Vision For Instruction Position Statement

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Vision for

Flourishing Learners position statement
teaching and
learning programs


• Dr Ben Jensen, CEO Learning First

• Dr Simon Breakspear, Educational
Leadership Advisor and critical friend
for Flourishing Learners
First published February 2024
• Dr Jennifer Buckingham OAM, Director of
Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd
Strategy and Senior Research Fellow at MultiLit
James Goold House, 228 Victoria Parade
and Director of the Five from Five project Schools featured
East Melbourne VIC 3002
© Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools 2024 • Professor Pamela Snow, La Trobe University • Caroline Chisholm Catholic College,
Correspondence to: • Elena Douglas, CEO of Knowledge Society
The Executive Director • Nazareth College, Noble Park North
• Dr Mary Ryan, Executive Dean Education,
Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd
Australian Catholic University (ACU) • Our Lady of Good Counsel School,
PO Box 3
East Melbourne VIC 8002 • Professor Dylan Wiliam, International
T: 03 9267 0228 Educational Expert, Emeritus Professor • Padua College, Mornington
E: of Educational Assessment at University
• Penola Catholic College, Broadmeadows
College London
• St John’s School, Footscray • Katie Roberts-Hull, Think Forward Acknowledgement of Country
Educators CEO • St Jude’s School, Langwarrin
We acknowledge that Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) offices and Catholic
• The MACS Flourishing Learners Principal • St Lawrence of Brindisi Catholic Primary
Licensed under NEALS schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne are situated on the lands of the five language groups that
Teacher Reference Group (FL PTRG) School, Weir Views
make up the Kulin Nation, who have walked upon and cared for this land since time immemorial.
The NEALS licence permits Australian
• MACS staff • St Mary’s College, Seymour We acknowledge their continued deep spiritual connection and relationship to Country.
schools and educational bodies to copy
digital and print materials for educational use • Education, Strategy and Policy Board • St Paul the Apostle Catholic Primary School, We pay respects to their Elders past, present and future, and commit to the ongoing journey of
in schools free of charge. Committee (ESP) Doreen truth-telling and deep listening, working together for reconciliation and justice.
iv Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | v

The MACS Vision for Instruction is inspired by our strategic plan,

MACS 2030: Forming Lives to Enrich the World, and calls upon our
Catholic school teachers to embrace the MACS mission, drawing
guidance from the light of Jesus Christ as our model teacher.
Grounded in rich cognitive science, Vision for Instruction identifies the
most effective teaching methods supported by evidence of their positive
impact on student outcomes. At MACS, we have high expectations for
every learner in every school, and all MACS teachers will be supported by
Foreword from Archbishop Jesus Christ is our first and greatest teacher. His mercy, Foreword from the system to implement these practices.
Peter A Comensoli his self-giving, his witness to truth, are what motivate Dr Edward Simons, Vision for Instruction is the outcome of many months of work involving
all of us in the work of Catholic education. Executive Director teachers, leaders and educators across the Archdiocese and around
the world. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to everyone who
contributed and played a crucial role in the development of this vision.
Every teacher in a Catholic school can look to the Lord with great
It is an exciting time as we collectively embark on this journey.
confidence and trust, as we work together to reflect God’s love to every
student who is called to flourish under our care.
Dr Edward Simons
‘I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly’ (John 10: 10). Executive Director
This Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) Vision for
Instruction has been developed to inspire and guide all our teachers,
and to build confidence and trust with our families and students.
It encapsulates our commitment to excellence in education, imbued
with the virtues of faith, hope and love.
This Vision for Instruction has been designed to support our schools
Pope Francis (2020) describes the role of teaching as a beautiful with clear guidance on instructional best practice, ensuring a consistent
vocation that has an impact far beyond the classroom: approach to teaching and learning excellence across our system.
‘They are “artisans” who shape the coming generations. It builds upon established frameworks for school engagement, wellbeing,
By their knowledge, patience, and dedication, they improvement, and inclusive practices for students with diverse learning
communicate a way of living and acting that embodies needs. Specifically, the focus for the Vision for Instruction is on
a richness that is not material but spiritual …’ enhancing cognitive engagement, a crucial aspect for learning.
Drawing from Cognitive Load Theory and the robust evidence base on
In this way, teachers pass on our cultural memory from one generation to Foreword from
The Science of Learning, our aim is to implement best practice instruction,
the other, raising up each child so that learners will become contributors, Dr Mary Oski, curriculum design and planning (evidence-based, knowledge-rich, coherent,
students will become leaders, and the beauty of our Catholic faith will Director, Learning and sequenced) ​and assessment practice in every MACS school.
enrich future generations. and Regional Services
This vision is a shared endeavour. The MACS implementation model
Every child in a Catholic school should find a home and a launching (The How) outlines the five system enablers to support schools on this
pad from which they can thrive, and take others with them, into a life journey, ensuring our teachers and leaders have access to a suite of
flourishing with wisdom and mercy. professional learning opportunities as well as universal access to high-
I am encouraged by the commitment to equity and excellence outlined in quality curriculum aligned resources. These supports will be implemented
the MACS Vision for Instruction. in stages.

To our teachers, parents, families and all in our faith communities, Our commitment to evidence-based practice in teaching and learning
I extend my prayer, and the Lord’s blessing, for the full flourishing of embraces the creation of learning communities that provide safety,
every child in our care. wellbeing, and enable positive and nurturing relationships between students
and educators. These are equally founded on high expectations, rigour, and
Most Reverend Peter A Comensoli academic achievement to ensure every student is enabled to flourish.
Archbishop of Melbourne We know that many of our schools are well and truly underway with
evidence-based instruction, and some are just beginning to explore the
potential. We look forward to partnering with all of you on this journey.

Dr Mary Oski
Director, Learning and Regional Services
vi Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | 1


3 The Why
3 Preface
4 Our intent
6 Catholic principles for education in MACS schools

9 The What
9 How students learn
12 Vision for instruction
15 Vision for reading instruction
16 Vision for writing instruction
17 Vision for mathematics instruction

19 The How
19 Implementation approach
26 References
2 | The Why Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | 3

The Why

It is well known that education has extraordinary benefits, both for

individuals and society. The economic benefits have been known for
decades, but more recently, research has also shown other, wider,
benefits including improved health, greater life-satisfaction, and
increased pro-social behaviour. If anyone claimed to have invented
a drug that conferred the benefits that we now know education has,
no-one would believe it.
However, realising these impressive outcomes is far from simple,
in that it requires integrating insights from a number of perspectives,
including the cognitive sciences, philosophy, and pedagogy, and that
is why the MACS Vision for Instruction is so welcome. It combines
what we know about how learning takes place, and the distinctive
pedagogical approaches that are needed for effective teaching of
literacy and numeracy, with a focus on the development of the whole
child. Perhaps more importantly, it provides a clear focus for all
teachers working in MACS schools to support each other in ensuring
that every child thrives at school, and leads a flourishing, fulfilled life.

Professor Dylan Wiliam

University College London Institute of Education

‘The mission of schools and

teachers is to develop an
understanding of all that is good,
true and beautiful.’
(Francis 2014a)
4 | The Why Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | 5

Our intent Our two goals for instruction

By 2030, we aim to become the benchmark for Goal 1 – Excellence:

excellence in teaching and learning, through a
coherently integrated, academically competitive and All MACS schools deliver a knowledge-
distinctively Catholic educational offering. rich, evidence-based teaching
and learning program.
1. Inspired by Faith The MACS 2030: Forming Lives to Enrich the World (MACS 2030)
strategic plan calls all MACS schools to come together in common We believe in teaching excellence, where all teachers
purpose and vision to make the most of what a Catholic education has are empowered to implement evidence-based
2. Flourishing Learners
to offer, so we can have the greatest and most distinctive impact in our practices and deliver the knowledge that students
classrooms, staffrooms and school communities. need to become intellectual and moral citizens of
3. Enabled Leaders the world.
We will provide an outstanding education, focused on formation of the
whole person, that has the intellectual, practical and moral excellence of
4. Enriched Communities
learners at its heart. We will aim to deliver the best educational outcome
for every student.
Goal 2 – Equity:
To achieve this, we are committed to evidence-based instruction and
the active promotion of equity and excellence. As part of the Flourishing Every student, regardless of
Learners strategic theme, we aim to deliver the best educational outcome background, achieves literacy
for every student across the breadth of the Victorian curriculum.
and numeracy proficiency.

Our vision is that every student is inspired and

enabled to flourish and enrich the world. The dignity
and worth of each student is valued, which places the
Scan or visit individual student at the heart of what MACS does.
Our educators are dedicated to providing all students
with fundamental literacy and numeracy skills,
ensuring their active engagement in society while
fostering lifelong learning.

‘To educate is an act of love,

it is to give life.’
(Francis 2014b)
6 | The Why Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | 7

1 2 3 4 5
Catholic MACS schools build MACS schools are MACS schools recognise The Catholic intellectual We are inspired by
communities of faith, collaborative, inclusive, the inherent dignity tradition emphasises the the Gospel to act for
principles for hope and love in the faith-filled communities. of every person as pursuit of knowledge a just society.
education in light of Jesus Christ. being created in the
image of God.
and excellence.

MACS schools

Jesus Christ is our inspiration, God’s love for every person The sacred dignity of each ‘Life … is a search for the true, Catholic teachers aim to
the very life of our purpose as encourages relationships to person is honoured in MACS the good and the beautiful’ engage and empower students
Catholic educators. Everything be at the centre of Catholic schools. The school community (Benedict XVI 2008). MACS with the necessary knowledge,
we do is illuminated by the light schools. As such, learning is a bears witness to the unique schools draw from the deep skills, and values to actively
of Jesus Christ. collaborative partnership where and distinctive abilities of intellectual heritage within the contribute to the betterment
parents, staff and students each student. ‘Every student Catholic Church, as a body of the broader community.
MACS schools are sacred
work together to promote has the potential to enrich the of knowledge, beliefs, and By fostering a deep sense
spaces where students
unity, common vision, mission, world throughout their lives practices that have developed of social responsibility and
encounter the transformative
and purpose. MACS school by using the gifts they have’ within the Catholic Church moral awareness through
power of Jesus Christ. The
communities build flourishing (Haldane 2022). When students over centuries. MACS schools justice, peace and integral
interconnected virtues of faith,
relationships between parish are known, valued and loved, instil a desire for lifelong ecology, MACS schools strive
hope, and love hold profound
and school, between school and they can genuinely flourish. learning and continuous faith to develop compassionate
significance and are essential
home, between parent, teacher formation. MACS schools offer leaders who seek the common
for our spiritual growth and
and student, between learning a solid foundation for lifelong good and the good of each and
transformation. Derived from the
and living, focused on formation, learning, empowering students every person.
teachings of St Paul in the New
learning and wellbeing outcomes through ongoing knowledge
Testament, these theological
for all children. acquisition along their spiritual
virtues offer guidance for a rich,
learning journey.
fulfilling life. We as educators Catholic schools recognise and
are called to ‘form lives of faith, value parents as the first and
hope and love in the light of most important educators of
Jesus Christ’ (1 Cor 13: 12–13). their children.
8 | The What Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | 9

The What
How students learn

All MACS educators benefit from knowing how students learn.

The AITSL, Australian Professional Standards for Teachers –
Standard 1, requires teachers to know students and how they learn
(AITSL n.d.). The evidence from cognitive science research offers
important information on how this learning happens with practical
implications for teaching.

Research summaries

• Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) (2023c) –

How Students Learn Best: An overview of the evidence
• Deans for Impact (2015) – The Science of Learning
• Science of Learning Research Centre (n.d.) –
Psychology, Education and Neuroscience (PEN) Principles

‘I came that they may have life,

and have it abundantly.’
(John 10: 10)
10 | The What Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | 11

How students learn Implications for instruction How students learn Implications for instruction

Most students need formal teaching to learn Teach what students won’t learn on their own. Knowledge builds on knowledge. Knowledge Teaching a knowledge-rich curriculum is essential to
biologically secondary knowledge. While many Biologically secondary knowledge is the core of what is mental Velcro (Hirsch 1996) – students who creating life-long learners with opportunity-rich lives
students learn biologically primary knowledge MACS schools teach and much of the curriculum have lots of knowledge about topics across the (Wexler 2020). Carefully sequencing knowledge across
without any formal teaching (e.g. learning to listen requires formal teaching. curriculum find that new knowledge ‘sticks’ to the whole curriculum will deepen student learning.
and speak), biologically secondary knowledge (e.g. it, building understanding from one year level to
reading, writing, mathematics) requires instruction, the next.
and must be taught (Castles, Rastle & Nation 2018).
Novices and experts learn differently. Novice Introduce new ideas carefully and explicitly. When
Thinking occurs when we combine information Consider student prior knowledge when planning learners process information differently as they do students attain a reasonable level of expertise in a
from our environment and from our long-term a lesson to ensure students have the necessary not yet have the mental models that experts do. subject, they should practise and extend their learning
memory in new ways (Willingham 2009b). Working background knowledge to access new material and effectively through independent problem-solving.
memory is the space where we think (Clark, connect it to what they already know.
Kirschner & Sweller 2012). Long-term memory
stores information organised in ‘schemas’.

Working memory has limits (Sweller 2011). Students Respect students’ cognitive load by providing new
can only keep so much new information in their information in manageable parts or steps. Space out
minds at once. Cognitive overload can occur when sequencing logically using guidance and scaffolds
students try to process multiple pieces of new (Chen et al. 2018). Teach new content explicitly, using
information or try to complete new tasks without modelling and worked examples (Barbieri et al. 2023)
prior instruction or scaffolding. to reduce cognitive load (Deans for Impact 2015).

Memory is the residue of thought (Willingham Ask questions to get students thinking in a structured
2009a). Students retain knowledge and develop way, rather than just presenting a series of problems
understanding through thinking. To help ensure to solve or asking them to follow someone else solving
students retain meaning in their learning, we want problems (which doesn’t require as much thinking).
them to think about the things that matter most.
Create learning experiences that direct student thinking
toward curriculum goals. This has implications for
constructing tasks that reduce distracted thinking and
support the learning that students need most.

Memory is prone to forgetting (Pashler et al. 2007). Stories and mnemonics can help students to remember
Students may be able to do something one day what they have learned.
but find it difficult to recall a week later. Teachers
Students benefit from extensive independent practice
can make things easier for their students to recall
for knowledge and skills to become automatic. It helps
by connecting information to other ideas and
to interleave practise of different types of content and
by practicing retrieval of information from long-
to space practice over time.
term memory.
Review can strengthen previous learning and lead
to more fluent recall. It can also strengthen the
connections among the material students have learned
(Rosenshine 2012).

‘Each student is important, each is wonderful ... because each

is made in the image and likeness of God. In their hopes and
their challenges, their imperfections, and their gifts ... every
child is a blessing, to be nurtured, supported, and encouraged.’
(Comensoli 2022)
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Vision for instruction

The following evidence-based practices are derived Explicit instruction sequence:

from research on how students learn as well as studies Starting with the introduction of new content and skills, effective
of the most successful teachers. These general teaching will generally follow this sequence:
high-impact practices are designed to ensure MACS
• Explicit instruction: Teachers fully explain the concepts and skills
students flourish in our classrooms. that students are required to learn. The most efficient way to teach
knowledge is to teach it explicitly, and this is particularly true for
the introduction of new concepts (Rosenshine 2012). However, this
does not mean students are passively receiving information.
Research summaries Coherent, knowledge-rich teaching and learning programs: Students • Modelling: Effective teachers break down what students need to
• AERO (2023a) – Guides & resources need a broad range of knowledge and skills to have a strong foundation learn into smaller learning outcomes and model each step so that
• AERO (2023c) – How Students Learn of information across the whole curriculum that will benefit them beyond students can see what is expected of them (Rosenshine 2012).
Best: An overview of the evidence
their school years. Coherent and deliberate planning of knowledge taught
• Victorian Department of Education and sequencing of tasks has been shown to positively impact student • Guided practice: Teachers provide multiple opportunities for
(2023) – High impact teaching
strategies (HITS) learning. Tasks that build upon each other and are deployed based on students to practise, and support is gradually removed as students
student prior learning are the most effective (Wexler 2020). develop understanding and can work more independently.
• Rosenshine (2012) – Principles of
Instruction: Research-Based Strategies
That All Teachers Should Know Explicit instruction model: Effective teachers design lessons that begin • Independent practice: Once students have developed
with teacher-guided instruction and gradually shift responsibility for understanding, teachers ask students to complete tasks
learning to the student with modelling and guided practice. This leads themselves while the teacher monitors and provides feedback.
to student independent practice only after foundational knowledge is Formative assessment: Effective questioning is a core part of effective
established (Clark, Kirschner & Sweller 2012). formative assessment. Instruction is most effective when it is highly
Explicit instruction is effective across a variety of contexts and for interactive with frequent checks for understanding. Identifying where
different groups of students (AERO 2022a). Explicit teaching refers to a student is in their learning by assessing what they know also helps
a whole system, not just an episode within a lesson, which means that teachers choose the right starting place before introducing a new unit
teaching might look different from one day to the next, building on prior of work (AERO 2021).
learning. The stages of teaching, from introduction of new content to Regular review: Rehearsing and reviewing information creates stronger
independent practice, might all occur in one day or may occur over a connections and makes prior knowledge more readily available for
week or more, depending on the content and the students. use. As a part of a routine, use low- or no-stakes quizzes for frequent
review. Material that is practised and discussed in review will be easier
to recall. If students are struggling with a concept during review,
teachers can do a quick re-teach lesson.
14 | The What Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | 15

Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Vision for reading instruction

Student academic, behavioural, communication, engagement, health, and
wellbeing needs are interconnected and complementary facets of student
learning. The MTSS is a systematic continuous improvement framework
that utilises high-impact evidence-based pedagogical practices to ensure
every student receives the appropriate level of support, instruction, and
adjustments to be successful across the domains of learning, behaviour,
and health and wellbeing. Reading is the gateway to meaning and knowledge.
Yet, teaching children to read is complex. Fortunately,
Tier 1: Universal quality instruction for all
reading instruction is one of the mostly widely
Screening, assessment, and academic and pro-social supports
(quality differentiated teaching practice) are provided to all students. researched topics in education, and hundreds of
studies have refined and consolidated a strong
Tier 2: Targeted support
evidence base for reading instruction (Moats 2020).
Students requiring more explicit and targeted support are assessed using
targeted assessments and are provided with evidence-based supports in
addition to tier 1 support. Research summaries When classroom teaching includes a range of research-based
Tier 3: Intensive support • AERO (2023b) – Introduction to the components and practices, it can prevent and mitigate reading
science of reading
difficulties. Classroom environments should be motivating and
Specialised assessments and individualised, targeted intervention are • Wheldall, Wheldall & Buckingham (2023) –
supportive, where reading and effective reading instruction is highly
provided to students requiring intensive support, in addition to tier 1 Effective Instruction in Reading and Spelling
valued. The MACS vision for reading instruction is for every student to
and tier 2 support. • Thomas & Thomas (2021) – Teaching
and Learning Primary English commence school with access to a high-quality, evidence-based literacy
The three-tier framework promotes support, services and intervention for program, made up of the following core areas:
students, at increasing levels of intensity, based on progress monitoring
• Phonemic awareness: This is when students understand that
and data analysis. Interventions occur across all tiers and in all domains.
speech is made of up of words, and words are made up of distinct
The three tiers are not discrete and separate, but interconnected sounds. It requires being able to identify the phonemes in a word.
(symbiotic), and are offered with the required intensity and frequency to Students benefit from explicit instruction in phonemic awareness,
support the needs of all students, whether below year level, at year level, however, once basic phonemic awareness has been established,
or above year level, and regardless of complex learning needs. further phonemic awareness instruction should occur in tandem with
Under the MTSS, every student is inspired and enabled to flourish and systematic phonics instruction.
enrich the world within a pedagogical framework for excellence, where all • Phonics: Phonics is knowledge of the relationships between letters
students are supported to progress to the level of which they are capable and sounds, and the ability to use letter-sound relationships to decode
and participate on the same basis as others. words. Students need explicit and systematic instruction in how to
decode words using their knowledge of letter-sound relationships.
• Fluency: Fluent readers can read accurately, quickly and expressively.
Fluency is critical for deriving meaning from texts. Evidence-
based practices for fluency include modelling fluent reading for
WELLBEING students and providing students with repeated practise of reading
written passages.

• Vocabulary: Vocabulary is knowledge of the meaning of words, both


in isolation and in context. Vocabulary is essential for understanding

SUPPORT texts but there are often wide disparities in student vocabulary when
students enter school. Many studies point to rich, explicit vocabulary
instruction as the most effective approach to support students from
UNIVERSAL QUALITY disadvantaged backgrounds.
• Comprehension: The ability to understand and construct meaning
from a text is the ultimate goal in literacy instruction. Comprehension
BEHAVIOUR LEARNING relies on strong decoding skills and fluency, but also on the general
background knowledge students have about the various subjects
Figure 1: Multi-tiered they are reading about. This is why a knowledge-rich curriculum is
Systems of Support important for student learning.
16 | The What Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | 17

Vision for writing instruction Vision for mathematics instruction

One of the most fundamental responsibilities of Mathematics involves developing an understanding

schools is teaching students to read and write. of numbers and quantity, operations, patterns, space,
Reading and writing are foundational literacy measurement, and shapes. It builds in complexity,
skills, and foundational to all other learning areas. which means that early performance in mathematics
Implementing evidence-based instructional practices relates to future performance. Access to high-quality
enhances students’ writing skills and confidence while mathematics instruction can improve student attitudes
fostering a deeper understanding, enjoyment of, and towards mathematics and change trajectories of student
appreciation for the writing process. outcomes and pathways (The Meadows Center 2017).
High-quality mathematics instruction is essential.
Research summaries The following recommendations are based on evidence-based practices
• AERO (2022b) – Writing and for writing across all years of schooling: Research summaries The following recommendations are based on evidence-based practices
writing instruction
• AERO (2022c) – Mastery learning in maths for mathematics:
• Shanahan (2019) – ‘Reading-writing Create supportive writing environments
• AERO (2022d) – Explicit instruction in maths
connections’ in Best practices in
• Establish writing instruction as a priority across all learning areas and group facilitation guide • Develop number sense: Teach students what quantities and numbers
writing instruction
year levels. • AERO (2022e) – Formative assessment
mean and how to represent them with objects and numerals.
• Chen, Myhill & Lewis (2020) –
Developing Writers Across the Primary
in maths group facilitation guide For example, use number lines, get students to count fluently,
• Create motivating and supporting writing environments where writing
and Secondary Years: Growing into Writing • The Meadows Center (2017) – and compare amounts.
is explicitly taught and valued. 10 Key Mathematics Practices
• Ensure students write frequently for a range of meaningful audiences for All Elementary Schools • Build fluency: Ensure that students have fluency with addition,
and purposes. • National Research Council (2001) – Adding subtraction, multiplication, and division.
It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics
• Integrate instruction across the curriculum, recognising the • Teach mathematics concepts: Help students to understand
reciprocity of reading and writing to support learning. mathematics concepts. Teach the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of mathematics in
• Provide additional scaffolding and instruction for students with combination with procedures and rules.
learning difficulties and additional needs. • Use concrete materials: Get students to use hands-on materials and
visual representations to show concepts and procedures.
Develop essential writing skills
• Explicitly teach handwriting and keyboarding skills and give students • Use problem-solving strategies: Explicitly teach problem-solving
opportunities to compose using digital and handwriting tools. and reasoning strategies. Teach students how to read problems and
organise work according to the structure of the problem.
• Prioritise explicit instruction in spelling and orthography
(encompassing morphology, etymology and phonology). • Use explicit instruction: Use explicit instruction when introducing
• Utilise explicit word, sentence, and paragraph analysis to enhance new mathematics content and then gradually release responsibility to
student writing. students. Model mathematics problems step-by-step and use guided
practice, then independent practice with teacher feedback. Provide
• Embed grammar and punctuation instruction in meaningful tasks.
opportunities for students to explain their work and thinking in oral
• Ensure adequate instruction in planning, drafting, evaluating and and written forms.
revision of writing, and embed formative assessment to provide
explicit feedback to progress students. • Use precise mathematics language: Encourage students to use
correct mathematics language when verbalising explanations and
Build knowledge for writing steps for solving problems.
• Explicitly teach genre macrostructure and microstructure through
modelling, guided practice and exemplars, providing subject-specific
instruction as required.
• Build knowledge that includes rich content knowledge and language for
expressing and developing ideas, such as knowledge of linguistic and
rhetorical features, and opportunities to build and extend vocabulary.
18 | The How Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | 19

The How
Implementation approach

Shared implementation principles, processes, and

enablers will be used to mobilise evidence-based
practices and ensure the MACS Vision for Instruction
supports student learning in every classroom.

Implementation science research summaries The implementation approach is designed to enhance the
• Scott et al. (2023) – Variation in schools’ effectiveness of the evidence-based practices outlined in the
readiness for change: Learning from the
Getting it Right from the Start project
MACS Vision for Instruction, ensuring a practical translation of the
instructional vision into tangible practice.
• Langer, Tripney & Gough (2016) –
The science of using science: researching
the use of research in decision-making
Sustainable school improvement often requires continuous
learning and unlearning of practices, and the development of new
• Sharples et al. (2019) – Putting Evidence to
Work: A School’s Guide to Implementation organisational structures and routines. A structured implementation
• Evidence for Learning (2022) – approach supports schools to do this complex work effectively.
Effective Professional Development The MACS implementation approach has three core components:
• Principles of effective implementation
• 4E implementation process
• System implementation enablers.
Implementation science research highlights the complexity of the
implementation process and reveals the specific practices that can
make school-level change journeys more successful. The MACS
implementation approach is built on research-informed practices and
effective professional learning models.

‘Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit
rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the
human heart a desire to know the truth – in a word, to know
himself – so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women
may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves.’
(John Paul II 1998)
20 | The How Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | 21

Principles of effective 4E implementation process


The following research-informed principles of effective implementation The MACS Implementation is best conceptualised as a set of stages in which
inform and guide implementation work for our MACS office, regions, teachers and leaders engage in collaborative work over time. The MACS
implementation process
and school-based teams. By using these principles, schools can employ implementation model ensures each school can effectively navigate its
design approaches with a higher likelihood of success and sustainable offers a systematic own implementation journey. System leaders support school leaders to
impact to avoid common implementation pitfalls. approach to introducing, go through a cycle of stages to build on existing good practice. These
adapting and sustaining stages, as part of the implementation model, are based on the principles
evidence-based practices of effective implementation.
Principle Description in educational settings. A school-based implementation journey is best enacted through a four-
staged implementation process:
Humans at the centre Humans and empathy are at the heart of quality implementation
processes in the complex relational world of schools. 1. Exploring 2. Experimenting 3. Expanding 4. Embedding
Understand that human
experience is at the heart Leaders focus on the experiences and local context of those who are
As progress is rarely straightforward or predictable, teams will collectively
of change. implementing on the ground. For effective collaboration, it is important
act, monitor and adjust throughout their journeys (Sharples et al. 2019).
to gain a deep understanding of the problems, barriers, and strengths of
Ongoing evidence-informed monitoring, reflection and adaption are
the people you are designing with.
crucial across each of the four stages of implementation. Early monitoring
Implementation effectiveness is highly dependent on context and provides insights into the efficacy, impact and understanding of early
readiness for change. It is crucial to learn about the constraints and trials. During later stages, there will be a growing focus on monitoring
opportunities of the environment in which practitioners are working. implementation fidelity, consistency and outcomes for learners.

Building knowledge Effective implementation requires deep knowledge (Robinson 2010). The 4E model can be applied to make small changes to specific
It is important to continuously strengthen teacher and school leader practices (e.g. daily reviews) or larger whole-school transformations,
Knowledge is foundational to for example, an evidence-based teaching and learning program in
knowledge and build the understanding of the adults in our schools.
school improvement. a specific learning area (e.g. early years mathematics). On the path
Successful implementation often requires changing educators’ mental
models, which can be influenced by the way information and knowledge towards full implementation of the Vision for Instruction, schools will likely
are presented (Holtrop et al. 2021). Knowledge building is ongoing work through the 4E process multiple times, as they collectively build
throughout the implementation process. knowledge and change instructional habits across different prioritised
focus areas.
Rigorous adaptation It is easier to implement a new evidence-based practice or program if it
is clear which features need to be adopted closely (that is, with fidelity)
Balance on-the-ground
to get the intended outcomes. Specify what is most important (where to
adaptations with ensuring fidelity
be ‘tight’) and what elements are adaptable (where to be ‘loose’).
to evidence-based practices.

Scale of Implementation
Lean monitoring Establish regular monitoring and feedback loops to quickly learn
and adjust through cycles of action and reflection. Implementation 4. Embedding
Collect and respond to data
is complex and messy. Errors, mistakes and misjudgements will be
at each stage.
a natural part of any collective learning process. Monitor fidelity of
implementation, teacher knowledge and cognitive load, and outcomes,
including student learning and engagement.
3. Expanding

2. Experimenting

1. Exploring Time

Figure 2: 4E implementation process

22 | The How Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | 23

Stage 4 – Embedding
Make new practices
sustainable and regularly
review effectiveness.

Sustaining the work of ongoing

knowledge building and practice
improvement over the long-
term is often a more significant
challenge than the initial launch.
The final stage, embedding,
Stage 3 – Expanding involves making the new approach
an integrated organisational
Spread successful practices throughout routine. Developing organisational
the whole school. routines and habits around these
practices can play a crucial role.
The expanding phase is about spreading the new practices Embedding the approach requires
across a wider group/range of practitioners and teams. During ongoing commitment, support and
the early stage, it may make sense to start with the quick regular review.
wins or areas of practice that will be foundational to later At the embedding stage, a focus
change. Forming a core implementation team, that takes the on establishing habits and routines
lead in planning, executing and monitoring the implementation
Stage 2 – Experimenting offers a structural framework
process, significantly enhances the chances of success. During that reduces the cognitive load
this phase, drawing on the educators who engaged in the
Create successful school- associated with the execution
experimental work is helpful. These ‘champions’ can help to
based examples of the adapt and spread the work contextually. As more teachers and
of tasks. When improvement
processes become routine, they
Vision for Instruction. teams make early progress, support, celebrate and showcase the
Stage 1 – Exploring are less likely to be dropped or
work of those already involved and model what is possible. overlooked during stress, changes
In the experimenting phase,
Assess student learning needs, schools run a series of small-
The implementation process should focus on how to build and or uncertainties.
Vision for Instruction strategies scale prototypes combining the
sustain motivation. Helping people to take small manageable
actions, see progress in their work, and experience support from
and organisational readiness. implementation model (The How)
peers/leaders is crucial to unlocking momentum.
with the evidence-based practices
The exploring phase is the groundwork of the implementation from the Vision for Instruction
process, where knowledge is built, problems are defined, (The What). Experimentation allows
organisational readiness is assessed, and codified evidence- for low-risk testing of a chosen
based approaches are selected. School leaders may work with approach in context without using
a small team to engage in learning, information gathering and unnecessary change capacity
decision-making. across an entire staff workforce.
With early feedback, school
Schools should build on their strengths when deciding how
leaders can make necessary
to implement the Vision for Instruction. Making fewer, but
adjustments to their school-wide
more strategic, choices is often more effective. By assessing
implementation plan.
student learning, school strengths and leadership capability,
teams narrow the scope of proposed change and inform their
strategic decision making, honing in on essential priorities.
Schools must also plan for deliberate reduction of programs
and practices that are less than optimal, to create time and
cognitive space for successful implementation.
‘The essence of effective leadership is stopping teachers
doing good things to give them time to do even
better things’ (Wiliam 2016).
24 | The How Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | 25

System implementation We know our teachers want to

provide the best teaching and
enablers learning experiences for all of their
students. The task of enhancing
teaching and learning in every
MACS classroom will be our
collective learning work.

MACS office staff partner with teachers

and school leaders to implement evidence- 1
based practices in every school. This working Professional
relationship is enhanced by reciprocal learning, opportunities
feedback and adaptation. Monitoring and evaluation 5
of implementation Monitoring
and evaluation
of implementation
For sustainable implementation to occur, teachers need support, Striving for
continuous improvement.
resources, time, and the right school environment to be able to System 2 Professional learning
enact high-quality teaching and learning approaches. To support MACS uses data, evaluation implementation High-quality opportunities
teachers, MACS office staff design and deliver quality resources and and monitoring to identify curriculum
effective professional learning to make school-based implementation lead indicators of change and
enablers resources High-quality professional
journeys easier. They partner with schools and regions to provide improvement in student learning.
4 for all
learning and on-demand
comprehensive support for teachers. System and school leaders identify network resources.
indicators of impact and capture infrastructure
There are five interconnected system implementation enablers Schools are provided with
to support schools. evidence of improvement to guide an extensive range of high-
changes in practice and routines 3 quality professional learning
to support key improvements over School
leadership coaching opportunities to support
time. teachers to embed the
Vision for Instruction in all
Figure 3: Five system enablers classrooms. Through access
to this professional learning
suite, teachers will be able to
collaborate, build knowledge, and
share best practices and ideas.

Regional network School leadership

infrastructure coaching
High-quality curriculum
Coherence and connection Instructional leadership to resources
across schools. enhance teaching and learning.
Supporting teachers with high-
MACS office staff partner with School principals and leaders play quality curriculum resources.
school leaders through dynamic a critical role in fostering effective
regional networks of improvement structures and routines so that MACS office staff support teachers
to ensure alignment and deliver teachers can improve practice. with high-quality, comprehensive
system support. The improvement This works best, when school curriculum resource materials,
networks bring schools together leaders are instructional leaders which enables them to focus
to share best practice, innovation, who nurture effective teaching more on the core task of teaching.
implementation advice, and and learning environments with This approach promotes equity
resources. Regional teams support coherent school-wide approaches. and excellence across MACS
schools to enhance their teaching MACS office staff work closely schools, ensuring all teachers have
and learning strategies and build with school leaders to develop access to evidence-based, well-
capacity in implementing the Vision effective whole-school approaches sequenced curriculum materials
for Instruction. to teaching and learning. to support students in every
26 | The How Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | 27


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28 | The How Vision for Instruction: Flourishing Learners position statement | 29

life-long learners
with opportunity-
rich lives

‘Never see a need without doing

something about it.’
Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop
228 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne VIC 3002
03 9267 0228

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