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ALTAIR 2X Data Sheet - EN

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altair® 2X Gas Detectors

i t ’ S W H at ’ S i n S i d E t H at R E A L LY cO u n t S
+ =
XCell® Pulse Technology
With our patented* Xcell pulse technology, we have created a simple and inexpensive approach to bump testing.
Years of scientific research, patented sensor interrogation technology and proprietary sensor response
methodologies have delivered the world’s first gas detector with a stand-alone bump test. Simply put; the use of
calibration accessories or bottled calibration gas is not required for bump testing the altair 2Xp gas detector.
How does it work? When the detector is turned on, it automatically begins an electronic pulse check that activates
the sensor catalyst and electrolyte interaction and makes minor corrections against prior calibration values. next the
user completes a flow check by exhaling toward the sensor inlet. an oxygen detector embedded in the sensor, that is
only active during the pulse and flow check, detects the drop in oxygen content of exhaled breath. if both of these
checks pass, the detector passes the bump test.
*US patents # 7,413,645: #7,959,777


autOmaticallY cHEckS SEnSOr bREATH vEriFiES tHat
rESpOnSE and cOrrEctS FOr SEnSOr FlOW patH iS
SEnSOr intEgritY. clEar tO EnSurE tHat
(altair 2Xp dEtEctOr OnlY) gaS rEacHES tHE SEnSOr.
(2Xp OnlY)
95 Db ALARm -
WitH rEd lEd indicatOrS EASY ONE-bUTTON,
and vibrating alarm GLOvED-HAND



A CHECk mARk and

grEEn lEd indicatOr
and rEadY tO gO DISPLAY SHOWS ppm and
viSual SEnSOr StatuS

DURAbILITY — ip 67 dESign
and intrinSicallY SaFE
cOnStructiOn SurvivES


inStrumEnt HaS nOt
bEEn bump tEStEd
The ALTAIR 2X Gas Detector
introducing the altair 2X gas detector from mSa; the first one or two gas detector
that incorporates industry-leading Xcell Sensor technology to deliver unparalleled
performance while drastically minimizing total cost of ownership, increasing durability
and delivering enhanced worker safety, compliance and traceability.

the altair 2X is also the first portable gas detector to introduce revolutionary Xcell
pulse technology. based on proven science and advanced patented sensor capabilities,
the altair 2Xp detector delivers the world’s first stand-alone bump test. this allows
a daily bump test to be performed without the need for calibration accessories or
specific calibration gas.

It’s what’s inside that counts!

altair 2xP Gas Detector – with xCell Pulse Technology

First stand-alone bump test!
the altair 2Xp gas detector provides a bump test that is so easy to follow,
anyone can do it, from anywhere! the science behind this first-of-its-kind
technology will change the face of portable gas detection as we know it.
by combining pulse sensor interrogation with a simple flow check, we’ve created
the first successful stand-alone bump test. pulSE sensor interrogation begins,
exhale into the unit. and the result? You’re bumpEd!

mSA xCELL SENSORS HavE a tYpical liFE OF

altair 2xT – Two-Tox Gas Detector mOrE tHan FOur YEarS, — tHat’S dOublE tHE
induStrY avEragE — and prOvidE SupEriOr
the altair 2Xt detector eliminates the need for a second detector by utilizing
StabilitY, accuracY and rESpOnSE.
proven Xcell two-tox Sensors. Xcell two-tox Sensors detect two gases on distinct
sensor channels with digital output that minimizes cross channel interference.

altair 2x – Single Gas Detector

mSa revolutionized gas detection with Xcell Sensor technology. by miniaturizing
the sensors’ controlling electronics and placing them inside the sensor itself using
mSa’s proprietary application-specific integrated circuit (aSic) design, mSa Xcell
Sensors offer superior stability, accuracy, and sensor life.
Compliance, Traceability and Simplicity
without Compromising Safety!
Don’t Leave Safety to Chance!
• the industry best practice of conducting a bump test prior to each day’s use is easily achieved
with the altair 2Xp. bump anywhere, any time, without bottled gas or accessories.
• visual indicators on the detector make verification of bump test easy
• Highly visible green light and check mark when bumped
• Flashes red when not bumped
• the altair 2X family of detectors have full instrument traceability
of bump and calibration records, peak readings, event logs and data logs.
Increase your safety compliance and promote worker confidence!


easily downloaded during periodic gas
calibrations using the galaxy gX2 test stand.
mSa link pro Software provides full
networking, traceability, proactive safety,
compliance, and reporting.

FOr lOW ligHt applicatiOnS
and EaSiEr FlEEt managEmEnt
OF multiplE dEtEctOr SEttingS.
Lower Total Cost of Ownership
mSa’s industry leading technology combined with product durability means that the altair 2X gas detector
provides a lower total cost of ownership than competitive instruments and will pay for itself quickly.

built tough

like all mSa detectors, altair 2X is built for durability and designed for the work that is being completed.
• Withstands extreme impacts with rugged polycarbonate housing and passes 25-foot drop test
• ip 67-rated altair 2X is both dust tight and water tight
• minimal rF interference
• Full three-year warranty supports the entire instrument, including the sensors.

reduced costs and Expense

• Xcell Sensor response and recovery time reduces the gas consumption
for calibration and gas bump tests (where applicable).
• the altair 2Xp with Xcell pulse technology reduces the need for specific
calibration gas and bump test accessories providing significant savings!
• the altair 2Xt two-tox eliminates the need for a second instrument in several

increased productivity
• Skip the gas line! – the stand-alone bump test on the altair 2Xp means
that you will be spending more time doing the job and less time waiting in line
or conducting bump tests. Spending less time at the bump station means less 5
down time and more time producing!
• Faster bump tests, easy compliance and product reliability means you can get to
work faster and safer!

Technical Specifications Ordering Information
SiZE 3.5" l x 2.125" W x 1.25" d (no clip) dEtEctOr tYpE cHarcOal glOW-in-tHE- rEplacEmEnt
(lOW, HigH alarm in ppm) dark SEnSOr
WEigHt 4 oz (113 g) w/ clip
altair 2Xp – WitH XcEll pulSE tEcHnOlOgY
HOuSing rugged rubberized armor
H2S-pulse (10, 15) 10153984 10154188 10121227
ingrESS ip67
prOtEctiOn altair 2Xt tWO-tOX gaS dEtEctOr

drOp tESt 25 feet cO/H2S (cO: 25, 100; H2S: 10, 15) 10154040 10154181 10152603

Handling One-handed, one-button operation cO-H2/H2S (cO: 25, 100; H2S: 10, 15) 10154071 10154182 10152604
cO/H2S-lc (cO: 25, 100; H2S: 5, 10) 10154072 10154183 10152605
bump tESt pass: green lEd flash & checkmark
indicatOrS Fail or expiration: red lEd flash only cO/nO2 (cO: 25, 100; nO2: 2.5, 5) 10154073 10154184 10152606
audiblE alarm 95 db @ 1 foot SO2/H2S-lc (SO2: 2, 5; H2S: 10, 15) 10153985 10154190 10152607
viSual alarm ultra-bright lEds altair 2X SinglE gaS dEtEctOr

vibrating Standard cO (25, 100) 10153986 10154185 10152603

alarm cO-H2 (25, 100) 10154074 10154186 10152604
diSplaY large-character monochrome lcd cO-Hc (25, 100) 10154075 10154187 10152602
backligHt 10s backlight w/ adjustable timeout H2S-lc (5, 10) 10154076 10154189 10152605

battErY replaceable lithium battery SO2 (2, 5) 10154077 10154191 10152607

EXtEndEd tEmp. -20° c to +50° c nO2 (2.5, 5) 10154078 10154192 10152606

rangE nH3 (25, 50) 10154079 - 10152601
EXtrEmE rangE -40° c to +60° c cl2 (0.5, 1) 10154080 - 10152600
data lOg 2X/2Xp: > 950 hrs @ default interval
2Xt: > 850 hrs @ default interval calibratiOn gaS
EvEnt lOg 300+ events
dEScriptiOn part numbEr
Standard chassis & electronics: 3 years
WarrantY cl2 & nH3 sensors: 2 years 34 l 58 l 116l
all other sensors: 3 years
does not cover consumable parts. 60ppm cO, 20ppm H2S 10153800 10153801 10153802

60ppm cO, 10 ppm nO2 10153803 10153804 10153805

20 ppm H2S, 10 ppm SO2 10153806 10153807 10153808
uSa ccSaus class i div 1 groups a, b, c, d
class ii div 1 groups E, F, g class iii
tamb = -40c to +60c t4 20 ppm H2S 10153844 10153845 10153846
uSa: ul 913 7th Edition
canada: cSa 22.2 no. 157 accESSOriES
atEX FtZu ii 2g Ex ia iic t4 gb -40c to +60c
galaxy gX2 for altair 10128644
iEc/auStralia/ FtZu Ex ia iic t4 gb -40c to +60c
nEW ZEaland Electronic cylinder Holder 10105756

note: this bulletin contains only a general mSA – The Safety Company
description of the products shown. While uses 1000 cranberry Woods drive
and performance capabilities are described, cranberry township, pa 16066 uSa
under no circumstances shall the products be phone 724-776-8600
used by untrained or unqualified individuals www.mSAsafety.com
and not until the product instructions U.S. Customer Service Center
including any warnings or cautions provided phone 1-800-mSa-2222
have been thoroughly read and understood. Fax 1-800-967-0398
Only they contain the complete
mSA Canada
and detailed information phone 1-800-672-2222
concerning proper use and Fax 1-800-967-0398
care of these products.
mSA mexico
phone 01 800 672 7222
ID 0802-96-mC / Apr 2018 Fax 52 - 44 2227 3943
© MSA 2018 Printed in U.S.A.


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