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Mark Scheme

Summer 2022 ( Results)

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE

In Chinese (4CN1)

Paper 2: Reading and Writing

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Summer 2022
Question Paper Log Number 70791
Publications Code 4CN1_02_2206_rms
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2022
General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners

must mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as they
mark the last.
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be
rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather than
penalised for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not
according to their perception of where the grade boundaries
may lie.
• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark
scheme should be used appropriately.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded.
Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if
the answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also
be prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s response is
not worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide
the principles by which marks will be awarded and
exemplification may be limited.
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the
mark scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader must
be consulted.
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has
replaced it with an alternative response.
Section A

Question Answer Mark

1(a) A (1)
1(b) B (1)
1(c) D (1)
1(d) B (1)
1(e) D (1)
1(f) C (1)

Question Answer Mark

2(a) B (1)
2(b) G (1)
2(c) K (1)
2(d) D (1)
2(e) J (1)
2(f) C (1)

Question Answer Mark

3 Xiaowu B (1)
Xiaowu C (1)
Xiaowu D (1)
Xiaolin A (1)
Xiaolin C (1)
Xiaolin F (1)
Helen E (1)
Helen G (1)

Question Answer Accept Reject Mark

4(a) paper (1)
4(b) not cheap expensive (1)
4(c) not tasty not delicious/not (1)
4(d) when he/she was young when he/she was (1)
a child
4(e) a week before the Mid- (1)
Autumn Festival
4(f) in an iron box/case in a metal (1)
4(g) by the door near the door/ (1)
4(h) 2/two (pieces) (1)
Question Answer Accept Reject Mark
4(i) break into small pieces ; (2)
(eat) slowly

Question Answer Accept Reject Mark

5(a) 6 am 6/ six o’clock 6/ six (1)
5(b) beautiful nice/ (1)
turned white/
a white world

5(c) too much snow ; (2)

slippery roads

5(d) half a year 6/six months (1)

5(e) driving in winter (1)
5(f) Any one of: (1)
a house
5(g) be careful (1)
5(h) Any one of: (1)
a big heart
a child
5(i) warmth warm (1)
Section B

Question Communication and content

6 Traditional character version
The candidate should have used the following terms in Chinese:
• 是……
• 容易
• 能學習
• 做過

Simplified character version

The candidate should have used the following terms in Chinese:
• 是……
• 容易
• 能学习
• 做过
Maximum of Level 4 if one bullet is missing.
Maximum of Level 3 if two bullets are missing.
Maximum of Level 2 if three bullets are missing.
Candidate scores 0 if no bullets have been addressed.

Level Mark Descriptor

0 No rewardable material.
Level 1 1 ● Isolated examples of relevant information.
● Only isolated words and phrases are communicated, as
appropriate to the task.
● Only isolated items are comprehensible.
Level 2 2 ● The response contains little relevant information, with
limited use of detail. There may be repetition.
● Expresses simple ideas and opinions, as appropriate to the
● Just about comprehensible overall but with sentences that
are mostly unconnected.
Level 3 3 ● The response contains some relevant information with
occasional use of detail.
● Begins to show ability to express ideas and opinions and to
inform, as appropriate to the task.
● Coherent overall but logical flow and sequence of ideas is
intermittent, which impedes clarity.

Level 4 4 ● Some detail and mostly relevant response to the task.

● Shows some evidence of ability to express ideas and
opinions and to describe, or inform, as appropriate to the
● Coherent with logical flow and sequence of ideas, though
there may be some lapses.
Level 5 5 ● Detailed and fully relevant response to the task.
● Shows a clear ability to express ideas and opinions and to
describe or inform, as appropriate to the task.
● Coherent with logical flow and sequence of ideas.

Question Linguistic knowledge and accuracy

6 Candidate scores 0 if no bullets have been addressed.
Level Mark Descriptor
0 No rewardable material.
Level 1 1 • Isolated examples of target language vocabulary and
• Uses very basic language to write words and phrases.
• Isolated examples of accurate language.
Level 2 2 • Uses very familiar and predictable vocabulary and
structures, often repetitive.
• Uses simple, familiar and predictable language to write
short sentences or phrases.
• Occasional correct phrases but more complex characters
may be missing, frequent errors in character formation even
for easier characters; frequent errors in word order.
Level 3 3 • Uses familiar and predictable vocabulary and structures.
• Some evidence of manipulation of language to produce
sentences but this is not sustained.
• Sometimes accurate in using straightforward language but
some errors in character formation and some significant
errors in word order.
Level 4 4 • Tends towards use of familiar and predictable vocabulary
and structures.
• Some evidence of manipulation of language to produce
• Mostly accurate with some minor errors, e.g. errors in
character formation and measure words. Occasional errors
in word order.
Level 5 5 • Uses a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures.
• Language manipulated to produce fluent sentences.
• Very accurate with only isolated minor errors, e.g. errors
in character formation and measure words.
Question Communication and content
Traditional character version
The candidate should have referred to the following bullet points:

• 說說你最近跟家人一起做過的一件事
Describe something you did with your family recently
• 你覺得這件事情怎麼樣
How you felt about what you did
• 說說你對中學生做家務的看法
Write about your views on secondary students doing chores
at home
• 你怎麼做可以讓你的父母更開心
What you can do to make your parents happier

The candidate should have referred to the following bullet points:

• 介紹你的新愛好
Describe your new hobby
• 你是怎麼開始對它感興趣的
How you became interested in this hobby
• 你覺得這個愛好怎麼樣
Your opinion about the hobby
• 學習新東西對中學生有什麼好處
The advantages for secondary students of learning new things

The candidate should have referred to the following bullet points:

• 介紹你的手機
Describe your mobile phone
• 你覺得它怎麼樣
What you think about it
• 最近你用它做了什麼
What you recently used it to do
• 做什麼事可以讓你的生活更有意思
What you can do to make your life more interesting

Simplifed character version

7(a) The candidate should have referred to the following bullet points:

• 说说你最近跟家人一起做过的一件事
Describe something you did with your family recently
• 你觉得这件事情怎么样
How you felt about what you did
• 说说你对中学生做家务的看法
Write about your views on secondary students doing chores
at home
• 你怎么做可以让你的父母更开心
What you can do to make your parents happier

The candidate should have referred to the following bullet points:

7(b) • 介绍你的新爱好
Describe your new hobby
• 你是怎么开始对它感兴趣的
How you became interested in this hobby
• 你觉得这个爱好怎么样
Your opinion about the hobby
• 学习新东西对中学生有什么好处
The advantages for secondary students of learning new things

The candidate should have referred to the following bullet points:

• 介绍你的手机
Describe your mobile phone
• 你觉得它怎么样
What you think about it
• 最近你用它做了什么
What you recently used it to do
• 做什么事可以让你的生活更有意思
What you can do to make your life more interesting

Maximum of Level 4 if one bullet is missing.

Maximum of Level 3 if two bullets are missing.
Maximum of Level 2 if three bullets are missing.
Candidate scores 0 if no bullets have been addressed.

Level Mark Descriptor

0 No rewardable material.
Level 1 1-2 ● The response shows minimal ability to express ideas
relevant to the narrative, report or description required, and
ideas hardly follow a logical sequence.
● The response is rarely coherent and there is so much
digression that the overall theme or purpose of the piece is
greatly obscured.
Level 2 3-4 • The response shows some basic ability to express ideas in
a form that would be comprehensible to a sympathetic
native reader, with only occasional evidence of ideas
following a logical sequence.
• The response is occasionally coherent and, while there is
some digression, the theme or purpose is generally clear.
Level 3 5-6 • The response shows a moderate ability to express ideas in
a form that would be comprehensible to a sympathetic
native reader, and some evidence of ideas following a
logical sequence.
• The response is sometimes coherent and there is
digression from the topic but the overall theme or purpose
is clear.
Level 4 7-8 • The response shows a good ability to express ideas in a
form that would be comprehensible to a sympathetic native
reader, with much evidence of ideas following a logical
• The response is mostly coherent and while there may be
occasional ambiguity or digression from the theme, these
appear to be aberrations in an otherwise pertinent
Level 5 9-10 • The response shows an excellent ability to express ideas
in a logical sequence and errors do not interfere with
comprehension for a sympathetic native speaker.
• The response is entirely coherent and, while there may be
minor ambiguities or digression from the theme, the
response is confident, fluent, pertinent and purposeful.

Question Linguistic knowledge and accuracy

Level Mark Descriptor
0 No rewardable material.
Level 1 1-2 • Very limited range and variety of vocabulary and
grammatical structures, use of only one timeframe, with a
high degree of repetition.
• Very little evidence of correct character formation and
word order.
Level 2 3-4 • Narrow range of vocabulary and grammatical structures,
and a possible attempt at a second timeframe, though with
a significant amount of repetition.
• Occasional evidence of correct character formation and
word order.
Level 3 5-6 • Satisfactory range of vocabulary and grammatical
structures, and unsteady use of two timeframes, though
with some noticeable repetition.
• Some evidence of correct character formation and word
Level 4 7-8 • Good range of vocabulary and grammatical structures,
and secure use of at least two timeframes, with little
noticeable repetition.
• Significant evidence of correct character formation and
word order.
Level 5 9-10 • Excellent range of vocabulary and grammatical structures,
and secure use of at least three timeframes, including some
complex lexical items and no noticeable repetition.
• Very strong evidence of correct character formation and
word order.

Additional guidance

Complex lexical items are considered to be:

• lexical items that express abstract ideas/convey justified arguments
• conceptually more challenging language.

Question Translation mark grids and example responses

8(a), 8(b) Mark grid for sentences (a) and (b), which are worth 2 marks
each. The mark grid will be applied to each individual
Mark Descriptor
0 No rewardable material.
1 Meaning partially communicated with errors that hinder clarity
or prevent meaning being conveyed.
2 Meaning fully communicated with occasional errors that do not
hinder clarity.
Question Example response – Traditional characters
8(a) 我在上海。
8(b) 我住在朋友家裏。
Question Example response – Simplified characters
8(a) 我在上海。
8(b) 我住在朋友家里。
Question Translation mark grids and example responses
Mark Descriptor
8(c), 8(d) Mark grid for sentences (a) and (b), which are worth 2 marks
each. The mark grid will be applied to each individual
0 No rewardable material.
1 • Some words are communicated but the overall meaning of
the sentence is not communicated.
2 • The meaning of the sentence is partially communicated.
• Linguistic structures and vocabulary are mostly accurate
with some errors that hinder clarity or prevent meaning being
3 • The meaning of the sentence is fully communicated.
• Linguistic structures and vocabulary are accurate with only
occasional errors that do not hinder clarity.
Question Example response – Traditional characters
8(c) 我們昨天去了一個有名的/著名的公園。
8(d) 下(個)星期我們打算/要/會去(參觀)很多不同的地方。
Question Example response – Simplified characters
8(c) 我们昨天去了一个有名的/著名的公园。
8(d) 下(个)星期我们打算/要/会去(参观)很多不同的地方。

Additional guidance

Errors: students are not expected to produce perfect, error-free writing in order to
access the top band as errors are also made by native speakers. The mark grid
describes the frequency of errors and the impact that errors have on coherence.

Errors that do not hinder clarity:

• errors that do not affect meaning, for example missing measure words
• infrequent errors that do not distract the reader from the content and which result in
coherent writing
• minor errors in characters such as a mis-formed stroke in a character, or errors of
proportion/balance/alignment between the radicals within a character.

Errors that hinder clarity:

• errors that make writing difficult to understand immediately (even if the meaning is
eventually understood)/errors that force readers to re-read in order to understand
what is meant, for example incorrect timeframes
• frequent errors hinder clarity as they will distract the reader from the content of the
• errors in forming a character such as characters with an extra or missing stroke.

Errors that prevent meaning being conveyed:

• errors that mean the reader cannot understand the message • errors that convey
the wrong message
• errors that make it unclear who is carrying out the action, for example incorrect
word order
• using the wrong character with the same sound or major errors in forming a
character, such as characters with an incorrect radical
• mother-tongue interference.

NB: these are examples only and do not constitute a finite list.

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