Worksheet For 10th Distinguishing Test

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TEST 1. Sodium carbonate Sodium sulphite

1.Add dil. HCl or dil H2SO4 Colourless , odourless gas turns lime Colourless gas with smell of burning
water milky , and no effect on sulphur , turns potassium
potassium dichromate paper. dichromate orange to green.

2. Ferrous nitrate Lead Nitrate

2. Add few drops of NaOH Dirty green ppt of ferrous hydroxide Chalky white ppt of lead hydroxide

3. Manganese dioxide Copper (II) oxide

3. Heat with conc. HCl Greenish yellow gas with irritating No reaction, solution is bluish
smell and acidic nature . solution is
brownish .

4. Sodium chloride Sodium nitrate

4. Add few drops of silver nitrate Sodium chloride gives curdy white Sodium nitrate solution shows no
(AgNO3 ) ppt .of AgCl . soluble in excess of change .
ammonium hydroxide solution .

5. Hydrogen sulphide gas [H2S] Hydrogen Chloride gas [HCl]

5. Test both with Lead acetate Turns lead acetate paper black No change in the colour of the
paper . paper .

6. Ethene gas Ethane gas

6. Add 1 -2 ml of bromine solution Decolourises the reddish brown Does not effect the colour of
to the gases colour of bromine bromine.

7. Calcium nitrate Zinc nitrate

7. Add few drops of NaOH White ppt sparingly soluble in NaOH White gelatinous ppt is formed

8. Carbon dioxide Sulphur dioxide

8. Add potassium permanganate No smell and no colour change Pungent / irritating smell and colour
solution changes from pink to colourless

9. calcium sulphite Calcium carbonate

9. Add dil. HCl Sulphur dioxide gas is released Carbon dioxide gas is released
Turns potassium dichromate No change in the colour
solution green

10.Calcium nitrate Potassium nitrate

10. Heating the salts [ flame test ] Brick red colour imparted in the Lilac colour imparted to the flame
flame due to calcium ion. due to potassium ion.

11. lead nitrate Zinc nitrate

11. Add ammonium hydroxide No reaction Soluble and complex salt solution
solution [NH4OH ] of tetra amine zinc hydroxide is
formed .

12. Zinc sulphate Zinc chloride

12. Add barium chloride solution to Gives white ppt of barium sulphate Does not give any characteristic
both . insoluble in dil. HCl colour .
13. calcium chloride Calcium nitrate
13.Add silver nitrate solution to Gives white curdy ppt of silver No change is observed
both . chloride , soluble in excess of
ammonium hydroxide


Salt Product Gas evolved Colour/ solubility ANIONS
1. Sodium carbonate + Barium carbonate Carbon dioxide White ppt soluble CO3 2-
barium chloride / [CO2] in dil HCl / dil.
barium nitrate HNO3

2. Sodium sulphite + Barium sulphite Sulphur dioxide White ppt soluble SO3 2-
barium chloride / [SO2] in dil HCl / dil.
barium nitrate HNO3

3. . Sodium sulphide + Barium sulphide Hydrogen sulphide White ppt soluble S 2-

barium chloride / [H2S] in dil HCl / dil.
barium nitrate HNO3

4. sodium sulphate + Barium sulphate Sulphur dioxide White ppt insoluble SO4 2-
barium chloride / in dil HCl / dil HNO3
barium nitrate
5. sodium chloride + Silver chloride Hydrogen chloride white ppt of AgCl Cl 1-
silver nitrate [HCl] soluble in NH4OH
but insoluble in Dil.
6. Sodium nitrate Silver nitrate Nitrogen dioxide Brown ring formed NO3 1-
[NO2] with FeSO4+ H2SO4

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