Audit Sampling- ISA 530
Audit Sampling- ISA 530
Audit Sampling- ISA 530
Gabriel Tyokoso, PhD
Auditing II Lecture Notes for B.Sc Accounting
Department of Economics and Finance
University of The Gambia
Sampling defined
• This will enable the auditor to obtain and evaluate audit evidence
about some characteristic of the items selected in order to form or
assist in forming a conclusion concerning the population from which
the sample is drawn.
Sampling methods
• To gather audit evidence, the auditor has three choices to make; selecting all items,
selecting specific items, and audit sampling.
• Random Sampling: This ensures that all items in the population have an equal
chance of selection, for example by use of random number tables.
• All items within the population must be both identifiable and accessible.
The validity of any sample depends on the requirement that each item
within the population must stand on equal chance of being selected for
examination. It is when all the items within the population are
identifiable and accessible that this requirement can be met.
Advantages of statistical sampling
1) At the conclusion of a test, the auditors are able to state with a definite level of confidence
that the whole population conforms to the sample result, within a stated precision limit.
2) Sample size is objectively determined; having regard to the degree of risk the auditors are
prepared to accept for each application.
3) The process of fixing required precision and confidence levels compels the auditors to
consider and clarify audit objectives.
a. Auditing has never been a mathematical discipline, and a highly developed intuition
has always been a more valuable audit attribute than the possession of
mathematical knowledge.
b. Mathematically valid sampling schemes take long time, during which time a good
deal of representative random sampling could have been conducted, with the
reasonable assurance that its conclusions might be valid for audit purposes.
c. Statistical sampling invariably results in the examination of sample size much smaller
than those traditionally used by auditors. The validity of the conclusion drawn
therefore depends upon rigid adherence to the tenets of the discipline and thus
upon the technical grasp by all members of the audit team of the statistical
principles involved.
Disadvantages of statistical sampling contd
1) It has been in use for many years and lend itself for easy application
through experience.
4) The auditor can bring his judgement to play, using the sixth sense.
Disadvantages of non-statistical or judgmental sampling
1) It is unscientific
2) It is wasteful-usually sample size are too large
3) No quantitative results are obtained
4) Personal bias in the selection of samples is unavoidable
5) There is no real logic to the selection of the sample or its size
6) The sample selection can be imbalanced to meet the auditor’s need
e.g. selection of items, near the year end to help with cut-off
7) The conclusion reached on the evidence from samples is usually
End remarks