TS Isolator 20-21
TS Isolator 20-21
TS Isolator 20-21
Notes: The above is the list of major changes with respect to previous revision (Rev.
11/11A). However, the bidders are advised to read the entire section for other changes
and quote accordingly.
1.0 General 4
6.0 Operation 10
9.0 Tests 12
1.1 The Isolators and accessories shall conform in general to IEC: 62271-102/103
except to the extent explicitly modified in specification and shall be in
accordance with requirement of Section-GTR.
1.2 Complete isolator with all the necessary items for successful operation shall be
supplied including but not limited to the following:
1.2.1 Isolator with complete Support Insulators, operating rod insulator, base frame,
linkages, operating mechanism, control cabinet, interlock etc.
1.2.2 All necessary parts to provide a complete and operable isolator installation,
control parts and other devices whether specifically called for herein or not.
1.2.3 The isolator shall be designed for use in the geographic and meteorological
conditions as given in Section-GTR and Section-Project.
3.1 Contacts:
a) The contacts shall be self aligning and self cleaning type and shall be so
designed that binding cannot occur after remaining in closed position for
prolonged period in a heavily polluted atmosphere.
c) Contact springs shall not carry any current and shall not loose their
characteristics due to heating effects.
d) The moving contact of double break isolator shall have preferably turn-and-
twist type or other suitable type of locking arrangement to ensure adequate
contact pressure.
e) Flexible braided copper, where used, shall have corrosion resistant coating
such as tinning or silvering.
3.2 Base :
Each single pole of the isolator shall be provided with a complete galvanised
steel base provided with holes and designed for mounting on a standard
supporting structure. Common base frame shall be provided for 400/220/132kV
isolators suitable for mounting on pipe structures.
b) The live parts shall be designed to eliminate sharp joints, edges and other
corona producing surfaces, where this is impracticable, adequate corona
rings shall be provided. Corona shields are not acceptable. Corona rings
shall be made up of aluminum/aluminum alloy.
d) The isolator and earth switch shall be designed such that no lubrication of
any part is required except at very infrequent intervals. i.e. after every
1000 operations or after 5 years whichever is earlier.
3.4 Insulator :
a) The insulator shall conform to IS: 2544, IEC-60168 and IEC-60815. The
porcelain of the insulator shall conform to the requirements stipulated
under Section-GTR.
b) Pressure due to the contact shall not be transferred to the insulators after
the main blades are fully closed.
(i) Bending load test in four directions at 50% of minimum bending load
guaranteed on all insulators, as a routine test.
The name plate shall conform to the requirements of IEC incorporating year of
a) Where earthing switches are specified these shall include the complete
operating mechanism and auxiliary contacts.
b) The earthing switches shall form an integral part of the isolator and shall
be mounted on the base frame of the isolator.
e) The plane of movement and final position of the earth blades shall be
such that adequate electrical clearances are obtained from adjacent live
parts in the course of its movement between ON and OFF position.
f) The frame of each isolator and earthing switches shall be provided with
two reliable earth terminals for connection to the earth mat.
g) The earth switch should be able to carry the same fault current as the
main blades of the Isolators and shall withstand dynamic stresses.
h) 800kV, 420 kV & 245 kV earth switches shall also comply with the
requirements of IEC-62271-102, in respect of induced current switching
duty as defined for Class-B and short circuit making capability class E-0
for earthing switches.
i) Earth switch blade in open condition shall not project (from the centre line
of Insulator) by more than 4200mm for 400kV and 2810mm for 220kV
a) The bidder shall offer motor operated Isolators and earth switches.
Isolators of 36 kV and below and earth switches of 72.5 kV and below
rating shall be manual operated.
f) Suitable reduction gearing shall be provided between the motor and the
drive shaft of the isolator. The mechanism shall stop immediately when
motor supply is switched off. If necessary a quick electro-mechanical
brake shall be fitted on the higher speed shaft to effect rapid braking.
j) Only stranded conductor shall be used for wiring. Minimum size of the
conductor for control circuit wiring shall be 1.5 sq.mm. (Copper).
l) Snap type limit/auxiliary switches shall be used with Factory set values.
No adjustment shall be required at site during commissioning.
a) The main Isolator and earth switches shall be individual pole operated for
800/420 kV and gang operated in case of 245 kV & 145 kV. However,
245 kV Tandem Isolators shall be individual-pole operated. The operating
mechanism of all the three poles shall be well synchronized and
e) All rotating parts shall be provided with grease packed roller or ball
bearings in sealed housings designed to prevent the ingress of moisture,
dirt or other foreign matter. Bearings pressure shall be kept low to ensure
long life and ease of operation. Locking pins wherever used shall be rust-
f) Signaling of closed position shall not take place unless it is certain that the
movable contacts, have reached a position in which rated normal current,
h) The contractor shall furnish the following details alongwith quality norms,
during detailed engineering stage:
800 kV/420 kV/245 kV/145 kV Isolators along with Earth switches shall be
suitable for mounting on standard support structures.
9.0 TESTS:
9.2 The test reports of the type tests as per IEC 62271-102 and the following
additional type tests (additional type tests are required for isolators rated above
72.5 kV only) shall also be submitted for the Employer’s review.
12.1 Contractor shall perform any additional test based on specialties of the items as
per the field Q.P./Instructions of the equipment manufacturer or Employer
without any extra cost to the Employer. The Contractor shall arrange all
instruments required for conducting these tests alongwith calibration certificates
at his own cost.
An indicative list of tests on isolator and earthswitch is given below. For pre-
commissioning procedures and formats for Isolators and Grounding switch,
Doc.No.: CF/ISO/07/R-4, dtd-01.04.2013 under POWERGRID Document no. D-
2-01-03-01-04 will be the reference document. This document will be available
at respective sites and shall be referred by the contractor.
(i) Functional check of the control schematic and electrical & mechanical
12. 2 The Contractor shall ensure that erection, testing and commissioning of
Isolators above 72.5 kV class shall be carried out under the supervision of the
Isolator manufacturer's representative and the cost of the same shall be
included in the erection price of the respective equipment.
Sl. Description Unit 800kV ISO 420kV ISO 245kV ISO 145kV ISO
1 Rated voltage kVrms 800 420 245 145
2 Rated frequency Hz 50 50 50 50
3 No. of poles Nos. 3 3 3 3
4 Design ambient °C 50 50 50 50
5 Type Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor
6 Rated current at A 3150 3150 1600A / 1250
50oC ambient 2500 A (as
temperature applicable)
7 Rated short time kA 40 / 50 for 1 40 /50 /63 40 / 50 for 1 31.5 for 1
withstand current of sec (as for 1 sec (as sec (as sec
isolator and earth applicable) applicable) applicable)
8 Rated dynamic short kAp 102kAp 100 kAp / 100 kAp / 80kAp
time withstand 125 kAp / 125 kAp (as
current of isolator 157.5 kAp applicable)
and earth switch (as
9 Temperature rise As per Table-3 of IEC-62271-1
over design ambient
10 Rated mechanical N As per table III of IEC-62271-102 or as per value
terminal load calculated in Section-GTR whichever is higher
11 Mechanical Isolator-M2
Endurance Class E/S-M0
12 Operating A.C. Motor operated
mechanism of
13 No. of auxiliary Besides requirement of this spec., 5 NO + 5 NC contacts wired on
contacts on each each isolator to terminal block exclusively for Employer’s use in
isolator future.
14 No. of auxiliary Besides requirement of this spec., 3 NO + 3 NC contacts wired on
contacts on each each isolator to terminal block exclusively for Employer’s use in
earthing switch future.
Note: The above insulation levels are applicable for altitude up to 1000 meters
above M.S.L. For higher altitudes, suitable correction factor as per relevant IEC
shall be applied.
Note: The above insulation levels are applicable for altitude up to 1000 meters
above M.S.L. For higher altitudes, suitable correction factor as per relevant IEC shall
be applied.