Auto MS
Auto MS
Auto MS
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for 1 INTRODUCTION
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not
The millimeter wave (mmWave) frequency band is critical
made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear
this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components
for high-speed wireless communication in 5G and beyond
of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored. Abstracting due to its large bandwidth [1, 19]. However, mmWave signals
with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or suffer from limited range and blockage due to their high
to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request frequency [52], which hinders wide adoption. One potential
permissions from solution is to utilize massive phased antenna arrays (e.g.,
ACM MobiCom ’24, November 18–22, 2024, Washington, DC, USA
$3000+ [46]) and create narrow beams to increase the received
© 2024 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to
signal power and extend the line-of-sight (LOS) range [6]. To
ACM ISBN 979-8-4007-0489-5/24/09. . . $15.00 cover multiple non-line-of-sight (NLOS) areas in a complex deployment environment, a common solution is to deploy
ACM MobiCom ’24, September 30–October 4, 2024, Washington, DC, USA Ruichun Ma, Shicheng Zheng, Hao Pan, et al.
multiple mmWave access points (APs) or base station [29]. Method Type Coverage Cost Hardware count
AP [4, 54] Active Manual ≈ $300 per AP
These solutions are not only costly (e.g., around $300 for
Relay [2] Active Manual ≥ $200 per relay
each AP [4]), but also lack scalability due to the considerable mmWall [11] Varactors Manual ≈ $10000 28 × 76
domain knowledge and manual labor required for deployment. milliMirror [41] Passive Manual ≈ $15 80 × 80
This is because the APs must be strategically positioned and AUTO MS Passive Auto ≈ $1 160 × 200
configured to prevent interference and guarantee coverage. Table 1: Comparison between mmWave coverage solu-
Smart surfaces or metasurfaces, composed of specially de- tions. We show cost details in section 4
signed sub-wavelength elements, have powerful capability
to manipulate electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation and employ passive metasurfaces that are fixed post-fabrication.
enhance mmWave coverage beyond what simple mirror re- Moreover, we leverage the AP’s dynamic beam steering ca-
flectors [8, 62] offer. Unbound by the law of reflection, they pability together with passive metasurfaces to serve different
enable flexible wavefront control, such as reflecting at vari- areas and handle user mobility.
ous angles in 3D space, and maintain high performance with Our system consists of following three major components:
minimal surface area, as demonstrated in Figure 13. Previous Automated optimization: To automate metasurface-assisted
works [5, 9, 13, 15, 26, 31, 59] design programmable surfaces mmWave coverage planning, we develop a novel joint op-
to enhance coverage in blind spots and notably improve chan- timization framework. It determines optimal network de-
nel conditions. However, these solutions often rely on tunable ployment configurations, including the phase settings and
circuit components and computing devices to enable rapid placement of one or more metasurfaces, AP(s)’ codebook
beam switching, resulting in costly hardware, considerable (phased array configurations), and, if necessary, the position-
computational overhead, and increased power consumption. ing of the APs. We iteratively identify and optimize hyper-
MilliMirror [41] uses passive metasurfaces to lower cost as a configurations, such as the quantity, sizes, and placement
proof of concept, but handles only limited scenarios – beam of metasurfaces. Each iteration refines the phase settings of
reflection towards a specific direction by manually identi- metasurfaces and APs through gradient descent. While our
fying the placement of metasurfaces. It remains open how framework primarily aims to maximize the aggregate channel
to unleash the full power of metasurfaces, balancing trade- capacity, it is also flexible enough to support alternative objec-
offs between effectiveness, complexity, cost, and deployment tives and may extend to active or programmable metasurfaces.
burden on users. Fast simulator: We develop a fast 3D ray tracing simulator
In order to realize the potential of metasurfaces, there capable of computing channel response matrices for meta-
are several significant challenges. First, existing solutions surfaces with tens of thousands of elements, utilizing both
require substantial expertise in wireless signal propagation software and hardware acceleration techniques. Our simula-
for guiding their design and deployment. Manual configura- tor processes approximately 1.6 billion wireless propagation
tion is error-prone and often results in less-than-ideal perfor- paths in 3 minutes using an NVIDIA A100 GPU, supporting
mance [32]. Second, automating optimization hinges on a large metasurfaces by element count. To our knowledge, no
reliable wireless channel model that accurately captures EM current ray-tracing simulators can handle large metasurfaces
wave propagation in complex scenarios. Existing simulators, with arbitrary phase configurations due to the prohibitive
like Wireless Insite [44], fall short by being either slow or computational costs.
offering limited metasurface support, such as only enabling Low-cost metasurface: We design a passive metasurface to
linear phase configurations [43]. Developing a fast and accu- achieve several important properties: high reflectivity (≥ 90%)
rate simulator that supports general metasurface operations to minimize energy loss, near 2𝜋 phase range for wavefront
is a challenging problem. Third, metasurface-based methods control, wideband support (over 8 GHz) on mmWave bands,
must be considerably more cost-effective than alternatives to and compatibility with low-precision but cost-effective hot
be appealing. Current strategies do not demonstrate a substan- stamping. By employing surface substrates, i.e., paper and
tial economic advantage over multi-AP solutions (Table 1). PVC plastic, we induce specific phase delays, forming an
This necessitates the creation of an affordable and efficient impedance transformer and thus “amplifying” phase shifts of
passive metasurface design. different metallic patterns. With this approach, we achieve
We propose AUTO MS, an automated service framework the desired properties using single-layer split-ring patterns
that optimizes mmWave coverage for given areas, such as that can be hot stamped onto paper, allowing for virtually
apartments or office floors, using strategically designed and cost-free metasurface production.
placed low-cost passive reflective metasurfaces, as depicted We implement AUTO MS as a cloud-based service featuring
in Figure 1. These metasurfaces alter mmWave propagation a user-friendly, multi-step workflow illustrated in Figure 2.
to overcome blockages and concentrate power toward de- Users can employ commercial applications, such as Poly-
sired regions. To minimize costs and simplify deployment, we cam [39], to capture their deployment environment using a
AUTO MS: Automating Metasurface-aided mmWave Coverage ACM MobiCom ’24, September 30–October 4, 2024, Washington, DC, USA
ACM MobiCom ’24, September 30–October 4, 2024, Washington, DC, USA Ruichun Ma, Shicheng Zheng, Hao Pan, et al.
Cloud Service
2 Deployment Hyper-config
Configurations tuner Coverage Deployment Configurations
3 3D model Wireless
AP Environment Surface & AP Metasurface Network
M ache
h Reflection
itc modeling Maps
su on
sw ized Coeff.
rfa w
ical stom
ce alls
m cu
Dy ween ,2,3É
be am 1
Figure 1: Metasurfaces create paths Figure 2: AUTO MS overview. Based on an environmental scan, our service
to circumvent blockages (beam 1) framework outputs the optimized deployment configurations for passive meta-
and extend coverage (beams 2&3) in surfaces and AP(s) tailored to the target 3D model. After surface fabrication,
the 3D environment we deploy the metasurfaces and AP accordingly
passive metasurfaces for security applications, but these de- metasurface support and necessitates considerable training
signs suffer from a power loss of over 7 dB. In contrast, for each scenario. Considering that a metasurface can have
AUTO MS pioneers the use of hot stamping in metasurfaces tens of thousands of elements, creating a multitude of signal
to boost SNR with minimal power loss. paths, scalability becomes a significant challenge. To address
this, we have developed a 3D mmWave ray tracing simulator
Our approach. We develop a comprehensive approach that
capable of rapidly and accurately modeling wireless channels
inputs a 3D scene model and determines the best placement
for general metasurfaces.
and settings for metasurfaces and AP codebooks. We employ
high-performance passive metasurface designs to ease pro-
duction, deployment, and to lower costs. Despite its passive 3 AUTOMS DESIGN
nature, our metasurface can accommodate endpoint mobil- 3.1 Overview
ity and environmental shifts by collaborating with the AP’s
Considering the symmetry between upstream and downstream
phased array, which selects suitable beamforming codewords.
links in mmWave communications, our study focuses on a
downstream scenario specifically, transmission from the AP
2.2 Ray Tracing-based Channel Modeling to the receiver in an indoor setting. We presume the mmWave
Accurate simulation of wireless signal propagation and chan- AP has a phased array capable of beam steering and that re-
nel modeling is crucial for designing and deploying wireless flective metasurfaces are installed on the walls. In line with
networks. Ray tracing (RT) methods, which approximate the the IEEE 802.11ad standard, we utilize a beam scanning pro-
Maxwell equations at high frequencies (e.g., as optical rays), cess where the AP sequentially transmits using all codewords.
represent the field as a set of rays that reflect, diffract, and The receiver then selects and reports back the codeword that
scatter through the environment. While several RT simulators yields the highest SNR. Therefore, the achievable link for the
like WinProp [3], Aster [16], CrossWave [17], and Wireless receiver is the best link among all codewords.
Insite [44] are available for commercial or academic use, only Figure 2 illustrates the workflow of our system. Using
the latest Wireless Insite [43] version includes metasurface RoomPlan [12] on a mobile device (section 4), we first create
support. However, based on our discussions with their techni- a 3D model of the environment for network deployment, serv-
cal team, it only allows for reflection towards a fixed angular ing as the input to AUTO MS. Subsequently, our framework
range and lacks the capability to model individual metasurface iteratively executes the following steps: (1) Our proposed ray-
elements, precluding optimization of the elements themselves. tracing simulator generates wireless channel response matri-
Prior PIS research [27, 28] relied on a basic ray-tracing ces between the AP (TX), metasurfaces, and potential receiver
simulator that only offered control at the surface level and (RX) locations based on the 3D model, influenced by the de-
assumed environments without obstacles. Recently, some re- ployment’s hyper-configurations such as metasurface and AP
searchers proposed open-source RT simulators, like Opal [14], placements. (2) A phase map optimizer employs gradient de-
SimRIS [7], and NeRF2 [61]. Opal, fast due to its OptiX API scent to fine-tune the metasurfaces’ phase settings and APs’
implementation, unfortunately lacks metasurface modeling codebooks to maximize a network-wide metric, like sum ca-
capabilities [14]. SimRIS, a MATLAB-based simulator, can pacity, and provides feedback on the optimized performance
model channels for RIS-assisted MIMO systems but is not to the hyper-configuration tuner. (3) The hyper-configuration
equipped for handling large metasurfaces [7]. NeRF2 uses tuner, typically using simulated annealing, updates the de-
a neural network for channel modeling but does not include ployment hyper-configurations, prompting a return to Step 1
AUTO MS: Automating Metasurface-aided mmWave Coverage ACM MobiCom ’24, September 30–October 4, 2024, Washington, DC, USA
for updates. (4) The process concludes when the optimized gradient descent with the Adam optimizer to enhance sum
performance stabilizes, yielding the final phase maps and de- capacity. Conceptually, this optimization can be viewed as
ployment configurations for the actual metasurface fabrication the strategic distribution of power from the metasurfaces to
and installation. all RX locations.
We define the 𝑗th codeword among all 𝑁𝑐 code words as
3.2 Optimization Framework ( 𝑗)
W𝑎𝑝 ∈ C1×𝑁𝑡 and the phase configuration of 𝑘th surface
Our optimization framework comprises a hyper-configuration among all 𝑀 surfaces as W𝑚𝑠 ∈ C𝑁𝑚𝑠 ×1 , where 𝑁𝑚𝑠 and 𝑁𝑡
tuner and a phase map optimizer for mmWave network de- are the numbers of metasurface elements and transmitting an-
ployment. Hyper-configurations are high-level deployment tennas, respectively. Each value in the phase configuration and
parameters, such as the quantity, dimensions (element count), codebook matrix is a phase shift without amplitude change,
and locations of metasurfaces, as well as the orientation(s) denoted as 𝑒 𝑗𝜃 , where 𝜃 is the phase we aim to determine. The
and location(s) of AP(s). The phase map optimizer operates sum of channel capacity between the TX and RX locations is
as the inner loop, determining the phase configurations for used as the optimization objective and derived as follows:
the given hyper-configurations. 𝑁𝑟
Õ 𝑆𝑖 (W𝑚𝑠 , W𝑎𝑝 )
Hyper-configuration tuner. AUTO MS allows for the opti- max log2 (1 + ) (1)
mization of certain deployment configurations based on the W𝑚𝑠 ,W𝑎𝑝
specific scenario and user preferences, while users can man- where 𝑁𝑟 denotes the number of RX locations and 𝑆𝑖 denotes
ually set the remaining according to their requirements. For the received signal at the 𝑖th receiving antenna as a function
instance, if the AP’s position is predetermined, AUTO MS of metasurface phase maps and AP codebook. We set a noise
focuses on optimizing the other parameters. Various algo- floor of −70 dBm to match our experiment hardware (i.e., 0
rithms can optimize these configurations; our implementation capacity if RSS is below −70 dBm). Next, we describe the
employs simulated annealing, which has proven effective for calculation for received signal strength 𝑆𝑖 . Let 𝑃𝑡 denote the
our purposes. The hyper-configuration tuner, informed by transmission power, 𝐺𝑡 denote the transmission antenna gain,
the phase map optimizer’s performance metrics, iteratively 𝐺𝑟 denote the receiver antenna gain. Since the AP can switch
explores and updates configurations until performance stabi- between multiple codewords, we take the maximal achievable
lizes (i.e., no improvements are observed in the last iterations). signal strength from all codewords as 𝑆𝑖 :
The resulting final configurations guide the fabrication and
( 𝑗)
deployment of metasurfaces. 𝑆𝑖 (W𝑚𝑠 , W𝑎𝑝 ) = 𝑃𝑡 𝐺𝑡 𝐺𝑟 max W𝑎𝑝 (H𝑚𝑠,𝑖 +H𝑇 −𝑅𝑖 ) (2)
𝑗 ∈ [1, 𝑁𝑐 ]
Phase map optimizer. The phase map optimizer identifies the
optimal phase configurations for metasurfaces and mmWave where H𝑚𝑠,𝑖 ∈ C𝑁𝑡 ×1 is the channel matrix characterizing the
AP phased arrays to maximize the coverage objective func- propagation paths affected by the metasurfaces between the
tion in a target environment. This optimization is based on TX and the 𝑖th RX, H𝑇 −𝑅𝑖 ∈ C𝑁𝑡 ×1 is the channel matrix be-
the channel matrices provided by the simulator and the cur- tween the TX and the 𝑖th RX, characterizing the propagation
rent hyper-configurations. It determines the phase shift values paths not traversing any metasurfaces. Due to a small 𝑁𝑐 , 𝑆𝑖 ’s
for each metasurface element, denoted as 𝑊𝑚𝑠 (𝑘) with 𝑘 optimal value can be obtained easily without an optimization
representing the metasurface index, and selects a set of beam- solver. The metasurface-affected channel matrix, H𝑚𝑠,𝑖 is a
(𝑘) 𝑀
forming codewords for the APs, indicated by 𝑊𝑎𝑝 ( 𝑗) where function of {W𝑚𝑠 }𝑘=1 . If we only consider the first-order
𝑗 is the codeword index. Upon achieving convergence, these reflections from metasurfaces, then we have
phase configurations are discretized for practical deployment. 𝑀
Objective function. There are many possible metrics that can H𝑚𝑠,𝑖 = (H𝑇 −𝑚𝑠 W𝑚𝑠 H𝑚𝑠−𝑅𝑖 ) (3)
quantify the coverage of an area. Our design is intentionally
decoupled from physical layer specifics, such as modulation where H𝑇 −𝑚𝑠 ∈ C𝑁𝑡 ×𝑁𝑚𝑠 is the channel matrix between the
schemes or hardware implementations, enabling our system’s transmitting antennas and the metasurface elements, H𝑚𝑠−𝑅𝑖 ∈
compatibility with diverse mmWave devices and protocols. C𝑁𝑚𝑠 ×1 is the channel matrix between the metasurface ele-
Consequently, we select the sum of channel capacities be- ments and the receiver. We further extend the equation above
tween the transmitter (TX) and all potential receiver (RX) to support reflections between multiple metasurfaces, but we
locations as our optimization goal, though our framework is omit the details here.
versatile enough to accommodate alternative objectives. As Thus, we need to know the following channel matrices to
outlined in subsection 3.3, channel matrices involving TX, compute the objective function: H𝑇 −𝑅 , H𝑇 −𝑚𝑠 , H𝑚𝑠𝑖 −𝑚𝑠 𝑗 , and
RX, and metasurfaces are computed using ray tracing. Our H𝑚𝑠−𝑅 . These channel matrices are calculated using the ray
optimization problem is differentiable, allowing us to employ tracing simulator, as described in subsection 3.3.
ACM MobiCom ’24, September 30–October 4, 2024, Washington, DC, USA Ruichun Ma, Shicheng Zheng, Hao Pan, et al.
3.3 Efficient Channel Simulator where 𝜏 denotes the reflection coefficient of the reflector or
To address the optimization problem, we simulate the channel surface element. We use the equations above iteratively for
response matrices between the mmWave APs, metasurfaces, multi-order reflections. Next, we sum the LOS and NLOS
and receivers in the environment. Each metasurface element is channel responses to calculate the overall channel response
modeled as a reflective antenna with a phase shift, allowing us for one source-destination pair as follow:
to treat different channels similarly to those between source 𝑃
and destination antenna(s). This modeling is independent of
ℎ𝑠−𝑡 = ℎ𝑟𝑒 + ℎ𝐿𝑜𝑆 (6)
the metasurface hardware design and assumes no coupling 𝑖=1
between surface elements.
Ray tracing-based modeling. We employ ray tracing to ac- where 𝑃 is the number of NLOS propagation paths between
curately and efficiently simulate wireless signal propagation, the source and destination. By replacing the source and desti-
tracing rays from the source and modeling their paths and nation with TX, RX, or metasurfaces, we have all the chan-
directions to compute the channel response. Due to the high nel response matrices needed for the objective function, i.e.,
attenuation of mmWave, we primarily focus on modeling H𝑇 −𝑅 , H𝑇 −𝑚𝑠 and H𝑚𝑠−𝑅 . We plug into these values into Equa-
reflections and direct LOS propagation paths. tion 3 and solve the optimization problem.
We calculate the channel response in two stages. Initially, Acceleration. We develop several techniques to boost simu-
we launch rays to identify valid propagation paths, emitting lation efficiency. Initially, we optimize the propagation path
numerous rays from the sources. Some rays reach the destina- discovery, the most resource-intensive step in ray tracing, by
tion antennas, while others are discarded due to missing the sharing path information among nearby destinations. While
destination or low signal strength. We record the propagation casting a large number of rays reduces the likelihood of over-
paths together with any intersecting reflectors for rays that looked paths and heightens accuracy, it also incurs substantial
reach the destination. Next, we compute the channel response memory and computation costs. To mitigate these costs, we
for each valid path and aggregate these responses to determine divide the area of interest into a grid system where each grid
the overall channel response at the destination, encompass- can exchange propagation path details with its neighbors, al-
ing both amplitude and phase information. To validate the lowing for the discovery of paths using significantly fewer
accuracy of our channel modeling, we compare our simu- rays. Moreover, we refine data storage by cataloging path in-
lation results with real-world measurements. As shown in formation through the set of reflectors traversed from source
Figure 4, our simulations correspond closely with real-world to destination, calculating the cascaded coordinate transfor-
measurements. Further validation is conducted in section 5. mation matrices for mirroring. This approach allows multi-
Channel response calculation. Given the propagation paths ple TX-RX pairs in close proximity to reuse these matrices,
between a source and a destination, we need to calculate the conserving memory and computation time when calculating
channel response. Here, we describe the channel model used channel responses. Finally, we implement our ray tracing
in our simulation. We first analyze the LOS path. The channel using OptiX [36], which capitalizes on RT cores for GPU
response can be derived as ℎ𝐿𝑜𝑆 = 4𝜋𝑟 𝜆 2𝜋𝑟
𝑒 𝜆 , where 𝜆 is the acceleration. With this, we can simulate approximately 1.6
wavelength corresponding to the carrier frequency, and 𝑟 is billion wireless channel responses in just 3 minutes on an
the distance from the AP to the user. For NLOS paths that NVIDIA A100 GPU.
include multi-order reflections from objects, we analyze each Material reflection coefficients. The reflection coefficient of
reflection separately and multiply them together. When a path materials significantly influences the wireless channel. In our
goes from the previous point to the next point, two types of experiments, we use values from existing literature [24, 45]
reflection can happen as shown in Figure 3. When the reflector and enhance our database by measuring mmWave proper-
is sufficiently large to be considered as a mirror, e.g., walls ties of uncharted materials. To improve simulation precision,
and floors, such that the previous point is within the near-field we develop a method that utilizes RSS measurements to de-
distance of it, we have 𝜃 𝑖𝑛𝑐 = 𝜃𝑜𝑢𝑡 and the channel response duce material reflection coefficients. During environmental
of this reflection is scanning for 3D modeling, a mobile device with mmWave
𝜆 2𝜋 connectivity also gathers RSS data throughout the area. At
ℎ𝑟𝑒 = 𝜏 𝑒 𝜆 (𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐 +𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑡 ) (4) each location where RSS is collected, our ray tracing sim-
4𝜋 (𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐 + 𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑡 )
ulator identifies the propagation paths of all rays reaching
When the reflector is small enough to be considered as a far- that point. We then treat the reflection coefficients as vari-
field scatterer, e.g., a metasurface element, we have scattering: ables to be optimized, calculating RSS values based on these
𝜆 2𝜋 𝜆 2𝜋 propagation paths. Starting with coefficients from the litera-
ℎ𝑟𝑒 = 𝜏 𝑒 𝜆 𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐 𝑒 𝜆 𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑡 (5) ture, we employ gradient descent to find values that minimize
4𝜋𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐 4𝜋𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑡
AUTO MS: Automating Metasurface-aided mmWave Coverage ACM MobiCom ’24, September 30–October 4, 2024, Washington, DC, USA
(a) 3D model of a conference room (b) Simulation result (c) Measurement result
Figure 3: Illustration of path loss when re- Figure 4: Comparison between simulation results of our ray-tracing
flected by a reflector vs. a metasurface unit based channel modeling and real-world RSS measurements
the discrepancy between the calculated and actual RSS mea- as a quarter-wave impedance transformer, as detailed in Mi-
surements. As shown in Figure 8, using optimized material crowave Engineering [40], which effectively transforms the
properties results in simulations that are more accurate than zero impedance of a metal sheet into infinite impedance. We
those based solely on literature values. control the impedance mismatch between air and this infinite
impedance using a metallic pattern, drawing inspiration from
3.4 Low-cost Metasurface Design prior work [30]. Therefore, a set of split-ring patterns, span-
ning a limited range of surface pattern admittance, results in
In this section, we present the development of a reflective and
a broad reflection phase range.
passive mmWave metasurface design that is employed in our
proposed AUTO MS. Equivalent circuit analysis. To enhance the understanding
of phase control, we refer to the equivalent circuit model
Design goals. We set the following design goals: (i) high depicted in Figure 5b. Here, air and the surface substrate are
reflectivity (e.g., ≥ 90%), to minimize energy loss due to represented as transmission lines with impedances denoted
metasurface.; (ii) full 2𝜋 phase control, which is crucial for by 𝑍 0 = 376.7 Ω and 𝑍 1 , respectively. The substrate-based
beamforming; (iii) wideband operation, covering a 60 GHz transmission line possesses a thickness 𝑙 and a phase constant
channel bandwidth; and (iv) ultra-low cost, i.e., considerably 𝛽. EM waves arriving at the surface induce current along
cheaper than other solutions (see Table 1), achieved through the pattern, enabling us to model the metallic pattern as a
hot-stamping fabrication on common materials. circuit component with an admittance 𝑌𝑝 . This admittance is
purely imaginary, as the resistance of the metallic patterns
Challenges and our approach. Achieving 2𝜋 phase control is negligible. The metal sheet provides a termination for the
and high reflectivity for mmWave with a low-complexity and substrate transmission line with an impedance 𝑍𝑚 = 0 (short-
low-cost design is a challenging task. Previous works have circuited). Consequently, the substrate and the metal sheet
used either meta-atoms with rib-like arrangements [11] or 3D together form a short-circuited transmission line, as described
printed materials with varying thicknesses [41], which poses in Microwave Engineering [40], resulting in an impedance:
challenges in terms of surface thickness, assembly, and fabri-
cation. In contrast, we adopt 2D metallic patterns on a thin 𝑍𝑚 + 𝑗𝑍 1 tan(𝛽𝑙)
𝑍𝐿 = 𝑍 1 = 𝑗𝑍 1 tan(𝛽𝑙) (7)
(∼0.5 mm) dielectric substrate and a metallic sheet to induce 𝑍 1 + 𝑗𝑍𝑚 tan(𝛽𝑙)
reflection phase shifts (Figure 5d), achieving simplicity and which describes the total impedance of the substrate and the
sub-mm thickness. Figure 5a shows a split ring-based pattern, metal sheet (the whole surface except metallic patterns). The
which is the template of different patterns for phase control. phase delay caused by the substrate is around 𝜋2 as a quarter
By varying the pattern dimensions, we can control the phase wave impedance transformer, so 𝑍 𝐿 ≈ 𝑗𝑍 1 tan( 𝜋2 ) = ∞𝑗,
shift. However, a single layer has a limited control on the which indicates the substrate transforms the impedance of
phase shift [38]. One solution is to cascade more layers of pat- metal sheet from 0 to ∞𝑗.
terns [35], but this significantly increases design complexity Subsequently, the surface can be modeled as two parallel
and power loss due to dissipation in the substrate. circuit components: (i) a metallic pattern with admittance
𝑌𝑝 , and (ii) a combination of the substrate and metal sheet,
Substrate as an impedance transformer. We propose a which we represent with an impedance 𝑍 𝐿 . The equivalent
novel design that leverages the surface substrate between impedance of the entire surface is determined as follows:
metallic patterns and a metal sheet as a microwave compo-
1 1
nent. As incident waves propagate through the substrate, it 𝑍𝑆 = ≈ (8)
functions like a transmission line, inducing a phase delay. 𝑌𝑝 + 1/𝑍 𝐿 𝑌𝑝
Consequently, we consider substrate thickness to be a critical We observe that the 𝑍𝑆 undergoes significant variations when
design parameter. With a phase delay of 𝜋2 , the substrate acts the admittance 𝑌𝑝 fluctuates near zero. Following this, the
ACM MobiCom ’24, September 30–October 4, 2024, Washington, DC, USA Ruichun Ma, Shicheng Zheng, Hao Pan, et al.
Phase (degree)
0.5 mm Patterns !! " # -90
Top-Down layers: 0
Pattern- Papers- PVC - Metal 0
Substrate -0.01
50 55 60 65 70
reflection from the surface can be modeled as the interaction metasurface’s beam pattern, our focus is on maintaining a
between the air transmission line with impedance 𝑍 0 and a steady phase differential between different patterns. The di-
load represented by 𝑍𝑆 . Consequently, we can express the mensions of the patterns, particularly the ring width, affect
reflection coefficient (S11), i.e., the ratio of the incoming both admittance and wideband performance. We chose mul-
signal 𝐸𝑖𝑛 to the reflected signal 𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 [40], as follows: tiple patterns that maintain high reflection and a consistent
𝐸𝑖𝑛 𝑍𝑆 − 𝑍 0 1/𝑌𝑝 − 𝑍 0 phase across 57 GHz to 65 GHz, adequately covering IEEE
Γ= = = (9) 802.11ad/ay channels. For precise phase control, we employ
𝐸𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑍𝑆 + 𝑍 0 1/𝑌𝑝 + 𝑍 0
18 patterns in our design. Figure 5d illustrates the perfor-
Note that 𝑌𝑝 is an imaginary number and 𝑍 0 is a real number. mance of six such patterns. We anticipate that our design
∥1/𝑌 −𝑍 ∥
Thus, we have ∥Γ∥ = ∥1/𝑌𝑝𝑝 +𝑍 00 ∥ = 1, which means almost all could be adapted to other frequency bands as well.
incoming signal power is reflected. The phase of Γ, i.e., phase Metasurface pattern array. To create the metasurface de-
shift between incoming and reflected signals, becomes: sign, we integrate a set of patterns that facilitate phase control.
1 The patterns are spaced 2.5 mm apart, approximately half
∠Γ = 2 arctan +𝜋 (10)
Im(𝑌𝑝 )𝑍 0 of the wavelength, to minimize undesired coupling between
By modifying the dimensions of the split-ring pattern, we ef- different patterns.. The optimization framework yields the op-
fectively adjust the pattern’s admittance 𝑌𝑝 , for example, from timized phase configuration for each element, which we then
-0.005j S to 0.035j S in our design. Upon substituting these match with the corresponding patterns to construct the meta-
values, we achieve a nearly 2𝜋 phase shift range, provided surface. The efficacy of our design is demonstrated through
that 𝑌𝑝 offers an adequate tuning range. beam steering tests, as shown in Figure 10.
Selecting patterns. We select a set of split-ring patterns with Enabling low-cost fabrication. Our ultra-thin single-layer
varying admittances 𝑌𝑝 to span the entire 2𝜋 phase range. design enables the hot stamping of metallic patterns onto
Through HFSS simulations, we adjusted three ring pattern affordable materials without compromising performance. Al-
parameters—radius (R), width (W), and gap (G), as shown though standard PCB production offers high precision (up
in Figure 5a—to obtain a broad admittance spectrum. Fig- to 0.03 mm), it becomes costly for large metasurfaces—for
ure 5c displays the admittance and corresponding phase shifts instance, a 0.5 × 0.5 𝑚 2 RF PCB may exceed $1000. Metasur-
for six exemplary patterns. By varying the ring radius from faces, however, operate differently as RF signals propagate
0.6 mm to 1.1 mm, widths between 0.3 mm and 0.5 mm, orthogonally through the thin substrate, not along PCB traces.
and gaps from 0.3 mm to 0.7 mm, we achieved admittance At just 0.5 mm thick, excluding the metal layer, our design
values ranging from -0.005j S to 0.035j S. Given our hot- permits the use of less expensive substrates such as paper
stamping fabrication precision of approximately 0.1 mm, we and PVC, which, despite higher loss tangents, dramatically
adjusted the dimensions in increments of 0.1 mm, resulting in reduce costs. To confirm feasibility, we conducted simula-
a maximum phase error of 30 deg. This error is within accept- tions considering material loss tangents, precise substrate
able limits for wavefront manipulation and is more precise thickness, and small fabrication-induced discrepancies. The
than many commercial devices; for example, phased arrays results, depicted in Figure 5d, reveal that our design’s power
in commercial routers typically have only 𝜋4 granularity [60]. loss is minimal, only 0.3 dB higher than that of a Rogers
Wideband performance. Selecting patterns with wideband PCB substrate. The detailed fabrication process is outlined in
performance is crucial. The metasurface must ensure a high re- section 4. While recent studies [21, 48] have also employed
flection coefficient and consistent phase control across mmWave hot stamping, their designs solely affect cross-polarization
channels, such as 58-70 GHz for 802.11ad networks. Since phase and suffer from over 7 dB power loss, rendering them
a uniform phase offset across all patterns does not alter the unsuitable for our goal of coverage enhancement.
AUTO MS: Automating Metasurface-aided mmWave Coverage ACM MobiCom ’24, September 30–October 4, 2024, Washington, DC, USA
ACM MobiCom ’24, September 30–October 4, 2024, Washington, DC, USA Ruichun Ma, Shicheng Zheng, Hao Pan, et al.
MS1 MS2 MS3 One AP Three APs One AP + Metasurfaces Gain vs. One AP
i) Layout and deployment locations ii) Optimized metasurface designs (phase maps) iii) Coverage performance and gain from metasurface
metal sheet suffices for functionality at a significantly lower protocol. For the receiver, we use a single antenna with an
cost, bringing the total metasurface cost to around $1. Our omni-directional pattern, which matches the default setting
ultra-low-cost design offers a viable option for enhancing of the router. The router driver reports the RSS values of the
mmWave coverage. best codeword to the Linux kernel, which we can access by
executing the command ‘iw dev $interface scan’
5 EVALUATION at the RX. This RSS value represents the received signal
strength at RX for the beacon from TX. We also set up a
5.1 Experiment Setup separate 2.4 GHz network for router control and remote data
We use simulation to study diverse environments and settings, collection.
and use testbed to evaluate coverage improvement in realistic Testbed experiments. We conduct experiments in three in-
scenarios. Additionally, we also evaluate AUTO MS’s ability door scenarios (Figure 14): (1) the AP is in an open office
to handle channel fluctuations and compare its performance area and AUTO MS extends the coverage to nearby conference
with alternatives like mirror reflectors and manual placement. rooms, (2) the AP is in a conference room and AUTO MS ex-
Simulation models. We obtain 3D models of various rooms tends the coverage to the hallway and neighboring room, (3)
from a public dataset [18] for AUTO MS analysis. Five models the AP is in the living room of an apartment and AUTO MS
are tested, with the initial two depicted in Figure 7, represent- extends the coverage to the bedroom and restroom. We use the
ing common mmWave coverage solutions: indoor APs and ploycam app [39] to obtain the 3D models of the experiment
outdoor base stations. In simulations, we use a 15 × 15 phased environment. Based on the 3D models, AUTO MS generates
array, with a fixed transmitter location and AUTO MS generat- the optimal metasurface phase map and deployment locations.
ing the metasurface design, placement, and AP’s codebook. We fabricate and deploy the metasurfaces according to our
Testbed setup. For our testbed experiments, we employ TP- optimization results. Since our commercial APs can only re-
Link Talon AD7200 commercial routers [54] equipped with port RSS above -70 dBm, we use -70 dBm as the baseline
QCA6335 BM [42] as mmWave endpoints (AP and client). value for RSS gain calculation when the client fails to report
By default, we designate the client as the receiver (RX), as RSS, i.e., blind spots.
metasurface coverage enhancement applies to both uplink
and downlink due to channel reciprocity. We flash a modi-
5.2 Micro benchmarks
fied image of OpenWrt [34, 50, 51] to control routers. For Channel modeling accuracy. We evaluate the simulator accu-
the transmitter, we replace the original antenna array with a racy based on the RSS error between real-world measurement
6 × 6 phased array [60] for better beam steering. By updat- and simulator output. In the real-world scenario III, we test
ing the codebook file loaded to the firmware, we change the with measurements from 133 locations. Initially, our simulator
code words used at AP [49, 55]. Each codeword alters the yields a median error of 4.10 dB using the reflection coeffi-
phase of signals from the phased array antennas to generate cients from the literature. After estimating these coefficients
a certain beam pattern. We use 30 codewords for each exper- via gradient descent based optimization (subsection 3.3), we
iment. The AP selects the best code according to 802.11ad achieve a reduced median error of 2.37 dB in the testing data
AUTO MS: Automating Metasurface-aided mmWave Coverage ACM MobiCom ’24, September 30–October 4, 2024, Washington, DC, USA
1 1 -30
Capacity improvement
0.8 -32
RSS (dB)
0.6 -34
0.4 -36
Scenario#1 Metal plate
0.2 Optimized
Optimized Scenario#2 -38 45deg Beam
Estimated Scenario#3 30~60deg Diffuser
0 0 -40
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 0 2 4 6 8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
RSSI Error (dB) Optimization time (h) Angle (degrees)
Figure 8: Channel simula- Figure 9: Capacity opti- Figure 10: Metasurface Figure 11: Impact of AP an-
tor accuracy mization convergence beam steering validation tenna array and surface sizes
(a) Optimized placement (b) Manual placement 1 (c) Manual placement 2 Coverage: -57.69 dBm -55.61 dBm -53.63 dBm -50.89 dBm
as shown in Figure 8. Our accuracy aligns with state-of-the-art Gain: 1.98 dB 4.06 dB 6.04 dB 8.78 dB
approach (e.g., Nerf2 [61]), which reports 2.6 dB error. Figure 13: Coverage and gain comparison between large
reflectors and metasurfaces, utilizing median room RSS
Optimization convergence time. Figure 9 shows the opti-
as a performance metric
mization results over time for three real-world scenarios. We
normalize the optimization objective metric, i.e., capacity, metasurface measuring 150 × 150 nearly maximizes perfor-
and observe that all three scenarios converge within 8 hours. mance, with marginal benefits from further size increases.
The scatter points show the results after each iteration of the Conversely, when the metasurface size is relatively large, the
hyper-configuration tuner, which runs the simulated annealing performance of coverage can be improved by increasing the
algorithm. Each iteration takes about 1 min to simulate the phased array size.
channel response matrices and compute Equation 1. The total
time increases with the number of annealing iterations, but Comparison to large mirror reflectors. We compare meta-
can potentially be reduced significantly through computation surfaces with large mirror reflectors for coverage performance
reuse across iterations. using simulation scenario I, accounting for a vertical offset
between the AP and the target area. The comparison results
Metasurface design validation. To validate our metasurface are shown in Figure 13, we find that metasurfaces provide
design, we conduct beam steering experiments. We use two superior coverage, with RSS gains 7 dB higher than mirror
metasurfaces: one that reflects the beam from the AP at 45 reflectors four times their size. Even large reflectors (2×2 m2 )
degrees and another that produces a wide reflection beam are unable to address all blind spots. In contrast to mirror
from 30 to 60 degrees. Figure 10 shows that the experimental reflectors which are limited to signal reflection at angles dic-
angles match the target angles well. We compare them with a tated by the law of reflection, metasurfaces offer the flexibility
metal plate that reflects the beam at 0 degrees. Since we mea- to tailor 3D beam directions.
sure the results in a conference room instead of an anechoic
Comparison to manual placement. To assess the impact of
chamber, we do not report the exact gain of the metasurface
metasurface placement on coverage and validate our system’s
beam steering. We only demonstrate the beam steering direc-
efficacy, we conduct experiments in simulation scenario II.
tions. Our results confirm that our metasurface design can
We select two distinct placement settings for each of the three
apply the desired phase shifts to the reflected signals.
metasurfaces based on expert knowledge. These placements
Impact of phased array and metasurface sizes. In simu- are then benchmarked against those optimized by our sys-
lation scenario I, we analyze coverage performance gains, tem, as depicted in Figure 12. The findings suggest that the
i.e., RSS gains, with three metasurfaces at optimal locations, choice of placement caps the metasurface’s potential gains.
varying the sizes of the phased array and the metasurfaces. With our system’s optimization of metasurface and AP phase
Assuming the optimal locations remain consistent across dif- configurations, we attain median gains of 6.7 dB and 8.9 dB
ferent setups, our results, presented in Figure 11, indicate that for manual placements 1 and 2, respectively, and 11.6 dB for
gains improve with the enlargement of both the AP phased the optimized placement, all with identical metasurface sizes,
array and metasurface sizes. With a smaller phased array, a highlighting our system’s advantage over manual methods.
ACM MobiCom ’24, September 30–October 4, 2024, Washington, DC, USA Ruichun Ma, Shicheng Zheng, Hao Pan, et al.
1. 3D model 2. Layout and deployment locations 3. Real-world scene and deployment One AP One AP + 1 Metasurface AP codeword#1 w/o Metasurface
8.5 4 5 6
m 1 2 3
One AP + Reflectors Gain from Metasurfaces w/ Metasurfaces
4. Phase distribution maps 5. Fabricated metasurface details AP codeword#2
i) 3D model, layout, and optimal metasurface design ii) Simulation results: coverage performance and gain iii) Measurement results
AP Receiver
10 Transmitter
i) 3D model, layout, and optimal metasurface design ii) Simulation results: coverage performance and gain iii) Measurement results
14.2 m
ii) Simulation results: coverage performance
3. Phase distribution maps 4. Fabricated metasurface details
One AP One AP + Metasurfaces
AUTO MS: Automating Metasurface-aided mmWave Coverage
CDF over RX locations ACM MobiCom ’24, September 30–October 4, 2024, Washington, DC, USA
1 1 1
RSS (dBm)
-50 -40
RSS (dB)
Baseline Baseline -60
AutoMS -70 AutoMS
-70 -70
0 20 40 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 15 30 45 60 75 90
Time (s) Position ID Door Opening Angle (degree)
Figure 18: RSS measurements over Figure 19: RSS stability at multiple lo- Figure 20: RSS values when the door
time when people walk around cations when people walk around opens at different angles
areas, and achieves gains exceeding 20 dB at previously blind higher and more consistent RSS levels over time than the
spots compared to the baseline without metasurfaces. baseline. In a static environment, these curves would appear
Multi-channel support. We collect RSS measurements on flat. Figure 19 confirms AUTO MS’s consistent performance
both channel 1 (57.24-59.40 GHz) and channel 2 (59.40- enhancement across multiple locations with minimal RSS
61.56 GHz) of the 802.11ad protocol in real-world scenario I. fluctuation, even with human movement.
Our surface design’s wideband phase control yields compara- Door Movements. We evaluate the performance of AUTO MS
ble RSS gains for both channels, with a median increase of in simulation scenario I, featuring 3 doors at varying angles.
9.5 dB and peaks up to 30 dB, as displayed in Figure 16. Simulations afford exact control over door angles, enabling
Throughput improvement. Next, we show the throughput extensive testing. Findings depicted in Figure 20 reveal that
improvement brought by AUTO MS. We run iperf3 TCP baseline RSS is affected by door positions, whereas AUTO MS
measurements for RX positions inside conference rooms from delivers stable and consistently superior RSS compared to the
scenario II. We notice that the commercial mmWave devices baseline.
fail to establish a network or TCP connection when RSS is
lower than -55 dBm. Our system benefits most to the sce- 6 CONCLUSION
narios where there are low or no throughput, and it can im- Optimizing mmWave deployment for comprehensive cover-
prove the RSS to provide a reliable TCP connection with high age is a significant hurdle for the broad implementation of 5G
throughput. As shown in Figure 17, AUTO MS improves me- networks. These challenges stem from the inherently complex
dian TCP throughput from 77.2 Mbps without metasurfaces nature of mmWave signal propagation as well as the special-
to 373 Mbps with metasurfaces. ized expertise required for effective network management.
This paper presents AUTO MS, an innovative framework that
5.4 Robustness to Dynamics automates optimal network deployment using ultra-low-cost
In this part, we evaluate the robustness of AUTO MSwhen passive metasurfaces to enhance mmWave coverage. AU -
facing environmental changes. TO MS significantly improves network performance, elimi-
nates coverage dead zones, provides high throughput, and
Human movements. In testbed scenario I, following opti-
adapts to diverse channel conditions in various settings. Thus,
mization outputs, we install the AP and metasurface over 2 m
AUTO MS emerges as a promising solution to accelerate the
high, above areas of human traffic, enabling signal reach to
deployment and adoption of mmWave networks.
the metasurface. The metasurface then redirects the beam
downward to cover RX locations. We perform 100 RSS mea-
surements at 6 hallway positions, as marked in Figure 14a, at ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
a rate of one per second amidst pedestrian traffic. Figure 18 We are grateful to anonymous reviewers for their constructive
illustrates the temporal RSS stability at location 1 with the comments. We also thank Dr. Yifei Shen for his enlightening
metasurface in place versus without. AUTO MS maintains discussions.
ACM MobiCom ’24, September 30–October 4, 2024, Washington, DC, USA Ruichun Ma, Shicheng Zheng, Hao Pan, et al.
AUTO MS: Automating Metasurface-aided mmWave Coverage ACM MobiCom ’24, September 30–October 4, 2024, Washington, DC, USA
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