Miniature-Scale Liquid-Fuel-Film Combustor

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Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Volume 29, 2002/pp.




Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697-3975, USA

A new concept is explained for the miniaturization of cylindrical direct-injection liquid-fueled combus-
tors wherein the fuel is flowed in a wall film that reduces heat losses, optimizes vaporization rate, and
inhibits quenching. A simple analysis indicates that if a combustor of this type were part of a miniature
engine, power levels from 10 W to 10 kW would be achievable with combustor volumes varying from a
few hundred cubic millimeters to a few cubic centimeters and fuel flow rates varying from about 1 mg/s
to 1 g/s. The combustor takes advantage of the fact that a surface area advantage of film combustion over
spray combustion occurs for small volumes as the surface-to-volume ratio of the combustor increases. In
addition, the wall film of fuel prevents heat losses while cooling the combustor surfaces. Photographs of a
laboratory demonstration of the miniature film combustor concept with methanol and heptane fuel and a
mechanically swirled airflow are presented. The methanol flame required some methane gaseous fuel for
stability, but the heptane fuel burned successfully alone. The experiments demonstrated externally and
internally anchored flame modes and a transition between them. The stability of internal burning was
affected by internal fluid dynamics and film dryout.

Introduction potential to provide simultaneously high power den-

sity and high energy density, it is natural to explore
The energy density of burning hydrocarbon fuels this method of power generation. The micro gas tur-
is difficult to surpass when an oxidizer stream is plen- bine (combustor volume 0.04 cc) [1], the mini
tiful, as with combustion in ambient air. Assuming (0.078 cc displacement) and micro (0.0017 cc dis-
no energy cost for the oxidizer, for example, typical placement) rotary engine [2], the microrocket (0.1 cc
fuels can provide 45 MJ/kg, while a modern re- combustion chamber) [3], and the micro Swiss-roll
chargeable battery can manage a mere 0.5 MJ/kg. burner [4] are examples of such exploration. These
Even fuel cells, while highly touted for their effi- devices are not yet performing at efficiencies that
ciency and simplicity, produce power densities com- make them competitive with the best available bat-
parable to batteries (0.7 MJ/kg). Perhaps more teries, but they have demonstrated the plausibility
importantly, the energy per unit volume of electro- of internal combustion as a personal power source.
chemical devices is quite low because they rely on A major challenge for all miniature combustion con-
surface reactions, while combustion is a volumetric cepts is the increasing surface-to-volume ratio (S/V)
energy release process. Consequently, if the ultimate with decreasing size (since this ratio scales as the
goal of a power device is propulsive or heating, direct inverse of the combustor length scale). Since wall
combustion will have clear advantages. If electrical temperatures are generally kept fairly low due to ma-
power is desired, the combustor dimensions are of- terial considerations, a high S/V usually produces
ten a small fraction of the volume occupied by the flame quenching, particularly for premixed flames,
conversion hardware, but when high power density leading researchers to quench-resistant fuels (e.g.,
is needed, combustion technology will continue to hydrogen), high-preheat concepts (as with the Swiss-
be a preferred option. roll burner), or catalytic surfaces [5].
The growing market of ideas that require personal Our alternative for high S/V combustors is to de-
power ranges from electronic and telecommunica- liver the liquid fuel as a film on the combustor sur-
tion equipment (e.g., cellular telephones and laptop faces [6,7]. This delivery simultaneously cools the
computers) to small, mobile reconnaissance robots combustor walls and exposes the fuel for vaporiza-
that can safely explore potentially hazardous envi- tion. Current technology for larger systems does not
ronments. Many of these lightweight devices de- rely on liquid fuel filming on the combustor walls
mand tens of watts of power for durations on the (although some fuel is intentionally vaporized from
order of tens of hours, thereby driving the power- intake manifolds in internal combustion engines as
source considerations toward those with highest en- part of the charge preparation). Instead, to keep the
ergy density. Because internal combustion has the ratio of liquid surface area to liquid volume large


air flows axially through the combustor tube and past

the vaporizing wall film. A cylindrical combustor is
used for this laboratory demonstration and evalua-
tion, but the film combustion concept can extend to
other high S/V configurations.

The basic scaling of the miniature combustor is
based on standard engineering analysis of conser-
vation of mass, momentum, and energy. We consider
Fig. 1. Schematic of the fuel-film miniature combustion
cylindrical combustors with diameters in the range
of a few millimeters to 1 cm, using kerosene and
alcohol fuels, with airflow velocities up to 10 m/s
(and thereby air volume flow rates up to 1000 cc/s)
enough to sustain high fuel vaporization rates, the at combustor pressures up to 10 atm. With filming
fuel is injected as a spray. The intention is to vaporize liquid flow rates maintained in stoichiometric pro-
the liquid as a spray before very much liquid deposits portion, calculations indicate that the vaporization
on the walls or solid surfaces of the combustor. If rate and the gaseous mixing rate can be high enough
the fuel were filmed in these larger engines, the sur- to sustain the combustion and that a combustor no
face area of the liquid would not be large enough to longer than a few centimeters can provide sufficient
sustain the needed vaporization rate. However, be- residence time to fully burn the fuel. Although the
cause the S/V of any wall film will grow as the vol- film thickness is on the order of tens of microns, the
ume of the combustors decreases, the liquid film can Reynolds number is larger than unity, indicating that
offer as high a liquid surface area for vaporization as viscous forces do not prevent the movement of liq-
a vaporizing spray in the subcentimeter-size range uid along the solid surface. The ratio of air mass flow
under discussion here. Furthermore, the liquid film rate to the fuel mass flow rate at stoichiometric pro-
offers protection from heat losses and quenching portion is O(10) for typical liquid hydrocarbon fuels.
that the vaporizing spray does not. With the liquid For example, the ratio is 14.7 for CnH2n, 15.1 for
film on the solid surface, the wall temperature will heptane, and 6.4 for methyl alcohol. A tube of in-
not exceed the boiling point of the liquid. ternal diameter d between 5 and 10 mm and an axial
air velocity ug of 1–10 m/s will produce an air vol-
umetric flow rate Vg of 0.025 to 1.0 L/s. The density
ratio of liquid fuel to air varies from O(103) at at-
When burning liquid fuels in miniature combus- mospheric pressure to O(102) at 10 atm so, with stoi-
tors, the logical choice is to inject all or a portion of chiometric proportions, the volumetric flow rate ra-
the fuel directly as a film on the solid surfaces where tio (air to liquid) is between O(103) and O(104). The
high heat transfer from the combustion products oc- liquid volume flow rate Vl then has a value between
curs. In cases where not enough liquid fuel is avail- O(10ⳮ3) and O(1) cc/s. With a liquid density ql of
able to cover all critical surfaces with a fuel film, O(1 g/cc), this implies a flow from 1 mg of fuel per
inert liquids (e.g., water) can be used to augment second (for d ⳱ 5 mm, ug ⳱ 1 m/s, p ⳱ 1 atm) to
cooling by the liquid fuel. The liquid (fuel or inert) about 1 g/s (for d ⳱ 10 mm, ug ⳱ 10 m/s, p ⳱
can be sprayed onto a chosen surface, or it can be 10 atm). The power range for these fuel flow rates
injected through an orifice, multiple orifices, or po- can be significant; chemical energy release rates with
rous materials. The liquid can then be spread over typical hydrocarbon fuels will vary between 50 W
the surface on account of its own momentum and and 50 kW. Even with a poor overall engine effi-
surface tension, the friction forces on it caused by ciency of 20%–30%, the power produced would be
the neighboring flowing gases, and/or the designed between 10 W and 10 kW for the range of param-
use of certain force fields (e.g., electric field on eters considered here.
charged liquid or gravity). In order to enhance the The liquid axial and swirl velocity components are
likelihood of combustion in a confined chamber at determined primarily by the action of viscous shear
high flow rates, fuel-film technology can be com- from the gas flow, but we expect the liquid velocity
bined with other well-known strategies (e.g., the use ul on average through the film to be several times
of swirl generators and vortex generators) to en- smaller than the gas velocity. This assertion is based
hance vaporization and mixing rates. Fig. 1 is an il- on a modified Poiseuille flow analysis for a devel-
lustration of the fuel-film combustor concept. Liquid oped velocity profile in an axisymmetric chamber
fuel enters tangentially along the walls of a cylindri- and accounts for a wall film that has zero velocity at
cal chamber that serves as the combustor. Swirling the wall and matches the gas velocity and shear at

the interface. Assuming then that the reduction fac- Hence, the film will have more surface area per vol-
tor is O(10ⳮ1), the thickness t of the liquid film can ume of liquid than the spray if the combustor di-
be determined from a continuity equation that yields ameter is sufficiently small or the pressure is suffi-
t ⳱ Vl/(pdul), if all of the liquid enters the chamber ciently low. In particular, a linear relation of d versus
at the upstream end. (If the liquid enters at N po- R whose slope decreases as pressure increases gives
sitions along the axial coordinate, the value calcu- the boundary where the two ratios are equal. The
lated above should be divided by N to estimate the film combustor can be designed, therefore, to have
film thickness.) For stoichiometric proportions, a liquid film surface area larger than would occur in
therefore, the film thickness t varies from 1 to 25 lm a typical spray. At atmospheric pressure, in fact, a
over the parameter range. Also, for stoichiometric 10 mm diameter combustor will have a film surface
burning, Vl will vary as the chamber volume (i.e., area greater than would occur for a droplet spray
d2). Hence, film thickness will increase (decrease) with 10 lm Sauter mean radius.
for richer (leaner) mixtures, larger (smaller) diame- The S/V arguments above do not address the
ter, and higher (lower) pressures. length of combustor required, since this feature is
The Reynolds number Red for the airflow based dictated by residence times, the rate at which fuel
on ug and d can vary between O(102) and O(105) for evaporates, and the rate at which this vapor mixes
our range of parameters. Of these 3 orders of mag- with air. Emmons as described by Williams [8] con-
nitude variation in Red, 2 come from a configuration sidered vaporization from a liquid fuel surface into
change and 1 depends on the temperature that we air flowing past it, followed by laminar mixing and
use to evaluate viscosity and density. This range ex- reaction, and found that the film mass vaporization
tends from laminar to turbulent flow. The Reynolds rate per unit area will be of order (2/ReL)1/2qgug,
number Rel for the liquid flow based upon its veloc- where the Reynolds number ReL is based on the
ity and film thickness varies from O(10ⳮ1) to O(102). downstream length L of the liquid surface, the ve-
In addition, the gas-phase laminar sublayer thickness locity, and the high-temperature properties outside
(in the turbulent case) is greater than the estimated the boundary layer. Based on the relation above, the
film thickness. The liquid film will, therefore, always total mass vaporization rate from the liquid surface
be in the laminar range, although not necessarily a is approximately pdL(2/ReL)1/2qgug. This value di-
Stokes flow. vided by the mass flow rate of air must be O(10ⳮ1)
to maintain near-stoichiometric proportion. This re-
The global vaporization rate depends on the total
lation then yields the ratio of combustor length to
liquid surface area in the combustor and the local
diameter as L/d ⬃ 10ⳮ3Red, where Red is based on
vaporization rate per unit area. For a spray, the ratio
the high-temperature properties outside of the
of total liquid surface area to total liquid volume is
boundary layer and, for our range of parameters, is
the S/V for the average droplet, which must be max-
between O(102) and O(104). So, for example, the
imized to increase the vaporization rate per unit vol- value of L will exceed the order of magnitude of the
ume of gas. diameter d only if both the pressure and the air ve-
locity are at the high end of our range. This estimate
(S/V)drop ⳱ 4pR2/(4pR3/3) ⳱ 3/R (1)
is based upon a laminar flow analysis for the heating
where R is the radius of an average droplet. This and vaporization of the liquid. With the turbulent
average is in the Sauter mean sense, a value which flow that occurs at the upper end of the Red range
characterizes the S/V of droplets. In typical fuel (and with some swirl), we expect faster transport,
sprays, an average droplet size will be in the range higher vaporization rates, and shorter L. In any case,
of 10–100 lm. For a thin cylindrical wall film of axial liquid film lengths not too much larger than the com-
length L, the exposed S/V is approximately bustor diameter appear to be sufficient for vapori-
(S/V)film ⳱ pdL/(pdLt) ⳱ 1/t (2) The required gas residence time also affects the
needed chamber length. At a mean gas flow velocity
From the continuity relations for gas and liquid, the of 10 m/s (the maximum that we are considering), a
stoichiometric proportion for the mass flows, and the few milliseconds of residence time requires a length
above results for S/V, it follows that of a few centimeters. Fortunately, the time for trans-
verse diffusion across the gas boundary layer adja-
(S/V)film/(S/V)drop ⬃ (40/3)(qlul/qgug)R/d (3) cent to the film equals the residence time measured
from the point where the layer development begins.
Since we assume that the liquid velocity is approxi- Hence, mixing of the fuel vapor and air in a diffusion
mately 1/10 that of the air on average, the ratio be- layer should be achievable within the residence time.
comes Mixing rates can, of course, be enhanced by swirl or
vortex generation. Swirl also helps maintain the liq-
(S/V)film/(S/V)drop ⬃ (4/3)(ql/qg)R/d uid on the wall. Even with weak swirl, for example,
⬀ (4/3p[atm])R[lm]/d[mm] (4) the radial acceleration (2v2/d) is almost equal to the

limiting wall heat losses that can cause a reduction

in efficiency and a potential for flame quenching.
With a spray flame, heat transferred from the gas to
the walls is lost. With the wall film combustion,
nearly all of the heat directed to the liquid film re-
turns to the gas phase upon vaporization. The wall
temperature does not exceed the liquid boiling
point. Additional discussion of these analyses can be
found in Refs. [6] and [7].

Figure 2 is a schematic of the prototype apparatus
used to examine the miniature film combustor con-
Fig. 2. Experimental apparatus for demonstrating the cept. The first prototype Pyrex-glass combustor gives
film combustion concept. visual access. Soap-bubble calibrated flow rotame-
ters monitor the gaseous flow rates, and a syringe
pump controls the liquid fuel flow. Eight 1 mm di-
ameter inlet tubes were attached (offset from the
centerline) to provide approximately uniform filming
over the interior of the 1 cm diameter and 4 cm long
combustor tube. Unfortunately, small pressure dif-
ferences between the tubes made individual control
of the liquid flow rate through each tube difficult so,
instead, we use the bottom inlets as the primary liq-
uid-feed locations and let the swirling airflow dis-
tribute the film along the interior surfaces. The
swirler at the base of the tube is a simple sheet-metal
butterfly. Visualization of fluid tracks along the com-
bustor indicated approximately one rotation of the
fluid over one half of the axial length of the chamber.
Assuming that both axial velocity and tangential ve-
locity components have the same ratio for the liquid
and gas, we estimate a swirl number of nearly 2
(2pd/L) at the conditions of the combustion tests.
Methane Gas Fuel Only
The first experiments employed premixed gaseous
fuel and air only (no liquid), and the resulting be-
havior is shown in Fig. 3a. The V-shaped methane
flame sits above the tube exit, with the tip of the V
slightly below the end of the combustor tube. This
flame is not attached to the rim of the tube and ap-
pears to be swirl stabilized in much the same way as
occurs in the low-swirl burners described by Yegian
and Cheng [9]. That is, as the confined swirling flow
exits the tube, the flame finds a balance between the
decelerating expanding flow (from the centrifugal
Fig. 3. (a) Glass combustor (1 cm diameter) with meth- motion) and the flame speed. It has been shown that
ane gas fuel only; (b) glass combustor burning a combina- this stabilization mechanism is extremely robust and
tion of liquid methanol fuel in a methane/air mixture. can allow very lean combustion (which we confirmed
in these tests). In our case, however, the goal is a
confined flame, not an external one, and so we at-
earth’s gravitational acceleration at sea level if the tempted to coax the methane/air flame into the com-
tangential velocity v ⳱ 20 cm/s and d ⳱ 1 cm. bustor, hoping to stabilize it in the presumed recir-
Chemical reaction times, once ignition occurs and a culation region above the swirler. Under no flow
flame is established, should be less than 1 ms. conditions for this particular chamber, however,
The above discussion shows that film vaporization were we able to accomplish this. The gaseous fuel/
rates in miniature combustors can exceed spray va- air flame would not burn internally. We also at-
porization rates. Furthermore, film vaporization and tempted to ignite the gas flame at the base of the
combustion gains over spray combustion in terms of tube using a spark from an induction coil across two

any remaining film, and it then jumped up to the top

of the tube to burn in the low-swirl stabilized state.
As mentioned earlier, our control of the liquid film
uniformity was less than desirable, and consequently
we could operate the combustor only for limited
time in the confined flame state. Furthermore, it was
difficult to control the liquid flow rate with rapid
response times (particularly since as the temperature
changed, some boiling was observed in the inlet pas-
sages). Therefore, our ability to adjust the stoichi-
ometry and film thickness was limited. Nevertheless,
we were able to back off of the gaseous fuel flow rate
until the flame was no longer sustained, thereby
finding a minimum condition for the system. For the
glass combustor, this condition was 8.5 L/min air-
flow, 25 cc/hr methanol, and 0.25 L/min methane,
which corresponds to approximately 51% methanol
in the fuel on a molar basis. This equates to a mean
axial gas velocity of 1.80 m/s and, based on the prop-
erties at the initial room temperature, Red ⳱ 1200.
While complete premixing may not have been at-
tained, the overall equivalence ratio for the system
was 0.5, which is quite lean. With the methanol fuel,
we were unable to achieve a purely liquid-fed flame,
presumably because we could not initiate the fueling
with sufficient precision.
To avoid some of the difficulties with the glass
Fig. 4. Metal combustor with spiral swirler with (a) combustor, we developed a steel device of equiva-
methane gas fuel only; (b) burning methanol/methane fuel
lent size. The metal gives more uniform wall heating
mix. The image is contrast enhanced to show flame.
conditions, and it can better withstand the mechan-
ical stresses associated with non-uniform heat loads.
electrodes in the lowermost liquid inlet tubes. While The experiments with this combustor using metha-
we could ignite the mixture, the flame immediately nol and methane showed the same behaviors we
moved downstream through the tube to the exit noted with the glass system. Fig. 4a shows the metal
where it stabilized, as shown in the photograph. combustor with a lean methane/air flame (equiva-
Over the entire equivalence ratio range tested (0.6– lence ratio near 0.7) burning externally. Fig. 4b
2.0) and for several airflow rates (6–18 L/min), the shows a methanol/methane/air flame (21.2 cc/h
gaseous fuel flame would burn only outside the end methanol, 0.2 L/min methane, 8.0 L/min air) burn-
of the combustor tube. We conclude, therefore, that ing internally. The latter photograph has significantly
an internal gas-only flame cannot be sustained inside higher contrast to make the remnants of the internal
the 1 cm combustor without improved internal re- flame visible.

Heptane Liquid Fuel

Methane Gas Plus Methanol Liquid Fuel
Because it was difficult to ignite the liquid-fueled Heptane liquid has a much lower heat of vapori-
flame from a cold start, we chose instead to operate zation as compared to methanol (heptane ⳱ 318 kJ/kg,
the system using both gas and liquid fuels simulta- methanol ⳱ 1100 kJ/kg), making it a more attractive
neously. The procedure was to feed a bit of liquid fuel for the miniature film combustor demonstra-
fuel into the base of the combustor, flow the fuel/air tions. Fig. 5 shows a pure heptane/air flame burning
mixture, and ignite the flame at the exit of the tube. in the miniature combustor. The liquid-heptane-fu-
We would then decrease the gas fuel flow rate until eled metal combustor exhibits a wide range of flame
at a critical condition, the flame jumped into the character depending on the airflow rate through the
tube, where it burned in a confined state, as shown system. Fig. 5 shows this range as the airflow in-
in Fig. 3b. It is important to reiterate that we could creases from 4.5 to 8 L/min while holding the liquid
burn inside the tube only when liquid fuel was pro- fuel flow rate constant at 63.7 cc/h (assuming com-
vided. In fact, if we shut off the liquid flow, the flame plete mixing, this represents an equivalence ratio
continued to burn inside the tube until it exhausted range from 1.6 to 0.9, respectively). Fig. 5a shows

Fig. 5. Heptane burning in the liquid film combustor at different airflow rates with a fixed liquid-fuel flow rate
(63.4 cc/h). Image (g) corresponds to the stoichiometric fuel/air condition.

the lowest airflow case and the large external diffu- for these three flames were attributed to variations
sion flame that results. As the airflow rate increases in flame dynamics, mixing, and heat loss, indicating
(Fig. 5b), the swirl contribution grows and some in- that swirl plays an important role in flame stabiliza-
ternal fuel air mixing occurs. With further airflow tion. In the near future, laboratory studies and dem-
increase (Fig. 5c and 5d), the system behaves like a onstrations will examine a wider range of airflow
prevaporizing-premixing combustor, producing a rates, fuels, and chamber diameters (in particular,
flame reminiscent of the low-swirl stabilized pre- smaller values). Additional swirl and mixing strate-
mixed methane/air flame of Fig. 3. In Fig. 5e the gies will be explored, along with igniters inside the
flame begins to burn internally, but streaks of yellow chamber near the swirl vanes. Finally, in order to
indicate that some of the fuel is not mixing com- fully realize a miniature fuel-film combustor, math-
pletely into the airstream. Finally, in Fig. 5g (very ematical analysis will continue with the aim of pro-
close to the stoichiometric condition), the internal ducing further insights and quantitative guidance
flame appears uniformly mixed. Further air increase (e.g., a more detailed theoretical analysis appears in
beyond this condition blows the flame out. Ther- Ref. [7]).
mocouple measurements of the wall temperature
under the internal combustion conditions range be- Nomenclature
tween 370 K at the fuel inlet tubes to 390 K at the d combustor diameter
chamber outlet, indicating evaporative cooling by L axial length of liquid film
the fuel film (boiling point of heptane ⳱ 371.5 K). R droplet radius
Because the swirl conditions in the tube are far from Red gas-phase Reynolds number based on
ideal (i.e., there is not independent control of axial diameter
and tangential velocities), these images represent ReL gas-phase Reynolds number based on film
only qualitative behaviors, but clearly demonstrate length
that pure-gas, liquid/gas, and pure-liquid-fuel flames Rel liquid-phase Reynolds number based on
behave differently. These differences in flame be- film thickness
havior are due to a combination of effects including Sdrop droplet surface area
fluid dynamic structure, local mixture ratio, and heat Sfilm film surface area
loss. Of these, fluid dynamics and fuel/air mixing ap- t film thickness
pear to be the most important factors, establishing a ug mean gas axial velocity
firm relationship between swirl and flame stability. ul mean liquid axial velocity
Vdrop droplet volume
Concluding Remarks Vfilm film volume
Vg gas volumetric flow rate
The new fuel-film concept analyzed and demon- Vl liquid volumetric flow rate
strated in this paper shows that for miniaturizing di- v tangential (swirl) velocity component
rect-injection liquid-fueled combustors, liquid-fuel p pressure
films can result in heat loss reduction, inhibition of qg gas density
quenching, and optimization of vaporizing surface ql liquid density
area. Experimentally, it was shown that an internal
flame could not be maintained for the pure-gas-fuel Acknowledgments
flame with weak swirl, but was sustainable for liquid/ The authors appreciate the efforts of Dr. Ben Strayer for
gas and pure-liquid flames. Differences in behavior his assistance in the early experimental feasibility studies

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