Violence and Harassment Policy
Violence and Harassment Policy
Violence and Harassment Policy
The Company is committed to providing and maintaining a working environment that is based on respect
for the dignity and rights of everyone in the organization and to the prevention of workplace violence. It is
the Company’s goal to provide a healthy and safe work environment that is free of any form of workplace
This Policy applies to all temporary workers and any authorized representatives, contractors or agents
that are located in Company offices in the province of Ontario and British Columbia (collectively referred
to as “Company Personnel” or “You” or “you”.)
This Policy applies in any location in which you are engaged in work-related activities. This includes, but
is not limited to:
The workplace
During work-related travel
At restaurants, hotels or meeting facilities that are being used for business purposes
In company owned or leased facilities
During telephone, email or other communications; and
At any work-related social event, whether or not it is company sponsored
This Policy also applies to situations in which you are subjected to violence in the workplace from
individuals who are not employees of the organization, such as customers and suppliers.
This Policy and the practices established by this document are mandatory and will be strictly enforced in
all Company offices located in the province of Ontario and British Columbia.
This Policy establishes a minimum level of standards, and local facilities may adopt stricter policies. You
are responsible for compliance with this Policy and any similar policies that may be adopted by the client
site at which you work.
Workplace violence is a health and safety issue and can be defined as:
1. The exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, in a workplace, that causes or could
cause physical injury to the worker,
2. An attempt to exercise physical force against a worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical
injury to the worker, or
3. A statement or behaviour that is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical
force against the worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker.
Physically threatening behaviour such as shaking a fist at someone, destroying property, throwing
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Violence and Unlawful Harassment Policy
To comply with the requirements of applicable Health and Safety legislation and regulations;
To take every reasonable precaution to maintain a safe and healthy work environment
To take all reasonable steps to ensure that employees work in a safe manner, report any hazardous
conditions and unsafe practices, and immediately report workplace injuries to their supervisor
To instruct and train staff in safe work practices and procedures
To take all reasonable steps to ensure that all clients, contractors and subcontractors and their
personnel meet or exceed our health and safety program and;
To obtain the co-operation of management and staff in carrying out these objectives
If you are experiencing domestic violence that would likely expose you, or other workers, to physical
injury that may occur in the workplace, the Company will take every precaution reasonable to protect you
and your co-workers in the circumstances. This may include some or all of the following:
The Company has a workplace violence program that implements this Policy. It includes measures and
procedures to protect employees from workplace violence, a means of summoning immediate assistance
and a process for workers to report incidents, or raise concerns. It also includes the designation of a
specific person or office as being responsible for ensuring compliance with this Policy. As a part of the
program, the Company agrees to carry out periodic assessments as necessary in order to identify any
potential risks to workplace violence that may arise given the nature of the workplace, the type of work
and conditions of work. Additionally, the program includes a mechanism for notifying staff if they are
likely to encounter a person with a history of violence on the job. Only the information required to
sufficiently alert employees to such a threat will be disclosed by the Company. The Company will ensure
that this Policy and the supporting program are implemented and maintained and that employees have
the appropriate information and instruction to protect them from violence in the workplace.
Safety is everyone’s responsibility. It rests with each individual employee with all levels of management.
Your active participation and support is vitally important to maintaining and improving health and safety in
your work environment.
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Violence and Unlawful Harassment Policy
Acting respectfully towards other individuals while at work and when participating in any work-
related activity
Reporting all incidents of workplace violence to your Recruiter; Customer Support Associate;
Client Supervisor; or the police
Cooperating with any efforts to investigate and resolve incidents of violence
Providing immediate follow up once you have experienced or witnessed any form of violence in
the workplace
Supervisors must also take every reasonable precaution to protect employees from workplace violence,
including evaluating a person’s history of violent behaviour to determine whether and to whom this
employee poses a risk. In making this evaluation supervisors should consider:
Whether the person’s history of violence was associated with the workplace or work;
Whether the history of violence was directed at a particular employee or employees in general; and
How long ago the incidence of violence occurred.
Complaint Procedure
All Contractors of the Company have the right to work in an environment free from violence. The
Company will not tolerate violent behavior from any of its contractors. Each contract employee of the
Company is responsible for helping to create an environment that is free from workplace violence. In an
effort to create an environment that is supportive of the Company’s goal to promote a “zero-tolerance”
approach to violence in the workplace the following guidelines have been developed:
Concerns of violence should be reported immediately to your Customer Support Associate (CSA).
An incident request form detailing your complaint will then be submitted to the Health and Safety
Manager for further investigation. The Incident Report Form can be obtained through your CSA.
Complaints can be made via email, telephone, letters, or in person. When a complaint is made it
is imperative that confidentiality is maintained however, confidentiality may be compromised in
cases where it is perceived that imminent danger exists or in cases where it is required by law.
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Violence and Unlawful Harassment Policy
The Company’s employees are strongly encouraged to report all incidents of violence. All
incidents shall be investigated promptly, fairly and effectively. Individuals who believe that they
have been a victim of violence are encouraged to file a complaint. No reprisals will be made
against employees who have filed a complaint.
Violence is a serious offence. Any individuals found to have committed an act of violence may be subject
to disciplinary actions up to and including dismissal. In addition individuals may be subject to action
under the Criminal Code of Conduct, Canada.
Unlawful Harassment
The Company has a long-standing policy of ensuring an environment that respects the dignity and worth
of each individual and is free from all forms of unlawful discrimination including sexual harassment and
harassment based on:
Discriminatory harassment, including sexual harassment, is not tolerated. This policy applies to all
harassment occurring in the work environment whether in the Company or an affiliated office, at a client
setting or at any other firm-related setting. The policy covers all employees of the Company.
Sexual Harassment
For the purposes of this policy, sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests
for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
Threatening or taking adverse employment actions if sexual favours are not granted
Demanding sexual favours in exchange for favourable or preferential treatment
Attempting unwelcome flirtations, propositions, or advances
Engaging in unwelcome physical conduct
Whistling, leering, improper gestures, or offensive remarks, including unwelcome comments about
Telling sexual jokes or the inappropriate use of sexually explicit or offensive language
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Violence and Unlawful Harassment Policy
For purposes of this policy, other prohibited harassment including psychological harassment is defined as
either verbal or physical conduct that denigrates, shows hostility, or aversion towards individuals because
of their race, colour, religion, gender, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, marital status, pregnancy or
any other characteristic protected by law and that:
Has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, offensive or poisoned work environment.
Has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance.
It also does not include normal workplace conflict that may occur between individuals or differences of
opinion between co-workers.
Reporting Harassment
The Company strongly encourages the prompt reporting of all incidents of discriminatory harassment. If
you believe you are being harassed or have observed harassment, we strongly encourage you to
promptly notify your recruiter; Customer Support Associate; Director or Branch Operations;or the
Customer Support Supervisor at your local level.
When a report of harassment is made, the Company undertakes a prompt and thorough investigation as
appropriate under the circumstances. The steps taken during the investigation vary depending upon the
nature of the allegations. Confidentiality is maintained throughout the investigative process to the extent
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Violence and Unlawful Harassment Policy
practical and consistent with the Company's needs. Upon completion of the investigation, the aggrieved
party and the person(s) accused are notified of the outcome and remedial action is taken, if appropriate.
Individuals who report harassment or are involved in the investigation of a harassment complaint will not
be subject to reprisal or retaliation. However, any individual who in bad faith makes a report of
harassment which is without foundation will be subject to disciplinary sanctions, up to termination of
Retaliation is a very serious violation of this policy and should be reported immediately.
The managers and supervisors of the Company are accountable for adhering to this policy, for promptly
reporting any incident of harassment, and for maintaining a positive and productive work environment.
The Company is committed to ensuring that all current employees are made aware of all information and
instruction on the contents of this policy. Additionally, new employees will be provided with the contents
of this policy prior to their start date
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Violence and Harassment in the Workplace Training Questionnaire
After reading the Workplace Violence and Harassment policies, please select the answers below that
best suit the following questions. The completed document must be signed, dated and returned to
a) Any act in which a person takes extended lunch breaks and documents only the allowable time approved.
b) Any act in which a person is abused, threatened, intimidated and/or assaulted in the course of employment.
c) Any act that influences another employee to steal company property during business hours.
2) Harassment is defined as, “engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace
that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcomed
a) True
b) False
6) Who should the Contract Employee contact first once he/she has witnessed workplace violence and or harassment?
a) A TEKsystems Representative
b) Client Supervisor
c) A legal Attorney
d) a or b
7) The following form must be obtained from a TEKsystems Representative to initiate a violence and or harassment
a) Record of Employment
b) Medical Restrictions Report
c) Letter of employment
d) Incident Reporting Form
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8) Violence is a serious offence. Any individual found to have committed an act of violence may be subject to disciplinary
actions up to and including dismissal. In addition individuals may be subject to action under the Criminal Code of
a) True
b) False
9) If a fellow contractor notifies you that s/he is experiencing domestic violence at home, and has informed you that the
violent individual has threatened to come into the workplace, what should you do?
a) Do nothing
b) Call the police
c) Notify a TEKsystems Representative (On-premise Admin and or CSA)
d) None of the above
10) A fellow contractor comes to you in confidence and notifies you that her client supervisor has been whistling at her as
she walks by and he leers at her. What should you do?
a) Do nothing
b) Call the police
c) Notify a TEKsystems Representative (On-premise Admin and or CSA)
d) Speak to the client supervisor and tell him to stop
The Violence in the Workplace Policy and Unlawful Harassment Policy describe information about TEKsystems, and I
understand that I should consult my contract of employment, my supervisor or the Human Resources Department
regarding any questions not answered in the policy.
Since the information, and benefits described in the policies are necessarily subject to change, I acknowledge that
revisions to the policies may occur. None of those changes affect the terms of my contract of employment, except to the
extent my contract of employment so provides. All changes to the policies will be communicated through notices, and I
understand that revised information may supersede, modify, or eliminate existing policies. Only the President, Chief
Financial Officer or Vice President Human Resources of TEKsystems has the authority to adopt and promulgate revision
to the policies.
Furthermore, I acknowledge that this policy is neither a contract of employment nor a legal document. I understand that
these policies are a guide, and that no policy can anticipate every circumstance or question in the policy. I understand
that it is my responsibility to read and comply with the policies and any revisions made to it.
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Questionnaire Answers
1) “Violence in the Workplace” consists of which of the following:
a) Any act in which a person takes extended lunch breaks and documents only the allowable time approved.
b) Any act in which a person is abused, threatened, intimidated and/or assaulted in the course of
c) Any act that influences another employee to steal company property during business hours.
2) Harassment is defined as, “engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace
that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcomed
a) True
b) False
6) Who should the Contract Employee contact first once he/she has witnessed workplace violence and or harassment?
a) A TEKsystems Representative
b) Client Supervisor
c) A legal Attorney
d) a or b
7) The following form must be obtained from a TEKsystems Representative to initiate a violence and or harassment
a) Record of Employment
b) Medical Restrictions Report
c) Letter of employment
d) Incident Reporting Form
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8) Violence is a serious offence. Any individual found to have committed an act of violence may be subject to disciplinary
actions up to and including dismissal. In addition individuals may be subject to action under the Criminal Code of
a) True
b) False
9) If a fellow contractor notifies you that s/he is experiencing domestic violence at home, and has informed you that the
violent individual has threatened to come into the workplace, what should you do?
a) Do nothing
b) Call the police
c) Notify a TEKsystems Representative (On-premise Admin and or CSA)
d) None of the above
10) A fellow contractor comes to you in confidence and notifies you that her client supervisor has been whistling at her as
she walks by and he leers at her. What should you do?
a) Do nothing
b) Call the police
c) Notify a TEKsystems Representative (On-premise Admin and or CSA)
d) Speak to the client supervisor and tell him to stop
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