills and dedication will we meet our objective of becoming a global,
innovative leader in regulating safe and sustainable lotteries and sports pools. Ensuring we attract and
retain the best people through a strong employer brand is therefore critical to our success.
Moreover, at our core, the NLC is a learning organisation. We seek out best practices, proactively
find ways to engage and learn from one another and take internal and external feedback to heart –
earnestly desiring to develop our organisational capabilities over time. As such, we have again decided
to participate in the Top Employer South Africa certification. Having benefitted from the process in
2021, we recognise that this benchmark information provides our organisation with valuable feedback
that guides our benchmarking and improvement.
To become recognised as a Top Employer, we were evaluated according to entry criteria, and
thereafter, once approved, the organisation engaged in an HR Best Practices Survey. As part of
the process, the NLC’s human resource performance was benchmarked, and, through interactive
feedback sessions and insightful reports, these insights are integrated into our forward-looking
During the year, the NLC was again accredited as a Top Employer by the Top Employer Institute, with
an overall score of 81.95%.
Engaged in workplace preparedness training to upskill and support employees to thrive in the
current context.
Undertook a skills gap analysis in line with our future-fit people strategy and continued to focus
on ensuring a resilient succession pipeline by engaging in various organisational and individual
training, including executive coaching.
Initiated an innovation hub to create a platform for employees to develop and expand on innovative
ideas that can progress the organisation.
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A result is a measurable
The processes or actions that use a range of inputs to produce or describable change
the desired outputs and ultimately outcomes
emanating from a cause
and effect relationship.
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• Linking individual employee objectives with the organisation’s mission and strategic plans, thereby enabling employees to
understand how they contribute to the achievement of broader business objectives.
• Focusing on setting clear performance objectives and expectations through the use of results, actions and behaviours.
• Defining clear development plans as part of the process.
The NLC prides itself on its HCM policies aligned with legislature and supported by SOPs for ease of use. All functions are supported
by relevant policies that are in line with NLC strategy and Divisional Operational strategies. All policies are reviewed annually through the
Policy Review Committee to ensure standardisation and alignment.
HCM has achieved all targets for the year and ensured quality assurance. The year saw the successful implementation of the
performance excellence scorecard, which contributed to igniting a high-performance culture in the organisation. We conducted
workshops on the performance scorecard to ensure the mechanism was understood by all levels of the business. The leadership
development programme was achieved and has positively impacted the NLC staff interaction across the business.
As the Fourth Industrial Revolution becomes ever more pervasive, HCM conducted digital readiness assessments and a skills audit to
assess the digital readiness of employees and their attitude towards new technologies/Oracle Fusion (ERP) and to ensure that the NLC’s
mandate of being a regulator is supported by relevant technological, technical and soft skills.
A skills analysis was conducted during the year to highlight the current dearth of skills within NLC as well as the key skills that are required
in order to deliver on divisional imperatives and the NLC’s mandate. The recommendations of the analysis will be implemented going
forward. Furthermore, the NLC organisational design has been evolving due to the legislative change and alignment to the grant funding
and regulatory compliance operational model. Implementing the ERP system to enable efficiency improvements has also contributed to
changes in organisational design. The focus areas for the new financial year include:
% of performance
Performance Personnel rewards to total
rewards expenditure personnel cost
Programme/activity/objective (R’000) (R’000) (R’000)
Training Average
Training Personnel expenditure as No. of training cost
expenditure expenditure a percentage of employees per employee
Occupational category (R) (R) personnel cost trained (R)
Top management 262 486.51 19 691 000.00 1.33 7 37 498.07
Senior management 368 431.06 57 162 000.00 0.64 28 13 158.25
Professional qualified 1 882 446.02 62 940 000.00 2.99 71 26 513.32
Skilled 621 575.18 70 417 000.00 0.88 56 11 099.56
Semi-skilled 482 782.03 61 786 000.00 0.78 37 13 048.16
Unskilled 113 986.04 5 202 000.00 2.19 34 3 352.53
Total 3 731 706.84 277 198 000.00 233
The NLC has 10 vacant positions on Senior Management level, eight of the 10 are Distributing Agency Members. NLC has adopted an approach
of filling openings/vacancies using their own internal succession and development plans.
Employment at Employment
the beginning at end of
Occupational level of the period Appointments Termination period
Top management 7 1 1 7
Senior management 36 3 2 37
Professional qualified 46 2 3 45
Skilled 86 8 6 88
Semi-skilled 110 11 8 113
Unskilled 17 – – 17
Due to the successful implementation of our succession plan and internship programme, the NLC has over the year appointed fewer people
from outside the organisation to fill both higher and lower-level positions. Our internship programme ensures that our interns are trained
and empowered with the necessary skills, competencies, and experience to prepare them for permanent roles. On professional and Senior
Management levels, the NLC makes appointments from both internal and external sources.
Death 2
Resignation 7
Dismissal 1
Retirement 1
Ill-health 1
Expiry of contract 4
Other –
Total 16
Top management 3 3 – – – – – –
Senior management 17 10 2 1 1 1 – –
qualified 20 18 1 1 – – – –
Skilled 37 30 2 4 1 1 1 1
Semi-skilled 41 40 1 1 – – – –
Unskilled 3 5 – – – – – –
African Coloured Indian White
Levels Current Target Current Target Current Target Current Target
Top management 4 4 – – – – – –
Senior management 12 18 3 3 1 1 1 1
qualified 23 23 – – – – 1 1
Skilled 45 45 1 1 – – 1 2
Semi-skilled 59 60 9 9 1 1 2 2
Unskilled 14 14 – – – – – –
Top management 1 1 – –
Senior management – 1 3 2
Professional qualified 2 2 1 1
Skilled 2 2 – 2
Semi-skilled 2 2 1 1
Unskilled – – – –
As part of measures to redress the disadvantages in employment experienced by designated groups and ensure the equitable
representation in all occupation categories and levels within the NLC, we successfully achieved most of our employment equity targets.
However, improvement can be made by increasing the percentage of African female senior managers (targeting a 2% improvement).
The NLC has exceeded the target for people living with disabilities within the organisation, with 4% of our staff complement consisting
of people living with disabilities (2% above the target stipulated in the Employment Equity Act). The NLC endeavours to increase these
numbers to encourage diversity within the organisation.
OUR PERFORMANCE WITHIN A about to expire. Moreover, a portion of the expired and
DYNAMIC CONTEXT unclaimed prizes was utilised to assist the Operator in
funding guaranteed jackpots to boost sales of National
In an operating environment characterised by Lottery tickets to maximise funding for worthy causes.
deteriorating macroeconomic fundamentals, we The 49% increase in unclaimed prizes results from the
faced continued challenges in meeting the growing rise in prizes won compared to the previous year. In
demand on the NLDTF. However, we continue to look addition, more first division winners had not yet claimed
for innovative measures to maximise revenue to meet their prizes by year-end. The Operator continues with its
the ever-increasing needs of our broader stakeholders campaigns to communicate on various platforms when
within a testing context. prizes are won and when prizes are about to expire.
Revenue from ticket sales increased by 10%. The Funds raised by society lottery operators increased
material increase can be attributed to the depressed
by 81%, with society lottery ticket sales mainly driven
National Lottery ticket sales in the prior year due to
by promotions at shopping malls and events attended
the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The sale of
by the public. Due to the impact of COVID-19 in 2020,
National Lottery tickets at retailer stores was prohibited
resulting in hard lockdown restrictions, society lottery
due to the COVID-19 pandemic during the second
scheme operators could not engage in promotions to
quarter of the 2020/2021 financial year. Pleasingly,
encourage the sale of tickets. However, as lockdown
grant allocations increased by 5.8% to R1.206 billion,
restrictions were eased, with public access opening
mainly due to the increase in revenue.
for the 2021/2022-year, society lottery operators could
Cash disbursed amounted to R1.49 billion, resume their promotions, resulting in higher public
representing an increase of 57% compared to the awareness and increased ticket sales. There was also
previous year. The increase is attributable to the an uptake in the registration of society lotteries and
allocation of grants being only one tranche, which their schemes.
means they were mostly paid in the year in which they
The fees received from society and scheme registrations have
were allocated. In total 94% of first tranches were
increased by 20% over the past year because more NPOs
paid within the regulated 60 days, with an average registered societies and schemes. With this in mind, the NLC
turnaround time of 35 days after receipt of a compliant will continue to educate and create awareness regarding
grant agreement. society lotteries to assist NPOs in generating their own revenue
to secure their sustainability.
Our liability was at R124 million as at 31 March 2022,
a decrease of 74% from the previous financial year. SUPPORTING OUR SUPPLIERS
The decline results from the payment of second
According to the World Bank, SMEs account for most
tranche grant allocations in the opening balance, and
businesses worldwide and are vital contributors to
most of the 2021 grant allocations were approved in
single tranches. job creation and global economic development. They
represent approximately 90% of businesses and
The NLC is mindful of the current economic realities, account for over 50% of employment.
and we have therefore intensified our processes
to improve efficiency in expenditure. Supply chain Recognising the criticality of the role of SMEs in
management controls and procedures are in place and achieving our overarching aim of catalysing social
are continually improved upon. Despite these efforts, upliftment, we gear our programmes towards supporting
our operating costs increased by 6.6% to R570 million, entrepreneurs to enable meaningful participation in the
primarily due to increased audit fees in education and economy. Through enterprise and supplier development
awareness campaigns. Additionally, the NLC faced initiatives, we provide financial and non‐financial support
unforeseen litigation matters. Legal and investigations to SMMEs to increase economic participation, thus
costs therefore rose due to the ongoing investigations stimulating job creation.
in relation to Proclamation R32 of 2020 to investigate The NLC remains focused on supporting supplier
allegations of corruption and maladministration. development programmes, localising procurement
Expired and unclaimed prizes decreased by 39% over and ensuring that our beneficiaries are paid timeously
the past year as a result of the continuous campaign within the legislated timeframes. We are committed
by the Operator communicating to participants/ to service delivery and the upliftment of communities
winners when prizes are won and when prizes are through the payment of our suppliers within 30 days.
During the year, the NLC paid its suppliers in 10 days, based APPRECIATION
on actual payments made. A total of 34 days based on the
To the Board, thank you for your insight, wise counsel and
accounting formula.
guidance over the year. I also extend my appreciation to my
Supporting black entrepreneurs remains a crucial part of our fellow executives for their leadership and support as we sought
transformation strategy, and we will continue to measure black to navigate a challenging and uncertain operating environment.
business share in our procurement budget. Pleasingly, 62% of To the finance team, your tireless efforts towards excellence
our procurement spend was with 51% or more black-owned are appreciated. Finally, I thank our shareholder and other
businesses. To date the total procurement with designated stakeholders for your continued support.
groups as at 31 March 2022 amounted to R158.2 million as
As an organisation, the NLC recognises that our mission of
depicted below:
catalysing social upliftment has never been more critical,
• Ownership by black people – R127.3 million and we remain dogged in our determination to achieve this
• Ownership by youth – R18.5 million lofty aim.
• Ownership by black women – R11.9 million
• Ownership by black people with disability –
R478.2 thousand.
Ms Xolile Ntuli
Furthermore, we continue to work tirelessly to increase Chief Financial Officer
these percentages over time. We have also accelerated
our efforts to procure from businesses owned by women,
youth, those with disabilities, or military veterans. This is
illustrated by spending 45% of our procurement budget on
such enterprises.
Accounting Authority’s Report for the National Lotteries Commission 116
Report of the Auditor-General to Parliament on the National Lotteries Commission 120
Annexure – Auditor-General’s responsibility for the Audit 125
Statement of Financial Performance 127
Statement of Financial Position 128
Statement of Changes in Net Assets 129
Statement of Cash Flows 130
Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts: Group 131
Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts: Company 133
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies 135
Notes to the Annual Financial Statements 148
The National Lotteries Commission Accounting Authority presents its fourteenth annual report, which is supplementary to the
audited separate and consolidated annual financial statements of the National Lotteries Commission (NLC), National Lottery
Distribution Trust Fund (NLDTF) and National Lotteries Participants Trust (NLPT) for the year ended 31 March 2022.
The NLC is a regulator of the National Lottery as well as other lotteries, including society lotteries to raise funds. Ithuba
RF (Pty) Ltd is a private company that currently operates the National Lottery and sports pools under a licence from the
government which commenced on 1 June 2015. The Operator pays a percentage of the revenue from national lottery
ticket sales to the NLDTF in terms of the Licence Agreement. These proceeds are destined for good causes as stipulated
in the Lotteries Act, No. 57 of 1997 (Lotteries Act), as amended and allocated to eligible and deserving applicants by
Distributing Agencies appointed by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition (dtic). Furthermore, the NLC may, upon
request by the Minister, Board or on its own initiative in consultation with the Board, conduct research on worthy good
causes that may be funded without lodging an application as prescribed in terms of the Lotteries Act.
The NLC Board administers the NLDTF and NLDTF transfers the necessary running costs to the NLC. The NLC withdraws
the necessary funds required from the NLDTF, based on the overall annual budget approved by the Minister of the dtic.
The National Lotteries Participants Trust (NLPT) was founded by Ithuba Holdings RF (Pty) Ltd in terms of the Licence
Agreement between the dtic, NLC and the Lottery Operator. The main objective of the NLPT is to hold monies in the
Trust on behalf of Ithuba for prize winners and monies for advanced plays. Independent Trustees are charged with the
responsibility to ensure that monies held in the Trust are safeguarded in terms of the Trust Deed.
• All information and amounts disclosed in the annual report is consistent with the consolidated annual financial
statements audited by the Auditor General. The consolidated annual financial statements are complete, accurate and
free from any omissions.
• The annual report has been prepared in accordance with the guidelines on the annual report as issued by National
• The separate and consolidated annual financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the South African
Standards of Generally Recognised Accounting Practice applicable.
• The accounting authority is responsible for the preparation of the separate and consolidated annual financial statements
and for the judgements made in the financial statements. The accounting authority is responsible for establishing and
implementing a system of internal control that is designed to provide reasonable assurance to the integrity and reliability
of the performance information, the human capital information and the separate and consolidated annual financial
1 500 1 316
1 311
1 140 1 206
1 200
The grants allocations increased by 4% to
600 R1,190 billion mainly due to the increase in
300 revenue.
2019 2020 2021 2022
FEES RECEIVED FROM SOCIETY AND SCHEME REGISTRATION The fees received from society and scheme
(R’000) registrations have increased by 20% over the
100 94 96 past year due to more NPOs registering
80 societies and schemes. The NLC shall
80 70
continue to educate and create awareness on
society lotteries in order to assist NPOs to
40 generate their own revenue to contribute to
20 sustainability of the NPOs.
2019 2020 2021 2022
31 July 2022
Total assets 2 412 044 2 576 831 221 477 210 880
Non-current liabilities
Deferred income – Licence fees 18 417 2 917 417 2 917
417 2 917 417 2 917
Current Liabilities
Current portion of deferred income – Licence fees 18 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500
Provision for allocations 19 124 045 470 194 – –
Trade and other payables from exchange transactions 20 23 392 40 524 22 887 39 511
Trade and other payables from non-exchange
transactions 20 298 430 184 748 165 300 128 229
Provisions 21 30 373 37 724 30 373 37 724
478 739 735 690 221 060 207 963
Total Liabilities 479 156 738 607 221 477 210 880
Net Assets
Accumulated funds 1 932 889 1 838 223 – –
Total net assets and liabilities 2 412 045 2 576 830 221 477 210 880
Note R’000
Restated Balance as at 31 March 2018 1 441 551
Restated surplus for the year 250 398
Surplus for the year reported in 2018/19 250 397
Prior period error 25 1
Balance as at 31 March 2019 1 691 949
Restated surplus for the year 73 633
Surplus for the year reported in 2019/20 74 788
Prior period error 25 (1 155)
Restated balance as at 31 March 2020 1 765 582
Restated surplus for the year 72 640
Surplus for the year reported in 2020/21 77 443
Prior period error 25 (4 803)
Restated balance as at 31 March 2021 1 838 223
Surplus for the period 94 666
Balance as at 31 March 2022 1 932 889
Balance as at 31 March 2020
At the beginning of the year –
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year –
Balance as at 31 March 2021 –
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year –
Balance as at 31 March 2022 –
Final Budget
R’000 Approved Budget Adjustments Final Budget Actual Amounts and Actual
Total revenue and income 1 809 610 – 1 809 610 1 851 899 42 289
Employee costs (348 393) – (348 393) (312 689) 35 704
Goods and services (249 096) – (249 096) (251 469) (2 373)
Administration expenses (3 535) – (3 535) (3 552) (17)
Other expenses – – – (7 324) (7 324)
Deficit on disposal of assets – – – – –
Depreciation and amortisation (7 075) – (7 075) (7 116) (41)
Professional fees (7 000) (7 000) (2 452) 4 548
Total expenditure (615 099) – (615 099) (584 602) 30 497
Available for Distribution to grant allocations 1 194 511 – 1 194 511 1 267 297 72 786
Allocation of grants (1 170 936) (1 170 936) (1 172 631) (1 695)
Surplus/(Deficit) for the period 23 575 – 23 575 94 666 71 091
Capital Expenditure
Capital acquisitions (52 480) – (52 480) (14 097) 38 383
Share of ticket sales The over-performance in revenue is due to the Lotto, Powerball and Powerball Plus 92 018
games exceeding the projections for the year due to the higher jackpots which
attracted more participants resulting in favourable sales.
Interest income The investment matured in the prior year and the reinvestment of funds did not take (4 551)
place in the 2021/22 financial year. Furthermore, the interest income underperformed
as a result of the reduction in interest rates by the Reserve Bank.
Societies and other lotteries The increase is due to the NLC continuing education and awareness on society 35
lotteries in order to assist NPOs to generate their own revenue to contribute to
sustainability of the NPOs.
Revenue from Participants Trust Revenue from expired funds decreased as a result of a portion of the funds being used (58 058)
towards guaranteed jackpots.
RFP lottery fees – Application fees The RFP project did not materialise as envisaged during the financial year ended (12 000)
31 March 2022. It was carried over to the 2022/23 financial period.
Deficit on disposal of assets The variance is not material. –
Other operating Income The variance is not material. 126
Employee costs The budget made provision for bonuses which were not accounted for due to a target 35 704
which the organisation did not achieve as a result of external dependency. Furthermore
salary increments approved for the 2021/22 financial year were lower than what was
budgeted for.
Revocations Revocations are done in line with the Grant Funding Policy. Applications are dependent 24 711
on whether there is any breach of Regulations and grant agreements by the funded
Allocation of grants The variance is not material and was covered from Revocations in line with the Grant (1 695)
Funding Policy.
Goods and services Audit fees: There was an increase in the audit fees when compared to the budget (2 373)
Advertising and publicity: There was an increase in Advertising and Publicity due to
the increase in education and awareness.
Legal fees and Investigations: The nature of legal costs are that they cannot always
be reliably estimated and that even for known cases a matter takes trajectory of its
own. NLC was faced with unforeseen litigation matters and the Special Investigation
Unit costs were higher than anticipated.
Administration expenses The variance is not material. (17)
Depreciation and amortisation The variance is not material. (41)
Professional fees There were less infrastructure projects than anticipated in the budget provision. 4 548
Capital acquisitions There was a business decision taken not to procure the IVS system as per the planned 38 383
budget. NLC will in the future embark on acquiring a comprehensive regulatory tool.
Procurement for furniture and computer equipment was halted as the national treasury
issued a moratorium which requested that all bids be held in abeyance pending court
judgment outcome during the month of February 2022. There has also been a delay
with the building project for three provincial office buildings.
Final Budget
R’000 Approved Budget Adjustments Final Budget Actual Amounts and Actual
Transfers from NLDTF 586 805 – 586 805 564 929 (21 876)
License fees 2 500 – 2 500 2 500 –
RFP lottery fees – Application fee 12 000 – 12 000 – (12 000)
Interest income 205 – 205 194 (11)
Other operating income 1 000 – 1 000 1 750 750
Surplus on disposal of assets – – 8 8
Societies and other lotteries 61 – 61 96 35
Total revenue 602 571 – 602 571 569 477 (33 095)
Employee costs (348 393) – (348 393) (312 689) 35 704
Goods and services (247 103) – (247 103) (249 490) (2 387)
Deficit on disposal of assets – – –
Other expenses – – – (182) (182)
Depreciation and amortisation (7 075) – (7 075) (7 116) (41)
The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these consolidated and separate financial statements are set out
below. These policies have been consistently applied to all the years presented.
The annual financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Generally Recognised Accounting Practice
(GRAP) as well as the Public Finance Management Act, Act No. 1 of 1999, as amended (PFMA). They have been
prepared in accordance with the going concern principle using the historical cost basis except where otherwise stated
in the accounting policies below.
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GRAP requires the use of certain critical accounting
estimates. It also requires management to exercise its judgment in the process of applying the accounting policies.
The areas involving a higher degree of judgement or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates are
significant to the financial statements are outlined in point 19 of the summary of significant accounting policies.
All monetary information and figures presented in these financial statements are stated in thousands of Rand (R’000),
unless otherwise indicated.
NLC did not apply any of the standards above. It is not expected that the above standards, amendments and
interpretations will have any material impact on the NLC’s financial statements on initial application where applicable.
The separate and consolidated financial statements include the assets, liabilities and results of the operations of the
controlling company and its controlled entities. The controlling entity is NLC. The NLC and its controlled entities all
prepare the annual financial statements using SA GRAP. Intercompany transactions are eliminated on consolidation.
The following factors where considered in consolidating the NLDT and the NLPT S10(c) of the Lotteries Act:
Functions of board: The board shall manage and administer the fund and hold it in trust;
26(1), (2) and 34: So much of the sum that is paid to the fund, as the Minister after consultation with the board deems
appropriate, shall be allocated to the board in respect of the board’s expenses.
The consolidation of NLPT was decided upon by AGSA in September 2018. The factors that the AGSA took into
account to arrive at the conclusion to consolidate NLPT were the following: AGSA holds a view that NLC has power
to appoint the majority of the voting rights of the trustees. The AG holds a view that NLC holds an indirect title to the
net assets of the trust through the NLDTF. The NLC is the regulator and NLPTF is a regulated entity as it regulates the
Operator, Ithuba.
Intra-group transactions, balances and unrealised gains on intra-group transactions are eliminated. Unrealised
losses are also eliminated. Controlled entities’ accounting policies are consistent with the policies adopted
by NLC.
Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefits or service potential during the reporting period when these inflows
result in an increase in net assets. Revenue is recognised when it is probable that future economic benefits will flow to
the enterprise and these benefits can be measured reliably.
The NLC and its controlled entities distinguishes between two forms of revenue namely revenue from exchange
transactions and revenue from non-exchange transactions.
Revenue from exchange transactions is defined as revenue in which NLC receives assets or services, or has liabilities
extinguished, and directly gives approximately equal value to another entity or party in exchange.
Revenue from non-exchange transactions is defined as revenue in which NLC receives value from another entity or party
without directly giving approximately equal value in exchange or gives value to another entity or party without directly
receiving approximately equal value in exchange.
The NLC withdraws the amounts as and when required, based on an approved budget by the Minister of
Trade and Industry. Income is generally recognised as operating costs are defrayed, the end result being
the surrendering of surpluses to (or recovering of any deficit from) the NLDTF, thus not accounting for any
accumulated surplus.
National Lotteries Participants Trust. Interest earned on the bank accounts of the NLPT is accounted in
the NLPT to the extent that it is utilised to defray the NLPT expenses.
Revocations are effected by the NLC under the following circumstances:
Subsequent costs are included in the asset’s carrying amount or recognised as a separate asset, as appropriate,
only when it is probable that future economic benefits or service potential associated with the item will flow to
NLC and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. All other repairs and maintenance are charged to profit or
loss during the financial year in which they are incurred.
Property and equipment are depreciated using the straight-line method to allocate their cost to their residual
values over their estimated useful lives, as follows:
The assets’ residual values and useful lives are reviewed at each reporting year and adjusted if appropriate.
An asset’s carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset’s carrying amount
is greater than its estimated recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of the asset’s fair value
less costs to sell and value-in-use.
Gains or losses on disposals are determined by comparing the proceeds with the carrying amount. These are
recorded in profit or loss.
Costs associated with maintaining computer software programmes are recognised as an expense as incurred.
Development costs that are directly attributable to the design and testing of identifiable and unique software products
controlled by NLC are recognised as intangible assets when the following criteria are met:
• it is technically feasible to complete the software product so that it will be available for use;
• management intends to complete the software product and use or sell it;
• there is an ability to use or sell the software product;
• it can be demonstrated how the software product will generate probable future economic benefits;
• adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and to use or sell the software product
are available; and
• the expenditure attributable to the software product during its development can be reliably measured.
Directly attributable costs, that are capitalised as part of the software product, include the software development
employee costs and an appropriate portion of directly attributable overheads.
Other development expenditures that do not meet these criteria are recognised as an expense as incurred.
Development costs previously recognised as an expense are not recognised as an asset in a subsequent year.
Intangible assets are classified as indefinite on initial acquisition when, based on an analysis of all of the relevant factors,
there is no foreseeable limit to the year over which the asset is expected to provide service potential to the entity.
Software licenses and systems with indefinite useful lives are capitalised and not amortised. An annual impairment test
will be performed on the licences and systems.
Subsequent to initial recognition, intangible assets are carried at cost less accumulated amortisation and accumulated
impairment losses.
Intangible assets with finite useful lives are amortised over 2 to 7 years
• Websites
• Integrated systems
NLC classifies leases as operating leases where the lessor effectively retains the risks and benefits of ownership.
Operating lease payments are recognised in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the year of the lease.
NLC classifies its financial assets in the following categories:
The classification depends on the purpose for which the financial assets were acquired. Management determines the
classification of its financial assets at initial recognition.
Financial assets carried at amortised cost, are initially recognised at fair value plus transaction costs that
are directly attributable to the acquisition of the financial asset. These assets are subsequently measured
at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method, less provision for impairment.
Financial assets at fair value will be initially recognised is at fair value. A gain or loss arising from a change in the
fair value of a financial asset measured at fair value shall be recognised in surplus or deficit.
NLC assesses at each reporting year whether there is objective evidence that a financial asset or group of
financial assets is impaired. A financial asset is impaired and impairment losses are incurred only if there is
objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that have occurred after the initial recognition
of the asset (a “loss event”) and the loss event has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial
asset or group of financial assets that can be reliably estimated.
NLC first assesses whether objective evidence of impairment exists individually for financial assets that are
individually significant. If NLC determines that no objective evidence of impairment exists for an individually
assessed financial asset, whether significant or not, it includes the asset in a group of financial assets with similar
credit risk characteristics and collectively assesses them for impairment. Assets that are individually assessed
for impairment and for which an impairment loss is or continues to be recognised are not included in a collective
assessment of impairment.
If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss has been incurred on loans and receivables carried at
amortised cost, the amount of the loss is measured as the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and
the present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at the financial asset’s original effective interest rate.
The carrying amount of the asset is reduced through the use of an allowance account, and the amount of the
loss is recognised in profit or loss.
If in a subsequent year, the amount of the impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be related objectively
to an event occurring after the impairment was recognised (such as improved credit rating), the previously
recognised impairment loss is reversed by adjusting the allowance account. The amount of the reversal is
recognised in profit or loss.
An impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable
service amount. The recoverable amount is measured using the higher of the fair value less costs to sell and the
value-in-use. Value-in-use is the present value of the asset’s remaining service potential. An impairment charge is
recognised as a loss in profit or loss immediately.
Cash-generating assets are assets managed with the objective of generating a commercial return.
Non-cash-generating assets are assets other than cash-generating assets. NLC and its controlled does not hold
cash-generating assets and therefore all assets are classified as non-cash-generating assets.
NLC classifies its financial liabilities in the following category:
• Financial liabilities at amortised cost
Financial liabilities carried at amortised cost, are initially recognised at fair value plus transaction costs that
are directly attributable to the issue of the financial liability.
Financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method.
A gain or a loss is recognised in surplus or deficit when the financial liability is derecognised or through
the amortisation process.
NLC derecognises financial liability (or a part of a financial liability) from its statement of financial position
when, and only when, it is extinguished – i.e. when the obligation specified in the contract is discharged,
cancelled, expires or waived.
Cash and cash equivalents only include items held for the purpose of meeting short-term cash commitments
rather than for investing or other purposes. It comprises cash in hand and deposits held at call with respective
banks. Cash and cash equivalents have a maturity of less than three months. Cash and cash equivalents
are classified as financial assets at fair value and are carried at cost which due to their short-term nature
approximates fair value.
The Company and Group also follows regulations issued by National Treasury to manage its exposure to
credit risk.
Management monitors daily balances of cash and cash equivalents as well as investment accounts to ensure
that enough funds are available to meet the needs of the operation.
Trade payables are recognised initially at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the
effective interest rate method.
Provisions are recognised when, as a result of past events, the Company has a present legal or constructive
obligation of uncertain timing or amount, and it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic
benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation
can be made.
A contingent liability is not recognised in the financial statements, however, it is disclosed unless the probability
of an outflow of economic benefits is remote. Contingent liabilities comprise grants allocated by the Distributing
Agencies to beneficiaries on a conditional basis and the stipulated conditions have not been met as at
31 March 2022.
Revocations will be triggered if there is a breach of Grant Agreement, voluntary cancellation of the Grant
Agreement by the funded organisation due to various reasons; cancellation due to identification and/or
determination of irregularities from the organisation.
The amount recognised as a provision shall be the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present
obligation at the reporting date. The best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation is
the amount that an entity would rationally pay to settle the obligation at the reporting date or to transfer it to a
third party at that time. It will often be impossible or prohibitively expensive to settle or transfer an obligation at
the reporting date. However, the estimate of the amount that an entity would rationally pay to settle or transfer
the obligation gives the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation at the reporting
date. An impairment is recognised when an organisation has breached the provisions of Regulation 6 and
Clause 10 of the grant agreement and the NLC has not communicated the breach to the beneficiary.
Depreciation is recognised through profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life, or the lease
term if shorter, of each asset or component of an item of property, plant and equipment. Land is not depreciated
and major repairs and overhauls are depreciated over the remaining useful life of the related asset or to the date
of the next major repair or overhaul, if shorter. Depreciation commences when the asset is available for use.
The 80/20 principle is applied to split the initial acquisition cost of the land and buildings, where 80% is buildings
and 20% is land of the initial acquisition cost.
As a minimum, the following are regarded as related parties of the reporting entity:
(a) A person or a close member of that person’s family related to the reporting entity if that person:
(i) has control or joint control over the NLC;
(ii) has significant influence over the NLC; or
(iii) is a member of the management of the NLDTF or NLC.
Related party transactions are transfers of resources, services or obligations between the NLC and a related
party, regardless of whether a price is charged.
When confirmed, irregular expenditure must be recorded in the notes to the financial statements. The amount to
be recorded in the notes must be equal to the value of the irregular expenditure incurred unless it is impracticable
to determine the value thereof. Where such impracticality exists, the reasons therefore must be provided in the
notes. Irregular expenditure must be removed from the notes when it is either (a) condoned by the National
Treasury or the relevant authority; (b) it is transferred to receivables for recovery; or (c) it is not condoned and
is irrecoverable. A receivable related to irregular expenditure is measured at the amount that is expected to be
recovered and must be de-recognised when the receivable is settled or subsequently written off as irrecoverable.
Any irregular expenditure is charged against income in the year in which it is incurred.
The entity adjusts the amount recognised in the financial statements to reflect adjusting events after the reporting date
once the event occurred.
Share of ticket sales 1 641 381 1 488 460 – –
Expired and unclaimed prizes 97 450 159 375 – –
Interest from the National Lotteries Participants Trust 1 973 5 105 – –
Revocations 34 711 23 959 – –
Penalties – Ithuba Holdings (RF) (Pty) Ltd – 1 402 – –
1 775 515 1 678 301 – –
Recognition of lottery licence fees 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500
2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500
Current year allocations 1 205 541 1 140 199 – –
Current period revocations (32 910) – – –
1 172 631 1 140 199 – –
Salaries, wages and allowances 253 046 226 871 253 046 226 871
Medical aid fund contribution 15 729 15 202 15 729 15 202
Defined provident fund contributions 25 654 26 010 25 654 26 010
Social security levies (Unemployment Insurance Fund,
Skills Development Levy) 3 385 3 283 3 385 3 283
Risk Benefit and management fees 7 770 6 740 7 770 6 740
Provision for leave pay (575) 2 397 (575) 2 397
Provision for bonus 7 680 31 421 7 680 31 421
312 689 311 925 312 689 311 925
Trust administration fees 3 552 3 410 – –
3 552 3 410 – –
At 31 March 2022
Cost 71 308 13 711 14 724 15 435 8 276 19 124 142 579
Accumulated depreciation (1 268) (9 841) (11 579) (11 093) (8 276) (12 050) (54 108)
Carrying amount 70 040 3 870 3 145 4 343 (0) 7 074 88 470
At 31 March 2021
– Cost 61 869 13 711 13 117 15 429 8 276 19 000 131 402
– Accumulated depreciation (751) (8 384) (11 005) (9 698) (8 225) (10 426) (48 489)
Carrying amount 61 118 5 327 2 112 5 731 51 8 574 82 913
Leave pay
Opening balance 7 408 5 649 7 408 5 649
Additional provisions raised 6 730 7 407 6 730 7 407
Used during the period (359) (499) (359) (499)
Unused amounts reversed (7 048) (5 149) (7 048) (5 149)
Closing balance 6 731 7 408 6 731 7 408
The leave balance is calculated based on the leave days carried
over at year end
Opening balance 28 829 36 011 28 829 36 011
Additional provisions raised – 28 829 – 28 829
Used during the period (28 829) (36 011) (28 829) (36 011)
Closing balance – 28 829 – 28 829
Bonuses are calculated based on the NLC performance
management policy
Opening balance 1 486 – 1 486 –
Additional provisions raised 23 642 1 486 23 642 1 486
Used during the period (1 486) – (1 486) –
23 642 1 486 23 642 1 486
Purchase Order Commitments 8 539 1 122 8 539 1 122
8 539 1 122 8 539 1 122
Capital commitments relate to capital acquisitions. Contract
commitments are ranging from 12 to 36 months. Full amount
disclosed relates to PPE.
NLC leases buildings for its head office and some of the
provincial offices. Motor vehicles are under operating leases.
The remaining years of the leases range from less than one
year to less than three years. The future minimum
commitments in terms of the leases of buildings and motor
vehicles are as follows:
Due within one year 4 475 22 842 4 475 22 842
Due within two to five years 3 651 6 572 3 651 6 572
Net commitment 8 126 29 414 8 126 29 414
The lease term for Polokwane office ends in July 2022. The lease in Polokwane escalates at 7% per annum and 9% for Head Office.
The lease for Head Office was for three (3) years and expired in March 2022. Lease for KwaZulu-Natal expires in March 2022 and the
lease for WC expires in June 2022. Lease for motor vehicles is for five years and expires in June 2024.
Purchase order commitments 3 170 7 751 3 170 7 751
Contract commitments 9 485 30 258 9 485 30 258
12 655 38 009 12 655 38 009
Operating commitments relate to purchase order and contract commitments. Contract commitments are for a year ranging from
12 to 36 months.
To assist in the analysis of the financial risks that the Company and Group is exposed to, the statement of financial position has been
divided into the following categories:
• Financial assets and liabilities.
• Non-financial assets and liabilities.
Financial Non-financial Financial Non-financial
Assets and Assets and Assets and Assets and
Total Liabilities Liabilities Total Liabilities Liabilities
R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000
As at 31 March 2022
Financial instruments at amortised cost:
– Trade and other receivables from exchange
transactions 10 365 10 365 – 2 436 2 436 –
– Trade and other receivables from
non-exchange transactions 24 772 24 772 – – – –
Financial instruments at fair value:
– Cash and cash equivalents 2 164 926 2 164 926 – 7 139 7 139 –
Non-financial assets
– Other assets 207 338 – 207 338 207 338 – 207 338
– Deposits and prepayments 4 643 – 4 643 4 564 – 4 564
Total assets 2 412 044 2 200 063 211 981 221 477 9 575 211 902
Financial liabilities at amortised cost:
– Provision for allocations 124 045 124 045 – – – –
– Trade payables from exchange transactions 23 392 23 139 253 22 887 22 634 253
– Trade payables from non-exchange
transactions 298 430 298 430 – 165 300 165 300 –
Non-financial liability
– Deferred income – License fees 2 917 – 2 917 2 917 – 2 917
– Provisions 30 373 – 30 373 30 373 – 30 373
Total liabilities 479 156 445 614 33 543 221 477 187 934 33 543
Carrying Amount Fixed Floating Bearing
R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000
As at 31 March 2022
Financial instruments at amortised cost:
– Trade and other receivables from exchange
transactions 10 365 – – 10 365
– Trade and other receivables from non-exchange
transactions 24 772 – – 24 772
Financial instruments at fair value:
– Cash and cash equivalents 2 164 926 – 2 164 897 29
Total financial assets 2 200 063 – 2 164 897 35 166
Financial liabilities at amortised cost:
– Provision for allocations 124 045 – – 124 045
– Trade payables from exchange transactions 23 139 – – 23 139
– Trade payables from non-exchange transactions 298 430 298 430
Total financial liabilities 445 614 – – 445 614
As at 31 March 2021
Financial instruments at amortised cost:
– Trade and other receivables from exchange
transactions 6 751 – – 6 751
– Trade and other receivables from non-exchange
transactions 18 421 – – 18 421
Financial instruments at fair value: –
– Cash and cash equivalents 2 344 827 1 2 344 809 18
Total financial assets 2 369 999 1 2 344 809 25 190
Financial liabilities at amortised cost:
– P rovision for allocations 470 194 – – 470 194
– Trade payables from exchange transactions 28 427 – – 28 427
– Trade payables from non-exchange transactions 184 748 184 748
Total financial liabilities 683 369 – – 683 369
Carrying Amount Fixed Floating Bearing
R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000
As at 31 March 2022
Financial instruments at amortised cost:
– Trade and other receivables from exchange
transactions 2 436 – – 2 436
– Trade and other receivables from non-exchange
transactions – – – –
Financial instruments at fair value:
– Cash and cash equivalents 7 139 – 7 110 29
Total financial assets 9 575 – 7 110 2 465
Financial liabilities at amortised cost:
– Trade payables from exchange transactions 22 634 – – 22 634
– Trade payables from non-exchange transactions 165 300 165 300
Total financial liabilities 187 934 – – 187 934
As at 31 March 2021
Financial instruments at amortised cost:
– Trade and other receivables from exchange
transactions – –
– Trade and other receivables from exchange
transactions 709 – – 709
– Trade and other receivables from non-exchange
transactions – – – –
Financial instruments at fair value:
– Cash and cash equivalents 3 416 – 3 399 18
Total financial assets 4 125 – 3 399 726
Financial liabilities at amortised cost:
– Trade payables from exchange transactions 27 414 – – 27 414
– Trade payables from non-exchange transactions 128 229 128 229
Total financial liabilities 155 642 – – 155 642
As at 31 March 2022 Fitch upgraded financial institutions to a rating of BB- with a stable outlook. NLC aligned the disclosure
in line with the decision by the rating agency.
As at 31 March 2021
Financial instruments
at amortised cost:
Financial instruments
at fair value:
– Cash and cash
equivalents 2 344 827 2 344 827 – – – –
2 344 827 2 344 827 – – – –
As at 31 March 2021
Financial instruments
at fair value:
– C
ash and cash
equivalents 3 416 3 416 – – – –
3 416 3 416 – – – –
Staff receivables were erroneously included as part of credit risk in the prior financial year.
The ageing of the components of trade and receivables was:
A greater portion of the debtors not impaired are going to be recovered within one month after year end.
^ Erroneously omitted in the prior financial year disclosure.
Gross Gross
Year Ended Impairment Year ended Impairment
31 March 2022 31 March 2022 31 March 2021 31 March 2021
R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000
Within a year 820 – 709 (78)
Later than one year 1 088 (178) – –
Total 1 908 (178) 709 (78)
As at 31 March 2021
Provision for allocations 470 194 470 194 – –
Trade payables from exchange transactions 28 427 28 427 27 414 27 414
Trade payables from non-exchange transactions 184 748 184 748 128 229 128 229
Total 683 369 683 369 155 642 155 642
27.1 The NLC and NLDTF are exempt from Income Tax in terms of Section 10(1)(cA) of the Income Tax Act, 1962.
The NLPT is a registered tax payer in terms of Section 67 of the Income Tax Act No. 58 of 1962 as amended. The Trust’s tax
reference number is 2332466172. There is no tax payable by the trust.
Transfers and subsidies received 586 805 586 805 – No adjustments to budget
RFP lottery fee – Application fee 12 000 12 000 – No adjustments to budget
License fees 2 500 2 500 – No adjustments to budget
Other operating income 1 000 1 000 – No adjustments to budget
Interest income 205 205 – No adjustments to budget
Society lotteries 61 61 – No adjustments to budget
Employee costs (348 393) (348 393) – No adjustments to budget
Goods and services (247 103) (247 103) – No adjustments to budget
Depreciation and amortisation (7 075) (7 075) – No adjustments to budget
Capital acquisitions (52 480) (52 480) – No adjustments to budget
Members Fees Travel Costs Professional Fees Total 2022 Total 2021
Members R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000
Mrs T Mampane
Commissioner 3 384 – 144 – 1 311 253 5 092 4 538
Mr P Letwaba
Chief Operations Officer 2 465 398 120 48 – 322 3 352 3 982
Mr N Njoni
Chief Operations Officer
– Acting^ 1 435 221 – – 372 166 2 195 –
Ms X Ntuli
Chief Financial Officer 2 116 326 – 48 687 104 3 281 2 684
Mr M Ramusi
Chief Information Officer 2 395 543 120 48 977 327 4 410 3 965
Ms T Nkuna
Executive: Regulatory
Compliance 2 233 – 156 48 771 32 3 240 3 014
Mr T Maselwa
Executive Manager:
Legal* 165 25 – 4 – 2 196 2 495
Mr T Ramagoma
Executive Manager:
Legal** 492 76 – 12 – 6 586 –
Adv M Nene
Company Secretary*** 1 980 305 – 48 638 247 3 218 2 498
Total 16 665 1 894 540 256 4 756 1 458 25 570 23 176
* Mr T Maselwa resigned on 30 April 2021.
** Mr T Ramagoma was appointed on 1 January 2022
*** Adv Nene was acting as Executive Manager: Legal from 1 May 2021 to 30 December 2021
^ Mr N Njoni was acting COO from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022
166 National Lotteries Commission Integrated Report 2022
General Performance Corporate Operational Financial Beneficiary
information information governance excellence information list
^ Ms Brown is the Minister’s Nominee and was not paid any board fees. She resigned in March 2022
* Dr S Mojaki was appointed on 1 April 2020 as an expert advisor to the Board Human Capital Ethics Committee. Fees amounted to R232 940
(2021: R137 082) during the financial year.
** Prof NA Nevhutanda’s term ended on 30 November 2020
*** Adv TS Kekana was appointed on 1 September 2019 is an expert advisor to the Board. Fees amounted to R1 204 million (2021: R804 248.80) for the
financial year under review.
**** Dr M Madzivandila passed on in February 2022
^^ Board members appointed on 24 March 2022
^^^ Resigned in October 2021
Period Period
31 March 2022 31 March 2022
R’000 R’000
Reconciliation of irregular expenditure
Opening balance – –
Add: Irregular expenditure – relating to prior years identified in the current year 41 106 41 106
Add: Irregular expenditure – relating to current year identified in the current year 26 982 26 982
Less: Prior year amounts condoned – –
Less: Current year amounts condoned – –
68 088 68 088
Period – relating to
31 March 2022 prior years
R’000 R’000
Description of non-compliance – Group and Company
Appointment of a service provider which was not in accordance with regulation 5(3) of the
Preferential Procurement Regulations 2017 189 13 834
Payments made for services rendered under expired contract which contravened the National
Treasury Instruction note 3 of 2016/17 4 062 –
Appointments of service providers for media services without following competitive bidding process
which contravened the National Treasury Instruction note 3 of 2016/17 13 290 19 770
The expenditure incurred relates to appointment of service providers without following normal
procurement process which contravened with National Treasury practice note 8 of 2008/2009 – 1 056
The expenditure incurred relates to variation of scope from the original contract value which
contravened National Treasury Instruction note 3 of 2016/17 9 441 6 446
26 982 41 106
The irregular expenditure related to subjective evaluation criteria used to evaluate bidders on functionality, it was not practical for
management to determine the impact of the subjective criteria on possible irregular expenditure because re-evaluation of the tenders was
not possible on a subjective criteria.
Irregular expenditure identified has been referred to the Legal Division for investigation. The investigation covers the scope below. As at
31 May 2022 the investigation was still in progress. The investigation will provide the NLC with at least the following:
(a) Root causes that led to the transgression;
(b) Impact of the transgression;
(c) Fraudulent, corrupt or other criminal conduct;
(d) Employee(s) responsible for the irregular expenditure;
(e) Whether the NLC suffered a loss or value for money was derived; and
(f) Make recommendation if the irregular expenditure emanated from fraudulent, corrupt, or other criminal conduct and the NLC incurred
a loss and/or make recommendation to institute a claim against the responsible employee for recovery of the loss in line with the NLC
debt management policy if the transgression did not arise as a result of fraudulent, corrupt or other criminal conduct.
12. Section 55(2)(a) of the PFMA, requires the entity to 19. I did not receive the other information prior to the date
prepare an annual performance report. The entity’s of this auditor’s report. When I do receive and read
performance information was reported in the annual this information, if I conclude that there is a material
performance report of National Lotteries Commission. misstatement therein, I am required to communicate
The usefulness and reliability of the reported performance the matter to those charged with governance and
information was tested as part of the audit of National request that the other information be corrected. If the
Lotteries Commission and any audit findings are included other information is not corrected, I may have to retract
in the management and auditor’s reports of National this auditor’s report and re-issue an amended report
Lotteries Commission. as appropriate. However, if it is corrected this will not
be necessary.
20. I considered internal control relevant to my audit of the
13. In accordance with the PAA and the general notice issued financial statements, reported performance information
in terms thereof, I have a responsibility to report material and compliance with applicable legislation; however, my
findings on the entity’s compliance with specific matters objective was not to express any form of assurance on it.
in key legislation. I performed procedures to identify The matters reported below are limited to the significant
findings but not to gather evidence to express assurance. internal control deficiencies that resulted in findings on
14. The material findings on compliance with specific matters compliance with legislation.
in key legislation are as follows: 21. The accounting authority did not adequately monitor
compliance with applicable legislation.
22. I draw attention to the following engagements conducted
by various parties which had, or could have, an impact on
the matters reported in the entity’s financial statements,
compliance with applicable legislation and other related
matters. These reports did not form part of my opinion on
the financial statements or my findings on the reported
performance information or compliance with legislation.
31 July 2022
Year ended
Year ended 31 March 2021
31 March 2022 Restated
Notes R’000 R’000
Year ended
Year ended 31 March 2021
31 March 2022 Restated
Notes R’000 R’000
Current Assets
Trade and other receivables from exchange transactions 9 7 110 5 468
Trade and other receivables from non-exchange transactions 10 199 871 233 601
Cash and cash equivalents 11 1 849 948 2 069 347
Current Liabilities
Provision for allocations 12 124 044 470 194
Net Assets
Accumulated Funds 1 932 885 1 838 223
Notes R’000
Cash Payments
Cash paid to Beneficiaries and other parties (2 095 243) (1 451 507)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalent (219 400) 1 885 280
Cash and cash equivalent at the beginning of the year 11 2 069 347 184 067
Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the year 11 1 849 948 2 069 347
Final Budget
Approved Budget Adjustments Final Budget Actual Amounts and Actual
R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000
Share of ticket sales 1 549 363 – 1 549 363 1 641 380 92 017
Interest income 68 530 – 68 530 63 998 (4 532)
Revenue from Participants Trust 157 481 – 157 481 99 422 (58 059)
Transfers to NLC (586 805) – (586 805) (564 929) 21 876
Administrative expenses (58) – (58) (71) (13)
Other expenses – – – (7 144) (7 144)
Professional fees (7 000) – (7 000) (2 450) 4 550
Available for Distribution to Grant Allocations 1 194 511 – 1 194 511 1 267 295 72 782
Share of ticket sales The over-performance in revenue is due to the Lotto, Powerball and Powerball Plus games 92 017
exceeding the projections for the year due to the higher jackpots which attracted more
participants resulting in favourable sales.
Interest income The investment matured in the prior year and the reinvestment of funds did not take place (4 532)
in the 2021/22 financial year. Furthermore, the interest income underperformed as a result
of the reduction in interest rates by the Reserve Bank.
Revenue from NLPT – Interest Interest earned on unclaimed and expired prize monies was effectively 2% which is in line (15 508)
with the average interest rate, however, the budget provided for a higher rate.
Revenue from NLPT – Unclaimed Revenue from expired funds decreased as a result of a portion of the funds being used (42 551)
and expired prize monies towards guaranteed jackpots.
Allocation of Grants The variance is not material and was covered from Revocations in line with the Grant (1 695)
Funding Policy.
Revocations Revocations are done in line with the Grant Funding Policy. Applications are dependent on 24 710
whether there is any breach of Regulations and grant agreements by the funded
Operating expenses There were less infrastructure projects than expected due to the impact of COVID 19. 4 550
(Professional fees)
Other operating income Operating income relates primarily to sundry income which constitutes unused funds from (624)
(Sundry Income) beneficiaries. There were less unused funds returned in the current year.
The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these financial statements are set out below. These policies have
been consistently applied to all the years presented.
The annual financial statements have been prepared in accordance with South African Generally Recognised Accounting
Practice (SA GRAP) as well as the Public Finance Management Act, Act No. 1 of 1999, as amended (PFMA). They have
been prepared in accordance with the going concern principle using the historical cost basis except where otherwise
stated in the accounting policies below.
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with SA GRAP requires the use of certain critical accounting
estimates. It also requires management to exercise its judgement in the process of applying the accounting policies.
The areas involving a higher degree of judgement or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates are significant
to the financial statements are outlined in point 11 of the summary of significant accounting policies.
All monetary information and figures presented in these financial statements are stated in thousands of Rand (R’000),
unless otherwise indicated.
New standards, amendments and interpretations approved and not yet effective
Scope and
Standard potential impact Effective date
GRAP 25: Employee Benefits None Not yet effective. The standard has no impact on the financial
GRAP 104: Financial instruments None The effective date of this revised standard will be 1 April 2025
as determined by the Minister of Finance.
IGRAP 7: The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, None Not yet effective. The standard has no impact on the financial
Minimum Funding Requirements and their Interaction statements.
IGRAP 21: The Effect of Past Decisions on Materiality None The effective date of this revised standard will be 1 April 2023
as determined by the Minister of Finance.
NLDTF did not apply any of the standards above. It is not expected that the above standards, amendments and
interpretations will have any material impact on the NLDTF’s financial statements on initial application where applicable.
GRAP 25 and IGRAP 7 do not apply to NLDTF, because NLDTF does not have employees.
The NLDTF distinguishes between two forms of revenue namely revenue from exchange transactions and revenue from
non-exchange transactions.
Revenue from exchange transactions is defined as revenue in which NLDTF receives assets or services, or has liabilities
extinguished, and directly gives approximately equal value to another entity or party in exchange.
Revenue from non-exchange transactions is defined as revenue in which NLDTF receives value from another entity or
party without directly giving approximately equal value in exchange or gives value to another entity or party without directly
receiving approximately equal value in exchange.
Investment income comprises interest accrued from assets held at amortised cost and cash and cash equivalents.
Interest is accounted for on an accrual basis using the effective interest rate method.
Revenue from share of ticket sales is accounted for on the accrual basis and is measured as a percentage of ticket
sales as stipulated and agreed in the licence agreement with the National Lottery Operator.
Expired and unclaimed prizes relate to prizes in constituent lotteries (not being an Instant Lottery) for which remain
unclaimed for a period of 365 days following the draw in which the prize was won as stipulated in the licence
agreement with the National Lottery Operator. Such monies are accounted for on an accrual basis. Payments of the
funds are through the intermediation of the National Lotteries Participants Trust.
Any interest that remains in the National Lotteries Participants Trust after deduction of the Participant’s Trust costs
is due to the NLDTF as stipulated in the Trust Deed of the National Lotteries Participant’s Trust. These monies are
accounted for on an accrual basis. Payments of the funds are through the intermediation of the National Lotteries
Participants Trust.
A revocation is recognised as income when a grant is revoked and is recognised at the amount of the revocation.
NLDTF classifies its financial assets in the following categories:
The classification depends on the purpose for which the financial assets were acquired. Management determines the
classification of its financial assets at initial recognition.
Financial assets at amortised cost are non-derivative financial assets that have fixed or determinable payments,
excluding those instruments that:
Financial assets carried at amortised cost, are initially recognised at fair value plus transaction costs that are directly
attributable to the acquisition of the financial asset. These assets are subsequently measured at amortised cost
using the effective interest rate method, less provision for impairment.
NLDTF’s investments are classified at amortised cost and consists of money market securities.
for the year ended 31 March 2022
(a) the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire, are settled or waived;
(b) NLDTF transfers to another party substantially all of the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset; or
(c) NLDTF despite having retained some significant risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset, has
transferred control of the asset to another party and the other party has the practical ability to sell the asset
in its entirety to an unrelated third party, and is able to exercise that ability unilaterally and without needing to
impose additional restrictions on the transfer.
• investments;
• trade and other receivables from exchange transaction; and
• trade and other receivables from non-exchange transaction.
Financial instruments at fair value comprise financial assets or financial liabilities that are:
(a) derivatives;
(b) combined instruments that are designated at fair value in accordance with paragraphs 20 or 21 of GRAP 104;
(c) instruments held for trading. A financial instrument is held for trading if:
(I) it is acquired or incurred principally for the purpose of selling or repurchasing it in the near-term; or
(ii) on initial recognition it is part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that are managed together and
for which there is evidence of a recent actual pattern of short-term profit-taking;
(d) non-derivative financial assets or financial liabilities with fixed or determinable payments that are designated at
fair value at initial recognition in accordance with paragraph 17; and
(e) financial instruments that do not meet the definition of financial instruments at amortised cost or financial
instruments at cost.
Financial assets at fair value consists of cash and cash equivalents and the equity intrinsic value of investments
(refer to note 11).
Financial assets at fair value will be initially recognised is at fair value. A gain or loss arising from a change in the fair
value of a financial asset measured at fair value shall be recognised in surplus or deficit.
NLDTF assesses at each reporting period whether there is objective evidence that a financial asset or group of
financial assets is impaired. A financial asset is impaired and impairment losses are incurred only if there is objective
evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that have occurred after the initial recognition of the asset
(a “loss event”) and the loss event has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset or group
of financial assets that can be reliably estimated.
NLDTF first assesses whether objective evidence of impairment exists individually for financial assets that are
individually significant. If NLDTF determines that no objective evidence of impairment exists for an individually
assessed financial asset, whether significant or not, it includes the asset in a group of financial assets with similar
credit risk characteristics and collectively assesses them for impairment. Assets that are individually assessed
for impairment and for which an impairment loss is or continues to be recognised are not included in a collective
assessment of impairment.
If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss has been incurred on loans and receivables carried at
amortised cost, the amount of the loss is measured as the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and
the present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at the financial asset’s original effective interest rate.
The carrying amount of the asset is reduced through the use of an allowance account, and the amount of the loss is
recognised in profit or loss.
If in a subsequent period, the amount of the impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be related objectively
to an event occurring after the impairment was recognised (such as improved credit rating), the previously
recognised impairment loss is reversed by adjusting the allowance account. The amount of the reversal is
recognised in profit or loss.
Assets, including intangible assets, that are subject to amortisation, are reviewed for impairment whenever events
or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. Such indicators include
continued losses, changes in technology, market, economic, legal and operating environments.
An impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable
amount. The recoverable amount is measured using the higher of the fair value less costs to sell and the
value‑in‑use. Value-in-use is the present value of projected cash flows covering the remaining useful life of the asset.
An impairment charge is recognised as a loss in profit or loss immediately.
Cash-generating assets are assets managed with the objective of generating a commercial return. Non‑cash-
generating assets are assets other than cash-generating assets. Therefore, NLDTF classifies assets as non‑cash-
generating assets.
for the year ended 31 March 2022
• Cash in hand
• Deposits held at call and short notice
• Balances with banks
Cash and cash equivalents only include items held for the purpose of meeting short-term cash commitments rather than
for investing or other purposes. It comprises cash in hand and deposits held at call with respective banks. Cash and cash
equivalents have a maturity of less than three months. Cash and cash equivalents are classified as financial assets at fair
value and are carried at cost which due to their short-term nature approximates fair value.
The NLDTF’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (including fair value interest rate risk, cash flow
interest rate risk and price risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. The Board manages these risks through quarterly reporting of
risk management.
The NLDTF’s activities do not expose it to a significant amount of market risk. Therefore no formal policies have
been developed to guard against market risk.
Credit risk arises from cash and cash equivalents and deposits with banks and financial institutions, as well as credit
exposures to outstanding receivables and committed transactions. For banks and financial institutions, only banks
approved by the Minister of Finance are used.
The NLDTF also follows regulations issued by National Treasury to manage its exposure to credit risk.
Prudent liquidity risk management implies maintaining sufficient cash and cash equivalents to meet the daily
demands of the operations.
Management monitors daily balances of cash and cash equivalents as well as investment accounts to ensure that
enough funds are available to meet the needs of operations.
Provisions are recognised when, as a result of past events, NLDTF has a present legal or constructive obligation of
uncertain timing or amount, and it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required
to settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation can be made.
NLDTF discloses a contingent liability when:
• it has a possible obligation arising from past events, the existence of which will be confirmed only by the occurrence
or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity; or
• it has a present obligation that arises from past events, but not recognised because:
A contingent liability is not recognised in the financial statements, however, it is disclosed unless the probability of an
outflow of economic benefits is remote.
Allocations are accounted for when applications for assistance from individual organisations are considered and grants
are unconditionally awarded by the respective distributing agencies. Pro-active funding allocations are accounted for
when funding is considered in terms of section 2A(4) of the Lotteries Act and grants are unconditionally awarded by the
assurance committee.
Revocations will be triggered if there is a breach of Grant Agreement, voluntary cancellation of the Grant Agreement by the
funded organisation due to various reasons; cancellation due to identification and/or determination of irregularities from
the organisation.
The approved budget is prepared on an accrual basis and presented by economic classification linked to performance
outcome objectives. The approved budget covers the financial period from 2020/04/01 to 2021/03/31. The budget for
the economic entity includes all the entities approved budgets under its control. The annual financial statements and the
budget are on the same basis of accounting therefore a comparison with the budgeted amounts for the reporting period
has been included in the statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts.
Assumptions and estimates form an integral part of financial reporting and have an impact on the amounts reported.
Assumptions are based on historical experience and expectations of future outcomes and anticipated changes in the
environment. Assumptions are further regularly reviewed in the light of emerging events and adjusted where required.
Allocations are accounted for when applications for assistance from individual organisations are considered
and grants are unconditionally awarded by the respective Distributing Agencies. Pro-active funding allocations
are accounted for when funding is considered in terms of section 2A(4) of the Lotteries Act and grants are
unconditionally awarded by the assurance committee. Disclosures are made for those organisations which
were funded by the NLDTF in which Distributing Agencies may have a significant interest in. Disclosures made
relate to the payments, allocations in the current year and amounts outstanding at year end. The impact of the
Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in the NLC only paying projects that are implementable under the varying lockdown
alert levels. The extent of the lockdown cannot be reliably estimated, however, the financials have been presented
on the basis that management has made an assessment that the funded organisations would be in a position to
implement funded projects 12 months after the year end.
The amount recognised as a provision shall be the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present
obligation at the reporting date. The best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation is the
amount that an entity would rationally pay to settle the obligation at the reporting date or to transfer it to a third party
at that time. It will often be impossible or prohibitively expensive to settle or transfer an obligation at the reporting
date. However, the estimate of the amount that an entity would rationally pay to settle or transfer the obligation gives
the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation at the reporting date. An impairment
is recognised when an organisation has breached the provisions of Regulation 6 and Clause 10 of the grant
agreement and the NLC has not communicated the breach to the beneficiary.
Contingent liabilities are not recognised in the financial statements, but are disclosed in the notes to the financial
statements unless the probability of occurrence is remote.
A provision for doubtful debt is raised in instances where there are indications that the debt may not be recoverable
from the debtor. The assessment of recoverability is done on a individual debt basis.
for the year ended 31 March 2022
Beneficiaries written off are those beneficiaries where all avenues for recovery have been completely exhausted and
the outstanding debts are considered not recoverable.
Contingent assets are possible assets that arise from past events, and whose existence will be confirmed only by
the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity.
A contingent asset is not recognised in the financial statement, however, it is disclosed where an inflow of economic
benefits or service potential is probable. Contingent assets are assessed continually to ensure that developments
are appropriately reflected in the financial statements.
Irregular expenditure means expenditure incurred in contravention of, or not in accordance with a requirement of any
applicable legislation, including:
• The PFMA;
• The Treasury Regulations;
• A National Treasury Instruction, issued in terms of section 76 of the PFMA; or
• Any legislation providing for procurement procedures.
When confirmed, irregular expenditure must be recorded in the notes to the financial statements. The amount to be
recorded in the notes must be equal to the value of the irregular expenditure incurred unless it is impracticable to
determine the value thereof. Where such impracticality exists, the reasons therefore must be provided in the notes.
Irregular expenditure must be removed from the notes when it is either (a) condoned by the National Treasury or the
relevant authority; (b) it is transferred to receivables for recovery; or (c) it is not condoned and is irrecoverable. A receivable
related to irregular expenditure is measured at the amount that is expected to be recovered and must be de-recognised
when the receivable is settled or subsequently written off as irrecoverable.
Any irregular expenditure is charged against income in the year in which it is incurred.
Fruitless and wasteful expenditure means expenditure that was made in vain and would have been avoided had
reasonable care been exercised.
Fruitless and wasteful expenditure is accounted for in line with all relating requirements, including, but not limited to, ruling
Legislation, Regulations, Frameworks, Circulars, Instruction Notes, Practice Notes, Guidelines, etc (as applicable).
Any fruitless and wasteful expenditure is charged against income in the year in which it is incurred.
A related party is a person or an entity with the ability to control or jointly control the other party, or exercise significant
influence over the other party, or vice versa, or an entity that is subject to common control, or joint control.
As a minimum, the following are regarded as related parties of the reporting entity:
(a) A person or a close member of that person’s family related to the reporting entity if that person:
Related party transactions are transfers of resources, services or obligations between the NLDTF and a related party,
regardless of whether a price is charged.
Financial liabilities at amortised cost are non-derivative financial assets that have fixed or determinable payments,
excluding those liabilities that:
Financial liabilities carried at amortised cost, are initially recognised at fair value plus transaction costs that are
directly attributable to the issue of the financial liability.
Financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method.
A gain or a loss is recognised in surplus or deficit when the financial liability is derecognised or through the
amortisation process.
NLDTF derecognises a financial liability (or a part of a financial liability) from its statement of financial position when,
and only when, it is extinguished – i.e. when the obligation specified in the contract is discharged, cancelled, expires
or waived.
The approved budget is prepared on an accrual basis and presented by economic classification linked to performance
outcome objectives. The approved budget covers the financial year from 2021/04/01 to 2022/03/31. The annual financial
statements and the budget are on the same basis of accounting therefore a comparison with the budgeted amounts for
the reporting year has been included in the statement of comparison of budget and actual amount.
Events after reporting date are those events, both favourable and unfavourable, that occur between the reporting date and
the date when the financial statements are authorised for issue. Two types of events can be identified:
• those that provide evidence of conditions that existed at the reporting date (adjusting events after the reporting
date); and
• those that are indicative of conditions that arose after the reporting date (non-adjusting events after the reporting date).
The entity adjusts the amount recognised in the financial statements to reflect adjusting events after the reporting date
once the event occurred.
Year ended
Year ended 31 March 2021
31 March 2022 Restated
R’000 R’000
Share of ticket sales 1 641 380 1 488 460
Interest earned on unclaimed and expired prizes – National Lotteries Participants Trust 1 973 5 105
Expired and unclaimed prizes 97 449 159 376
Revocations 34 710 23 959
Penalties – Ithuba Holdings (RF) Pty (Ltd) – 1 402
63 998 76 321
2 376 1 424
* Sundry income mainly consists of unspent amounts returned by beneficiaries upon completion of
funded projects.
Current period allocations 1 205 540 1 140 199
Current period revocations (32 909) –
Bank charges 71 58
71 58
Professional fees 2 450 6 708
2 450 6 708
Debtors written off – 1 281
Movement in the provision for doubtful debt 492
Impairment of provision 6 652 3 894
7 144 5 175
Year ended
Year ended 31 March 2022
31 March 2022 Restated
R’000 R’000
7 110 5 468
Year ended
Year ended 31 March 2022
31 March 2022 Restated
R’000 R’000
Payments refer not only to payments against current year allocations but also to payments relating to commitments owing from previous
financial years. Payments against prior year balance are in accordance with duly signed grant agreements. The impact of the Covid-19
pandemic has resulted in the NLC only paying projects that are implementable under the varying lockdown alert levels.
Credit risk is the risk that one party to a financial instrument will cause a financial loss for the other party by failing to
discharge an obligation.
Liquidity risk is the risk that NLDTF will encounter difficulty in meeting obligations associated with financial liabilities due
to insufficient cash being available to meet commitments as and when they become due.
• Review by the internal auditors of compliance with policies and exposure limits on a continual basis and regularly
reporting to the Board Audit and Risk Committee;
• Monitoring forecast and accrual cash flows and matching the maturity profiles of financial assets and liabilities.
To assist in the analysis of the financial risks that NLDTF is exposed to, the statement of financial position has been divided
into the following categories:
Financial Assets
Total and Liabilities
R’000 R’000
As at 31 March 2022
Financial assets at amortised cost:
– Trade and other receivables from exchange transactions 7 110 7 110
– Trade and other receivables from non-exchange transactions 199 871 199 871
Financial assets at fair value:
– Cash and cash equivalents 1 849 948 1 849 948
The NLDTF is exposed to financial risk through the following financial assets and liabilities:
Year ended
Year ended 31 March 2021
31 March 2022 Restated
R’000 R’000
Sensitivity to changes in interest rates and market indices relevant to financial assets or financial
liabilities due to the risk that future cash flows will fluctuate. The NLDTF invested in instruments that
preserve capital were subject to participation of equity based on the performance of the All Share
Index Top 40 (ALSI). The strike price for equity participation is an ALSI 46 979,67. This impacts the
future cash flows the organisation is expected to realise. The investment subsequently matured on
24 June 2020 and the ALSI was 54 447,73 on that date.
The table below details the specific interest rate risk that the NLDTF is exposed to:
Carrying amount Fixed Floating bearing
R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000
As at 31 March 2022
Financial assets at amortised cost:
– Trade and other receivable from exchange
transactions 7 110 – – 7 110
– Trade and other receivable from non-
exchange transactions 199 871 – – 199 871
Financial assets at fair value:
– Cash and cash equivalents 1 849 948 – 1 849 948 –
Carrying amount Fixed Floating bearing
R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000
As at 31 March 2022 Fitch upgraded financial institutions to a rating of BB- with a stable outlook.
NLC aligned the disclosure in line with the decision by the rating agency.
The credit quality of consumer receivables from exchange transaction that are neither past due nor
impaired can be assessed by reference to external credit ratings (if available) or to historical information
about counterparty default rates.
As at 31 March 2022
Financial assets at
fair value:
– Cash and cash
equivalents 1 849 948 – – 1 849 948 – –
As at 31 March 2021
Financial assets at
fair value:
– Cash and cash
equivalents 2 069 347 2 069 347 – – – –
Year ended
Year ended 31 March 2022
31 March 2022 Restated
R’000 R’000
The ageing of the components of trade and other receivables was as follows:
The movement in the provision for impairment during the period was as follows:
Year ended
Year ended 31 March 2022
31 March 2022 Restated
R’000 R’000
The table below analyses the NLDTF’s non-derivative financial liabilities into relevant maturity groupings
based on the remaining period at the reporting date to the contractual maturity date.
As at 31 March 2022
Provision for allocations 124 044 124 044
As at 31 March 2021
Provision for allocations 470 194 470 194
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in the NLC only paying projects that are implementable
under the varying lockdown alert levels.
– During the current year, it was discovered that total allocations amounting to R3 694 700 were erroneously omitted in
the 2020/21 financial year.
– During the current financial year it was discovered that allocations amounting to R100 000 was erroneously revoked in
2020/21 financial year.
– During the current financial year it was discovered that allocations amounting to R779 376 was erroneously revoked in
2019/20 financial year.
– During the current financial year it was discovered that allocations amounting to R45 000 was erroneously added,
resulted in an increase of provision in 2019/20 financial year.
– During the current financial year it was discovered that allocations amounting to R103 000 was erroneously added,
resulted in an increase of provision in in 2020/21 financial year.
– During the current financial year it was discovered that Provisions for Allocations were accounted for at incorrect
amounts. This resulted in an upward adjustment of R1 020 for the 2018/19 financial year.
– During the current financial year it was discovered that Provisions for Allocations were accounted for at incorrect
amounts. This resulted in an downward adjustment of R5 810 for the 2019/20 financial year.
– During the current financial year it was discovered that goods and services amounting to R336 119.06 were
erroneously not accrued for in the 2019/20 financial year, this will affect transfers to NLC.
– During the current financial year it was discovered that goods and services amounting to R1 181 037.59 were
erroneously not accounted for in the 2020/21 financial year, this will affect transfers to NLC.
– During the current financial year it was discovered that goods and services amounting to R222 261.91 were
erroneously accounted for twice in 2020/21 financial year, this will affect transfers to NLC.
– During the current financial year it was discovered that the lease smoothing was calculated incorrectly for one of
the provinces. The impact of the error is a reduction of R53 943.93 in rental expenses and has been corrected in
2020/21 financial, this affects transfers to NLC.
The National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund is exempt from Income Tax in terms of Section 10(1)(cA) of the Income Tax
Act, 1962.
Year ended
Year ended 31 March 2022
31 March 2022 Restated
R’000 R’000
Less: Trade and other receivables from non-exchange transactions (Closing) (19 064) (17 707)
REPORT ON THE AUDIT OF 5. I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained
is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis
THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for my unqualified opinion.
fraud or error and are considered material if, individually 16. I did not receive the other information prior to the date
or in aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to of this auditor’s report. When I do receive and read
influence the economic decisions of users taken on the this information, if I conclude that there is a material
basis of these financial statements. misstatement therein, I am required to communicate
the matter to those charged with governance and
9. A further description of my responsibilities for the audit of
request that the other information be corrected. If the
the financial statements is included in the annexure to this
other information is not corrected, I may have to retract
auditor’s report.
this auditor’s report and re-issue an amended report
as appropriate. However, if it is corrected this will not
10. The trust is not required to prepare a report on its INTERNAL CONTROL
performance against predetermined objectives, as
it does not fall within the ambit of the Public Finance
17. I considered internal control relevant to my audit of the
Management Act 1 of 1999 (PFMA) and such reporting is
financial statements however, my objective was not to
not required in terms of the entity’s specific legislation.
express any form of assurance on it. I did not identify any
significant deficiencies in internal control.
30 July 2022
11. In accordance with the PAA and the general notice issued
in terms thereof, I have a responsibility to report material
findings on the trust’s compliance with specific matters in
key legislation. I performed procedures to identify findings
but not to gather evidence to express assurance.
13. The trustees are responsible for the other information. The
other information comprises the information included in
the annual report. The other information does not include
the financial statements and the auditor’s report.
The trustees have pleasure in submitting their report on • The accounting authority is responsible for the
the annual financial statements of the National Lotteries preparation of the annual financial statements and
Participants Trust (NLPT) for the year ended 31 March 2022. for the judgements made in the annual financial
statements. The accounting authority is responsible
1. Nature of the Trust
for establishing and implementing a system of internal
The trust was incorporated by Ithuba RF (Pty) Ltd on control that has been designed to provide reasonable
29 May 2015 and will terminate in terms of Clause 7 of assurance to the integrity and reliability of the annual
the Replacement Trust Deed. The trust is constituted for financial statements.
the benefit of the beneficiaries subject to the terms and
• The AG(SA) is engaged to express an independent
conditions of the trust deed to hold and safeguard all
opinion on the annual financial statements. In our
monies received for the benefit of the beneficiaries. The
opinion, the annual financial statements fairly
beneficiaries are the winners, the licensee Ithuba Holdings
reflect the financial affairs of the National Lotteries
(RF) (Pty) Ltd, National Lottery Players and the National
Participants Trust for the financial year ended
Lottery Distribution Trust Fund.
31 March 2022.
2. Statement of Responsibility for the annual financial
3. Approval of annual financial statements
The annual financial statements set out on pages
To the best of our knowledge, we confirm the following:
210 to 225 for the National Lotteries Participants Trust
• All information and amounts disclosed in the report were approved by the Board of Trustees on 29 July
are consistent with the annual financial statements 2022 and signed on their behalf by:
audited by the Auditor General of South Africa
(AG(SA)). The annual financial statements are
complete, accurate and free from any omissions.
Lufuno Tokyo Nevondwe
• The report has been prepared in accordance Chairperson of the Board: NLPT
with the guidelines on the report as issued by
National Treasury.
We have compiled the annual financial statements of the
National Lotteries Participants Trust, under the administration
of Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Ltd as set out on pages 210 to 225,
based on information provided by the trustees and
administrators. These annual financial statements comprise
of the Statement of Financial Position of the National Lotteries
Participants Trust as at 31 March 2022, the related Statement
of Financial Performance, Statement of Changes in Net Assets
and Statement of Cash Flows and Statement of Comparison
of Budget Information with actual amounts for the year then
ended as well at the notes to the financial statements.
Bilal Essop
Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Ltd
29 July 2022
Trust Trust
31 March 2022 31 March 2021
Notes R’000 R’000
Revenue from exchange transactions
Interest received 5 5 461 4 807
EXPENDITURE (5 461) (4 807)
Trust Trust
31 March 2022 31 March 2021
Notes R’000 R’000
Current Assets
Trade and other receivables – from exchange transactions 1 817 574
Trade and other receivables – from non-exchange transactions 1 5 708 714
Prepayments 2 79 78
Cash and cash equivalents 3 307 839 272 063
Current Liabilities
Trade and other payables – from exchange transactions 4 503 1 013
Trade and other payables – from non-exchange transactions 4 313 939 272 415
Net Assets
Initial Donation: Ithuba Holdings (RF) (Pty) Ltd 1 1
Cash Payments
Cash paid to NLDTF, Ithuba Holdings RF (Pty) Ltd and other parties (591 477) (588 199)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 3 272 063 307 446
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 3 307 839 272 063
Final Budget
R’000 Final Budget Actual Amounts and Actual
Administrative expenses (3 535) (3 552) (17)
Goods and services (1 935) (1 909) 26
Account Explanation of difference R’000
Interest received Interest received of the Trust is recognised to the extent of expenditure incurred. (9)
Administrative expenses The actual amount incurred was more than the budgeted amount. The actual amount was (17)
calculated by using the CPI rate as at 30 September 2021.
Goods and services The actual amount incurred was less than the budgeted amount. The trustee fee was 26
determined by the number of meetings held during the year. No provision was made for
training fees.
for the year ended 31 March 2022
The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these separate annual financial statements are set out below.
These policies have been consistently applied to all the years presented.
The separate annual financial statements have been prepared in accordance with South African Generally Recognised
Accounting Practice (SA GRAP). They have been prepared in accordance with the going concern principle using the
historical cost basis except where otherwise stated in the accounting policies below.
The preparation of annual financial statements in conformity with GRAP requires the use of certain critical accounting
estimates. It also requires management to exercise its judgement in the process of applying National Lotteries Participants
Trust’s accounting policies.
All monetary information and figures presented in these annual financial statements are stated in thousands of Rand
(R’000), unless otherwise indicated.
New standards, amendments and interpretations approved and not yet effective
Scope and
Standard potential impact Effective date
GRAP 25: Employee Benefits None No Effective date has been determined by the Minister of
Finance. Standards will be applied only upon determination
IGRAP 7: Limit on defined benefit asset, minimum funding None of effective date by the Minister where applicable.
requirements and their interaction
IGRAP 21: Effect of past decisions on materiality None Effective date 1 April 2023
NLPT did not apply any of the standards above. It is not expected that the above standards, amendments and
interpretations will have any material impact on the NLPT’s financial statements on initial application where applicable.
GRAP 25 does not apply to NLPT, because NLPT Trust does not have employees.
The NLPT distinguishes between two forms of revenue namely, revenue from exchange transactions and revenue from
non-exchange transactions.
Revenue from exchange transactions is defined as revenue on which NLPT receives assets or services, or has liabilities
extinguished, and directly gives approximately equal value to another entity or party in exchange.
Revenue from non-exchange transactions is defined as revenue in which NLPT receives value from another entity or party
without directly giving approximately equal value in exchange or gives value to another entity or party without directly
receiving approximately equal value in exchange.
Investment income comprises interest received from assets held at amortised cost and cash and cash equivalents.
Interest is accounted for on an accrual basis using the effective interest rate method. Interest received is realised to
the extent of expenses incurred.
NLPT classifies its financial assets in the following categories:
The classification depends on the purpose for which the financial assets were acquired. Management determines the
classification of its financial assets at initial recognition.
Financial assets carried at amortised cost, are initially recognised at fair value plus transaction costs that are directly
attributable to the acquisition of the financial asset. These assets are subsequently measured at amortised cost
using the effective interest rate method, less provision for impairment.
(a) the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire, are settled or waived;
(b) NLPT transfers to another party substantially all of the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset; or
(c) NLPT despite having retained some significant risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset, has
transferred control of the asset to another party and the other party has the practical ability to sell the asset
in its entirety to an unrelated third party, and is able to exercise that ability unilaterally and without needing to
impose additional restrictions on the transfer.
National Lotteries Participants Trust classifies its financial liabilities in the following category:
Financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method.
for the year ended 31 March 2022
Cash and cash equivalents only include items held for the purpose of meeting short-term cash commitments rather than
for investing or other purposes. It comprises cash on hand and deposits held at call with respective banks. Cash and cash
equivalents have a maturity of less than three months. Cash and cash equivalents are classified as financial assets at fair
value and are carried at cost which due to their short-term nature approximates fair value.
The National Lotteries Participants Trust’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk, credit risk and
liquidity risk. The Board of trustees manages these risks through quarterly reporting at Board Audit and Risk Committee
and Trustee meetings.
The National Lotteries Participants Trust’s activities do not expose it to a significant amount of market risk.
Therefore no formal policies have been developed to guard against market risk.
Credit risk arises from cash and cash equivalents and deposits with banks and financial institutions, as well as
credit exposures to outstanding receivables and committed transactions.
Prudent liquidity risk management implies maintaining sufficient cash and cash equivalents to meet the daily
demands of the operations. Management monitors daily balances of cash and cash equivalents as well as
investment accounts to ensure that enough funds are available to meet the needs of the operation.
Trade payables are obligations to pay for services that have been acquired in the ordinary course of business from
suppliers as well as obligations due to the beneficiaries (participants) and the NLDTF and the licensee (Ithuba Holdings
(RF) (Pty) Ltd) and Lottery Winners. Accounts payable are classified as current liabilities as they are due and payable
within one year or less from the reporting date. No non-current liabilities exist at reporting date. Trade payables are initially
recognised at fair value.
– National Lotteries Participants Trust: Expired Funds and Net Interest Income due to the National Lotteries
Participants Trust
– Advance Sales due to Winners and due to Ithuba Holdings (RF) (Pty) Ltd: Advanced sales
– Unclaimed funds – Funds due to winners
– Unclaimed funds – Ithuba Holdings (RF) (Pty) Ltd: Funds due to Licensee
Trade receivables are in respect of interest accrued and/or funds due from the Licensee (Ithuba Holdings (RF) (Pty) Ltd) in
respect of unclaimed funds. Accounts receivable are classified as current assets as they are due and receivable within one
year or less from reporting date. No non-current assets exist at reporting date. Trade receivables are initially recorded at
fair value.
– National Lotteries Participants Trust: Expired Funds and Net Interest Income due to the National Lotteries
Participants Trust
– Advance Sales due to Winners and due to Ithuba Holdings (RF) (Pty) Ltd: Advanced sales
– Unclaimed funds – Funds due to winners
– Unclaimed funds – Ithuba Holdings (RF) (Pty) Ltd: Funds due to Licensee
A related party is a person or an entity with the ability to control or jointly control the other party, or exercise significant
influence over the other party, or vice versa, or an entity that is subject to common control, or joint control.
Related party transactions are transfers of resources or obligations between the National Lotteries Participants Trust and a
related party, regardless of whether a price is charged.
The approved budget is prepared on an accrual basis and presented by economic classification linked to performance
outcome objectives. The approved budget covers the financial year from 2021/04/01 to 2022/03/31. The annual financial
statements and the budget are on the same basis of accounting therefore a comparison with the budgeted amounts for
the reporting period has been included in the statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts.
817 574
5 708 714
Insurance – Directors and Public Officers Professional Indemnity Insurance 79 78
79 78
503 1 013
Current accounts 5 461 4 807
5 461 4 807
1 909 1 397
Administration fees 3 552 3 410
3 552 3 410
– –
Market risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in
market prices and investment return. Market risk that could impact on future cash flows and hence the value of a financial
instrument arises from:
To assist in the analysis of the financial risks that National Lotteries Participant Trust is exposed to, the statement of
financial position has been divided into the following categories:
As at 31 March 2022
Financial assets at amortised cost:
– Trade and other receivables from exchange transactions 817 817 –
– Trade and other receivables from non-exchange transactions 5 708 5 708 –
Non-financial asset
Prepayments 79 – 79
Financial assets at fair value:
– Cash and cash equivalents 307 839 307 839 –
As at 31 March 2021
Financial assets at amortised cost:
– Trade and other receivables from exchange transactions 574 574 –
– Trade and other receivables from non-exchange transactions 714 714 –
Non-financial asset
Prepayments 78 – 78
Financial assets at fair value:
– Cash and cash equivalents 272 063 272 063 –
The NLPT is exposed to financial risk through the following financial assets and liabilities:
Sensitivity to changes in interest rates is relevant to financial assets or financial liabilities bearing floating
interest rates due to the risk that future cash flows will fluctuate. NLPT holds its money in call accounts.
Changes in the future cash flows of the trust will be as a result of interest changes.
The table below details the specific interest rate risk that the NLPT is exposed to:
Carrying amount Fixed Floating bearing
R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000
As at 31 March 2022
Financial assets at amortised cost:
– Trade and other receivable from exchange
transactions 817 – – 817
– Trade and other receivable from
non‑exchange transactions 5 708 – – 5 708
Financial assets at fair value:
Cash and cash equivalents 307 839 – 307 839 –
Carrying amount Fixed Floating bearing
R'000 R'000 R'000 R’000
As at 31 March 2022 Fitch upgraded financial institutions to a rating of BB- with a stable outlook.
NLC aligned the disclosure in line with the decision by the rating agency.
Total B+ BBB- BB- B- Not rated
R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000
As at March 2022
Financial assets at
fair value:
– Cash and cash
equivalents – – – 307 839 – –
As at March 2021
Financial assets at
fair value:
– Cash and cash
equivalents 272 061 – 272 061 – – –
6 525 1 288
The ageing of the components of trade and other receivables was as follows:
The table below analyses the NLPT’s non-derivative financial liabilities into relevant maturity groupings
based on the remaining period at the reporting date to the contractual maturity date.
As at 31 March 2022
Trade and other payables – from exchange transactions 503 503
Trade and other payables – from non-exchange transactions 313 939 313 939
At 31 March 2021
Trade and other payables – from exchange transactions 1 013 1 013
Trade and other payables – from non-exchange transactions 272 415 272 415
The National Lotteries Participants Trust is a registered taxpayer in terms of Section 67 of the Income Tax Act No. 58 of
1962. The trust’s tax reference number is 2332466172. There is no tax payable for the trust.
*Adv E Mabuza is a representative of Ithuba Holdings RF (Pty) Ltd (as an Operator) and is not remunerated.
** Mr P Letwaba was appointed as the representative of NLC on 31 August 2016 (as Regulator) and is not remunerated.
***Ms X Ntuli was nominated to represent NLC from 1 January 2020. Ms Ntuli is not remunerated.
Key management is defined as individuals with the authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the
activities of the National Lotteries Participants Trust. All trustees are regarded as key management. Close family members
of key management personnel are considered to be those family members who may be expected to influence, or be
influenced by, key management individuals in their dealings with the National Lotteries Participants Trust. An entity is
related to the trust if members’ of the entity’s key management have significant influence in the trust. Other related party
transactions are also disclosed in terms of disclosure requirements. Qualitative and quantitative materiality is considered in
the disclosure of these transactions.
Controlling entity
The NLC is a controlling entity of the NLDTF. The NLPT and NLDFT are under common control of the NLC. The NLDTF
is administered by the NLC as stipulated in section 21 of the National Lotteries Act (as amended). For the first time since
inception of the NLPT, in 2018 the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) required NLPT to be consolidated in the NLC
annual financial statements.
The Trustees held trustee meetings at the NLC offices. However during the 2022 financial year meetings were held virtually
due to Covid.