4cn1 02 Rms 20220825
4cn1 02 Rms 20220825
4cn1 02 Rms 20220825
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Summer 2022
Question Paper Log Number 70791
Publications Code 4CN1_02_2206_rms
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2022
General Marking Guidance
• 說說你最近跟家人一起做過的一件事
Describe something you did with your family recently
• 你覺得這件事情怎麼樣
How you felt about what you did
• 說說你對中學生做家務的看法
Write about your views on secondary students doing chores
at home
• 你怎麼做可以讓你的父母更開心
What you can do to make your parents happier
• 说说你最近跟家人一起做过的一件事
Describe something you did with your family recently
• 你觉得这件事情怎么样
How you felt about what you did
• 说说你对中学生做家务的看法
Write about your views on secondary students doing chores
at home
• 你怎么做可以让你的父母更开心
What you can do to make your parents happier
7(b) • 介绍你的新爱好
Describe your new hobby
• 你是怎么开始对它感兴趣的
How you became interested in this hobby
• 你觉得这个爱好怎么样
Your opinion about the hobby
• 学习新东西对中学生有什么好处
The advantages for secondary students of learning new things
• 介绍你的手机
Describe your mobile phone
• 你觉得它怎么样
What you think about it
• 最近你用它做了什么
What you recently used it to do
• 做什么事可以让你的生活更有意思
What you can do to make your life more interesting
Additional guidance
Additional guidance
Errors: students are not expected to produce perfect, error-free writing in order to
access the top band as errors are also made by native speakers. The mark grid
describes the frequency of errors and the impact that errors have on coherence.
NB: these are examples only and do not constitute a finite list.