Answer 06
Answer 06
Answer 06
DURATION : 90 Minutes
Minutes DATE : 07/07/2024 M.MARKS :720
90 Minutes DATE : 09/07/2023 M. MARKS : 720
Arjuna NEET (2025)
DURATION : 90 Minutes
Minutes DATE : 09/06/2024 M.MARKS :720
1. (3) 8. (3)
Displacement distance L = 2.331 cm
B = 2.10 cm
Student-2 is correct. sign convention is a matter of Minimize with two significant digits,
The answer will be 4.4 cm
Hence, option (3) is correct.
3. (4)
9. (3)
Direction should not change.
joule (J) is the SI system of unit for energy.
4. (2)
10. (4)
Displacement is shortest path and Distance is total
In 2.745, the digit to be rounded off (i.e., 4) is even,
path covered by an object.
hence it should be left unchanged and in 2.735, the
digit to be rounded off (i.e., 3) is odd, hence it
5. (1) should be increased by 1, i.e., changed to 4.
Formula Based
11. (3)
6. (1) t2
[ E ] [ ML2T 2 ] v 2
Dimensionally, T 2
7. (2)
[T 2 ]
2 2 [MLT 2 ]
] [ p ] [ A] [T ] L2T 2
a b c
Energy = [ ML T
[ ML2T 2 ] [ MLT 1 ]a [ L2 ]b [T ]c
[ MLT 2 .L2T 2 ]
[ M 1L2T 2 ] [ M a La 2bT a c ]
2b = 2 – 1
1 12. (3)
2 Theory based.
–a + c = –2
–1 + c = –2 13. (4)
c 2 1 – 1 ≤ sin θ ≤ 1
c = –1
14. (4)
The dimensional formula of energy is
Since tan () tan()
p1 A 2 T 1 tan(45º ) tan(45º )
= –1
15. (2) 24. (2)
2x 3 y 2 Formula Based
2 2
y x
3 3 25. (4)
On comparing with y mx C
Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with
Here m = slope and C = y intercept respect to time. If particle moves with an
m acceleration, the speed can be a constant.
26. (3)
16. (4)
Total displacement [ X ] [ F density]
Average velocity =
total time [ X ] [ M 2 L2T 2 ]
17. (3)
Area under velocity-time graph = displacement of 27. (4)
the particle. n1v1 n2v2
Slope of velocity - time graph = acceleration. 4g 100 g
cm 103 cm3
18. (3)
n2 40 .
Unit of velocity is m/s.
30. (4)
22. (1)
Theory Based [ ] [T 2 ]
[T 2 ]
23. (2)
v 31. (3)
1nm = 10–9 m
v 2t
a 32. (2)
a2 Rules of Significant Figure
33. (2) 41. (4)
m1 1.6 g Theory Based
m2 = 7.32 g
m3 = 4.238 g 42. (1)
m1 + m2 + m3 = 13.158 g In uniform motion Velocity must be constant
but answer should be reported in one decimal place
43. (1)
m = 13.2 g
The standard unit of length is meter.
The correct option is (1). (Meter)
34. (2)
[ K ] [T ] 44. (3)
Theory Based
35. (1)
45. (2)
In a number less then one, zero between the
decimal point and first non zero digit are not For a number with decimal point, the trailing
significant. zeroes are significant.
But zeros to the right of last non zero digit are Hence 4 significant figures.
Statement-I is true, but statement II is false. 46. (2)
[v] [ M 0 L1T 1 ]
36. (2)
[ a ] [ M 0 L1T 2 ]
Velocity must be zero at an instant.
[ F ] [ M 1L1T 2 ]
37. (2) force mass×acceleration
Theory Based Pressure, P =
area area
[ M 1LT 2 ]
38. (2) [ P] [ M 1L1T 2 ]
Total distance 2 d 2 d
Average speed = [ M a LbT c ]
total time 2 3 5
39. (2) a 1, b 1, c 2
Theory Based
47. (2)
40. (4) p mv
For ax2 + bx + C = 0
8 64 60
x 50. (2)
8 2 6 10 log82 log22
6 6 6
3log 22
1 or =3
[Practice Test-03 | Arjuna NEET (2025) | 07/07/2024]
101. (1) 108. (1)
Correct sequence of different phases of cell cycle Meiosis is the mechanism by which
is: conservation of specific chromosome number
of each species is achieved across
G1 S G2 M.
generations in sexually reproducing
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 121] organisms.
It also increases the genetic variability in the
102. (1) population of organisms from one generation
During G1 phase the cell is metabolically active to the next.
and continuously grows but does not replicate its [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 128]
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 121] 109. (1)
Significance of mitosis is in producing cells
genetically similar to parent cell.
103. (1) [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 125]
The sequence of events by which a cell duplicates
its genome, synthesises the other constituents of 110. (3)
the cell and eventually divides into two daughter Cell division is a very important process in all
cells is termed as cell cycle. living organisms.
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 120] [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 120]
111. (1)
104. (1)
Four haploid cells are formed at the end of
The plane of alignment of the chromosomes at meiosis II.
metaphase is referred to as the metaphase plate. [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 125]
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 123]
112. (4)
105. (3) The interphase lasts more than 95% of the
The bivalent chromosomes align on the duration of cell cycle. G1 phase corresponds to
the interval between mitosis and initiation of
equatorial plate in metaphase I of meiosis.
DNA replication.
The microtubules from the opposite poles of [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 121, 122]
the spindle attach to the kinetochore of
homologous chromosomes in metaphase I. 113. (1)
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 126] Synaptonemal complex is observed during cell
division in meiotic prophase I.
106. (4) [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 126]
In plant cells, cytokinesis occurs by cell plate
114. (3)
Exchange of genetic material between two
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 124] homologous chromosomes is called crossing
107. (3) [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 126]
131. (1)
Homo sapiens is the correct binomial
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 08]
132. (3)
Given diagram shows prophase II. Panthera is a genus.
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 128] [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 07]
133. (3) 143. (1)
The number of species that are known and Man Primata
described range between 1.7 – 1.8 million.
Housefly Diptera
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 03]
Mango Sapindales
Wheat Poales
134. (1)
aestivum represents species epithet. [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 08]
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 08]
144. (3)
135. (2) Order being a higher category, is the
ICBN stands for International Code for Botanical assemblage of families which exhibit a few
Nomenclature. similar characters.
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 04] The similar characters are less in number as
compared to different genera included in a
136. (1) family.
Division is used for plants and phylum is used for [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 07]
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 07, 08] 145. (2)
Classification is not a single step process.
137. (3) It involves hierarchy of steps in which each
7 obligate categories are used in taxonomic step represents a rank or category.
hierarchy. [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 06]
[New NCERT Class 11 Page No. 06]
146. (2)
138. (4) In Mangifera indica Linn. Here Linn. represents;
Monkey is not included in order Carnivora. name of person first described this species i.e.
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 07] Linnaeus.
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 05]
139. (3)
Based on common features like presence of 147. (3)
notochord and dorsal hollow neural system
Kingdom is the highest taxonomic category
organisms are included in phylum Chordata.
among the following in the taxonomic hierarchy
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 08]
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 08]
140. (2)
148. (4)
The process of classification is termed as
taxonomy. Wheat, potato and lion represents specific epithet.
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 05] [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 06]
142. (1)
Plant families like Convolvulaceae, Solanaceae 150. (2)
are included in the order Polymoniales based on As we go from kingdom to species, the number
floral characters. of common characteristics goes on increasing.
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 07] [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 08]
[Practice Test-02 | Arjuna `NEET (2025) | 09/06/2024]
151. (3) 158. (3)
Neural tissue exerts the greatest control over the • The body of a simple organism like Hydra
body’s responsiveness to changing conditions. is made of different types of cells and the
Neurons, the unit of neural system are excitable number of cells in each type can be in
cells . thousands. The human body is composed of
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 105] billions of cells to perform various
152. (2) • Cells, tissues, organs and organ systems
In the dense regular connective tissues, the split up the work in a way that exhibits
collagen fibres are present in rows between many division of labour and contribute to the
parallel bundles of fibres. Tendons, which attach survival of the body as a whole.
skeletal muscles to bones and ligaments which
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 100,101]
attach one bone to another are examples of this
159. (1)
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 103]
Male frogs can be distinguished by the presence
of sound producing vocal sacs and also a
153. (4)
copulatory pad on the first digit of the fore limbs
Lower invertebrates like sponges, coelenterates,
which are absent in female frogs.
flatworms, etc., exchange O2 with CO2 by simple
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 116]
diffusion over their entire body surface.
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 183]
160. (2)
154. (2) Male reproductive organs consist of a pair of
Cockroaches are uricotelic as they excrete out uric yellowish ovoid testes ,which are found adhered
acid. to the upper part of kidneys by a double fold of
[New NCERT Class 12th Page No. 114] peritoneum called mesorchium.
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 120]
155. (1)
The excretory system of frog consists of a pair of 161. (2)
kidneys, ureters, cloaca and urinary bladder. • Frog has different types of sense organs,
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 118] namely organs of touch (sensory papillae),
taste (taste buds), smell (nasal epithelium),
156. (1) vision (eyes) and hearing (tympanum with
• The mouthparts consisting of a labrum (upper internal ears).
lip), a pair of mandibles, a pair of maxillae • Out of these, eyes and internal ears are well-
and a labium (lower lip). organised structures and the rest are cellular
• A median flexible lobe, acting as tongue aggregations around nerve endings.
(hypopharynx), lies within the cavity [New NCERT Class 11th Page No.119]
enclosed by the mouthparts.
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 112] 162. (3)
Gap junctions, a type of cytoplasmic connection,
157. (2) as they facilitate the cells to communicate with
• The intercellular material of cartilage is solid each other by connecting the cytoplasm of
and pliable and resists compression. Cells of adjoining cells, for rapid transfer of ions, small
this tissue (chondrocytes) are enclosed in molecules and sometimes big molecules.
small cavities within the matrix secreted by [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 102]
• Dense irregular connective tissue has 163. (4)
fibroblasts and many fibres (mostly collagen) Special vascularised structures called gills
that are oriented differently .This tissue is (branchial respiration) are used by most of the
present in the skin. aquatic arthropods, molluscs and fishes.
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 103,104] [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 183]
164. (4) 171. (2)
The kind of vision in cockroach is known as A mature female frog can lay 2500 to 3000 ova at
mosaic vision with more sensitivity but less a time.
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 104]
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 114] 172. (4)
• The development of Periplaneta americana
165. (4) is paurometabolous, meaning there is
Compound epithelium is made of more than one development through nymphal stage. The
layer (multi-layered) of cells and thus has a nymphs look very much like adults.
• The nymph grows by moulting about 13
limited role in secretion and absorption. Their
times to reach the adult form.
main function is to provide protection against [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 104]
chemical and mechanical stresses.
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 102] 173. (1)
Simple squamous Diffusion boundary
166. (1) epithelium
Tendons Attach skeletal muscles
Microvilli are the small ,fine projections which are
to bones
present on the cell surface. These greatly increase Limb bones Weight bearing
the surface area. function
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 101] Ciliated epithelium Move mucus in a
specific direction .
167. (2) [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 101]
In both sexes of cockroach, the 10th segment
174. (3)
bears a pair of jointed filamentous structures • Mechanisms of breathing vary among
called anal cerci. different groups of animals depending
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 112] mainly on their habitats and levels of
168. (2) • Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) is harmful and
• Compound epithelium is made of more than released during the catabolic reactions.
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 183]
one layer (multi-layered) of cells and thus has
a limited role in secretion and absorption. 175. (4)
• Their main function is to provide protection In each segment of cockroach, exoskeleton has
against chemical and mechanical stresses. hardened plates called sclerites (tergites dorsally
and sternites ventrally) that are joined to each
• They cover the dry surface of the skin, the
other by a thin and flexible articular membrane
moist surface of buccal cavity, pharynx, inner (arthrodial membrane).
lining of ducts of salivary glands and of [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 111]
pancreatic ducts.
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 101] 176. (1)
Cartilage is present in the tip of nose, outer ear
joints, between adjacent bones of the vertebral
169. (3) column, limbs and hands in adults.
In frogs, the alimentary canal is short because [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 104]
frogs are carnivores and hence the length of
intestine is reduced. 177. (2)
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 116] • The squamous epithelium is made of a single
thin layer of flattened cells with irregular
boundaries. They are found in the walls of
170. (3) blood vessels and air sacs of lungs and are
Mast cells Areolar connective involved in functions like forming a diffusion
tissue boundary.
Inner surface of Ciliated epithelium • The epithelium of proximal convoluted
bronchiole tubule (PCT) of nephron in the kidney has
microvilli to increase the surface area.
Excretory structure Malpighian tubules
• The main functions of cuboidal and columnar
epithelium are secretion and absorption.
Tubular parts of Cuboidal epithelium • Morphology refers to study of form or
nephron externally visible features.
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 101,102,103] [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 101]
178. (4) 185. (2)
A characteristic mushroom shaped gland is • Compound epithelium is made of more than
present in the 6th - 7th abdominal segments which one layer (multi-layered) of cells and thus has
functions as an accessory reproductive gland. a limited role in secretion and absorption .
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 114] • Their main function is to provide protection
against chemical and mechanical stresses.
179. (2)
They cover the dry surface of the skin, the
A pair of spermatheca is present in the 6th segment
which opens into the genital chamber. moist surface of buccal cavity, pharynx, inner
[New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 114] lining of ducts of salivary glands and of
pancreatic ducts.
180. (1) [New NCERT Class 11th Page No. 102]
186. (4)
Cube shaped cells Cuboidal epithelium
Tall and slender cells Columnar epithelium
Fat storing cells Adipose tissue
Exocrine gland Salivary gland
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