Vision For Instruction Position Statement
Vision For Instruction Position Statement
Vision For Instruction Position Statement
Flourishing Learners position statement
teaching and
learning programs
To our teachers, parents, families and all in our faith communities, Our commitment to evidence-based practice in teaching and learning
I extend my prayer, and the Lord’s blessing, for the full flourishing of embraces the creation of learning communities that provide safety,
every child in our care. wellbeing, and enable positive and nurturing relationships between students
and educators. These are equally founded on high expectations, rigour, and
Most Reverend Peter A Comensoli academic achievement to ensure every student is enabled to flourish.
Archbishop of Melbourne We know that many of our schools are well and truly underway with
evidence-based instruction, and some are just beginning to explore the
potential. We look forward to partnering with all of you on this journey.
Dr Mary Oski
Director, Learning and Regional Services
vi Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | 1
3 The Why
3 Preface
4 Our intent
6 Catholic principles for education in MACS schools
9 The What
9 How students learn
12 Vision for instruction
15 Vision for reading instruction
16 Vision for writing instruction
17 Vision for mathematics instruction
19 The How
19 Implementation approach
26 References
2 | The Why Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | 3
The Why
1 2 3 4 5
Catholic MACS schools build MACS schools are MACS schools recognise The Catholic intellectual We are inspired by
communities of faith, collaborative, inclusive, the inherent dignity tradition emphasises the the Gospel to act for
principles for hope and love in the faith-filled communities. of every person as pursuit of knowledge a just society.
education in light of Jesus Christ. being created in the
image of God.
and excellence.
MACS schools
Jesus Christ is our inspiration, God’s love for every person The sacred dignity of each ‘Life … is a search for the true, Catholic teachers aim to
the very life of our purpose as encourages relationships to person is honoured in MACS the good and the beautiful’ engage and empower students
Catholic educators. Everything be at the centre of Catholic schools. The school community (Benedict XVI 2008). MACS with the necessary knowledge,
we do is illuminated by the light schools. As such, learning is a bears witness to the unique schools draw from the deep skills, and values to actively
of Jesus Christ. collaborative partnership where and distinctive abilities of intellectual heritage within the contribute to the betterment
parents, staff and students each student. ‘Every student Catholic Church, as a body of the broader community.
MACS schools are sacred
work together to promote has the potential to enrich the of knowledge, beliefs, and By fostering a deep sense
spaces where students
unity, common vision, mission, world throughout their lives practices that have developed of social responsibility and
encounter the transformative
and purpose. MACS school by using the gifts they have’ within the Catholic Church moral awareness through
power of Jesus Christ. The
communities build flourishing (Haldane 2022). When students over centuries. MACS schools justice, peace and integral
interconnected virtues of faith,
relationships between parish are known, valued and loved, instil a desire for lifelong ecology, MACS schools strive
hope, and love hold profound
and school, between school and they can genuinely flourish. learning and continuous faith to develop compassionate
significance and are essential
home, between parent, teacher formation. MACS schools offer leaders who seek the common
for our spiritual growth and
and student, between learning a solid foundation for lifelong good and the good of each and
transformation. Derived from the
and living, focused on formation, learning, empowering students every person.
teachings of St Paul in the New
learning and wellbeing outcomes through ongoing knowledge
Testament, these theological
for all children. acquisition along their spiritual
virtues offer guidance for a rich,
learning journey.
fulfilling life. We as educators Catholic schools recognise and
are called to ‘form lives of faith, value parents as the first and
hope and love in the light of most important educators of
Jesus Christ’ (1 Cor 13: 12–13). their children.
8 | The What Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | 9
The What
How students learn
Research summaries
How students learn Implications for instruction How students learn Implications for instruction
Most students need formal teaching to learn Teach what students won’t learn on their own. Knowledge builds on knowledge. Knowledge Teaching a knowledge-rich curriculum is essential to
biologically secondary knowledge. While many Biologically secondary knowledge is the core of what is mental Velcro (Hirsch 1996) – students who creating life-long learners with opportunity-rich lives
students learn biologically primary knowledge MACS schools teach and much of the curriculum have lots of knowledge about topics across the (Wexler 2020). Carefully sequencing knowledge across
without any formal teaching (e.g. learning to listen requires formal teaching. curriculum find that new knowledge ‘sticks’ to the whole curriculum will deepen student learning.
and speak), biologically secondary knowledge (e.g. it, building understanding from one year level to
reading, writing, mathematics) requires instruction, the next.
and must be taught (Castles, Rastle & Nation 2018).
Novices and experts learn differently. Novice Introduce new ideas carefully and explicitly. When
Thinking occurs when we combine information Consider student prior knowledge when planning learners process information differently as they do students attain a reasonable level of expertise in a
from our environment and from our long-term a lesson to ensure students have the necessary not yet have the mental models that experts do. subject, they should practise and extend their learning
memory in new ways (Willingham 2009b). Working background knowledge to access new material and effectively through independent problem-solving.
memory is the space where we think (Clark, connect it to what they already know.
Kirschner & Sweller 2012). Long-term memory
stores information organised in ‘schemas’.
Working memory has limits (Sweller 2011). Students Respect students’ cognitive load by providing new
can only keep so much new information in their information in manageable parts or steps. Space out
minds at once. Cognitive overload can occur when sequencing logically using guidance and scaffolds
students try to process multiple pieces of new (Chen et al. 2018). Teach new content explicitly, using
information or try to complete new tasks without modelling and worked examples (Barbieri et al. 2023)
prior instruction or scaffolding. to reduce cognitive load (Deans for Impact 2015).
Memory is the residue of thought (Willingham Ask questions to get students thinking in a structured
2009a). Students retain knowledge and develop way, rather than just presenting a series of problems
understanding through thinking. To help ensure to solve or asking them to follow someone else solving
students retain meaning in their learning, we want problems (which doesn’t require as much thinking).
them to think about the things that matter most.
Create learning experiences that direct student thinking
toward curriculum goals. This has implications for
constructing tasks that reduce distracted thinking and
support the learning that students need most.
Memory is prone to forgetting (Pashler et al. 2007). Stories and mnemonics can help students to remember
Students may be able to do something one day what they have learned.
but find it difficult to recall a week later. Teachers
Students benefit from extensive independent practice
can make things easier for their students to recall
for knowledge and skills to become automatic. It helps
by connecting information to other ideas and
to interleave practise of different types of content and
by practicing retrieval of information from long-
to space practice over time.
term memory.
Review can strengthen previous learning and lead
to more fluent recall. It can also strengthen the
connections among the material students have learned
(Rosenshine 2012).
The How
Implementation approach
Implementation science research summaries The implementation approach is designed to enhance the
• Scott et al. (2023) – Variation in schools’ effectiveness of the evidence-based practices outlined in the
readiness for change: Learning from the
Getting it Right from the Start project
MACS Vision for Instruction, ensuring a practical translation of the
instructional vision into tangible practice.
• Langer, Tripney & Gough (2016) –
The science of using science: researching
the use of research in decision-making
Sustainable school improvement often requires continuous
learning and unlearning of practices, and the development of new
• Sharples et al. (2019) – Putting Evidence to
Work: A School’s Guide to Implementation organisational structures and routines. A structured implementation
• Evidence for Learning (2022) – approach supports schools to do this complex work effectively.
Effective Professional Development The MACS implementation approach has three core components:
• Principles of effective implementation
• 4E implementation process
• System implementation enablers.
Implementation science research highlights the complexity of the
implementation process and reveals the specific practices that can
make school-level change journeys more successful. The MACS
implementation approach is built on research-informed practices and
effective professional learning models.
‘Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit
rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the
human heart a desire to know the truth – in a word, to know
himself – so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women
may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves.’
(John Paul II 1998)
20 | The How Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | 21
The following research-informed principles of effective implementation The MACS Implementation is best conceptualised as a set of stages in which
inform and guide implementation work for our MACS office, regions, teachers and leaders engage in collaborative work over time. The MACS
implementation process
and school-based teams. By using these principles, schools can employ implementation model ensures each school can effectively navigate its
design approaches with a higher likelihood of success and sustainable offers a systematic own implementation journey. System leaders support school leaders to
impact to avoid common implementation pitfalls. approach to introducing, go through a cycle of stages to build on existing good practice. These
adapting and sustaining stages, as part of the implementation model, are based on the principles
evidence-based practices of effective implementation.
Principle Description in educational settings. A school-based implementation journey is best enacted through a four-
staged implementation process:
Humans at the centre Humans and empathy are at the heart of quality implementation
processes in the complex relational world of schools. 1. Exploring 2. Experimenting 3. Expanding 4. Embedding
Understand that human
experience is at the heart Leaders focus on the experiences and local context of those who are
As progress is rarely straightforward or predictable, teams will collectively
of change. implementing on the ground. For effective collaboration, it is important
act, monitor and adjust throughout their journeys (Sharples et al. 2019).
to gain a deep understanding of the problems, barriers, and strengths of
Ongoing evidence-informed monitoring, reflection and adaption are
the people you are designing with.
crucial across each of the four stages of implementation. Early monitoring
Implementation effectiveness is highly dependent on context and provides insights into the efficacy, impact and understanding of early
readiness for change. It is crucial to learn about the constraints and trials. During later stages, there will be a growing focus on monitoring
opportunities of the environment in which practitioners are working. implementation fidelity, consistency and outcomes for learners.
Building knowledge Effective implementation requires deep knowledge (Robinson 2010). The 4E model can be applied to make small changes to specific
It is important to continuously strengthen teacher and school leader practices (e.g. daily reviews) or larger whole-school transformations,
Knowledge is foundational to for example, an evidence-based teaching and learning program in
knowledge and build the understanding of the adults in our schools.
school improvement. a specific learning area (e.g. early years mathematics). On the path
Successful implementation often requires changing educators’ mental
models, which can be influenced by the way information and knowledge towards full implementation of the Vision for Instruction, schools will likely
are presented (Holtrop et al. 2021). Knowledge building is ongoing work through the 4E process multiple times, as they collectively build
throughout the implementation process. knowledge and change instructional habits across different prioritised
focus areas.
Rigorous adaptation It is easier to implement a new evidence-based practice or program if it
is clear which features need to be adopted closely (that is, with fidelity)
Balance on-the-ground
to get the intended outcomes. Specify what is most important (where to
adaptations with ensuring fidelity
be ‘tight’) and what elements are adaptable (where to be ‘loose’).
to evidence-based practices.
Scale of Implementation
Lean monitoring Establish regular monitoring and feedback loops to quickly learn
and adjust through cycles of action and reflection. Implementation 4. Embedding
Collect and respond to data
is complex and messy. Errors, mistakes and misjudgements will be
at each stage.
a natural part of any collective learning process. Monitor fidelity of
implementation, teacher knowledge and cognitive load, and outcomes,
including student learning and engagement.
3. Expanding
2. Experimenting
1. Exploring Time
Stage 4 – Embedding
Make new practices
sustainable and regularly
review effectiveness.
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life-long learners
with opportunity-
rich lives