Shaft Beam and Column HANDOUT

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D3 N
 For short shafts (S = 8.5 ksi; FS = 7)
Standard Machinery Shafting size D3 N
 1/2” to 2 1/2 1” by 1/16 increments P =
 2 5/8” to 4” by 1/8 increments
 4 1/4” to 6” by 1/4 increments
Standard stock lengths  Shafts formula from Machinery’s Handbook
 16, 20 and 24 ft  For allowable twist not exceeding 0.08
deg per foot
 Stresses in shafts subjected to pure
torsion 4
4 P
D = 0.29 T = 4.6
�� =  For allowable twist not exceeding 1deg
��3 per 20D length
16��� 3
3 P
�� = D = 0.1 T = 4.0
�(�4� − �4� ) N
 Linear deflection of shaft (max. 0.01 in/ft)
For designed shearing stress and compressive -for shafts subject to its own weight
stresses given the yield and ultimate strength 3
L = 8.95 D2
- Based of the theory of failure:
-for shafts subject to bending action
�� = �� = 2�� 3
- Shearing: L = 5.2 D2
�� = 0.18�� �� �� = 0.3�� Where:
- Compressive L in ft, D in inches, N in rpm and P in Hp
�� = 0.36�� �� �� = 0.6��  Solid shaft is replaced by hollow shaft
Note: choose whicher is smaller  Equal torsion
�0 �3 = �4� − �4�
 Torsional Deflection
TL 584TL 584TL  For %saved
θ = = 4 = d2 − (d2o − d2i )
JG d G (d4o − d4i )G %Wsaved =
Where J → polar moment of inertia d2
 For equal torsion and half the weight
πd4 π(d4o − d4i )
J = or 1+ 2
32 32 �� = (�� )
G→ modulus of rigidity in shear 2
= 11.5 to 12 x 106 psi for steel COLUMNS
 Bending Stress  Effective Length
32� 32��� �� = ��
�� = =
�� 3
�(�4� − �4� ) Where
 Stress in shaft subjected to combine C = 1.0 both end pinned or hinged
torsion and bending C = 0.5 both ends fixed
 According to Maximum Shear Stress C = 0.65 both ends are built-in
Theory C = 2.0 one end fixed, other is free
16� C = 0.707 one is rounded, one end fixed
���� = �2 + �2
16�  Slenderness ratio S and radius of gyration k
���� = (�� �)2 + (�� �)2
��3 Le
 According to Maximum Normal Stress S =
16 I
���� = (� + �2 + �2 ) k =
��3 A
16 For 30 < Le/k < 120 use JB Johnson
���� = (�� � + (�� �)2 + (�� �)2 )
��3 For Le/k >120 use Euler
Km = combined shock and fatigue factor for bending
Kt = combined shock and fatigue factor for torsion  Euler’s Equation Critical Load
�2 ��
 Strength of Shafts (PSME code) ��� =
 For Main shafts (S = 4ksi; FS = 15)  J.B. Johnson’s Equation Critical Load
D3 N ��
P = �� ( ) 2
80 �
 For Lineshafts (S = 6ksi; FS = 10) ��� = �� � 1 −
4�2 �
BEAMS For circle
Ix =
For Cantilever Beams
 Torsion of Solid Non-circular shafts
 Couple
ML ML2 For Square
θ= y =
EI 2EI 4.81� 7.10��
 Concentrated load at free end ���� = �=
�3 �4 �
θ= y =
2EI 3EI For Equilateral triangle
 Concentrated at midspan 20� 46��
PL2 5PL3 ���� = 3 �=
θ= y = � �4 �
8EI 48EI
 Uniform distributed load For ellipse
wL3 wL4 2� (�2 + �2 )��
θ= y = ���� = �=
6EI 8EI ���2 ��3 �3 �
 Uniform varying load
θ= y =
24EI 30EI
For simply supported Beams 1. Compute the polar section modulus of a Monel shafting
having a diameter of 4 inches. Use a factor of safety of 5
and a design stress of 1MPa.
 Concentrated at midspan 12.56 in3
PL2 PL3 2. A line shaft is to transmit 150 hp at 1800 rpm. Determine
θ= y = the diameter of the shaft.
16EI 48EI
 Uniform load 1 11/16 inches
wL3 5wL4 3. The shaft is subjected to a steady loady of 36,000 lbs at a
θ= y =
24EI 384EI shear stress of 10 ksi. Compute the diameter of the said
 Varying load shaft in inches.
7wL2 2.5wL4 3
θ= y = 4. A coupling fastened two shafts by means of eight equally
360EI 384EI spaced bolts on a pitch circle of 16 cm in diameter. The
Flexural Stresses diameter of each bolt is 12 mm. Find the average shear
 For rectangular beams stress developed in each bolt when the power being
6� transmitted is 100 kw at 140 rpm.
�� = 94.2 MPa
�ℎ2 5. A stepped torsion shaft has diameters of 16 mm and a
 For circular beams fillet radius of 2 mm. The shaft is subjected to a torque of
32� 12.5 N-m. Find the maximum induced stress caused by the
�� = fillet. Consider a stress concentration factor of 1.25.
6. A 20 ft steel lineshaft has no bending action except its
own weight. What power in hp can the shaft deliver at a
 Radius of Gyration speed of 360 rpm? Consider the torsional deflection will not
For rectangles exceed 0.08/ft length.
h 100
k= 7. A hollow shaft has an outside diameter of 4 in and an
12 inside diameter of 3 in. Find the diameter of the solid shaft
For triangle with equal strength in torsion.
h 3.52 in
k= 8. Compute the torsional deflection in degrees of 110 mm
18 diameter, 1.4 m long shaft subjected to a twist moment of 3
For rectangles x 106N-m. The torsional modulus of elasticity is 83000
D N/mm2
k= 0.2
General Formula
9. A small countershaft is 1.5 inches in diameter and has a
I allowable stress of 58.59 MPa. Find the power that can be
k= safely delivered if it makes 150 rpm.
A 9.93 kW
 Moment of Inertia 10. A 3 in diameter short shaft carrying pulleys close to the
For rectangles bearings transmits how much Hp if the shaft makes 280
bh3 199 hp
Ix =
12 11. A circular solid shaft needs to be designed to transmit a
For triangles torque of 50 N-m. If the allowable shear stress of the
bh3 material is 140 MPa, assuming a factor of safety of 2, the
Ix = minimum allowable design diameter in mm is
36 16 mm
12. A 1/8 in diameter round steel shaft was designed for of 42 ksi and has a circular shape with a diameter of 3/4 inch.
torsional stress of 8000 psi. If it rotates at 2000 rpm, what Compute the critical load.
horsepower can it transmit? 17, 500 lb
0.0974 hp 3. A column has both ends pinned and has a length of 32
13. A steel shaft 1.75 inches in diameter transmits 40 Hp at inches. It is made of AISI 1040 HR steel with a yield strenght
1800 rpm. Assuming a modulus of rigidity of 12 x 106 psi. of 42 ksi and has a circular shape with a diameter of 3/4 inch.
Find the torsional deflection of the shaft in degrees per foot Compute for the critical load.
length. 4490 lb
0.0073 4. Design the diameter of the steel bar to withstand an axial
14. A 80 mm solid shaft is to be replaced with a hollow shaft load of 24.464 kN based on Euler load. Assume the factor of
of equal torsional strength. Find the percentage of weight safety of 2.5 and the length of the column is 222 inches.
saved, if the outside of the hollow shaft is to be 100 mm. 1.65 in
52.90% 5. A steel bar with a length of 4m is used as a simply
15. The equivalent bending moment of a shaft under torque supported beam and is subjected to a uniformly distributed
of 5,000 in-lb and a bending moment of 8, 000 in-lb, and load of 30 kN/m. The bar deflects 0.015 m at the center.
having a diameter of 2 inches is? Calculate the crippling load of the bar when it is used as a
8717 column with one end fixed and the other is hinged.
16. Find the inside diameter of a hollow shaft which will 8224.67 kN
replace a 3-in solid shaft made of same material; hollow shaft 6. A structural steel member 15 m long is used as long
should be equally strong in torsion, yet weigh half as much as column to support 330 kN. Both ends are built in and there
per foot. are no intermediate supports. A factor of safety of 2.5 is used.
2.94 in What is the required moment of inertia in inches4.
17. A 2-inches shaft is supported by bearings 90 inch apart. 96.32 in4
The shaft carries no rotating discs and is assumed to weigh
0.28lb/in3, have a modulus of elasticity of 30,000 ksi and
have a uniform cross section (round). Find the lowest critical BEAMS
1055 rpm 1. A 40 mm diameter bar is used as a simply supported beam
18. A 250 hp motor turns a shaft of 2400 rpm. The shaft 2 m long. Determine the largest uniform distributed load
steps down in diameter from 3.0 to 2.5 inches. Calculate the which can be applied over the right half of the beam if the
maximum torsional stress if the stress concentration factor is flexural stress is limited to 60 MPa.
to be 1.32. 1340 N/m
19.49 MPa
19. A hollow shaft with an outside diameter of 4.5 in, and 2. A horizontal cantilever beam, 16 ft long is subjected to a
wall thickness of 1/4 inches transmits 275 hp at 390 rpm. load of 500 lb located t
Calculate the shear stress at the inner diameter of the shaft. its canter. The dimension of the beam is 2x4 inches
5876.5 psi respectively. w = 100 lb/ft, find its flexural stress.
20. A shaft is subjected to a twisting moment of 2500 lb-ft. 3150 psi
The shaft is of steel having 12,000,000 psi modulus of rigidity. 3. A steel I beam is used as a track for a trolley carrying a
Determine the angle of twist if the length is 40 inches. The load of 4500 lbs. Compute the moment of inertia of the I
shaft is a square with 3 inches side with a twisting constant beam if the deflection is not to exceed 1/4 in at the center,
of 0.141 and the length of the track is 25 ft.
0.5 degree 337.5 in4
21. Compute the total elongation caused by an axial load of 4. A 12 m simply supported beam with 30 KN load at the
100 kN applied to a flat bar 20 mm thick, tapering from a center has a maximum deflection of: (EI = 6000 KN.m2 )
width of 120 mm to 40 mm in a length of 10 m. Assume E = 180 mm
200 GPa.
3.43 mm 5. An 8 m simply supported beam has a uniform load of 2
22. In a two ram hydraulic steering gear, the rams are 250 KN/m from left end to the right end and concentrated load of
mm diameter, the rudder stock is 400mm diameter and the 10 KN at the center has a maximum deflection
distance from the center of rudder stock to centerline of rams of: (EI = 5,000 KN.m2)
is 800 mm. Calculate the stress in the rudder stock when the 42.66 mm
rudder is in mid-position and the hydraulic pressure is 70 bar.
21.875 MPa 6. A uniform beam 12 meters long is fixed at one end. It has
a uniform weight of 50 kg/m along its length. A load of 20
23. The shaft having an interference fit has a maximum kgs. is suspended on the beam 4 m from the free end. The
diameter of 4 cm and a nominal diameter of 3.990 cm. What moment at the fixed end is
is the minimum diameter of the shaft of its upper and lower 3760 kg-m
deviations are 0.006 and 0.0045 cm respectively.
3.9945 cm
24. A 1in diameter shaft has a single disk weighing 75 lb
mounted midway between two bearings that are 20 in apart.
Find the lowest critical speed in rpm.
2040 RPM
25. A steel shaft of 1.58 inches diameter and 20 inches long
is mounted by two bearings on both ends and carries a
flywheel weighing 800 lbs, 5 in from the left bearing. What
should be the lowest critical speed of this shaft if its weight is
2077 rpm


1. The slenderness ratio of a vertical column of square cross-

section of 10 cm side and 500 cm long, is
2. A column has both ends fixed and has a length of 15
inches. It is made of AISI 1040 HR steel with a yield strength

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