Lecture 3 Aerodynamics - Inviscid, Incompressible Flow

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Inviscid, Incompressible Flow


Gp Capt (Dr) PP Okonkwo

Scope of the Lecture

• Concept of Inviscid, Incompressible flow

• Bernoulli's principle
• Applications of the Bernoulli’s principle.
• Conditions for incompressible flows
• Elementary flows
Intended Learning Objectives

• At the end of this lecture, students should be able to understand the

– Concept of inviscid, incompressible flow, underlying
assumptions and solutions.
– Limitations of the Bernoulli’s equations.
– Application of Bernoulli’s equation in the measurement of
– Different elementary flows
Solutions to Governing Equations

- Governing Equations would be meaningless unless they are solved

to obtain the necessary flow variables.
- Methods of Solving Governing Equations
- Experimental
- Theoretical/Analytical
- Computational Fluid Dynamics

- This Course would concentrate on theory/analytical solution.

- Theoretically f luid dynamics are divided into Viscous Compressible
flow and Inviscid Incompressible flow.

- This lecture would dwell on Inviscid Incompressible flow.

- To use theory for the solution of inviscid incompressible f low, some

simplifying assumptions are made.
Basics of Inviscid, Incompressible Flow
Laminar flow
Kinetic energy is zero
Density is constant
No internal friction
No heat
Pressure is constant
Bernoulli’s Equation

Bernoulli Equation can be described in terms of the following
*Pressure Terms
*Kinetic Terms
*Potential Energy Terms
Applications of the Bernoulli and Continuity Equations for
Inviscid Incompressible Flows
Flow in a Duct
• Consider the integral form of the continuity equation

• For steady flow, this becomes:

• Consider a quasi one dimension flow (see diagram in

next slide)
The flow variables are functions of x only.

A = A(x)
V = V(x)
p = p(x)
Flow through a duct
• Applying the Continuity equation for steady flow gives:

• Along the walls, the velocity is tangent to the wall, since

dS is perpendicular to the wall then along the wall,
V.dS =0 . Hence:
Flow in a duct
Flow in a duct
• The equation

• Applies to both compressible and incompressible flow.

• For incompressible flow were density is constant,

• Hence we have:

• In physical terms, this means that the volume f lo w

through the duct is constant.

• Hence, if area increases, the velocity decreases and vice

Low Speed Wind Tunnel
Low Speed Wind Tunnel
• From continuity equation, the velocity at the test section
is given by:

• Velocity at the exit of the diffuser is given by:

• Pressures at various sections are given by Bernoulli’s

equation as:
Low Speed Wind Tunnel
Applications of the Bernoulli and Continuity Equations for
Inviscid Incompressible Flows
2. Measurement of airspeed- Pitot Tubes
Pitot Tube
Using Pitot Tube in Air Speed Indicator
Pitot-Static Tube
Notes of Caution on the Bernoulli’s Equation
Condition on Velocity for incompressible
1. Any irrotational, incompressible f lo w has a velocity
potential and stream function (for 2D f lo w) that both satisfy
Laplace equation.

2. Any solution of Laplace equation represents the velocity

potential or stream function (2D f lo w) for an irrotational
incompressible flow.

3. The sum of any particular solutions of the Laplace equation

is also a solution
4. A c o m pl i c a t e d f lo w pa t t e r n f o r a n i r r o t a t i o n a l ,
incompressible f low can be synthesised by adding together a
number of elementary f lo ws that are irrotational and

5. Streamlines and pressure distributions for Irrotational

incompressible f low over different geometry are distinct but
governed by same Laplace equation.

6. Domains in which the Laplace equation has to be

solved and the boundary conditions are used to def ine the
different geometries.
Boundary Conditions
• Infinity boundary conditions.
Far away from the body in all directions the flow approaches
free stream conditions. Hence at infinity:

• Wall boundary conditions.

If the f low is tangent to the surface then the component of
velocity normal to the surface must be zero.
Elementary Flows
Applications of Elementary flows

• Flows over oval shaped body =uniform


• Flow over a circular cylinder = uniform flow+doublet

• Lifting Flow over c irc ular c ylind er bod y=uniform

flow+doublet+vortex flow
Home Work
• Go to :

• https://potentialflow.com/

• Generate the elementary flow combination

suitable for modelling flow over an airfoil.

• Submit next class.

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