1 Comprehensive Barangay - Youth Development Plan

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Republic of the Philippines


Municipality of Kauswagan
Barangay Tacub
Sangguniang Kabataan of Tacub
Region: 10
City/Municipality: KAUSWAGAN


Center of Participation: EDUCATION
Agenda Statement: Providing the youth with educational opportunities and to improve the youth’s educational gains and performance.
Youth Objective Performance Target PPA’s Budget Persons
Development Indicator 2024 2025 2026 Responsible
Less access to To provide access Increase Profiling Acquisition of Continuous SK - Learning Center 200,000.00 SK Officials,
educational to affordable yet, Enrollment Rate learning acquisition of (Reading Center) Project Committee on
materials and quality education. and Efficiency materials learning Education, BLGU
resources due to (Access) materials for the and ALS.
financial stability. Education Quality mini-library.
and Performance. SK - Learning Center and E- 200,000.00
(A learning space for the
youth that will offer free
access to educational
materials and internet

Increasing rate of To provide access Iincrease 30 OSY 50 OSY 50 OSY Educational campaign/drive 50,000.00 SK Officials,
out of school to affordable yet, Enrolment Rate Committee on
youth. quality education. and Efficiency Education, BLGU,
(Access) DepEd,
Youth who don’t Education Quality Coordinators of
have access to and Performance. TESDA and ALS.
schooling due to
There are youths To provide access Iincrease 5 Youths 10 Youths 10 youths Adopt a Youth Program 200,000.00 SK Officials,
who have access to affordable yet, Enrolment Rate Committee on
to formal quality education. and Efficiency Education, BLGU,
schooling but lack (Access) DepEd,
financial-support. Education Quality Coordinators of
and Performance. TESDA and ALS.

Students lack To motivate Iincrease 20 Youths 50 Youths 50 Youths #ANGAT KABATAAN 200,000.00 SK Officials,
motivational students from Enrolment Rate AWARDS Committee on
reasons to their studies. and Efficiency Education, BLGU,
improve their (Access) DepEd,
educational gains Education Quality Coordinators of
and performance. and Performance. TESDA and ALS.

Students lack To motivate Iincrease 25 25 50 COMPUTER SETS 150,000.00 SK officials and

motivational students from Enrolment Rate KK
reasons to their studies. and Efficiency
improve their (Access)
educational gains Education Quality
and performance. and Performance.

Students lack To motivate Iincrease 50 50 100 Eco-Ducational Program 100,000.00 SK Officials,

motivational students from Enrolment Rate Committee on
reasons to their studies. and Efficiency Education, BLGU,
improve their (Access) DepEd,
educational gains Education Quality Coordinators of
and performance. and Performance. TESDA and ALS.
Center of Participation: HEALTH
Agenda Statement: For the youth to value the importance of healthy-living practices and conduct healthy -related activities and programs among youth.

Youth Objective Performance Target PPA’s Budget Persons

Development Indicator Responsible
Concern 2024 2025 2026

Increasing To provide ample Increase their Profiling of Provide Inculcation of Info-Drive about Teenage 50,000.00 This program will
Number of information knowledge and Teenager interventions responsible Pregnancy be in coordination
Teenage regarding the being aware Parents. that will parenthood and with LGU-
Pregnancy positive and about the current benefit the decrease on the Kauswagan,
negative issues about youth clients. number of MPDO, MSWD,
outcomes of teenage teenage MHO, NGOs and
teenage pregnancy. pregnancy DepEd
pregnancy. cases.

To help decrease
the rising rate of

Lesser To provide Increase their HIV/AIDS Awareness Forum 50,000.00 The SK Officials
Knowledge about enough knowledge about will coordinate
HIV/AIDS information/aware the effect of with LGU-
ness regarding HIV/AIDS Kauswagan,
MHO, NGOs and

Lesser To promote Increase their Paugnat sa Kusog 2024 - 350,000.00 SK Officials.

engagement to camaraderie engagement to Sports Activities
healthy activities. among youth. sports.

Center of Participation: PEACE – BUILDING AND SECURITY

Agenda Statement: A youth promoting and advocating human security and a youth promoting a socially inclusive and equitable community.

Youth Objective Performance Target PPA’s Budget Persons Responsible

Development Indicator
2024 2025 2026

Evident number To increase 100 % drug free 30 innocent Drug Free Drug Free Info-Drive about the 250,000.00 SK Chairperson
of reported cases knowledge on barangay. youths Barangay Barangay effects and prohibitions shall coordinate with
of adult youth drug abuse and regarding the use of the PNP, PDEA and
involved in drug– recognize their illegal drugs. BADAC Chair to
related activities. good practices. ensure that activity is
Basis: BADAC harmonized with the
ADAC and Barangay
Drug Abuse
Prevention Program.

High number of To lessen the Zero crime rate Peace Building Activities 200,000.00 SK Chairperson
reported incidents incident of gang barangay. and Youth Forum. shall coordinate with
about youth wars. the PNP, PDEA and
involved in gang BADAC Chair to
wars. To inculcate ensure that activity is
rightful values harmonized with the
Presence of and good ADAC and Barangay
Wayward youth conduct. Drug Abuse
Prevention Program.

Center of Participation: SOCIAL INCLUSION AND EQUITY

Agenda Statement: A youth promoting a socially inclusive and equitable community, safe-guard the rights and welfare of the youth and to afford safe-spaces for the youth.

Youth Objective Performance Target PPA’s Budget Persons Responsible

Development Indicator
Concern 2024 2025 2026

Visible scenarios To decrease Decrease the Profiling and Organization Increase of Establish an organization for 100,000.00 This activity will be
of gender occurrence of number of gender conduct of of LGBTQ number of the LGBTQ – The Rainbow coordinated with
discrimination. gender discrimination. Gender organization. social-oriented Community Municipal Social
discrimination Sensitive youth through Welfare Office and
Lack of activities. Gender other organizations
awareness on . Sensitive that promote gender
gender sensitivity. Activities and equality and
social promote local
gatherings. tourism.

Availability of To help create a To cater the needs 1 Comfort 1 Comfort 1 Comfort Room Renovation of Comfort 300,000.00 SK Officials and BLGU
public comfort more sensitive of travellers in Room for Room for for Travellers Room
room. and inclusive terms of using Travellers Travellers
community comfort rooms.

Lack of promotion To help alleviate To increase the 30 youths 30 youths Enhancement of Mini Park “I 100,000.00 SK Officials and BLGU
of local tourism the local tourism number of youth LOVE TACUB" and
in the community. helping to promote Landscape in front of the
local tourism. Barangay

Lack of support To help create a To decrease the 30 youths 30 youths 30 youths Youth Crisis Center 250,000.00 SK Officials and BLGU
and awareness more sensitive number of youth
and inclusive who were
community. discriminated.

Center of Participation: Center of Participation: ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT

Agenda Statement: A capacitated youth, ready to face the world.

Youth Objective Performance Target PPA’s Budget Persons

Development Indicator Responsible
2024 2025 2026

Lesser Interest To let the youth To increase the 10 20 30 youth/OSY A 3 Day Seminar Camping 100,000.00 This activity will
on Agriculture gain more number of youth youth/OSY youth/OSY Workshop on Organic be coordinated
interest towards to gain more Agriculture with LGU-
agriculture interested in Kauswagan,
(farming and agriculture(farmin Department of
fisheries). g and fishing) Agriculture, ATI,
LOAMC, and

Lesser Interest To engage the To engage the 10 20 30 youth/OSY Backyard Gardening 50,000.00
on Agriculture youth in youth in backyard youth/OSY youth/OSY Technology Workshop
agricultural gardening

Availability of To build To engage the Display Center 400,000.00

Pasalubong Center pasalubong center youth in “Pasalubong Center”
and lack of and showcasing sustainable
showcasing local local products business.

Lesser Interest on To let the youth To increase the 30 30 50 Mushroom Production 1,000,000.00 SK Officials and KK.
Agriculture gain more interest number of youth Livelihood This activity will
towards to gain more be coordinated
agriculture interested in with LGU-
(farming and agriculture Kauswagan,
fishing) (farming and Department of
fishing) Agriculture, ATI,
LOAMC, and

Center of Participation: GOVERNANCE

Agenda Statement: Empowering the youth by being involved in governance and nation-building.

Youth Objective Performance Target PPA’s Budget Persons

Development Indicator Responsible
Concern 2024 2025 2026

Lack of training To empower the To increase the 20 youth 30 youth 40 youth Capability and Capacity 250,000.00 This activity will
on basic youth on knowledge of SK Building be coordinated by
leadership and leadership and officials in BLGU, SK
good governance governance leadership and Officials, LGU-
governance Kauswagan,
Lack of To enhance the To increase the 10 SK 10 SK 10 SK SK Continuous/Mandatory 200,000.00
knowledge in SK’s through knowledge of SK Training and SK Federation
governing youths. training and officials through Orientation
seminar. training and

Lack of To educate the To educate and SK Election 50,000.00

knowledge on youth on increase their
principle-based principle-based interest in right to
voting voting which suffrage.
could start in
exercising their
right to suffrage.
Insufficient funds To contribute Contribution SK SK Annual Dues 40,000.00
to suffice the SK funds for the SK Annual Dues
Annual Dues. Annual Dues.

10 10 10 Communication Services 100,000.00

Center of Participation: ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP

Agenda Statement: Encourage the youth towards nation-building and be involved in civic activities.

Youth Objective Performance Indicator Target PPA’s Budget Persons

Development Responsible
Concern 2024 2025 2026

Lesser activities To increase the To increase the number of 50 youth 50 youth 60 youth Linggo ng Kabataan 200,000.00 This activity will be
that will include number of youth youth engagement. coordinated by
youth engagement engagement BLGU, SK officials
and KK
Lack of To provide avenue To increase their interest in Fiesta Activities and KK 300,000.00
showcasing for all the talented showcasing their talents. Assembly
Tacubanon’s talent Kauswaganon
To enhance the
talent of the youth.

Avenue for To provide avenue To contribute for the light Basketball Court Light 200,000.00
enhancement of for the youth maintenance. Maintenance
Contribution for the Rehabilitation of Multi- 300,000.00
Rehabilitation of Multi- Purpose Covered Court
Purpose Covered Court
Lack of motivation To motivate the To increase their motivation 10 SK 10 SK 10 SK SK Uniform Acquisition 50,000.00
in participating youths through the in governing. Officials Officials Officials
youth’s activities. support of the SK
Not enough To motivate youth To increase their interest in Maintenance of digital score 100,000.00
equipment in to be more sports. board with accessories
sports. participative in
To be used during To be used during youth Acquisition of Portable 50,000.00 SK Officials and KK
youth gatherings gatherings and skills Speaker
and skills enhancements
To be used during To be used during youth 1 1 1 Acquisition of 1 set projector 75,000.00 SK Officials and
youth gatherings gatherings and skills BLGU
and skills enhancements
Avenue for To provide avenue To provide and increase Side Roofing in Multipurpose 200,000.00 SK Officials
enhancement of for the youth their interest in Gymnasium
skills. showcasing their talents
by providing safe avenue.
Avenue for To provide avenue To contribute for the light Vending Machine for the 50,000.00 SK Officials
enhancement of for the youth maintenance. Lights Consumption

Avenue for Avenue for To increase their interest in 20 50 50 Grandstand 200,000.00 SK Officials
enhancement of enhancement of showcasing their talents.
skills. skills.

Students who lack To provide free To increase their interest in 50 100 100 L300 Vehicle “School Bus” 1,500,000.00 SK Officials and
financial transportation for studying. BLGU Council
assistance in the youth.
specifically those
students far away
from school.
To be used for the To cater youth’s concerns. 20 30 40 Sangguniang Kabataan 500,000,00 This activity will be
SK Officials and Office coordinated by
youth meetings BLGU, SK Officials
and KK

To be used for the To increase youths in 40 50 60 Basketball Goal with Fiber 100,000.00 This activity will be
sports activities developing sports skills Glass coordinated by
BLGU, SK Officials
and KK

Acquisition of Office Printing 50,000.00 This activity will be

coordinated by
BLGU, SK Officials
and KK
Lack of To provide avenue To increase their interest in 150 youth 150 youth 200 youth KK Assembly 100,000.00
showcasing for all the talented showcasing their talents.
Tacubanon’s talent Kauswaganon
To enhance the
talent of the youth.

Center of Participation: ENVIRONMENT

Agenda Statement: Promoting an eco-friendly municipality through active participation of the youth and other sectors of the community.

Youth Objective Performance Target PPA’s Budget Persons

Development Indicator Responsible
Concern 2024 2025 2026

Proper waste To promote an To increase their Implementatio Acquisition Acquisition and SKCares: 30,000.00 The SK will
segregation Eco-friendly knowledge on n of Eco- and implementation Eco-bottles Workshop coordinate with
remains a big Barangay through segregation and be Barter implementati of SK MRF LGU-Kauswagan
challenge to the the strict an eco-friendly Program. on of Basket and other
entire Barangay. implementation of barangay Bottles organizations that
Republic Act Project promotes the
Proper waste 9003 or the Basura Mo, Gamit Ko! 100,000.00 same advocacy.
segregation Ecological Solid
remains a big Waste
challenge to the Management Act
entire Barangay. and City
Ordinance No.
8975 – 2003
Proper waste SKCares: 20,000.00
segregation Go Green! Coastal Clean-
remains a big Up Drive
challenge to the
entire Barangay.
Not enough To capacitate the To increase their 20 youth 20 youth 20 youth Disaster Risk Reduction 150,000.00 The SK will
knowledge and youth by giving knowledge on how and Resiliency Workshop coordinate with
training in times of inputs on the to become and Training. LGU-Kauswagan,
disaster. activities to do prepared in times MHO, CSU and
before and after of disaster. MDRRMO.
the disaster.

Center of Participation: GLOBAL MOBILITY

Agenda Statement: Cross Border Exchange opportunities for the youth

Youth Objective Performance Target PPA’s Budget Persons

Development Indicator Responsible
Concern 2024 2025 2026
Inability to join To promote To increase their 20 youth 50 youth 50 youth Kauswagan Youth Delegate 50,000.00 The SK will
conferences and available interest in joining Travel Support coordinate with
exchange conferences and and participating LGU-Kauswagan
programs due to exchange conferences and to ask an
lack of programs to the exchange allocation for the
awareness and youth programs to the travel support of
resources youth Kauswagan
To send official youth Delegate.
representing Partner
Kauswagan, LDN Agencies: Grant
in various Agencies, NGOs,
national and Academe, NYC

Center of Participation: AGRICULTURE

Agenda Statement: Filipino youth that are economically empowered and have a comparative advantage in the use, transformation and innovation of digital technology.

Youth Objective Performance Target PPA’s Budget Persons

Development Indicator Responsible
Concern 2024 2025 2026
Lesser Interest To expose the Increase number 10 youth 15 youth 20 youth SK/OSY/ISY Youth to join 6,000.00 SK Council, SK
on Agriculture, youths in of youth the 4H Club Federation
no community to Agriculture exposure on
expand Agriculture
knowledge and
SK Federation Communal 9,000.00 SK Council, SK
Garden Federation

Center of Participation: CAPITAL OUTLAY

Agenda Statement: Tangible Projects

Youth Objective Performance Target PPA’s Budget Persons

Development Indicator Responsible
Concern 2024 2025 2026
To construct Constructed Building (SK Multi-Purpose 3,000,000.00 SK Officials, BLGU
multipurpose multipurpose SK Building) Council, MEO.
building to cater Building
the needs of
every youth of
this barangay.
To provide Installed waiting Other Infrastructures 2,000,000.00 SK Officials, BLGU
temporary shelter sheds Assets (Installation of Council, MEO.
Waiting Sheds)
To provide ICT Purchased ICT Information 1,000,000.00 SK Officials
equipment to all Equipment Communication
SK Officials to do Technology Equipment
their job
conveniently and
easily accessible
tasks as SK
Officials through
their committee
reports and etc.



SK Chairperson LYDO Designate Punong Barangay

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