A) Vernacular B) Felicitous C) Ambiguous D) Comprehensive

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1. Douglass urged Abraham Lincoln to free the slaves in the South. In 1863 * 1 điểm
Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation declared the ________end to slavery
throughout the United States.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or

A) vernacular

B) felicitous

C) ambiguous

D) comprehensive
2. Boone left his wife alone for months while he explored the woods. Some * 1 điểm

women would have found his behavior_______, but Boone's wife didn't
condemn him.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or

A) terse

B) incongruous

C) allegorical

D) despicable

3. The various theories about why Crockett called his rifle "Old Betsy" are * 1 điểm

mere_________. No one knows for sure.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or

A) protagonists

B) allegories

C) misanthropes

D) conjectures
4. “I ordered it from the bookstore, just for you,” his father says, his voice * 1 điểm

raised in order to be heard over the music. “It’s difficult to find in hardcover
these days. It’s a British publication, a very small press. It took four months
to arrive. I hope you like it.”
Gogol leans over toward the stereo to turn the volume down a bit. In spite
of his father’s occasional suggestions, he has never been inspired to read a
word of Gogol, or any Russian writer, for that matter. He has never been told
why he was really named Gogol, doesn’t know about the accident that had
nearly killed his father. He thinks his father’s limp is the consequence of an
injury playing soccer in his teens. He’s been told only half the truth about
Gogol: that his father is a fan.
The text most strongly suggests that the book is important to Gogol's
father because

A) it will help Gogol become more familiar with his father's hometown.

B) it is connected to an important event from Gogol's father's past.

C) he wants to reassure his son that the name "Gogol" is not rare.

D) Gogol's grandfather was a scholar of Russian literature.

5. A business analysis of the Appenian railroad system divided its long- * 1 điểm

distance passenger routes into two categories: rural routes and interurban
routes. The analysis found that, unlike the interurban routes, few rural
routes carried a high enough passenger volume to be profitable. Closing
unprofitable rural routes, however, will not necessarily enhance the
profitability of the whole system, since _________

Which of the following, if true, most logically complete the argument?

A) a large part of the passenger volume on interurban routes is accounted for by

passengers who begin or end their journeys on rural routes

B) within the last two decades several of the least used rural routes have been
closed and their passenger services have been replaced by buses

C) the rural routes were all originally constructed at least one hundred years ago,
whereas some of the interurban routes were constructed recently for new high-
speed express trains

D) not all of Appenia's large cities are equally well served by interurban railroad
6. The results of the study by Jousimo et al suggest that, in some cases, * 1 điểm
fragmentation might increase the likelihood of a population suffering
disease outbreaks.
It also remains to be shown whether the observed pattern holds for less
fragmented metapopulations. The Plantago metapopulation studied by
Jousimo et al. on the Aland archipelago in Finland is highly fragmented;
do metapopulations with higher rates of migration between populations
show similar patterns?
Which choice best describes how the second paragraph functions in the

A) It identifies the need for research that builds on that described in the text.

B) It summarizes the key observations that are presented in the text.

C) It challenges the validity of the explanations offered by the scientists discussed in

the text.

D) It presents an alternative explanation for a phenomenon that is noted in the text.

7. Linguistic paleontology is an ingenious exercise of the linguist’s craft. * 1 điểm
But one weakness is that a splendid new invention like the wheel is likely to
spread like wildfire from one culture to the next, carrying its own name with
it. Linguistic paleontologists claim they can spot such borrowed words. It’s
true that “Coca-Cola” is easy enough to recognize as a foreign borrowing in
many languages, but the more ancient the borrowing, the more a word may
take on the coloration of its host language. One of the criticisms linguists
level at glottochronology [a rival language-dating method that does not
employ archaeological research] is that it is confounded by unrecognized
borrowed words. Another weakness in linguistic paleontology is the danger
of constructing highly plausible words that didn’t, in fact, exist.
The author implies that scholars who use linguistic paleontological
methods may sometimes be unable to determine

A) why some words evolved into cognates in daughter languages while others did

B) how inventions were disseminated among cultures previously unfamiliar with


C) whether words are true cognates or instead are imported from another language.

D) when an object associated with a particular culture first appeared in the culture.
8. A series of negotiation experiments by Linda Babcock, George * 1 điểm
Loewenstein, and colleagues illuminates the underlying psychology of
biased fairness. In some of these experiments, pairs of people negotiated
over a settlement for a motorcyclist who had been hit by a car. The details
of the hypothetical case were based on a real case that had been tried by a
judge in Texas. At the start of the experiment, the subjects were randomly
assigned to their roles as plaintiff and defendant. Before negotiating, they
separately read twenty-seven pages of material about the case, including
witness testimony, maps, police reports, and the testimonies of the real
defendant and plaintiff. After reading this material, they were asked to
guess what the real judge had awarded the plaintiff, and they did this
knowing which side they would be on. They were given a financial incentive
to guess accurately, and their guesses were not revealed to the opponents,
lest they weaken their bargaining positions.
According to the text, the negotiation experiments were designed in such a
way that subjects

A) had little incentive to study the background material on the real case.

B) felt pressured to use dishonest means to reach settlement quickly.

C) lacked key pieces of information when negotiations began.

D) had a compelling reason to estimate the judge's award correctly.

9. Ruth had spent time working with her father on his lobster boat, and it * 1 điểm

had never been a terrific experience. She was strong enough to do the work,
but the monotony killed her. Working as a sternman meant standing in the
back of the boat, hauling up traps, picking out lobsters, baiting traps and so
shoving them back in the water, and hauling up more traps. And more traps
and more traps. It meant getting up before dawn and eating sandwiches for
breakfast and lunch. It meant seeing the same scenery again and again,
day after day, and rarely venturing more than two miles from shore. It meant
spending hour upon hour alone with her father on a small boat, where the
two of them never seemed to get along.
The pattern of starting three consecutive sentences with "It meant..."mainly
has the effect of

A) imitating the frequency of Ruth's complaints to her father.

B) disrupting the predictable sequence of night, dawn, and daytime.

C) emphasizing the repetitiveness in Ruth's days spent fishing.

D) representing the physical stamina required to work on a fishing boat.

10. Now, the earliest known wheels in the archaeological record date from * 1 điểm
3400 BC (5,400 years ago). The Proto-Indo-European language must have
split into its daughter languages sometime after this date, the argument
goes, since how else could the daughter languages, spoken over an
enormous region, all have cognate words for wheel?
According to the text, scholars who follow the linguistic paleontological
technique generally believe that the daughter languages of Proto-Indo-
European arose

A) no earlier than 5,400 years ago.

B) before their speakers adopted the wheel.

C) may mistakenly believe that his literary works are grounded in historical fact.

D) over a period of a century or less.

11. As part of a unit on pollination, a biology student is researching Colony * 1 điểm
Collapse Disorder, the mysterious disappearance of millions of honeybee
(Apis mellifera) colonies in the early 2000s. Although many wild bee
populations have continued to decline, the number of honeybees has
actually increased on every continent. The student wants to emphasize that
in some regions, honeybee populations had not only rebounded by 2020 but
also reached their highest level in 60 years.
Which region included in the graph should the student cite to support this

A. Africa

B. Americas

C. Europe

D. Asia
12. Text 1 * 1 điểm
To move a solid object from rest on top of a solid surface, a minimum force
has to be applied to overcome the force of friction. This force is
proportional to the compressive force pushing the two surfaces together, in
this case the weight of the object. Intriguingly, this minimum force is
independent of the area of contact between the body and the surface. So
the friction force on a rectangular solid resting on a table is the same
whichever face is in contact with the surface. These laws have been known
since the mid 1700s.
Text 2
In the new mathematical model, Eric Gerde and Michael P. Marder build
upon the physics of how cracks form and propagate through solids. Think
of a bump in a rug, says Marder. As people know from everyday experience,
pushing such bumps along can move a big rug over a floor. Something
similar may be happening at the atomic scale between sliding surfaces. A
plus for this hypothesis is that it predicts the simple relationship between
compressive forces, like weight, and frictional forces. Yet it doesn’t require
the surfaces to be rough on an atomic scale, as previous models do.
According to Text 1, what is the precise nature of the “simple relationship”
mentioned in Text 2?

A) Frictional forces are proportional to compressive forces.

B) Frictional forces are weaker than compressive forces.

C) Frictional fores simulated from compressive forces.

D) Frictional forces are less common than compressive forces.

13. Natural selection then should not simply favor all xenophobia (a fear of * 1 điểm

strangers), but a xenophobia that is sensitive to the sex of the stranger. In

support of this, in trials in which the two individuals tested were a male and
a female, Spinks and his colleagues found that while aggression was still
uncovered in the low-resource, arid population, the level of aggression
decreased dramatically when compared to aggression in same- sex
interactions. In other words, natural selection has produced common mole
rats that temper their fear of strangers as a function of both where they live
and the sex of the strangers.
Which of the following conclusions about common mole rats is suggested
by both the text and the chart?

A) When common mole rats from arid populations encounter each other, aggressive
interactions are very likely.

B) When one common mole rat from an arid environment and one common mole rat
frona mesic environment encounter each other, aggression will inevitably result.

C) When resources are scarce, male common mole rats exhibit far more aggressive
behaviors than female common mole rats do.

D) When resources are scarce, the competition for resources will sometimes
outweigh the fact that a stranger is of the opposite sex.
14. The growth rate of the citrate-utilizing bacteria skyrocketed because * 1 điểm
they were able to replicate faster than the E. coli that had not mutated.
Once again, the frozen ancestors of the citrate-utilizing bacteria, when
thawed and ________ underwent the same evolutionary change.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of
Standard English?

A) being regrown,

B) regrew,

C) regrown,

D) having regrown,

15. Most flavorists earn a bachelor's degree in chemistry or a related field. * 1 điểm

In a process regulated and administered by the Society of Flavor

___________ flavorists must then undergo at least seven years of additional
training. They spend the first five of those years as apprentices in a
laboratory, learning the trade by working with senior flavorists.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of
Standard English?

A) Chemists. Aspiring

B) Chemists, aspiring

C) Chemists; thus, aspiring

D) Chemists, and aspiring

16. Applicants to the Society of Flavor Chemists must then pass two * 1 điểm

__________ an oral exam which qualifies them to become junior flavorists,

and then a written exam two years later to earn their professional senior
flavorist certifications.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of
Standard English?

A) exams:

B) exams;

C) exams; being

D) exams-being

17. Food companies rely on this confidentiality to maintain the integrity of * 1 điểm

their brands' image, because consumers' perception of a brand is based

partly on the idea that the products are created as a _______ in parts. Even
the US Food and Drug Administration, to allow food companies to conceal
their formulas, permits flavoring ingredients to be labelled under the all-
encompassing name "natural and artificial flavors."
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of
Standard English?

A) hole rather then

B) hole rather than

C) whole rather than

D) whole rather then

18. While ancient cities are often imagined to have been more sustainable * 1 điểm
than modern ones, the tension between urban life and the environment has
deep roots. _____________ the development of the ancient city of Akko six
thousand years ago transformed dense coastal forests into a dry, shrubby
Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

A) However,

B) Hence,

C) Furthermore,

D) For example,

19. In the eyes of the colonial British administration, Samuel Adams was * 1 điểm
an outlaw. __________ he often behaved like one: he erased his fingerprints,
refused to copy his letters, and destroyed piles of his papers to prevent
them from falling into enemy hands.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

A) Specifically,

B) Indeed,

C) Nevertheless,

D) On the other hand,

20. Because the wild ancestors of modern felines never lived in social * 1 điểm
groups, cats are genetically predisposed to be independent. _________
during the domestication process, they developed the ability to form social
relationships with other members of their species as well as with people.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?

A) Moreover,

B) Accordingly,

C) For instance,

D) Still,

21. Recent research suggests that short-term training in self-regulation - * 1 điểm

the ability to manage attention, emotion, and impulses, as well as to

persevere in achieving ________ have long-term effects for children. A recent
study found that children who participated in a single unit on self-regulation
were still experiencing positive effects more than three years later.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of
Standard English?

A) goals, can

B) goals can

C) goals—can

D) goals can:
22. In the winter of 1885, archaeologists in Greece discovered a unique * 1 điểm

assembly of figures. Buried in 480 BC, they had been spared 2,500 years of
vandalism. Researchers were astonished-not only because of the
importance of the works, but also because of the excellent preservation of
________ original surface paint.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of
Standard English?

A) their

B) its

C) his or her

D) one's

23. While bees can survive in the dark, they prefer to be in the sunlight. The * 1 điểm

shaded interiors of woodlands are therefore considered a poor habitat for

bees. New research shows that many types of bees are active high above
the ____________ suggests wild bees are just as happy in treetops as they
are among the flowers at ground level.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of
Standard English?

A) trees, however; a discovery that

B) trees, however, a discovery that

C) trees, however, a discovery, that

D) trees, however, this discovery

24. Adult height is primarily determined by the information encoded in * 1 điểm

people's DNA. These correlations are not exact, however. Traditionally, the
role of genetics in the process of growth from tiny infant to adults
____________ a complex and poorly understood area of human biology.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of
Standard English?

A) are

B) have been

C) has been

D) having been

25. John F. Kennedy was the first U.S. president to hold televised press * 1 điểm

conferences, and he used the new medium of television to great effect.

_________his humor, charm, and wit allowed him to connect with his
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of
Standard English?

A) A natural in front of the camera,

B) As a natural in front of the camera,

C) Kennedy was a natural in front of the camera,

D) Kennedy was a natural in front of the camera, and

26. While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes: * 1 điểm

• Game shows became an important part of American popular culture in the

• Viewership of high-stakes games such as The $64,000 Question quickly
• In 1959, many of the higher stakes game shows were found to be rigged.
• Daytime game shows were played for low stakes, but in the evening,
contestants could win thousands of dollars.
• By the early 1960s, viewership had declined significantly.
The student wants to emphasize the rapid rise and fall of game shows'
popularity. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from
the notes to achieve this goal?

A) During some game shows, contestants competed against each other for
enormous sums of money.

B) As a result of scandals involving game shows in the late 1950s, viewers began to
lose interest in these programs.

C) Although game shows attracted a large following in the first few years after they
were created, viewership decreased dramatically only a decade later.

D) In the mid-twentieth century, game shows reflected the American public's growing
reliance on television for entertainment.
27. While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes: * 1 điểm

• The carbohydrates in honey can quickly be converted to energy.

• Ancient Greeks and Egyptians used honey in ointments for skin and eye
• The medical device company Derma Sciences sells honey-coated
• Honey does not cause blood sugar to spike the way other types of
sweeeners do.
• Today, raw honey is used to reduce seasonal allergies.
The student wants to emphasize honey's medicinal properties. Which
choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to achieve
this goal?

A) Unlike other types of sweeteners, honey allows a person's blood sugar to remain
stable rather than rising sharply.

B) Honey was commonly used as a sweetener in ancient times, before the cultivation
of sugarcane began.

C) Honey contains carbohydrates that can provide a quick boost of energy.

D) For thousands of years, people have used honey to treat skin problems and
relieve allergy symptoms.

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