Audit Sampling
Audit Sampling
Audit Sampling
Compiled By:
Md. Mahedi Hasan FCA CPFA
Adjunct Faculty
Department of Accounting and Information Systems
Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)
Definition and features
Selecting specific items: e.g. high value or high risk — this is not a sampling
method. Items selected will not necessarily be representative of the population.
Audit sampling.
Types of Sampling
Statistical sampling: an approach to sampling that has the following characteristics:
Non-statistical sampling: sampling approaches that do not have all the characteristics of
statistical sampling.
• There are some disparities with regard to the practice of sampling within
the large audit firms.
• Firms will usually use an unbiased approach but the size of the sample they
select will usually be determined with the help of decision aids within the
• Sample sizes that are commonly used in practice are around 20 items where
a moderate level of testing is required, or 30 items where more extensive
levels of testing are undertaken.
Basic requirements of all audit samples
• Selection: Sample items are selected in such a way that the sample
can be expected to be representative of the population.
The auditor must ensure that the population from which the sample is
to be selected is complete and appropriate to the audit objective.
Stratification: occurs when the auditor divides the population into a series
of sub-populations, each of which has an identifying characteristic, such
as monetary value (ISA 530 Appendix 1, paragraphs 1–4).
Can assist with audit efficiency as it allows the auditor to reduce the
sample size by reducing variability without increasing the sampling risk.
Block selection: the auditor selects all items of a specified type processed on a particular day, week or
Test data - Test data involves the auditor submitting 'dummy' data into the client's system to ensure that the
system correctly processes it and that it prevents or detects and corrects misstatements
Audit Software - Audit software is used to interrogate a client's system. It can be either packaged, off-the-shelf
software or it can be purpose written to work on a client's system
Data Analytical Tools - is the science and art of discovering and analysing patterns, deviations and
inconsistencies, and extracting other useful information in the data of underlying or related subject matter of an
audit through analysis, modelling, visualisation for the purpose of planning and performing the audit.
Thank you