SP Haemisch Final
SP Haemisch Final
SP Haemisch Final
Jan Haemisch(1) , Dmitry Suslov(2) , Günther Waxenegger-Wilfing(3) , Kai Dresia(4) , Michael Oschwald(5)
Institute of Space Propulsion, DLR Lampoldshausen, Langer Grund, D-74239 Hardthausen,
Jan.Haemisch@dlr.de, Dmitry.Suslov@dlr.de, Guenther.Waxenegger@dlr.de, Kai.Dresia@dlr.de,
parameter unit value These goals are not independent since a higher
enthalpy increase would increase the turbopump
Tout [K] > 400 performance and enlarge the allowed pressure
Tw [K] < 900 drop. The other way around, a lower pressure drop
∆pchannel [bar] < 25 could potentially allow a lower enthalpy increase.
Since the turbopump is not part of the calculation,
the goals are set to be fixed. In future versions of
Table 1: Goals for the cooling system design. the calculation, the feedback of the turbomachinery
might be added.
parameter unit value Due to manufacturing and structural reasons the
cooling channel width [mm] ≥1 width of the cooling channel is at least 1 mm and
width between cooling channels [mm] ≥1 the distance between the cooling channels has to
distance to hot gas side [mm] 1 be at least 1 mm. The number of cooling channels
number of cooling channels [−] ≤ 86 is a consequence of these constraints in the noz-
zle throat. For the hot gas side wall temperature,
the optimum is a constant temperature slightly be-
Table 2: Constraints due to manufacturing and low the temperature limit.
structural reasons.
2.2 optimization parameters
(CFD) is a commonly used tool for the calculation of To reach the goals with the given boundary condi-
heat transfer in cooling channels [26, 22, 15]. How- tions the geometry of the cooling channel can be
ever most of the validation data is for hydrogen as varied. That includes the width and height along
cooling fluid. Data for methane as coolant is rare the cooling channel length, a varying length of the
[12, 14, 27, 20]. In addition to that, the physical cylindrical part of the combustion chamber and the
properties rapidly change in the vicinity of the crit- number of cooling channels. The nozzle geometry
ical point. These two points lead to significant de- remains fixed. Despite the geometry, the coolant
viations of the CFD simulations, especially close to mass flow can be used as another parameter. The
the critical point [15]. This has to be kept in mind LUMEN system architecture allows to vary the mass
when discussing sufficient margin for the analysis. flow for the cooling channels within a certain range.
The paper is divided into three parts: In the first The roughness is assumed to be constant.
part a method is described and used to find the opti- Due to simplification and manufacturing reasons,
mal cooling channel geometry for an expander type the cooling channel geometry can be changed at 5
engine. In the second part, a neural network model characteristic positions along the combustion cham-
is presented and used to validate the found solu- ber length. In between the values are interpolated
tion for different load points. The third part gives an linearly. Fig. 1 shows the positions depending on
overview of the manufacturing process of the sub- the assumed heat flux profile. The characteristic
scale combustion chamber. positions are the begin and end of the decreasing
heat flux in the cylindrical part, the nozzle and the
beginning and end of the combustion chamber. Ad-
ditionally the length of the cylindrical part (between
h2 and h3) can be varied.
Based on the boundary conditions and constrains,
that are defined by a system analysis for the whole 2.3 Boundary conditions
LUMEN engine, CFD simulations with varying ge-
ometry were performed to optimize the cooling The main boundary conditions for the cooling chan-
channel geometry. An optimization algorithm is nel design are the assumed heat flux profile, the
used to change the height, width and length of the maximal mass flow and the assumed roughness in
cooling channels to find the solution that addresses the channels.
all three goals: sufficient cooling, low pressure drop, The LUMEN engine is designed to work for load
large increase of coolant temperature. points between a combustion chamber pressure be-
tween Pcc = 35 bar and Pcc = 80 bar and the mixture
ratio (ROF) between 3 and 3.8.
2.1 goals for the design
The geometry optimization will be performed for
The optimal design features a wall temperature the nominal point, that is: Pcc = 60 bar and
below the allowed limit of 900K, an enthalpy in- ROF = 3.4. The boundary conditions for the CFD
crease of the coolant to get an outlet temperature of simulation for this load point can be found in Tab. 3.
Tout > 400 K, and the lowest pressure drop possible When a solution for this load point is found, the per-
(at least dP < 25 bar). The goals are summarized in formance for the other load points will be verified.
Tab. 1. The constraints due to manufacturing rea- The heat flux profile is the result of a ROCFLAM III
sons are summarized in Tab. 2. simulation [19, 21].
h5 4
m CH parameter unit value
h1 h2 h3 L [mm] 247.2
60 h1 [mm] 8.2
h2 [mm] 4.0
heat flux [MW/m²]
h3 [mm] 4.0
40 h4 [mm] 1.8
30 h5 [mm] 4.1
nchannel [−] 86
ṁCH4 [−] 2.35
-350 -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 Table 4: Geometry parameter for the final design.
89 mm 60 mm 119 mm
length [mm]
2.4 The numerical setup
Figure 1: Positions at which the cooling channel ge- RANS simulations were performed with the com-
ometry is optimized. mercial software ANSYS CFX [2]. The SST turbu-
lence model was used. The used mesh is adapted
parameter unit value to each iteration step so that the cell width and
2 heights remain constant to get comparable results.
q̇w [M W/m ] Fig. 2
The the y+-value is <1. More details for the numeri-
Tein [K] 120
cal setup can also be found in [15].
Pout [bar] 68.4
ks [m] 5e-6
ṁCH4 [kg/s] < 2.8 2.4.1 optimization procedure
As optimization scheme the Multi-Objective Generic
Algorithm (MOGA) algorithm is used [9]. The width
Table 3: Boundary conditions for the CFD simula- and heights are changed after each step and a CFD
tions. calculation was performed.
parameter unit value 1000
q design
q +10%
Tout [K] 408.6 q - 10%
Temperature [K]
Twh2 [K] 874.1
Twh4 [K] 879.1
∆pchannel [bar] 23.7
Temperature [K]
Temperatur [K]
Druck [bar]
600 600
75 400
300 70
-350 -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 -300 -200 -100 0 100
247.2 mm 60 mm 119 mm length [mm]
length [mm] (b) massflow
these simulations. It can be seen that the highest 4.1 Comparison NN with CFD
deviations occur close to the nozzle throat. For the
After training, the NN can predict the maximum wall
design point, two peaks in the hot gas side wall tem-
temperature for previously unseen test cases, in-
perature occur. For deviations in heat flux (q̇w +10%)
cluding different channel geometries and operation
or mass flow (ṁ − 10%) the peak close to the nozzle
conditions. For the subsequent results, the model
throat is significant higher. On the other hand the
was extended for different channel curvatures and
peak at −250 mm is higher for the deviations with
rib thicknesses. Figure 6 shows an exemplary archi-
changing signs (q̇w − 10 % ; ṁ + 10 %). The opti-
tecture with two hidden layers, four neurons per hid-
mum is only valid for the design point. Deviations in
den layer, and all input parameters. The NN is com-
roughness (ks ± 20 %) only play a minor role.
bined with further reduced-order models that cal-
culate the stream-wise development of the coolant
pressure and enthalpy. Thus, predictions with a pre-
cision similar to full CFD calculations are possible.
The prediction of an entire channel segment takes
only 0.6 s, which is at least 1000 times faster than
comparable three-dimensional CFD simulations.
4.2 Results for 30 and 85 bar
The NN-based surrogate model is now used to study
maximum wall temperature [K]
3.4 kg/s
1100 3.6 kg/s
3.8 kg/s
1000 4.0 kg/s
90 100 110 120 130
outlet pressure [bar]
5.1 Timeframe
From the beginning of the manufacturing (freezing
CAD model and drawings) until the delivery of the
final combustion chamber it took nearly 18 months.
(b) Picture of the manufacturing process. Detail of the nozzle
throat with measurement holes ( = 0.25 mm) after step 2.
It took some effort to mill the cooling channels to
the high accuracy that is necessary to gain reliable
results in the test campaigns. However the by far
longest time took the electro deposit of the copper
jacket (>12 months). Due to the technical specifics It
is not possible to accelerate this manufacturing step.
Alternatives that have to be analyzed to solve
this problem are for example the manufacturing with
SLM techniques.
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