Psy 101 1

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University of Gujrat

Hafiz Hayat Campus

Course Title: Introduction to Psychology-I
Course Code: PSY-101
Instructor’s Name: Sadaf Shahid
E-mail address:

Grading System
Marks In Percentage Letter Grade Numeric Value of Grade Description
85 and above A+ 4.00 Exceptional
80-84 A 3.70 Outstanding
75-79 B+ 3.40 Excellent
70-74 B 3.00 Very Good
65-69 B- 2.50 Good
60-64 C+ 2.00 Average
55-59 C 1.50 Satisfactory
50-54 D 1.00 Pass
49 and below F 0.0 Fail
W Withdrawal
I Incomplete

Assessment System

Quiz = 5 marks

Presentation = 10 marks

Assignment = 10 marks

Mid Term Examination =25 marks

Final Term Examination = 50 marks (Objective= 15 marks; Subjective =35 marks)

Course Objectives:
 To give the introductory knowledge of the basic concepts in psychology.
 To ensure that the students are aware of the nature of psychology as a
scientific approach.
 To give comprehensive knowledge about the subject matter of psychology.

Study Plan
Week 1  Definition of Psychology
 Nature and Application of Psychology with Special
Reference to Pakistan
 Historical Background of Psychology
 The Emergence of Psychology School of Psychology
1. Psychology as the Study of Conscious Experience
2. Psychology as the Study of Function of Conscious
Experiences (Functionalism)
3. Psychology as the Study of Observable Behavior

Week 2 School of Psychology

4. Psychology as the Study of Unconscious processes
5. Psychology as the study of whole (gestalt
6. Psychology as the study of individual difference
 Assignment
Week 3 Application/Areas of Psychology
 Psychopathology/clinical psychology
 Social psychology
 developmental and educational psychology
 organizational psychology
 psychology of crime
 Environmental psychology
 health psychology
 positive psychology
Week 4 Methods of Psychology
 Scientific Methods
 Observation
 Case History Method
 Quiz

Week 5  Experimental Method


 Survey Method
Interviewing Techniques
Week 6  Biological Basis of Behavior
 Neuron: Structure and Function
Week 7  Characteristics and Major Function of Sensation
Week 8  Audition: Structure & Function of the Ear
 Vision: Structure & Function of the Eye
Week 9
Mid-term Exams
Week 10  Central Nervous System
Week 11  Peripheral Nervous System• Endocrine Glands
 Quiz
Week 12  Nature of Perception
 Factors of Perception: Subjective and Objective
Week 13  Kinds of Perception
 Perceptual Consistency and Illusion

Week 14  Definition and Nature of Attention

 Factors of Attention
 Span of Attention

 Distraction of Attention
 Fluctuation of Attention
 Assignment
Week 15  Presentation
Week 16  Review the Course
 Grand Quiz

Recommended Books:
 Coon, D. & Mitterer, J.O. (2007). Introduction to Psychology. (11 th edition).Delhi: Akash
 Feldman, R.S. (2011). Understanding Psychology (10 th edition). New York: McGraw Hill
 Fernald, L. D., & Fernald, P. S. (2005). Introduction to psychology. USA: WMC Brown
 Hocksema, S. N., Fredrickson, Loftus, G.R., Lutz, C. (2015). Atkinson and
Hilgard’sIntroduction to psychology (16th ed.) Cengage.
 Lahey, B. B. (2004). Psychology: An introduction (8th ed.). McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
 Myers, D. G. (2011). Psychology (10th ed.). New York: Wadsworth Publishers.

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