The Oval Portrait Worksheet
The Oval Portrait Worksheet
The Oval Portrait Worksheet
1From your reading of the text, say if the following statements are
true or false. Tick the relevant box.
a. The door to the chateau was locked.
b. Pedro was badly injured.
c. Paintings were hung all over the walls in the apartment
d. It was the middle of the night when they got there.
e. The room had dark curtains at the window.
f. The picture was illuminated when the candles were lit.
g. The narrator observed it for a long time.
h. The artist did not see beyond his wife’s smile.
i. He realized she was dead as he put the last two strokes
of his brush on the painting.
3 Find at least five words or phrases in the text which help to create a
‘Gothic’ atmosphere in the story. There is one example given.
..... gloomy ...... ................................... ...................................
................................... ................................... ...................................
4 These anagrams are all adjectives from the story. Write them in the
space provided.
esrtaeu .................................................. oylomg .........................................................
fkleilie ..................................................... rsalungi .........................................................
spiemsiea .............................................. etrmeo .........................................................
lhebum .................................................. ditboene ......................................................
AFTER READING • The Oval Portrait
1 Story
7 Poe said that the opening sentence of a good short story must be
striking and make an immediate impact on the reader. Write the first
paragraph of a story about a mysterious portrait, setting the scene
and capturing the attention of your reader.
8 The National Portrait Gallery in London has thousands of visitors
every year. Do you agree that painted faces still hold a fascination and
mystery for us which goes beyond the realism of photographic
portraits? Discuss this with your friends.
after the Industrial Revolution and with the arrival of the Age of Reason,
????and paint could be easily obtained, so portraiture flourished,
with names such as Thomas Lawrence, William Hogarth, Thomas
Gainsborough, Francisco Goya and Thomas Sully himself becoming
known throughout society.
With the arrival of social realism, Gustave Courbet and Honoré
Daumier began to paint the poor and use portraits as political statements.
Impressionism brought experimental portrait painting in the work of
Vincent Van Gogh or Paul Gauguin for example, followed by the post
impressionist exploration of the mind behind the face as in Henri Matisse
or Edvard Munch and Pablo Picasso.
The popularity of portraits suddenly
fell for a long time, until Andy Warhol
brought the art back to life in the 60’s, and
now it is up and coming and attracting
an increasing number of both artists
themselves and Art lovers.The BP Portrait
Award is a prestigious4, international
portrait painting competition held
annually by the National Portrait gallery
in London with great success.
The painted face and the idea of
preserving someone’s image beyond
their lifetime, still holds a fascination for
G. Courbet, The Desperate Man, us. Portraits continue to hold an aura of
(self-portrait), 1843-1845 mystery and the enduring5 power of faces
taken from life and transformed into Art,
makes The Oval Portrait a compelling6 tale.
INTERMEDIATE R A I N B O W S Intermediate B2 (Vantage)
B2 (Vantage) R A I N B O W S
Approx. number of headwords: 1500